Aberrant - PNASProc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 85, pp. 9302-9306, December1988 Medical Sciences...


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  • Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 85, pp. 9302-9306, December 1988Medical Sciences

    Aberrant expression of receptors for platelet-derived growth factorin an anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell lineNILS-ERIK HELDIN*t, BENGT GUSTAVSSON*t, LENA CLAESSON-WELSH§, ANNET HAMMACHER§,JOACHIM MARK¶, CARL-HENRIK HELDIN§, AND BENGT WESTERMARK**Department of Pathology, University of Uppsala S-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden; §Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Box 595, Biomedical Center,S-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden; and IDepartment of Pathology, Central Hospital, Skovde, Sweden

    Communicated by Peter Reichard, September 6, 1988 (received for review May 9, 1988)

    ABSTRACT Receptors for platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF) have previously only been found on cells of mes-enchymal and glial origin. This study shows PDGF receptors onan anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell line, C 643, that was foundto express thyroglobulin mRNA, confirming its origin fromthyroid epithelium. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ RNAhybridized with a human PDGF B-type receptor cDNA proberevealed a 5.4-kilobase transcript in the C 643 cells. Theexistence of receptor protein on the cell surface was shown byimmunofluorescence microscopy with a PDGF receptor mono-clonal antibody. Binding experiments with 125I-labeled dimericforms of PDGF indicated that the cells contain B-, but not A-,type PDGF receptors. The addition of PDGF to C 643 mem-branes in the presence of [32P]ATP induced phosphorylation ofthe receptor. A polyclonal PDGF B-type receptor peptideantiserum was used to immunoprecipitate a receptor proteinfrom metabolically labeled C 643 cells; the receptor was foundto be 5-10 kDa larger than that in normal human fibroblasts.Removal of N-linked carbohydrates using endoglycosidase Hresulted in deglycosylated receptor proteins of similar size in C643 cells and fibroblasts, indicating differences in glycosylationpatterns of the two receptor proteins. The aberrant expressionof receptors might be crucial in tumor development by con-ferring a selective growth advantage to the cancer cells.

    Recent studies of oncogenes in relation to the structure andfunction of polypeptide growth factors have yielded a unify-ing concept of neoplastic transformation and normal growthstimulation. This view is based on the finding that oncogenesrepresent altered versions of normal cellular genes (protoon-cogenes) (1), which encode proteins that operate along themitogenic pathway (2). Oncogenes are therefore supposed totransform the cell by generating an abnormal growth stimu-lus, which causes a short-circuit in the mitogenic pathway.Thus, an unscheduled synthesis of a growth factor in cellsthat carry the cognate receptor (autocrine growth stimula-tion) is generally thought to be one of several mechanisms oftransformation (2, 3). The most convincing evidence for thisview has been derived from studies on the structure ofplatelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), which showed avirtual identity between the PDGF B chain and part of theoncogene product (sis) of simian sarcoma virus (SSV) (4, 5);SSV transformation has been found to be mediated by anautocrine PDGF-like growth factor (reviewed in ref. 6).PDGF consists of dimers of A and B chains linked by

    disulfide bridges (7). All three possible dimeric forms havebeen identified: PDGF-AB (present in human platelets; ref.8), PDGF-AA (isolated from conditioned medium of humantumor cells; refs. 9 and 10), and PDGF-BB [present in human(8) and porcine (11) platelets, as well as the transforming geneproduct of SSV (ref. 12)]. The three dimers interact with

    different specificities to two distinct receptor species (typesA and B) on fibroblasts (13, 14). The B-type receptor isidentical to the previously identified PDGF receptor withprotein tyrosine kinase activity (reviewed in ref. 15), whichhas been molecularly cloned (16, 17). All PDGF dimers bindto the A-type receptor, whereas the B-type receptor bindsPDGF-BB and PDGF-AB only, the latter, however, withlower affinity.

    Expression of PDGF receptors has been found to berestricted to cells of mesenchymal and glial origin (18),whereas various types of epithelial cells, including thyroidfollicle cells, lack PDGF receptors and do not respond to thefactor. This study reveals an apparently structurally alteredPDGF B-type receptor in human epithelial-derived cells;namely, the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell line C 643. Thatthis cell line is derived from bona fide thyroid follicle cellswas shown by the expression of thyroglobulin mRNA. Theexpression of PDGF receptors in epithelial cells may be offunctional significance in transformation and carcinogenesis.

