A5 AGM Report 2015 - Hampshire Rugby · 2019. 11. 23. · 3 HAMPSHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION LIMITED...


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on WEDNESDAY 15th JULY 2015 at 19.30


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Members of the Management Committee

The Honorary Secretary of each Member Club

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at


on WEDNESDAY 15 JULY 2015 at 1930

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

All Member Clubs are requested to send a representative. Each Member Club has one vote at General Meetings, as do the Members of the Management Committee. Associate Clubs and all Associates of the Union are invited to attend in a non-voting capacity

Yours sincerely

R. Scott Executive Director and Honorary Secretary 1 July, 2015

Copy to each Individual Associate and the Hon Sec of each Associate Club

Please send Apologies for Absence to The County Office, Buddens Yard, Station Road, Wickham PO17 5JA


The Draws for the 2015-2016 Hampshire GALES Knockout Competitions

will be announced after the Meeting.

Hampshire Rugby Football Union Limited - Registered in England and Wales - Registered Number 29102R



1 To receive apologies for absence 2 To consider and approve the Minutes of the

Annual General Meeting held on 16 July, 2014

3 To consider and approve the Minutes of the

Annual Financial General Meeting held on 17 November, 2014

4 To receive a report from the Executive Director

for Season 2014 - 2015 5 Presentation of Awards 6 To receive a Financial Report 7 To elect the Officers for 2015 - 20116 The Management Committee nominations

are: President I.S. KERR OBE Chairman D.R. HORNBLOW Honorary Secretary G. DOHERTY Honorary Treasurer R.D.L. SHOWAN There are no other nominations. Note: The Immediate Past President will be

P.J.TOPHAM 8 To elect the Vice-Presidents The Management Committee recommends

that all previously elected Vice-Presidents continue to hold office; their names shall be shown in the Directory for season 2015- 2016. In addition the following is recommended for election: RT Scott

9 To elect the Members of the Management Committee for 2015 - 2016

The Management Committee nominations

are: Club Hampshire Chairman T. ALLEN Community Rugby Chairman D. MARSDEN Finance Chairman N.J. STONE OBE Governance Chairman Dr E. NEVILLE There are no other nominations. Note: N.R. HAGERTY as the elected RFU

Representative is also a member of the Management Committee.

10 To consider a Resolution disapplying the

provisions of the Act, relating to the obligation to appoint Auditors.

The Management Committee proposes that the

Accounts for the year from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 be subjected to an Accountant’s Report and that the requirement for a full professional audit be dispensed with.

11 To appoint the Reporting Accountants for

2015 - 2016. The Management Committee recommends

Messrs Rothman Pantall & Co Eastleigh be appointed.

12 To hear any other matter for the consideration

of the Management Committee during the ensuing year but on which no voting shall be allowed.


HAMPSHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION LIMITED Annual Report Season 2014 – 2015 (written by Rick Scott)

It has now been three years since I took on the role as your Executive Director; as indicated at the 2014 AGM I am standing down and this will be my final report to the County. I am delighted to say that, with the approval of our members, Garry Doherty will be appointed as your new XD – I am sure that he will be supported by you all, as I have been. I must take this opportunity to thank all of our clubs who have been so generous in their support (and hospitality) during my time in post. I will not be leaving Hampshire Rugby entirely and I look forward to working with the Community Rugby team, with a portfolio to recruit and further support and encourage the volunteer force throughout the County.

The season has, again, produced its winners and losers. Jersey have strengthened their position in The Championship and Guernsey held on to their National League status. Basingstoke were relegated from London 1, but replaced by Tottonians who, after ‘knocking on the door’ for several seasons, were promoted. Both Sandown & Shanklin and Ellingham & Ringwood drop back into the Hampshire Leagues while United Services Portsmouth, after their perfect season, moved back into the London Divisional leagues. Locksheath Pumas and Chineham are both promoted to Hampshire 1.

Congratulations should also go to the winners of our Plate – Fareham Heathens; Bowl – Andover and the Cup – Havant. All three competitions produced excellent finals, each contested in exactly the right spirit and all watched by large crowds of fervent and respectful supporters.

As you will now be aware, the implementation of the recommendations from the Adult Competitions Review has been postponed, but the London Division and Hampshire Competitions Committees continue to strive for a system that will provide meaningful rugby for all. Next season will see another amendment to our Merit Tables, with a second tier Solent League being introduced and a proposal to align 2nd XV playing regulations across the Division being developed, thus paving the way for, in principle, cross-border 2nd XV leagues. Please remember the success of both the Merit Tables and the County Cups remains entirely dependant on the support of you all.

After petitioning the RFU over several years, Neil Hagerty (our RFU Council Member) has secured off-shore (Isle-of-Wight) travel funding for league fixtures, beginning the season after next. This initiative, together with the proposed increased financial support Hampshire will provide to its clubs travelling to the island for lower league rugby, deserves full support from you, the clubs. I would hope to see Merit Table cancellations reduced to close to zero next year.

In ending the playing element of my report, it is only right to acknowledge the support of our Referees Society. A continuing improvement in the communication from our clubs to the Society would lighten their administrative load and guard against any loss of this valuable asset.

I am delighted to again report that several Club Hampshire players have graduated to Divisional and International honours. Joe Batley and Joe Marchant both played in the successful England U20 squad, but sadly miss out on a trip to The Junior World Cup through illness and injury. Ellis Rudder and Harrison Beresford made the England Counties U20 and U18 squads respectively and Hampshire has also qualified a good number of its girls and boys for Divisional honours. The County Teams have acquitted themselves well in their competitions, with the U20 side making the national semi-final of their competition. None of this would be possible without the committed support of parents, management, coaches and medical support teams.

The Community Rugby team have been very busy in supporting our clubs both on and off the field. On the playing front, our Rugby Development Officers (Ivan and Kieran) supported by the Community Rugby Coaches, continue to support our clubs and bring our game to a new generation of players. It has been a particular joy to attend schools festivals and see the enthusiasm and skill of these young players as they are introduced to rugby’s core values.

Our clubs continue to do well from the various streams of funding available to improve clubhouses and playing facilities. Some of you are, or will soon be, training under new floodlights; some enjoying a post match beer in a revamped club. Whilst the pot is not bottomless, if you have plans to make improvements at your club, advice is free and always available. For those clubs yet to receive ‘RFU Accredited’ status there could be no better time to start the process and to also investigate the benefits of Incorporated and/or CASC status.

As this rugby year ends we see two true Hampshire stalwarts standing down from committee roles. George Cook has been the County Treasurer for fifteen years; most will not appreciate the incredible amount of work necessary to keep the county finances on an even keel. George leaves his post with Hampshire Rugby in a


sound financial situation and hands over the responsibility to Richard Showan who is a welcomed addition to your Management Committee. Also standing down from the Chairmanship of the Coaching Advisory Group is David Ball who, for several years, has organised and hosted the very successful annual Hampshire Coaching Conference. David will continue with his role on Competitions. We wish both George and David well and thank them for their work in support of Hampshire Rugby.

Now would also be an opportune time for Hampshire Rugby to thank all of the volunteers in its clubs and on its various committees who work tirelessly to ensure that all is in place to provide the best experience possible for ALL of our players and members. It is often said, but no less heartfelt on this occasion, that without you, none of this would be possible. As we work towards the Rugby World Cup later this year, we have an ideal opportunity to welcome new people into our clubhouses, ensuring their experience is a positive one and one they look forward to repeating.

The output of a review of the services provided by Hampshire Rugby in conducting its business with its clubs is soon to be presented to the Management Committee. Any recommended changes will be promulgated in due course.

Next season should see Hampshire hosting another RFU Leadership Academy. This course will provide the perfect grounding for any would-be club, or county, committee volunteer. While the RFU, through the Planning Funding & Reporting (PFR) process, continues to fund the development of players, coaches and referees, it is vital that Hampshire Rugby continues to grow its succession planning initiative in order that our game is kept in safe hands for future generations.

Perhaps the most bizarre request dealt with in the office this year was a request from Wooden Spoon RFC – they are a Hampshire RFU Associate Club – to tour to the North Pole. The paperwork arrived on 2nd April and it took a few confirmation calls before I contacted the RFU. You may have seen the press coverage.

It is my sad duty to record the deaths of Associate Member Mr FH Pugh; Mr Colin Pamplin, Alton RFC; Mr Gordon Thwaites and Mr Steve Cobbold, both Gosport & Fareham RFC and Mr Robin Jackson, Past President New Milton & District RFC

Finally, Hampshire Rugby has just agreed a new three-year deal with principle sponsors Snows Group; their continuing support is greatly appreciated. Fuller Smith and Turner, who support our County Cup competitions, are also close to agreeing a continuation of their sponsorship. We are always looking for new sponsors and World Cup year may be the catalyst that sees individuals and companies looking to provide financial support to rugby in the county - the County Office will always be open to hear from prospective sponsors.

I will end my (final) report by thanking Anna, who has provided tireless, wise and much appreciated support, and without whom, I would have never managed to cope with the volume of work that passes through the County Office. I must also thank the other members of the Management Committee who have helped me enormously during a very busy, but thoroughly enjoyable three years in office.

Finance (written by Jed Stone)

Current forecasts indicate that we will end this financial year with around £12000 less in the bank than last year, having failed to cover our expenditure by our income. However, we did originally budget to spend £18000 from our cash reserves.

Our income continues to derive mainly, just, from the RFU (49% compared to 57% last year), from our Clubs (17%, same as last season), and from the services we provide to individuals (23% compared to 18%). We also received 12% (7%) in donations, sponsorship, interest and other grants. The RFU figures are lower than last year as £7k is being deferred until the 2105/2016 season in order to meet a new RFU condition to ring-fence “their” money. This is core and innovation funding that has not been spent. Long gone are the days when we had a share of the BBC TV Fees to spend as we thought appropriate for our County.

We began the year with 169 Life Associates and 187 Associates who pay annually. Four new Life Associates have joined. There was one resignation and four Associates have been removed for not paying the correct subscription. We have gained eight new and one has re-joined. Sadly we lost former Honorary Secretary Frank Pugh in September. We end the year with 173 Life and 195 Associates. They contributed £6000 in subscriptions and £1300 in donations for which we remain extremely grateful.

Overall income was far closer to budget than it has been for a number of years. An element of luck as much as good judgement.


Our administration (or recurring and standard operating costs) came in on budget. Community Rugby, now classified as expenditure under the six Key Drivers of the Rugby Football Union’s Strategic Plan, (and including some elements formerly in Administration) was underspent – the £7k mentioned above and also £1300 of our own money. For a variety of reasons – swings and roundabouts - Club Hampshire was slightly over-budget while the Developing Player Programme broke even.


