Achieve Competitive Advantage with IBM DevOps · Achieve Competitive Advantage with IBM DevOps ......


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Achieve Competitive Advantage with IBM DevOps

Bridge the Gap between Development and Operations

IBM Competitive Project Office© 2014 IBM Corporation


Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software


Break Down the Barriers with Improved Planning and Collaboration

Define, Manage, and Track your Requirements and Designs


© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 2

Integrated Change, Build and Deploy is What Sets Us Apart

Quality is not Accidental

Bridge the Gap between Development and Operations

Put your Business in Motion - Become a Mobile Enterprise

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Software delivery and IT operations always had (and still have) many challenges

Costly, error prone manual processes delayinginnovation while falling behind the competition


Upgrade risk due to managing multiple application configurations and versions across servers

Slow deployment to development and test environments leave teams waiting and unproductive


Operations/Operations/Operations/Operations/Manufacturing & Manufacturing & Manufacturing & Manufacturing & SupportSupportSupportSupport

Software and Software and Software and Software and Product Product Product Product DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment

CustomersCustomersCustomersCustomersLine of Business/Line of Business/Line of Business/Line of Business/Product Product Product Product ManagersManagersManagersManagers

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 3

Software glitch costs costs costs costs trading firm Knight Capital $440 million $440 million $440 million $440 million in 45 minutesin 45 minutesin 45 minutesin 45 minutes

Software failures were behind 24% of all medical 24% of all medical 24% of all medical 24% of all medical device recallsdevice recallsdevice recallsdevice recallslast year

New Zealand’s biggest phone company, Telecom paid out $2.7 million$2.7 million$2.7 million$2.7 million totototo some 47,000 customers 47,000 customers 47,000 customers 47,000 customers who were overcharged after a software glitch

Manufacturing & Manufacturing & Manufacturing & Manufacturing & SupportSupportSupportSupport

Product Product Product Product DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentManagersManagersManagersManagers

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Systems of InteractionSystems of InteractionSystems of InteractionSystems of Interaction

Systems of EngagementSystems of EngagementSystems of EngagementSystems of Engagement Systems of RecordSystems of RecordSystems of RecordSystems of Record


of applicationsrolled back

>80%>80%>80%>80%of resources devoted to maintaining existing systems


LineLineLineLine----ofofofof----businessbusinessbusinessbusinessTakes too long to introduce or make changes to services/products

OperationsOperationsOperationsOperationsRapid app releases impacts system stability and compliance

Emergence and proliferation of Systems of Engagement made many of the known problems more severe

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Partner valuechain



of outsourcedprojects fail to meet objectives


maintaining existing systems and products

to deliver application changes to customers

4444----6 6 6 6 weeksweeksweeksweeks

Development/TestDevelopment/TestDevelopment/TestDevelopment/TestSpeed mismatch between faster moving front office and slower moving back office systems, delaying time to get feedback

SuppliersSuppliersSuppliersSuppliersDelivery in the contextof agile

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

IBM calls the end-to-end solution of these challenges “DevOps”• DevOps is an overloaded term due to recent popularity

• IBM defines DevOps as:“Enterprise capability for continuous software delivery that enables clients to seize market opportunities and reduce time to customer feedback”

• Key capabilities to enable DevOps Approach

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 5

• Key capabilities to enable DevOps Approach

– Plan and Measure

– Develop and Test

– Release and Deploy

– Monitor and Optimize

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareContinuous software delivery with IBM DevOpssolution

Operations and Operations and Operations and Operations and ProductionProductionProductionProduction

Development Development Development Development and Testand Testand Testand TestCustomersCustomersCustomersCustomers Business OwnersBusiness OwnersBusiness OwnersBusiness Owners

Monitor and OptimizeMonitor and OptimizeMonitor and OptimizeMonitor and Optimize

Plan and MeasurePlan and MeasurePlan and MeasurePlan and Measure Develop and TestDevelop and TestDevelop and TestDevelop and Test Release and DeployRelease and DeployRelease and DeployRelease and Deploy


Providing Providing Providing Providing Capabilities to:Capabilities to:Capabilities to:Capabilities to:

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 6

Open Lifecycle and Service Management Integration PlatformOpen Lifecycle and Service Management Integration PlatformOpen Lifecycle and Service Management Integration PlatformOpen Lifecycle and Service Management Integration Platform


Resulting in:Resulting in:Resulting in:Resulting in:

Accelerated Software Delivery

• Expanding collaboration to include customers, LOB and others to eliminate organization silos

