Abraham Lincolns Inauguration Speech


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Abraham Lincolns Inauguration Speech

Speech stresses keeping the union together at all costs.

Won’t touch slavery where it exists, but will not allow slavery to expand to western territories.

Tells congress he will make no compromises.

Fort Sumter 1861

Whole nation has the idea that there will not be a war.

2nd day in office Abe will send supply ship to Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC

Fort Sumter held by North, but low on supplies.

Southerners will fire upon the supply ship, the Civil War begins.

In a 36 hour span,the South will fire 4,000 rounds.

Fort destroyed, but nobody is injured.

The whole nation is still naïve about the war.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the North and the South

Large Population (2/3 of US population in the North) 1. Creates a large what? ________ 2. People to work in factories building

what for the army? _________ Factories keep North supplied with

guns, bullets, shoes, uniforms.

3. Many, well maintained, uniform railroads for transportation

4. Stable government 5. Established military and Navy

Northern Advantages

Abraham Lincoln Makes the focus of the

North “Preserving the Union-Government by the people, for the people” Plays on

______________(pride for their country)

Enables him to keep public support even during early war losses

Effective Political Leader

1. Great Britain depends on Southern

“king cotton” for their factories Great Britain trades weapons,

manufactured goods, and ships for cotton

2. War is mostly fought on their soil (know the land)

3. Don’t need to “win” just fight long enough to wear down the North

4. Motivated: fighting for “State’s rights” and defending their land

5. Well trained generals from West Point Military College

Southern Advantages

Effective Military Leadership

Robert E. Lee Confederate General Native of Virginia. Will win many battles,

but south will not have enough men and resources to win.

Effective Military Leadership

Robert E Lee’s right hand man, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

Extremely efficient leader. Extremely talented in

geography and map skills.

Unfortunately he will accidentally be killed by his own men, killing Southern moral near the end of the war

1. Struggles with poor military leadership in the

beginning George McClellan Ambrose Burnside

2. Must win the war

Northern Disadvantages

Let’s avoid


Let’s create a crater with explosives

Difference Between Southern and Northern Military

Leadership in the Beginning of the War

McClellan will not advance to Richmond due to southern “cannons”

Turn out to be painted tree trunks.

Confederates will have soldiers march back and forth to over exaggerate their army size.

Both incidents will be extremely embarrassing for the north.

1. Hard to get allies even strong

support from Great Britain because they were a rebelling nation

2. Railroad tracks were different State to State making transportation of goods difficult

3. Southern Confederate States could not agree

4. Ill prepared president Jefferson Davis

5. Lack of Navy ships North able to use Navy to block

British supplies from reaching the South

Southern Disadvantages

Anaconda Plan Cut off Confederate States

from Trade Cut the South in half by

taking control of the Mississippi River

Cut off foreign trade with naval blockade

Capture Southern Capitol of Richmond, VA

Takes years to be successful

Not Free Slaves Must keep support of

border States (slave States of Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri

North’s Early Goals for War

Use “King Cotton

Diplomacy” to gain Foreign Allies Destroyed Cotton Crop to

drive up price to gain more money and weapons from Great Britain

Backfires: Britain stars getting cotton from India and Egypt

South’s Early Goals for the War

Major Battles and Events of the Civil War

Spectators show up to watch Loss for the North but South

does not have enough troops to advance

North is humiliated Effect of the Battle: South thinks they have a

chance to win Country realizes the war

will be long and bloody 3000 Northern troops die,

2000 Southern in 1 day

First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) July 1861

One of 2 attempts by the South to

make it into Northern Territory to win the support of the British

North learn of Robert E. Lee’s plans to attack and are prepared

South loses Effects of the Battle Bloodiest day in American

History 22,000 Casualties (25% of Union

forces, 31% of Confederates wounded or dead)

Victory encourages Lincoln to pass the Emancipation Proclamation

North successfully keeps South out of the North, preventing foreign support of the South

Battle of Antietam (MD) Sep 1862

Has to declare Martial Law

in MD after battle of Antietam

Starts a Draft which causes NY draft riots (must pull troops from the war to stop riots)

“Copperheads”: union democrats who make the North fearful “blacks will flock to the North after the war”-hurting northern war support

Needs to change the tune of the war

Abe’s Problems

States: all slaves in the

States that are in rebellion (Confederate States) are free

Does not end slavery in the border States loyal to the Union (why?)

