[ACM Press the 12th International Conference - Paris, France (2010.11.08-2010.11.10)] Proceedings of...


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Macro and Micro Context-Awareness for Autonomic Pervasive Computing

Bessam Abdulrazak University of Sherbrooke


Bessam.Abdulrazak@ usherbrooke.ca

Patrice Roy University of Sherbrooke



Charles Gouin-Vallerand University of Sherbrooke



Sylvain Giroux University of Sherbrooke



Yacine Belala SAP Labs, Canada



ABSTRACT Context-aware software provides adapted services to users or other software components. On the other hand, Autonomic Pervasive Computing uses Context to reduce the complexity of pervasive system utilization, management and maintenance. This paper introduces two Context-awareness models, the macro and micro approaches, that define and integrate contextual views of individual pervasive components (micro level) and global knowledge of the system (macro level). These models are presented and compared with respect to their ability to meet the requirements of the Autonomic Pervasive Computing concept of the four selves.

Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.3 [Programming Languages]: Language Contructs and Features – abstract data types, polymorphism, control structures. This is just an example, please use the correct category and subject descriptors for your submission. The ACM Computing Classification Scheme: http://www.acm.org/class/1998/

General Terms Design, Standardization, Theory.

Keywords Context, Context-awareness, intelligent spaces, open smart spaces, Autonomic Computing.

1. INTRODUCTION Pervasive computing offers ubiquitous access to information

at any time; it provides “environments of devices with computing and communication capabilities for integrating directly with the human (sic.)” [1]. Autonomic Pervasive Computing [2][3] transforms a space into a smart space that is easy to use; it

integrates distributed applications and mobile devices, allows dynamic interaction with the environment, offers personalized services and interfaces, etc. Furthermore, the “four selves” of Autonomic Pervasive Computing (self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing and self-protection) hint towards the implementation of pervasive systems that will make it easier to use, manage and maintain pervasive technologies such as devices and software applications.

The implementation of autonomic functionalities results from the selves’ reasoning on the systems, analyzing the environment events and responding to them. Therefore, such systems need to be Context-aware, i.e., “aware of the state of the computing environment and requirements and current state of computing applications” [4]. This makes Context and its corollary, Context-awareness, the key terms to define. In a general sense, we will define Context-aware components and systems as those components and systems that use and rely on Context to perform their tasks.

A Context-aware system hosts agents that infer additional, synthetic Context from the raw Context provided by sensors and from other, synthetic Context. Context-awareness enables such a system, among other things, to assist users in performing daily life activities or warn specialized personnel should human intervention be required. Agents can consume Context, produce Context for others to consume, or use Context to decide upon an application domain-dependent course of action.

Numerous efforts have been made in the development of platforms to support Context-awareness for pervasive computing. Most applications and studies today rely on smart spaces i.e. known locations equipped with a stable set of sensors and actuators where the basic physical layout is known beforehand. These spaces include any controlled environment where Context-awareness could play a role such as assisting people with disabilities (e.g. hospitals, hotel rooms, apartments, houses, classrooms etc.).

Controlled smart spaces are necessary but not sufficient. A limitation of controlled spaces is that they can only assist people within their confines. When an individual leaves such an environment, the ability of a given Context-aware system to provide assistance is sorely affected or disappears completely.

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iiWAS2010, 8-10 November, 2010, Paris, France. Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0421-4/10/11...$10.00.

Context-Aware Systems iiWAS2010 Proceedings


Open smart spaces take away this limitation and let Context follow users wherever they go, although with varying degrees of support and assistance capabilities.

In this paper, we present two models of Context-awareness that operate at distinct levels, namely Macro-level and Micro-level Context-awareness. These models help program both controlled and open space environments. Micro Context-awareness revolves around the subjective perception and the understanding a node has of its environment, while macro Context-awareness is the global, emergent picture that devices help build of individuals in their environment. Both have advantages and disadvantages when studied under autonomic computing paradigms. We first present both models in general terms; then, we describe and compare each one’s impact on the four selves of Autonomic computing; finally, we present implementations that rely on each model and show how they interact.