Balanced speed, cost, quality and risk

• Automating manual processes across delivery lifecycle to eliminate waste/delays and compliance tracking

Reduced time to customer feedback

• Enabling a customer feedback loop for continuous improvement

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Plan and MeasurePlan and MeasurePlan and MeasurePlan and Measure Develop and TestDevelop and TestDevelop and TestDevelop and Test

Release and DeployRelease and DeployRelease and DeployRelease and Deploy

Continuous Business PlanningContinuous Business PlanningContinuous Business PlanningContinuous Business PlanningIBM Rational® Focal Point™IBM DOORS NG

Collaborative DevelopmentCollaborative DevelopmentCollaborative DevelopmentCollaborative DevelopmentIBM DOORS NGIBM Rational Team Concert™IBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Software Architect Design ManagerIBM Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters

Continuous MonitoringContinuous MonitoringContinuous MonitoringContinuous MonitoringIBM SmartCloud® ApplicationPerformance ManagementIBM SmartCloud Monitoring -Application InsightIBM SmartCloud Analytics - Log Analysis

Monitor and OptimizeMonitor and OptimizeMonitor and OptimizeMonitor and Optimize

IBM is uniquely equipped to offer end-to-end DevOps capability

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Release and DeployRelease and DeployRelease and DeployRelease and Deploy

Continuous Release and DeployContinuous Release and DeployContinuous Release and DeployContinuous Release and DeployIBM UrbanCode ReleaseIBM UrbanCode DeployIBM SmartCloud® Orchestrator

AdaptersIBM Rational Developer family

Continuous TestingContinuous TestingContinuous TestingContinuous TestingIBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Test WorkbenchIBM Rational Test Virtualization ServerIBM Rational Development and Test Environment for System zIBM InfoSphere Optim Test Data ManagementIBM Security AppScan

Continuous Customer Feedback Continuous Customer Feedback Continuous Customer Feedback Continuous Customer Feedback and Optimizationand Optimizationand Optimizationand OptimizationIBM Digital AnalyticsIBM Tealeaf® CXIBM SmartCloud Control Desk

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Enabling clients to more rapidly deliver mobile, cloud, big data and traditional applications with high quality and low risk

IBM UrbanCode is the premier release and deploy automation solution

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IBM UrbanCode Deploy IBM UrbanCode Release

• Simplifies deployment automation for applications

• Manage configurations across environments

• Intelligent deployment artifact tracking

• Higher quality with repeatable, reliable, and governed processes

• Technology plugins supported out of the box

• Define, manage, and coordinate operational releases

• Aggregates applications into single release

• Phases to support quality and geo dispersed deployments

• Coordinate manual and automated tasks

• Replaces manual spreadsheets and documents

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Products can be incrementally adopted when/if needed

IBM UrbanCode is in the center of the continuous delivery solution

Line of Business


IBM IBM IBM IBM SmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloud Application Performance ManagementApplication Performance ManagementApplication Performance ManagementApplication Performance ManagementIBM IBM IBM IBM SmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloud Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring ---- Application InsightApplication InsightApplication InsightApplication InsightIBM IBM IBM IBM SmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloud Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics ---- Log AnalysisLog AnalysisLog AnalysisLog Analysis

Rational Focal PointRational Focal PointRational Focal PointRational Focal PointRational Rational Rational Rational DOORS NGDOORS NGDOORS NGDOORS NG

IBM Digital AnalyticsIBM Digital AnalyticsIBM Digital AnalyticsIBM Digital AnalyticsIBM Tealeaf® CXIBM Tealeaf® CXIBM Tealeaf® CXIBM Tealeaf® CXIBM IBM IBM IBM SmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloud Control DeskControl DeskControl DeskControl Desk

IBM IBM IBM IBM SmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloudSmartCloud OrchestratorOrchestratorOrchestratorOrchestratorIBM Pure Application SystemIBM Pure Application SystemIBM Pure Application SystemIBM Pure Application SystemOpenStackOpenStackOpenStackOpenStack or AWSor AWSor AWSor AWS

UrbanCode Deploy

with Patterns

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IBM Rational Team Concert™IBM Rational Team Concert™IBM Rational Team Concert™IBM Rational Team Concert™

IBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Quality Manager

IBM Rational Software Architect Design ManagerIBM Rational Software Architect Design ManagerIBM Rational Software Architect Design ManagerIBM Rational Software Architect Design Manager

