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WikipediaGoogle DocsGoogle ImagesWeselyan.edu" I will be heard" Abolitionisim in America




They were regular people like you and me . . .


that wanted to take a stand


in America and fight against slavery.   


Where it all started


Abolitionism in America came . . .


 in the 1830's when


  three men ...


William Lloyd Garrison    


Arthur Tappan  


and Lewis Tappan 



came  together. . .


 and decided that slavery in America  must stop.


Especially when so many peoples lives were filled with fear and saddness. 


Those people were slaves 


Earning little or no pay. 


This was not right. 


They achieved a lot.




They united many people despite the color of their skin.


Skin color didn't matter , 


because all the organizations and groups were all fighting for the same thing.


 In fact, by 1838. . .


there were over 1,350 anti- slavery societies


. . . with almost 250,000 members,most of which were women.


It may seem like you could do anything with all those people. . .


but there were many issues. . .


like protesters, government, Political views etc.


In the end. . .


everything began to fall into place.

How did they do it?



They used a number of different stratagies.


• The Liberator • The Underground Railroad• Speeches i.e " Ain't I A Woman"

by Sojourner Truth• Pamphlets


The ripple affect


Abolitionists had a lasting impact on a lot of people and things.


Especially those that were part of the movement. In fact most of the famous Abolitionists were very powerfull people i.e. . .


Sorjourner TruthFredrick DouglassHarriett Beecher StoweHarriett TubmanWilliam Lloyd GarrisonTappan Brothers 


It also impacted the Presidents as well, because all but one Presidentdurring slavery times were slaveholders.


That President was Abraham Lincoln

Here are some things that Abolitionists impacted.


• Slavery• Government• The Economy• Money• Opinions

Then and Now

From the Global Perspective


Thank you for watching this GoogleDocs presentation by Abby Stone

Then                        Now

• Slavery• Segregation• blk and white

photos• Cleanliness

issues• Bad Economy

• Slavery• Less

Segregation• Color Photos• Better

Sanitation• Bad Economy