2. RELATED WORK A popular concept nowadays, Context-awareness, is needed

in situations where software and hardware must collaborate in order to cope with complex data. Many definitions exist for this concept, which often involve semantic data and semantic Web technology [5], and devices that take into account external data in order to build a workable, usable model (i.e. an awareness) of their surroundings, their relationships with other devices [6] or their subject of interest [7]. Context-awareness also applies to software that can both assist users and take into account some of the complex and subtle relationships between them and their (usually immediate) environment.

Context involves no small amount of richness and complexity, and can refer to the situation of a device or of a human being, depending on the selected angle. [8] defines context as “a setting in which an event occurs”, a very broad definition that ties context to a (physical) location. According to [9], “context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user and applications themselves”. [10] distinguishes situation-awareness, related to the user’s location, and context-awareness, related to the conditions (temperature, weather, lighting …) in that location.

Context-awareness is hard to achieve due to the complexity and richness of Context. It involves dealing with a rich set of real world data, sometimes while respecting real-time constraints. It may also involve statistical inferences [11] (to build synthetic information from raw data or from other synthetic information), information filtering [10] (to cope with the possibility of information overload), agent specification [12] (to distribute subsets of the required processing over many processing nodes), service publishing and discovery mechanisms [13], distributed data sources [14], conflicting data management [15] (to address malfunctioning sensors or multiple sensors not agreeing as well as differing results from distinct analytic processes), extensive versioning [9] (especially when dealing with distributed data) as well as various networking issues.

The word Awareness suggests many additional questions: who (or what) is aware? Who (or what) is it aware of? What actions can be taken given said awareness? For how long does this awareness remain valid and in what context is it valid? [16].

Awareness goes hand in hand with Context since the former can be perceived, in a way, as an emergent property of a complex (contextualized) system made of a number of software agents. Software Agents are distributed nodes that perform processing on Context and that can be either Consumers (some say Utilizers) or (synthetic) Providers [8]. When Context consumers require what is produced by Context providers, the resulting relationship is named a Context-Dependency [8].

Context-awareness usually serves a functional purpose, and most Context-aware systems of interest today are built with specific goals in mind such as assisting people with disabilities performing Activities of Daily Life, or ADL, ensuring maximal comfort of tourists during their stay in a hotel resort by adapting their environment to their needs and preferences, controlling the way people move to and from given areas [17] or automatically adapting car seat temperature depending on the individual seated [18].

On the other hand, several works on Autonomic Pervasive Computing propose solutions where different Context Awareness’s approaches are used. The initial Autonomic Computing proposition [2] suggests the utilization of system knowledge over itself and its components to automate some of the management actions. Moreover, it emphasizes the independence of each device in its Context reasoning. Trumler [19] uses inner devices’ knowledge and orchestration to dispatch process in pervasive environments. Ranganathan [20] and Ghorbel [21] use global environment knowledge of Context to provide applications to users’ devices. From these works, we can infer that Autonomic Pervasive Computing is tied to and dependent on Context-awareness. However, no specific Context-awareness model can be extracted from these works; some focus more on device context independence while others coordinate or orchestrate Context utilization between components.

3. MACRO AND MICRO CONTEXT-AWARENESS 3.1 Macro Context-Awareness A macro Context-aware system can be defined as a system that obtains information from numerous sensors arranged in spaces (the home, workplace, cities...) where people engage in everyday activities. It is used to determine the details of the user’s actions and the constantly-changing conditions of the environment, both of which are part of the Context. Under the macro approach, Context is presented as something directly tied to a model of the user and the conditions around this individual; the human is the center of attention. The system’s main tasks is to try to keep an up-to-date representation of a human being and to ensure that all nodes that need partial or total access to this representation can get it efficiently. The human, given its central role in the world, becomes not only the main mutator1 of Context, but is also the focus of agent activity. A typical macro Context-aware system will focus on a single human being. The logical representation of a human being within a Context-aware system (the Profile) is also Context. Since they try to build a clear Profile of a human being, macro Context-aware systems lend themselves well to 1 The term is used here in a sense similar to the one intended for

garbage collecting systems: a mutator of Context is a locus of state modification. Being the main mutator is not the same thing as being the sole mutator.

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applications made to assist a given user in a controlled environment.

