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And welcome to you to this event which we have looked forward to for a long time!

Today, Tuesday 19 February 2013, we celebrate our new vessel SEA INSTALLER. The vessel is one of the newest and most modern offshore wind installation vessels in the market right now. All the knowledge that A2SEA has gained as pioneers in the offshore wind business since the beginning in 2000 has been implemented into the vessel.

This brochure gives you a thorough insight into the vessel and its technical capacity.

Over the next 2 months, SEA INSTALLER will install turbines at Anholt Offshore Wind Park and afterwards she will be deployed in the Irish Sea on the project West of Duddon Sands until the summer of 2014.

Thank you for celebrating SEA INSTALLER with us.

Enjoy your tour on board the vessel.

Best regards,Jens Frederik Hansen, CEO, A2SEA A/S


Welcome on board SEA INSTALLER.

Quality and safety are central to everything we do at A2SEA and all processes we carry out are characterised by the same objectives:Safety first, no accidents or incidents, no damage.

Please respect our safety regulations.

We have a smoking policy applying to all our vessels. Smoking is only allowed in designated areas outside. Please only walk in the designated areas.

Fire alarmContinuous sounding of the alarm signal. The alarm is followed by an announcement on the PA (Public Address) system. Please pay attention. In case of a fire alarm you must leave the vessel immediately. Please obey instructions given by the vessel’s crew or the A2SEA staff.

Enjoy your visit on board,HSEQ team

Read more about our safety regulations on www.a2sea.com


SEA INSTALLER is a state-of-the-art vessel based on our experience with the rest of the fleet, and the result is an ultra-modern and effective installa-tion vessel. SEA INSTALLER is designed to meet the challenges that follow in the wake of market demands for ever larger wind turbines at increasing sea depths.

From the deck of SEA INSTALLER, all wind turbine components are loaded from the quay and stored until the vessel reaches its destination at the off-shore wind farm.

The deck of SEA INSTALLER measures 3350 square metres, the size of half a football field.

The deck has been specially designed for wind turbines in order to maximise the use of available space. As a result, the four jack-up legs are cylinder-shaped/round instead of the traditional triangular shape. This saves a large amount of space.

The crane used to lift wind turbine components on and off SEA INSTALLER is mounted round one of the legs, which also saves some space compared with the layout of our other vessels.

For practical and safety reasons, all brackets and hatches are flush with the deck. The result is a completely uniform, flat surface, which makes it easier for the crew to move around without stumbling or falling, while minimising the risk of damaging wind turbine components or the vessel during loading.

Compared with other installation vessels, the deck on SEA INSTALLER has been reinforced so it can carry 15 tons per square metre compared with the standard requirement of five tons per square metre. This makes it possible to load and transport larger wind turbine components, for example wind turbine towers and foundations.

The size of the deck makes it possible to transport, for example, eight 3.6 MW turbines. The first installation vessel in the A2SEA fleet could accommodate four 1.8 MW turbines.

• SEA INSTALLER’s deck measures 3350 square metres

• The deck is reinforced and can carry 15 tons per square metre and a total load of 5000 tons

• The vessel can accommodate eight 3.6 MW turbines or four 6MW turbines at a time

• SEA INSTALLER was built at the COSCO shipyard in China under close supervision by A2SEA’s construction department

• SEA INSTALLER measures 132 metres from stem to stern and the hull is 39 metres wide

• SEA INSTALLER can operate at depths of between 6.5 and approx. 45 metres

• SEA INSTALLER can work in three different modes: • Floating – as an ordinary vessel during transport and loading of turbine components • Semi-jacked-upduringinstallationinfineweather orwhensoilconditionsaredifficult • Fully jacked-up during installation.

• SEA INSTALLER weighs 20,000 tons fully loaded.


The crane on SEA INSTALLER is the vessel’s workhorse. The crane is used to lift wind turbine components from the quay unto the vessel and to lift and position the components on site at the offshore wind farm.

The electrical crane is of the GUSTO brand with a capacity of 800 tons at 20 metres outreach or 600 tons at 30 metres outreach. The crane can also be adjusted to 2 x 400 tons dual lift in two individual lifting arrangements.

With its current equipment and design, SEA INSTALLER is optimised to transport and install wind turbines of 3–6 MW but can also transport larger components.

Very few turbine components weigh more than 300–400 tons, but the ca-pacity of the crane makes it possible to handle wind turbine foundations weighing up to 800–900 tons.

