Accessing Raytheon Supplier Rating System (SRS)


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Accessing RaytheonSupplier Rating

System (SRS)

April 01, 2019

1. Log onto Exostar MAG

Forgot your password?To retrieve your password, please go to our Password Reset page.Click here for additional help.

04/01/2019 2

Navigate to https://portal.Exostar.comEnter User ID & password

Request OTP code

Enter OTP code and click Submit

2. Enter Raytheon Supplier Portal Click on “Open Application” next to Raytheon Supplier Portal

If you see “Pending Acceptance of Terms & Conditions,” click on “View Service Agreement” and follow the instructions to accept Terms & Conditions. You may need to log out and log back into MAG to access the Portal after acceptance


3. Access SRSa) Click on the Supplier Rating

System link to access SRS.b) In SRS, navigate to “View SRS

SPRR” to view your company’sinformation.


Click this link to access SRS ReportingClick this link to

access Supplier Rating System



I did not receive log in information from Exostar. What should I do?– Try using Exostar’s first time log in wizard to obtain your information

(– If that does not work, please e-mail

When I access SRS, I do not see my company’s ratings– Please contact the SRS help line at 1.800.891.2204

My e-mail address on file is no longer valid– Submit a ticket to Exostar to have your e-mail address updated


The data that is in the SRS report card is not up to date orquestions regarding the ratings– Please contact your buyer– If unable to contact buyer please contact to enter a ticket

