AALS Presentation


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Lights, Camera, Action!A Few Tips of the Trade

So, you’re going to be on TV...

...and this might be what’s going through

your mind!

Doing a TV interview doesn’t have to be like


So, how do you prepare?

Have a friend or colleague do a “mock interview”

Practice giving your answers in plain language-no jargon

Have a central theme or message and stick to it

Keep in mind that you represent your organization

Have a clear, concise message

Remember, you are the expert

OK, but what if they ask tough questions?

Compliment the reporter, e.g., “That’s a good question.” or “That’s a fair question.”

Then get back on message

Keep your focus during the interview

Keep your cool, don’t get defensive or angry

Try to avoid, “No comment.”

Always be truthful with your answers

But what if I mess up?

What should I wear?

Dress appropriately for the setting

No busy patterns

Don’t wear white

Dress professionally

How about this?

Provide clear answers, the average soundbite is around 7-10 seconds in length

Look at the interviewer, not directly into the camera (keep eye contact with the interviewer)

Be aware of your body language

If you are sitting, don’t swivel. If your standing, don’t sway

If you don’t know the answer, don’t make something up

During the Interview

During the Interview, pt. II

Speak at your normal volume

Relax and be yourself

Try to avoid using notecards

Turn off your cellphone or smartphone

Have your media relations representative present

When speaking to a reporter always assume that everything is on the record

Remember this guy?

Here’s his new job.

Remember, this is your opportunity to clear up


