According to the Pew Research Centre


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According to the Pew Research Centre, study suggests that couples who marry early

have a greater likelihood of getting divorce. It was found that in Arkansas and Oklahoma

whereby couples married earlier have higher divorced rates compared to places like New

York whereby first-time married couple were much older and it had a lower divorce rate.

The Wall Street Journal had even once stated that early marriage is the No. 1 predator

of divorce. According to the column in the journal, sociologist in Penn mentioned that young

people aged 18 to 25 are expected to explore their identity, work and love by delaying

marriage and parenthood. If they fail to postpone these transitions would instead miss out on

better career opportunities, make poor choices on partners and may later experienced


Research has also mentioned that divorce rates are very high in couples who married

early especially in those who married in their teenage years. Studies showed that though they

are attracted to each other, it could be infatuation, and once they started living together, they

realized that they are not made for each other and divorce would be an option.

According to Dr. Intan Hasimah, (2010), “The first few years of marriage, are the

most challenging years, so couples who get married early may less likely succeed in their

relationship. It is challenging for a 20 year old to be married, what more if the couple is in

their teenage years.”

Pennsylvania Divorce Statistics states that the divorce rates had been falling over the

past two decades as sociologist and married counselors believed that people nowadays are

more cautious regarding jumping into marriage. They are more likely to wait to get married.

In the United States, it was found that 64 percent of women who married before the

age of 25 were divorcees, however only 16 percent of women who married in their late

twenties divorced. This shows that women who get married before 25 were four times more

likely to get a divorce. Men also show similar numbers with the only difference in the age.

Men are less likely to get divorce if they marry after the aged of 30 compared to women at

the aged of 25.

Various studies have been carried out, showing the relation between early marriages

leading to higher divorce rate. This is also due to various contributing factors.


The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors in early marriage which leads

to divorce and to suggest some possible solutions to reduce this phenomenon. The researcher

would like to look into the contributing factors of marrying at an early age which lead to

higher divorce rates. After looking at the contributing factors, the researcher would then

suggest possible solutions in lowering the divorce rates among couples who married early.

The research question for this research are narrowed down to, early marriage, does it

really leads to higher divorce possibility? Why do couples who married young have higher

possibility of divorce? What are the factors contributing? How do prevent or lower the rate of

divorce for those who married early?


For this research, the researcher has decided to use the purposive sampling method as

it group participants according pre-selected criteria relevant to the particular research

question. In this case, the researcher will be selecting two interviewees from both genders

who married at a young age. The interviewees selected will be those whose marriage are

undergoing some difficulties and might have the intention of getting divorce as referring to

the research question, the researcher would like to find out the factors which lead to those

marrying young, getting divorce.

The sample sized are fixed prior to the data collection, however it also depends on the

resources and time available as well as the objective of the research.

The two samples selected are mostly due to convenience. The participants selected are

those who the researcher can have easy access to and people surrounding the researcher. The

argument behind this selection is due to the high sensitivity of the researcher’s topic

regarding marriage and divorce. Therefore the researcher believed that people who are closer

to the researcher will be more willing to talk about such personal and sensitive topic in detail

compared to strangers which the researcher picked at random.

Interview Protocol

The technique chosen for data collection in this research will be through interviews.

For this research, the researcher has chosen to use semi-structured interview whereby a set of

open-ended questions are set based on the research question and the research objectives. The

purpose of selecting a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions is to allow the


interviewer to venture more in-depth on the research area. This allows the interviewees to

discuss in more detail on the questions asked and also on the topic concerned. Using open-

ended questions, the interviewees are given the opportunities to express their opinions and

also their viewpoints on the questions asked. The interviewees are also allowed to discuss on

certain topic with more details.

Furthermore, the researcher will be putting into used the probing technique, as the

interviewee might not completely understand the questions asked, or might be in doubts or

confusion at certain times, the researcher is then able to clarify to the interviewee on topic

asked. At certain times, if the interviewee touches on certain areas which interest the

researcher, the researcher can also probe the interviewee for more complete details. Among

the common types of probes, two will be used in this research by the researcher, the

elaboration probe and also the clarification probe.

