Act I Page 1 Portcullis No trees or flags top of show. The...


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Act I Page 1 Portcullis

No trees or flags top of show. The projection will change for the map of England,

Towers are 3-sided. One side = Castle with Window. One Side = Forest. One Side = Open.


Trees can go anywhere. Currently shown just below proscenium R & L.

The Finnish flags might have more Finnish décor on their poles.

I-3 Medieval Village

Flag holders go away.


Change projection (what is shown is a vague suggestion only)

Cart with bodies enters – probably from SL

I-16 Mud Village

I-21 Lady of the Lake

Lady enters UC. Stagehand with fogger. Fabric waves US

I-24 Galahad enters in a boat. We probably need to keep the fabric narrow if we can. He should step over the fabric

as he leaves the boat (which is 12’ wide and 4’ tall)

I-32 Campfire: A plug-in campfire is brought out from the pit/

I-32 Camelot

Roulette wheel and other gaudiness will be projected on the screen. Signs are placed in the flagholders. Lose these

end of scene.

I-40 The knights will pass across the screen area in some way, and the projection will show them either climbing over a

mountain, or passing through some adventurous scene.

I-43 French Castle - Rabbit will enter from wings; it’s been placed as shown so that you can see the rest of the

rendering. French flags are not period, just iconic. Projections will handle the cow lunch, the rabbit launch, etc. Cow

lands SL above proscenium. Rabbit crashes (audio only) in blackout.

II-1 Very Expensive Forest

Turn towers to their tree side. Plant trees with price tags in flag holders.

II-21 Swamp Castle

Start with SR Window to audience, then turn so that open side of tower is exposed. Bring a stock step unit onstage for

access. Rope made of sheets leads out window. I think we can keep the expensive trees.

II-38 Tim the Enchanter

Time rides in on an 8’w 3’ high cloud cutout. The skull mound is 2D and is slid in to the position shown.

Act II Finding the Grail

Act II Wedding

Drop white streamers behind proscenium.

Add white flowers or streamers to trees.