    MATERIALS AND METHODSCell Lines and Cell Culture Conditions. The cell line C 643

    was established from a fine-needle biopsy of an anaplasticthyroid carcinoma of a 76-year-old man (19). The patient diedwithin 5 months after diagnosis. Karyotype analysis revealedsevere chromosomal abnormalities, including an increasednumber of chromosomes and the occurrence of markerchromosomes. The C 643 cell line and a normal humanfibroblast cell line AG 1523 (obtained from the HumanGenetic Cell Mutant Repository, Camden, NJ) were culturedin Eagle's medium supplemented with antibiotics (100 unitsof penicillin and 50 ,g of streptomycin per ml) in the presenceof 10o newborn calf serum).PDGF. PDGF was purified from human platelets (20),

    and consists of "70% PDGF-AB and 30% PDGF-BB (8).PDGF-AA and -BB homodimers used in the binding exper-iments were purified from supernatants of yeast cells ex-pressing PDGF-AA and -BB, respectively (A. Ostman, G.Backstrom, N. Fong, C. Betsholtz, V. Hellman, B.W., P.Valenzuela, and C.-H.H., unpublished data). PDGF-AA and-AB were labeled according to the chloramine-T method (21)(specific activity, 40,000 cpm/ng) and PDGF-BB was labeledby the Bolton-Hunter method (22) (specific activity, 70,000cpm/ng).RNA Extraction. RNA was extracted from the cells as

    described (23). The cells were homogenized in 6 M urea/3 MLiCI/0.2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/Antifoam A (1,ul/ml) (Sigma; A 5758), and left on ice overnight. The

    Abbreviations: PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; '25I-PDGF,'25I-labeled PDGF; BSA, bovine serum albumin; EGF, epidermalgrowth factor.tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed.tPresent address: Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Box578, Biomedical Center, S-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden.


    The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.




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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988) 9303

    precipitate was centrifuged at 16,000 X g for 20 min and thepellet was dissolved in 10 mM triethanolamine, pH 7.5/1 mMEDTA/0.5% SDS. The RNA was extracted once with phenoland then with chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (24:1) and precip-itated by addition of 0.1 vol of 3 M sodium acetate and 2.2 volof ethanol. Before electrophoresis, the RNA samples werepoly(A)+-selected on an oligo(dT)-Sepharose column andquantitated spectrophotometrically.Northern Blot Hybridization. Poly(A)+ RNA samples (5 Ag

    per lane) were electrophoresed on a formaldehyde/agarosegel [0.8% agarose/2.2 M formaldehyde/2x Northern runner(50x stock solution: 1 M Mops, pH 7.0/50 mM EDTA/0.25M NaOAc] and transferred to a nitrocellulose filter by ablotting procedure. The filter was prehybridized for 24 hr at420C in a buffer consisting of 50% formamide/5x SSC (lxSSC = 0.15 M NaCl/0.0125 M sodium citrate, pH 7.0)/ixDenhardt's solution [0.02% bovine serum albumin (BSA)/0.02% Ficoll/0.02% polyvinylpyrrolidone]/5 mM NaH2PO4/5 mM Na2HPO4/0.1% SDS/salmon sperm DNA (200 ,ug/ml),followed by hybridization in the same buffer containing[32P]DNA probes (labeled with Multiprime labeling kit,Amersham; -109 cpm/,ug of DNA). After a 24-hr hybridiza-tion (42°C) the filter was washed for 2 hr in 2x SSC/0.5%SDS at 65°C and, if necessary, for 30 min in 0.1x SSC/0.1%SDS. The filter was autoradiographed at -70°C with KodakXAR-5 film and intensifying screens (Du Pont).The amount of RNA per lane was controlled by hybrid-

    ization of the filter to a human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase cDNA probe [pHcGAP3, kindly provided byRay Wu, Cornell University (24)]. The human thyroglobulincDNA probe (phTgl) was kindly provided by Gilbert Vassart(Universitd Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) (25).Immunofluorescence Microscopy. A mouse monoclonal

