ACC Hume Prospectus



School prospectus for Australian Christian College Hume in Benalla, Victoria.

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I wish school was every day.That’s how much I love coming to school!

Oliver (Grade 1 Student)‘‘



Nurturing a child’s development is an important responsibility.

At Australian Christian College, nurturing a child’s development is a responsibility we relish with great delight. The opportunity to equip and encourage a student is considered an immeasurable blessing at this school.

Like you, we view the children in our care as more than one dimensional. They are precious and vulnerable. They have tender hearts and impressionable minds.

It is with this belief in mind that we educate the ‘whole child’. We do this by maintaining a learning environment that has been purposefully constructed to allow each student to thrive spiritually, academically, socially and physically.

A common sentiment expressed by many parents is the school’s caring atmosphere. Teachers and students treat each other with respect. You can feel assured that your child will be protected as part of this harmonious and cooperative community.

Australian Christian College Hume is a small school with big potential. I invite you to be part of our future.

Mr. Norm FitzgeraldPrincipal B.Mus (Hons), BA (Bible & Theology),Dip. Teaching, ATCL (Piano Performance)

Principal’s Welcome


A positive experience in the early years of school makes all the difference as your child develops.

Believe it or not, school can be fun! By making learning fun, your child will be more engaged and keen to attend school each day.

Your child’s natural curiosity will be nurtured into a thirst for knowledge, which is typically the seed that grows into a love of learning.

Our academic program focuses on building a strong foundation for learning through a rigorous study of literacy and numeracy.

The program comprises of challenge-based and inquiry learning methods while integrating a Christian worldview across all subject areas.

It also encourages students to develop technological fluency with an online learning portal, smartboards and laptops available.

Academic Excellence

To watch “little miss” (our daughter) growing with good Christian values, excel academically and spiritually in an environment that is nurturing, non

judgemental, committed to education and community, comforts me as a parent.

I cannot thank Australian Christian College enough for their positive and vibrant team whom are so committed to ensuring all children receive the

education they deserve. ‘‘ ‘‘

Rosey (Parent)


A Broad CurriculumA great education is more than simply academics.

Learning often occurs spontaneously in settings outside the classroom. To ensure this impromptu learning flourishes, the school offers a range of subjects.

The Arts allows students to express their unique, God-given personality. Students identify who they are, through creative expression and participation.

At Australian Christian College Hume students are engaged in an integrated arts program from Prep to Year 6, which includes visual arts, drama and music.

The school prides itself on our teachers who are highly qualified specialists in music, and have an interest in the performing and visual arts.

In addition to the Arts, Australian Christian College offers a sports program. Sport fosters a competitive spirit in our students. They are encouraged to strive for their personal best, and at the same time, demonstrate exemplary sportsmanship.

The sports program includes softball, basketball, volleyball, netball and Aussie Rules. Plus, once a year students participate in school athletics with other regional schools.

Australian Christian College provides a broad range of educational experiences for my child. The sport, music and art programs are well received

and provide excellent opportunities to develop diverse skills. The teachers have good rapport with my child and provide a stimulating educational experience. The school is willing to accept parental input for additional

activities such as Ride 2 School Day.

Simon (Parent)

‘‘ ‘‘


Teachers Care

I think the teachers are cool and fun. The teachers give students “Gold Merit” Certificates when they are good and when a student has 3 merit certificates

they get an award and a chocolate bar.

Jayden (Grade 3 Student)

For teachers at Australian Christian College, this is more than a job. This is a place where God’s precious creations are lovingly cherished by Christian teachers who genuinely care.

As you can appreciate, the quality of the teachers reflects the quality of education being delivered. At Australian Christian College we are blessed to have teachers who are profoundly committed to nurturing the ‘whole child’.

As well as being servant-hearted and caring our teachers are professional educators. They are constantly striving to improve student learning.

To maintain the school’s high standards of teaching and learning, the teaching team engage in regular professional development. They stretch each other to deliver better lessons and share strategies for improving student learning.

Our teachers don’t withdraw to the staff room at every opportunity. It is usual to see teachers playing sport with the students at lunch. Come behind the scenes and you’ll notice teachers listening to students talk about their hobbies and aspirations.

As a result of the teachers, the school benefits from an immensely cheerful and vibrant community of students who are eager to do their best.