The researcher had decided to record the hold interview using a recorder. The

participants will be informed about the recording. No notes will be taken during the

interview, as it might disrupt the participants which lead the interviewer to make a choice of

recording the whole conversation instead.

The interview will be carried out in a private place which is convenient and also

comfortable for the interviewees to share their opinions as the issue is a highly sensitive

issue. During the interview, only the interviewee and the interviewer would be present, no

third parties as this might prevent the interviewee from sharing his or her experienced and

they might not be honest when answering the interviewer’s questions.

No pictures of the participant will be taken and no video recording, this is to protect

the participants. The interview will take duration of 30 minutes to about one hour or more,

depends on the willingness of the participants to share their personal experience on the issue

with the interviewer.

Data Collection and Data Analysis

A semi-structured interview is conducted personally with each interviewee. During

this interview, the same set of open-ended questions will be used for both participants. It

consist of about 12 open ended questions whereby each participant are given the opportunity

to express their viewpoint on the subject questioned and to shared on their area of interest.


The questions for the interview are enclosed in Appendix A. The answers from the

participants are presented below.

The interviewer started off by asking the participants the age which they had gotten

married. It was found that both participants married at a rather young age, the female

participant, known as Participant A married at the aged of 19, whereby the male participant,

better known as Participant B, married at the aged of 20.

The interviewer than went on further to asks the interviewees the reasons which lead

them to early marriage. Both participants had different answers. Participant A mentioned that

it was because of her parents’ strong objection regarding her relationship with her current

husband which leads her to her rebellious decision. She further added on that they were both

young and with their rebellious nature, they wanted to prove that they really loved each other

and they will get married to one another. This is the reason which made the both of them tie

the knot. As for Participant B, he mentioned that it was due to the fact that his wife had

gotten pregnant and he believed that it is his responsibility to marry her. Therefore, from the

viewpoint and answers of both participants, the researcher can say that Participant A married

due to her rebellious nature and without a deeper thought regarding marriage life and

consequences whereas Participant B married due to responsibility.

Both participants honestly shared that their family were not happy with their decision

as their parents and relatives believed that they were both too young and not ready for such

heavy responsibilities. The participants also further add on that in the process of preparation

for their marriage, heated arguments happened between the parents of the bride and the

bridegrooms. Each was not exactly happy with their decision and choice.

Next the interviewer went on to ask both the participants if they were financially

ready for married life at the tender age of 19 and 20 years old. Participant A mentioned that

both she and her spouse were working but jobs with lower status. They were both sales

assistants in small local retail stores with rather low salary. She also mentioned that both their

salary could hardly support their own living if it wasn’t for their family backing up some of

their expenses. This is because she is just a fresh school-leaver while he was a drop-out back

in secondary school. Participant B on the other hand mentioned that he does not have an

exactly stable income, but it was counted as a family business. He and his brother are

involved in doing ceiling plastering therefore their income depend on the projects they

manage to get. However, as it was a family business and he had his brother support things


were on a brighter side. His wife was not working as she had just finished her Form 5 and

was pregnant.

The researcher then asked about their mental preparation regarding the challenges of

married life. Both participants honestly admitted that they were not prepared. Participant A

mentioned that she thought married life was a bed of roses, she thought it was like in fairy

tales where things were simple and sweet. Participant B said that both he and his partner were

not prepared, but they were not given much choice as it was due to pregnancy they had gotten

married. He also said that they got into a really terrible fight first week after their wedding.

In conjunction with the question above, the researcher ask their viewpoints regarding

life after marriage. Participant A stated that it was sweet at first, but as times passes by things

started to change, they were in a financial crisis and her husband started turning to the illegal

alternatives of earning more for the family, his temper changes as well, turning to a rather

hot-tempered guy and soon they had frequent fights and arguments. Participant B however,

reviewed the opposite, saying that it was bitter at first as he was not actually very willing to

give up his bachelorhood but he was left with no choice. However, he said that he is slowly

learning to accept the responsibilities so is his spouse, therefore things are slightly improving.

The researcher went on to ask if life was different before and after marriage.

Participant A answered that it was indeed different as her spouse no longer took the initiative

to give her surprise and life was rather boring and routine. Participant B also agreed that life

was different. He mentioned that after marriage, true colours were shown, his spouse was no

longer as sweet as a doll but daringly showed her temper and her dissatisfaction.