3.2 Micro Context-Awareness A micro Context-aware system can be defined as “Context-awareness for devices that can be split up into three components: activity, environment and self. The activity describes the task the user is performing at the moment or more generally what his or her behavior is. The environment describes the status of the physical and social surroundings of the user. Finally, the self component contains the status of the device itself.” [22]. Whereas components in the macro model described above operate on a systemic level on globally available Context, those in the micro Context-awareness model take a subjective view on locally accessible Context, including Context related to the components themselves.

Micro Context-aware systems motivate the development of systems and devices considered as active entities. Each entity can see itself as the center of a local pocket of awareness in its own Context. Thus, such systems have many Context spaces. Context is multiple and spread throughout every Context-aware component, and is built from localized, partial viewpoints. The user is a source of Context among others and is interesting in a Context-related sense mostly because it is an active agent of change. Building Profiles in micro Context-awareness is a synthetic task, not the main objective of the approach. Some agents can work continuously towards that end, while other agents can infer information from this state (to predict future actions, to prevent harmful situations, to suggest a potential mistake somewhere along a sequence of actions, and so on). Still, the system exists and functions with or without humans: micro Context-awareness is independent of the presence of users in a given location. Micro Context-awareness does not need the user in order to stay useful; it produces and consumes Context independently of the presence of a user. Each user in an environment appears like an (interesting) object from which modifications to existing Context tend to stem, and is particularly interesting because it is an active agent of change [23].

The micro approach supposes that it is difficult, sometimes impossible, to obtain snapshots of a global system; the macro approach leads to an architecturally coherent whole where such a snapshot could be taken but, on the other hand, outside of controlled spaces and into open space, systems based on a micro approach remain operational while macro Context-aware systems can find themselves unable to perform their usual tasks.

3.3 Micro and Macro Awareness Models for Autonomic Systems Autonomic computing usually refers to the four selves: self-configuration, self-protection, self-healing and self-optimization. Some distributed component capabilities, such as upgrading one’s own software, can involve several selves. We examine the impact of both macro and micro Context-awareness models on each of these principles.

3.3.1 Self-Configuration Self-configuration is defined as “the automatic configuration of the applications and devices” [3]. It is seen as an important characteristic of autonomous components once they are deployed. A self-configuring component can learn enough about its environment to adapt itself in order to better integrate with it.

Self-configuration suggests adaptability; as such, it influences the other three selves. Configuration is based on information on the component’s tasks, on its surroundings and on the requirements of the other selves. Macro Context-awareness vs. Micro Context-awareness Self-configuration involves knowledge specific to environment nodes and their neighborhood. When limited to device resources and location, self-configuration can be done with micro Context-awareness. When self-configuration involves negotiation and organization between nodes, for example when configuring software for a given environment, it can be achieved through macro Context-awareness. Macro Context-aware self-configuration can be achieved through a higher-level analysis of the environment and its components, which can be performed by a central coordinating agent such as an orchestrator node (orchestration). By contrast, self-configuration performed using micro Context-awareness usually relies on decentralized negotiation processes (choreography). In controlled spaces, knowledge of global states can be achieved [24]. A macro Context-awareness approach allows offering stable, global state-providing services to Context-aware components: with such an approach, readily available repositories of configuration information can be integrated in the environment and exposed to self-configuring agents. The advantages of a macro approach to self-configuration include the possibility of the existence of key nodes, such as a repository for configuration information or configuration assistants. Access to global states makes it possible for a component to understand the overall structure of the environment. Such components can know what Context to expect, where and whom to expect it from, and can self-configure in an optimal way. However, when addressing open space issues, a macro approach is not really possible, since there is no guarantee of globally known system states. Open space self-configuring components that pass through controlled spaces can use assistants and repositories made available to them; they can use key nodes but they cannot depend on them. A micro approach to self-configuration has to be self-relying, based on both a priori knowledge (what was known upon deployment, for example configuration files data) and acquired knowledge (Context obtained during the component’s active lifetime). In summary, a micro approach is more tolerant of systemic failure, due to lower reliance on nodes other than the self-configuring one, and the additional complexity resulting from a design that can both use fixed nodes’ services (and do without it if needed) is a worthwhile investment in open space. A macro approach provides a more stable set of services, leads to simpler components that can safely rely on specialized nodes; in controlled environments, where the architecture can be modeled as a whole, macro Context-aware systems can do more with less effort.