Confederate States obviously ignore this and free zero slaves

Emancipation Proclamation

Political Effect of the Emancipation Proclamation

British population is HIGHLY against slavery, so now they cannot support the South at all because the reason for the war is to end slavery

Lincoln attempts to give the South 3 months before the Proclamation goes into affect to surrender and keep slave status, South refuses

Changes the goal of the war

from “preserving the union” to a moral goal to “liberate the slaves”

How did it free slaves? When southern slaves

heard of the Emancipation Proclamation, they escaped across Union military lines and were welcomed as free people

Union soldiers freed Southern Slaves town by town as they took more Southern territory

Social Effect of the Emancipation Proclamation

Makes it legal for African Americans to enlist in the Army Freed Slaves pick up arms in rebellion

in the South Free Blacks in the North join the war

effort Must serve in segregated units Only White officers Poorly supplied and paid less than

White soldiers Most famous: 54th Massachusetts

Regiment Make a gallant yet unsuccessful effort

against the Confederate army in Charleston Harbor

But begins to prove African Americans are equal in their capabilities, step to equality

Military Effect of the Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln finally finds a successful

general for the Union Army: Ulysses S. Grant

After 2 months successfully capture the city and control the Mississippi River

Effect of the Battle Fulfills Anaconda Plan: Cuts South

off at the Mississippi River limiting supplies and transportation

Begins Total War: North puts all resources into devastating the South until they have nothing left to put into the war

Battle of Vicksburg, Mississippi July


Last attempt by the South to attack the

North to gain foreign support Unsuccessful (Stonewall Jackson is now

dead, no strong leadership) Effects of the Battle Bloodiest Battle in American History

(51,000 casualties in 2 days) Lincoln issues the Gettysburg Address For the first time during the war Union

and Confederate soldiers are buried together on the site of the battle

Lincoln urges the Union to stay together in honor of these men's’ deaths

Battle of Gettysburg, PA July 1863 http://www.youtube.com/watch


General William

Tecumseh Sherman (Called a Bucher and a

Drunk but Lincoln’s just happy to have a General who is willing to fight)

Cuts of Railways into Atlanta, killing supplies for Confederate troops

Overtakes the city

Effect of this Battle Begins Sherman’s March

to the Sea

Battle of Atlanta, GA July 1864

Total War in full Force Sherman’s army will burn and

destroy almost everything they come in contact with including the major cities of Atlanta, GA and Columbia, SC, as they move Northward just South of Virginia

South has been reduces to using old men and children as soldiers

Although unfulfilled: Sherman will issue the 40 Acres and a Mule Field Order as he moves through the South

Sherman’s March to the Sea


Atlanta Columbia

South to running out of soldiers

and supplies Ulysses S Grant attacks

Petersburg, VA taking the city Effects of the Battle Cuts off Railways and supplies to

Confederate Capital of Richmond, VA

This campaign and Sherman’s March to the Sea will force the Confederate Army under Robert E Lee to surrender at Appomattox Courthouse in VA April 9, 1965, Ending the Civil War

Siege of Petersburg, VA

March 1865

Death of Abraham Lincoln 1865

At Ford’s Theater Assassination by John

Wilkes Booth Part of a much larger

plot to unravel the federal government


Idea of Secession challenged the success of democracy Saying that a small group of people could leave a country because

they were unhappy with who won the election

Success of Union said that he idea of Secession was “null and void”

Says that a majority of one region (Southern slave owners) could not infringe upon the rights of a minority group (slaves) while at the same time complaining their rights were being violated by a national majority vote

However the idea of States rights would continue, especially in the South

Legacy of the Civil War

Time period after the Civil War when Northern troops and Northern Politicians occupied the South to ensure they followed post Civil War laws


