A weird day




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The sun in shining through the window over college student Jason Thornmoore. It was a Friday and it had been a long week of work and class. He decided he was going to quite a few things after he got done with his class. The weather was finally starting to warm up to a point where he didn’t need a jacket anymore and could wonder the city without being worried about freezing. He sat up out of bed just as his alarm on his phone started beeping for him to get up. He got out of bed and took a shower to help him wake up. The hot water from the shower had fogged up the mirror so much that he could barely make himself out. Jason can either Wipe off the mirror to see himself Leave it be

Jason jumps backwards unaware of what just happened. He had heard a yell but it wasn’t his yell yet he was sure that he saw himself in the mirror, but now there was nothing there. He shakes his head and splashes some water on his head blaming the fact that it was still early he left the room.

He walked out of the bathroom being as quite as possible as to not wake up his room mate who was snoring louder than any noise Jason was making. He went over to his book bag and double checked to make sure he had everything that he needed for his class. Once sure that he was ready he grabbed his bag and took off to his class smile on his face feeling great about the weather and the day.


He walked out of the bathroom being as quite as possible as to not wake up his room mate who was snoring louder than any noise Jason was making. He went over to his book bag and double checked to make sure he had everything that he needed for his class. Once sure that he was ready he grabbed his bag and took off to his class smile on his face feeling great about the weather and the day.

Jason enters the class and takes his usual seat, the guy next to him comes in a few minutes after him sitting next to him but not acknowledging that he is even their. Jason isn’t bothered by this since the end of the semester was coming up, he could care less whether or not people in the class noticed him or not. The teacher walked in just at the time the class was supposed to start, Jason could see the faces of all the other students drop as they had hoped she wouldn’t show up. The teacher was pushing a cart full of books that she started to hand out to people in the class and as the books were making there way around the room they ran out just before reaching Jason was able to get a book. Worried that he would have to sit closer to his neighboring student to read he spoke up.

“Uh is there any more books, I didn’t get one.” The teacher looked back at him then around the room to make sure that there were no more extra books sitting around that someone just forgot to pass out.

“Here you can have this one.” She said as she pulled a book from the bottom of the cart. She walked over and dropped it on the table in front of him. The book was hardback and there wasn’t a single illustration anywhere on the cover. Jason turned the book over to see that the back was the same exact way. He looked around the room and noticed that the other students had been given books that had a picture of a computer on the front and were already flipping through the pages to get to the one that the teacher had requested they turned too. Jason must have been flipping the book over and over again because the guy next to him looked over at him, raising his eyebrow at him as if he had spoken in some weird language.

“You know flipping it over isn’t going to erase the fact that you still have to read it dude.” The guy next to Jason kind of laughed as he said this. Jason can either Open the book to see what's insideAsk the teacher if there is a different book that is like the other books

Jason assumed that the book must be a older copy of the book that the rest of the class had been given. He opened the book to see, nothing. There was nothing written on the page just completely blank. Jason started flipping through the pages to see that every pages was the same as the last one, none of them had anything on them. He stopped about half way through and just let the book sit there. He could tell that the rest of the class was busy working on answering the questions out of the book that for them seemed to have all the answers. The guy next to him was looking at him as if he was crazy. Jason just sat there looking at the book still trying to understand what the hell was happening with the thing.

He reached out to close the book to just be done with it when suddenly the pages started flipping through on their own as if there was a breeze blowing them over. The only problem to this was there were no windows or fans in this room and the guy next to him was looking the other direction so he wasn’t blowing on the pages either. The pages started flying over and over until the very end when the back of the book slammed shut, echoing through the whole room. The rest of the class looked at Jason just as he turned the book over and opened it again as if nothing had happened. The rest of the class went back to working on their homework. Jason bent over the book looking at the blank page as if he was actually reading something and studying what the words said. Jason was getting annoyed with this, he felt so dumb looking down at a blank page of a book and acting like he was learning something. Jason leaned back in his chair just as what looked like ink started being written on the blank page. HELLO JASON. The words written had spelled out his name. Jason can eitherClose the bookSee what else the book will write

Jason raised his hand again.“Uh mam I don’t think you gave me the correct book.” “Dude you book is the same as mine.’ The guy next to Jason slid his book over so it was next to the black covered book, he held his hand open as if to say see they are the same. The teacher had walked over to them also.“Jason the book is the same as everyone else's, you feeling ok?”“Yea I am fine sorry.”Jason was confused by this but understood that whatever it was that he was seeing was only happening to him. He brushed this off and decided to just open the book in hopes to follow the class. Read through the book

Jason slams the book shut and afraid of what other words the book might write to him. He was also scared; the book had said his name. There was nothing good that was going to come of an all-black cover book with no writing in it other than the one time he sees his name written in it. Every scary movie had taught him that if something says hello to you and only you, you don’t wait to see what happens. Jason slammed the book shut but as the cover slams over a horrible twisted laugh of a dark deep voice echoes through the room. Everyone once again looks over at Jason.“What the hell are you doing man; Yo teach I think he has finally lost it.” The guy next to him had jumped at the sound of the laugh but instead of looking around like Jason was doing he was looking right at Jason. “Jason is everything ok?” The teacher was now standing up looking at him.“Yea I’m fine just smashed a spider.” “You laugh when you kill spiders?” A girl on the other side of the room looked at him, laugh at the remark of what he had just said. “You don’t?” Jason answered. The girl snuffed at him as she turned around and got back to her work. Jason opened the book back up.

T H AT WA S N ’ T V E RY N I C E J A S O N . T I M E T O H AV E S O M E R E A L F U N .

