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Absolutism in


Louis XIII &

Cardinal Richelieu

Richelieu’s Domestic PoliciesFirst minister to the French crown –

goal was to centralize the monarchy– Curb the power of the nobles (Nobles

jailed or executed for non-compliance)– Law of King only law– Intendents – men who functioned as

commisioners (spies?) for each of the generalities (could not be natives of that specific district)

Dangers to the CrownLouis and Richielieu decided that the

independence of Huguenot cities was a threat to the unification of the state (La Rochelle) Inflation, high taxes, grain

shortages, high unemployment led to revolts for the next 60 years

Dangers to the CrownPower of the French nobility

– Privileges taken away– Govt. agents (intendants/mid. class)

more power- collect taxes, administer justice

– King gets money without going to Estates General

– Mid. class loyal to king- military support, nobles political service not needed

Dangers to the CrownPower of the Hapsburgs

– Austrian and Spanish Kings (bordered France)

– 30 Years War• France wants Hapsburgs to lose and

therefore support Protestants• Richelieu just wants Catholics to reserve

right to practice• Results: Protestants win 30 Years War(Treaty of Westphalia)

RichelieuCreation of the French Academy

(still exists today) “raison d’etat” – “Where interests of

the state are concerned, God absolves actions which, if privately committed, would be a crime”

Early Life of Louis XIV

Louis XIV

The Sun KingBourbon King (Louis XIII dad;

Henry IV grandfather)King at age 5

–Mom, Anne & prime minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin have real power

Ruled from 1661-1715

MazarinGoal: increase French powerResults: people hate him &

ideas–Nobles revolted in 1648- fear

they were losing power–Riots in Paris spread to

countryside (slingshot)

The FrondeMazarin could not control the

nobility and maintain order like RichelieuFirst Act of Rebellion- Parliament of

Paris rejects state tax plansRiots have lasting impact on young

Louis XIV – his resentment and fear of nobility is reflected through building of Versailles

Economic Policies of Colbert - Minister of Finance under Louis


TaxesKept power from the nobles by

giving them tax exemptions (they could not have a say in tax policy if they were not taxed)Increase wealth through taxes

(burden primarily fell on 3rd estate (peasants, lower classes)

Mercantilism17th & 18th century economic

policy of EuropeWealth was limited – sell more

than buy Home country was the concern

– Export more than import– Raw materials to finished goods

Promoting MercantilismNavigation Laws- move goods on

home ships (keep $)Bounties on production (subsidizing)Prohibition of outside trade by

coloniesState inspection and regulation of

products and industriesGave special privileges to skilled

craftsmen who immigrated to France

Economic StrengthGold & silverExpanding manufacturingEncouraging commerceOwning colonies – focus was on

CanadaBuilding up shippingNavyExport more than import

French EconomyColbert strengthens weak economyManufacturing expanded (north)

– Subsidies, grants, tax benefitsAgriculture & mining developed

– Skilled workers from other countries (south)

Balance of trade improved- exports increased

French EconomyColbert’s policies effective1683- France is industrial leader

of EuropeHuguenots took lead role in

commerce & banking industry– Given start-up money

Purpose of economic development- serve the state

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

Edict of Nantes is revoked – 1685 – why?– Edict of Nantes was never intended to be

permanent– Most aristocrats were Catholic, Calvinism

was unpopular; decision won Louis praiseOutcomes:– Huguenots flee to avoid persecution– France loses middle class, skilled workers

The Opulence of Louis XIV’s Reign

VersaillesRest of Europe uses way of life at

Versailles as standardLocated 11 miles outside Paris250 acres36,000 workersNot fortifiedRoyal court

Palace of Versailles

VersaillesCenter of government226 rooms (nobles crammed)

– 5,000 servantsHall of MirrorsDominated French political &

cultural life

Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles

VersaillesVisual display of Louis’ absolute

powerElaborate life impressed citizens

– Nobles willingly became servants– “Keep your friends close & your

enemies even closer”