IBM Rational Lifecycle Integration AdaptersIBM Rational Lifecycle Integration AdaptersIBM Rational Lifecycle Integration AdaptersIBM Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters

IBM Rational Developer familyIBM Rational Developer familyIBM Rational Developer familyIBM Rational Developer family

IBM IBM IBM IBM UrbanCode UrbanCode UrbanCode UrbanCode BuildBuildBuildBuild


IBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Quality Manager

IBM Rational Test WorkbenchIBM Rational Test WorkbenchIBM Rational Test WorkbenchIBM Rational Test Workbench

IBM Rational Test Virtualization ServerIBM Rational Test Virtualization ServerIBM Rational Test Virtualization ServerIBM Rational Test Virtualization Server

IBM Rational Dev and Test Environment for System z®IBM Rational Dev and Test Environment for System z®IBM Rational Dev and Test Environment for System z®IBM Rational Dev and Test Environment for System z®

IBM IBM IBM IBM InfoSphereInfoSphereInfoSphereInfoSphere® ® ® ® OptimOptimOptimOptim™ Test Data Management™ Test Data Management™ Test Data Management™ Test Data Management

IBM Security IBM Security IBM Security IBM Security AppScanAppScanAppScanAppScan®®®®

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

ApplicationComponent 1

Component N






Deployable Artifacts






Target Environment

IBM UrbanCode Deploy automates a process of application and infrastructure deployments.

IBM UrbanCode Deploy overview

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n Ap






Binary files, static content, middleware updates, database changes and configurations

Components and properties

Hosts & Environments

Log files, artifacts, and other non-structured data objects

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

The service tier has a central server that provides a web server front-end and core services, such as workflow, agent management, deployment, inventory, security, and others.

UC Deploy Server

IBM UrbanCode high level architecture

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• The data tier's relational database stores configuration and runtime data

• CodeStation is for non-structured data

UC Deploy


UC Deploy


An Agent runs on host and implements actual deployment.

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Application Application Application Application ProcessesProcessesProcessesProcesses

UCD UCD UCD UCD ApplicationApplicationApplicationApplication Dev Test Prod


Comprises components

Deployed by the associated processes

Deploy Application into pre-defined


IBM UrbanCode Deploy is a tool for automating application deployments through existing environments

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ResourcesResourcesResourcesResourcesDeployed by associated processes

Defined by a set of resources

Defined by an agent


Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

SCM Build Artifact Repository


Application Center




IBM IBM IBM IBM UrbanCode UrbanCode UrbanCode UrbanCode DeployDeployDeployDeployDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment

IBM UrbanCode Deploy automates deployment to IBM MobileFirst platform –Worklight

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 13

adapter Binary (IPA/APK)

Automatically deploy Worklight applications Automatically deploy Worklight applications Automatically deploy Worklight applications Automatically deploy Worklight applications as part of your deployment processThe plugin supports: • Deploying Worklight adapter and application components adapter and application components adapter and application components adapter and application components to Worklight Server• Deploying Worklight mobile application binaries mobile application binaries mobile application binaries mobile application binaries to the Worklight Application

Center for distribution and management

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software










schedule and prepare schedule and prepare schedule and prepare schedule and prepare releases for releases for releases for releases for developmentdevelopmentdevelopmentdevelopment

visibility to every aspect visibility to every aspect visibility to every aspect visibility to every aspect of a future release of a future release of a future release of a future release

ensure proper movement of ensure proper movement of ensure proper movement of ensure proper movement of deployments through deployments through deployments through deployments through environments and quality environments and quality environments and quality environments and quality gates gates gates gates

Ensure that installation Ensure that installation Ensure that installation Ensure that installation can be reproduced and can be reproduced and can be reproduced and can be reproduced and rolled backrolled backrolled backrolled back


Enterprise release common problems

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 14

manual, labor-intensive process

poor integration between systems

assembling deployment plans requires many meetings and reviews

labor intensive deployment effort

no standard process / tooling across LOBs

troubleshooting issues difficult because unclear which application versions are deployed to which environments.

gaps and errors in plans cause production issues.

long outage windowsdeployment errors & risk

limited visibility into dependencies leads to sub-optimal plans

production deployment status only via conf. calls and manual reporting.