When asked about the time children started coming into their married life, Participant

A mentioned that it was within the first year of their married life. Participant B said that it

was after half year from their wedding date as his wife was about 4 months pregnant when

they had their wedding.

The researcher questioned if both participants were ready for the emergence of their

kids. Participant A mentioned that she was certainly not ready as she totally had no

experience of taking care of children, things were in a mess and her husband was of no help.

She mentioned that due to her carelessness, her son was admitted to hospital a couple of time.

Emotionally she was also not prepared. She and her spouse were too young and they were

more concerned with enjoying their life. Participant B on the other hand mentioned that since


they knew about the arrival of their child before their wedding, they were force to be ready.

Furthermore his spouse was a fulltime housewife, making things a little easier to cope with.

On the surface, they seem prepared for the arrival of the child but emotionally they were not.

His wife was not happy having to stay at home, taking care of the baby while her peers were

just starting to enjoy life. Her self-esteem was very low and this made her very hot-tempered.

Personally, he also could not really control his emotion, when both the baby and his spouse

throw tantrums, which leads to the never-ending fights.

When asked if kids or married life affected their career advancement, Participant A

confirmed that it had. After her first child, very soon she had her second child and there was

no one who could help her babysit them, therefore she was force to stop work and take care

of her children herself. Babysitters were too expensive for both she and her husband. On the

opposition, Participant B mentioned that it doesn’t really affect his career advancement as his

spouse was in charge of the kids and other domestic concerns.

The researcher probed the two participants to share about the readiness of their

partners regarding married life and the emergence of their children. Participant A mentioned

that her husband was not at all ready; he showed little care to the child and was more

concerned bout enjoying life with friends and his wife. He would hit or spank the kids at

times when he was emotionally down. Participant B said on the surface, his partner seems

alright, but many times she would complain and whine about missing her single life. She has

also seem to lose her self confidence after married.

Before ending the interview, the researcher asked if both the participants regret

marrying at such an early age, Participant A confirmed that she regretted and it seems like an

on-going nightmare. Life is like a roller coaster after marriage. Participant B was not very

sure. At times he was happy but at other times he sort of regretted. It was a 50/50 decision.


Coding System and Coded Data

Participant A

No. Answers Given Codes

1. I got married at the age of 19….. -Early marriage.

2. We decided to marry at such an early age partly due to the

strong objection of our parents. We wanted to show them

that we really do love each other and our love is strong and

eternal not like what they thought. We were also rebellious,

the more they objected, the more we wanted to prove our

love. We thought getting married would prove everything.

-Parents’ objection.


-Immature love.

3. They were not at all happy. Relatives were also not

supportive, thinking that we were too young….. but we

insisted. Throughout the preparation process, tons of fights

and arguments happened…..heated argument between both

of our family, they just can’t seem to come to an agreement

on anything…..


-Lack of support

-Arguments and fights

4. We were both just sales assistants. I was working for a

goldsmith with a few hundred ringgit salary while he was

just a sales assistant at one of the local supermarket with

similar salary. We hardly had enough for ourselves and were

still mostly depending on our parents. I am just a form 5

leaver so would not be getting any high salary, he didn’t

even finish his lower secondary….I think that explains our

financial state.

-Financial problem.


-Dependent on family.

5. I thought married life would be sweet and wonderful just

like in the movies…….


6. Things were great at first….we were so lovey-dovey but

then we started running low in cash and he started to get

involved in all kinds of illegal deal to earn more for the

family…he also gets angry easily and we started arguing at

times even fight….

-Financial problem.

-Illegal acts.


-Arguments and fights.

7. He don’t take the initiative to give me little surprises -No initiatives.


anymore and everyday life was the same…it becomes rather

boring -Bored.

8. Our son was born about a year after we got married. -Entering parenthood.

9. I totally had no experience and no one helped me, he was

even worst…our son was admitted into the hospital a few

times as we were not aware that he had high fever….we

were not really concern about the child, we were more

interested in enjoying life….



10. Definitely…I had to stop work after our second son as it

was just a year after we had our first, our parents could not

babysit them…babysitters were too expensive…

-Hinder career


11. He was not ready… he does not even care about the kids…

his only concern was having a good time with me and his

friends. If the kids were slightly noisy he would slap or

spank them or even when he was in a bad mood, he would

hit the kids.