France & the ArtsFrance leads Europe with French

ClassicismLouis demands music

– Operas popularizedComedies & Tragedies

– Moliere- satire on French society– Playwrights followed Greek dramatists

Louis was patron– Art’s purpose= glorify king

End of Louis XIV’s Reign

Military• Increased the size of the military from 25,000 men to 250,000• Appointed Francois le Tellier as secretary of war but supervised army himself; created a professional, modern army• Appointed Jean Martinet to whip them into shape • Standardized uniforms and weapons

Failure of Military Goals1667-1713 wars fought for expansion

(invaded Flanders and Franche-Comté; the Netherlands)– Result: bankruptcy not glory

Balance of Power- weaker countries (GB,Sw,Neth,Sp,Ger, Aust) unite against France– Stopped 3 times in Netherlands– Treasury emptied

War of Spanish SuccessionCharles II (Spain) dies with no heirsKingdom was supposed to be divided

(according to treaty) between other European powers (mostly France and HRE)– 2 biggest European powers tied by marriage– Leaves Spain to Philip of Anjou (Louis’


Response1701English, Austrians, Dutch, and

Prussians unite against France because of their fear of France becoming too powerful (upsetting the Balance of Power)A series of battles are fought,

primarily in German provinces

Treaty of Utrecht 1713Philip keeps Spain

– If France & Spain do NOT uniteBritain gets Rock of Gibraltar

– Gateway to Mediterranean and African slave trade

Britain acquires France’s North American territory (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Hudson Bay)

Significance of WarNew balance of power- France & Spain v.

GB, Austria, NetherlandsFrance near ruinHigh taxes for FranceLouis regrets suffering caused





Rule of James I and Charles I Lead to War

James IFollows Elizabeth (Scottish

cousin)Issue- Power of ParliamentBelieved in absolute rule

– Divine Right- authority from God– Answer only to God

King James Bible- retranslation in response to conflict w/ Puritans

James I

Quarrels with Parliament Ineffective ruler, not a man of the

people, convinced of Divine RightLectured parliament on divine right

which caused resentment and unwillingness to give up $$

Parliamentary members (as well as English society in general) had become more educated and were not willing to give in to the lavish lifestyles of kings

Puritans• England had been protestant for some time, And some people considered the Church of England to still be too Catholic in ritual • Puritans wanted to “purify” the church; were very strict in eliminating all excessive qualities of the church• James I and son Charles I were not Catholic but were sympathetic toward the Church

Charles I Son of James I Divine Right ruler Quarrels with Parliament over $

– 1626 War with Spain forced him to ask for money from Parliament- dismisses when funds refused

– 1626-27- War with France- forces knights and nobles to loan $ (imprisons the unwilling) and quarters troops in private homes

– 1637 – War with Scotland – William Laud tried to impose more Catholic rituals on Scottish church, led to revolts

Charles I

Problems continue…1628 Charles recalls Parliament-

financial need– Money be given in return for

Petition of RightPetition of Right

– Parliament’s consent for taxes– Imprison only with cause– No martial law in peacetime– No quartering of soldiers

Problems continue…Petition accepted temporarily- not

believed it would be followed1629 Result- Parliament is

dissolved (not called for 11 years) –King gained money through fines

and fees (believed to be acts of treason)•Result: popularity declined

Charles I and ReligionReligious policies would ultimately be

his demisePuritans upset (many fled)William Laud (believed to secretly be

Catholic)– Forced Scots (Presbyterians) to follow

Church of England– Scots threatened invasion– -Uprising in Ireland

Charles I and ReligionCharles calls Parliament again

– Why? Needed resources for war – Response? Parliament refuses

unless King addresses their demands

– Results? King dissolves Parliament– Scots invade defeat English- Charles

gives in

Charles I and ReligionCharles forced to call Parliament

for money to meet new threat– Long Parliament– Parliament limits Kings power-

consent for taxes, Parliament meetings

– Revolt in Ireland- $ for suppression•Parliament further divided

Charles I and ReligionRaid on House of Commons

fails- people upset King abandons house- goes north to prepare army (1642)