Clubs The improvement in the administration of clubs’ financial reporting reported last year has continued. Only three Clubs received fixed-penalties for missing the deadline. Let’s hope it has lasted for this season.

Twenty-nine Clubs (compared to twenty-seven the year before) reported that they had presented their accounts to their members at a General Meeting. Eight were unable to state that they had complied with that RFU Regulation. The last set of accounts was received in office on 23 March – a further improvement. Twenty-eight did both correctly – another three-fold improvement again this year. Members of six clubs had voted to waived the requirement for an “audit” and twenty Clubs submitted accounts with a signed auditors’ or independent examiners’ report. Four accounts were unsigned by an Examiner; and twenty-one Clubs sent accounts which had been signed by at least three Committee members (plus nine with two or one signature). Four had no-one signing off their accuracy at all.

The bottom line of the thirty-seven clubs reporting revealed an overall surplus of £55000 – almost the same as the year before. The net worth of the County and our Clubs shows that close to four million pounds is invested in rugby in the County. There are at least six clubs trading on the value of their fixed assets. End of an Era George Cook has completed his fifteenth year of service to the County and retires at this AGM. A truly magnificent achievement – and he will excuse me for saying this – given his age! We might wish to thank George Ebdon-Hussey then the President of George’s only Club – Portsmouth RFC – for recruiting him to the cause after a plea was made at one of our Clubs’ Meetings, back in ’99, when LeRoy asked for a volunteer to replace Ian Reeve as our Treasurer. We have been a double act for thirteen years. It has been a pleasure George!

Discipline (written by David Creal)

There were 31 dismissals this season compared with 43 last season a reduction of 27%. Whilst this is an improvement on last year there was an increase in the number of dismissals for abuse of a match official. There were seven cases of this nature this season compared with four last season which is a trend that must be reversed as the effect can be that referees walk away from the game rather than put up with taking abuse from players and coaches. It is important that players and coaches work with the referee and not against him. The Isle of Wight citing from last season was dealt with by the R F U and the citing was dismissed. One Club appealed against the decision given by the Hampshire Panel and the case was referred to the R F U who upheld the Hampshire Panel decision. May I remind Clubs of Section 19.6.3 of the R F U Handbook which states “In all cases Club Secretaries must report to their Constituent Bodies or the R F U Head of Discipline within 48 hours after the match all relevant details relating to any on or off the field disciplinary matters and/or alleged breaches of any Regulations arising out of or in relation to the match”. Very few clubs follow this procedure and they should not rely on the Referees Society notifying the C B.

Club First Name Surname Penalty in Weeks Offence Havant Justin Powell 1 10.4(a)

Gosport & Fareham Wayne Dugan 2 10.4(m) United Services Tom Perring 2 10.4(a)

Guernsey Layton Bataste 2 10.4(a) Southampton Ladies Clare Brown 6 10.4(m)

Fordingbridge Robert Brown 2 10.4(a) Gosport & Fareham Grant Hill 3 10.4(a) Hampshire U20 XV Paddy Gogin 1 10.4(m)

Portsmouth Martin John 4 10.4(s)(m) United Services James Davies 2 10.4(j)

Southampton Jack Mitchell 3 10.4(a) Kingsclere Aurie Woodley 2 10.4(a)

Gosport & Fareham Ross Finlayson 4 10.4(s)(m) Millbrook Jason Berry 3 10.4(s)(m)

Portsmouth Tom Radbourne 3 10.4(a) Sandown &

Shanklin Michael Booth 10.4(a)

Locksheath Pumas Jon Barfoot Not Proven 10.4(b)


Gosport & Fareham George Firth Not Proven 10.4(j) Ellingham &

Ringwood Phil Osman 3 5.12

Basingstoke Ryan Davis 3 10.4(a) Trojans Joseph Greene 2 10.4(b) Trojans Mark Amey 2 10.4(a)

Eastleigh Paul Taylor 4 10.4(a) Chineham Connor Ford 6 10.4(s)(m)

United Services Paul Connor 2 10.4(a) Southampton

Medics William Portas Not Proven 10.4(j)

Fordingbridge James Ratcliffe 2 10.4(a) Locksheath Pumas Kent Street 6 10.4(s)(m)

Farnborough Lee Kirkham T B C 10.4(f) Gosport & Fareham Grant Hill T B C 10.4(s)(m) Hampshire 1st XV Tom Ceillam 2 10.4(a)


Results CUPS

GALES HSB HAMPSHIRE CUP Semi Finals Portsmouth 11-48 Gosport & Fareham Havant 62-13 Basingstoke FINAL Gosport & Fareham 13-15 Havant GALES HSB HAMPSHIRE Bowl Quarter Finals Southampton Medics w/o- Ellingham & Ringwood Sandown & Shanklin -w/o Fordingbridge Eastleigh Andover Semi Finals Eastleigh 14-20 Southampton Medics Andover Fordingbridge FINAL Southampton Medics 10-28 Andover GALES HSB HAMPSHIRE Plate First Round Petersfield 43-22 Aldershot & Fleet Alresford -w/o Alton Romsey 5-70 Locksheath Pumas Chineham 26-21 Overton Southampton 38-42 Isle of Wight Fareham Heathens 17-11 Southsea Nomads Kingsclere -w/o Farnborough Ventnor 29-52 Millbrook Quarter Finals Petersfield 43-22 Alton Romsey 5-70 Chineham Isle of Wight 5-8 Fareham Heathens Farnborough 19-25 Millbrook Semi Finals Petersfield 5-17 Chineham Fareham Heathens 14-13 Millbrook FINAL Chineham 11-14 Fareham Heathens JOHN COLLINS CUP Pool Round 1 Trojans 14-24 Portsmouth Gosport & Fareham 24-12 Eastleigh Havant Dolphins 22-23 Winchester Pool Round 2 Portsmouth 10-20 Andover Eastleigh Tottonians Winchester w/o- Sandown & Shanklin Pool Round 3 Andover Trojans Tottonians Gosport & Fareham Sandown & Shanklin Havant Dolphins Semi Finals Gosport & Fareham 40-7 Tottonians Andover 25-24 Winchester FINAL Gosport & Fareham 35-7 Andover JOHN SNEEZUM VETERANS’ CUP Not contested this season


RFU INTERMEDIATE CUP Round One Aylesford 7-15 Portsmouth Tottonians 57-21 Old Colfeians Round Two London Cornish 62-0 Portsmouth Tottonians 7-19 Crowborough RFU SENIOR VASE Round One Bromley 19-10 Eastleigh RFU JUNIOR VASE Round One Southampton hwo- Old Caterhamians Round Two Southampton 13-26 Old Cranleighans Millbrook 21-12 Old Georgian Kingston 24-36 US Portsmouth Round Three Chipstead 15-10 Millbrook Sheppey 27-7 Southampton


Championship P W D L F A Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Jersey 22 8 2 12 476 483 12 48 0 7th National League 3 London & South East P W D L F A

Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Guernsey 26 11 0 15 617 650 14 53 0 10th

London 1 South P W D L F A Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Havant 26 10 3 13 625 548 16 63 0 7th Gosport & Fareham 26 8 2 16 528 806 13 49 0 9th Basingstoke 26 6 0 20 466 950 13 17 -20 14th Basingstoke relegated to London 2 South West

London 2 South West P W D L F A Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Tottonians 22 21 0 1 822 286 15 99 0 1st Winchester 22 14 1 7 582 383 14 72 0 3rd Portsmouth 22 7 0 15 338 588 5 33 0 10th Tottotians promoted to London 1 South

London 3 South West P W D L F A Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Andover 22 18 0 4 680 264 16 85 0 2nd Eastleigh 22 14 0 8 550 414 12 68 0 3rd Trojans 22 9 0 13 402 521 12 48 0 9th New Milton & District 22 10 0 12 463 648 12 47 -5 10th Sandown & Shanklin 22 6 0 16 430 638 11 30 -5 11th Ellingham & Ringwood 22 3 0 19 286 868 6 18 0 12th Andover promoted to London 2 South West Sandown & Shanklin & Ellingham & Ringwood relegated to Snows Hampshire 1


Snows Group Hampshire 1 P W D L F A

Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

United Svs Portsmouth 18 18 0 0 807 266 18 90 0 1st Millbrook 18 15 0 3 557 277 14 76 0 2nd Bognor 18 13 0 5 523 334 13 65 0 3rd Fordingbridge 18 12 0 6 627 404 14 62 0 4th Fareham Heathens 18 11 0 7 418 332 10 54 0 5th Petersfield 18 6 0 12 394 505 11 35 0 6th Isle of Wight 18 5 0 13 323 653 4 24 0 7th Farnborough 18 4 0 14 331 479 9 20 -5 8th Romsey 18 4 0 14 273 604 4 20 0 9th Alton 18 2 0 16 232 631 6 9 -5 10th United Services promoted to London 3 South West League following a record breaking perfect season Millbrook lost play off to Camberley 49-10 Romsey & Alton relegated to Snows Group Hampshire 2 League Snows Group Hampshire 2 P W D L F A

Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Locksheath Pumas 18 17 0 1 652 123 16 84 0 1st Chineham 18 16 0 2 658 164 11 75 0 2nd Ventnor 18 12 0 6 337 270 7 56 0 3rd Southampton 18 9 1 8 455 333 10 48 0 4th Fawley 18 8 1 9 444 373 14 48 0 5th Alresford 18 9 0 9 360 392 6 42 0 6th Overton 18 6 1 11 346 387 9 35 0 7th Kingsclere 18 4 0 14 210 600 5 22 0 8th Aldershot & Fleet 18 5 1 12 192 495 3 20 -5 9th Southsea Nomads 18 2 0 16 193 710 1 9 0 10th Locksheath Pumas & Chineham promoted to Snows Group Hampshire 1 League

ZOO SPORTS SHIELD Division 1 Jersey Athletic 17 11 0 6 454 344 10 60 0 4th

MERIT TABLES Snows Group Solent League P W D L F A Points Place St Jacques 18 18 0 0 577 206 72 1st Tottonians 2nd XV 18 13 0 5 536 254 57 2nd Winchester 2nd XV 18 11 0 7 479 280 50 3rd Havant Dolphins 17 11 0 6 320 205 49 4th Portsmouth 2nd XV 18 10 0 8 346 427 48 5th Gosport & Fareham 2nd XV 18 10 0 8 444 352 47 6th Andover 2nd XV 18 5 2 11 236 497 35 7th Eastleigh 2nd XV 17 3 1 13 273 411 26 8th Trojans 2nd XV 18 3 0 15 208 642 25 9th Sandown & Shanklin 2nd XV 18 3 1 14 177 322 19 10th