The lifting height is 100 metres from the deck or 120–130 metres measured from the surface of the sea if the height of the vessel is included.

Due to the many heavy lifts, the SEA INSTALLER crane – like the rest of the vessel – has increased FATIGUE LIFETIME. The term reflects that all constructions and parts on the vessel have been reinforced to ensure high capacity and a long useful life.

The lifting capacity at SEA INSTALLER has been optimised for large-scale offshore wind turbine projects but to further increase the capacity of the vessel, the crane will be updated within the next 2–3 years to raise the lift-ing capacity to 900 tons; the same capacity as the sister vessel NB 002 will have when delivered from the shipyard in 2014.

SEA INSTALLER has the same capacity as A2SEA’s entire current fleet, and once the sister vessel NB 002 will be in operation in 2014, A2SEA will be in an even stronger position on the market for offshore wind turbine installation.

• The crane on SEA INSTALLER is a GUSTO GLC-800-ED and fully electrical

• The crane has a lifting capacity of 800 tons or 2 x 400 tons in dual lift

• Inadditiontothemaincrane,SEAINSTALLERalsohasfive smaller cranes

• SEA INSTALLER will double A2SEA’s capacity compared with thecurrentfleet.

• The crane will be upgrated to a lifting capacity of 900 tons and a 120 meter boom in 2014


The four legs help giving SEA INSTALLER her characteristic appearance. When SEA INSTALLER is in the harbour, her legs are completely retracted, and when the vessel reaches its destination, the legs are lowered so they rest on the seabed. All this is controlled from the bridge.

Raising or lowering the legs is called jacking up, which comes from the word jack. SEA INSTALLER thus operates by raising or lowering the four legs us-ing a large number of jacks. During operation, the entire vessel is jacked up to the desired height with the deck typically around 15–25 metres above the surface of the sea. Once the task has been completed, the vessel is jacked down so it can sail normally.

An effective jacking system is essential to enable a vessel like SEA INSTALLER to operate and function effectively. SEA INSTALLER cannot sail during jack-ing and to avoid wasting too much time waiting, it is important to be able to raise and lower the legs as quickly as possible.

The jacking system can raise a fully loaded SEA INSTALLER at a speed of approximately 1 metre per minute, which is twice as fast as standard jacking systems in the wind turbine industry.

A single day is normally set aside for each offshore wind turbine, so it is important that the jacking system functions effectively and impec-cably. SEA INSTALLER is fully functional even with two jacking cylin-ders out of operation at each leg, and, as with other constructions on SEA INSTALLER, much has been done to ensure optimum safety and durability.

To make sure the legs rest firmly on the seabed, each leg has a so-called spudcan – like the sole of a shoe. The spudcan on the legs measures 108 square metres per leg, so SEA INSTALLER has a solid 432 square metres footprint once the legs have been lowered.

A special jetting system at the bottom of the legs can flush the legs free of the seabed when they have to be raised. Depending on the soil conditions, the legs may have penetrated up to 21 metres into the seabed, and without a jet-ting system, lifting the legs would be like pulling a gum boot out of a mud hole.

• The jacking system on SEA INSTALLER is a double hydraulic system

• There are eight jacking cylinders at each leg, i.e. 32 in total

• The legs on SEA INSTALLER can be raised and lowered at a speed of 1 m/min

• The legs on SEA INSTALLER are 84 metres long

• The spudcan on the legs measures 108 square metres per leg, i.e. 432 square metres in total.

• SEA INSTALLER has six 3020 kilowatt engines

• SEA INSTALLER has three Voight Schneider propellers for propulsion and three Bov propellers for satellite-based positioning

• The vessel can manoeuvre with a precision of 25 cm under optimum weather conditions.


No vessel is without an engine room. A huge amount of raw power is required on board SEA INSTALLER, so the engine room consists of three separate rooms, each equipped with two 3020 kilowatt diesel-electric en-gines.

This gives a total of six engines with a combined capacity of more than 18,000 kilowatt, generating high voltage power to propel the vessel, and for the jack-up system, the cranes and the many cooling, heating and ventilation systems on board. This is equivalent to the power required for 2,5 million low energy light bulbs – if one should need that.

Like the rest of SEA INSTALLER, the engine room is designed to optimise vessel operation. Even with two of the six engines out of operation, the vessel remains fully operational. In a worst case scenario, the vessel can sail with only one engine.