Educating For Eternity

Australian Christian College has a great educational program for their students. My boys love learning more of the Christian values that we teach

them at home.

We see they are growing in their Christian Faith. My boys are just so excited to come to school each day, I have been recommending the school to my friends.

Nicole (Parent)

Delivering an education that lasts beyond a lifetime.

Your child has many things vying for their affection. Amid all the earthly temptations, we are working to ensure the school delivers a positive spiritual influence on your child.

Academic rigour and co-curricular opportunities are undoubtedly important, however we are striving to have an eternal impact on the students.

Importantly, our approach to laying a biblical foundation in every student is one of human inquiry. The school does not brainwash nor indoctrinate the students. As you know, Christianity is based on historical events and documented evidence. Students are encouraged to investigate the facts.

Christian values and beliefs are weaved into the very fabric of the school through a biblically consistent learning program, Christian teachers, regular prayer and weekly chapel services.

Stemming from our Christian ethos,we value:

» Lord Jesus Christ, friend of sinners, and saviour of those who believe » Academic rigour » A diversity of student opportunities as they seek to identify their

God-given talents » Service in local and global communities

Visit the school and you’ll experience a community of young learners who are gracious and warm-hearted.

‘‘ ‘‘


I would highly recommend this school to any parent wanting a great education for their children. The students learn important skills, gain relevant knowledge and Christian values. There are heaps of opportunities for the students to be involved in things like music concerts and charity fundraisers. My child loves it here! . - Sally (Parent)

It’s great to be teaching in a Christian school. I enjoy our staff devotions and prayers together each morning - it keeps you on your toes. Our school is like a big family – the students are really happy when they see you out of school and even invite you to their birthday parties!

- Suzanne (Teacher)

We are delighted to have our children attending a school in Benalla where God is honoured. We believe that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and this facilitates a great learning and social development environment at Australian Christian College. The staff are friendly, professional, sincere and approachable. It is a pleasure to meet them regularly when we pick up and drop off our children. Our children are happy, secure and doing very well academically.

- Michael (Parent)

It is a real blessing to know with confidence that my daughter is being educated and cared for in a Christian Environment.

- Treena (Parent)

I like the playground ... especially the flying fox.I like the fact that there are no bullies.I like the oval.I like the sport we do and the maths we do.I like the library.I like the interactive white board.I like the teachersI like the activities we do.I like the computers.I like the homework.I like Literacy Planet and Mathletics.I like playing footy. - Matthew (Grade 4 Student)

Our teachers are nice and they help us with our work. I like this school because it has no bullies. There are only nice people here. There is a good oval, playground, basketball court and eating area. We have a library, big classroom and laptops.

- Nathan (Grade 4 Student)


What’s Your Next Step?

Olivia (Grade 1 Student):

”Mum, I don’t want it to be school holidays.”

Olivia’s Mum:

“Why not sweetheart?”

Olivia: Because I’m not going to learn anything for two weeks!”‘‘ ‘‘


What’s Your Next Step?The decision to enrol your child at school is a big one.

To assist with your decision, you might be interested in the following options:

Information NightsBy attending an Information Night, you’ll learn how Australian Christian College could contribute to your child’s success. You will have the opportunity to meet the school’s Principal, Mr Norm Fitzgerald and learn about his vision for the school.

Plus, you will be taken on a tour of the school. It’s a great opportunity to gain a real sense of what makes this school so special.

For dates and other details on Information Nights, please visit Personal School TourBy arranging a Personal School Tour you can meet the Principal, teachers and tour the school grounds.

You may like to coincide your school tour with an enrolment interview. To book your tour, please visit

Enrolment ProcessIf you’ve already decided that Australian Christian College is the right place for your child, please follow this process:

Step 1:Complete an enrolment application, which indicates your desire to enrol your child with Australian Christian College.

Step 2:Once you’ve provided a completed enrolment application to the school, you and your child will be invited to attend an enrolment interview with the Principal during the term prior to planned commencement.

Step 3:An offer of place is made as a result of a successful interview. If you accept an offer of a place, the necessary forms must be returned to the school and payment arranged.

Regardless of what next step you’ve decided to take, we look forward to providing you with a warm welcome at Australian Christian College.

Phone (03) 5762 4476

Fax (03) 5762 7564

Email 21 Sydney Rd, Benalla VIC 3672Mailing PO Box 590, Benalla VIC 3672


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