ACC GeoBase• Base Success First ......


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Headquarters Air Combat Command

Mr. Luke Savage Mr. John Kochanowski


ACC GeoBase Service Conceptualization to ImplementationConceptualization to Implementation


Project Scope


Implementation PlanImplementation Plan

Lessons LearnedLessons Learned

Project ScopeACC GeoBase Overview

• ACC GeoBase Philosophy• Base Success First

• 3-Phased Implementation Plan

• Heavy Emphasis on Data Stewardship

• Goal: Enhanced Operating Capability

ACC GeoBase Services across ACCACC GeoBase Services across ACC

Project ScopeBasics

• $1.2M GWOT funding secured in support of HLS

• Contracted through GSA Sep 2003

• Contractor


Project Scope


Implementation PlanImplementation Plan

Lessons LearnedLessons Learned

ConceptualizationGetting Started

Where to Start?Where to Start? Initial ConsiderationsInitial Considerations• Timeline

• USAF Server Consolidation Policy

• Service Level Agreement

• Certificate to Operate

• Existing Infrastructure

ConceptualizationHeavy Coordination


What do we have to work with?What do we have to work with?

Rack Space?

SAN Component Space?Rack Electrical Power?

SAN Electrical Power?Cables & Circuits?

Port Availability?

UPS availability?


Physical Inspection• Coordinated by ACC Electrical Engineer • Electric Shop questionnaire developed• Determine electrical requirements

Electrical Upgrades• New Distribution Panels, Circuits, Whips, Receptacles• $$ ??• Scheduling

Installation GIO Outreach• Opportunity to work with Comm & CE electrical shops

ConceptualizationSpecial Partnerships

ACC/SCSO CE Information Technology Consultant• Staffs Service Level Agreement• Works Certificate to Operate issues/concerns

AF Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)• PKI office issues certificates• Required for running Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

ACC Network Operations and Security Center (NOSC)• Server alias• Pushes AFCERTS

Implementation PlanPre-Planning

• Phased Approach

• Design Implementation

• Test Implementation

• Envision Schedule

50% Reachback, 50% ACC GIO

Fly to Destination

Install Oracle, SDE, IMS

Train Onsite Personnel

Information Exchange

Fly Back

Implementation PlanStrategy

• Action Plan• Technical Document• Administrative Guide

Phase 1Schedule

• Coordinating Schedules with Vendor

Phase 1Hardware Install

• Hardware Procurement• Verify Implementation Configuration

Phase 1System Preparation

• Lockdown Servers• Secure Operating Systems• Alias Server (https://<alias name>)

• Verify Security Protocols• Test website for access

Phase 2Overview


• ArcSDE 8.3, ArcIMS 4.0.1, ArcGIS 8.3

• Oracle

• Oracle Enterprise Manager 9i

Phase 2Schedule

• Schedule Workflow

• Two - 2 person Teams

• Alternating Schedule

Phase 2Service Implementation

GIO, GSI Team, GIS Analyst, GIS TechnicianFinal Comments from GIO

GIO, GSI Team, GIS Analyst, Flight ChiefOutBrief (optional)

AllInformation Exchange

GIS Analyst, GSI TeamTraining/Document System

GIO, Mr. SavageInformation ExchangeThursday

GIO, Mr. SavageWorking Group Meeting (optional)

GIS Analyst, GSI TeamTrainingWednesday

GIS Analyst, GSI TeamHW/SW InstallationTuesday

GIS Analyst, GSI TeamHW/SW Installation

GIO, Mr. SavageInformation Exchange

GIO, Mr. Savage, Flight Chief…In-BriefMonday


Phase 2Delivery

• General Interface

• Standardization

• No Stovepipes

• CTO Legitimizes

• SMART Development

Lessons LearnedPreparation

• Have an interim CtO

• Establish SLA Early

• Spend time on the plan with all installation support• Increases efficiency• Clear understanding of the level of effort for all parties

• Pilot test 1st Base

Lessons LearnedChallenges

• Manage expectations• Out of the Box functionality – Tools needed?• Keep GIO focused on managing the new system…not on app


• COMM’s support for back-ups – from not having an SLA

• Understanding Software Limitations • example: ArcMap Server

• Sustainment

Lessons LearnedSuccesses

• Documentation• Has been used at non-ACC bases

• Level of Coordination with multiple AF organizations

• Letting the base GIO perform install as opposed to HQ staff


Mr. Luke Savage Mr. John
