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rp ](ARCH · 27, J:so Per Year Single Copies 3c. J903.

·BEE HIVE"' NEWARK The Shopptns C"'ntre er New .J!!r�:-::·"·

Where Can You Equal These Outerwear Values?

Where is there a garment store where the principles of true eco

.nomy. are deepe� se�ted.? W

have arranged this offenng w1th but one 1dea 10 v1ew and that, to follow _the triumphs of. the

. opening week with

offerings of a positive moncy-savmg character. Here they arc, and business inccntives everyonc :

Jackets-We prieo which in �laterial is uatty iu elfect,.

Jackets style seems to ha fashioned withou side tncked�back self color satin lined; "

Do not fail Tapestrv on free ex portant historical by Columbus up to th�"

· po�ing �s great 1·alues nt the kes onl's 1111 8.00 mlue. · · linin�s,


Free Daily Deliveries by our own wagons to Westfield & Mail O rders

Filled, 107 to 721 No Branch


L. S. fLAUT & I., Newark. BROAD STREEl.

"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""""'""""""'"'"''""·'""""'"'"' t TUTTLE BROS . .,.

Coal·' � 'Lumber. Yards-Westfield avenue, LoT\'ii�f.tYfE

Spring and Broad Sts., Wes�fiel�� lf �'"'"�'�"'"''"�..,"''"�'"�"'""""m''""''""'""'""

Paragon Furnaces < llnvo special points of superiority IIJHI ouo of these plnced iu a dwolliug meal!! 11 wurm house in the eoluust of weather.


Hot Air Furnacas, Stoves and Ranges, STEAM A N D HOT; WATER HEATING, TIN


M t A J£\·ot·ytltluu It onn rarat. 1.\t:• lin� or

Creanlery Mtlk and - Cream.

IRA O. L.AMSERT, Pffo,.,

h Albert E. Decker, ·uvery and I Boarding Stables� i North Ave., Westfield, N. J. Special Accommodation!

for doardlng Horses.

FlffST Ot.A88 Rlt�IJ, Tml •• r,e.

Mason & Builder MS1'/�fA1'JJS !Jll'NN ON ALJ• KIN DR

0�' AfASfJN 11'0/ll•o JobbinK prompt!)'. Attended to.

03 "RITIT•• Weltfleld, N. tl.

, , ,

'· ,

, .

\ \ \ \

\ \


,> , ,


d[' fdJf�Jif.rJ. ENGIN££.R

... ND SIIRVtyO ...

The. h•Gv� �o�la� linn o.re th• warlf G tow"shif bo�11�a�ies. UNION CO •• N. J.



CUiliS'l'IAN SCH�NOE-rlrst Oln1rch of Christ ScJeutlHt, VrtuJ(ord, Sew ,]el't�ey. North lWonuo nud Eu.stman street. Servh:us, �undn,r 11 A ,..,; \Vmlncsday oventng 8 o'clook; Uofutlng Room open .dnilr· All nro ,'�

.·olcotn�. :Subjt'Ct March�." t!urru.Ht�··" . · ... ·,-.'.·" .· >


W�1R'l'FI�Jlolll'l!Blol0 f,IUI\AIIY, Incur· JIOTR!vfl JB77, Llhrftry ol'un u\·ery 'l'lll�H·

tltt:y, '.rhnrHt f\l' nncl Hntm·tlnr n tornm,nA frt•n1 1 tn tt o'olnuk, ��tnr!IR)' llVuntnwa from 7 to II nt, t.helr roomM on Ht'fttul Hl.l'm�ti nt,Ar l�hn 8uhHori\•Uon 12 lllll' yc•ftr, P"j'fth , HIIIIII·Mn. uuftlly n atlvatwu, or 5 tmn A H. wuek toJ enolJ 1Htnk. Nuw hnnk,.t�OIIRtfJ.llf.tV tultJr.tt.

llofoUI'eAtiO"' Too rnuclt t•eel'l!nllon J'nlls lo recre· •te.-lJbluuco llully Newa.

-Tho Borough of Garwood tnkes frout Ct·aufurd about $175,000 worth of tax · ltble propet·ty, t\IRY Low�r PreAellt Cuatl Pr�ccs,

There seems to be a movement in IJIIIJJY JJ6lU:DY WI�W! IUJJOlli/ the

> :· \· • ' :.

deulers to t'educe the pt·ice of ---.,,,�··:.::. ,;;,;:,;:,;:,,,:;;;;,� lst. If stich is the case aml

lDil·cctol'�-�l·ofesstoJtnl. M ASSAClE TREATMENTS,

.r. \V!I,I,[AM f,f,OYO, llo• 511, Wt•Rifluht, N, J. '

IF YOU HAVE A COUOt1 Dou't neglect It m:tl\ thet'ti IR tlnu�-:�t· or It )Jecomlng lncnl'niJle. 1'nke 'l'rmwlmnl'• Conijh Syrnp nncllll'oltl 1111 l'fMl(, UH• 'l'r�nuhtll'<l's nud ynn ctlll �nre yonr cm1gh ns qnlck na yon gut It, A 28o Bottle will cur� lillY urdlrwry cclll�!J. It lVIII stt·�;uglllt!JI tb11 uut!J·e HJ'Bl&lll nurl e11nble It to wlthRIInttl th� stmlu, M11uy II�Vl'lo hlka lt tllrottgh tb� euth·e WlutPt' to nvoid congl1s 1111il col!ls.

W. H. Trenchard, Prescription Druggist I Ill Bro•cl atre1t, w .. uleld,N. ol.

CASTORI·A For Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have Alwars Bought

Bearethe d ��� 8/ill&tllft Qf '��



No Better or Easl_er W �y· is

:Home Office: Newark, N. J.

JOHN F. DR\'DEN, Preshlent, loESf,!E'O, WARD, Vlce-Pr••ldent, EDGAR B. W ARJJ, �� Vice Pres't'

&Counsel, FORRF.S'l' F. DRYDEN, 3d Vlce­

Prcshlt!Dt. Jfrj \V ARll GRAY, Secretary.

0. FJ. Ball, Sop't, Rooms :3-3-t Bl\uk Bltlg., E. }l'ront St. & Park A\'� .• PlafuH.eht, NiQ� Box 100. Telej1hone numher, 134:1 Pla.tutiehl.

COlYER & CO., (Clothing Onl.J!.) 815 Broad Street,

Easy Enough

N. J.

to find three dollar shoes for wo. wen : 'most every shoe-store baa thern. Th•re's only one store in town though that hae

� s-� 53.00 "Fast Color" Eyelets. -and t1111t's h11r11. The shoe· fashions

are marie by "Qneen Qttallty."


IIJtO,\U STUt�t�T, WESTi'U;r.u,

m�***********'***********�� * Hav� YOU Tried FITCH's * * * � NEW PRINT BUTTER? � ,! Kept on hand either Sweet or Salted-Sole Age�1t foJ' * * Westfield for the famous Watchung Spring Water. All;ordera * � promptly filletl. # * A. Q, FITCH, OIWCBR,H�fl�����dStreet *

I# Red Star Trading Stamps. * m�***********'***********�

Telephone 10 B.


No. 144 Broad Street, Westfield, Wo desire to inform the reslclonts of Wostflold llntl vioiuity tlt111

wo h11ve opouetltm ollloo ut No. 14! Bron(l street whore we 'wlll be found any hour of the tlay or night. • '

WM. N. CRAY If. &ON.

It you want tbe NE.WS read tbe Standard.



Shows The Wonderful Increase And Growth Of School

Population In Westfield-Tells What Has Been Done

In Local School Matters To Bring Westfield To

The Front And Suggests The Needs Of

The Board For The Coming



Newark's Best Cloak and Suit Department,

A Ureat Ribbon purcbaae. Thousands of Yards of New Ribbons at a SacriOce.

The jobber needed cash and was ready to _



a sacrifice to get it. The trade was made, and the

benefits of the saving made we give to our patrons,

Descriptions ofthe goods follow, but you can only ap. preciate

· · ' ·

·· ·

ns are presented by viewing


Tntteta untl Satin pretty de. eJTects, from snitnble for

huts, mine 27C 59c, yard nt .....

Unquestionably the Cheapest House in N ewark for . . . .. . Reliable Dry Goods.



Easter and Easter Weddings. E•tster is the tornlng point of sprlar­

" duy of joy, amlllfe, 1111d gladness. Noth·.­ing conld be more appropriate as au Eatler girt tluUJ a pretty, •&•arkliug jewel, or I dMinty bit of jewelry- .

Broocb88 and oruamenta of all klw and at all prlcllll 11re a strong featore of oar etock. It t!Whracet� alao 11 wide yarittf of. dainty but eeniceable ail fer for tbe table and tbe toilet, artistic Ia deeiga wam11ei as to m�tterial, and verr re110nablt Ill 1•rice.

Buying of a•weaueRbeolute MCuily.

H .• BRUNNER, Watchmaker and Jeweler,

r.fO Broad Street Westfield New Jersey,

HAI.F RATES TO FLORIDA. t'or Settler� anti llotneKeek"rH via Sea.

board Air J,Jue Ualht'ay.

BUILDINO . ........................ ..

:::::::::;;.�::::::;:;::::::::::::···· ..

Every Tuesday In 1\Inrch and Apt·il, tickets will be sohl to settlers lit HI homr. seekers fot• one-lmlf the regulnr fnre plus $2.00, by the Seaboartl Air Line Rnil­wuy, to Ellenton, Mnnntee ami Braitleu­town, in Manatee uonuty, Floridn.

Mnn11tee county IB on the west uonst of sonthet•n Flo1·lda, well below the fros t line, Rtlllls the most. fet•tlle region in the

in all its Branch& Repairing and Jobbiq. Pluna and Estiaat.l

furnished. Per10DII superintendence OD all work.

State. 'l'hm·e tu·e thonstm!ls of RCI'es ot' _____________ _ rich htnd nuouunple<lund wtpable of lli'O· tlnclug from :f;oUO to lj;l200 1111 ucre In early vegetables the fh·st )'ear they m·e

E.C. Winter, Firat !t, WESTFIELD, N. J.

onltivnted. These lnu(ls sell for $45 to :j\lliO nn ncre. Ltutd not so goo<], hnt still vel')' protlttotlve. sells ns low us $lU an ncre,

A ten yeat· old orange grove of five Ol' ten no1·es in this conuty is n fortune

1'he climate Is del!ghtfnl nn<l'

the r•glon wmulerfnlly he�lthy, There are sovernl progressive towns in the county

'l'ARPON FISHING off tltis oonst 1� tho f'.uest In the worltt, It is the trno home of the 'l'tll'JIOU,

Fot• iufol'llmt:lon apply to Oluu·les L Longs<lot·f, New gng Pllss't• Agt,, 800 Wnshiugton Street, Boston 1 J, L, Adams, Gen. Ettst'n Agt,, llSU Bt•oatf. wny, New Y01·k 1 ot· Olmrl�s B. Uy1111 GVenel'lll P11ssenger Agent, Portsmo;ttb : II,

r� ��;t;��:�r�:�:�:�� lot h es itate to tell an untruth to make I rood l•oint.-Atchison Globe, -..... -h



BUILDER. Proapea Street,

Weatfleld, New Jerte1•

Estimates Cheerfully Fur• nished.

Dasuerreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored

T11 Mil tloolr uriJIIlRI be•ulr br ,oc) : WOOD, lUO llroM<hfltY (4oth !ltreol '­Y,, r11r uno doll••· !loud bJ' moll or

tit prn11, ll•Juerreutyl••• JIYo ••re • II r.ctorr co 1'111:8 ..... .., olh•r •• , .. pJeture.

One cwatomer wrlte11 ''The plloiOJI'IPII 'a: ot d.,uorreotype) wa• rectlvlll r•terdar ·

I am dell1bted with It 1 feel tblll I reallr �.: IDJ ••r 1raadmother wllh mo 1111:· IIOOrtlr,l, W, P., WMIIlqMa,J.I, g. -

& SONS� 218 lerket Street, IE\\';,"1, N. J.


fi n i s h, bevel

pI a t e g I ass

and 5 drawers

re�ular $ I 2.75, special price,

Parlor Suit, Upholstered in Silk, Dam­

ask or Velour. Regular price, $32.50.

-,Special Price 25.00


Special Price, 4.25 Extension Tabla

Golden Oak Fin sh.

Regular Price $7.00.

Special Price,

DON'T BUY CARPETS Until you have seen Ont' tl!spllly of New Spl'iug Pattems. We have

're:uJy for your inSIJeCt.ion the hlrgAHt llSSOrfmeut Of l�Xlllinsters, V•_IVetB, • ; MorJnets, Brnsset8 aud Ingrain Carpet,; to be foun� In auy house Ill tile � conn try.

·. MULLINS & SONS, �an:� Stor����!.r!:!�-� ..... .,.,� A Clean Light



as Oreat as

In New York.

Second �'loor.




Area •• Oreat


New York


will occupy the mind of fair woman from now until the eventful day when " Fash­ion's Queen " will dictate to her subjects, arrayed in all her beauty and grandeur.

That your presentatiOn may be 111 line with her policy for 1903, 'twould he well· to visit this great department of ours and view the exquisite ideas that have the queen's stamp of approval. The prices will surprise you.


