Aalborg Universitet Stochastic Finite Elements in...


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Aalborg Universitet

Stochastic Finite Elements in Reliability-Based Structural Optimization

Sørensen, John Dalsgaard; Engelund, S.

Publication date:1995

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Citation for published version (APA):Sørensen, J. D., & Engelund, S. (1995). Stochastic Finite Elements in Reliability-Based Structural Optimization.Aalborg: Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering. Structural Reliability Theory, No. 155, Vol..R9543

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Presented at WCSM0-95, Goslar, Germany 1995o~~


The STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY THEORY papers are issued for early dissemina­tion of research results from the Structural Reliability Group at the Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering, University of Aalborg. These papers are generally submitted to scientific meetings, conferences or journals and should there­fore not be widely distributed. Whenever possible reference should be given to the final publications (proceedings, journals, etc.) and not to the Structural Reliability Theory papers.

I Printed at Aalborg University I



Presented at WCSM0-95, Goslar, Germany 1995



J .D. S~rensen and S. E ngelund

Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering Aalborg University, Sohngaardsholmsvej 57

DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark


Application of stochastic finite elements in structural optimization is considered. It is . shown how stochastic fields modelling e.g. the modulus of elasticity can be discretized in

stochastic variables and how a sensitivity analysis of the reliability of a structural system with respect to optimization variables can be performed. A computer implementation is described and an illustrative example is given.

Key Wo:r;ds: Reliability analysis; Stochastic finite elements; Structural optimization; Stochastic fields.


The development of effective First Order Reliability Methods (FORM), see (Madsen et al., 1986) and optimization algorithms in combination with sensitivity analysis methods has implied that a large number of decison problems in structural engineering can now be solved with a reasonable amount of resources. Examples are optimal reliability-based design, inspection and maintenance planning with respect to cracks in steel structures and optimal reliability-based experiment planning. These decision problems can be sol­ved on the basis of classical decision theory using Bayesian statistics, see e.g. (S0rensen et al., 1995) and (Kroon et al., 1995).

Uncertain quantities are generally modelled by stochastic variables and the reliability is estimated using FORM. However, uncertainties related to structural material char­acteristics in general have to be modelled by stochastic fields. Using stochastic finite elements the stochastic fields can be discretized. In relation to optimization of struc­tural systems the discretized stochastic fields have until now been characterized in an approximate way by stochastic variables related to the midpoint or the average value of the stochastic field in a given stochastic finite element discretization, see (Brenner, 1991) and (Der Kiureghian et al., 1988). However, a newly developed method, see e.g. (Deodatis, 1991 ), makes it possible to formulate 'exact' stochastic stiffness matrices by the so-called weighted integral method.

The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate how reliability-based optimization problems involving random spatial fluctuations of material properties can be solved


using FORM analysis and weighted integrals in stochastic finite elements.

The solution of this optimization problem can be divided into four main tasks, namely (stochastic) finite element analyses, sensitivity analyses, reliability analyses and appli­cation of an optimization algorithm. It is discussed how these four tasks can be linked effectively, especially the implementation of stochastic finite elements in such a system is considered. The suggested methology is demonstrated by an illustrative example.


As described in (Enevoldsen et al., 1994) an optimization (design) problem in reliability­based structural optimization can be formulated by

mm C(b) (1)

,i = 1, ... ,M (2)

B;(b) ~ 0 ,i = 1, . .. ,m (3)

b~ ~ b; ~ b'( , i = 1, ... , N (4)

where b = (b1 , ... , bN) are the design/optimization variables. The optimization variab­les are assumed to be related to size and shape parameters. The objective function C is often chosen as the structural weight.

The constraints in (2) are related to the reliability of single elements of the structural systerri. (3;, i = 1, ... ,M are reliability indices for M failure modes. fJiin, i = 1, ... ,M are the corresponding lower limits on the reliabilities. The deterministic inequality constraints in (3) ensure that response characteristics such as displacements and stresses do not exceed codified critical values . The inequality constraints can also include general design requirements for the design variables. The constraints in ( 4) are simple bounds.

Alternatively, the optimization problem (1)- ( 4) can be formulated as a system reliability­based optimization problem if the constraint (2) is exchanged with a constraint on the system reliability index W estimated on the basis of the M failure modes in (2). Furt­her, a more general optimization problem can be formulated if the objective function in (1) is exchanged with the total expected costs in the design lifetime, see (S0rensen et al., 1994).