    antibody (PDGFR-B2) was used for immunofluorescencemicroscopy of the PDGF receptors (26). Cells growing oncoverslips were incubated with antibodies (5 ,ug/ml) for 30min at room temperature, washed in phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS), and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated rab-bit anti-mouse antibody was added for 30 min. The cells werefixed in 3% paraformaldehyde in PBS, mounted on micro-scope slides, and photographed in a Leitz UV microscopeequipped for epifluorescence. A mouse monoclonal antibody(C2, a collagen type II antibody) of the same isotype (IgG2b)was used as a control.PDGF Binding Assay. Confluent cultures of cells in 12-well

    dishes (Costar) were used for 125I-labeled PDGF (125I-PDGF)binding in 0.5 ml of PBS supplemented with 1 mg of BSA perml. Radiolabeled PDGF isoforms (I251-PDGF-AA, 125I-PDGF-AB, and 1251-PDGF-BB; -5 x 104 cpm per well) wereadded in the presence or absence of unlabeled PDGF-AA orPDGF purified from human platelets (50 ng/ml). After a 2-hrincubation on ice, the cells were washed five times withice-cold PBS complemented with 1 mg of BSA per ml.Cell-associated radioactivity was solubilized with 1% TritonX-100 and counted in a y-counter (Beckman; Gamma 8000).

    Autophosphorylation Assay. Membranes were prepared asdescribed (27). The phosphorylation reaction was carried outat 0°C in a final vol of 40 Al containing 10 ,ug of C 643membranes, 3 mM MnCl2, 25 ,uM Na3VO4 in 20 mM Hepes(pH 7.4) (28). After a 10-min incubation with or without 100ng of PDGF purified from human platelets, 15 ,uM ATPcontaining 5 x 106 cpm of [y-32P]ATP was added andincubated for another 10 min before the reaction was stoppedby the addition of 50 ,l of SDS sample buffer (80 mMTris-HCl, pH 8.8/3.6% SDS/10 mM dithiothreitol/3.8%sucrose/0.01% bromophenol blue). The samples were heatedat 950C for 3 min and alkylated with 50 mM iodoacetamidebefore SDS gel electrophoresis (polyacrylamide gradient of5-10%) (29).

    Immunoprecipitation and Endoglycosidase H Sensitivity ofthe PDGF Receptor. The C 643 cells were metabolicallylabeled with a mixture of [35S]cysteine and [35S]methionine(each at 100 gCi/ml) (Amersham; specific activity, >800 and>600 Ci/mmol, respectively; 1 Ci = 37 GBq) for 3 hr incysteine- and methionine-free Eagle's minimum essentialmedium supplemented with 10% dialyzed fetal calf serum.The immunoprecipitation procedure used two different rabbitpolyclonal PDGF receptor antisera; PDGFR-1, recognizingboth A- and B-type receptors, and PDGFR-3, recognizingonly the B-type receptor (43). PDGFR-1 was raised againstpurified porcine receptors (30) and PDGFR-3 was raisedagainst a 14-amino acid synthetic peptide corresponding toamino acids 981-994 in the deduced sequence of the murineB-type receptor (16). The immunoprecipitations were per-formed in sequence starting with the PDGFR-3 antiserumfollowed by the PDGFR-1 antiserum. The precipitates wereincubated in the presence and absence of endoglycosidase H(New England Nuclear), which removes N-linked carbohy-drates in the high-mannose form (31). The samples wereanalyzed by 5-10% gradient SDS gel electrophoresis (29)followed by autoradiography.

    RESULTSProperties of the C 643 CeUl Line. Microscopic analysis of

    fixed and stained cultures of the anaplastic thyroid carcinomaC 643 cell line showed a marked cellular atypia with thepresence of multilobulated nuclei and giant nuclei. Despitethe undifferentiated morphology of the cell line, it retainedthe expression of the thyroglobulin gene as a marker ofthyroid follicle cell function. Thus, Northern blot hybridiza-tion using a human thyroglobulin cDNA probe revealed8.4-kilobase (kb) thyroglobulin transcripts in C 643 cells (Fig.1). A similar RNA species was present in normal thyrocytes(data not shown), but not in normal human fibroblasts (Fig.1).Expression of PDGF Receptor mRNA. Northern blot hy-

    bridization using a human PDGF B-type receptor cDNAprobe on poly(A)+ RNA from C 643 cells under stringentconditions showed the expression of PDGF B-type receptortranscripts of the same size (5.4 kb) as in normal humanfibroblasts, AG 1523 (Fig. 2). The probe did not hybridize toRNA extracted from another anaplastic thyroid carcinomalacking PDGF receptors (N.-E.H. and B.W., unpublishedobservation). However, the amount of mRNA in the C 643cells was lower than in AG 1523 cells.