Hm·c is an opp01·tunity to purchnse 1111 ex<)uisite Picture llat made of black'';;i�;1scan braid, with chiffon facing, trimmorl with black l'olvot riboou au•l c"uJch•>ll Ol'II,Lrll >nt, l'eli•3vod ·with 11 wreath of poppies and foliage-the whole a be!lutiful idea of tho handi wo1·k of onr staff of' llesigneu and at•tists, who, seuson after season, huve excelled their efforts in the production of Stylish Millimn·y at incomparublo prites.

This Hat sell8 ordinarily for s.so; a8 a leader we have marked it at.,., 4·75

Tha most imposing melmlram�tic pro.

oluctlou of tb� season is "1'be Suburban " uow playing at the At•ademy of l\1 usic, New Yo1·k. "The Sub111·ban" is not un untried play, for it was o1·iglnally PI'O· <!need early In the season at the big melodmmutic 1ll�yhouse of Clti�ago, Me Vlcke1·'s 'l'heatre, and scored the greutest triumph iu the history of tlw theatre, A sar1sationul and thrilling scene in "The Suburban " will be ibe 1nnuing of the big race, which from thA 1•oiut of stage realiim, Is said to go far ahead of anything iu the way of a st11ge mce ever attempt�d. There are a num­ber of other equally stupendons �ceues i11 the pr·oolnctiou and over 250 peo)Jie 1=========================================�1 and R string (If thoroogbb1·ed race horses wiil be employed on the Ac11demy stage

and a cast of unusual strength is prom·

Second Floor.


James T. Powere, in George W Leder{lr's lleautiful Wn@ical comedy pro·

Suits, Wraps and Oeneral Wearing Apparel for Women and Children.

ductlon, "The Jewel of Asi11," will re In every a'l'enuo of commerce there is one-Best-and lucky is the murchaot who, a11piriog to turn to tbe howe of bis forwer trium1ohs, thi1 stundaru , reache1 the apex of his ambition. . Daly's Theatre, Monday, Marcb 30tb, (t takes years of constant study and tmgineering, as it were, and when the snccess of his labors for two Wl!l'kB only. are crowned by the happy co•ltlitiou which snrrouuds such a Ki tnation he anuouucoa the fuot to the

Mr. Powers and tbis dainty, melodi· populace with pardonable pride. ous bnmorone plav. have been one of the We are the leaders In New Jersey in the lines suggested by the headin.r-anil no matter great Broadway sncce&B1!8 for the p��t your re<Juirements this great section 01111 lll<.>et yom· most extWting demands with qnalitie11·and prices that two mouths at tbe Criterion 'l'beat1·e, cause out· friend& in New York to look upon us as performing the miracnlous· in retailing. . . and at the termim&tiou of that engage• We are presenting thi1 SCIISon the choiccat productions of the world's forcmost .. rmtkcrs in Oos· went go direct to D:lly's The11tre, where tumea, EvoJniug and Carriage Wraps, l!'ine l'ailored Suits, Gowns, etc., in all the leading. ,fubrics aud for mHny seasous this star \\'HS the mait1 novelties: . ; ·.' . factor in those gre"t successes 1•re•enterl Women's Fine 'l'ailorctl Suits, made in fine Voiles, 'l'wine i Oloths, Oi10viots 'and· other !Jy the An�-:ustiu Daly musical com9d.l' novelty materials. Jackets und Skirts made in various pretty effects aud fitEll�· ·

company, "'l'he Gei@ha," "Sau 'l'oy," ionctl in aunp·to·date maliiHH', Some mutlcovcr haudsom!) silk drop . . A good _'l,5. '··· 00 u 'l'he Circus Gil'l," au<l ��A H.nuawuy garment nt 50.00, special . . . , ' . . , . . . , . . . . . . . ·, . . . • . . • , .. . , • . . . . • . . , . ; . . • . ' . • '-' Wd'' lli�w-�����tp� I�=======�================================J "The Jol\·el of Asia," (of which he is the star), presents 11 character which reveals ull the bnmorvns methods and iuimitable mauuel'lsms which lul\·e made him such a favorite with Broad way audiences. 1'ha eugage meut at Daly's Theatre is fol' two weeks only, with the nsnal Wednesday am1 �atnn1uy matinees.

KEI'l'II'S 1'111�A1'JlE,

N othiug iu the line of high grade val1(1tvilla conld ·be liner ' than the bill offered for next 'veekat Keith's.

At the head of the bill will be K�thryu Osterman. She will pres�ut her one act comedy entitled "'!'he Editm·." One of theprettiest·�ights ever seen ou Keith's stage will be the exhibitiou ou the flying t•ings by Rio Brothers. Gena1·o and Bailey, Dmi11hue uud Nichols, awl 'rom Hefron, '!'he 'l'hree Nevarros, George Evans, "Honey Boy," Nora Bayes, Paul Stephens, Pelot, Cook awl Don, William Cahill.aud Wordette andKnsel. Surely this is a progi'Mmme to please the wost

'l'liirtl Floor. • • • '1�I-IE 1903 • • •

CARPET AND RUG DISPLAY� ' · ' • . ' • ' " ..

� • J·" ' \ . ' •'

·. COV·

'I i fastiolion�. Our Oriental Rugs are f A Pu re Light

An Ornamental Light

And an Up.to-Date Light is furnished by the

!i ·� United Electric Compa.-.y Eor very. reasol)able rates they give electr icity for

� he':'-.t

and power. Come and see the station. It will

cost you nothing. Talk matters over and

you may SAVE .MONEY. Stat ion and General Offices,

71·77 1'lurray Street, .. ELIZ�BETH Telephone Connection.

-· - ��·��������� �!!)'.,

The First Shop The Bast Shop The Only Shop where interior decorating is a specialty, Where Carpets, Wall Papers and Draperies are made to harmonize. Where success attends your ctTorts.

WELCH BROS Painters and Decorators, •t HROAO STREET, WE.STf'IELD,

*SEE OUR WALL PAPER SPECIAL Tl ES. * A ' ;i'.t*t�i8.9.t4;f,jji.t4i,t40;t���I<O;t��'�:.ii� �

" -----------------­- -�-----· --------··--


Coal, Lumber, Building Matenals, Mouldings and Kindling Wood. Fertilizers

for L.awn1 Carden and Field. Office and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crossin<, Westfield

Ordera by Mail Will Ueceivo Prompt Atteutron, IELEPBONE 19 A. ��·n�•-r�:::•��t;:eli$k;:eoe•\!l...���·��.e•�1���,

NORTH AVENUE HOTEL, . .J. W. OWVER, Proprletgr, ·

commodatloaa forTranalent Board era. Board by Week or Month, {il EXCEl.l.ENl' STADl.E AND SHED ROOM. �

POslte Stondltd llulldlnr, W•!tneld, N, J, � ea-�, ........... ��r.w.t.eta ... ti'&-a:i'zs .... c·?t&ati:t�-'" .,:J

ro);Y I'AsTons. We are showing all sizes in the, • . ·

Ne:st week a most excellent bill is on hestan, Mousone, Khiva, India, Persian Itt Pastors It incln<les McCabe, Sabine 1:================��=�=�=��=��====::::::::�?�==:.1 & Vera, Mc:lhhon & Chapllelle, 'J'he When In town drop Into our restaurant and bave luncheon. Best· ·cuisine and most. reasonable charles,. Flood Bros., HarryCogill & l\laie A1·lea, "

1 · -. free deliveries bY. our own wa1ons, and to all'rallway •tatllins· n N


_ Jersey and Oreater New Vork. Sullivan & PRS'J\leleuu, Mr. & 1\Irs.

A1·tlmr Y(mug, Herbert & Willing, Engstrom Sieters, Frank & l\[attie HAHNE Be CO. HAHNE Be CO. w�� ���& H�. G�•w· ::::;:::::::::�:::::::::::::�:::::::::::::; Hussey, 1\Iarsball tbe �lystic, The Ame1·ican Vitagra1oh, and as a!lde!l Mltraction La Vine Cameron Co.


"InuoCeut. as l\ Lamb,'' a roal'ing cometly in four acts by Lytten aut! Fowler, and successfully played all over tltd cuunt•·y !Jy the late Roland Reed, will be tho offering at Proctor 's Fifth AvPnue Theatre next week. The vaudtJ· ville section of the l'rogram name.> J . Ft·ancis Dooley, bh&ck-face singiug comeilh1u; the Loveuberg Sisters, singers aU<\ duucet•s; "Chnlk" Saunders, light­uing crayon artist; l\l11ster R'!bert Hnr­riugton, wonde1·fnl hoy soprano 1111<1 several othe1· acts of 1iwri ts: 'l'he d11y concert begins at 2 l' •. )! tinnous until 11 P.M. ·

"Fitlrllee-dee· bellut.irul· <liauH, scenery, Its' w ........ ,.:-:,

llO!Hllllr Flfty. eighth For this season the · eut.iruly l'e-costnllled IIIUl the . .,. stlu·ts out E!lllll'lled lu eve 1·y ·WilY as n uew show. ·· · ·

a splendid bill, l1e11detl hy R•>land B. Jllolineun x's brilliant one.act skt•tch " Was it 11 D1·eam" will be the offering. Others ou the bill will be Williams and Tncke1· in " Odftwoml," the Gt·am1 011era 'l'rio, Little Elsie, John Healy Barton ant1 Wakefield, 111111 se\•et·al other nets.


Popuhu· J�xcn1'11iun Ratett.

Mr. Wultel' C. Walsh,.Jr., the.experl· euced Excursion Manager,

ftleeth•K Amtirlmm Bledlc�l Aawcht.t.Jou,

Ntuw Oa·lea&IIMt La., May 5th to 8lh1 1U03, On accouut of the above occasion, the

Sontliern Railwuy will sell tickets for tue round tt-ip, limitetl ten days, for one fare.

From the 'l'mnk Line Territory the mtes will be bused on regular fares to Washington or 'l'l'lluk lliue western termini, a!lded . to oue lirst,olnss f11re

limited to continuous pass· · · aud .will be sohlMay 1st, 2d, aud 3<1,

ten · ·from date of ,;;,,,. ,l,.l,afo i by,, ol'igiuul

ceuta, to ·

· later

Reml!og;: . . 33 50 · :·.'. Correspomliug low rntes . .

points will !Je furuisued UlJon tion,

'l'he Sou theru Hnilwuy operates three tl'llills !lnily from New York, cnrrying Pnlhunn Drnwlug am\ St11tei'OOIIl, Sleeping, Diuiug au!l Observntlon Cal'S. By the 1'eqnest of nwm bet'S of the Amoricuu J\ledlcnl Assocl11tlon, in the

A Spring and Summer Tonic GO TO THE

Glorious Mountains OF

Western North Carolina.

The "Land of the Sky" AND

Sapphire Country.

·.· _ _, , A,_;m1t,,· w,",\',·1;t11tll:, .. .

S, H, HAilllWICK, PltH'l'l' 'l'rattlU)UN'r• (len'. t•1usa11' A"cnt. ll'ASIIlNGTOS, 11, O.

Anothe1· genemlly goo1l " 1'0nm1 up"

of vandevllle nets will !Je the t&ttraotlou fur the patrons of Proctor's 'rweuty. thir1l Stl·eet. John h Snllivnu, forwer

Clmmpiont•ng!llst hns r1eveloped lll'e11lly !uterestlug mouolugu", In which he tells of vurlons h11JlllBUiugs llllt1 iucldeuta dm·iug hi• (ll'ofesalonlll CIU'eer, Ro•o Stnnrt nm1 Company will present 11 new commly sketch "WilY froru tho gmwrnl 1'1111. Sisson nncl Wnllnee h11vo 11 lull·

li•mt onc•not comP.dy to pn•seut. Fl'lllllc White nm1 Lew Slwmous will be Rtlell next week in 11 oumetly iutel'lnde, entitled "Get lu tlo Dlllltl Wagon " A. 0, Dnucan, with his wooden hoaded collengneR, will 1'oln1'11 nft.1r 1111 nbsence or seVI!I'al wllolcM with plenty of new

r:ta•·ge !lnuclug Jmvlllou, bont!ug, b11thlng, fish· 11'1g, merry.go·l'!lllllll, baae ball grounds null unuwronR othHl' attruutlous, For fleacrlplive IJII111J1hlet, rates. Mu,, llJlJlly to W. 0. \V!'Ish, ,Jr., District P11aseuger Agenl:, Cuntrnl!tullrmul of NtHV ,JerHoy, No 838 Bl'o1H1 Street, Newnl'lc, N. ,),

---··---- enst, ou Sutul'l1uy, lllny 2<1, BJlCOlal so• ·· -------------­

Trouble OniJ' .Juet Ueauu, Hcnpecl;-l tool! ulltlle flyer on the mul'i<cl unrl lo•t. Cobwlggei·-'J'oo bn<l, bu•t, thcre'a no· uac frclllug now, when the wont Is

o,·cr. "llut II Isn't, 1 hnl'en't \.old my wile

yet.''-Sirny Stories,

co1ue1ly 111111 Junghs. The Doherty Sis· Ao Well "" lie Oaald, ters '!'he D11nclug Howlll'lla, 1\h•, "ml "Do yon think 1 covered the

J\1•' Br wulug Wnckluy 111111 Bnuuell ground?" nskcd t.he lnW,\'et• wloen he 18' 08 tl ' 1 t t tl ' hutl cone! udell his presenln ti on ot the Keeley ro ICI'R, tin< wen y o 1e1' cnse,

meritodons nota will cotn)oleto the I "Well," anlu his client, "I thlnl1 yon lli'Ogl'lllll. CO\'OI'e<l ns much of it ns your •I�e

QveJ' at .I'J'Octor'a 'l'lleatl·e lu NcWIII'k woul!l pcl'llllt."-lll'ooiiiJ'n Engle, .

vice has been nrrauget1 to len ve New Yol'lc nt 4.25 !', M., vi11 Wnshlugtou, AUnntnum111loutgoiUery. Trnins com pose1l exclusively or Pnlhunu, Diulng, DrnwO•g nut! Stnteroom, Sleeping, Libl'llry and Observntiou CurB. '!'hose desh·hog Pullman reset'\'atlon shonl!l �o111l in their nNnws as soon us possihle to Dl', Fre!lel'i<'ll Holme Wiggin, Pl'esl­dent New Yorlc lllerllcnl Associntiou, 01' to ngeuts of lhll �ontltul'll Hnilway , 'l'lme, New York to New Orll•ans, UU uourd.