English Civil War

English Civil WarThe 2 sides:

– Cavaliers- loyal to King (nobles, church officials)

– Roundheads- Puritan townspeople, merchants

Roundheads- moneyCavaliers- experienced military, 75% of

land1644 Oliver Cromwell takes control of

Roundheads (believed they had God’s support)

Oliver Cromwell

English Civil WarMost people did NOT get involved in

war– Destruction of war- people become

more radical1646 Cromwell’s New Model Army

defeats the King’s forces

English Civil WarResult: some Parliament members join

up with king’s leftover army– Cromwell defeated them & took King

captiveCromwell and army march to London

– 143 members/Scots of House of Commons expelled (Pride’s Purge)

– Charles I tried & beheaded /Rump Parliament

First time Monarch is tried with official execution

Execution of Charles I

Execution of Charles IHe was beheaded for treason on

January 30, 1649.Monarchy abolishedCromwell took control as Lord


Cromwell1653 Cromwell drafted constitution

(1st written constitution in major European nation)

Republic under Cromwell as “Lord Protector”– Military dictatorship

Puritans impose beliefs (people upset)

Cromwell’s ReignCromwell initially created a constitution but after a disagreement with Parliament, he ultimately tore it up and enforced martial law

Implemented religious toleration for Protestants but NOT Catholics

Censored the press, forbade sports and other leisure activities

CromwellNo better than Charles I.

– His rule was just as harsh and he was hated.

Ultra-Puritan lifestyle instituted: prohibit drunkenness, theatergoing, dancing, etc.—Life was NOT fun!

Charles II and James II’s Rule

Lead to the Glorious Revolution

Charles II and RestorationCromwell dies in 1658, Monarchy

restoredNot a Divine Right Ruler (1600-1685)Middle ground with religion

– Religious freedom to Puritans and Catholics created problems with Parliament

– Constitutional monarchy or not?

Charles II

Charles II and MoneyNot granted enough money from

ParliamentTurns to Catholic King Louis XIV of

France for money-Secret agreement: Charles would

slowly re-Catholicize England

Charles II and ReligionPeople knew of Charles’ Catholic

tendenciesNO HEIR (son)- brother James II

(heir) was openly Catholic – Parliament plans to pass an “exclusion bill”

which would deny throne to a Catholic– Charles quickly dissolves parliament in

response– When he dies, James becomes king

James II

James IIBelieves himself to be Divine Right

Ruler- no consent from ParliamentHe appoints Catholics to high

offices– Violate laws passed by Restoration

Parliament– Reaction: James dissolves Parliament

and won’t call another

Unhappy Protestants1687 James announces govt. posts open

to Catholics and ProtestantsAlthough he issues religious tolerance,

the divide causes troops to rally13,000 soldiers stationed outside

London- change state religion to Catholicism

1688 James had son- fear of Catholic line of kings (second wife)

Protestants’ PlanMary, daughter of first wife, married to

William of Orange – invited to overthrow James II– They accepted

Nobody tried to stop William and troops– James and family flee to France– Glorious Revolution (bloodless)

William and Mary recognized Parliament as leading partner in ruling

Growth of Parliament’s


Under William and Mary 1689 Parliament drafts Bill of Rights

– Things ruler could NOT do– Parliament had certain rights– Laws could not be suspended– Approval of taxes– Freedom of speech– No standing army– No excessive bail*Written as influenced by the ideas of John

Locke who writes Two Treatises of Government –

English Bill of Rights (1689)• King could not be Roman Catholic• Laws made only with consent of

Parliament.• Parliament has right of free speech.• No standing army in peace time w/o

Parliamentary approval.• Taxation illegal w/o Parliamentary

approval.• Trial by jury; due process of law.• Right to bear arms (not Catholics)

The Anatomy of Revolution

“Old Regime” –Conservatives


Revolution run by Moderates

(Parliament: Puritans and


Radicals take revolution to the extreme

Independents under Cromwell (New Model Army); (Levellers & Diggers are even more extreme)

Thermidor:Move away from extremism (Cromwell’s Protectorate)

Restoration:Return of conservatives to power (Charles II)

Radical Conservative

VII. English Cabinet System in the 18th

CenturyA. System evolvedB. Sir Robert Walpole led Cabinet from

1721-1742• First prime minister

in British history.