    Binding of PDGF. Since PDGF receptor transcripts werefound in C 643 cells it was of interest to determine whethera receptor with normal ligand binding properties was syn-thesized. Therefore, a binding assay using the various radio-labeled dimeric forms ofPDGF was performed. As shown inFig. 3, the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells bound 1251_PDGF-AB and -BB, but not 1251-PDGF-AA. UnlabeledPDGF-AA did not compete with the binding of 1251_


    C40r- Va: O

    8.4 kb- FIG. 1. Expression of thyroglobulin* W mRNA in C 643 cells. Total RNA was

    -28 S extracted from cells, poly(A)+ en-W riched, electrophoresed, blotted, and

    hybridized, and subjected to autoradi-ography. The filter was hybridized with

    -18 S a 32P-labeled 1.6-kb Pst I fragment ofthe human thyroglobulin cDNA phTgl(25).

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    o 0r 4

    FIG. 2. Expression of PDGF re-ceptor mRNA in C 643 cells. TotalRNA was extracted from C 643 and

    5.4kb- O AG 1523 cells and subjected topoly(A)+ selection. Samples (5gg/ml) of poly(A)+ RNA were elec-trophoresed and blotted and sub-jected to autoradiography. The filter

    -18 S was hybridized to a 32P-labeled 2.8-kb human PDGF B-type receptorcDNA probe (17).

    PDGF-AB or -BB. The C 643 cell line was found to expressand synthesize PDGF-AA (data not shown); it is thereforepossible that the lack of PDGF-AA binding was due todown-regulation caused by endogenous PDGF-AA. An ex-periment was therefore performed with suramin, an agentthat prevents the interaction between PDGF and its recep-tor(s) (32), thereby causing up-regulation ofreceptors in cellsexpressing both receptor and the corresponding ligand.Incubation ofC 643 cells for 24 hr at 370C in 200 tkg of suraminper ml did not increase the binding of'I-PDGF-AA (data notshown). Taken together, these data indicate the presence oftype B but not A PDGF receptors on the C 643 cells.

    Visualization of Cell-Surface PDGF Receptors by Immuno-fluorescence. The PDGF receptors on C 643 cells could bevisualized by an indirect immunofluorescence microscopytechnique using a mouse monoclonal PDGF B-type receptorantibody (PDGFR-B2). Fig. 4A shows positive staining on C643 cells, as well as on the human fibroblasts used as apositive control (Fig. 4D). Fig. 4B shows the lack of stainingof the C 643 cells using a control mouse monoclonal antibodyofthe same isotype. Prior treatment ofC 643 cells with PDGF(100 ng/ml) resulted in disappearance of the receptors fromthe cell surface (Fig. 4C), which indicates normal internal-ization of the receptor.






    C) co CX) C) C) c)

    e) S U) c U) COT- C.) T- CT-o, CD CD

    FIG. 3. Binding of different dimeric forms of PDGF. Binding ofPDGF to C 643 cells was investigated using radiolabeled dimericforms of PDGF. Unlabeled PDGF-AA (s) and PDGF purified fromhuman platelets (m) (50 ng/ml) were added to compete with theradiolabeled ligands for binding. A normal human fibroblast cell lineAG 1523 was used as a control (m).