Fm• flll'ther luformntiou cull m• wl'ite New Ym·k Oftlc•·�. 271 11111\ 1 tan Bro11!1 wny, Alex. S, 'l'hwcntt, Et1steru P11ssou ge1· Ag�ut.

lllaloeor Orlt lolom, 1 Miss Omahu-'l'hnt wnH n hod gram• mn Lieu! error t11e profesHor mnde-,1 Wl1Hll1� lt? I

Miss Dnlm'Jne-1 didn't notJce lt.j Whu � wus It'/ , "Why, he snld lhll'l· hor Fes n1·c quite' fond of rune moln,se¥ nncli.J•nl nuliiJ! horse owners IH'!' now feeding them xuulnli"cs .. " I "I �un't see anything \\'!'allg wllh tbut." I

"You don't? De snld 'feeding them tnotnsRN�l'" . I "Whn t .• houlr11J� hn\·e Fnltl?" ·

1 "�'ceding t ho•e molussel- ot ""!1nc."-Kumus CHy Journul. . . J

I'IIE IJNIUN tJOON'U i'I'&NIW Publi•hod AVOrJ Frldar bJ

The Stan<lard Publishing Concern' �1£. J. Wt1tTIUI8A.O, President.

A.. E. PK.Ut.tu.r.r., Vice Pr"'hlut,

1\. a. PKAIII!Ul., Socrotarr-TroiOI!UfOfo

l!:utorod at the Post Ollie• ar Weotaohl, l(ew Jersey, as lleCOild-cla. aat.ter. IUIICIIII'TION 11.11 IIIII YIAII

ITIIIIOTLY IN ADVANCE, ----Gtllce-.§T ANUAIUt 1•11•1•1•

ol4 .. rtl•loor lllotoa !uralohe•l oa a,ltoatloo.

eLIPt'OIIU K, PEAitSALJ,, l':tlltor 111d

Ge•eral Miina&:f'ro


iu& .. )ts .. p.urpose for ·auotbcr year. Before tins is done, however, thNe is every indication tht1t it will be necessary to have the cute little arti cle hkcn to 11 blnoksmith shOil for repairs ss it is evident th11t the issuP. of April iltu will find the top blown to smithereens by the strong npw•lfl1 push of public spirit, Pub·

lie spirit c11n't be beat for raising th iugs but it is. the pou't of it th11t gets in the e a rly , work that draws others to it which i� tho stron�t ldnd. the unselfi�h.k the


Clnb are to' glve an un concert, In Ri<l of the Build of the Ne1v Llbl'ary, Tuestl>Jy

·April 14,-Rt-el�eht-o'clock, in the WeettMd Clnh Hall, The hall lor iJ1i tKe fig\lt of !iCe do· yon, think this occasion is to be w11� as bo1ue yon .. hs,e_lost., .[l'lend ? Don t .for- and attractive a11 P•JS.ilble, as a Jueptlon

get this·:·.::.:.'l'he Great ·Judg� Ina,'. with refreshments will follow, and Rll hiln<l yon the lt\urel wreath for what who att�nd are ttrge<l to remain and

you t1·ie<l to tlo snd ful' the WilY you enjoy a aoohd hour. trie<l •. _M1ndn<lges by one's rcsnlts. 'i'he music wlll be of the highest order God, by one's intentions. lnciU<IIng a fine m·1le q<lartette, one of

We've tried to hypnotize our Ouly Delinquent into (liiJing up ; !.Jut ho says he would rather go to the Opera, and thnt the Sttlndtml can just. wait, All honey ; it's

the. bntchol' to us.'

Hub ono rnoro lesno of tho Struul-111'11 t'otitlllns hoforo tho bnll thor· momorot• will bo Olll'ttfully pnokllll Ut cottou liUtl storotl lu tho e11te awd't·

the best In New York City. The bari­tone anti tenor will both sing solos, a line soprano and violinist have slso been secureol, and the committee iu charge feel tlmt they C1U1 otl'"t' 1111 evening'e entertainment t.l111t will be well worth lhe price ll�ketl. 'I' he ticket• will be one dollar, antl can

of Mrs J, B


""""'"''·'"c. proposition tis accept�tl;'' ·· being pnsse<l by the 'otEi�

Connoly ami couunissioner

'l'he town Is •livltle<l into four warols tte per map above ami the voting popnia tiou in each ward is as tnllows; 1st wilrd; 310i 2•1 wart\, 29:;; 3tl w11nl, 248; 1111<\ 4th ward, 289.


CLERK'S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. C. D. Ree1e Now Out Of Town Alf,dn Aml

I• Sa•o-led H1 LloJ'd Tboaapooa,

At a spi'Cial meeting of the town com­mittee held Friday night the ret�lgnation of townAhip clerk was takton from the t11ble and actetl upou. 1'be resigluttlon Wll8 IICCejlted,

Lloyd 'rhmupson was appolntetl to 611 the uuexplretl term aut\ U I• the generKI opinion tbat Mr. Tbompsou will be 11hle to fill the office lu a most Kcct•ptabl�

• CJIVu Suo•vluu ilrllml;lllittt11'1,. Unttn<l Stutes Civil Sm·tue

mlaaimtaunonuuea ·umt ou M11y 2,·· 1111 8XItlllhllltiflll wlJI be h�Jtl rot' jloallloua of olet•k Rllll ctml�l· In P��t O:Uce tlei'Vic" In this •ro1vri,

W. M. 'I'OWNI,�JY1 So>orutnq• Post�! Bont•d. Wl•otfl�ltl, N.J. Hlll'OU 2Uth, 1903,

to uotify the "'··'· ... , .......... ,, '.the· United Elec-

that the' town · would in no IVHJ' ue res1•o nKible ror hydrllnt s llncl electric lights within the limits of the uew 801··

oagh of Garwood. Before the meetiug a<ljournetl clerk

Reeso eXlJreseet\ to the m�wbere of the committee hie RPtlreclatlon of the nu,uy com·tesies extendet\ to him during his term 118 townehlp clerk.

F�wer g�lloue ; wears longer; Defoe. ----·----

Mtutlu Wellttl Preelde11t Of School Huard, 1'he Bollr<l of Education met Friday

uight and organized for the cowiug year. Martin Welles wae elected presltlent of the boaro\ 11111\ John J Coger wae elected dlstric t clerk.


Aumu•• �l.,etlurc Of A 'Vortla.r Aa•oclatlorr. The Westtieul Brauch of the Needle· work G nild of America will bold lte nnmu1l meeting aut! collection of new clothlug iu the lecture room of the 1\Ietbo<llst. Church ou Thnrstlny nfter­uoou, April . 2<1, · nt three o'clock. A

is· extended to the · the gm··

27, J903.



Announcement "

Motor Cy�les and Pierce Cycles···N uff 'Sed.

THE PLAINFIELD TRUST COMPANY Pays 3 Per Cent. on Deposits.

Are You Buylnl Any Real Estate This Sprlnl ? If you are, would it not be well to h11Ve the t.rl\n�rer looke<l after ud

thetitlt!gumuteetl by THE FIDILITYTRUITCO., of New1r'1 N.J. You know every hotly ls liahle to make mletakea eveu thsl&wyen,llld

it Is a Jni!,(hty good thlu!{ for yon to have the p·1rty wh� )l11Sie3 yonr title able to pay for Rny mlsl11kes thnt may he mao\e. We give you a gnaranty wh!l IVe lJII88 H title, iuenl'inl{ the premise• fur the fnll value ami thlll gnaraUif U buclw<l by every cont of om· c11pitlll 1111<1 smplns.

' Union County Ag<!ncy, lis Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J,

Rules glveu on nwllcatlou.


Everything in DRV GOODS and NOTIONS.

L. Jt • . PIKER'S ........... ,.-. WESTFIELD

rroor f'OJIIIflv�. noticed your wire sitting by nw Kcwlng t.hiR mo1·nlng·, 1 . u told me ycstcrtlny she wna

oui!Stl"" I••;ttJIIU'In" .. �m· An A(lttve rl� 'l'he Westfieltl Golf Clnb IB Jlf6PI

The con�el fol' an not\ ve golf se1uon . beluel· boiug i111proved 111111 will soon

oclleut coutlllion. lui� Preai<leut E. R. Perltln� lin! Al'1'0 1 itt . Green;·

the followiug uomm eee' Hale!� Platt, ,J A, Woo<lw•u·tl, C. E. 11111r. ..... . B Diokm•aou antl J, Stwrlll 0'. • .., , , 1 lr!Di • ' Hnmliunp; m. o. Flnyt\, c I� HoD� I. 'l'ownley nu•l W. E Knight, H «· B. W, Glottlwln, chllh'Jll'llll )le�)jl· Evnns 111111 E S. Robinson. 11 � ahitll (J' D, . Ot·th, oh�tirllllllll ,

Ftlh•bah·n an•l J, ll Gluck. t tntd � 'l'he clnb will ll!lllhl be o�P ;,.,�­R 1. 'l'oiVnley who istllre,41

t� idlll

friendly te111u tnl\tuhel with '

i!oolKblllty fol'etnost.

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, tJOl. � 1: ' • • ' ,·

A,JI , ... , . . ; . . . . 810 Jlkll. :11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11411. ao . • . • . . . . . ; ; . .. . .

J . Jlkh, IJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ilk h. 6 . . ' " .. " . . " .

· Felr�. ,. 27 . , • . , , . . .

'p;��-- ao . . . , . . . ", , , . . , .

Fell. IJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F•ll. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

., , HOORAY I .... :1:1:1 oenaNO THBRE 1 IOJ 185 lj


. � Keep your eye 'on the 'l'hermometer. If yon enioy and 11re pubhc Hl'lrlted enough to support clean llnd �om\ b�ll. pnrcbnae a Coupon Dook for the seasorJ 1903 11t f5. 00-•2 00 April lst a11d 00 cents each month April and &ptNnber Inclusi ve. The book 11droit" be1uet· t&nd friends hnt will bu accaptell only when coupon• IU'e removed by ticket tl\keu. 'l'o �11rry out the pl11us for, not only malntaiulng a first-class tellm, hut play· 11111 good, rep11table oluh• only, 250 Coli poll book hol<lers 11re necessary. The thermometer datt.s 11re of the lsiues of the "StantlKrtl" up to the time when the 2GO nutrk must be ro>Boht>d. The number of ticket hold�rs will be published each W811k. K!H!p your eye on the thermometer. "Tbtit'l llll."

-The HGtel Nether wood will open .Jnue.l•t, t� t¥ .•nfllwtll' l18.11J�U. , -Do not ekip II p�ge of tbie ili8Ue of Standard. News everywhere.

-Many W e�t8elders bi&YB enjGyed the 11rut Barnum and Bailey circue tbl1 week. One p.vty ot BftiHin ladle• and obildren attended the 1how yNterd•y 11fteruoou.

-.l weetlog of the HiiJh School lliiiOOIRtloo will be held Monday MllrCh 30th ttt 8 o'clock, In the

�aehillgkm School BtlildiniJ. All mew· lire r��queated to tie pre88nt . •. -Mr. and Mra. John ln!Jr�trn have

r�tturned frow their winter sperlt lu Bermuda. Wednesday ni11bt thbir m11ny W11sttit1ld friends gave tbem " rigbt warm r�ceptiou 11t their home on Elmer 'treat.

-A cake 8tlle for the benefit of the High School Base 8�11 U.Mm will be held SaturdKy Mfteruoon April 4th iu the h11ll lo the St�ndard building. The sale will be in charge of Miss M�tbel L. D�twe)', assisted by the MiBses Margery F. Jobnsou and Cllltll E Deuwau. -0. M. Burt, general passeuger agent of the ,Jersey Central, Wlls io Westfield

-��=::....:=:=-:;;---:-;-;-;;--=:--;;:-:::-:- J •"�.,•....,..,. . ._._,,,.._._,.�._.,. .. �._ • ..,., .. ...... � •• ..,. . ._ ._.,, ............. ....., •. ,..,it ou Wednesday looking for 11 homl'. Mr.

iiiiliPiiiP·�··;;iiiii!iiiiiliiiilf-=;;:;�;.���;;-;u�;.;;;;; Burt bas picked out this town as 11 de.