C. Hanoverian Kings1. George I (r. 1714-27)2. George II (r. 1727-1760) – decline in

decision making3. George III (r. 1760-1820)

a. Reduced power of prime minister – King’s Friends

b. Lost American colonies

VIII. Other Constitutional States1. United Provinces – Dutch Republic

1. 17th century = “Golden Age” of the Netherlands

2. Government run by bourgeoisie (burghers)

3. Organization – confederation of 7 provinces (each led by Stadtholder)

4. Religion1. Calvinism vs. Arminianism2. Religious toleration

Rembrandt: “Masters of the Cloth Guild”

4. Commerce*a. mercantilismb. banking: Amsterdam replaced

Antwerp in 17th centuryc. Dutch East India Co.; Dutch West India

Co.5. Foreign policy

a. Impacted by England’s Navigation Laws

• War with France & England in 1670s• Treaty of Utrecht marked beginning of


17th Century Dutch Commerce

B. Sweden1. King Gustavus Adolphus (r. 1611-32)

reorganized gov’t.• Nobles dominant in army and gov’t.

2. Economya. Dominated Baltic and became

world power.b. Copper

3. Foreign policya. Charles X (1654-60)

• First Northern Warb. Charles XII (1697-1718)

• Great Northern War (1700-21)Lost Baltic provinces to Peter

the Great

Lords & Peasants in Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe: Land of lords and peasants

In Eastern Europe: powerful nobility, weak middle class, serfs– 1400 – 1650: Serfdom reintroduced by

princes and “landed nobility”• Due to population decline as a result of the PLAGUE

– Lords solve econ. problems by exploiting serfs (peasants) -• By 1500 – serfs throughout East

– Lords take peasant lands – enslave serfs– Restrictions on movement – runaways hunted!– Demands made for unpaid serf labor

Serfdom and Nobility

• Lords asserted their authority through imposition of laws that restricted the peasants rights to move freely as well as taking their land and heavier labor obligations thus making them serfs.

• The lords also acted as prosecutor, judge and jailer

Hereditary subjugation in Prussia (bound to lords from one generation to the next).

Noble landlords enjoyed significantly more political power in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe as a result of questions about succession and monarchs needing the favor of the nobility.

Writers and travelers from Western Europe often portrayed Eastern Europe as more barbaric and unrefined as a result of the social and economic conditions they witnessed.

Compared to Western Europe “Backward”

– Less politically developed, still used feudal system

– Not influenced by Renaissance and Scientific Revolution

– No exploration (no sea routes)– Lack of trade / economy– 30 Years War (holds E. Europe back)

Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth“The Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania”• Its powerful parliament was dominated by nobles who were reluctant to get involved in the Thirty Years' War; this neutrality spared the country from the ravages of a political-religious conflict which devastated most of contemporary Europe.

• In 1768, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth became a protectorate of the Russian Empire

•The country was partitioned in three stages by the neighboring Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the Habsburg Monarchy. By 1795, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth had been completely erased from the map of Europe. Poland and Lithuania were not re-established as independent countries until 1918.

The three regions of the Commonwealth enjoyed a degree of autonomy Each voivodshiphad its own parliament (sejmik), which exercised serious political power, including choice of deputy and charging of the deputy with specific voting instructions. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania had its own separate army, treasury and most other official institutions


AUSTRIA rises in 17th century!!!

