ACCT5001 S1 2010 Week 12 Self-Study Solutions


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  • 7/30/2019 ACCT5001 S1 2010 Week 12 Self-Study Solutions


  • 7/30/2019 ACCT5001 S1 2010 Week 12 Self-Study Solutions


    ACCT5001 S1 2010 Self-Study Solutions Week 12

    ACCT5001 S1 2010 Week 12 Self-Study Solutions.doc 23/05/2010 3


    (1) Cash receipts from customers:Sales $250,000

    Deduct: Increase in accounts receivable (14,000)

    Cash receipts from customers $236,000

    (2) Cash payments to suppliers:

    Cost of goods sold $210,000

    Deduct: Decrease in inventory (10,000)

    Cost of purchases 200,000

    Deduct: Increase in accounts payable (1,000)

    Cash payments to suppliers $199,000

    (3) Cash payments of operating expenses:

    Operating expenses $24,000

    Deduct: Depreciation * (5,500)

    Cash payments for operating expenses $18,500

    (4) Cash payments for income taxes:

    Income tax expense $4,000

    Add: Decrease in income taxes payable 3,000

    Cash payments for income taxes $7,000

    *Accumulated Depreciation

    Equipment sold 9,500 Balance, Beginning of year 24,000

    Depreciation Expense 5,500

    Closing Balance 20,000

    29,500 29,500

    Opening Balance 20,000

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    OReilly Ltd

    Note to Statement of cash flows

    for the year ended 31 December 2009

    Reconciliation of profit to cash provided by operating activities.

    Cash flows from operating activities:

    Profit $10,000

    Adjustments to reconcile profit to net cash

    provided by operating activities:

    Depreciation expense $5,500

    Increase in accounts receivable (14,000)

    Decrease in income taxes payable (3,000)

    Decrease in inventory 10,000

    Increase in accounts payable 1,000 (500)

    Net cash provided by operating activities $9,500

    (c) (1)(a)]Part[


    Per 1:284.0



    *$25,000 + $8,000 **$26,000 + $3,000 + $5,000

    (2) $9,500 $250,000 = 3.8%

    (3) $9,500 times15.0



    *$25,000 + $8,000 + $33,000 **$26,000 + $3,000+ $5,000 + $27,000

    (d) The ratios calculated in part (c) suggest that OReilly Ltds cash generated from

    operating activities in 1 year is 28.4% of its short term obligations. It generates

    enough cash in 1 year from operating activities to meet 28.4% of the obligations that

    are due within 1 year and its cash generated from operating activities is 15% of its

    total liabilities. It would appear that OReilly Ltd may have to liquidate some of its

    productive assets in order to meet its short term obligations.

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    PROBLEM SET A 11.5*


    Tasman Oak Ltd

    Statement of Cash Flows

    for the year ended 31 March 2010

    Cash flows from operating activities:

    Cash receipts from customers $284,200 (1)

    Cash payments:

    To suppliers $100,410 (2)For operating expenses 15,110 (3)

    For income taxes 7,000

    For interest 2,230 (124,750)

    Net cash provided by operating activities 159,450

    Cash flows from investing activities:

    Purchase of investments (14,000)

    Sale of machinery 1,500

    Purchase of machinery (85,000)

    Net cash used by investing activities (97,500)

    Cash flows from financing activities:

    Issue of shares 35,000

    Redemption of debentures (15,000)

    Payment of cash dividends (22,350)

    Net cash used by financing activities (2,350)

    Net increase in cash 59,600

    Cash at beginning of period 38,400

    Cash at end of period $98,000

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    (1) Cash receipts from customers:

    Sales $342,000

    Deduct: Increase in accounts receivable (57,800)

    Cash receipts from customers $284,200

    (2) Cash payments to suppliers:

    Cost of goods sold $115,460

    Add: Increase in inventory 9,650

    Cost of purchases 125,110

    Deduct: Increase in accounts payable (24,700)

    Cash payments to suppliers $100,410

    (3) Cash payments for operating expenses:

    Operating expenses excluding depreciation $12,410

    Add: Increase in prepaid expenses $2,400

    Decrease in accrued expenses



    Cash payments for operating expenses $15,110

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    Tasman Oak Ltd

    Note to Statement of Cash Flows

    (Indirect method)

    for the year ended 31 March 2010

    Reconciliation of profit to cash provided by operating activities.

    Cash flows from operating activities:

    Profit $150,900

    Adjustments to reconcile profit to net cash

    provided by operating activities:

    Depreciation expense $46,500

    Loss on sale of machinery 7,500

    Increase in accounts receivable (57,800)

    Increase in inventory (9,650)

    Increase in accounts payable 24,700

    Decrease in accrued expenses payable (300)

    Increase in prepaid expenses (2,400) 8,550

    Net cash provided by operating activities $159,450

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    PROBLEM SET A 11.9


    WA Manufacturing Pty Ltd

    Statement of Cash Flows

    for the year ended 30 June 2011

    Cash flows from operating activities:

    Cash receipts from customers $270,200 (1)

    Cash payments:To suppliers $114,290 (2)

    For operating expenses 21,400 (3)

    For income taxes 7,270

    For interest 5,440 148,400

    Net cash provided by operating activities $121,800

    Cash flows from investing activities:

    Sale of investments 2,400

    Sale of plant and equipment 15,550

    Purchase of plant and equipment (92,000) (4)

    Net cash used by investing activities (74,050)

    Cash flows from financing activities:

    Proceeds from issue of shares 50,000

    Proceeds from issue of debentures 30,000

    Payment of cash dividends (80,000)

    Net cash provided by financing activities nil

    Net increase in cash 47,750

    Cash at beginning of period 47,250

    Cash at end of period $95,000

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    (1) Cash receipts from customers:

    Sales $300,000

    Deduct: Increase in accounts receivable (29,800)

    Cash receipts from customers $270,200

    (2) Cash payments to suppliers:

    Cost of goods sold $99,460

    Add: Increase in inventory 19,250

    Cost of purchases 118,710

    Deduct: Increase in accounts payable (4,420)

    Cash payments to suppliers $114,290

    (3) Cash payments for operating expenses:

    Operating expenses $14,670

    Add: Decrease in accrued expenses payable 6,730

    Cash payments for operating expenses $21,400


    Plant and Equipment

    Balance, Beginning of year 205,000 Equipment sold 47,000

    Cash (purchase of equipment) 92,000 Closing Balance 250,000

    297,000 297,000

    Opening Balance 250,000

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    WA Manufacturing Pty Ltd

    Note to Statement of Cash Flows

    (Indirect Method)

    For the year ended 30 June 2011

    Reconciliation of profit to cash provided by operating activities.

    Cash flows from operating activities:

    Profit $132,210

    Adjustments to reconcile profit to net cash

    provided by operating activities:

    Depreciation expense $49,700

    Gain on sale of equipment (8,750)

    Increase in accounts receivable (29,800)

    Increase in inventory (19,250)

    Increase in accounts payable 4,420

    Decrease in accrued expenses payable (6,730) (10,410)

    Net cash provided by operating activities $121,800
