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Belgrade 2009



School for the visually impaired pupils childrenVeljko Ramadanović

Школа за ученике оштећеног видаВељко Рамадановић

accessible space program

Public Art & Public space program

My little table


NGO The Inclusive Society Development Center

Handicap International



On the initiative and with the help of SwedenEmbassy in Belgrade, and with the help from theSecretary of Education of the City of Belgrade,European Cent r for Culture and Debate “Grad”,program “Public Art & Public Space”, program“ and the others; along with theparticipation of eminent experts from Sweden andSerbia, Faculty of Architecture University ofBelgrade is organizing the workshop “Accessibilityfor people with disabilities” – “Accessibility of thearchitectural spaces for the people withdevelopmental disabilities”.


Moj Stočić”

Accessibility for all = Creativity + Politics

The last event of the Sustainability Conference inBelgrade, was a workshop at the Faculty of Architecture.It was held in the afternoon and evening of Friday 27November, 2009. A lot of students of architecture hadgathered.

Our hosts were professor and hisassistant (who took all the photos.)The main speaker was fromHandicap International. Other speakers were

and from the NGO TheInclusive Society Development Center, CRID, and

and from the VeljkoRamadanovic School for the visually impaired pupilschildren in Zemun/Belgrade andfrom the project Moj Stocic (My little table).

Zoran DjukanoviGoran Radulovi

Fredrik StockhausVesna

Bogdanovi Saša Bogdanovi

Miodrag Jankovi Dalibor Šipka

Dragana Ognjenovi


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Gunnel Bergström was the initiator and the leaderof this workshop. She is a freelance journalist andalso teaches Swedish at the universities in Riga,Latvia, and Kaliningrad, Russia. She told about herown godson Mikael who got a brain damagethrough an infection, when he was 6 months old.She also shared her experience from being asupportive member of Forum Women andDisability in Sweden, FQ, which brings togetherwomen with all kinds of disabilities, like hearingdisabilities, visual impairments, mental disabilities(e.g. panic syndrom), physical disabilities, eatingdisorders, allergy and asthma (try breathing througha straw!),

Breathe through a straw

FQ has been very active in organizing creative courses (Kulturkällan– Source of Culture) at the Långholmen Folk high school inStockholm, that were open for women with and without disabilities.In these courses, the participants find their inner creativity duringclasses in poetry writing, painting and drawing, singing, sculpture etc.The main goal of the course was to create and perform a theatreplay. The participants heard about this, already on their first day inSeptember: The teachers said: “You will perform a play in May.” Theparticipants shouted ”NO WAY you will get me up on stage”. Butwhen May came, they performed the play. They were on stage. Theymade it! Everything is possible! This folk high school still givessimilar courses every year for women with disabilities. These coursesare called Frida (after the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, who gotinjured in a traffic accident).

FQ also cooperates a lot with other organisations, for instance with aDanish organisation called Danske kvinder med handicap, who forinstance have worked a lot with theatre and in small sketches showhow little we know about different disabilities (even if we have ourown disability), and how much knowledge and communication weneed to come over all kinds of prejudice. The Danish organisationalso tries to ban the international handicap sign, where a person in awheelchair is neither man, nor woman.


The international sign for disability is a person in a wheelchair.It has no identity – neither as a man, nor as a woman.


Fredrik Stockhaus is also from Sweden.He has been living in Belgrade since 2007.He is a Regional Program Coordinator,working with advocacy and support toDPOs (Disabled People´s Organization)for Handicap International South EasternEurope). Fredrik Stockhaus told theaudience about his work with localdisability action plans in 24 municipalitiesin four countries in the Balkans. Thecountries involved are Serbia, Macedonia,Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Local disability actions plans

The local disability action plans, LDAP, are based on the UNStandard Rules for Equalisation of Opportunities for People withDisabilities that came into force in 1993 and the UN Convention onthe Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol,which came into force on May 3, 2008. The Convention aims toensure that persons with disabilities enjoy all human rights on anequal basis with others.

In this project the UN Standard Rules together with a methoddeveloped in Sweden that is called the Agenda 22 have been used astools to create the LDAPs. The main player has been the localmovement of people with disabilities in the 24 municipalities. Theyhave got training on advocacy tools, how to create an LDAP, whatshould be included in this document, how to use the Agenda 22 andinternational documents on disability policy, how to use the media asa partner in promotion etc. As a result DPOs around the region havebeen capable to lobby for the establishment of LDAPs. Until theend of 2009 the estimation is that about 20 municipalities will havean LDAP as a result of the project. The LDAP defines how themunicipality should work on the mainstreaming of disability intolocal policy.

A policy is needed

Fredrik Stockhaus pointed to the clear link between accessibilityand policy. Without a policy that defines how you have to work itwill be impossible to achieve accessibility. You need to know howthe situation looks like and you need to set up very concrete andmeasurable aims in order to be able to follow the development.The LDAP might for example state that all schools in themunicipality need to be accessible until for example 2013.