You Intend Renting Your

House Furnished for tho summer, lot us : know 11t once, 11a we have. upplica·

coming ir1 every day for this elass of property.




Eye, Etlr, 'i'hrol\t 1\1111 Noao. Bouna : 4 TO iJ P. N: •• ANn nv API,OINTMF.NT'

... ELll STREET, \VES'rliiEW,, N. J.

Have you seen women's $2.50 shoe . Jt IS SJ.OO

equal to any advertised

on the market. Every pair guaranteed.

John O'Bienia, IJ4 Rraall Street, Westfield.

CIGARS I Cigars ! Cigars ! Constancia Imperial

6 fo r 25c. or

1 , 95 per box. of so. All next week at

-Miss �lltrie Shnpson will reside lu Newark after April !st.

-Mrs. Harry Godsh11lk Ia visiting relatives in Pllihlllelphia.

-1'. D. Bnuce will return from his trip to Bermuda about April lat.

-The colored ReJlnblictws of West· fie!tl will meet this evening in the town rGoms,

-Read the lllliUllll school report to be foun!l in another cohtlllu of thiB issue of the Standnrtl .

-Mrs. Samuel Gmlshalk hus been visiting friends tUJ<l mlutil·es in Camtleu nud Philndel)lhiil.

-Buil<linl( operations 11re soon to commence on the Boul�vanl and seveml houses will be erected.

-The High School baseball tenm play the Scotr:h Phtins H. S. , team a pmctice g11me to-morrow at Recreatiou Park.

-Down in Perth Amboy tile price of coal has been ret! need fifty cents per tou. It now sells at retail for $li 7u per tou .

-Mr. t&HJ Mrs. 1\Irs. Georj!e W. Peek Jr have mutetl a bonse on First street and will go to housekeeping about April 1st.

-Harry Green, formerly 11 rtsl!lent of Westfield, but now of New York ()ity,

waa visiting friends In town over Slllldlly.

-If you do not believe catfish are biting ask Barry Godshalk. Hie Mon· day's haul at Lambert'• .MIIIB WIIB 33, and good onetl at that.

-A mill8trel perfor111aoce will be given by the J uutor Boys Brljrllde April 24 in the Weatlleld Club Hall under the direction' of Mill K. E. · Moore.

-Belpllll!lly drunk wu tbe condition In '!'hich Officer Ko�tpp touad William Nettmllll au the atrt���ta S�nday Dil!bt. The mao wu placed In the look up and Monday ftned tiJ.OO and coeta by Judge Toucey.

-B. A. Ward, proprietor ot the Eagle BokiJ over in Milburn, h•d 11n opelii<�g last night. Many Wet�tllelder'a atteuded the atftlir prououociug it a grand suc­c�ll. lb-. Ward put up 11 flue apread for the boys.

- · • Riding • Virginl�t Circuit " is the title of the lllCtllre to be giveu bJ Rev. George C. Wilding, D. D. lu the W. C. 'l'. U. hall 1'burBday evenlug April 9th. The lecture is fot· the benefit of the Union Veterans 11ud it is hope<! that the bull will ba tilled to Its utmost c11p •city. The lectu•·e is a mo;t itltel'eijtiug one.

-The Anchor Post Co. of Garwoml Is about to pluce theh· llllleut tl·ee guurds arllnnd the trees aloug the line of Carle· tou pine�. 'l'hey nlso have the oontmct to place a pnteut ii'On hltchiug post iu front of the property 1iloug that ihUl' · oughfare.

-Abl'ltms & Weich, rei\ estate agents, hav� rented the 1\llll'tin property 49 P111·lr st.reet to �llllcohu B. Du tuher, of Bl'aoklyu ; the Uouant hmuestead 198 Prospeot street to C. F. Harpe1· ; the Jinlersou house, 25B North uveuno to

Jumes Oul�H of Mountuhlr�ide IIUtl the

Erlwani Uaker bouse 71 South Broad

stl'ijet to J, H. Spttl»e of llci·nuton, Pn. -R. F. Hobeust�lu, Westtieltl's eutel'·

prlalug flour 1111d feet\ de11ler, Is thor· onubly ove•·huullug his estahllshmmtt on Prospect street opposite the Stnutltu·<l Westfield Cigar Emporium, hnlltllug. New floors are belli!{ pnt tluwu In the offiee, hnudetuue ue1v gluss sblliV onses lll'e belllll llllltle 1111!1 ulto·

Bu rkowltz &. Braskln, Props. gut.lter tho store ts tultlug on 11 metro·

-The Ad vance Clnb will meet to-•lreable pl11ce to live in. C11u you blame

night at the residence of G. A. V. him ? H11nkiusou ou W 11lr1Dt str8flt.

-At to·ulgbt's mloetiug of CentrKI Council, Jr. 0. U. A. M., three caudi· dlltes wlll be inltittt6d and otber very import�nt buslne&tl will be discussed.

-The ltldies of the Methodist church will bold a big ca.ke �a.le at Decker's clotbillg storu ou Sliturd11y llfternoou t\pril 11th. '

-J. B. ,Kirstein, who rece11tly sold

out his cigttr lmsinell here, bas entered into tue same businell8 In llpringlleld, Ot.io.

-'l'be aonu11l 111. E. Conference will b<o b<Jld next week, begiuuing on Wed· ne8day, In the Halsey street church N11w1Ark.

-Now take out your automobile li· cense. The St11te IKW recently pass�d at '!'renton was the mellus of having 250 licenses taken ant the firet two duys the iuw went into etfect.

-Churles '!'. Hansel left Wedtfield yesterday for Piuehuret, N. C. where he will join hio wife. J\lr. 11ud.�lrs. Hansel will l'etum to Westfield about the mitl.dle ol Ap1·i1.

-William R. Coles tmtl Susau 1\1, Roll, both of Moautulnsitle, Wt!re 11111r· l'ietl ou Suntl11y eveuing last at the MethodM pa•·soll!lge by Dr. C. M. An· tlersun.

-At a business meeting held Wed· nesduy (.Waning iu the Methodiot church the following three trustees were re· tlected : J. R. Ferris, P. R. G. Sjos· trom and Charles E.' Apg11r.

-Mr. 11111\ Mrs. Charles Crlck�uberger will occupy their aew home on the Boulevard soon after the lint of April . Mr. and Mrs. Orlckenberger ue waking their bo111e for the pret18ot In Cranford.

-E. C. Winter bautgued 11 contr11ct to build • bouse for Robert Harden. The huuse will be erected on " lot adjoining the property of C. W, H11rden on North av11nue.

-Tbe following peroons united with tbe Methodist chorcb ou Sauday Jut : MIBII Ida J. Davidoon of Old't'&laud, Ohio ; lire. Elf&Rbetb H. Blllltead aud the Ilia- Emma A. aud Mary I. Halstead of Brooklyn.

-Tb6 followinJr letten remain 'llD• called for. Please

' mention 11dvertl�ed. Mi•s Matilda J11nson, Mre, J. B. 811· llnga (2), Miss Leonia Rickard, Miss Rubena Kerr (2). Mill EwmR Deck,

Ash<!t!toe81Kb Manuf'g Co., Mrs. William Burr, Mr. L. Swltb, E. T. Raddee.-L. M. Whitaker, P. M.

-Tbe Westlleld Public Libr11ry ruw· ui•ge sale will commence Saturday April 4th. Place, bniidiug at coruer of

Bro11d aud North IIV�mle. Wugon col· lects Tuesday so send wortl to Mr�. Oli ver if you hi\Ve anything to donate for " worthy mmse.

-Ou Sund�>y next, the last Sunday

before Conference, Dr. C. 111. Anderson will occupy his ptllJ•it in the morntug. In the evening 1\ platform meeting will be held, ut 1vhiuh several addresses will be ml\de. Dr. Anderson will presl!le.

-'l'he auuntll p11rish meeting of the

Presbyteril\n chtuch will be held 011 Alonduy evouiug April 6th. 'l'lvo trns· tees will be elected to Rncceetl Clnrence B. Smith 111111 Charles McDoug11ll, whose terms of office then �xph·e.

-John Goltr" has the contl·uct to

unlld Jobu M. Ladley's new honse ou South II Venue, Mr. Goltra, being the lo iVest bldtler, haB also slgnetl a contrnot to erect tm additional graud stt�nrl 1111<1 bleaobera at Reor·eatlon P,u·k nnd lllao n fmwe nruund the en lire grounds,

WOMAN'S CLUB· 1'be Wowan'a Club l!let Mouday af.

teruoon. It was • atorwy day but many wem!Jers were pr888nt to e& jGy an Inter· l!llting program. The first p11per, "The Guilds " written by Mrs. Tuttle was read by Mrs. Ll\throp 'l'his paper was followed by Miss Morrow's Jlllper, "'l'he Renulssnnce, the Orudle of Motl.ern Arts and Sciences."

'l'he music was very fine. Miss Ruww· ler kindly sang two songs, " C11lm is the Night "•nd " 1\hytlme." 'l'he response to 11 hearty encore was Eugene Field's lovely lullaby.

Mrs. Wilfred Johnson opened the sec. ond ptut of the program with her paper, " 'l'bings of 'l'o d<&y as Women View '!'hem." '!'he postponed discussion on " Sci�nce in tbe Kitchen " closed the progmm.

'l'he business meeting followe<l. Au ttnnouncemeut was m ade by the presi­dent that the committee ap)loiuted to re. vise the Constitution wo•lltl present its rep01·t which would be J'eatl ut the fol· lowing meeting, and be acted upon at the uunu1tl meetiug lu Ape il. lllrs. Hurrison, ch .. irwlln, re11tl the revlsetl version of the Constitution.

Mt·s. G ildersleeve, Cllairm11n of the Lihr11ry Committee, anuouucetl that the Committee bud ananged for a 1\lusietlie to he gi veu uutler the auspices of the Olnb, 'l'ues!ltty, April 14, the pluce to be announced httoJr. Unusually fine talent hus been secured, 11nd every . effort Is being m11de to make this affair 6Ujoyl\ble iu ever)' way. A reception with re. fresbments will follow the wnsical pro­grdru. 'l'lte tickets will be on stde at .Mrs Harrison's, Bro11d street, next Mon. d;ly, and will be reserved for members uf the Womt&n's Club 1111d their friends for four days.

'l'he report of the Progr11m Committee for the cowing year Will deferred until the &nDU!AJ illeeting,

A rlslng vote uf th11nks was giv�u Miss Rummier for her beautiful music.

----·-----••· Barrua p,efere Vta.:arJIH Aaaluat \�,

OIBeer. E. P. Burritt of WNt8el.:l Avenue.

11ppeared before the town cGmwlttee ou Monday night •nd preferred charges 11galust otli�er George W. Young. The cowwtttee will hold • bear lug to-morrow night In the town rooms 011 Broad street.

'l'bls is tb11 outcome of officer Youngs arreatiug Mr. Burritt 11bout a week or ten d�ys aiJo charging hiw with reckle11 driving 11ud speeding through the town at a clip foster tlum th�t llllowed by the township ordinance. Mr. Burritt was ncqnltted of the charge by Judge Colline,

MR. WITTKE HAS MORE CANDIDATES. 7'o the Etlif�1· of the Stcwtlurd: I must ncknowled{,'tl Mr. llft�rtin WellB lms I(OOd rHnsons for refusing to 1\Ccept nnotlwr office of rAHponsihility, t&nd t&t uny other tim a I would not SIIY 1\IIOther wortl to urgt> his uomh111tiou.

'rhis Is a Cl'itioal titue in the history of W �stfieltl . A IIHW system of govern· mHnt goes Into opHmtiou, sumethir•g none of us kuows anything about.. Cool lreuda lll'e necessary, to l!eep t.he ship lu chmr wut�rs, uml not strike hltltlen rot•ks. We mny not nlwnys ug•·ee with nll he tloos, hut I know �lr. Wells lms thfl interest of Wvstfioltl nt heart ; there· fore I think he should nccupt, so tl111t the ltnowledge galne<l by tho experience of former yelll'H, c11n gnhle the new Oonucil coneutly. 'l'his is 11 cnse of Hte otllue se�klng the mnn, 11nd my opinion st.ill remnlna for Committeemtln llt L11rge Murtln Wells, with the atlllltlon fol' Town Olork, 0. W. Httnlun,

Schaefer's • Wasb BltPIIs n• . IMru, Wblfl leeds If Etly Dl·

SCdJfln, Lien, EltraldldiS lid TriiiiiLI. 'l'o deteribe them would require a 'olume . . o.u ·. �and look ,. thelll

over. Good3 that other• say are scarce you will lind )lere in profu1ion. •utterlok'• Pattern•· Creen Tradln• ltampe.