12. I really regretted… married life is so unpredictable…. One

day it was good another it was terrible…..


-Missing bachelorhood.

Participant B


No. Answers Given Codes

1. …got married at the age of 20… -Early marriage.

2. …she told me that she was about 3 months pregnant, so I

believed that it was my responsibility to take care of her and

the baby, so I asked her to marry me…

-Unplanned pregnancy.


3. My parents and my siblings were not very happy… relatives

also were not too supportive as they did not have a very

good impression of my wife…some arguments happened

when we were planning for the wedding…they were not

exactly glad with my decision… but still except it as she

was pregnant…

-Lack of support.

-Arguments and fights.

-Unplanned pregnancy.

4. My income is not exactly very stable as I am helping my

brother in his plaster ceiling business… it all depends on

how many projects we get… but at least I have my brother.

My wife she is a fulltime housewife… she was pregnant

right after she finish form 5…

-Financial problem.

5. We were both not… but we weren’t given much choice

either…it was more of a responsibility…and believe it or

not we got into a really bad fight just one week after we



-Arguments and fights.

6. Things were not exactly on the bright side at first, I envy my

friends who were still single…wish I could be one of

them…but I realized that I should learn to grow up and now

things are getting slightly better.


-Missing bachelorhood.


-Improvement in life.

7. Things were no longer the same, she was not as sweet and

angelic anymore…always getting angry and keep

complaining that she was not satisfied with the way things




8. Since she was already about 4 months pregnant when we -Entering parenthood.


wed, within half a year we had our first child….

9. It was because of the baby we got married…so we sort of

were force to be ready. Anywhere she is not working so she

took care of the baby n housework…seems ok…but soon

she started to be a little unstable emotionally…complaining

that she did not have a chance to enjoy life…lose her self

confidence and she became angry easily…as for me I just

can’t stand my wife throwing tantrums and the baby’s

constant crying…




10. For me it’s not really affecting, my wife is taking care of the

household things and the kids….I concentrate on my


-Career advancement.

11. She might seem ok but she will used every chance she has to

complain and wished that she was single…she is no longer

confident with herself…

-Losing self confident.

-Missing bachelorhood.


12. At times I am happy but at others I wished that I could be

single…I guess I am still feeling very unsure but I definitely

know that life was easier when I am single…


-Missing bachelorhood.

After coding the items based on the interview questions for both participants, the researcher

would analyze the codes by putting them in a table for comparison and contrast also to see

the relationship between the two participants and the issue raised.

Interpreting coded data


Participant A Participant B

-Early marriage.

-Parents’ objection.


-Immature love.


-Lack of support

-Arguments and fights

-Financial problem.


-Dependent on family.


-Illegal acts.


-No initiatives.


-Entering parenthood.


-Hinder career advancement.





-Missing bachelorhood.

-Early marriage.

-Unplanned pregnancy.


-Lack of support.

-Arguments and fights.

-Financial problem.


-Missing bachelorhood.

-Improvement in life.



-Entering parenthood.


-Career advancement.

-Losing self confident.



Through coded data the researcher will do an interpretation regarding the participants’

challenges on married life and if they are prone to divorce. The researcher will also analyze

the contributing factors which lead to the participants to being prone to divorce.

Participant A


Based on the coded data obtain from the interview, the researcher confirmed that

Participant A indeed married at a very tender age of 19. It is shown through her response that

she was not ready for the marriage and life after marriage. Getting married was just an

impulsive act done by both she and her spouse. It is partly due to their rebellious nature and

their parents’ strong objection. Participant A was still immature at that time and was not

aware of the challenges ahead, the same goes with her spouse. As mentioned, her parents

strongly objected her marriage, her relative were also not supportive, this shows that their

marriage was not build on stable grounds and both family even got into fights and argument

in the preparation process. Marriages build on unstable ground and without blessings were

indeed a factor to early divorce.