The reliability indices in (2) are assumed to be determined on the basis of limit state functions which can be written

g;(b,x(b), y(b,x(b))) = 0 i = 1, ... ,M (5)


where x are realizations of stochastic variables X. Realizations x where g :::; 0 corre­sponds to failure states, while realizations x where g > 0 corresponds to safe states. y are performances such as displacements and stresses.

The stochastic variables X can depend on the optimization variables b, for example if the expected value f.lX; of X; or the standard deviation CTX; of X; are related to an optimization variable by e.g. bj = f.LX;.

The deterministic constraints in (3) are assumed to be related to the limit state functions g; by

i = l, ... ,m. (6)

where xd are design values calculated from, e.g. xj = /j(f.lxi + kjCTXi ), where kj 1s a factor defining the characteristic value and /j is a partial safety factor.


If the properties of the structural elements are uncertain and depend on the spatial coordinates then they have to be modelled by stochastic fields. In the following it is shown how stochastic fields can be discretized in combination with structural finite elements,

v.e v,' j

e r V.e 3 Ei (j .. 6

v.e Le V.e 2 5

Figure 1. Two-dimensional beam element.

As an example a structural syst.em modelled by two-dimensional beam elements is con­sidered. The presentation in this section can easily be extended to truss and three­dimensional beam elements. Element e has the length U, the displacement vector is denoted ve = ( vf, ... , v~) and the corresponding nodal forces p = ( Qf, Mt, Nt, Qj, MJ, NJ), see figure 1.

Based on the flexibility method of structural analysis the local stiffness matrix kc for element e can be obtained from


where He is the compatibility matrix. The flexibility matrix Fe is related to the internal


forces Mie, MJ and NJ by

l rL' x-L• x-L• 1 d

Jo ---y;e---y;e J<E<(x) X

Fe rL· X x-L' 1 d = Jo £e ---y;e I•E•(x) X


rL' X x-L" 1 d Jo y;e----y;;- J•E•(x) X

rL' X X 1 d Jo V L< f<E•(x) X



where it is assumed that the moment of inertia Ie and the cross-sectional area Ae are constant in element e. Ee denotes the modulus of elasticity. It is assumed that Ee is uncertain and that it can be modelled by a stochastic field {Ee(x),x E Ln} where Ln denotes the total length of all beam elements in the structure. The stochastic field { Ee ( x)} is modelled by

1 1 Ee(x) = Eo (1 + !E(x )) (9)

where E0 is the expected value of {Ee(x)} and {/E(x)} is a homogeneous Gaussiap stochastic field with zero mean and covariance function


S !E ( w) is the spectral density function of { f E ( x)}.

If (9) is introduced in (8) the flexibility matrix can be written


where Xf, X2 and X3 are zero mean normally distributed stochastic variables defined by


L e

Xi= 1 xi-1 fE(x)dx i = 1,2,3

F~ =



3Egfe Le

- 6E~Je


L' - 6E0I 0


3E0 I~


L<E0! 0 0


0 0 j L'

E'A' 0



r-t 0 _}.J F~ = 0 0

0 (13)

1 1

~] [= L<'f:I• L< 2 E~I~

F~ = 1 £<2E0Je L• 2 E0 I~

0 0


If two stochastic variables X? and Xj are related to the same finite element the cava-· riances become


If X? and Xj are related to finite elements in two different elements (14) can easily be generalized such that Cov[X?, Xj] can be estimated.

The global stiffness matrix K is obtained from

Ne Ne

K = ~TeTkeTe = ~TeTHeFe-!HeTTe (15) e=l e=l

where Ne is the number of finite elements and Te is the geometric transformation matrix from the local coordinates to global coordinates.

If P denotes the global nodal load vector, the global displacements v are obtained from the global finite element equations Kv = P. If distributed loads are applied then P becomes dependent on the stochastic variables Xf, ... ,X~, see (Deodatis, 1991 ).