I BUY FOR 'DASH :AND' SE�l FOR CASH,,· Here is th.e Resu lt.� •', , · ,

Fancy Prime Rib Roast, lb.,

l&c Prime Sirloin Steaks; !h.,

l &c ·and IBc

Lean fresh Jersey H11ms, lb. ,

l &c Lean, fresh Cnl. Hams;



Fore Qqart�r of Gcnnint> Lllmb, lb.,

5c l!'ancy Portor.houae

Roast, lb. , · P. r: 11e 0 1 uc·k· ·s· 't i k 1 , ., ,t i',·· '.S,qli.d�M .. el\t ?.' II l 911 , •. , • -

Pot .RrJadt, lb .,·

2De Prime O h n ck Roast,

lb. ,

IDe lb. Fresh Sho,rlder Pork,

lb. ,

I De 12c

IDe Stew Beef,

lb . ,

5C fO 12C d. w. BiDJBP, rospect St., Westfield.

Telephone No. 24-P.

� i�""-!J yond? Ji ·


Daily Deliveries D:�ily Deliverien

in in

Westfield. Westfield.


· Exqu isi te M ill inery. Here is an high class exclusively milli nery store, al­

most at your door, and every woman in Westfield that con . siders style, quality and moderateness in price, is in vited to see our display.

· .. } We '-re l . . / · Sid Gold, E . 1 .


· , , ,. ,

. . � . . . ·� ···.:--�··.' ..

gag OSSBS and we propose to keep it up until we have enabled everyone to prove the worth of o P ,T I S T RJ The mountings of these eyeglasses lleglstered so.oo1 a r e Solid Oold, and the price is One Dollar.

Evaryona's Eyas ExamiRad Fraa by L. a. Hilborn . o. Ph. 0. , Assisted by Compstant Opticians.

If Your Eyes Are D iseased You Will Be Sent to Leading Eye Surgeons . in Newark.

EXA�HN'ATlO� HOUUS -0 to 12 A. !II. ; 1 :30 to/i P. �I.SI\turdllyev'gs,7.30 to D

. I --------------------------THE H I LBORN CLIP,

lhtter Tlmn l�\'ttr, SUl'U tc, lluld Gh\1UH!8 On, oOc IN NICKEL,

I Ocu llsta' Prescriptions Filled for • 1 .oo Up-with First Quality I lenses and Frames or Ollps.


Prospect Streel, po!itciU IIJI!IeiU'IUICe,

Westfield. -J. s. Irvin!{ hns t.lu•oetluo thorongh hretl colts thut he Is g6ttiug nsotl to un to mouilud. W etlnosthy ufturuoou Mmm· ger 1\lnolntyre of the F. L. 0. Mtu't.ln

-Now for the rnmmuge sale for the ueuAflt of the Westlie!tl Public Librlli'Y• 'rhe bl�,t sule will commence Satnrtltly tveek, 1mr\ Just for seveml <lays, N otlfy the oommtttee If )'till lhul lillY nrti oles thnt yon ll11ve no IIHO fo1· lllltl they will IU'l'ILIIJ!e tu h11Ve them Otllle<l for. This is 11 worthy ohjuct, s11 lwlp It 11long.

For thn snme renson I 11lso w11nt to hl'lug tn puhllo notice 0. W. Hnrrleu R� 'l'own Olerk. Ill my jntlgment he is the best fittml fm• t.hnt posi tion, experi�Iwell In 'l'own nff•tlrs, very selclnm out of town, he Clllt .. be : fonml when ,wnnt.acl ; tile l'igbt rrl'lll foi' '.tile plttoa, . Httve ouly lhu buHt ln tm·eRt of the 'l'own in view awl n r•ge oul' ultlzens to thlult this ove1' sel'ionsly, " 'l'he l'ight ' uum in the ::::::::::::::::::�=�==�======== right plnoo," ought t.o he om• guiding line, Youl's,

(fQrurorly J. H. Kirstein. )

Colored Anthnr•• Antomu!Jlle Oo, of Pluinfield, crnue An nR�iHinut, In t.J111 cnngi•csainnnl tlown wlth his " Oltlsmohlle " lln<l the

llht'lll'Y llmlH thul 2,�1l0 hoolts thm•o• colts WUI'U given u hnlf hutu• !uHtrnctlou.

in Rl't' wl'l\tcn by ooltll'et\ pCI'SOIIR, 'l'hey proVe!\ Vlll'Y lll!t Btlltlents Ull!l l'he nnthm•11 cti'O nea1•ly 11 U mnint· when the lel!llou Wilt over• they eJijoyetl tneH, the strnlghl blnclcH having done eating onts I•lncetl lu tile bottom or the almost nothln!l.-Wushington !ltar. 1 11uto.

-Dt•. untl Mrs. C. M. Antlet•sou 11t· temled the fifth lllllliVOI'dllt'y of 'the Wesley l\I E. clnuuh, nnthei·fortl , lust eveuiu!(, D1·, Antl�r•ou tlellveretl 1111 itdt!resK, This ohnroh which wns lu· IIUgllftltetl lly Dr. Audeno11 WIIB the Oltt• gl'Owtb of his fol'lller ol111rge 11t Ruther for<!, lltLtl lt11 hils beau the spel6ker upon encb auulv�rsary ocoualo11,

o. F , w. WtTKKE, Why Is Westfleld such a Popular Town ? Doonnso her rnon nrc up to date und weal' Bpot!oss !luau lt1undereil

1\t tho Wt.�stfiolll Stcnm uml llt\ml Ll\l11Hlry. E; B. Woodruft, Prop.

22 Pro•pect ltreet, WI8T,�ILD� ·

,. I


If You Can't Come to the Store ORDER BY MAIL

Colored Dress Stuffs. Voiles, in i2 sitndes, Me to tt.50 a yard. Tnmise. in 8 shades, 39c to •I 00. Twhol'l!, in 12 shadeF, fl.OO to .1.50. Eoliunes, in 4 shndes, '1 to .1.50. Mlmtrals. iu 1 2 shade•, 68c to tt. Crepe de Pat·i•, iu 20 shodes. 75c to $1.75. Novelty Veilings, iu 25 ohades, t1 to t2.75. Hampden Scotch Etf�cts, in 50 sbadts, SUe to fl . 75. Iu the more stHpla fnhrics are Cm·do, Pmne!los,

Lansdownfs, ArumJ'es, Vigerpnux, etc. , etc. , at Hfl ]ow prices as are quoted anywhere for eqnnl goods.

:: In Checks and Slte!•hera's Phtias our assortment is immense, 39c to fl. .Splendid Black Fabrics.

We are very certnin to get your order for such block dress�• n• you ueed if yon inake comparisons of om· gootls with those sol<l h1 other stores, .we do not mix np pom·, tmshy ll1nclt at nil's with gciod bhi(•k 'orles on wulch we hn Ye built such n · .,

A ' ' Return-Premium '' ACCUMULATION POLICY

I n case of death pays the face of the pol icy and retu�ns al l premiums paid t9 Company. On a $ r o,ooo pol . costmg $300 per year the 1 11surancc would be

rst year,

A N OR Dl NANCE. I �m-IIMIIItltM""'tM""',.,""''""""',"'"""'""'� AN ORDINANOJ': to divide the to'!'"n � JOUVI• of \V e•tli�ld into wanl•, nne) to deslg- 1 5= n

nate •md ileJine the bolliH.Iurte� tbereo� . . � llt: rr OnDAINtm by the fo\l·n�lup . 5:'

OonHuitlee of the 'l'ownsbip of \Vest- ' field , in the County of Union: i & CO.

liection I : Tbnt the wind• of the 'l'nwn ' of Westfield shull be four (4) i n num- 1 her. and shull be divided, bntted and 1 hounded as follows: · ,

· FIUS'l' \VAliD: lleginning at tile center 1 line of North avenue where it is inter· sected by the boundary line between Ute 'l'own of Westfield nnd the 1'own­H!iip of l!'unwood; thence eu;terly und southeasterly, along tlie cauter line of North avenue, to tho center line of Broad street., thence along the cenh•t· linH of. Urond street, . tlio several / oon rses t h e r e o f, in a genorul northensterlv : d i r e c t i o n . to the bou 1 dary 1ine · ' f the llorough of .Uount·dnsi<le; ncar Norwahiggiu brook, thence nlong tho boun<la1·y line bot ween t.he Town of Westfield UIHl the Borough of :\Iountuinside, its several courses, in

KID �· ' 'ifGil@: &\lb��"\7� IDllil�i�1 0'ff®�G: � 110 GLOVES. MAR.KET • HALSEY STS� GLOVES.

Millinery and Garments. Spring OpEn ing.

11 gctiernl westerly <lir�ction, to the bou udnry line or the 'l'owuship of FMII· .rood; thence southerly, along the buun1lnry line between the 'l'own of \Y��!lid\1 aud the •rownship of Fau­wooit, the �everal coursas thereof, to the

THE SE A SO N 'S most beautiful prodnotinns-m.aste.rpieces of fan_to!ls

. des'gn<>rs and leadil!

n•nkers nseombletl here as uowhero �>l>e, anti alrordmg vast anti lllltll l tablo oppq1·tuuities fog

. . I . r grat1fymg sc cct10u.


point or place of beginning. SECOND \V AUD: Beginning nt the

easterly OOI'ner of the Borough of �fount11inside, in the bonndary line be­tween the Town of Westfield and the l'ownship of l:lpringfiel<l near Branch �!ills school bouse; thence southeasterly 11loug the boundary linrl between the !'own of \Vestlield and the 'l'ownohip of

Springticl<l to the northwest corner of the 'l'owuship of Crauford, thence southerly along the boundary line be. tween the 'fown of Westfield and the 'l'ownshir> of Cranford, the several courses thereof, to the boundary line of t he Borough of Garwood; thence along the boundary line between the 'l'own of Westfield an<l the Borough of Garwood, the seveml courses thereof, in a general sout.hweoterly direction, to the center line of the Oeutral Hailroud of New Jer­sey; thence westerly ulong the center liue of the Central Uai!l'Ond of New Jer· soy to the center line of \"eslfielcl ave­nne; thence northerly nloug tlie center line of Westfield nyeuuo to the center line of Broad street, thence along the ceu­t.er liue of .Broncl st . . tho seveml courses thereof, iu n general uortliensterly di· rection to tlie bonudnry line between tho town of Westfiel<l noel the Borough of :\Iunntuinai<le ncar Normnhiggiu brook, theuee ulong the boundary line bctween.tbe 'l'own of Westfield and the borough 'of �Immtaiusiclo, the . seYerul e9urs�s tliereof; in , _a,genornlrnortherly d1rectwu, to .tbo pom · r .;place : of:.be-

magnificent boyoud cornp11re-fascin'!ting rn�tlcls from ft1rnoos d_csiguors, ami s�ores. of ideas hating thuit· ori�i u in our own great wot·krooms. lplaborate and sometw!es almost dar111g 111 couception, 81 mnny of these huture, they all possess a smgn ltu· charm and mdefioable st1 le touch that dia­tingnilhes them frow those of Jess i mportan� � isplay� . . Pictu�e bate made of �be nety straws plaited and twisted into wonderful ehaJII;s ami exqntsttely trunm�d .with flo�ers� ,

Crurt, fohage arul th01e dainty materials which have rece�vcd the approval of f11shton11ble Par1s. I hen there are rcady.to. wear and walking hnts-so IIIIIIIY pretty kmds and etylee that to enumerate them is irnpollible Shn1,e8, trimmings of every description, · •rnameuts �nd imported novelties w i thout end. On; parlors, recently remodeled aud decorated for this occastou, D111ke a pretty show place fur the moat artistic of the new ael\llon's hats.

Garment Style Function· ··Extraordinary Engagement of Lady Models.