Snows Group Merit North P W D L F A Points Place Portsmouth Vets 20 19 0 1 591 153 77 1st Tottonians 4th XV 19 16 0 3 648 109 67 2nd Winchester 4th XV 19 11 0 8 285 328 52 3rd Andover 3rd XV 18 10 1 7 338 264 47 4th Basingstoke Cavaliers XV 18 10 0 8 307 306 47 5th Overton 2nd XV 20 9 0 11 357 308 43 6th Ventnor 2nd XV 20 8 0 12 255 526 43 7th Chineham 2nd XV 19 6 0 13 326 506 37 8th Alresford 2nd XV 19 6 0 13 255 725 36 9th Petersfield 2nd XV 17 4 0 13 151 437 26 10th Farnborough 2nd XV 17 3 1 13 207 58 1 11th Snows Group Merit South East P W D L F A Points Place Havant A XV 20 20 0 0 757 182 80 1st Ryde 19 15 0 4 536 274 64 2nd Portsmouth 3rd XV 20 9 0 11 316 311 43 3rd Stoneham 18 8 0 10 353 429 42 4th Fareham Heathens 2nd XV 15 8 0 7 222 333 39 5th Basingstoke Griffins XV 18 8 0 10 233 244 37 6th Gosport & Fareham 3rd XV 16 7 1 8 331 420 37 7th Petersfield 3rd XV 17 5 2 10 272 501 33 8th Market House Pirates 15 5 0 10 238 446 28 9th United Services 2nd XV 13 5 1 7 211 178 26 10th Southsea Nomads 2nd XV 13 0 0 13 59 210 4 11th Snows Group Merit South West P W D L F A Points Place Winchester 3rd XV 22 20 1 1 955 164 83 1st Basingstoke Griffins XV 22 18 0 3 685 253 77 2nd Lymington Mariners 21 17 0 4 730 211 72 3rd Tottonians 3rd XV 22 15 1 6 530 259 68 4th Trojans 3rd XV 20 11 0 9 394 223 49 5th Millbrook 2nd XV 19 10 1 8 543 255 46 6th Eastleigh 3rd XV 22 8 0 14 394 677 44 7th Romsey 2nd XV 21 7 0 14 267 641 40 8th Isle of Wight 2nd XV 20 6 0 14 342 534 34 9th Portsmouth 4th XV 21 4 0 17 92 933 32 10th Southampton 2nd XV 21 5 0 16 333 672 31 11th Fawley 2nd XV 17 1 0 16 82 525 14 12th

Jersey Rugby Association League P W D L F A Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Guernsey II 10 8 0 2 373 181 32 0 1st Les Quennevais 10 5 0 5 289 354 20 -4 2nd Jersey Buccaneers 7 5 0 2 359 124 16 0 3rd Jersey United Banks 8 3 0 5 184 280 12 0 4th Beeches 8 1 0 7 113 377 4 0 5th Panthers 1 0 0 1 17 19 -100 -100 6th



RFUW Champions South 1 P W D L F A Bonus Points Points

Points Adjust Place

Trojans Ladies 14 3 1 10 136 438 17 3 8th Trojans Ladies relegated to NC South East South 1 RFUW NC South East South 1 Jersey Ladies 10 5 2 3 130 136 25 4th Havant Ladies 10 2 1 7 87 220 11 5th RFUW NC South East South 2 Guernsey Ladies 10 8 1 1 232 74 35 1st Ellingham & Ringwood & Totts Ladies

10 8 0 2 360 106 34 2nd

Portsmouth Valkyries Ladies 10 7 1 2 211 140 28 3rd Southampton Ladies 10 4 0 6 15 297 22 4th Trojans Ladies II 10 1 0 9 98 37 4 6th Guernsey Ladies promoted to NC South East South 1


Colts Cup Division P W D L F A Points Place Havant Academy 10 10 0 0 279 70 40 1st Winchester Colts 9 6 0 3 189 120 27 2nd Basingstoke Academy 9 5 0 4 180 182 24 3rd Trojans Colts 10 3 0 7 157 175 19 4th Gosport & Fareham Colts 10 3 0 7 124 190 19 5th Jersey U18s 10 2 0 8 98 290 16 6th Colts Bowl Division P W D L F A Points Place New Milton & District Colts 10 9 0 1 360 94 37 1st Tottonians Colts 10 7 0 3 219 125 31 2nd Portsmouth Colts 10 6 0 4 171 90 26 3rd Ellingham & Ringwood Colts 10 5 0 5 101 200 25 4th Alton Colts 10 2 0 8 129 345 16 5th Petersfield Colts 10 1 0 9 89 215 10 6th Colts Plate North Division P W D L F A Points Place Winchester Colts II 10 7 0 3 269 196 31 1st Andover Colts 8 6 1 1 260 122 27 2nd Gosport & Fareham Colts 9 5 1 3 240 192 25 3rd Fordingbridge Colts 8 4 0 4 189 221 20 4th Farnborough Colts 10 2 0 8 147 279 16 5th Overton Colts 7 1 0 6 90 185 10 6th Colts Plate South Division P W D L F A Points Place Havant Colts II 10 8 0 2 508 88 34 1st Trojans Colts II 9 8 1 0 327 81 34 2nd Eastleigh U19s 10 6 1 3 171 67 29 3rd Fareham Heathens Colts 10 3 1 6 109 280 20 4th Fawley Colts 8 1 1 6 51 290 11 5th Vectis Colts 8 0 0 8 65 351 7 6th


Not contested this season




1ST ROUND P W D L Bonus Points Points

Green Trojans 5 5 - - - 25 Basingstoke 3 2 - 1 - 11 New Milton 4 1 - 3 - 8 Gosport & Fareham A 2 1 - 1 - 6 Winchester 4 - - 4 1 5 Yellow US Portsmouth 3 3 - - - 15 Andover 4 2 1 1 - 14 Overton 2 2 - 1 - 10 Guernsey 2 - 1 1 - 4 Portsmouth 3 - 1 - - 3 Blue Havant 4 4 - - - 20 Tottonians 4 3 - 1 - 16 Alton 4 2 - 2 - 12 Fordingbridge 4 1 - 3 1 9 Tadley 4 - - 4 1 5 Red Petersfield 5 5 - - - 25 Ellingham & Ringwood 4 3 - 1 - 16 Eastleigh 5 2 - 3 - 13 Vectis 3 2 - 1 1 12 Farnborough 4 1 - 3 1 9 Gosport & Fareham B 5 - - 5 2 7 2nd ROUND Green Trojans 4 3 1 - - 18 New Milton 4 2 1 1 - 14 Basingstoke 4 2 - 2 1 13 US Portsmouth 4 2 - 2 1 13 Gosport & Fareham A 4 - - 4 1 5 Yellow Andover 4 4 - - - 20 Winchester 4 3 - 1 1 17 Havant 4 2 - 2 2 14 Guernsey 4 1 - 3 - 8 Overton 4 - - 4 - 4 Blue Tottonians 4 3 - 1 1 17 Alton 4 3 - 1 - 16 Tadley 4 2 1 2 - 14 Portsmouth 4 1 1 2 - 10 Petersfield 4 - - 4 1 5 Red Eastleigh 5 5 - - - 25 Vectis 5 3 - 2 1 18 Fordingbridge 5 3 - 2 - 17 Ellingham & Ringwood 5 2 - 3 1 14 Farnborough 4 1 - 3 - 8 Gosport & Fareham B 4 - - 4 2 6



1ST ROUND P W D L Bonus Points Points

Green Trojans 4 4 - - - 20 Guernsey 4 2 - 2 1 13 New Milton 4 2 - 2 - 12 Winchester 4 1 - 3 1 9 Havant 4 1 - 3 - 8 Yellow Basingstoke 4 4 - - - 20 Andover 4 2 - 2 - 12 Tadley 3 2 - 1 1 12 US Portsmouth 4 1 - 3 1 9 Fordingbridge 3 - - 3 - 3 Blue Alton 4 4 - - - 20 Farnborough 3 2 - 1 - 11 Petersfield 3 1 - 2 1 8 Gosport & Fareham 2 1 - 2 - 6 Tottonians 3 - - 3 1 2 Red Portsmouth 4 5 - - - 24 Ellingham & Ringwood 5 4 - 1 1 22 Vectis 4 3 - 2 1 17 Eastleigh 3 1 - 2 1 8 Southampton 4 - - 4 - 4 Fawley 2 - - 2 1 3 2ND ROUND Green Trojans 3 4 - - - 19 Tadley 3 2 - 1 1 12 Basingstoke 3 1 1 1 - 9 New Milton 4 - 2 2 - 9 Guernsey 3 - 1 2 - 5 Yellow Winchester 3 3 - - - 15 Alton 3 2 - 1 - 11 Andover 4 1 - 3 2 10 US Portsmouth 2 1 - 1 - 6 Havant 2 - - 2 1 3 Blue Farnborough 3 4 - - - 19 Portsmouth 4 2 - 2 1 13 Petersfield 3 2 - 1 1 12 Fordingbridge 4 1 - 3 1 9 Ellingham & Ringwood 2 - - 2 1 3 Red Gosport & Fareham 5 4 - 1 1 22 Vectis 4 3 - 1 1 17 Tottonians 4 3 - 2 1 17 Eastleigh 4 2 - 3 - 12 Fawley 2 1 - 1 - 6 Southampton 5 1 - 4 - 5


U14 Cup Rounds Tadley Bye Tottonians -w/o US Portsmouth Gosport & Fareham W-L Fordingbridge Eastleigh L-W Fareham Heathens Basingstoke W-L Farnborough Eastleigh W-L Fordingbridge Gosport & Fareham D-D US Portsmouth Tadley L-W Farnborough Tottonians/Millbrook -w/o Fareham Heathens Tadley L-W Winchester New Milton L-W Ellingham & Ringwood Andover W-L Fareham Heathens Portsmouth W-L Alton Havant W-L Gosport & Fareham US Portsmouth L-W Vectis Overton L-W Petersfield Basingstoke W-L Trojans Cup Quarter Final Petersfield L-W Winchester Andover W-L Havant Basingstoke L-W Ellingham & Ringwood Vectis W-L Portsmouth Cup Semi Final Winchester W-L Andover Vectis W-L Ellingham & Ringwood Final Winchester L-W Vectis Bowl Semi Final Havant W-L Basingstoke Petersfield L-W Portsmouth Bowl Final Havant L-W Portsmouth Plate Quarter Final Eastleigh L-W Alton New Milton W-L Fareham Heathens Farnborough L-W Trojans Overton L-W Gosport & Fareham Plate Semi Final New Milton W-L Alton Trojans W-L Gosport & Fareham Plate Final Trojans W-L New Milton Shield Semi Final Overton W-L Eastleigh Farnborough L-W Fareham Heathens Shield Final Fareham Heathens L-W Overton Vase Semi Final Fordingbridge L-W US Portsmouth Tadley w/o- Tottonians/Millbrook Vase Final US Portsmouth W-L Tadley