3.3.2 Self-Protection Self-protection is defined as “the automatic identification and resolution of the security threats” [3]. A self-protecting component is less likely to be compromised by outside forces and can thus be useful longer, even in environments that could be perceived as hostile. Self-protection in pervasive computing is

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also related to user safety: the protection of both the physical environment and users facing physical threats. Such protection can be achieved by identifying or anticipating possible threats through Context reasoning followed by appropriate actions. One such action could be the isolation of a compromised device and re-deploying its software and services on other devices in the environment. Another potential action could be hiding private data on a screen when non-authorized people (visitor, maintenance staff, etc.) approach it. Such reactions depend on Context-awareness. Self-protection in its mechanisms, concepts and reactions is highly related to self-healing. In protection cases, security threats are the sparks that start protective processes; in healing cases, detection of failures or faults provoke system healing. Context awareness needs for these two selves are similar. Macro Context-awareness vs. Micro Context-awareness Controlled spaces offer a known, bounded environment for components to exist and operate in. By virtue of these boundaries, self-protecting components can apply a macro approach and be designed in a way that lets them rely on other nodes to provide part of the protection services. For example, in a room with doorways serving as physical entry points, where sensors that can detect a subset of all possible threats can be installed, one can design self-protecting components that count on such a first line of defense, and reduce the attack surface they consider for self-protection accordingly. Since such components tend to have limited resources, the resources thus saved can be invested in other tasks. When applying a micro approach, a self-protecting component cannot assume that other components will be available to participate in its protection. Components that follow this approach can use such nodes as security policy repositories or protection assistants when they are accessible, but have to be self-sufficient in their absence. Self-protecting components in a micro approach to Context-awareness have to comply with more stringent constraints than those following a macro approach. Under the macro model, assumptions about assistance provided by the environment can be made, and a holistic strategy to self-protection can be defined; components can ask for help and enquire about local threat history. Under the micro model, components can enlist the help of others for mutual protection as long as a protocol is put in place to ensure a form of mutual trust, mitigated by the limited a priori knowledge components have on one another; components can discuss potential threats and cooperate to face them while remaining careful and (literally) self-protective.

3.3.3 Self-Healing Self-healing is defined as “the automatic detection and correction of the (sic) faults” [3]. A self-healing component has a longer useful life, being less likely to fail once deployed. Macro Context-awareness vs. Micro Context-awareness Self-healing components resemble self-protecting components in the sense that, while ones seek to prevent harm and the others seek to repair harm, both types ultimately target their efforts toward a longer useful life and better fault tolerance. Likewise, self-healing components and self-optimizing components both

perform some introspective analysis as to their current state, the formers doing so in order to detect risks of failure or performance degradation while the latter do so in order to enhance performance given current environment conditions. Self-healing can be divided into two sub-categories: self-diagnosis and self-modification. Components in both categories can benefit from the assistance of other components when available. A macro Context-aware self-healing approach paves the way for a systemic approach to self-healing, where components that detect a risky or harmful condition contact doctor components to assist them in their repair tasks. Each component can reduce its personal load to the level where only problem detection and reporting become available, while well-known nodes provide advanced diagnostic and repair (or replacement) services. As with the other selves, collaboration with specialized nodes is made possible by the availability of such nodes; individual components are never really isolated, and have access to those specialized services as needed. When applying a micro Context-aware approach, components fend for themselves first; it has to be possible to perform self-healing within the limits of what self-knowledge individual components can gather and infer. Components know enough to perform the most critical self-repairs in order to remain operational, even if they use specialized help when it becomes available. If there is a statistically adequate diversity of talents in a general area, components can share their strengths and mutually diagnose one another. The micro approach both suggests an autarkical attitude (one must be able to fulfill its duties even when no-other component is available to help) and a societal attitude (components discover their mutual strengths and cooperate to achieve their respective goals). The amount and complexity of first line repairs that micro Context-aware components have to be able to perform is more important than what macro Context-aware components have to do, but applying the micro approach makes components ready to face the challenges of open space. However, in both micro and macro cases, Context-aware self-healing strongly depends on the quality of the fault and failure detection mechanisms [25]. Such detection quality can be achieved by aggregating several detection events from difference sources, which is easier with the macro approach.