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

The release pipeline The release pipeline The release pipeline The release pipeline contains phasescontains phasescontains phasescontains phases

IBM UrbanCode Release solves enterprise release common problems

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UrbanCode Release deals UrbanCode Release deals UrbanCode Release deals UrbanCode Release deals with applicationswith applicationswith applicationswith applications

Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the Deployment plan is the main part of the release. main part of the release. main part of the release. main part of the release. It can be scheduled or It can be scheduled or It can be scheduled or It can be scheduled or

manually executed.manually executed.manually executed.manually executed.

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Providing richer linked data integrations across the entire application lifecycle

IBM UrbanCode ReleaseIBM UrbanCode ReleaseIBM UrbanCode ReleaseIBM UrbanCode Release

Rational Team ConcertRational Team ConcertRational Team ConcertRational Team Concert

Release work items

Check out other lifecycle integrations at

SmartCloud Orchestrator

IBM UrbanCode application lifecycle integrations

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 16

IBM UrbanCode DeployIBM UrbanCode DeployIBM UrbanCode DeployIBM UrbanCode Deploy

Rational Team ConcertRational Team ConcertRational Team ConcertRational Team Concert

Rational Asset Rational Asset Rational Asset Rational Asset ManagerManagerManagerManager

Publish buildSource config type

Execute test suite

Rational Quality ManagerRational Quality ManagerRational Quality ManagerRational Quality Manager

Rational Build ForgeRational Build ForgeRational Build ForgeRational Build ForgePublish build

Rational Test Virtualization ServerRational Test Virtualization ServerRational Test Virtualization ServerRational Test Virtualization Server

Configure stubs

IBM WorklightIBM WorklightIBM WorklightIBM Worklight

Deploy mobile apps

SmartCloud Orchestrator

IBM Pure Application

SystemProvision pattern

Execute recipes

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

App deploy

Application changes being


IBM SmartCloud OrchestratorIBM SmartCloud OrchestratorIBM SmartCloud OrchestratorIBM SmartCloud Orchestrator

IBM PureApplication SystemIBM PureApplication SystemIBM PureApplication SystemIBM PureApplication System


IBM Rational Test IBM Rational Test IBM Rational Test IBM Rational Test WorkbenchWorkbenchWorkbenchWorkbench

Avoid testing bottlenecks due to dependencies on external services


IBM UrbanCode Deploy provides continuous testing with virtualized services

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 17

Databases Mainframeapplications


Rational Test Virtualization ServerRational Test Virtualization ServerRational Test Virtualization ServerRational Test Virtualization Server

App deploy changes being tested

virtualized services


• Automate setup and management of test virtualization server in the cloud

• Automates configuration of virtualized services for an application under test

• Automate setup of production-like test environments with low cost

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Introducing IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns


Middleware ConfigMiddleware Config


OS ConfigOS Config





















Middleware Config


OS Config











Design and deploy full stack application environments for multiple clouds

• Pattern designer

– Design open, full stack application

environments in a diagram or textual


• Design once, deploy anywhere

– Deploy full stack environments to

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 18

– Deploy full stack environments to

multiple clouds

• Environment lifecycle management

– Manage infrastructure change and

easily apply changes to existing


• Delivery process automation

– Automated delivery process with

integrated full stack environments

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Overview of IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns

IBM UrbanCode Deploy

with Patterns Engine:

• Cloud discovery


• Heat engine

• Heat extensions

IBM UrbanCode Deploy

with Patterns Designer








from clouds

Discovery service

provides information

about the available

cloud resources

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with Patterns Designer


IBM UrbanCode Deploy

ServerRational License Server

OpenStack Keystone Server

• OpenStack Identity Server


interface for




information about


from clouds



tokens to the

OpenStack system

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Improve delivery lifecycle with software defined environments

Publish build



SmartCloud Orchestrator

IBM PureApplication System

IBM UrbanCode Deploy

Cloud Provisioning

Deploy Automation

IBM UrbanCode Deploy

with PatternsSCMSCMSCMSCM: RTC, AccuRev, CVS, Dimensions, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, SVN, TFS

SCMSCMSCMSCM: RTC, AccuRev, CVS, Dimensions, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, SVN, TFS

Build AutomationBuild AutomationBuild AutomationBuild Automation: UrbanCode Build, BuildForge, Hudson/Jenkins, JetBrainsTeamCity, Microsoft TFS/TeamBuild

Build AutomationBuild AutomationBuild AutomationBuild Automation: UrbanCode Build, BuildForge, Hudson/Jenkins, JetBrainsTeamCity, Microsoft TFS/TeamBuild

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 20


Execute application

deployment and

manage settings

across environments



IBM Endpoint Manager

Platform Config ManagementPlatform Config ManagementPlatform Config ManagementPlatform Config Management

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

• A Cloud Host is a public or private cloud capable of deploying virtual machines into a virtualized server environment

• Automatic deployment of virtual machines utilizes images, patterns, and scripts to create a pre-configured and reproducible running system of one or more virtual machines

Cloud Hosts automate infrastructure delivery

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• The virtual machines are a fully configured stack with virtualized processors, memory, and storage, operating system, middleware, and application code

• Virtual Systems Patterns are particularly useful for DevOps

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

What is a Virtual System Pattern?