The result is a large amount of raw power, not to mention a high degree of reliability of supply, which is essential when A2SEA counts on installing at least one wind turbine per day. While vessels in the oil and gas industry typically sail to a specific position, where they are jacked up and remain for shorter or longer periods of time, wind turbine installation vessels are constantly on the move, either to transport the turbines to their destination or in connection with installation.

In addition to the engine power required to sail SEA INSTALLER, the en-gine room supplies power to a special satellite-based navigation system also called DP (Dynamic Positioning), which can maintain a given position during operation with a tolerance of only 25 cm.


An installation vessel like SEA INSTALLER has many electrical and pres-surised systems, from the vessel’s engines to the hydraulic jack-up system, ventilation systems, cooling systems and toilets, not to mention service water for up to 60 people. Everything is controlled from the control room on SEA INSTALLER.

It is therefore not just cranes and engines that need to function. There are tanks for drinking water and sewage; the vessel’s ventilation and air-conditioning systems provide fresh air and the right temperature on board, and the cooling room in the galley obviously has to function as well. All these systems and processes are monitored and controlled from the control room.

To be the chief engineer on board SEA INSTALLER is like being responsi-ble for processes and systems in a small Danish village. To help the chief engineer with the monitoring, SEA INSTALLER has installed an Integrated Control Ship System (ICSS).

The advanced computer-based ICSS system helps monitor and control temperature, power consumption, water consumption and oil pressure.


SEA INSTALLER can accommodate 60 people, including crew and guests.

Installing offshore wind turbines can be a wet and dirty job, so the crew needs good facilities for changing and showering – we call this the Comfort Zone. The Comfort Zone is where the crew changes from work clothes to leisure wear, and facilities are provided for relaxation and exercise before continuing to the lounge area or private cabins.

It is prohibited to take work clothes to the individual cabins. We therefore also have a Clean Zone, where it is not permitted to wear work clothes.

The changing room facilities make it clear that SEA INSTALLER maintains a high standard throughout the Comfort Zone. In addition to being pleasant for the crew, it is also important when the crew is unable to do anything but wait during bad weather.

For the same reason, much attention has been paid to the gym facilities. Here the crew has plenty of opportunities for weightlifting and fitness training if the wait becomes too long.


At A2SEA we have always employed our own experienced crews just like we operate our own fleet. This gives us maximum control and means we can ensure the highest standards of safety and quality.

However, being a crew member on an installation vessel like SEA INSTALLER can be a challenging job, both physically and mentally. We spoil our crew members when they are off duty, and we do so at what we call our Rec-reational Deck – the area on SEA INSTALLER which comprises mess, galley and cinema.

The mess is a natural gathering point because the work gives a good ap-petite. The mess is open 24/7 while the vessel is working on a job. Here you do not find fancy food in very small portions; instead we serve good, honest food, large steaks and plenty of accompaniments on a par with well-known restaurants on shore.

It is prohibited to drink alcohol on board, but the crew can consume anything from soft drinks and juice to coffee and other hot drinks.

SEA INSTALLER also gives the crew the option of watching films, as the vessel has a cinema where the crew can choose the films they want to watch.

Finally, we have a department with an office where guests on board the vessel can work undisturbed. The office is popular as we often have cus-tomers, suppliers, experts and other guests on board.

• The mess on SEA INSTALLER is open 24/7

• It is prohibited to drink alcohol on board SEA INSTALLER

• Aspecialofficeisavailable where guests on board the vessel can work undisturbed.


SEA INSTALLER has accommodation for 60 people staying in single cabins. It is important to us that SEA INSTALLER is a state-of-the-art vessel using the latest technology, and on one important point we break with traditions: the fitting out of the cabins.

The design of SEA INSTALLER has focused on providing single cabinsfor everyone. Rather than fewer, larger cabins accommodating severalcrew members, as is often the case in the oil and gas industry, the cabins on SEA INSTALLER are smaller but they afford the crew some privacy.

If the accommodation on SEA INSTALLER had been designed for the oil and gas industry, the vessel could have accommodated more people. On board SEA INSTALLER our crew and customers have single cabins.

In addition, the lounge area where the crew can relax is shared by crew and any customers on board. There are no special facilities for VIPs that can be the source of envy.

We call it the One Team concept. We believe that if you eat and relax together, you also work better together. The lounge area is therefore shared by everyone on board.