Goal: re-establish full participation of the Southern States in the Union by demonstrating their acceptance of the wars outcome and slave liberation

Does not follow Lincoln’s plan to rebuild the South (leave that to the States themselves)

Purpose of Reconstruction

Determined to retain Independence and way of life

Begin passing “Black Codes”-pass laws that do not respect the rights of freedmen Created labor contracts,

contracting Black “servants” to “White Masters” putting terms and low pay in writing

Stopped freedmen from traveling freely through “vagrancy laws” tying them to former plantations

Whites could force the Black orphan children or children of Black prisoners to be their apprentice until the age of 21

KKK Forms , lynching's become common place

Elected former Confederate officers and officials to Congress

Southern Reaction to


Refuses to allow Southern

elected officials to join Congress, passing post-war Amendments without their States’ ratification

Northerners elect radical Republicans in the 1866 election, desiring to punish the South for the violence they hear is being committed by Southerners on freedmen

Create the Freedman’s Bureau

Northern Reaction to Black Codes

13th Amendment 1865 Officially abolished and

continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime

Actually ended slavery NOT the Emancipation Proclamation

Amendments Passed After the Civil War

14th Amendment 1868 Guarantees citizenship to

African Americans No person regardless of

race can be deprives of life, liberty, or property

Guarantees right of due process

Amendments Passed After the Civil War

15th Amendment 1870 No citizen may be

denied the right to vote based on race, creed, or previous condition of servitude

Amendments Passed After the Civil War

1865- Freedmen Bureau

1st federal relief agency in US history

Provide clothing, medical attention, meals, education, and negotiated better labor contracts for Black workers in the South.

Even attempted to give back land to freed blacks and poor whites.

Vote to split the South into 5 Military Districts to enforce Reconstruction Amendments

Taking an active role in protecting the rights of Freedman in the South

Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Military Reconstruction

Act of 1867

Congress impeaches President

Andrew Johnson Tried unsuccessfully to veto

Freedman’s Bureau, failed to enforce 14th Amendment in the South, wanted a Reconstruction plan like Lincoln’s (former Southern slave owner)

Does not lose his office Just Limits Johnson’s power

giving Congress full control to use Military control in the South

Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson 1867

Early Reconstruction Effects on African


Many able to leave plantations

and find lost family members “sold down the river,” uniting families

Some moved out West called?___________

Most will stay in the South

Social Gains


One of the few institutions controlled and owned by African Americans.

Center of political and social life for African Americans

Ministers are spiritual leaders, but also political and social leaders.

African American Education

Education is segregated.

Black schools will form, with aid of Freedmen's Bureau and Churches

Education for children and adults

Some Black Colleges begin, paid for by Northern Philanthropists

Many States Blacks outnumbered

Whites in the South, so African Americans elected to public office after they gained the right to vote Set up Public Schools and social

programs for all people regardless of race

1st African American men elected to Congress from the South 1870 Hiram Revels (Mississippi) Joseph Rainey (South Carolina)

Political Gains

Still most Southern Governments

run by 2 types of White Politicians: 1. Sympathetic White Republicans

who came from the North as missionaries or entrepreneurs Negatively called “Carpetbaggers”

by Southern Democrats loyal to pre civil war lifestyle

2. Southern Whites open to cooperation with Republican Reconstruction government Negatively called “Scalawags” by

those same Southern Democrats

Limits to Political Gains

Southerners who fought in the war were

often given amnesty (forgiven for crimes) and their land was returned to them Meant no land available for the “40 acres and a mule” promise However most former slaves only new how to farm, having little other labor skills Leads to Sharecropping

Few Economic Gains

System of agriculture where

usually the families of freedman farmed a portion of the landowners land. Must give a portion of their

harvest to the landowner in exchange for housing

Freedmen’s Bureau attempted to negotiate favorable contracts for African Americans but still left these former slaves dependent on White landowners


Bad harvests meant freedmen were left with little to no extra to sell themselves after giving the landowner his cut

Cotton Prices will fall in the late 1800’s leading to even more desperate times for sharecroppers