U13 Cup Rounds Fareham Heathens -w/o Tottonians Farnborough 1 W-L Trojans Gosport & Fareham L-W Andover Red Tadley Bye- Eastleigh US Portsmouth W-L Farnborough 2 Tottonians L-W Trojans Red Alton W-L Petersfield Havant W-L Gosport & Fareham Ellingham & Ringwood W-L Vectis Andover W—L Farnborough 1 US Portsmouth L-W New Milton Basingstoke D-D Portsmouth Tadley L-W Winchester Fareham Heathens & Eastleigh L-W Gosport & Fareham Farnborough 2 L-W Tottonians Trojans Blue W-L US Portsmouth Tadley W-L Andover Reds Cup Quarter Final Trojans Red W-L Basingstoke Havant W-L Andover Black Alton L-W Winchester Ellingham & Ringwood L-W New Milton Cup Semi Final Trojans Red L-W Havant New Milton L-W Winchester Final Winchester W-L Havant Bowl Semi Final Andover Black W-L Basingstoke Alton W-L Ellingham & Ringwood Bowl Final Andover Black W-L Alton Plate Quarter Final Gosport & Fareham L-W Petersfield Tottonians L-W Portsmouth Tadley L-W Farnborough 1 Vectis W-L Trojans Blue Plate Semi Final Petersfield W-L Portsmouth Vectis L-W Farnborough 1 Plate Final Petersfield L-W Farnborough 1 Shield Semi Final Tottonians W-L Tadley Gosport & Fareham L-W Trojans Blue Shield Final Tottonians D-D

shared Trojans Blue

Vase Semi Final US Portsmouth L-W Andover Red Farnborough 2 L-W Fareham Heathens & Eastleigh Vase Final Fareham Heathens /Eastleigh W-L Andover Red


GIRLS CUP RFU SOUTH U13 P W D L Points Place Basingstoke 3 3 0 4 9 1st RFU SOUTH U15 P W D L Points Place Basingstoke 7 6 1 19 1st Ellingham & Ringwood 7 1 3 3 12 2nd RFU SOUTH U15 POOL A Ellingham & Ringwood 3 1 2 5 2nd RFU SOUTH U15 POOL B Basingstoke 3 3 9 1st RFU SOUTH U18 Basingstoke 6 2 4 10 2nd


Under 18 WREN Cup Peter Symonds College beat Brockenhurst College BIRCH Plate Oaklands Catholic School beat St Johns College KEAST Bowl not played Presidents U18s Sevens Cup Peter Symonds College A beat Brockenhurst College A Plate Hampshire Collegiate School beat Queen Marys College Bowl Totton College beat Farnborough Sixth Form Under 16 Cup King Edward VI School beat Oaklands Catholic School Plate Priestlands School beat Test Valley School Bowl Ballard School beat Ditcham Park School Under 16 Sevens Cup Oaklands Catholic School beat Portsmouth Grammar School Plate Hampshire Collegiate School beat Bitterne Park School Bowl The Westgate School beat Wildern School Under 15 SUGDEN Cup Amery Hill School beat King Edward VI School SUGDEN Plate The Burgate School beat Oaklands Catholic School Bowl The Mountbatten School beat Cams Hill School Under 15 Sevens Cup Portsmouth Grammar School beat Amery Hill School Plate The Burgate School beat Perins School Shield Bitterne Park School beat The Westgate School Bowl Ryde School beat Bedales School Under 14 Sevens Cup Portsmouth Grammar School beat Salesian College Plate Ryde School beat The Mountbatten School Shield Rookwood School beat Priestlands School Bowl Fareham Academy beat Bedales School


Hampshire RFU 2014-15 AGM – RDO Report

Ivan Torpey & Kieran Spencer

Club Development Game Management System (GMS) rolled out extensively across the county. Club development workshops held with Ventnor, Fawley, Southampton, and Alton along with a club development meetings with Alresford, Basingstoke. Returning Students Festival held December 2014 three clubs attended Rugby Biggest Year (Rugby World Cup Workshops) delivered at cluster club meetings England Rugby CB Roadshow presented by Steve Grainger (Rugby Development Director), Malcolm Wharton (Chairman Community Game Board) held at Tottonians RFC December 2014. Good attendance from Hampshire Clubs New Rules of play pilot extended to U14 Club Census – support through census periods in October/March Huge amount of locally delivered CPD’s for the benefit of our club coaches Hampshire Targeted as a Leadership Academy county for the 2015-16 season

Club Accreditation NEW ACCREDITATION:

Accredited/Health Checks Working Towards

Ventnor RFC New Milton Alton Millbrook Alresford Havant RFC Trojans Farnborough Sandown &

Shanklin Portsmouth

Winchester Tottonians Andover IOW Petersfield Ellingham &

Ringwood Fawley Basingstoke

Aldershot & Fleet

Fareham Heathens


Facility Investment RFU Lead Up & Legacy Social Spaces Completed Projects – Basingstoke, Winchester, Farnborough, Havant, Eastleigh, IoW, Tottonians, New Milton, Sandown & Shanklin RFU Capital Investment Programme – Floodlights delivered at – IOW, Millbrook, Sandown & Shanklin, Petersfield & Eastleigh RFC RFU Capital Investment Programme – 3G Pitch – Applemore NatWest Rugby Force weekend – 27th /28th June – main grant awarded to Andover, Overton & Millbrook RFC

Schools Successful County School Development tournaments held for Year 7 Boys (23 schools), Year 8 Boys (24 Schools), Year 9 (13 Schools) Year 7&8 Girls (8) 9&10 Girls (8) Priestlands U15’s Girls reached the National Schools Finals day to be held at Staines RFC on Saturday 9th May with the Top 4 teams (Out of 12) to play at Twickenham during the RN v Army fixture Fed by more local and club driven activity Sustainable central venue leagues in North East Hants, New Forest, Southampton and Basingstoke. Regular fixtures for schools in Portsmouth and Havant. Growth area in East Hants with Petersfield RFC showing interest in hosting. Hampshire PE and School Sport Conference Thursday 1st July Guest Speaker Clive Woodward. Teacher Tag CPD coordinated to be delivered at the conference

College/FE Young Leaders placed at various primary/secondary festivals to gain hands on experience. Second year of the College Central Venue League – This has been another positive experience for the colleges and players. The following Colleges participated; Peter Symonds Worthing & Woking (Girls) plus a couple of


Brockenhurst students. Alton, Fareham, Farnborough 6th Form, Havant 6th Form, Peter Symonds, Portsmouth, Sparsholt, Totton & Itchen. We are now looking at bringing the CVL and College league closer (Perhaps a duel two tier competition).

All Schools Third year delivery in Southampton Cluster (Oasis and Regents Park) linked to Millbrook Rugby clubs. Second year of delivery in Portsmouth Cluster (St. Edmunds, Priory and Milton cross) linked to US Portsmouth RFC. 1st Year delivery Redbridge, Cantell , Upper Shirley, Regents Park; Carisbrooke, Medina & Cowes Redbridge, Cantell , Upper Shirley, Regents Park and Oasis participated in a very successful Yr. 7 inaugural Central Venue Series held at Millbrook RFC every Tuesday throughout the month of February Oasis School had a fantastic experience at Twickenham having been nominated and selected to partake in the curtain raiser ahead of the England v Scotland fixture Isle of Wight: Inter School fixtures held with Yr7, & 9 (Carisbrooke, Medina & Cowes) Regents Park selected Portsmouth delivery and competition calendar established Continued success with Portsmouth University & Solent University Students

Targeted Delivery In addition to All Schools the following institutions will be targeted next season for delivery and resource with the outcome of growth in participation and sustainability:

Schools Colleges Priestlands School Barton Pevril Sparsholt College Ringwood School Ringwood 6th Form Havant College Crestwood School Burgate 6th Form Southdowns College Toynbee School Itchen College Fareham College Connaught School Taunton College Portsmouth College Wavell School Totton College Brookfields School Farnborough 6th Form Fareham Academy Farnborough COT Mountbatten Isle of Wight College Romsey Island Innovation 6th Form Costello Alton College Cranborne QMC / BCOT

Universities South East University Merit League - 5 teams - Winchester, Portsmouth, Bournemouth Barbarians, Anglo European Chiropractors College, Montefirore Exiles RFC (Southampton University Intra-mural team) SEUML Festival held at Petersfield RFC, 8 men’s teams & 5 women’s teams Area 2 University Forum held at Trojans and attended by Solent, Southampton, Southampton Medics University and University of Winchester and Portsmouth Solent University – Student Coach Mentoring Program: A very successful program that is producing highly qualified coaches and referees to support Hampshire community programs Improved ‘By In’ of student volunteers – over 20 students have supported community events in Hampshire First Year of Game Finder at University of Portsmouth – A good number of student players transitioned to local clubs.

02 Touch Rugby Majority of the clubs in the county are now delivering 02 Touch - a great development initiative with wide ranging benefits that has been built over the past 5 years


HAMPSHIRE MINI/MIDI TOURNAMENTS Under 7 Held at Petersfield RFC on 22nd March 2015 Under 8 Held at Petersfield RFC on 22nd March 2015

Cup Petersfield beat Winchester Cup Alton beat Winchester Plate New Milton beat Farnborough Plate New Milton beat Overton Bowl Andover beat Romsey Bowl Romsey beat Havant Shield Overton beat US Portsmouth Shield Eastleigh beat Petersfield Vase Portsmouth beat Vectis Vase Portsmouth beat Barbarians Medal Eastleigh Medal US Portsmouth Under 9 Not played due to weather Under 10 Held at New Milton RFC on 15th March 2015

Cup Shared Alton & Winchester Plate Petersfield beat Tottonians Bowl Overton beat Fordingbridge Shield Ellingham & Ringwood beat Romsey Vase Basingstoke beat Fareham Heathens Under 11 Held at Petersfield RFC on 8th March 2015 Under 12 Held at Petersfield RFC on 8th March 2015

Cup Alton beat New Milton Cup Andover beat Tottonians Plate Farnborough beat US Portsmouth Plate Farnborough beat Basingtoke Bowl Trojans beat Romseu Bowl Portsmouth beat Gosport & Fareham Shield Basingstoke beat Eastleigh Shield Trojans beat Vectis Vase Vectis beat Barbarians Vase Alton beat Fordingbridge Medal Guernsey beat Fareham Heathens

To the Limit and Beyond with CLUB HAMPSHIRE (written by Tim Allen)

In the Rugby World Cup season we have seen a great improvement in the number of players wanting to participate in County Rugby. This really bodes well for the future. Players are now, justifiably, taking a well earned rest, but we in the County are putting the pieces together for the next season. I must reiterate last season’s sentiments and thank you all for your support and encouragement for the players throughout this season.