'l'ht·cc of New York City's best known lady lllO!lels will be i n ntteudance duriug the opening d ays in our third floor gnrment departmeut. We inaugurate our twenty lint season with larger and more complete nssortmeuts thau ever, including hundreds of exclusive Gowns, Coate and Jackete from every mnnufacturer of tillY renown. A leadership g11inetl many years ago has ucver been more splenclidly mniutained, and we contend th11t there is no equ11l stock i n Newark or none r.ont11iuing 8 grentet· d i versity of styles 11nywhere in the conn try. Our special order department is under the supervision of nn expert, nml is 11 con\'otliunco for extra size and short "11isted gar-me!lts. ?nr n? w lines include everything th11t · .


rcris, Walking or Slurt Wn:st Suits, Costumes, Dress or W11lk . Blouses or Loose Coats,' W hite, Long Silk or UKin Coats, ·

and Alt1tineos See Market Street Window Dtsplays.


giuniz:g ., ·· · · · c�/( :.�;•. .'i'unm:: \V mth'c cente1· line of.\ \\'esttiiild ·a· bllt·e·•it

well· informed mothers. plunnetl to moot every colored ol' Pongee Siik saiior blouse or jncket S n its, nmdo of 16 ycni·s, itlld '· sizes from ·i' Coats, cloth,

t, morethnn dezvons of

of a stock nrc black,

is intersect�<! by:,UJ({ c�.ntiirl�iiie.§Of.� t.ho Oeutml 1\nth·��d .(lft:N�:-Y��� �ey ;;thence ensterly ulong, the:i;ceuter�hne? of •·the Oontrnl Hnilrooid :ot%ii,;.I'Jof86y.<to tlia honndury line of:tbe'i�Bof'otigh1•of . Gui·; wood; thence aloug�tlte •'bouudllry: line uetweou Ute 'l'owu oCWciltfield nn<l the lloro1igb :of tGiir1l·'ood, >the . . sevoml course_s tli�t·eof;",itlli gerie1'nl ' sontbenst­erly d1rec!ton, to: tho .· bounclnry line

Snits, in 'l'nilor-mnde from 12 to

d resses, in Heefers, llox

• white OI'gnndie EVERYBODY WEL� Pnint'tl'Esprit u''"·')'""" ' '

COl\\E-COME. : ... '; .f'.';' ,'?'!':��'[�),'JW;i�j'zi

Bntterick's Patterns L.· Bamberger & Cb. , I Bntterick's Patterns NEWARK, of tho 'l'ownship of Cmnford; thence nlong tho bountl11ry line between tlie 'l'own of Westfield and the 'l'ownsb 1p uf Orunford, tho severn! cour"e� thereof, iu 11 genornl south· ensterly direction. to the houndury line of the Township <•f Olnrk; thence south· westet·ly along the hound•u y line be­tween tho Town of Westfield noel the

�w��wwww�����-��-w ...... , READING SYSTEM


'l'owuship of Olnrk to the center line of C::orrocteol to Noy, HI, 11102. Habway avenue; thence 11long t!Je center Tralna loave Wootllold lor Now York, Not line of llnbway avenue, tho several f�=-��H'f:.•�\�8•f5:':\7� ��8�tJ��i7:it\�O.:;:· cotuHeH tbereot, iu a generu.l nm·thweHt.. l2at, 12 oo, 1 :$, :4 69,3 65, 4 28, 4fi8, 6oa, u .a, 7 18, erly dit·•·ction. to the center of Pnrk Ha U! 10� 11 311 • m SuLd•r• a .s 8 12 street; �hence north0118terly along tbe J oo: 10 Ot a. m. I� ia, '1 ot, 1 57, a 6 , 3 t:�,' i 6:!: center hoe of Park street to tuc center · 00• 8 2:1, 1 44· !0:13 p.m. line of New York 11v. nne; thence liOl'th- •o�:� �l•1:,ft•�?U:."7• 1::.· .�!):: Ulf: :it westerly nlong the ceutel' liue of New '315, 3 21, HI, 4 26 4 6:! 6:13 5 62, us, York avenue to the ccntet' line of First 16 Oil, 1 22, 1 11!1, til 49, 7 ba, 7 �. 7 67, 8 12, street; thence nortbea.terly along the ���la';i1�1id1�:·/':i2�i'41� 1h��Kt:!.' !:7�·re· center line of l!'it·st street to the center 12 53, 1 11:1, 2111;,:! 211, 4 46, 6 26, e 23, 7 112, 8 IV, 10 04 line of Westfiuld avenue; thence north- \1 17, I'· m., I ue ulgbt

. "!'esterly nnd northerly along tbe center N. J. CENTRAL, PHI LA. & READING.

hue of Westfield avenue to the center For Phlladolpbla, B UIJ, V :16,1049 a.m. l fil,2 57, line of the Centrnl Hailroncl of Now ��bt >7, 6 :13, 7.23. 8 12, u :ro, 10 12, p. m. 1 2 48, J�rs�y nod the point or pluce of be- For Roadlng au•l Harrloburg, r. OII, S OO, 9 2f glllD1Ug, &. m., 1 Gl, f 62, (7 r.7 to Reading only)

l!'ouil'�ll WA!ID: Beginning nt t.he Sund•J•, l 62, fo 2ro, t1 23p. m , 1 oo n!�ht. center hue of North rmnue where it is .J��rK�;:tl,":lJ1!�i11�,"'\11��Y4��:1 7�711�1.


iuterseete<l by the boundary lino bu. nlf·��- �:'t'):".!;.,J.iU;�;:,I 01�\\��l�wn, tween t.bo '!'own of Westliul<l an<l the ; os, (8 (1j' tu llelhlebem,) U :!s a. m., 1 1il, t lil, 'l'owusbip of Fnnwuoll; th�uce enst.crJy •.6 W to E11.ston) l:iunriA)'s 6 32, a. m. 1 02, 6 21 , and ,sontheast.,!']y 11loug the centet· liuw � - m. · · ·· ,

of .N Ot·th nyoune to the center line of �·or Wllkesbare and >'emu ton, r. o�. u �8 ... m . BJ·outl Eltrcet; thcuce nm·theasterly n}ou 0 4 �J:.· c�·k�����):2:t :;, ':n��i'2b,� �s�::: m: 'SUI�· the cent or line of ll1 on<l Htrent to th';; •Ia!''• 10 01 •· m. coutm liue of Westfield nvomu•; thence ��� t.�\��·tl�.���fi.' l:/,�i-;."il•1r�� �;,l::t Plo�s­sout.her!y nn<l southeuslurly nlong t.lw and an!l Sea Shore Points, 8 23; 11 00 a. m, 1 �' center line of Westfield nvenue to the J �\���i.!",:8 on!•·· · , · ' ' center liuu of First street; thence south- " wosterl,l' uloug tlie center .• liuo of Fit·"t

I Esc•t•t St'llll'd�<ye,' , . .... . t t t tl t " Through tickets to all J•olnts at lowest rate s ree o 10 con cr line of Now York g',!'{.t'!�:,� ·�� ��:���r:Hg�

.ln advance to tb•

nvenue; t.l!ouoe suutbimstol'ly ·alou� the w. G. B�;SLE!l, o. M. HUR'l', . ceutor liue of New .York i nveuuo t� . the lien'! Man'�r. Gcn'l Pass. Agt. center llue C!f Pni:Ji stt·eel(tb'otuie soiltli­wcatody ulong- U1� c9ntor ·· line" of Pnrlt sh·eot to tbo · oeutor litW' of Hnhwny LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXE� nvenno; titmice R.lciu�idhri oontoi• line of IN WESTFIELD.

207-Summit �d Pnrk street 499-Ehu street nnd Kiruhall 11venue

' ij79-Bt•ond nml Mid�lesex eh·eets 039-Cumberlnud St. and South 'Avt 893-Fire Deprtr!ment honRA, DO-Center St.reet, Gnrwood.

Hnhwn.v nveuue;·" the' <'Aeveml com'aos tl!�•·o�f; ••• iu� ' n:<,goner�b �ontlwnsterl.v <lHeotloU; tu the bonndou·y hoe of ' Oin1·k 'l'owusbip1 'tho.noe sontbwestet·ly nlou�: tho bonm]nry hue betwecn· t.l.te .'l'own of :We,stllol<lund tbo !.l'ownsltit1 of Olnrlt to ,th�.sontbenatorJy· cpt·nor of··. tlto 'l'own­Hhl[>;,of·.· Fnuwoo<lr'· thou co nlong tlw .bottn!lai',I'. · Jino ·: botwoen : tho 'l'owu of After sending in un a limn stand uea1 <Wostfield llncl tho TownshiP. of Fnnwood, r.be CI'IJ box nntil nrrlval of appal'lltus ,tlie severn! courses t.bereof, lu·n gonernl northweslol'ly tlireotiou, to the jwlut or pll!oe of beginning, l•' Sootlou 2. · •.runt tbls orcliunuoe shnll lnke offoot iwmodlatoly, ·

' -Atl•>ptod nt R . mooting of the· '!'own­ship Oouunittee, heltl l\fonllny l\Inroh 2a, woa. · ' .

Att rtSignotlJ W. W,' OONNOJJY,

es 1 . Ohnirmnn Ohna, D. Reese, •rowusbhl tllork, ' ---..:., . .....__

Otm't 1'ht•uw Ultu1 lu J•li\I U rl.,ld. HPcot'tlet• Dlll111 of Plnluflij]l] reoontly tined LeoUill'll Young, 11 brtruu1·, t�O f'or rnnulug 11 (!'1\IU !JIIug joint. rt IIJIJ!Bill's tlmt some yonng lllijll In Yonn!!'" es tttltllsluueut wore throwing tl lce 111111 tlm plnoe wns tmlletl, --·� · � ··---

A Oond llr•,.on, "But, lllllllllnu," lll'llteatcd Mlas Dul­you, "why n1·e you •end ing unt 1 1 1 1'1-tn t lnns for n dlnmond wc•ddlng? You hnvcn't h�cu hlll l'l'led nenrly long enough for t h nt,"

"IVhn t's t h n i got to do w i t h 1 1 '1" de· mnuded Mr�. lhl l,y on, ")'oiJJ' fntht•J•'a flunnclnl stmul l llll' would mnke nny· t i l ing leHH 1 111111 n rlln1uond wedding ab· auJ·�·"·-Chlcngo l'uat,


PA'J'tlN'fi':JI A (J(J, 1ft, Hll!R, � Complr.t4! Weterpt•fu.f Celhent <Iran lhllna ... • Ht


1 1 11 OI'KRit� .. aM LllHti•Jr iA Tlnae ' nl I r CO \VIthla the IIOIICh o! All '

11 .. 1l:':,•:.:::.o�ularlly ''""' the h1y ol llo Ma,.•�; �·;:�:.���. r.an •• Placo• In Po•lttoo

Manu rar.tom<l by The Impervious Burial Vault eo. , fnrnun·ly lhwlc\ Jl"rpor, 800 llro•ol AI. , New11rk, N, J. llHI'Ii•on An ancl PnHM"I� Hlvt�r, H"rrt111on, '

Tll, l,ll:l'lltlN II':N, N1warkW, llarrl•mo, 77, 1,001 Ulol•ncl, I'll,

Special Ofter to re•llot·o ot l'he Standard.



,Can be reached with comfort aud . . economy bf the ' .

Old Dominion Una· 1 0 r.er <:ent. dis<:ount off re�ll •r JirlceH !lurlu• the nux t ao dayo, OF Sl'EA.MERS. ONLY JJ<, A POUND, In lots of 10 lbs 2 8c chorgeH ' LeaYhll: New York daily, SundaJI

'' • 1 1";111. i excepted, all tlu; y�at· rouu�. at 3 P. 1, t�:�����l����1t?�r!.�t�������\\�· !.���we·N!�.�� EXCURSION 'riCKETS TO imlehnltcly, uvcu ir uJJctwtl. • • , , 1

Other Oood Collees, , , u to uc. 1 Jb. A h •11 Hoi s 1

Oood Teas In the cup, 25, .10 6: JSc. • lb. l I Yl e pr1111- ' llxceltent Teas, best Imported, all klnd1, 1 I ., 50<, to 70c. • lb.

Cnt out this tulv. aud fui'Witrd wJtb Pllne'hurat, ordl•r, sul•Jcct to a.Uovo tllaconut, THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. .. P •• o •. Bo •••• 18iii9'11i3iii1 "iii3iil3 v ..... y.St .. . N •• v •. ' .. : Southern Fines, N. 0. UNION WATER COMPANY Hot Springs, Va.

Jacksonville, St. Aucustine,

Tampa, Fla.

New Orleaha, La., Savannah, Ia.

'l'be uhove gx"nrslon Tlck�te luclod: J\leuls und Stuteroum Berth on 01 . Dominion St.eniuar. Tlukets and &tall< rooms at Pier 26, N. R , N. Y.


81 Bench .Street, New York, N, Y. II, B, \VHKEn, 'l'rnf, Mgr.

J, J, llHOIVN, G. p, A.

' ·


')/ !

� · j j

The .Qreat " March


Ueually Ammonia.

Extra strong. l�nll quart 1ize, Very apecial. 3 botiles for 25c.

Double zinc, regular family sizt>, Clothes Baskets. Protrctor, 27c ; U saally 29c.


Trays, nickel plated,


quality No. 6,

L�rge eize, willow, nmd11 53c ; Usually 69c.

Nickel Plated Trays.

Curtain Stretchers. The " No Sag " 6xl2 feet aize,

78c ; Usually 1.10,

Fi rst Qual ity Cranite Ware.

(One-Third Off.)

jeep Pudding Pans . Roasting Pans. I H qtmrt sizo, f3c ; U sn nlly 20c.

. S·rpmrt size, 19c ; Usually 30c. '!

Size 9xl 3t, 39c U aually 65c. .

Tea Pots.

. Seamless Sauce Pans. 2· qunrt sizo, 331 ; Usn111ly 4flc ; 2·qnnrt size, 25c ; U sually 39c. 3-quart size, 39c ; Usolllly 0\Jc,

f·quart si ze, 29c ; Usually 40c. Tea Ke\Ues.

Dish Pans. No. 6 size, 59J ; Usu11lly ,78c. · t . 39C ,· Usually GOo. No, 7 size, 69u ; Usu11lly OBc. No. !12 quar sJze, S siz�, 79o ; Usunlly 1.25.

· Coffee Pots. 2 qnat't size, 33c ; Usu ally 49c• Straight Sauce Pots .

1-qnurt size, 39c ; Usually 69c. 4 · qunrt size, 35c ; Usually 53c.