Problems: struggles with Turks / 30 Years’ War / Internal Issues (fighting btw. nationalities)

30 Years’ War failed to renew HRE – but -– Protestants wiped out, 1620 at White

Mountain – centralization under Catholicism

• (nobility decimated so lands given to soldiers!)– Ferdinand III creates standing army (1637-

57)Now – Austria turns East for land

Charles VI (1713)Won land in War of the Spanish Succession Large empire, hard to rule

– Dukedom of Austria– Kingdom of Bohemia– Kingdom of Hungary– Land in Germany, Italy

Diverse lands = Diverse people Common ruler was only unifying factor

Charles VI (1713)Wanted to ensure his empire would not

be split– Pragmatic Sanction- only heir (Maria

Theresa) would be heir to all Hapsburg landMaria Theresa- Reign plagued by war

– Enemy= Hohenzollerns of Prussia Austria had no natural boundaries or

ethnicitiesMap of Hapsburg Empire (start at 1:43)


Maria Theresa

• Maria Theresa and her husband, Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, had sixteen children, including Queen Marie Antoinette of France

• Became the ruler by the Pragmatic Sanction, anedict issued by Charles VI on 19 April 1713, to ensure that the Habsburg hereditary possessions could be inherited by a daughter.• Her ascension to the throne in 1740 resulted in the outbreak of the War of the Austrian Succession. France, Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony broke their promises and contested the claims of Maria Theresa on Charles VI’s Austrian lands, and initiated the War of the Austrian Succession. • Religious differences prevented her from having an arranged marriage to the Calvinist prince Frederick of Prussia; instead she married Francis Stephen of Lorraine.

Austrian Power

Habsburg Family Possessions– Austria – Bohemia – Hungary – Union of rulers: not law or people --- Slavs, Hungarians, Croats,

Serbs, Romanians, Czechs, Poles, Italians, Germans

Pragmatic Sanction, 1713– Declared by Charles VI (1711-1740)

• Hitherto, only males can rule HRE• BUT he has no son – only daughter Maria Theresa

– SO -- argued for no division of Austrian properties; land should be passed intact to a single heir = Maria Theresa = Empress of Austria, 1740; her husband, Francis-Stephen of Lorraine elected HREmperor, 1745

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman EmpireMuslim but “accepted” different religious

groups within the empire “Millet system” – religious leaders

supported Sultan in exchange for powers over their communities

Sultan had power to tax and raise armyTrade and exchange of good was strongSulieman the Magnificent- conquered

Hungary, threatened Austria

Hussar, King Sobieski (Poland), Pancerni, Light Calvary, Dragoon, Infantry, Ensign, Infantry Officer

Deli, bannerat, visir, porte-wuntschuk, spahi, artillery, janissary, peik, captain of Janissaries, solak

Ottomans – from central Asia to Turkey (Anatolia) – followers of Islam – determined foes of Catholic Hapsburgs

The Sultanate – peaks 1520-1566– Under Suleiman the Magnificent– Sultan was absolute head of state

• Little private property – except slaves• Male children in conquered Christian lands in Balkans!

(Janissaries) Habsburg Victory

– Final Turk attack on Vienna in the 17th century - turned back in 1683 (Polish king – Sobieski helps);

– Treaty of Karlowitz, 1699 = Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia & Slovenia incorporated into Austrian Empire

– “Sick man of Europe” = beginning of the end for Turkey in late 17th


Austria and the Turks

PrussiaHohenzollern family ruledFormed from small statesBrandenburg was the most

important state–Ruling prince 1 of 7 electors of


An Eastern European Anomaly:Brandenburg – Prussia

Hohenzollern Family– AT FIRST “Elected” to lead as “first among equals” BUT the

Elector of Brandenburg is relatively “helpless” • SO prestige without power BUT

– In 1614 inherits territory on the Rhine– In 1618 inherits Prussia from cousin– By 1640 Frederick William will raise Brandenburg-

Prussia to new heights

1640 1688 1713 1740

Frederick WilliamFrederick III (King Frederick I)

Frederick William I

*stronger absolutism than Austria *unites German people in 19th century!!!