The performances Yi in (5) are assumed to be either a displacement or a stress component in a finite element. Therefore, in general

Yi = Yi(b,X(b),v(b,X(b))) (16)


In First Order Reliability Methods (FORM) the generally correlated and non-normally distributed stochastic variables X are transformed into standardized and normally di­stributed stochastic variables U = (U1 , Uz, ... , Un) : X = T(U, b), see e.g. (Madsen et al., 1986). In the u-space the reliability index f3 is defined by


s.t. g(b, x(b, u), Yi(b, X(b ), v(b, X(b )))) = 0 (18)

The solution point u* is denoted the /3-point. If the failure function is approximately linear the probability of failure Pt of the failure mode can be determined with good accuracy from Pt ~<I>( -/3) where <I> is the standard normal distribution function.


Gradients with respect to u

In iteration algorithms used to solve the optimization problem (17) - (18) the gradient \lug of the failure function g with respect t.o u1, ... , Un is needed. \lug is obtained from


where T signifies the transpose and lxu and lyx indicate Jacobian matrices. Vyg, \lxg and lxu can usually be estimated analytically or numerically without significant errors and with relatively low cost within reliability programmes. lyx can be obtained as described below.

Gradients with respect to b

The reliability-based optimization problems in ( 1) - ( 4) can usually be solved using first. order optimization algorithms, such as the NLPQL algorithm, see (Schittkowski, 1986). These methods require the gradient of objective function and of all constraints.

The gradients of the reliability indices 8; with respect to the design variables b are obtained from, see (Madsen et al., 1986)

where the gradients \l~g, \l~g, \l~g and the Jacobians Jyb, lyx and lyv can be estima­ted analytically or numerically without significant. errors and with relatively low cost. The elements in J xb are determined as ~ = aTi ~~I ,b), where ui is the ,8-point for the ith limit state function.

The Jacobians Jvb and lvx can be obtained by quasi-analytical sensitivity analysis. If P does not depend on b then

dv _ 1 dK db·= -K db· V



For size design variables He, Xf, X~ and Xj will not be dependent on b. Therefore


h dFg dFj' dFz d dF:J bt . d f (13) If e h w ere db· , db·, db· an db· are o ame rom . e.g. Xj = x2 t en J J J J




The above sensitivity analysis is implemented in a. computer programme which can be used to solve the design problem in ( 1) -( 4 ). The computer programme consists of the following modules: • OPTI: A general optimization algorithm where the optimization problem in (1 )-( 4) is programmed, e.g. NLPQL, (Schittkowski, 1986). • RELI: A general reliability programme (e.g. PRADSS (S!Ilrensen, 1991)) which calculates the reliability indices f3 and sensitivities 1-f . • GFUN: Limit state functions • STAT: Calculation


of cova.ria.nces of stocha.stic variables defined by ( 12). • FEM: A general linear finite element programme. • SFEM: modifies the local stiffness matrices in FEM according to realizations of X and b using (7) and (11 ). • SENS: evaluates the sensitivity coefficients in (20)-(23).


The structure shown in figure 2 is considered. All structural elements are assumed to have a rectangular cross-section. The elements are divided into four groups, see table 1. The N = 9 design variables have initial values, lower and upper bounds: bi = 0.5 m, b~ = 0.3 m, b'f = 0.6 m, i=1,3,5,7,8 and b; = 0.02 m, b~ = 0.01 m, b'f = 0.04 m, i=2,4,6,9.

gtoup elements width height thickness 1 1,4,7,10 bl bl b2 2 2,5 ,8,11 bJ bJ b4 3 3,6,9,12 bs bs b6 4 13-21 b7 bs bg

Table 1. Structural elements.

The load P is assumed to be Weibull distributed with expected value = 0.25 MN and standard deviation = 0.0375 MN. The modulus of elasticity is modelled as a stochastic field with expected value 2.1 · 105 MPa and spectral density S!E(w) = tO'}b3w 2 exp( -blwl), where O'J = 0.1 and b = 1 m. The corresponding zero mean normally distributed stochastic variables X 1 - X 63 are defined by (12). The covariances are obtained from (14). It is assumed that the stochastic field {!E(x)} is independent between different structural elements.

A Serviceability Limit State (SLS) function is defined by

91 = Vmax - V4,hor (24)

where Vmax = 0.05 m is the maximum allowable displacement and v4,hor is the horisontal displacement of node 4. The minimum acceptable reliability index is f3iin = 3.0.