    Autophosphorylation of the PDGF Receptor in C 643 Cells.Addition of PDGF to fibroblasts induces a characteristicautophosphorylation of the PDGF receptor (28). As shown inFig. 5, the addition of PDGF to C 643 membranes inducedphosphorylation of a 185-kDa component, most likely rep-resenting autophosphorylation of the receptor. This receptorappeared to be significantly larger than the PDGF receptorphosphorylated in normal human fibroblasts (180 kDa) (datanot shown).Immunoprecipitation and Endoglycosidase H Digestion of

    the PDGF Receptor in C 643 Cells. Metabolically labeled C643 cells were sequentially immunoprecipitated with twodifferent polyclonal rabbit anti-PDGF receptor antisera:PDGFR-3 (precipitating only the B-type receptor) followedby PDGFR-1 (precipitating both A- and B-type receptors). A185-kDa receptor protein was recognized by the PDGFR-3antiserum, as well as a possible precursor protein of 160 kDa,

    FIG. 4. Immunofluorescencemicroscopy. A mouse monoclonalantibody (PDGFR-B2) was usedtogether with a fluorescein iso-thiocyanate-conjugated rabbit an-ti-mouse antibody. The cells werephotographed in a Leitz UV mi-croscope equipped for epifluores-cence (Kodak Tri-X film). (A) C643 cells incubated with PDGFR-B2 antibodies; (B) C 643 incubatedcells with C2 control antibodies(collagen type II antibody, isotypeIgG2b); (C) C 643 cells preincu-bated 1 hr with PDGF (100 ng/ml)and thereafter incubated withPDGFR-B2 antibodies; (D) AG1523 fibroblasts incubated withthe PDGFR-B2 mouse monoclo-nal PDGF receptor antibody, as apositive control.I

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    FIG. 5. Autophosphorylation of thePDGF receptors present in C 643 cells.Membranes from C 643 cells were incu-bated with or without 100 ng of PDGF inthe presence of [32P]ATP. Samples wereanalyzed by SDS gel electrophoresis un-der reducing conditions, followed by au-toradiography. Arrow indicates the phos-phorylated receptor protein.

    in the C 643 cells (Fig. 6). Subsequent immunoprecipitationwith PDGFR-1 antibodies brought down the 170-kDa A-typereceptor in normal human fibroblasts (AG 1523). However, inC 643 cells, the antiserum did not recognize a 170-kDa com-ponent. The 110-kDa species that appeared in this immuno-precipitation was present in many cell lines and did notcorrelate to presence of A- or B-type receptors. The maturereceptor protein found in C 643 cells appeared to be slightlylarger (5-10 kDa) compared to the mature receptor ofhumanfibroblasts (31), judged from its migration in SDS gel elec-trophoresis (Fig. 6). To examine whether the increased sizeof the C 643 cell-derived PDGF receptors was due to anincreased size of the polypeptide or to altered posttranscrip-tional modification(s)-i.e., glycosylation-we incubatedimmunoprecipitated material in the presence or absence of

    AG 1523

    |R 1 fo RI'zEndoH - + -


    13 R3 u'° Ri1+ - +z - +


    M 92-



    FIG. 6. Immunoprecipitation and endoglycosidase H digestion ofthe PDGF receptors. The C 643 and AG 1523 cells were metabolicallylabeled with [35S]methionine and [35S]cysteine and sequentiallyimmunoprecipitated with two polyclonal rabbit antisera starting withPDGFR-3 followed by PDGFR-1. The precipitates were incubatedwith or without endoglycosidase H. A nonimmune rabbit serum(NRS) was used as control.

    endoglycosidase H. This enzyme removes N-linked carbo-hydrates in the high mannose form. As shown in Fig. 6, theshift in molecular mass of the endoglycosidase H-sensitivecomponent was larger in the C 643 cell-derived samples thanin the samples derived from AG 1523 fibroblasts, yielding asimilar migration rate for the two deglycosylated receptors.This finding supports the assumption that the PDGF recep-tors of C 643 cells and human fibroblasts differ in glycosyl-ation.