PrussiaFrederick William (Great Elector)

( The Elector)

Fredrick William I

(The Soldier King) Frederick II

(The Great)

Frederick I (Frederick III The Ostentatious)

Frederick William -1640 The Great Elector- overrun in 30 Years War

– Took control at age 20, unified 3 “provinces” (Brandenburg, Prussia, and pieces of territory in the west (Cleve, Mark, and Ravensburg))

– Took control using force, funded by heavy taxation

– He gave his nobles (Junkers) positions in government or military to gain support

– Prussia was not a country with an army but an army with a country

The “Great Elector” established Berlin as his capital city and allowed over 20,000 French

Huguenots to immigrate there

Frederick the Ostentatious

Frederick I (son)–1st Hohenzollern to have the

title of king–1713 Treaty of Utrecht- the

duchy of Prussia is now recognized as kingdom

–All Hohenzollern’s lands called Prussia

Unlike his father, Frederick I was a weak ruler who did little but maintain what his father had started for over 25 years – he loved luxury and the arts (much like Louis XIV)

When he died in 1713, he was replaced by his son, Frederick William I, who was a strong ruler

Due to Frederick William I’s obsession with the military he was nicknamed the “Soldier King”

Prussia’s Army Grows…

Frederick William I– Obsessed with growing his military /

recruiting (kidnapping) from Europe– Money spent only on army– Army doubled in size– Junkers (land-owning nobility)=

officers– Military society implemented

Under him the Prussian military doubled in size and consumed 80% of the national budget….but he never used them!

Despite this, he balanced the budget but cutting the lavishness of his imperial court

He cuts power from the estates to establish an absolute, centralized (militarized) monarchy

Frederick William I’s greatest fear was that his oldest son, Frederick II, would not be strong

enough to rule

Prussia – Frederick IIRuled 1740-1786Absolute ruler of

Prussia (Germany) Attacked Austria,

sparking the War of Austrian Succession

Unified Prussia, part of the Holy Roman Empire, into one nation

Characteristics of Prussian Bureaucracy

– Efficient– Honest– Successful– Paradoxically, most militaristic BUT

almost always at peace!!!– “Sparta of the North”

rigidity / discipline / obedience “to keep quiet is the first civic duty”

– Tried to develop the economy

King Frederick William I, 1713-1740

Fuses Prussian bureaucracy and militarism– 1740 army = 80,000 men– Separate laws for military and civilians!!– Officer corps (remember these are

primarily Junkers) = highest ranking social class

• Monarchy and Junkers join together to form a unified political entity

– HOWEVER Frederick William I uses the

Tom Richey – Absolutist Prussia


The Isolation of Russia

Byzantinian InfluenceEastern Slavs converted from

Byzantinian missionaries to Eastern Orthodoxy– Break from Catholicism (Pope not authority)– Art = icons

Further IsolationGeographically cut-off

–Ural Mountains cut off from East–Only seaport- Archangel (frozen)

Religion widens gap West–Eastern/Russian Orthodox v.

Catholic/ Protestant

Mongol Yoke – 200 years

Influence of “Asian” cultureMongols took money (tribute)

–Princes controlled land and collected money

Mongols used strength of military/force (Genghis Khan)

Early Russian Society1480 Ivan III (Prince of Moscow) frees

Russia from the Mongol Yoke – Became the first czar– Claimed descent from Caesar (tsar / czar

is Slavic or Caesar)Society dominated by landowning

nobility (boyars), serfs tied to land– Serfdom lasted until mid 1800’s (ended in

1300/1400’s in Western Europe)

Czarist Russia• Czar Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1547-

1584• Ivan expanded Russian territory

and crushed the powers of the nobility (known as Boyars) ruthlessly (garnering his name) which left Russia severely depopulated.