County XV The Mens County Championship this year was managed by Dr Ed Neville, who is retiring from County Rugby to concentrate on Governance for the County. My personal and grateful thanks go to him for the support he has given Club Hampshire over the years. The County Team is always difficult to fill with players as the Competition takes place after the hard season has finished, but Ed and his team fulfilled our match commitments with some great rugby and very spirited games. We lost to Essex, won against Middlesex and disappointingly lost to Dorset and Wilts. The team was captained by Rudi Kochanoswki who has been awarded the FMT Bunney Trophy. The Ladies Championship, which is not a RFU championship was not played this year as the Manager for the side moved out of the region and we were not able to replace him. A new manager has been appointed and is looking forward to work with all the Ladies and girls teams

Under 20 XV This year under the stewardship of Alan Morgan we had a very young team with a lot of last year’s U18’s. They performed brilliantly well and beat all the teams they came up against in the pool stages and very narrowly lost in the Semi-final of the championship against Staffordshire missing a conversion with the last kick of the game. It will be a very exciting season next year as the bulk of the team will remain eligible. The Captains Tankard is awarded to Ben Kirby.

18 to 14 Groups Once again we are blessed with talented boys and girls in all age groups, and it has been a delight to see them progress through the season. I am always asked why there is such a small report for the lesser age groups, it’s simply that you just need to see the commitment, courage, strength and resolve of the younger players taking the plunge and playing outside of their comfort zone, then to see their faces after the match bursting with pride and satisfaction for playing their best for the County Teams.


Hampshire Development Player Pathway. (DPP) Last September 162, u13 players turned up for trials at HMS Temeraire and from 2 nights of exercises and drills 74 players were selected to join the 4 mainland centres. For the first time we have opened a centre on the IoW and there we started with 20 players and we hope to increase this to 30 this coming season. London Irish have taken over partial funding of the DPP by looking after the staff, but this has its pitfalls. The RFU funding we did receive to help defray costs is now being paid directly to London Irish. This year, 9, u15 players have been selected by London Irish to represent them in the London Irish u15 Academy Team from the Hampshire DPP, which went on to win the Academy championship. A great testament to all the hard work put in by the coaches on a weekly basis. It has been a privilege for us in Club Hampshire to see so much good work being done by Clubs, Schools and the County, whose enthusiasm and commitment are fundamental to our success. Finally thank you to all the Club Hampshire Managers, Coaches, and Physios who give up so much time and put in so much effort and to all the Parents for the Taxi service they give their offspring.

Have a great summer and thanks for all your support.

The Robbie Keast Memorial Awards for 2014 -2015 go to 18 Group: Toby Hill 16 Group: Callum Torpey

The Brian Short Memorial Trophy is awarded to Ellis Rudder


CLUB HAMPSHIRE RESULTS 2014 - 2015 COUNTY XV (Manager Dr Ed Neville) County - Championship Shield Pool 3 2 May Essex L 5-38 Portsmouth RFC 9 May Middlesex W 35-16 Portsmouth RFC 16 May Dorset & Wilts L 29-11 Swanage & Wareham RFC Women’s XV (Manager Wyn Jones) No games UNDER 20 XV (Manager Alan Morgan) - Shield 9 Nov Dorset & Wilts U20s W 10-27 North Dorset RFC 30 Nov Surrey U20s W 10-28 Esher RFC 4 Jan Sussex U20s W 39-20 Overton RFC 25 Jan Middlesex U20s QF W 36-6 Overton RFC 15 Feb Staffordshire U20s SF L 12-14 Overton RFC 18 GROUP (Manager Steve Walker) 26 Oct Middlesex U18s W 13-18 Farnham RFC 2 Nov Surrey U18s L 10-26 Petersfield RFC 16 Nov Sussex U18s W 20-3 Petersfield RFC GIRLS’ UNDER 18 (Manager Anna Russell) 12 Oct CB Festival 4th Old Reigatian RFC 9 Nov Kent U18 Girls L 34-10 Gillingham Anchorians RFC 30 Nov Hertfordshire U18 Girls L 5-70 Petersfield RFC 15 Mar Surrey U18 Girls L 14-15 Petersfield RFC 17 GROUP (Manager Mike Glogg) 11 Mar Berkshire U17s W 5-45 Newbury RFC 22 Mar Sussex U17s W 17-3 Basingstoke RFC 12 Apr Essex U17s W 19-12 Trojans FC 16 GROUP (Manager Mike Greenslade) 26 Oct Middlesex U16s W 48-19 PGS 2 Nov Surrey U16s D 12-12 Surrey 16 Nov Sussex U16s D 17-17 Horsham RFC 15 GROUP (Manager Lynn Lawrence) County Dev XV 15 Feb Surrey U15s L 20-5 Haselmere RFC 15 Feb Surrey U15s Dev L 22-7 Haselmere RFC 1 Mar Middlesex U15s W 34-15 Eastleigh RFC 1 Mar Surrey U5s Dev W 29-0 Eastleigh RFC 8 Mar Devon U15s W 5-15 Sherbourne RFC 19 Apr Sussex U15s L 5-38 Eastleigh RFC 19 Apr Sussex U15s Dev L 5-24 Eastleigh RFC GIRLS’ UNDER 15 (Manager Fiona Bryan) 12 Oct CB Festival 3rd Old Reigatian RFC 9 Nov Kent U15 Girls L 44-0 Gillingham Anchorians RFC 30 Nov Hertfordshire U15 Girls L 15-26 Petersfield RFC 15 Mar Surrey U15 Girls W 12-10 Petersfield RFC 14 GROUP (Manager Simon Burns) County Dev XV 8 Feb Dorset & Wilts U14s W 8-7 Gosport & Fareham RFC 26 Jan Dorset & Wilts U14s

Dev L 17-24 Gosport & Fareham RFC

22 Feb Berkshire U14s L 17-14 Hazelwood RFC 8 Mar Surrey U14s L 24-21 Old Cranleighans RFC 22 Mar Middlesex U14s W 20-10 Alresford RFC 22 Mar Surrey U14s Dev W 21-17 Alresford RFC 22 Mar Surrey U14s Dev B W 31-15 Alresford RFC

Played 37 Won 19 Drawn 2 Lost 16 For 687 Against 690 Success Rate 51%


Community Rugby Report (written by Dave Marsden)

The HRFU Community Rugby Committee’s focus is to develop and improve our rugby environment so that our game can be enjoyed by anyone that wishes to Play, Coach, Referee, Volunteer, or just and turn up to support your local Club. We deliver across the Rugby scene in Hampshire and can assist and help our Member Clubs to provide a welcoming and safe environment for everyone. We work closely with the RFU Professional Staff and provide a conduit through which you could access expertise, funding support and guidance.

Our Rugby Community I would like, on behalf of all Hampshire Clubs and the Hampshire Committees, to say a very big ‘thank you’ to our RFU professional staff. Our RDO’s (Ivan & Kieran) and our CRC’s (Sharon, Dean, Neil, Nick and Richard) have, once again, done an outstanding job this season expanding and improving our rugby environment across the County. We are fortunate to have a group of people that are so dedicated to growing and improving our game.

Player Recruitment and Retention This season we have created and sent out an ‘Open Letter’ to all Clubs outlining ideas on how best to keep the Players that you already have and how best to start recruitment initiatives if they are needed. Our RDO’s and CRC’s have access, through the RFU, to all of the success stories across the Country. Your Club can take advantage of that knowledge base to see if there is anything being done at other Clubs that might benefit your Club. The ‘Open letter’ has contact details within it for both the County and the RFU.

Coaching The Coaching Group are in the process of delivering the Annual Hampshire Coaching Conference which will again be held at Wide Lane in July this year. The event goes from strength to strength and is a high quality showpiece with the Hampshire Coaching Group at the forefront. Regretfully the efforts made by the Coaching Group in presenting CPD sessions during the past season met with a disappointing response and the way forward in this respect will need some thought for next season.

David Ball has been the cornerstone of the Coaching Group for many years and has led and implemented many new initiatives for Hampshire RFU. David is standing down as Chairman of the Coaching Group at the end of this season and Hampshire RFU wish to thank him for his lasting and valuable contribution. The Coaching Group have been examining the role carried out by their counterparts in other Counties and in particular the involvement of the Group in the process of appointment and development of County Coaches.

Volunteers Recognition remains a high priority for Community Rugby in Hampshire and we will be continuing our recognition program. We are always looking for better ways to recognise contributions made and we will continue to improve how we deliver recognition next season

We will be developing programs that actively encourage the right people to take on Volunteer duties at both a County and a Club level. We have a dedicated, but an ageing Volunteer base and an injection of younger people with new ideas and enthusiasm to make rugby in our County better would be an advantage for all. If you are reading this and think ‘I would like to know more about being a County Volunteer’, please give the Office a call.

Club Facilities This season there have been a significant number of initiatives associated with the Rugby World Cup 2015 from the RFU that are allowing many of our Clubs to improve their clubhouse facilities before the World Cup starts. We are working closely with those Clubs to ensure that both the Club and the RFU get full value for money. The County Facilities funds for matched grants of up to £1000 and a Decorations Fund grant up to £300 have not been fully taken up this season, so we have offered a ‘once off’ short term option to those Clubs that were not successful in their application to the RFU RWC 2015 programme. These Clubs have been able to get a


grant of up to £500, from the County, to help implement the club improvement projects that they were planning to do. We will continue to improve and expand on our Facilities programs over the coming season so that all Clubs (with or without Clubhouses) can apply for support. We have a team of willing and experienced Volunteers that work with the RFU staff to make sure that our Clubs have Quality Facilities Projects that we can take to the appropriate Funding sources. If your Club is considering a Facilities Project in 2015/16 then please ask your RDO or one of our Volunteer Team for guidance as early in the project as possible.

Governance (written by Dr Ed Neville) I am very grateful for the helpful, positive support I have had from all committee members ensuring useful, progressive meetings at which decisions have been reached to further improve many aspects of Hampshire Rugby.

Competitions Gary Hemmings and David Ball have addressed the problem of excessive match cancellations by re-organising Merit Tables into regional competitions. This unfortunately led to some significant mis-matches so a further re-organisation is now taking place for next year with two Solent Leagues. The first as present with the main teams’ 2nd XVs and the second with the top sides from the current M erit tables. At present there will be either 2 or 3 Merit Leagues still as regional as possible beneath that. A survey of under 15 and 16 players, parents and coaches has led to the decision that Colts will be under 18 next year. This will remain under adult managed organisation for one year allowing a full review of the change.

Discipline Nigel Morgan and David Creal have maintained a tight control on dealing with red cards and citings in a timely fashion. This entailed a significant amount of un- planned and un-plannable work. Three members of the Committee have attended RFU training.

