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In this modern world, the dependence of electricity is so much that it has become a part of our life. The usage of electrical power for domestic, commercial and industrial purpose necessitates providing bulk electrical power economically. So due to the increasing demand for electric power, it is necessary to save the power. One of the selected methods to save the power is AUTOMATIC ROOM POWER CONTROL CIRCUIT.

An ordinary power control circuit has only one sensor. So when a person enters the room, the sensor gets one pulse and power becomes ON. When the person leaves the room, it gets another pulse and power becomes OFF. But when two persons enter the room one after the other, it gets two pulses and light remains in OFF state. So interruption of power results.

The circuit described here overcomes the above said problem and supplies continuous power. In our circuit, microcontroller AT89C51 is used as a major monitoring device. In this project, we can also determine the number of persons inside the room and when nobody inside the room, it will automatically switches OFF the power supply.