3.3.4 Self-Optimization Self-optimization is defined as “a proactive mechanism (sic.) that continually enhances [performance]” [3] A self-optimizing component adapts itself to changing conditions, and seeks to maintain satisfactory performance levels or ensure it gets better with time. Macro Context-awareness vs. Micro Context-awareness The initial configuration of components is based on a priori knowledge of the environment and the situations they will face when deployed. Like current-day JVMs that self-optimize compiled code according to live profiling that looks at actual usage [26], components can realize that they are being used in ways that differ from the initial expectations and reorganize themselves in order to better meet the needs of their actual reality.

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Self-optimization can be a local or a systemic process. Local self-optimization can be performed within both micro and macro models; macro Context-aware components can rely on readily available, specialized analysts to assist them and suggest potential optimization paths; self-optimization can be as simple as reporting local history and gathered states, then acting upon the results of specialized analyses performed on that data by fixed nodes. Macro Context-aware components can also optimize group behavior by acting under the guidance of an orchestrator node, able to supervise and orient coordinated actions by a network of components. Local optimizations under a micro Context-aware approach have to be performed first and foremost under the assumption that it is possible that no other component will collaborate. Self-analysis is performed on locally gathered Context (the only Context that is necessarily available), but this Context can be limited in scope due to scarce resources (at worst, there is none and the component reacts to the most recent Context available), and adjustments are made when a richer (and trusted) source becomes accessible. Coordinated group action is realized through ad hoc negotiation between neighboring components in a choreographed fashion; no orchestrator is assumed (unless one becomes available).

3.3.5 Summary Generally speaking, macro Context-awareness stems from a potential global snapshot of the environment at a given time, resulting in the possible existence of a global system state, and on the relative stability of specialized node availability. Rich smart space systems can be built under this assumption, which opens up the possibility of detailed analysis of user behavior and sophisticated assistance. Macro Context-aware systems open up the possibility of reliable distributed architectures that can be thought of as integrated entities, and designed according to tried and true techniques. Micro Context-aware systems accept weaker support from the environment and neighboring components. The support they offer is not as rich as what their macro counterparts can offer, but the fact that micro approach-based systems require less support than macro approach-based systems means that they are more suited to general smart spaces such as open space, and lend themselves better to the supervision and assistance of mobile users. Micro Context-aware systems encompass more than macro Context-aware systems since they demand less from the environment, and since they are built to function even when no other component is available, in particular specialized nodes. Where macro systems are extremely useful in controlled environments such as scientific laboratories, micro systems are required if continuity of service is required no matter where individuals go.

4. MICRO AND MACRO CONTEXT AWARENESS IMPLEMENTATIONS 4.1 Core Architecture We designed a distributed multi-level architecture (L1…Ln) that integrates the micro and macro Context-awareness models by providing structures, Context descriptions, ontologies and services to the embedded middleware and software. Figure 1 presents this multi-level architecture.

The architecture is instrumented with customized nodes. Each Li node (mobile or fixed) offers Li-level services. L1 nodes are hardware abstraction gateways that enable the system to interact with L0 real world data (sensors and actuators). Lj>1 nodes are concentrators that aggregate the services offered by Li<j nodes in a zone (location of influence). The hierarchy can be based on actor needs: location (e.g. L1 is for devices, L2 for a room, L3 for a floor…), processing requirements (e.g. a Li>1 node concentrates instances of Li-1 nodes, to perform load balancing), security, confidentiality and ethical concerns.