Ultimate Limit State (ULS) functions are defined by

g;=O'F-IO'il i=2,43 (25)

where O'F is the yield stress which is assumed to be Log-Normal distributed with expe­cted value = 360 MPa and standard deviation = 36 MPa. O'j is the maximum stress in the considered element. The minimum acceptable reliability index is f3inin = 4. 7.


The objective function is the volume of the structure. The optimization problem is sol­ved using the modules described above. The result is b1 = 0.600 m, b2 = 0.0298 m, b3 = 0.600 m, b4 = 0.0229 m, b5 = 0.600 m, b6 = 0.0210 m, h = 0.600 m, bs = 0.600 m, bg = 0.0251 m with volume 4.66 m 3 . The active constraints are ULS in elements 4, 5, 6 and 13.

p 8 12 16 4

@ @ @ 3 ® ® @

7 11 15 3

@ @ @ 2 ® ® @ --

6 10 14 2

@ 8 @

i) 0 0 @ ( E 0

"<:!" I

1 5 9 13 ~ 777 77 77;

4 .0m 4 .0m 4.0m -!'- -----~!'------ -,/'----------,!'

Figure 2.


It is shown how stochastic fields modelling the modulus of elasticity can be discretizcd in stochastic variables and how the reliability of a structural system can be estima­ted. Reliability-based optimization problems are formulated and sensitivity analyses are performed. A computer implementation is described where standard programmes for optimization, reliability analysis and structural analysis are coupled with special routines for stochastic finite elements and sensitivity analysis . An illustrative example IS given.


Part of this paper is supported by the Danish Technical Research Council within the research programme on 'Safety and Reliability'.

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PAPER NO. 125: H. I. Hansen , P. H. Kirkegaard & S. R. K. Nielsen: Modelling of Deteriorating RC-Structures under Stochastic Dynamic Loading by Neural Networks. ISSN 0902-7513 R.9409.

PAPER NO. 126: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R. K. Nielsen & A. S. Qakmak: Reliability Approximations for MDOF Structure .~ with Random. PropeTties subject to Random. Dy­namic Excitation in Modal Subspaces . ISSN 0902-7513 R9440.

PAPER NO . 127: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R. K. Nielsen and A. S. Qakmak: A Fa­!Jter Simulation M etliod for the Stocha.~ti·c Re!Jponse of Hysteretic StTuctures subject to Earthquakes. ISSN 0902-7513 R9523.

PAPER NO . 128: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R. K. Nielsen, A. S. Qakmak & P. H. Kirkegaard: Prediction of Global a.nd Localized Damage and Future Reliability for RC Structures subject to Earthquakes . ISSN 0901-7513 R9426 .

PAPER NO. 129: C. Pedersen & P. Thoft-Christensen: Interactive Structural Optimi­zation with Qua!Ji-Newton Algorithm..~ . ISSN 0902-7513 R9436.

PAPER NO. 130: I. Enevoldsen & J. D. S0renseR: Decornpo!Jition Techniques and Effective Algorithm!J in Reliability-Based Optimization. ISSN 0902-7513 R9412.

PAPER NO. 131: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R . K. Nielsen & A. S. Qakmak: Approximate Forward Difference Equations for the Lower Order Non-Stationary Statistic-s of Geome­trically Non -Linear Sy!Jterns subject to Random. Excitation. ISSN 0902-7513 R9422.

PAPER NO. 132: I. B. Kroon: Decision Theory applied to Structural Engineering Problems. Ph.D.-Thesis. ISSN 0902-7513 R9421.

PAPER 133: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R. K. Nielsen & A. S. Qakmak: Stochastic Dyna­mic!J of N onl1:near Structures with Random Propr.rtie.s sv.bject to Random Statiorwry Excitation. ISSN 0902-7513 R9520.

PAPER NO. 134: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R K. Nielsen & A. S. Qakmak: Solution of .Random Strv.ctu-ral Sy.~tem sv.bject to Non-Stationary Excitation: Transforming the Eq·uation with Rando-m Coefficients to One with Deterministic Coefficients and Random Initial Conditions . ISSN 0902~ 7513 R9429.

PAPER NO . 135: S. Engelund, J. D. S0rensen & S. Krenk: Estimation of the Time to Initia.tion of Co-rro!Jion in Exi!Jting Uncmckerl Concrete StTucture!J. ISSN 0902-7513 R9438.