Safeguarding Michele Amos has successfully run multiple courses and also reports that e-DBS is working well. Concussion and injury management was launched as ‘Headcase in Hampshire’ and attracted praise from RFU officials. Michele has again been presenting at RFU National conferences and is to be especially congratulated for her pro-active work in safe-guarding in Hampshire

Referees Despite a year of dwindling numbers , increasing referee abuse and poor touch-line behaviour, Hampshire referees continue to supply high quality referees to the vast majority of matches and still develop home grown talent. Adam Leal is now on the National Panel. Paul Burton has also produced a new version of Hampshire Referees’ Society Rules and a club protocol for guidance for all clubs in their dealings with referees. Future closer co-operation with Competitions will allow better communication and when matches are re-scheduled referees will be informed more efficiently. Paul Kimber and Terry Burwell are to be congratulated on their hard work and ability to get the right referee to the right place so effectively.

Youth At the start of the season Mark Randell was Youth Chair, but had to step down so Duncan Parker took over again until Gary Self was able to take up the post. We are very grateful to all three. Common themes running through Youth, Schools, Referees and Safeguarding relate to poor behaviour mostly on touch-lines, but occasionally on the field. Youth have developed a common policy for dealing with Disciplinary matters with a linked system for reporting through Hampshire to schools. The same reporting policy is in place for concussion. Thus, if a player is red carded or concussed in a club match, it is reported to the relevant head master so that s/he does not play for the proscribed time. The new discipline procedure introduced by Gary Self has led to a drop in disciplinary issues

Schools Roger Venning has ensured the Youth red card/ concussion proforma also applies in reverse , so that incidents in schools matches are reported to the relevant clubs.

Womens’ Rugby Fiona Bryan has reported on the steady growth of the womens’ game with increasing numbers and successful selection of Hampshire players to London Division.


Administration We are very grateful to Rick Scott for keeping us focussed on our objectives and making sure that we knew what the RFU were suggesting in different areas. I am also extremely grateful to Mark Castle who has so ably sent out agendas and kept minutes superbly

Youth (written by Duncan Parker) Due to unforeseen circumstances, I found myself stepping back into the Youth Chairmanship for an interim period in order to ensure the continuity of the Youth Committee and with tremendous support from all members of the committee and the local RDOs, Ivan Torpey and Kieran Spencer we managed to continue to support our youth sections within all clubs across Hampshire.

Although lacking access to the competition details and draws for all of the Mini and Youth competitions, the committee pulled together to ensure that the young players continued to play meaningful and enjoyable rugby and we look forward to the current format of "All-inclusive" Mini rugby festivals for the U7-U12 age groups, "Multi-layered" cup format for the U13-U14 groups and a "qualified" group competition for the U15-U16 age groups. The "Qualified" group format has also been requested by the Colts group coaches as something that they would like to take on as the Colts group moves from U19 to U18 in the coming season. We thank the Management committee for allowing and ensuring that this would come into effect for the 2015-16 season.

During the 2013-14 season we reported a number of "Adult related" disciplinary incidents and I am very pleased to report that this situation has not been repeated during the latest season. With firm and consistent direction from Gary Self, the clubs have been able to confidently deal with any minor issues quickly and satisfactorily and for those few situations that have needed Gary's guidance, the clubs involved have been supportive at all times to his decisions. It is with this guidance that we have seen a much improved pitch side atmosphere for all concerned. Once again I am happy to hand over the role of Chairman and I am very pleased to confirm that Mr Gary Self has taken up the "chalice" With the ongoing support of the remaining Committee members, I, and many others, am extremely confident that the position of the Youth Committee will continue to move Youth Rugby in Hampshire forward for the benefit of all of our young players.

I look forward to being able to support Hampshire Rugby in whatever capacity that is deemed appropriate over the coming years.

NO – SIDE (written by Rick Scott) As I write, the Rugby World Cup kicks off in 100 days time. ‘ARE YOU READY’ to maximise this opportunity, positioned to give a warm ‘rugby’ welcome to newcomers to our game and put plans in place to accommodate an influx of players of all ages the day after England have won the tournament?

My very best wishes to you all for continued successes in your clubs; I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at the AGM and in the coming season around the County.



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at 1930 on

Wednesday 16 July, 2014 at Tottonians RFC Those present:

President I.S.Kerr OBE*

Past Presidents L.C.K. Angel, M. Glogg MBE, N.J. Stone OBE* (Finance Chairman)

Vice Presidents D. Ball, G.H. Cook* (Honorary Treasurer), J. Evans, N.R. Hagerty* (RFU Representative), R. Harris, K. Johnston,

E. Neville*

Management Committee D.R. Hornblow* (Management Chairman), P.J. Topham* (Immediate Past President),

R. Scott* (Executive Director), D. Marsden* (Community Chair), T. Allen* (Director of Rugby),

I. Akinin* (Marketing Chairman), A. Russell (Administrative Officer)

Member Clubs Represented* (24) Aldershot & Fleet, Alton, Andover, Basingstoke, Chineham (Proxy), Eastleigh, Ellingham & Ringwood,

Fareham Heathens, Farnborough, Fordingbridge, Gosport & Fareham, Guernsey (Proxy), Millbrook,

Overton, Petersfield, Portsmouth, Romsey, Sandown & Shanklin (Proxy), Scottish Exiles,

Southampton University Hospitals (Proxy),Tottonians, Trojans, US Portsmouth, Winchester

Life Associates D. Creal, C. Fairley, C. Forbes, P. Hannan, G. Searle

Individual Associates N.Morgan, P.A. Searle, M. Sullivan

Club Representatives A. Black, I. Brown, J. Cloke, A. Cornell, D. Crabbe, M. Davis, A. Foulgar, W. Hausen, G. Hemmings, C. Ings,

J. Ings, T. Mills, T. Moore, J. Mouland, N. Penny, P. Reid, S. Smith, M. Thomas, A. Waite

Women & Girls F. Bryan

HSRFU R. Venning

RFU G. Williams (Area Manager), I. Torpey (RDO), K. Spencer (RDO)

Trophy Winners I. Bennett, D. Emmerton

Others present G. Keast, M. Randell, B. Seeney

*Voting Members (35) (Quorum = 15) The President welcomed those present and thanked them for attending.

He asked all to rise to observe a moment's quiet reflection for those in our Clubs and the Union who had passed away, since our last AGM. Including, Mr BH Cutler (Life Associate), Colin Sewell (Havant RFC), Mike Kidd (Eastleigh RFC), Jose Hayes (Treasurer - Eastleigh RFC), David Guyatt (Basingstoke RFC), Derek Forrester (Portsmouth RFC), Andy Vears (Market House Pirates RFC), Peter Montague-Ebbs (Associate – Basingstoke RFC - HRFU Coaching), James (Bungle) Walters (Farnborough RUFC)

The Executive Director read the Notice convening the meeting.


Item One: To Receive Apologies for Absence

Vice Presidents R. Jeavons-Fellowes, P.Jones, N. Murphy, Dr. J.R. Owen, I.J. Reeve, R. Showan,

Member Clubs Chineham, Guernsey, Jersey, Les Quennevais, Sandown & Shanklin, SouthamptUniversity Hospitals, University of Winchester

Life Associates E.R. Hoare, J.R. Parkhouse, L. Pilling, M. Whittaker

Individual Associates S.R. Appleby, P. Bailey, M. Benson, S. Benson, A Coles, A. Covey, Lord Darling, J. Holden, J. Mist, J. Trim, S. Tristram

Other Mark Dunning (Disciplinary Committee), Merrik Knight (Aldershot & Fleet)

Item Two: To Consider & Approve the Minutes of the 2013 AGM

These had been issued at Appendix 1 of the Annual Report and were taken as read. The President invited all those in favour of approving the Minutes to vote. There were none against; there were no abstentions. The President declared the Minutes approved nem con.

Item Three: To Consider & Approve the Minutes of the 2013 AFGM

These had been issued at Appendix 2 of the Annual Report and were taken as read. The President invited all those in favour of approving the Minutes to vote. There were none against; there were no abstentions. The President declared the Minutes approved nem con.

Item Four: To Receive the Executive Director's Report

The President then asked “May I take the Report as read?” This was accepted. He then invited the Executive Director to deliver his annual report.

The Executive Director opened his report by saying

Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen

In assuming that you have all read my report and, as with last year, I will take this opportunity to take a few points from my report and develop them with you.

Before last season began, I took every opportunity I could to meet with and ‘encourage’ clubs to honour all of the fixtures in all competitions they entered. Sadly, it would appear that this was to no avail, as the number of cancelled Hampshire Merit and Cup fixtures noticeably increased. The recently published Adult Competitions Review suggests that this is in line with a national trend, where as many as 25% of all non RFU league programmed fixtures are not played. Clearly, if we want to have meaningful competition in Hampshire for our 2nd & 3rd XV’s, this must change.

The competitions sub committee has again reacted to suggestions from our clubs and changed the format of our Merit Tables – which now become, notionally, geographically based Leagues. This will cut down on travelling time and subsequent cost and, where requested, Isle of Wight based fixtures will see club first and second XV’s travelling together. Taking time to acknowledge that, with your attendance, I am preaching to the converted, let us not shy away from the fact that the success of both Merit Leagues and County Cup rests squarely in the hands of you, the clubs. The current trend must not be allowed to continue.

Another worrying feature that must be addressed is one of worsening on, and off the field, discipline. As reported by our Discipline Committee, the number of sending-offs increased alarmingly and peaked as the season ended. Whilst the revised discipline procedure worked well, 43 dismissals are far too many – I would ask that the subject of discipline be addressed at every club. Of perhaps greater concern is the unacceptable number of “unsavoury incidents” reported at mini and youth rugby matches; abuse of match officials by coaches and spectators alike must and will be eradicated. The Hampshire Youth Committee has put in place, a process to monitor and report youth indiscipline and clubs should be aware of the powers available to the County Management Committee – these can reach as far as the First XV - should this blight on our game continue unchecked.


The Community Rugby team continues to support and develop the playing and material needs of our clubs. Our excellent RDO’s and their dedicated support team of CRC’s continue to take rugby to schools and children who have previously not touched the oval ball. Opportunities for returning students, the O2 touch programme and other like initiatives continue to work to retain in, and return to, our game young adult players.

Hampshire clubs continue to ‘do well’ when it comes to local and national grants and, as promised at last years AGM, one of our clubs, Millbrook, became the first recipient of an HRFU ‘development’ grant - I look forward to seeing their revamped facilities. I am delighted to say that funds have been made available for this ‘investment’ to be repeated and a similar grant will be offered to another equally deserving club during this year. Every ‘rugby’ penny received and spent by the County is carefully accounted for by sub-committees led by our Community and Finance Chairmen; this involves an incredible amount of (freely given) time and effort and I would like to record the sincere thanks of Hampshire Rugby to Dave Marsden and Jed Stone for all that they do in this area.