The researcher interpreted that financially, Participant A and her spouse were rather

unstable, as they both had low income and were not really educated. They depended on their

parents for financial support which shows that they are not ready to build their own family. It

was also due to financial problem, her spouse started getting involved in illegal acts and

arguments between them started which leads on to fights. Consequently, also due to financial

problem her spouse could no longer give her little surprises in terms of gifts which loses the

spark and chemistry in their marriage. The researcher believed that financial instability is

definitely one contributing factor to divorce in those marrying young as most were facing

financial difficulties.

Participant A was certainly not prepared for married life, not to mention parenthood.

Things were going too fast for her and her spouse. Through the interview, the researcher

realized that Participant A lack experience in handling difficult situations between her spouse

and her kids, her spouse was also unprepared which lead him to his violent acts. She had no

career after her married life, losing her self esteem and making her missed her bachelorhood.

This lead her to her want in getting divorce.

Participant B

By interpreting the coded data, the researcher found out that Participant B was also

married at a very young age, which is 20 years old and he was not prepared for the challenges

of married life, neither was his spouse. He thought that things was easy and simple and did

not realize that marriage will lead to emotional instability in his spouse. Furthermore, the

researcher realized that this marriage is build upon the unplanned pregnancy, if it was not due

to the pregnancy Participant B and his partner would not be considering the issue of marriage.


They both were not prepared and not aware of the challenges ahead leading to constant

arguments and fights. This shows that early marriage leads to divorce partly because the

couple is not prepared physically and mentally for the commitment.

It was shown that Participant B was not prepared financially for married life, although

he is working for his brother and it is consider a family business, but he did emphasize that

his income was unstable and they were facing financial problems. These financial problems

lead on to fights and argument and also complaints and dissatisfaction from his spouse. As a

result, their marriage was on rocks. Therefore financial instability is also a contributing factor

to divorce in early marriage.

The researcher also went on to find out that Participant B’s family and his partner’s

family were not exactly supportive of their marriage, partly due to personal reason but partly

because they were consider too young to be building a family on their own. It was evident

that true enough their marriage were not as expected, things were not really blissful and

Participant B himself had let the thought of divorce cross his mind. This shows that

immaturity in those marrying young is also a contributing factor to higher rates of divorce.

Ethical Issues

The ethical issues in this research include informing both participants that the interview will

be recorded; however their identity will not be revealed. Their personal details including their

names, address, and contact numbers will be kept confidential. The only personal details

which will be reviewed were their age and also their gender. The participants were a little

reluctant on recording the interview at first but after assurance that their identity will be kept

confidential both agreed as the issue related is rather sensitive and personal. The researcher

also went on to inform the participants regarding the purpose of the research to let them have

a better understanding and a clearer picture of the whole situation. Lastly the researcher

provided her personal details and contact number for both participants as a symbol of

assurance for their participation as participants are more willing to participate when informed

about more in-depth information of the researcher and the purpose of the research.



In conclusion, the researcher confirmed that some contributing factors to higher divorce rates

among those who married early are financial instability, immaturity mentally and

emotionally, impulsive decisions and also unpreparedness for the challenges of married life.

It was found that both participants expected things to be easy and simple after marriage, they

were not aware of the many issues which would need to be coped. The researcher further

confirmed that entering parenthood too early is also a contributing factor. It was evident in

both participants that the arrival of their children was more of a burden than joy to them.

They were not prepared and this make life even more difficult for them, making them

yearned to have their single life or life before marriage back.

Some recommendations or solution for this problem will be attending pre-marital course. Pre-

marital course is rather like a counseling session where couples are made aware regarding the

challenges which exist in married life and also to educate the couples on the correct approach

to be taken when dealing with problems which arise in life after marriage. Sex education and

religious education should also be introduced among school students to prevent unplanned

pregnancy and to let teenagers know their boundaries and limits. This is to prevent teens

getting married because of unplanned pregnancy whereby they are not prepared to face the

challenges emotionally, physically, mentally and also financially leading to higher divorce

rates. Parents ought to be spending more quality time with children, showing concern and

care to have enhance their relationship and to avoid youths marrying off early due to lack of

attention or possibly to escape their current family life. Lastly it is advisable for the youths to

marry after completing their tertiary education or after having a stable career in the job

market as financial problem is one of the main contributing factors in early marriage which

lead to higher divorce rates and also due to the fact that the youths would be adults and more

mature in their thinking after the completion of their studies or as they started putting their

food in the jobmarket.