Poverty and Sharecropping

Corruption within the Government of

Ulysses S Grant Whiskey Ring Scandal

Economic Depression Black Friday 1869 Price of gold plummeted

Federal attempts to protect rights of Freedmen in the South continuously met with violent terrorist attacks by groups such as the KKK making Northerners feel like Reconstruction was a losing battle, South would never change

Northern Federal Government Distracted

Effect: Government began

shifting its focus away from the South and towards increasing Western Settlement (Transcontinental Railway) and Economic Growth

Republicans begin to lose National Support

Effect of Distractions

Election of 1876

Republicans- Rutherford Hayes

Democrats- Samuel Tilden Tilden wins popular vote

but Hayes wins Electoral Vote by 1, making him the legal president

Democrats agree to allow

Hayes to be president under the following conditions: 1. End Reconstruction 2. Southern States receive

federal money 3. Southern States allowed

to govern themselves 4. Federal Troops are

withdrawn from Southern States

Compromise of 1877

Groups such as the KKK free to economically and physically intimidate African Americans from voting Lynchings, threats

Fearful, African Americans stopped voting Southern White Democrats

eventually replaced Republicans

Created a “Solid South” –South will continue to vote democratic for the next 50 years

Within 20 years protections for African Americans under the 14th and 15th Amendments virtually gone

Effects of the End of Reconstruction

Jim Crow Laws

Laws passed that make it almost impossible for African Americans to vote, own property, etc.

Jim Crow: white comedian who made fun of African Americans Poll taxes (paid a tax to vote) Few African Americans (under

sharecropping) could pay the tax Literacy Tests to vote Used difficult government

documents to test ability to read not “see spot run”

Grandfather Clause: if your grandfather could vote you could vote This let poor uneducated whites

who didn’t pass the poll or literacy tests vote

But how many African American is the South in 1880 had a Grandfather who could vote? Why?

Supreme Court ruling that

upheld Segregation Laws of the South saying that facilities can be segregated as long as they are equal

Separate but Equal: Plessy vs.


Background: Former Slave Founder of the Tuskegee

Institute: Provided Vocational (or training

in a technical/trade skill) Give economic freedom to escape

oppression Supported full equality but

believed employment and economic freedom more important than social or political equality

Booker T. Washington

Atlanta Compromise Speech Publically would accept second

class status for African Americans in exchange for the new Southern Textile Mills hiring hard working former slaves

Reactions to Washington: Northern African Americans saw

him as an “Accomodationist” to segregation and inequality - unhappy

Southern African Americans loved him for their economic successes

Southern Whites accepted him

Booker T. Washington

“In all things that are purely social we (blacks and whites) can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.”

Background: Born Free, first

African American to earn a PHD from Harvard

Direct opposition to Booker T. Washington’s ideas

Believed African Americans should be free to get any educational opportunities/jobs fitting to their talents not just settle for vocational training Promoted White Collar

Managerial and Professional jobs for African Americans

W.E.B. Du Bois

Founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to promote full social and political rights for African Americans Edited their magazine The

Crisis, which called for social reform at all costs even the use of violence

Reactions to Du Bois African American middle

class towards greater social equality

Scared Whites (even Northerners) who feared their “defacto segregated” facilities and neighborhoods would disappear

W.E.B. Du Bois

Ida B Wells-Barnett

Background: Born a slave (1862) Educated in a Freedmen’s

Bureau School Experienced Jim Crow

Laws first hand Paid less because she

was a black teacher Forced to go to

“colored” RR car

Editor of Desegregation

Newspapers Advocate for the Anti-

Lynching Campaign (saw 3 close friends lynched) Could not stop the practice but

raised awareness of the problem

Fought to desegregate Chicago Schools with Ansell Adams and for Women’s Suffrage

Ida B Wells-Barnett

Founding member of the

NAACP Even more radical than Du

Bois and leaves the NAACP because it was not militant enough (not willing to be as forceful as her in ending inequality)

Very opposed to Booker T Washington’s “Accomodationism”

Ida B Wells-Barnett