Figure 1: Overview of the overall Architecture used for Open Smart Space Development

In this architecture, the ideas of micro and macro Context-awareness are applied to the different layers. L0 devices gather information from sensors to build Context. This Context is retrieved by L1 devices and is used to create the first Context-aware functionalities related to a component and its neighborhood, i.e. micro Context-awareness. L2 devices aggregate micro Context information from L1 devices, building a larger vision of Context for a given Zone; this produces macro Context-awareness. Finally in layers L3 and up, devices aggregate Context from lower layers and construct a global vision of the known environment. To support micro and macro Context-awareness, the different layers of the architecture use a meta-ontology description[29], both extensible and adaptable, to describe Context. This meta-ontology description defines three high-level concepts: Being, Environment and Dynamic, to describe the Smart Space universe. It also includes a classification of sub-concepts based on international classifications and standards, and introduces the concept of location and time referentiality. Furthermore, we have developed a basic service-oriented, OSGi-based middleware on top of the architecture, in which all components (nodes, sensors and actuators) are represented as services. Moreover, this core middleware provides services to manipulate Context concepts in ontologies; these services are accessible to the different software applications built on top of the architecture. The following sections present Context-awareness implementations that use the macro (Section 5.1) and micro (Section 5.2) Context-awareness models that are supported by the presented architecture.

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4.2 A Macro Context-Awareness Implementation: Software Self-Organization/ Configuration Middleware for Smart Spaces Smart spaces are made from several devices (computers, sensors, actuators, communication devices, etc.) and software applications (GUI, services, embedded processes, etc.). The heterogeneity and the quantity of components complicate the task of understanding the environment’s systems. In addition, the implementation and maintenance costs of pervasive technologies may slow the democratization of smart environments. Device and application heterogeneity, along with usability deficiencies, complicate utilization and make it resource- and time-consuming by non-experts [27, 28]. To organize the environment’s software in a suitable configuration, one must have good knowledge of the pervasive environment, which is not the case for most non-expert people such as healthcare givers or elders. One possible solution is to eliminate most required manipulations by simplifying information and feedback returned to the users, and by moving required Context reasoning from the users to environment systems. To move organization and configuration reasoning to a system in the environment, such a system needs sufficient Context to apply the right reasoning. A powerful way to represent this information is to use a semantic language to describe the environment and the links between concepts. In our implementation of the self-organization and self-configuration middleware, we used the Web Ontology Language (OWL), and implemented the resulting description using the JENA framework. The environment description approach used is described in [29]. The contextual information of a pervasive environment covers a large variety of data types, ranging from quantitative information such as the room’s temperature to qualitative information such as the user state. Our fuzzy logic approach, based on fuzzy set theory [30], lets us compare quantitative and qualitative information through a common set of reasoning rules. Moreover, a reasoning algorithm based on fuzzy logic does not require accurate knowledge of the model and can work with a high level of imprecision such as what occurs in pervasive environments, where it can be difficult to describe precisely the model and get accurate data. We implemented a middleware using macro contextual information to reason about software provision and organization in smart spaces. This middleware is built on top of the OSGi framework [31], which provides service-oriented functionalities to deploy, manage, update and use services in a dynamic way. As presented above, we integrated the JENA Semantic Framework to our middleware by embedding it in middleware modules and by providing middleware services to query and manipulate Context. A series of Context gatherers used these middleware query and manipulation services to provide contextual information to the middleware’s semantic framework. These gatherers can be user software, event sources, location systems, etc. Context related to device description is provided by the device discovery mechanisms, which extract device descriptions from the devices during the discovery process. Figure 2 presents the middleware architecture with its organization, management, ontology and discovery modules.

Figure 2: the self-organization middleware architecture with

its two main components: the environment manager coordinator and the device node

The contextual information is used by the Fuzzy Logic Organization Reasoner Engine (FLORE), to match the needs of applications deployed in a pervasive environment (hardware resources, contextual location, peripherals, etc.) with Context and resources provided by devices in the environment. As some of the data are qualitative and other quantitative, we use fuzzy logic to work with it in a fuzzy (qualitative) perspective. Through fuzzy reasoning rules and membership functions, FLORE qualifies the capacity and viability of environment devices by assigning them a Device Capability Quotient (DCQ). The DCQ is used during software deployment to find the more suitable devices for the actual software used; the device with highest DCQ is the more suitable one. This Context-aware middleware implementation is using a mainly macro Context-Awareness approach. By giving universal access and management to Context, the implementation of such middleware and their utilization by the environment components is made easier and faster. Moreover, JENA’s query and manipulation services provided by the middleware implementation give access to allowed tier applications to the global environment contextual information.