Woodhul l & Martin, 3J4, 336, 3J8, a46 West Front .Street, PLAINFIELD. N. J�


Shirt Waists and Tailor·

It Is now up to the fans to figure out how the fnllowlng array of talent will compare with h\81 yeari slick team. " Get some hitters " : bRa been the my of the wise enthusiasts and the new matet·lal hM been selected with that consid-.r11tlon, Of the old men, Burke bebtn,i .the rubber, Hlll'ry Jones at short, Barry at third, and Geol'lle Mallen at right and Capt11in, fill the positlom to a nicety and could hardly be Improved upon . . 1'om Cary will be the change catcher and is shifted to center field as it would he Jl<IOr policy to break up the infield by placing him at s•cond arul leaving that spot a change when be '" called to catch. J amee Mulhaul wtll cover the first pillow. He eart.ed b;� reputation on the North Bulfalo crack seml·pl'ofessional team which brouKht out " Chick " Stahl and Captain Jimmy Collins of the Boston Americans. This mau will be the tallest man on the t�am, he is an easy player, covers lots of ground and is known as a corking bitter George ConrteMy on second needs 110 introduction to Westfield. He can fill any infield position lind his bits ht last years Equitnble games were heart renders to us. It has been bard wm·k to settle on. a man considered able to fill the gap wa�e by the lo�s of Mc�Iauu•. A. K. Goldberg, a student at the Col· lege of the City of New York and who played ngRinst the home team last Dec­oration Day wi th the Carterets and on the Fourth with Arnboy is tout�tl us being the equal of &lcAl1mns in field ing rmtl is certainly �lr1c's superior with the stick. Goldbet•g is left banded, speedy on his feet 11nd is lumtly in the pitcher's box having pitched for the Equitable• cr�ditably Rn<l defeated the Englewoods

" Bill " Lonl( of Mount11iuside won tl e l(reat post hole digging contest held las Saturday at Recreation Park. " Bil l ' is a digger from digget·aville aud h11d u walk over.

* * * * • The horse-lovers of Westfiaid w iii br•

glad to know tbut W. H. Coville, ot Grand Circuit fume familiarly known to his friends In tbe hor1111 world "" ' ' Billy," will be located at Fair Acre• Trllck this summer. Mr. Coville will hriug with him 11 string of thirty odtl· honea, and the local people will ba ve 11 chance to aee a l•r�e r11clng stable in training 110d the methods used ou the Grand Circuit. Mr. Coville bas a sue cessf11l record handling race borMes, and his choice of Fair Acres as a training ground 1•roves the local co1,1teution , that It is one of the lineal, The " Trotter and Pacer '' ill Its lust Issue quotes Mt· Coville as saying th>tt with<.llt excep· tiou Fair Acres oft'•rs to a trainer the best half mile track· iu the State. Mr. Coville has rented a house on Chestnut street, and will shortly move with his fKrnily to town. 'l'be Fuir Acres Drlv· ing Chtb is planning au active seuson, with its well equipped plant 1111d all the racillg pharnphenalia and experience acq11ired ill lite three yeara of Its orgalli · zatiou, feels i n a position t o assure its supporters �he best sellBOII yet .

'l'he Annual Meeting will be held in April, 11fter which thus d.t�tes will b• 1mnouuced, nod definite plalls . for' the cowing season will be lll'rRllged . .

BOAIW OF . It�H�2J;!l{�,��� , ANNUAL SOHO ' ,OHT ' ,�,, .{,' last ye11r, The pitchet·'s box will be well

guarded. For two 1\-Iay games anti reguhuly alter Juno 1st 11 college muu hu� fJeeu 6ecured. He is a South p;.,v, ��u�lv. und 11 top liner among the cracker j•tclts: OHh Until the coilege Klllnes '.are over ·'tho" ����ew<an maiustay will be Sdm. Hartmi11i," :the \if:th�'"clillis� bes� available man selected from wilnf b'u!I{Hlll¥� he' oltl style niipllcuJits, H11rtman playe<l last ye1h· oC:iloubleltd . � . · ·· . . 'These'desks

:fre.·not ··oul�;" a m·ost'·woi u out,· but thoy with Ilion, N. Y. uud Coucor1l, N. H., pr�vetit tl!9 ' teacher fi'OIU oh lai n lug ,the aud is of the Van Zrmt style as II Slick tiest resull.s from the pupils. The school base watclmr nnd slugger. h1w provilles that whera " district shaH

:Awing�Juente brlve been. ·made to ruise $20 to est:;blish 11 sohool li bl'llry or procurd books of reference for each have elulling Jinfmy Montross'of Plain· school and shull raise :flO. to maintain

field a regular member uf the team. such hbrury, the Stale will !llld tb� Westfield put Jimmy on the petlestal of same sum. As we h 1Ve fonr schools, if fame and proposes to pnsh ' him along. ;ve raise $3(]. p:·r school, or *'�0. in nil,

the State wiil se11d us •120. more. As 1'be boy .baa nerve, a choice collection of 1111 our schools are greatly iu n�etl of something that can't be bit very much - books of reft�reuce tllld other books, thi; by Weettield anyhow and best of all, 111nouut of tl20. i� included In the appro-

. bitt to t th - " t f t · prlations asked for this year. 011r rapid am 00 ge e .... van age 0 ram- lncreusa in pupils attending our schools, lug In f�Aat company. Jimmy's m11kiug uecee,ltatF.s anot�br teacher for n�xt good will hold the team folly tortilled year. AlreRily some of the rooms hRve on the tiring line, All of the mea will more than the law allow�. The salary


tiEl II

YUIS EatMIItlle•







fl}JiJLili •. .:._I''THI IM.ODIMI•T OP TO•I A•D ART,"

They are in all styles ; the -;;ewest architectural designs of casings, and in rare and choice woods. ,

Skilled progress has · achieved an lncomparabr. RillE OfiAUrl in these instruments which is equal­led only by their A/lrgF/0 •lllfl.u�U.lrl and I'IIOIIOUIIODI llutUWaiFY. ,

These three factors have made them admired, renowned and prized by Artists, Musicians and Music Lovers everywhere.

Special attention Is called to the MJUIIIUII I'IAIIO• A thoroughly trustworthy and durable instrument, sold at moderate prices.

OAM 011 1116FAIMDI'FS. An .. ...._nt ef SLIOHTLV USED AND IECONO.HAND PIAN05, "' ow11 and other •aka. which have been taken In eachanp tor New Flocller Plan.,, will he 'oold at very low prlceo. �veral .... baraaiJU In Uprlpu can be had.

184 FIFTH AVE., :��.��.��. NEW YO-

The mod You Dave Always Bought, and which has beea in use for over 30 years, has borne the elgnatnre of

and bas been made under his per­sonal supervision since its Infancy.

• Allow no one to deceive you In tllllf. All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Just-as-good" are but Expm•lments that t1•ifle witb aml cmlanger the health of

IDfants and Chilllren-Experlenee against Esperbnenfio

What is CASTORIA ... ...... � ··:J ........

Castoria Is a bm•mless substitute for"

Castor Oil, Pare. gorlc, Drops am\ Soothing SyrnJtS. It is Pleasant. It; contains neither 0Itimn, 1\lorpltlne nor otber Narcotic substl\uce, Its age is its guarantee. It dcst•·oys Wor1n11 aml allays Fe,•er·lslmess. Jt cures Dlurrbooa. and Whul Colic. It relieves Tcetltlng Troubles, cures ConstlpatioD and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbe Stomach and Dowels, giving l1calthy and natural sleep. The Children'!l Pnnncea-Tbe 1\lother's l!'l'iend.



Made Suits.

ba•e pl�olf of pr!llltiQl:l M114 WbtQ Vm· or 1\!1 fl�r� t��l.'l!�r I� aleo inelf!\\'14 in I .. ·-- ---· �-- . . . - "" "'� �-�- -.-�"--c """��- - ==- .

. I a cl rd l. L ii • L j' II I tbe llliollut Hitlted tor: 'fl;e o!biJ��t�lub .� p I T E - . - - - - . . 0 h P re U ya suou.. play ua l Oil teaeh�r to de•ote all her time to mn.-h•, i · 1 dCtiCe rue CO no my. t ef May 2d the array of taleut will certainly w11kee It uecee•ary to procure a larg t , •

- ,...,._ ' k""' nnl look look like the goode dellnred. and better piano than the one formerly nlay be Cheaper But lS tt handled rented. Tlie granil piano now t•n the • ' with

• • • � * • platform has been . ln oee . dortnw the th t d th ghne s as The 'May:.Chidiale 'ite followe mea111 preaeot·year,:aud bu glveo eotlre aatie e same nea neSS an OrOU S The tide of trade rises higher and h igher

with every succeeding day·-and we are

linly ball from tbe etut. �r��:M I�: ::r:l.:b�� ��!�!�211Th\� U SANI·T, 1ftY. ..ILK " May Soil. Se"oth .RIIIflmeot. amoaut is much 11!1111 than it otberwloe ft 1"1 1 ,.._ " h ... 11 Athl-•i a... wunld hue been, owing to the good ,..y •* • .<EO> 10 "' 0 - 0• olllcee of one of our citi&ehl, who ob. Drop us a Postal.

for - it . We have the variety values

Key 18th. lladlaou A. C. tained a reduction in the price, These Box 448• as d Uilb S rj ft ld Co item!!, !Ill before JlleDtloned, lOj'ethP.r

Maple Hill DalrJ.

before-and we are Instances :

. . g1vmg

Hay 23r • .,. oro- P 0i 11 0" with tb£ natural lucrellll8 iu the amount aoltdatecl. of suppliER and booke nsed, made necl!fl· aS Hay 80th. 4 11, Reeer•ed for PlaiD• sary tiy the lar11er number of pupils

attending our ecbools. rnllke np the fteld. extra amount to tt960 IIBked for tl.oie

Hay 30th P. 11. Reserved for Scotch )'ear. The wau who rents a house and Plaine. whoae furniture Is aa�essed at t200.

• • • • • • would pay twenty cents wore, if this additional 11mouut is granted. The m11n

Woauen's Ja�kets-Fiy front, tight fitting, bionse and Scotch Plains bad good and plenty all seams tlouble stitched, good quality of satin. $J g8 chances to pl11y WesMield last year.

at , , , . , . . , , , , , , • , • • , , , , , • , , . , • , , • , , • , , , , , , . , . , • That there may be no lack of oppor

whn owns 11 house wlllch Is assessed nt SIOOO. would pay .1.00 or two cent� a week more.

Westfield has been noted for its good Rcbools, and the Boa1·tl cannot believ� tuulty this year Decoration afternoon

bas been reserved for them. MRnager Johnston of their team is quoted as say­Ing. " Keep the date open. If I find we 11re strong enough by that time we'll pl•1y you. "

• * * * * * "'omen's HaUd110111e Sults-In lr1test blonso styles, with without. crlpos, nil hnndsomely tl'immed, position . b11oks ; nowost The Alia base ball team of Plttinfieid

ti111t uuyuud would tiUI'iuusly wioh Lu udwie the school wm·k. 'rhe exc"llent schools maintaiuetl here have been hU Important fuctor In 11ttmctlug unrl keep· lng those, who wish their children to h11ve t he benefits of a public scho'll ed•t· cat.ion.

Iu lllr1y, 1\Jr, Charles Fordter, tbe Preshlent of t.his Bom·rl, tlietl. At 11 memot'illl meetiug held iu the l\1ouut11in·


All Kinds of BLUE STONE. Residence so Elm Plac:e, Plainfield, N. J,

Fla[[in[, Corbin[, Sills and Gopin[. Srnllll privtlto IVlliks hyod fOI' the next ao days llt-2 ft. Wlllk 2bo. lin�nl foot, 18 in. 20c.-Gnnmnteo nil work.


mu<lo ovor porcaline dl'ops ; in all·wool chov10ts and vene- will put 11 cracker j11ck te11m In the field

R�.�s.tl.� . i.� • ����� • ��� • • b.!�,��: • .������ly• .���� • • �t . . ��� � $9,9& !�����:t�����o !:,�' ��::� ��::t!�utol


Ride Chapel, his serviceR to the cnuae of CHEAP RATES TO NEW ORLEANS. Wl•e •• to the lJo •• auoh tlillm! ns Westi!Hltl, Mudlsou, Mont­

) Wlal! e Pique Wal&ts-1\Iado lrom imported pique, 6gC olalr 11nd Eqnitables. alzcs v 1 1 t 1 ''5 · 1 • * • * * * • " . J n !lOt U . , f ... I speota f f 1 t f 1 1 I t I t f 1 1 f 1 1 f I f I f I f I I I I · -

< Down in Ra�way, by the river, they . Fl k 11 1 . are baviul( a bard time getting up lle LR�II Wal8t8-Ftlnoy atoo 00 ar, arge 95C enough eteam to support 11 b11se ball slcovcs, spo0111l at, , • • . , • • • • • • • • • , . • • • • • · • • • • • ' ' ' · ' • · - teum this ye11r. 'l'bey l1tok suitable

Wo beg to inform you that wo have 11dded a new ndditloo to . Ltldios' 'l'11Uoriug Dopurtmont, for which we make Ladles'

. . ·. to order f1·om SS.OO up1 Jtlokots from $3,00 11(11 Skirts St.50 up. of nil dosoriptlons,

also gnlll'l\ntce n porfcot fit, Otlll furnish the best of Yon nre cordially in vitod for inspootlon at the

Cloak & Fur Store, 322 West Front Street, Plalnneld.

grounds and Interest in thill sport seems to be litgglug,

* • * * * * The ornok bowlers of the Westfield

club l111ve pgnln shown their SDjlariorlty over nnythlllg in the conllty by winning for the second thue the Press lertgne trophy, 1'hey battle•) with Cr11nfortl on Fl'itluy night 1111tl wnilted a\VI\Y with nil tbt·ee gamee ill 11 rnanuer tb11t wonltl 11111ke one tbillk they were bowling against a club ju�t le11rnlng the b•t•l· ueaa, Cnt•lain H. R. Forster, before the lltllue, told his men just whrtt he ex· pellted of tbetn and they rolled for ali tltey were worth, c11pturlug the llrat g•m• with 187 pine to spare, took the aecond by 127 and the third by 1?,

• • • • •

erlnc11tion, wet•e fittingly described by one of the m�mberR of this Board. i'he vacaucy Clll!Red by his tlenth WHS tlllvtl, ��� r�q11lre<l by law, by the election of Mr. R. A. Falrb!lirn.

