AATF CNY April 20, 2013 Nancy H. Ketz nketz@roadrunner.com


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Creating a Toolkit of

FL and French Advocacy

Resources AATF CNY

April 20, 2013Nancy H. Ketz


“Once upon a time, the Madison-Oneida BOCES LOTE Network took on a challenge…”

How does this story begin?


Summary: what is the best website for FL advocacy?

Choose wisely. More is not always better. Know your focus when you choose resources. Be specific, not universal.

What documents do I recommend for promoting FL education?

How many resources are out there?

I strongly recommend all LOTE teachers to download copies of my top 4 FL Advocacy documents.

But first, a question…..

A. Nancy Ketz B. a LOTE teacher C. a language organization D. the Department of Education

Answer: D

Who has the clout that will get the attention of your audience?

This is a 22 page document focusing on the value of a world-class education and global competency for all students, international bookmarking, and education diplomacy and engagement with other countries.


Also available on the NYSAFLT Advocacy webpage.

Nancy’s Recommendations:#1 US DOE’s “Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement”

A. Math and civics B. Science and computer technology C. ELA and the Arts D. Foreign languages and global awareness

Answer: D

According to the Framework for 20th Century Learners, what is the #2 subject area and the #1 theme?

The Committee for Economic Development’s 69 page document emphasizes: “that international content be taught across

the curriculum and at all levels of learning to expand American students’ knowledge of other countries and cultures,” and...

“that national leaders – political as well as business, philanthropic, and media – inform the public about the importance of improving education in foreign languages and international studies.”


#2: CED’s “Education for Global Leadership”

A. the teachers B. the students C. good education D. money

Answer: D

What is the #1 concern of the legislators and education decision-makers in the US?

This is an initiative of the National Security Education Project at the US Department of Defense. It focuses on:

FL needs in the corporate sector Challenges faced by businesses Current solutions for business language needs…and it contains a list of participating companies


#3: The Language Flagship’s “What Business Wants ….Language Needs in the 21st Century”

A. for our students to be fast runners B. for students to become mountain climbers C. to gain funds for local districts D. for all students to be college and career


Answer: D

What is the “purpose” of Race to the Top?

The Council on Foreign Relations concludes that: “Facing a global economic challenge, the United States must build a multilingual workforce prepared to thrive in today’s world market….(requiring)…the federal government to engage in a comprehensive, interagency national initiative to improve foreign language education in the US.”


#4: CFR’s : A “Languages for Jobs” Initiative

NYS requires the Common Core Standards. Common Core is all about literacy. FL education is the standard for literacy.

P21.org promotes foreign languages and global awareness as crucial for 21st Century learning.

CED President Charles Kolb said: “….making the investment in language learning is a good use of taxpayer money.”

A few more reasons for promoting FL education:

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said: “We must improve language learning and international education at all levels if our nation is to continue to lead in the global economy, to help bring security and stability to the world, and to build stronger and more productive ties with our neighbors.”

(The Kolb and Duncan quotes came from a March 29, 2011 panel discussion at the CED)



http://www.frenchteachers.org http://savenyfrench.wikispaces.com http://www.utm.edu/staff/globeg/nyadvocat.htm https://frenchadvocacy.wikispaces.com

So, what about our French programs? My top 4 websites are:

This is AATF’s official advocacy site, containing:

General advocacy Language and cultural organizations French-speaking and ancestral

demographics French moments in US history Export and import statistics


Alex, for $100.


The answer is:

Alex Trebek, Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, John Travolta, and many more….

Who speaks French?

Kenny’s baby contains: Where the cuts are in NYS Saving your program Quebec/NY trade New York needs French Videos that support French programs


Money, for $300


What is the value of annual commerce between the United States and the province of Quebec?

PS: This means jobs!

The answer is:

78.5 billion dollars

This is the site for Tennessee Bob’s NYS documents. My favorite sections of this huge document are:

New York Needs French New York’s Role in International Business New York and France New York and Canada


New York facts, for $500


How many French-speaking (including French Creole) people, including heritage speakers, French expatriates and Quebecois immigrants live in New York State?

The answer is:

more than 1million

Going, going, gone… let’s make it a true daily double!


What New York corporations are French-owned?

PS: This means jobs!

The answer is:

New York subway cars, Valeo automotive parts, 9 banks including Paribas, VanChem chemicals, NY Carborundum Corp, and Christie’s Auction House, and more than 500 others….

This is the French Language Initiative’s advocacy toolkit that includes the following subtopics:

Why take French? Cultivating allies Program threats Finding resources Advocacy kit


There are lots of advocacy resources available.

Choose carefully, considering your purpose and your audience.

Then choose your “method”.

Bonne chance!

Final thoughts:

(For the whole story, read my article “Grassroots Advocacy” at http://www.nysaflt.org/publications/archives_journal.shtml

It’s in the Summer 2008, volume 59 #2 issue.)

“…and my French IV (and French V) programs continue to live happily ever after…..”

How did my story end?