4.3 A Micro Context-Awareness Implementation: Self-Organizing Evolving Smart Spaces Controlled smart spaces can be organized into an architecture where components are planned by domain experts, managed through specialized tools, and where key components offer important services such as Context aggregation or Automated Reasoning. Such smart spaces are planned, complex entities that can be examined as a whole. Planned architectures are organized, but not necessarily self-organizing. For components to rely on key nodes, these nodes have to be made available, efficiently localized to ensure their availability and published as such. This can make smart space management tedious, requiring a number of deployment and monitoring tools. Moreover, with mobile users in open space, such features as constant availability of key nodes cannot be guaranteed at all times [32]. Unless the smart space is small enough for each wireless device to access all others, or unless wiring ensures key component availability at all times, reorganizing such spaces involves significant planning and tests. Efforts have been invested in dynamic service publishing and discovery, but the physical layout of smart spaces is limited by the requirement that systems that rely on the availability of key nodes have to ensure this availability for all requesting components. The

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micro Context-aware approach we apply solves this problem. The overall architecture we use follows the one presented above in Figure 1 Sensors and actuators are associated with physical nodes, either mobile or fixed. Concentrator nodes are at a conceptually higher level and aggregate lower-level services in a given zone, which groups nodes according to some criteria (physical proximity being one of these). Zones can overlap. Mobile nodes can at all times gain or lose contact with individual nodes due to faults, distance, noise or other factors. Our programming model lets users move between zones; as such, a given node’s neighbors set membership is continuously subject to change. This includes key nodes, in particular concentrators, which cannot be guaranteed to be reachable at all times. Our agents’ normal operation cycle is as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Agent Operation (overview of a sample case)

Figure 3 provides a high-level description of a Context-requesting, gathering, processing and producing cycle through a specific sample (evaluation of a relative comfort index inferred from two lower-level concepts). A lightweight middleware assists individual agents throughout this cycle, offering services to filter Context requests and match offer from publishers and demand from consumers. Mobile agents are both potential Context consumers and producers. By using a generalized common format for both Context and Ontology, we can automate the matching process between produced and requested Context using a single engine, reducing the complexity of the middleware’s API; individual agents only have to implement specialized analysis services that perform specific tasks. Agents are driven by a light middleware layer that offers basic services (isolation from network concerns such as messaging and immediate neighborhood representation, Context acquisition, Context matching, Context publishing …). Thus, an agent operates on local knowledge made of what Context it has acquired or reasoned upon. This knowledge is closer to beliefs and assumptions than it is to some objective truth; we apply techniques inspired by argumentation theory when confronting differing views on the same Context by distinct agents.

5. CONCLUSION When building Context-aware systems, one can apply a macro or a micro approach. The macro approach to Context-awareness views smart spaces as coherent systems that can be analyzed as a whole. Specialized components can interact with confidence; node deployment can be planned and controlled; snapshots of the global system state can be taken when needed. This approach is the dominant one within controlled smart spaces, due to the bounded nature of these locations. Sound architectural practices

[réf] exist to address the conception and implementation of such systems. The micro approach to Context-awareness does away with some premises of the macro approach: users can move in and out of controlled smart spaces; key components can be accessible at one time and be unreachable at another; there are moments in an agent’s existence when the agent has to keep on performing its tasks alone or with nearby nodes, without guarantee of specialized functionality availability. The four “selves” of autonomic computing can be addressed under both approaches, albeit with different assumptions and different results. Autonomic systems do not depend on either approach for their existence, but the choice of approach impacts the ways and means through which these systems are designed. Components in macro systems can rely on other elements of their environment, and the environment can be designed as a coherent, reliable system; this approach is a natural fit for controlled smart spaces. In micro systems, components are designed to fend for themselves and collaborate when they meet, using key components when they are available only; this approach is tailor made for the challenges of open space. We are currently working on a wider deployment of this core architecture to further validate and refine the ideas presented in this paper. Looking ahead, we plan to push further the micro Context-awareness model in to address open space problems, while providing better integration with macro Context-awareness services wherever they are available. We believe this integration will provide better continuity of service for mobile individuals, as it will allow building more robust Context-aware components, easier to deploy smart spaces, and offer a richer set of services to human users.

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