The success of the Hampshire Schools of Rugby – now known as the Development Player Pathway (DPP) – and Club Hampshire goes on and we continue to produce young men and women of Divisional and International quality. A group of our young players are, as I speak, starting out on professional rugby careers at Premiership clubs and I am sure it will not be long before I need to update the Hampshire International honours board in the County Office. Whilst our successes have been many, allow me my personal highlight – the photograph of an England U18 European Championship winning side containing the two Hampshire ‘Joes’ Batley and Marchant.

Recently, a group made up of members of the management committee and representatives of our clubs, met to review the service provided by Hampshire Rugby to the RFU and, most importantly, its clubs. Under the leadership of Past President Jeff Rees, programmes and projects are being formulated and designed to take Hampshire Rugby forward. A major part of this initiative is succession planning, and the need to bring new, and dare I say, younger blood into our committee rooms. To that end, could I remind you all that volunteers for such positions will always be welcomed – and applications should be made to the County Office!

Finally, I would like to again thank all of our willing volunteers who do so much for so many – and with little, or sometimes no reward. As I have said many times previously, without you, none of this would be possible. And to finish on a personal note – I have decided not to seek re-election as your Executive Director and Secretary at next years AGM. It is my intention to remain involved with Hampshire Rugby after then, but in a less high profile role – and if you will have me!! I greatly appreciate, and look forward to, the continued support of you all.

I am happy to take questions.

The President invited questions from the floor. None were forthcoming so therefore, proposed by Peter Topham and seconded by Mike Glogg, the President declared the Report adopted nem con.

Item Five: Presentation of Awards

The President made the following statements and presentations.

FMT Bunney Trophy for the County Championship Player of the Year.

This is awarded to GREG SULLIVAN

Greg has been an inspirational leader for Hampshire this year. His personal contribution to both games was outstanding. He is calm in organising defence & electric when he attacks, but most importantly, he supplies the encouragement & motivational speeches that are so important in the performance of a modern rugby Captain. He richly deserves the Bunney Award. Work commitments keep Greg away from this evenings meeting, but I am delighted that his Father, Mick, is here to accept the award on Greg’s behalf.

The Brian Short Memorial Trophy

Brian Short, former County President, was an enthusiastic supporter of County youth rugby and wanted an annual award to go to a young Hampshire player who epitomised the spirit of Hampshire rugby: not necessarily the best player but one who put in the effort and was a team player. I have great pleasure in announcing that this years winner is IAN BENNETT


Ian has been a regular member of the county squad from the U14’s through to the U18’s. Throughout this period he has been ever present at squad training and he has always given 100% whether selected as a starter, or on the bench. He has been a highly consistent line-out forward and has delivered a whole-hearted and fully committed style of play every time he has represented his County. He truly represents all that is good about County rugby and he was the unanimous selection of the coaches and management team for this award.

The Robbie Keast Awards

It is many years now since Robbie Keast, who had played for the County U15’s, 16’s and 17’s, at the age of twenty-two and having just gained first class honours in Engineering at Warwick University, was killed in a road accident. His family and friends made a very generous donation to Hampshire Schools RFU which enabled two awards in his memory – one for U16’s and one for U18’s. The Awards are in recognition of commitment, dedication and to a player who shows true qualities of sportsmanship. I am delighted that Robbie’s parents are here this evening to present the Robbie Keast Awards to this year’s recipients.

The Robbie Keast U16 Award

Is awarded to MATT KOURIS

10 to 2 – no, that’s not the time, but the rapid change made by this year’s Robbie Keast U16 award winner. Matt Kouris was in the 2012/13 Hampshire U15 squad as a 10, yet by the end of the 2013/14 U16 season, he was representing England U16 in a full international against Wales, as a hooker.

Based out of Wavell School and Basingstoke, Matt went through the transition over to the ‘dark side’ by turning out for the County U16 squad in the three graded fixtures against Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Matt was also involved with the London Irish Academy (including the Harrow tournament) and with John Fletcher’s England Academy skills clinics. These all led to selection fro the London and South East Division and Matt then played at the Wellington Festival in April, with games against Italian, Welsh and Scottish sides and finally, in that full international against Wales at the famous old Knoll ground in Neath.

Matt’s determination, motivation, enthusiasm and success in making the switch, all make him a worthy winner of the 2014 U16 Robbie Keast award – and we wish him well in the next stage of his rugby career.

Unfortunately, Matt can not be with us this evening, but Roger Venning will receive the award on his behalf.

The Robbie Keast U18 Award

Is awarded to DYLAN EMERTON

Dylan had stiff competition for the starting hooker’s berth in a talented U18 County squad. He forced his way into the team through sheer hard work over a long period and his play set the standard for the rest of his team mates in all of the county matches played this season. His ability to think and react more quickly than his peers ensured that he scored an unusual numbers of tries for a front rower, supporting breaks and ensuring he was on hand to take the final pass. He fully deserved his selection to represent our Division, and also his late call up to represent London Irish in the Premiership U18 league. The winner of the U18 award is Dylan Emerton.

The John Sneezum U20 Captains Tankard

Is awarded to JORDON GOTT

Jordon is a very ambitious and dedicated rugby player, looking to enter the professional rugby arena; something which, if he keeps on working on his game, we all hope he will achieve. He was the stand-out candidate for the role of County U20 Captain and is deserving of this recognition. Unfortunately Jordon’s Grandfather has been taken ill and Jordon is unable to be with us this evening.

And now to the League and Merit Table winners:

Winners of SNOWS Group Hampshire One & the ‘NEWS’ Trophy Andover

Winners of SNOWS Group Hampshire Two & the ‘ECHO’ Cup Petersfield

My congratulations to

Winners of the Snows Group Hampshire Senior Merit Table Basingstoke Dragons (Solent League) & the ‘PINNOCK’ Cup

Winners of SNOWS Group Merit Table One Andover 2nd XV


Winners of SNOWS Group Merit Table Two Tottonians 4th XV

Winners of SNOWS Group Merit Three Portsmouth Veterans

Womens Touch Rugby Series Winners Tottonians

Womens Touch Rugby Series Runners Up Fareham Heathens

County Badges

Are awarded to Fiona Bryan, & Phil Jones in recognition of their many years service to the Union

Fiona has ‘championed’ girls and women’s rugby in the County for some years and is very deserving of this award. Since its introduction in 1989, only one other woman has received this honour, therefore it gives me great pleasure to recognise Fiona’s efforts. Fiona has made it back from Greece in time to receive this award!

Phil Jones is one of our oldest Vice Presidents and although now resident in Australia, not forgotten. A founder member of Havant RFC, where he served as President, and a past Secretary of HRURS, Phil also served the County on committee. Phil dedicated himself to the well-being of rugby in the County. He is currently on a visit to the UK and I intend to catch up with him in the coming weeks to present his badge. Again, this recognition is well deserved; albeit ‘late in the day!’

County Shield

Is presented to Farnborough RUFC in recognition of 100 years of rugby at Farnborough 1915-2015

Item Six: To receive a Financial Report

The President invited the Finance Chairman, Jed Stone, to deliver his Report.

Thank-you Mr President.

As I have said, on probably too many occasions, this Meeting comes about one month too soon after our 30th June Year-End for final figures to be quoted. Claims and invoices are still being received for last season even as I speak. The Annual Report which identified a surplus of a couple of thousand is out by some £7000 – I am now forecasting an overspend of £5K compared to a budgeted overspend of £11K.

Income has fallen short of budget by almost £3000 but to that must be added deferred income. Following the cancellation of the Under 7 to Under 10 Mini Festivals we have deferred the £4500 entry fees collected last October to next year’s (that is the year we are now in) income. There will be free entry to those Age Grade Festivals next March. That was not reflected in the pie chart in the Annual Report. Altogether income is down by £7K on budget which obviously bears heavily on the bottom line. We are very fortunate that sponsorship which was not expected nor budgeted has reduced the deficit as Club Charges were seriously over-estimated as were the grants and fees for the Developing Player Programme. We also lost money on the ticket sales for the England-Argentine game and did not get an RFU grant for the Coaching Conference, nor as much in fees as expected. All in all the income budget was not my finest forecasting hour.

The costs of administration are our largest outlay – but here we came in some £5000 under budget; major savings were made in the costs of publications and in finance, where we did not spend as expected on new software, and in marketing. I’m sure the day will come when we see us spending on Marketing and those activities begin to bear fruit.

The cost area which affects our clubs more closely than the others is that managed by Dave Marsden. We continue to make grants to clubs to improve facilities – some £11K this year but still under budget. And we have spent more on recruitment, recognition, retention and reward but still under budget. And why don’t Clubs claim the Isle of Wight travel grant available for Merit Table matches?

Which is all just as well as Club Hampshire and the Developing Player Programme went over – and that after underspends on both the County XV and the Under 20’s. Each Age Group overspent the money allocated; which was obviously not enough. It would seem to be an easy thing just to increase the allocations – but we have a policy of only spending what we receive except in the areas of Club Development. And as we don’t get enough from the RFU for these important areas we have to identify other sources, which are limited. We have another policy of not spending money from the Clubs on County rugby.

Moving now towards the finances of our Clubs. The Annual report reflects the season before the one just ended; all in all an improving trend but will it be sustainable? The analysis of last season will not be completed before the end of January at least – by which time of course it is all pretty much old hat.


George Cook and I have been a double-act for 12 years now and we plan to hand over the purse strings this time next year. If you are desperately wanting to become part of the action please talk to me afterwards; but I must say I will be sitting down with a likely candidate sometime in August to discuss the time commitment needed; he already has the skills – in far greater depth than I!

So it’s not yet goodbye from George and goodbye from me – but it soon will be.

The President declared the Financial Report received and asked are there any questions to Jed? None asked.

Before moving on I should like it minuted that this meeting expresses its thanks and appreciation for the work of our Chairman of Finance and the Treasurer George Cook. Their hard work ensures our money goes to good use.

Item Seven: To elect the Officers

The nominations for Officers are: President Ian Kerr OBE Chairman Richard Hornblow Honorary Secretary Rick Scott Honorary Treasurer George Cook

There having been no other nominations by the due date I declare those named in Agenda Item 7 duly elected. Thank you for your support of our choice of officers – I am sure they will continue to serve you well.

Before moving onto the next item I should like to say a few words as your President.

At last year’s AGM, I committed myself to continuing former Presidents’ visits to clubs around the county; what a pleasure and a delight this has been and what a way to learn just what is going on at grass roots level across the county.