Then you first of all need to see how the situation is like now,what needs to be done in order to improve it, where should westart working and why, who should be involved, what will thebudget be, who will monitor the development, and how shouldwe evaluate the results afterwards? The LDAP requires activecitizens, DPOs, politicians and officials. It requires that disabilityis seen as a Human Rights issue. Accessibility is a question ofHuman Rights since it is the precondition for the free movementof large groups in society, and the full participation of all citizensin society requires full accessibility.


Saša Bogdanovi

Miodrag Jankovi

Dalibor Šipka



showed some slides onDesign for all. Good design enables, Baddesign disables. Who is normal – wheresome of his headlines.

talked about the VeljkoRamadanovic School for Blind and VisuallyImpaired Children in Zemun/Belgrade.

, from the same schoolshowed some of the assistive technologyand computer adaptations such as syntheticspeech software and magnification softwareused by people are visually impaired.


The students started small discussions in ”bee hives” (two andtwo) to answer some questions about accessibility: What?Why? How?

Some of the disabilities the students came to think of were:deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visual impairment, physicaldisabilities, mental disabilities (and Fredrik asked if there couldbe two kinds – intellectual and psychosocial disabilities?Respiratory diseases like asthma and allergy, eating disorderss(you may have very disobedient stomachs and intestines, andneed to find a toilet within a second. This disability is notvisible, and you get a lot of suspicion from people at yourwork, if you are too tired one day to come, and the other dayare looking perfectly fine.)[I think these last sentences need tobe clarified in order for an outside reader to understand]

One important conclusion was, that architecture needs agraduation system for accessibility, just like hotels. The goalwould be to achieve * * * * * .FIVE stars


What terms do we use, what do they mean?Invalid – is it a person who is not valid?

started a brainstormingand a discussion about terminology. Thestudents came up with a lot of ideas aboutthe terms handicap, invalid, cripple, personwith special needs, the handicapped, thosedisabled ones, mentally retarded, bound to awheelchair, bound to the bed… Here itneeds to be further developed in order for itto be clear. Why is the terminologyimportant? What difference does it actuallymake?

Vesna Bogdanović


Dragana Ognjenovićmade a small presentationabout the project Moj sto i(My little table), wherechildren design cards, makeanimals and other forms ofhandicraft.

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The last but maybe most importantpart of the program was thestudents´ work in groups. Theycould borrow theater masks whenthey set off for checking theaccessibility of the Faculty building.Their equipment: a wheelchair,blind folds and white canes, earplugs etc. And common sense.

In their presentations, theysummarized what they havediscovered, for instance slipperyfloors, very steep wheelchair rampsand some parts of the faculty thatare not at all accessible for personsin wheelchairs. If you are blind, youmay bump in to the sculpturesDobrovi and Zlokovi (Good andBad)and hit your head. There werealso comments on lights, narrowpassages, elevators etc.

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You could also see that thesestudents have deep skills onarchitecture, as theirpresentations were prettydirect and concrete in termsof necessary architectonicalchanges and adaptations.Gunnel Bergström gave theirwork ***** and said:

“You are all Dobrovi !”ć


Zoran Djukanović wrote the following words after our workshop, on 3December

Today is the International Day of People with Disability.I have a dream...

I have a dream that one day it will not be necessary to point out this kind ofday.

We cannot walk alone...

Wantonness is the biggest handicap.

Think about that.


see also/

Danas je Medjunarodni dan osoba sa invaliditetom.


Sanjam dan kada vise necemo imati potrebe da obelezavamo ovaj dan.

Mi nismo sami...

Bezobzirnost je najveci hendikep.

Mislite o tome.


videti takodje:


Handicap International is a non-governmentalorganization created in 1982 to provide help inrefugee camps in Cambodia and Thailand. Based inBelgium and France, it has since opened branchesin six other countries : Switzerland, Luxembourg,United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and the UnitedStates. It is an independent, non-profit organizationwhich aims to help persons with disability.Handicap International is one of the 6 foundingmembers of the International Campaign to BanLandmines which received the Nobel Peace Prize in1997. Since February 2005, the organization hasalso been calling for a ban on cluster munitions andconducted research documenting the human impactof the weapon.