    DISCUSSIONThis study provides evidence for aberrant expression ofPDGF receptors in a human anaplastic thyroid cell line (C643). The cells were found to express PDGF B-type receptormRNA and contain specific 1251I-PDGF binding sites, as wellas cell-surface receptor protein demonstrated by indirectimmunofluorescence using mouse monoclonal antibodies.This is remarkable given that PDGF receptors have previ-ously only been found on connective tissue- and glia-derivedcells. Since anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid, because ofits undifferentiated character, might simulate other malig-nancies, including soft tissue sarcomas (33), it might beargued that the tumor did not originate from thyroid epithe-lium proper but had evolved from a mesenchymal element ofthe thyroid stroma. This is, however, unlikely since the C 643cells were found to synthesize thyroglobulin mRNA.The existence of two classes of receptors for PDGF (types

    A and B) has recently been demonstrated in normal humanfibroblasts (13, 14). Their sizes were estimated to be 170 to180 kDa, respectively (43). The PDGF receptor found in C643 cells was shown to be B type, since the cells bound1251I-PDGF-AB and -BB, but not 1251I-PDGF-AA. In thisregard, the C 643 cells differ from human fibroblasts, whichdisplay both types of receptors. It is notable that experimentson fibroblasts have indicated that B-type receptors have amajor role in mediating the mitogenic response to PDGF (13).ThePDGF B-type receptor is an integral membrane protein

    with an extracellular ligand binding domain, a transmem-brane part, and an intracellular domain endowed with atyrosine protein kinase, which is activated by ligand binding(15). The functional activity of the receptor on anaplasticthyroid carcinoma cells was demonstrated by its autophos-phorylation when exposed to PDGF. Interestingly, the PDGFreceptor present on anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells wasfound to display a somewhat slower migration in SDS gelelectrophoresis than PDGF receptors from human fibro-blasts. The altered size of the thyroid carcinoma receptor ismost likely explained by an abnormal glycosylation, sincedigestion with endoglycosidase H to remove N-linked car-bohydrates revealed a normal size of the polypeptide back-bone. The effect of this increased glycosylation on thefunctional activity of the receptor remains to be elucidated.Furthermore, normal internalization and down-regulation ofthe receptors were observed after stimulation of C 643 cellswith PDGF.Although a transforming potential of the PDGF B-type

    receptor has not been formally proven, its structural andfunctional homology with the tyrosine protein kinase familyof oncogenes leads one to suspect that overexpression orstructural alteration of the receptor protein may confer atransformed phenotype to the cell. Molecular cloning ofmouse PDGF receptor cDNA (16) has revealed a closestructural similarity with the fms and kit oncogenes. Thenormal homolog offms encodes the receptor for macrophagecolony-stimulating factor (34), whereas the cellular counter-part of kit is assumed to encode a receptor of an as yetunidentified growth factor (35).At least five mechanisms have been identified whereby

    growth factor receptors are directly involved in transforma-

    PDGF: - +


    200- 7


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    tion and tumorigenesis: overexpression of a normal receptor,gene fusion, point mutation, truncation, or autocrine receptoractivation (combinations ofthese mechanisms also exist) (seeref. 36 for a recent review). Overexpression of epidermalgrowth factor (EGF) receptors has been observed in severalhuman malignancies, notably in glioblastoma multiforme whereat least a third of all cases have been shown to have an amplifiedEGF receptor gene (37). Direct evidence for the involvement ofEGF receptor overexpression in tumongenesis was recentlyobtained using NIH 3T3 cells transfected with a normal humanEGF receptor cDNA (38, 39); tumorigenesis of these cells wasenhanced by the administration of EGF to the transplantedanimal (38). Conceivably, the aberrant expression of a me-senchymal growth factor receptor in epithelial cells may simi-larly confer a selective growth advantage and operate at acertain stage in tumor development. It is interesting to note thatC 643 cells express PDGF A-chain mRNA and synthesize thecorresponding protein (N.-E.H. and B.W., unpublished obser-vation); this growth factor production has no significance for anautocrine response since the B-type receptor does not recognizePDGF-AA (13). Activation of the PDGF receptors on C 643cells thus has to be mediated by exogenous B-chain containingisoforms of PDGF. In vivo, such ligands may be produced bynormal cells present in the tumor, such as macrophages (40, 41)and endothelial cells (42).

    We thank Meta Lindstrom, Marianne Kastemar, and AnnikaHermansson for excellent technical assistance; Lars Ronnstrand andKristofer Rubin for PDGF receptor antibodies; and Gilbert Vassartand Ray Wu for cDNA probes. This work was supported by theSwedish Cancer Society and Forsoksdjursnamnden, Department ofAgriculture.

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