The lounge area and the cabins have effective sound insulation so the crew can relax or sleep without being disturbed by the work on board.

• SEA INSTALLER can accommodate 60 crew members and guests

• Everyone on board has a single cabin

• The crew and any customers on board share the same lounge and cabins

• It is not permitted to wear work clothes in the lounge area and in the cabins.


The tour of SEA INSTALLER finishes in the penthouse apartment – the bridge, a 385 m2 large top-modern wheel house with the latest communica-tion and navigation equipment.

The bridge is a tailor-made construction and reaches beyond both railings. From here you have a good view of the cargo, the crane as well as the harbour – a considerable improvement compared with former installation vessels. In addition, the design has taken the finer details into account, and the advanced satellite navigation equipment makes it possible to manoeuvre SEA INSTALLER with 25 cm precision.

SEA INSTALLER can be operated from control panels placed on different parts of the bridge; the vessel has a front bridge, two side bridges and a rear bridge. To this should be added a control panel for the crane and the jack-up systems. It is often the same person who manoeuvres the vessel and operates the jack-up systems.

At first sight, an important thing seems to be missing on the bridge: there are no large charts on the desk with pencil and sextant markings.Today, navigation is by satellite; everything is electronic and there is actually not a single paper chart on board SEA INSTALLER.

As a second generation installation vessel, SEA INSTALLER is a top-mod-ern vessel which is based on experience acquired during many hours of work on our other vessels. The vessel has a higher installation speed than previous vessels and the crane a larger boom length, making the vessel more efficient than other installation vessels. To this should be added that SEA INSTALLER is incredibly hard-wearing as a result of her reinforced construction and optimised processes.

A2SEA moreover has a committed and highly competent team of seamen and experts in the installation of offshore wind turbines on board, which allows us to state with conviction that:

SEA INSTALLER is the installation vessel for the future wind turbine industry.

• SEA INSTALLER can be manoeuvred from the bridge by a single person

• The bridge is 50 metres wide and the total area measures 385 m2

• Therearefivecontrolpanelsonthebridgefromwherethevessel can be manoeuvred

• SEA INSTALLER can be manoeuvred in the so-called DP2 mode

Master Brian Rudi Bendixen

SEA INSTALLERTechnical specifi cations

GeneralVessel SEA INSTALLERType of vessel Self-propelled jack-up vesselDP2 (at charterer’s request) Classifi cation DNV Flag Danish

Technical DimensionsLength 132 mBreadth 39 mDraft 5.3 mLeg length 83 mDeck load 15 t/m²Free deck space 3350 m² (subject to deck layout)Total net deck load 5000 t (depending on stability)Service speed 12 kn MaxOperating water depth 6.5 - 45 m (depending on tide, penetration)

Jack-leg SystemNo. of legs 4Jacking system Double Hydraulic SystemJacking speed 0.50 m/minSpudcan footprint 105 m²Wave limit jacking 2.0 m Hs (subject to site specifi c assessment)

Main CraneType Gusto GLC-800-EDMain boom length 94 m Max crane capacity 800 t @ 24 m outreach (600 t@30m) (optional up to 900 t subject to boom confi guration)

Cargo Crane Type Marine cranesNo. of cargo cranes 5Main boom length 25 mMax crane capacity 20 t

Tank CapacityFuel 1000 m³Fresh water 450 m³Sewage tanks 300 m³

Power SourcesMain engines 6 x 3020 kWPower supply 6.6 kV, 400V, 230V, 110V, 50 Hz

Charterers’ Accommodation Charterers’ personnel 35 personsCharterers’ cabins 35 single cabinsOffi ce facility 2 offi ces with 6 work deskOther facilities Rest lounge (shared with vessel crew) Mess room (shared with vessel crew) Gym facilities (shared with vessel crew)

SEA INSTALLER is based on year’s

of experience in this market and

is a huge step forward in capacity

and possibilities. This vessel can

work in three main “modes“ and is

self propelled and fi tted with ac-

commodation for two full installa-

tion crews:

• Floating crane vessel with

restricted crane loads

• Semi Jacked up vessel with

reduced load on the legs for

harbour use and on sites with

diffi cult soil conditions

• Fully jacked up vessel

We have focused on making a ves-

sel with excellent crane position

to maximize the usage of the deck

area and minimise handling of the

cargo onshore and offshore. The

vessel is built for operations in

tidal areas and diffi cult soil condi-


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Scan and watch installation at GunfleetSands3