• Independent “outlaw” groups formed in retaliation called Cossacks.

• He killed his own eldest son and was succeeded by his weak younger son.

• After his son’s death Russia was in anarchy (The Time of Troubles) until a national assembly was formed in 1613

The Romanov Dynasty Begins

The National Assembly chooses Ivan’s grandnephew, Michael Romanov, as the new Czar in 1613.

The Romanov Dynasty will Rule Russia for more than 300 years.

Their most effective Czar is Peter the Great, who modernized Russia and become an Absolute monarch who believed in divine right

Histircal Thinking Skills -PeriodizationCHRONOLOGICAL REASONING• Describe, analyze, and evaluate how historians divide history into discrete and definable time periods.• Historians construct and debate different, sometimes competing models of periodization.• The choice of turning points/starting and ending dates might have different values to one story, region, or group than another.




Peter the Great1682 - 1725Interested in foreign things, ships,

seasSaw need for warm water port

–Necessary for competition with modern powers

Came to power w/ help of streltski (Moscow guards)

Desire to Modernize 1698 Traveled to W. Europe to

learn customs–1st czar to travel to W. Europe–Incognito–Worked in shipyard in Netherlands

Later traveled to England–Toured in London

Peter’s Changes –Make Russian more W. EuropeanAgriculture

–Staple crop= potatoFactories and Mines

–Exports encourage–Imports discouraged–Factories subsidized (centralized

workshops)–Iron industry developed

Peter’s Changes –Make Russian more W. EuropeanRussian Calendar

– Year starts on Jan. 1 not Sept. 1– Year based on birth of Jesus

Newspapers– 1st newspaper reported on non-Russian

events– Western ideas develop– Emphasis on literacy

Peter’s Changes –Make Russian more W. European

Status of Women– Until 1700 followed Medieval treatment of

women– Noblewoman invited to social gatherings

(without veils)– No arranged marriages (unless children

consented)No beards for men (to look more


Absolute Rule Peter increased power of monarchyPeople become discontented (forced

changes)Holy Synod (priests) with Peter as head-

replaced Patriarch– Similar to Church of England

Boyars lose power (new social status)– Land and positions given to lower-ranking

(ensured loyalty)

Russian MilitaryEuropean officers hired to

modernize–Army –Prussia, Navy -Britain–Only had part-time cavalry–Army of 200,000 paid for by taxes

Army used to crush peasant revolt and gain warm water port–Lead to need for warships

Russian MilitaryClose Russia off to possible

European invasionGreat Northern War- v.

Swedes who invade Ukraine (defeated by winter)–Russia gains land on Baltic Sea

Great Northern War 1700-1721

• Alliance with Denmark

• Invades Sweden, wants warm water ports

• Denmark and Russia defeated at first (Battle of Narva)

• Peter reforms: nobles must serve for life; military schools; 5 years serve away from home; bureaucracy; higher taxes

• Battle of Poltava was great victory

• End: Russia gains Estonia and Latvia, becomes Baltic power

A New Capital1712 St. Petersburg made

capitalBuilt on swampLand gained from SwedenLocated on Neva River, near


Lands added by Peter the Great

Eastern Baroque Architecture=

Displays of POWER

Palaces and Power Palaces of Europe

tried to exemplify baroque style and Versailles architecture.

Schonbrunn was built in Vienna by emperor Leopold I to demonstrate his Habsburg power and military victories.

St. Petersburg

Building St. Petersburg Built on a swamp Used recruited serfs in the summer time

– 1 in every 10 to 15 households had to furnish one worker and then pay a special tax in order to feed and house the workers.

Many died due to sickness, hunger, and accidents. Forced nobles to live there and had them pay a tax

to pay for maintenance of the city.

St. PetersburgComfortable modern city

– Broad, straight, stone paved streets– Houses built in uniform line– Large parks, stone bridges

All buildings had to conform to strict architecture codes

Each social group had its certain section of town.


Peter the Great