PAPER NO . 136: H. U. Koyliioglu , S. R. K Nielsen & A. S. Qakmak: S oliLiion M ethod.s for StructuTes with Random Propertie!J sv.bject t.o Random Excita.tion. ISSN 0902-7513 R9444.

PAPER NO. 137: J. D. S0rensen, M. H. Faber & I. B. Kroon: Optimal Reliability-Based Planning of Experiments for POD Curves. ISSN 0902-7513 R9455.

PAPER NO. 138: S.RK. Nielsen & P.S. Skjrerbrek, H.U. Koyliioglu & A.S. Qakmak: Prediction of Global Damage and Reliability based upon Sequential Identification and Updating of RC Str·uduTes subject to Earthquakes . ISSN 0902-7513 R9505.


PAPER NO . 139: R. Iwanlciewicz, S. R. K. Nielsen & P. S. Slcj cerbcek: Sen.'l itivity ·of Reliab ility E.'l t imat e.'l in Partially Damaged RC Structure.'! .'l ubjec t to Earthquake.'!, v .. sing Redu ced Hy.'lt eretic M odel.'J . ISSN 0902-7513 R9507.

PAPER NO 141: H. U. Koyli.ioglu, S. R . K. Nielsen & A. ~· Qakma.k: Un certain Buckling Load and Reliability of Col11.mnJ with Uncertain Propertie.'l. ISSN 0902-7513 R9524.

PAPER NO. 142: S. R. K. Nielsen & R. Iwankiewicz: ReJpon.'le of Non-Lin eaT Sy:Jtem.'l to Renewal Impul:; e.'l by Path Int egration. ISSN 0902-7513 R9512.

PAPER NO . 145: H. U. Koyli.ioglu , S. R. K. Nielsen, Ja.mison Abbott and A. ~­

Qalcmak: Local and Modal Damage Indicator.'! for Reinforced Concrete Sh ear Fram e.'! .'lubject to Earthquake.'! . ISSN 0902-7513 R9521

PAPER NO . 146: P. H. Kirkegaard, S. R. K. Nielsen, R. C. Micaletti and A . ~- Qakmak: Identification of a Maximum Softening Damage Indicator of RC-Structure.'l u.'ling Tim e­Frequency Techniq·ue.'l . ISSN 0902-7513 R9522.

PAPER NO. 147: R. C. Micaletti, A . ~- Qakmak, S. R. K. Nielsen & P. H. Kirkegaard: Con.'ltr·u.ction of Tim e-Dependent Spectra U.'l7:ng Wavel et Analy.'lis for Determination of Global Damage . ISSN 0902-7513 R9517.


PAPER NO . 148: H. U. Koyliioglu, S. R. K. Nielsen & A. ~ · Qakmak: Hy:;teretic MDOF Model to Quantify Damage for TC SheaT Fmm e.'l .'J ui1ject to Ea.rthqua.kn ISSN 1395-7953 R9601.

PAPER NO. 149: P. S. Skjcerbcek, S. R . K. Nielsen & A. ~· Qakmak: Da·rnage Loca­tion of S everely Damaged RC-StnJ.cture:J ba.'l ed on M ea,.'Jured Eigenperiod.'l from a Single Respon.'l e. ISSN 0902-7513 R9518.

PAPER 151: H. U. Koyli.ioglu & S. R. K. Nielsen: SyJtem Dynamic.'! and Modifi ed Cumulant N eglect Clo.'Jure Sch em es. ISSN 1395-7953 R9603.

PAPER NO. 154: J. D. S0rensen , M. H. Faber, I. B. Kroon: Optimal Relia,bility-Ba.s ed Planning of Experiments for POD Ourve.'l . ISSN 1395-7953 R9542.

PAPER NO. 155: J. D. S0rensen, S. Engelund: Stocha.'l tic Finite Elem ent.'! in R elia.bility­Ba.'l ed Structural Opf;imization. ISSN 1395-7953 R9543.

PAPER NO . 161: S. Engelund, J. D. S0rensen: Stocha,.'Jtic Models for ChloTide-initia.ted CorTo .'lion in R einfoTced Concrete . ISSN 1395-7953 R9608.

Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering Aalborg University, Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, DK 9000 Aalborg Telephone: +45 98 15 85 22 Telefax: +45 98 14 82 43