I have seen the results of inspiring ideas transformed into reality. I am aware of the challenges facing club development on the Isle of Wight, for example, but also see hard-won success such as the Club House at Ellingham and Ringwood; there I see a clear picture of just what can be done.

Believe in projects, ask and take advice and move forward. Never stand still. Clubs are evolutionary but they need visionaries to plan for the future.

It is easy to see the more rosy side of a president’s life – switching on new flood lights, making presentations, travelling to fixtures with County XVs, hosting local MPs, Lord Mayors, Miss Hampshire, eating celebratory meals: but there are additional aspects to this which also need mention.

Just to balance things, I must dispel the idea that life is always a bed of roses; it isn’t; there is dissatisfaction; there are those who contact me concerning issues of both club and county rugby. Their points of view are real to them and they need to be heard so a measured response can be made. I do have a listening ear and am always ready and willing to consider another side and we are the better for taking people and ideas forward with us.

My thanks must be extended in two other areas:

The first is the outstanding job done by the Hampshire Union Office, which helps organise so much with so little fuss, despite the unwarranted expectations of some. They are an immense asset to constituent body rugby; they make my role even more of a pleasure and I thank Rick and Anna generously on your behalf, for all they do.

Secondly, I would like to record thanks to all those involved in committee work on behalf of county rugby. This may be a less glamorous side of administrative roles but it is a pre-requisite of seamless operation. Hampshire Rugby Union is highly respected beyond our county boundaries, at all levels, and this respect is based on thorough committee work. I thank you all for your significant contributions to rugby in Hampshire and encourage you all to spend time in clubs and so appreciate the fruits of your decision making.

There are three other areas I would like to highlight.

The first is Women’s Rugby. You will be aware that I am a great proponent of the game of Rugby and in an inclusive society it is my firm view that, if women want to play rugby, they should enjoy quite the same opportunities as men. It might be unpalatable to elements within the Union but time spent watching the Women’s County XVs is time well spent. There is determination, commitment and there are many-faceted skills to watch...and never doubt the intensity of their game. This also offers me an excellent opportunity of publicly


thanking Fiona Bryan for her involvement and dedication to the Women’s Game in Hampshire, and to congratulate her on her award of the County Badge.

The second area, where I am just not willing to drift with the tide, is Island Rugby. After much lobbying, I was delighted to see St. Jacques from Guernsey being accepted into the Hampshire Solent Merit League. The Club certainly took the initiative, arguing that it represented a second route off the Islands for younger and talented players in particular but also that competition in the Channel Islands could be in danger of becoming incestuous without mainland competition. In my case, they were pushing at an open door. Welcome St. Jacques.

Closer to home, the same applies to Isle of Wight rugby. It is good to see the progress made in the ambitions of the Isle of Wight Club itself and hopefully changes in the League structure for next Season will encourage both mainland as well as Island Clubs to compete with a greater vigour. There are always imaginative ways forward as St. Jacques clearly demonstrates.

Finally, it was a pleasure to open the recent Coaching Conference at Southampton University Sports Ground as well as visit other courses more locally held within the county. Quality and qualified coaching hold the key to future success: the more coaches – the greater prospect of achieving this and the argument continues, the greater a Club’s success the greater interest and recruitment.

Simple steps leading to significant development.

And to all those touchline and armchair critics of referees, an opportunity to become involved is also open to you all through the “Entry Level Refereeing Award” courses with continuing support for personal development. The Chinese philosopher, Confucius, maintained that “the first step is always the most difficult” and to misquote Kitchener “your sport needs you”!

I look forward to seeing many more of you embracing these challenges and will share your enthusiasm, your successes and maybe just occasionally your frustrations or disappointments as I see you all in your clubs during the season.

Thank you

I should now like to move on to the next item on the Agenda. Item Eight: To elect the Vice Presidents

There are no new Vice Presidents for election It is recommended by the Management Committee that all current Vice Presidents continue in office. Their names will be recorded in the 2014-15 County Directory.

Item Nine: To elect the Management Committee

The Management Committee nominations are:

Club Hampshire Chairman – Tim Allen

Community Rugby Chairman – David Marsden

Finance Chairman – Jed Stone OBE

Governance Chairman – Dr Ed Neville

Marketing Chairman – Ivan Akinin

There are no other nominations. Do I have a proposer and a seconder?

Election of the Management Committee was proposed by Cliff Fairley and seconded by Richard Hornblow. There were none against; there were no abstentions.

There having been no other nominations received by the due date, those named were duly elected nem con.

Item Ten: To consider a resolution dis-applying the provisions of the Act relating to the obligation to appoint Auditors.

The Management Committee recommends that the accounts for the financial year 1 July 2014 to the 30 June 2015 be subjected to an Accountants Report and that the requirement for a full professional audit is dispensed with. Do I have a proposer and a seconder?

This was proposed by Jed Stone & seconded by Richard Hornblow. There were none against; there were no abstentions.

The President declared the Proposal carried nem con.


Item Eleven: To appoint the Reporting Accountants

The Management Committee recommends Messrs Rothmans of Eastleigh are appointed Reporting Accountants for the financial year ending 30 June 2014. Do I have a proposer and a seconder?

This was proposed by Jed Stone & seconded Neil Hagerty. There were none against; there were no abstentions.

The President invited all those in favour of the Appointment to vote. There were none against; there were no abstentions and Rothmans of Eastleigh were duly appointed nem con.

Item Twelve: To hear any other matter for the consideration of the Management Committee during the ensuing year but on which no voting shall be allowed

The President invited anyone who wished to raise any matter from the floor to do so.

Gosport & Fareham - agree with the Presidents encouragement of Island rugby & ask the Committee to consider increasing the Offshore Travel Grant. They also queried the inclusion of St Jacques without consultation

NRH – stated he is the new Chair of the Club Development Board, offshore funding is under his remit & high on the Agenda. He is pressing for parity of funding for Isle of Wight/Channel Islands/Isle of Man – this would address cost issues though not time issues St Jacques inclusion in the Solent Merit League was agreed because they undertake to play all games on the mainland or will fully fund teams prepared to travel.

Tottonians - queried the discontinuation of the Senior XV County side IK – stated that discontinuation was discussed but not agreed & the Senior XV continues this season Tottonians - are delighted & believe the Junior County sides need a Senior XV to aspire to.

Farnborough – queried the Competitions Committees ambition to combine 1st XV & 2nd XV fixtures on the Isle of Wight to reduce Clubs costs which hasn’t happened RS – this was difficult to achieve but has been done on request where possible, Clubs are welcome to arrange this between themselves as well

Gosport & Fareham – Fixture lists came out with anomalies where all Clubs Teams were home or away as well & while it is appreciated Clubs can re arrange fixtures it would be very much easier to have them sorted out prior to publication.

There being no any other business, the President expressed his thanks to the Tottonians Club for hosting the AGM and declared the Annual General Meeting CLOSED at 20:26.

The Draws for the Knock-Out Competitions were then announced.



Minutes of the Annual Financial General Meeting

held at 19.15 on Monday 17 November 2014 at Trojans FC Present

Management Committee President I Kerr OBE* Immediate Past President P Topham * (Proxy) Management Chairman R Hornblow* RFU Representative NR Hagerty* Community Chairman D Marsden* Finance Chairman NJ Stone OBE* Governance Chairman E Neville* (Proxy) Rugby Director T Allen* (Proxy) Hon Secretary/Exec Director R Scott* Administrative Officer A Russell

Member Clubs Represented* Aldershot & Fleet, Alton RFC, Ellingham & Ringwood RFC, Fordingbridge RFC,

(12) Gosport & Fareham RFC, Guernsey RUFC (Proxy), Havant RFC, New Milton & District RFC, Portsmouth RFC, Trojans FC, Ventnor RFC, Winchester RFC

* 21 Voting Members (Quorum = 15)

Club Representatives Malcolm Thomas, Merrick Knight, Tom Mills, Paul Cantoni, John Manderville,

Ian Brown, Joe Cloke, Alan Newton, Duncan Conacher, Gary Hemmings, Peter Reid, Wyn Jones, David Ball, Anna Russell Others Rugby Development Officers Kieran Spencer Past President Mike Glogg MBE London DOC Representative John Collins Apologies P. Topham, Immediate Past President, G. Cook. Hon Treasurer, Dr Ed

Neville Governance Chair, Tim Allen, Director of Rugby, I Akinin, Marketing Chair, Ivan Torpey RDO, Basingstoke RFC, Eastleigh RFC, Fareham Heathens RFC, Guernsey RUFC, Sandown & Shanklin RFC, Winchester University RFC

1 To receive the Union’s Financial Statements for the financial year ended on 30th June, 2014 and the

Reporting Accountant’s report thereon and to make any suitable order in respect thereof. 1.1 The President welcomed everybody to the meeting & thanked them for coming & Trojans for hosting &

asked the Hon Secretary to read the calling notice 1.2 The Hon Secretary read the calling notice. The President invited the Finance Chairman to present the

Financial Statements. 1.3 The Financial Statements issued to Member Clubs at the end of October were approved by the

Management Committee on 30th October and are before you tonight for you to receive. These have been independently examined by Richard Showan and his Staff at Rothmans in Chandlers Ford whom I wish to thank for confirming that George Cook and I have not got it too wrong over the year.


As I forecast at the AGM we have made a loss of almost £5000 as shown on page 3 and as a result the bottom line of our Balance Sheet on page 4, which last year was the strongest it’s ever been, has reduced by that sum. All our assets are in cash and the £140k would cover a complete loss of any income other than the guaranteed funding from the RFU for two seasons. Our Turnover is detailed on the inside of the back cover, as is our expenditure. The reason for our overspend is contained within the £11000 shown against Club Development and Facilities – this is as planned and is part of our intention to reduce our reserves and make grants to our Clubs to improve their grounds and clubhouses. Before I finish I wish to draw your attention to the back cover. Our funding from the RFU requires us to support the RFU Strategic Plan which currently has identified six Key Drivers to develop the game in the Counties. The subjects of those Key Drivers are spelt out in the narrative and are fully detailed in our Strategic Plan “The Hampshire Way” 2014. From the end of this season our accounts will be detailed in the manner shown to enable the RFU to see where we spend the money they grant us. I will stop here and commend to you the accounts which I ask you to receive. I will take any questions. No questions. The Financial Statements were proposed for acceptance by Dave Marsden, seconded by Neil Hagerty The President invited all those in favour of receiving the Financial Statement to vote. There was none against; there were no abstentions. The President declared the Financial Statements received. 1.4 The President thanked the Finance Chairman and George Cook for their continuous hard work of high

standard over many years compiling the County’s financial records 2 To hear any other financial matter for the consideration of the Management Committee during the

ensuing year but on which no voting shall be allowed. There were no matters raised. There being no other business the President thanked everybody for attending and closed the meeting at 19.25

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