Handicap International South-East Europe

Although South-East Europe is on the way of progress andstabilization with the perspective to integrate the EuropeanUnion, Handicap International continue its involvement in thisregion, where it currently runs Mine Action and Disabilityprojects. Under one Regional Program, our team is continuingits action to decrease the risk and impact of Landmines andcluster munitions on civilian populations in close cooperationwith local partners and authorities. Handicap International isalso working with local partners to ensure that People withDisabilities and People Living with HIV/AIDS fully enjoytheir Rights and have access to cost-effective and quality socialand medical services. Almost 250,000 people were killed duringthe Balkans wars of the early Nineties, three million weredisplaced from their homes, hundreds of thousands werewounded, and 10,000 were victims of mines, with more than1,500 sq. km of land estimated to be polluted with mines andunexploded ordinances in the

SHIASolidarity, Human Rights, Inclusion and Accessibility

In February 2010, Fredrik Stockhaus will returnto his other job at SHIA in Stockholm. SHIAstands for Solidarity, Human Rights, Inclusionand Accessibility. It´s Swedish Organisations' ofPersons with Disabilities International AidAssociation - a non-governmental, non-profitorganisation with 28 members - Swedishorganisations of persons with disabilities -actively involved in global development co-operation. SHIA´s main objective is to eradicatepoverty and strengthen the human rights forpersons with disabilities through development


People have differentneeds. For instance,if you can´t walk,you might need awheelchair, a cane ora walker.

If you are deaf and want to communicate withhearing people, you probably need a signlanguage interpreter. If you are hard of hearing,you will need a teleloop in a classroom, during aconference or lecture. If you are blind, you needthe literature to be available in braille, viacomputer and/or recorded. If you are visuallyimpaired, you need different kinds of glasses.And a xxxx to take notes.

As we grow older, we realize more and moreabout our needs for accessibility for all. Youngplanners and architects, keep this mind and inyour backbone, already when you start designinga house, a flat, an official building, a park etc.And safe elevators.

And we always need each other!

ISAAC – a GPS tool for differently abled people

"Isaac" was named after Isaac Newton. It´s a personal electronicassistant for people with cognitive dysfunction. It is being developed atCERTEC (the Center of Rehabilitation Engineering at Lund's Instituteof Technology, Sweden) by Bodil Jönsson in collaboration with LarsPhilipson, professor in computer technology and director of thetechnological development phase of "Isaac". It uses far more advancedtechnology than can be found in today's multinational, corporateexecutive's attaché case. Still the idea of a personal electronic assistant isno more far-fetched than giving electric wheelchairs to people withphysical disabilities.

Isaac consists of a pocket computer combined with a digital camera, aGPS-receiver and telephones for calls and computer communication.The screen has distinct symbol and you can point on them with yourfinger. Isaac (named after Isaac Newton). If you don´t know where youare – take a picture and send to somebody – is this the library? Is thissalt or sugar?

Contact person for the Isaac-project is Arne Svensktel +46 46 10 46 94


Sweden used to have four separate ombudsmen – for Equal Opportunities,against Ethnic Discrimination, the Disability Ombudsman and anOmbudsman against Discriminations on grounds of Sexual Orientation. InJanuary 2009, these four were merged into a new body:

(DO) is a government agency that works againstdiscrimination and for equal rights and opportunities for everyone.

In Sweden, you can turn to a single authority regardless of the reason whyyou have been discriminated against. You may also have been discriminatedagainst for several reasons, for example because you are a woman from Iraqwith a hearing disability, or because you are a young homosexual man withdyslexia.

On 1 January 2009 a new comprehensive Discrimination Act, which coversmore areas than before, came into force. The Discrimination Act prohibitsdiscrimination on grounds of sex, trans-gender identity or expression,ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” it says in the UNDeclaration of Human Rights.

The EqualityOmbudsman

Iskra ðurićZorica MeñoAleksandra Kostic

Milica Stanojević

Nataša Drašković

Milorad Vidojević

Filip Petrović

Ivana Arsenijević

Danilo eVukosavlj vić

Marija KovljanićMarija Radojlović

Ivana Vučetić

Vejselović EnisaMarija Purešić

Darko Cvetković

Darko Cvetković

Milutin MiljušMonika Jovanović

Milica Vujović

Milan Kalapiš

Milan JankovićLjiljana Kocić

Jelena Bokšan

Tijana Ilić

Goran Maksić

Marija GolubovićMilkica Ljubojević

Petar Tufegdžić

Aleksandar Petrović

Dušan Trifunović

Milica Vučković

Jovana Buñevac

Marko Radenković

Jelena Jovanović

Milena Stevanović

Zorica Malešević

Tatjana Vorinski

Irfan IbragićAleksandra Žabljac

Goran Anñelković Jelena Nikolić

Milan Karaklić

Milica DelibašićNataša Šarić

Sanja IvkovAleksandra Stančić

Aleksandra Lilić

Olga Blagojević

Boris Pejanov

Nevena Zelenika

Ana Savić

Ana Jevtić

Katarina CerovićMarijana BugarićJovana Grujevski

Ivana KulaNebojša Prokić

Jelena RadonjićMirjana Antonijević

Stanislava PredojevićAleksandar HribMilan Dimitrijević

Uroš MaksimovićZita KišNikolina Vidić

Danica MarinkovićAna Cogoljević

Ivan LašićIrena ErićIvana RatkovićMilan Stojanović

Enisa Vejselović

Ružica Jovanović

Ksenija Radovanović Ivana AnñelićGunel Bergstrom

Goran Radulović

Helene Larson

Zoran ðukanovic Dragana Ognjenović