• The defined architecture of an application solution

• For each server component of the application

– Virtual machine with defined resources

– Installed operating system

– Integrated middleware

– Application code

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 22

– Application code

– Pre-configured and tuned

– May include pre-configured monitoring,

security, and test frameworks

• In a form that can be automatically deployed to a virtualized server, resulting in repeatable, consistent deployment

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Virtual System Patterns define explicit topology• This pattern defines two nodes, i.e. separate Virtual Machines

• Core OS 1.0 is an image used as the base for each deployable node in the pattern

• Scripts for each node provide further configuration when the nodes are deployed as Virtual Machines

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Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

IBM offers three cloud host solutions that support Virtual System Patterns• IBM Workload Deployer

– A hardware appliance that can deploy Virtual System Patterns to Intel, Power, and zLinux hosting platforms

– A component of IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator

• SmartCloud Orchestrator (contains IWD)

– Can deploy Virtual Systems Patterns to Intel, Power, and zLinux

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– Can deploy Virtual Systems Patterns to Intel, Power, and zLinuxhosting platforms

• PureApplication System

– Hardware, software, and a management appliance in a pre-built rack

– PureApplication Manager can deploy Virtual System Patterns to it’s own Intel and Power servers

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Resource Templates are models for a group of resources• Hierarchy of resources, groups, and agent prototypes• Starting point for creating new resources• Virtual system patterns on a cloud system can be imported as

resource templates.• Resource templates can be created and provisioned to OpenStack or

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud through IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns.

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Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Environments can be modeled in reusable “Blueprints” with UrbanCode Deploy• Blueprints specify how a template or pattern for an

environment should be configured for a particular application– Including which components are deployed on which parts

• Provide instructions on how to configure the environment– Application component mapping to resource templates

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IBM UrbanCode DeployIBM UrbanCode DeployIBM UrbanCode DeployIBM UrbanCode Deploy


ApplicationResource Template

Environments | Processes | Configurations

– Application component mapping to resource templates

– Resources needed

– Agents to deploy

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

Environments can be modeled in reusable “Blueprints” with UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns

Leverage the palette at the right side of the designer to work with the blueprint:• The palette is adjusted depending on

specific cloud system• Add the components from IBM

UrbanCode Deploy to the blueprint • Drag virtual images to the blueprint• The Network drawer shows networks

that are available on the cloud.

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• The Network drawer shows networks that are available on the cloud.

• The Storage drawer shows cloud storage volumes.

• The Security drawer provides security settings which can be applied to the compute nodes.

• The Policies drawer includes resources like load balancers and auto-scaling groups.

• The Blueprint drawer shows other blueprints that can be added to the current blueprint.

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software


IBM DevOps solution provides continuous delivery

• Increasing reliability, reducing risks and time to market, and decreasing costs

UrbanCode Release and Deploy with IBM Cloud Hosts make software delivery more efficient

© 2014 IBM CorporationIBM Competitive Project Office 28

software delivery more efficient

• By automating software delivery in virtualized cloud environments in real time

IBM UrbanCode Deploy and Release integrate with Rational CLM

• Providing continuous delivery of software to agile projects

• Improving quality of delivered applications by integrating with functional, integration and performance testing tools

Rational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational SoftwareRational Software

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© Copyright IBM Corporation © Copyright IBM Corporation © Copyright IBM Corporation © Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. 2014. 2014. 2014. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, Telelogic, the Telelogic logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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DEMO 3: UrbanCode Deploy integration with PureApplication System• IBM UrbanCode Deploy allows establishing connection

with the PureApplication private cloud.

• IBM UrbanCode Deploy allows importing a PureApplication VSP and save it as a resource template.

The goal of this demo is to demonstrate the UrbanCode

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The goal of this demo is to demonstrate the UrbanCodeDeploy ability to import environment definition from a PureApplication VSP and create the corresponding resource template