A citizen of Westfiehl bus recently given .10. to be I(IVeu l n 11rlzes for eRSit)'s ou tha snb,jeot of TI)IVU Uovernment, by schol11rs of om· Rohools We commend his example to others. Another oil izmt has given $25. to be glt•eu as prizes for elocution.

This report wonltl not be complete without 1\11 exJn·usslnu of the Borml's llpprecintlou of the excollent work of tho •renchiug fm·co. 'l'he touchers hn1•e hneu nnxhna to nrl vnnce t.l1e ln tei'Psta of the pn{1IIR : nml the schools hnv� necoru. JlllshPt excelie11t reRnltR.

'i'h•• work of Prof. S<IVltz in snpm·viR· lug IIU<l tllroct.\n� onr fmu RChooiR. con. talnlug, liB they ilo, uenrly 1000 JllljlliR, mel'its the Bnnl'<l's hlglwst conmwn<lu· t.iou ; und it IH 11 pler1suru to IIHHlll'll him thnt he hus the snpporl nn<l ayrnpat.lty of nil the oltlzeus who h•tve t.he best Interests of the pn bile sohoolA 11t heart.

Respsotfully submitted, MARTIN WELLES,


\'1" s .. nbnnr<t Air Lillo u .. lhmy, Wea ry Wrug·g·lcs-Hcy l You won•·• git nothln' decent in dere. Dem people On ncconut of t�e •ueat.ing uf"the �a · ·ls,vegeturlnns. tlouut �fllllnfllOtllrers' . A!<.�oahltlonc�:.of.

iif.i: llliugr'' Hank-Is dut. right ? New Ol'lnan•, April tli-17, tlukets tcr.t,hn�: , • point will be sol� 11t one · fnrei\f s:the Jtlfi:�Yeh, and dey gat n dog w'ot ain't.'" I'Oilntl tdp vin the S�tthonrtl ,�AI 'lt].ti; ·" ' hllad

,�lp111a Pr••�.

Hnllwny, on A i'rll I I. 12. nnd 'heyi · ' · I, •

wlil be �oml r�tmnlng mltll . . . . )�W� , si.U. Pnnnta Bln,.tln., hot by pnyment of a fee of 5Q·ce1Jts. may, < " ' r�)lhnou, of nice county, Minn., be exten<letl to Atlrii 3U, · : ., · ::'\ ':anys .. thnt ,l1e leta cnttlc go on Ills

Sullbourd Air Line trRins l�nve New clover. or l'npe wlth impunity, nnd no< York 11t 2 : 10 P, M. Pxcept Snnrluy, when tn11gel' hns ·n11y blontlng nmong them: trnin lenl'eA nt 12 :65 P, M., nnd tll :!O mlrl' Jlli! romody or prcyentiYo rnt.her I• night t'nr Atlant,n, connecting there for 'llnlt whore '

the cattle en; n-et It' l\t New OrleHnB. 'l'he rnnte Is vl11 Bnll l· " ·

more, Wnehiuufon, Rlohmontl, Rulelgh wlll. Jlo u�crl to not<lce thnt cattle 1uul Hnmlet, N. C. woul d Jcn\'e n cloYoJ• fiel d nnd go to

For lnt'ot•mnt.lou ll jljlly lo Churles J� the bm·n�·nrd whei'O U1ey lmm' snit Loug•tlorr, New Eug. Pn•s't• Agt , 80(1 �oulrl h� fmmd, nnd when they dlil sB WnRhiugton Streot, BnHton ; .T . L. t he�· dhl nnt hlont, He l1ns sf nco A •lmus, Gen. East'u A�t . . 1 1811 Brotlll pln�e.d roc!< sni t. nenr or In clover ur wuy, New Ymk, Ol' CharieR B. Hyun i-npc postures, lctt.lng the cattle Gouer11l Pussonger Agent, Plll'ltitllunth., lmnw wlwre it. tH, nllll Hlnce U1at ho, VII, h n H hntl no """e nf blont.lng, though! ___ .....,.

cn t t lo h nve hl'r.n tnrnefl Into auolw a..e1e MllJe•n ,. Mrs. Knlckct·-Wnan't it drendful? pns tnreM when t<hoy were wet, Hlj

Somebody m istook !lft•s, Dlank for her Hny• IJ IR nelghhlli'M hn1•e ndopterl tll'l cook, snmo plnn, nml with t11e same ro•

Mrs. Dockcl'-And whnl hnppened ? MUll H. 1.'hl� lA 11 go01l t.hlng to re� Mrs. Knioker-'l'he cook left • .,-Stray n1omher and try wh�n the tim� . eomee. 'J lltorlet,

.. , ' � .�<11

; ; l.l � /o




. uxponsos , ·u lltl whulhot' 1110 too flt'Uitt. nt' nut tlo· upo11 t.loo ext.uut u! tltu ll ) IQI'II•

ns, As nun 11111 11 1'1111 ntt.und In 1 ,000 hons ll llrt i'IY li M wui i nH he � n u 't.o MO, J l, I� p lu I u' Uuot, t.hp HJOII !Ier the fhll!ll1 t h o Jll'lll l l e r the (li'IIJIIII'LIOIIIII �xpunse�.-Cumnoorufll l . l'oull.ry,

a hustler and a good wan. Mr. Morse, backed by his COill• pany, bas muda Garwood what it. i.s to­d•i.Y and lbe better elernRut of the place want to lund him at th, bead of the local government. There Is anotbe·r ele· went, however, who have. picked 11 Clln· din8te for mayor but there seems to be little likelyhood of tbe ticket 1vinning out. The Union County board of elec tions will, within 8 day or · tlvo, set 8 date on which to bold tiD electlr)�: .

1·eason they give for making the change as anticipated is to avul<l havin� the wires cross and l'e cross thu st.re;,ts so many times, and Oltr objection is that they at·e destroying our trees all along the street, where in some )llaces we have planted them two or three times with lhe same fatal result of having them burnett so badly by the wire• that tbey 1100n die. What is trne ot Dudley Avenue and Pros�\ street is true "iso vf utber jlarte of the Town Rt�<l lf t.he wh··� werP. vlaced llll<lergt·omul both of these rea­sons above mentioned wonld be obviated and the great danget· to hnmun life as well as the <lestructioo to our shade treEs; along our streJls would be <tt an end, nnd it is very r<lrtnin that generliJ ' •lspect of Westfleld woul<l be

by )HIVing these very · poles ouul wires out or ono·

IV lea Ul!•tlRall 1 21111

·.,,,,,. .,;,; •• J,,.,,, .. Miss MIIUt;l Wijluh 1 flnl Miss ltttth PHHI'Rotll 1 4th

vice presltleut., llllsa �'lnre1Hm 'L'uylor 1 aeorutury, Miss Hlll'l'tet.t WltnH!ocll Punt'· Rltli nntl t.t•enstlt'er, Mias Chu·u B. Weluh. Pt. maKes a chef

'< of a cook

tesro r�iYj]�trj.!�t��1.Ei-:J:Illilll!l'l!'l-tk!'!",z•, .. :,IA1. •.�41 . .... •. --:--. -,;_:"::,..._.�:,.:��Il�'+��, ·--'� �� .. �"�_: .. , . --_ "

SHINEM ESQ. ON E•DUCAT ION· lie 1o Gl�d To Loaru That The lll11h

Stantl!U'd 01 "•estOel�l S�hOIJIJt h 'l'u Jle )JKinhthled.

Oue of out· · · ,says · · ·

best )lllint for a painter to ·noe when iog work by the job,' as it goes · · aud covel'S better than any paint be ever Ufed.

Here's the experience everybody bus with it. l'he dealer who sells Devoe l!ets the bulk of the paiut business of his towu. The painter who pniuts Dt.voe 11ets the paiutitol! of hiH town.

Yours truly; F. w. DEvoE & Co.

New Yo1·k P. S. Charles Cl'ickeuberger �ells


Work III'OIIt (ltly null �xpm•tly done.


\hilt II ebr'Jl• uronr, noaa, c'lur•!Jlt an!\ reeommflnc'll ll'elf1 •n•nlue tl••t mal\o .t Wnull.t llnlly by tllll N. J, V<!na� Un,t f,ol)jJ,OQO lid ""'' now In Ut!J!Ulo1! u�"' Mll•h rtf JllllUnlte•t llt�l wlu h•trrwuun w\lh ael1n J•lr.kl-11, Ml!nerl\ll1 •t�luf� ��;�t p����:;�;��.���,{c�1:,j�• f.'j�•::.�!• �����N.� ���i��P ��: :�� nN•ti, Ufllw"rtl uwffr 1(, f1otll fl111 he trllffi iOt,.,JII tt.•Jtarl, Prl��• an tr••m l lb 6�o. 11er fl, 1,\l,u��ol term• W tctnh, lu•etl('lh'e t•rl�• lht •••ut ••n M'i'llcttlnn,

'THI NIW lllllr IIMGI ct., MIUMJ MILLY, M, l.


Theo. A. Pope,


103 Central Avenue,

Westfield, N . J .! Bsthnates Cheerfully Furnished,

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.

Chas. Zeitelhack,, House, Sian and Decorative Palr.t·

lng and Paper Ha ngi ng.

Flll8'1' OLASS WOltK GUAitAN'fEED Westfield, N, J.

� - W. S I N GE R, :13 Prospect Street. Tel, a4 F.

Turkeys and Ca me. Meats and Vegetables.

Lowest Excursion Rates to N019 OrlctHla ovor mnrlo

During April and May. 'l'hrough slooplng 011r and tllnlng o II' sorvlco, Arld J'css

NORFOLK & WESTERN Rt The Slto1·t Line. 398 Droadway, N1V,


$22.50 $2t. l: CJO Were .P • ��o.

Golden Oak Side· boards-(llke cut)

G o I d e D Oak Were 110. G o ld e n 0111 vr-ra- (like Cheval Mlrrora China ClcJIIta-cut. ) (like cut.) {like cut.)

Were $ 1 2. $4.50 $4.95 Wert .7.00 $8. Wete $6.30.

Golden Oak E x t e n s i o n •rables-(iike cut.)

G o l d e n Oak Chiffoniers. lLike cut.) White Enameled lrou Bed-J:lrass trim -(lib cut.)

The 1903 Line of Refrigerators and ke Boxes-just ia­


The "New Domestic" Sewinf Machine Is the very best

comfort-two machines lor the price of one. (Cash orcrc41t.)

Amo..r H. Van Horn, Ltd. JJe !UJ'C J t 's "No. i :i " and you 1ec tbt 8r•t nu.mt " A mo• ' ' before enteriua

OW N 1'1!R�IS. CA5H OR YOUK 73 ��f::'vHRl lll. Near Plane 8treet, Welt of Bro1d.

A Pri'fate llellnr.r W�taoft lent c:.n Jl.eqn ... t. .. Teltphoat &80.11 Senti for New •2-l1uee CRtnlo&ue.

Buy the Kind of Coal You Need.

'l'here Is 11 d lff�rence in · cmlis 1 some thnt I• excellent fm· certuh1 purposes is not goml for others. You will save money aud t1·ou'IJJe by'' getting ·tile·. klutl thnt is best for your ptil'jlose 11iut


lioth of tiJCSC U l'Cil' tiers III'C oil the SHERANDOAB

IIUd qnickJy I'CJIChed by truin scrl'ico aud Ct\rs from the

EAST AND THE All through tickets nre good 11

oJI ut Lu rny Caverns and Britlge, Yu.

Onliiotl or athlrmis any ;', N, ,% W. Uy., or ' ' '' 'W. B. BEVI J.I�, G. p, A, We' I I. !�t'�;�,.�!f���;j·�

whnt _kin!l thut, !sij(yciti'coJi�?it'nit ;...;..;..;.;..;... ______ -: 11hout It, We .sell nli. .k'told� iluti ao·; ' licit 11 call, . , . . .. · ' · , . ·.,' :,," ·· :


Jas. E. Goodman & Son, :ASH BROOK. N: ..1 ,

Moll Order• Promptly Filled. J O H N COL TRA,

Carpenter & Bui lder. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Plan� Furnlahed If Dcsiroil.

ltc8hlt'l\C!O l H l..., au•J< �t .. J•oct·. 1\'E�'I'l•'n�I,IJ, N "W ,J"HH�;y,

Cavie Hard

Hot•so lllnnkots, CIIu·bngo Onne,

Bulldol'a Hnrll wRro,