Jason looked at the book, worried at what exactly it was that it considered fun. He looked around the room and felt as if time was slowing down. Jason noticed that everyone was very still and there was little to no noise. He looked down and saw that the keyboard in front of him started to melt into a black puddle in front of him. The keys were floating slowly away from him in the puddle. Jason looked back up around the room to see that peoples faces were being melted down or twisting into cruel shapes or places making Jason cringe at the thought of a face even doing such a thing. He heard a low deep sound next to him and turned to see that guy next to him with one of his eyes sliding down his face while his mouth started to curve up on the opposite side of his face. He noticed that the low deep sound was the guy next to him trying to speak to him but he couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

Jason grabbed ahold of his book knowing that he had to get rid of it somehow.Jason can eitherBurn the bookThrow it into the water

Jason decided to leave the book open, to see what exactly was happening with the book and how it might know his name. He just sat there waiting to see what exactly the book was going to do next. MY NAME IS MATHIAS, AND JASON I HAVE BEEN TRAPPED IN THIS BOOK FOR 800 YEARS. I WAS ONCE A GREAT AND POWERFUL WIZARD BUT A DEMON TRAPPED ME IN HERE, BUT I HAVE HOPE THAT YOU CAN SAVE ME. Jason takes a pen from his bag and starts to write in the book, the guy next to him mouthed “really?” as Jason started writing in the page. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? Jason wrote on the opposite page of where the other writing was. YOU MUST DESTROY THIS BOOK SOME WAY SO THAT YOU CAN RELEASE MY SOUL, ALL I WANT TO DO IS REST IN PEACE.

Jason contemplated this for a minute knowing that whatever he did he had to get this book out of his possession, it was weird and regardless of the story that it was telling he didn’t know what was true. The book had brought a lot of attention to him and wasn’t helping him with the class one bit. He could see the lighter on the student next to him that he could get to burn the book or he could take it over to the river and throw it into the river. Burn the bookThrow it in the river

Jason slammed the book shut and got up. Afraid to even move at the sight of the faces around him he knew that he had to get the hell out of this room. He leaned over and took the lighter out of his neighbors pocket. He was afraid that something from him would melt onto his hand. Jason pulled his hand away quickly and ran out of the room. He planned on burning the book but didn’t want to set off any fire alarms in the building. He ran outside and down the street into a back alley where no one would notice him. He took the lighter out and set the first page on fire. He heard a roar come out of the book that seemed like it was going to shake the building apart. Jason threw the book down as it burned. He threw the lighter away making a conscious note to buy that guy a new one. Jason made his way down the street away from the burning book.As Jason was heading out he noticed that there was a piece of a gargoyle from the library that had fallen off onto the ground and he could either pick it up leave it be and have a look at a statue that greek statue on the other side of the street.Piece of GargoyleStatue

Jason closed the book and turned to the guy next to him who was doing his best to avoid him.“Hey can I borrow your lighter?”“What the hell you need that for?” The other guy was now getting very skeptical on just how sane Jason was after everything he has been seeing him do through the class.“Smoke break man I cant handle being stuck up in here for this long.” Jason lied, he had never smoked and never planned to but knew that it was a feasible thing to say so that he would be able to get the lighter. “Yea man me too I’ll go with you.” Jason was hoping he wouldn’t but knew that there was no point in arguing. They both left the room together and headed outside where the other guy took out a cigarette and lit it up. After light it up he handed the lighter to Jason, who immediately took out the book lit the lighter up and set the first page on fire allowing the first to burn the others. The other guy jumped back,“Shit man you truly are insane, please don’t kill me.” He was practically whimpering as Jason threw the book away onto the street and handed the lighter back to him as he made his way down the street, for him class was done for the day.Piece of GargoyleStatue

Jason closed the book, threw it in his bag and ran out of the room, he didn’t care what the teacher or the other students said about him now, the only thing on his mind was getting rid of the book. He crossed the street towards a bride that spanned over the river that ran through the city. He felt the book start to shake in his bag as if it knew what was coming. As he pulled up to the side of the bridge he took it out and before he could do anything the book opened up. YOU CANT DO THIS, IT WILL DO NOTHING TO ME.

Jason didn’t care anymore he grabbed both ends of the book and slammed it shut and threw it into the river. No one seemed to notice the black book fly through the air or splash in to the river. Jason took off down the street, he had no intentions of going back to class today. Piece of GargoyleStatue

Jason decides to pick up the piece of the Gargoyle and take it into the library with him. He had already planned on going to the library to look up some information that he needed for a paper that he had due in the next few weeks. He enter the doors and head to the front desk showing them his library card but also handing them the piece of the Gargoyle that he picked up. They thanked him as he headed past them and up to the upper floors for research book.

He decided to take the stairs up and as he entered the main area he noticed tables were full of people reading through different books, doing the same thing that he planned on doing. Jason noticed the windows showed a great view of the city blocks that surrounded the Library. He felt a breeze and noticed that some of the upper windows were open to let some of the nice weather in, but it was out of reach from any person to reach.

He headed over to the book shelves and see that there were few people at each end minding their own business, desperate to get their research done. He picked up a book and started skimming through it to see if it had any decent information that he could use for the paper.

He heard the sound of footsteps coming down the lane between the bookshelves that sound like someone was dropping books or stones on the floor for each step.

He looked up wondering what person was being stupid and annoying the other people including himself that were busy trying to do work. He came face to face with a stone face that was about six inches taller than him and wings that was at an angle behind it. Jason jumped back a bit, startled by the appearance of this stone figure in front of him.

“No reason to be scared, I, unlike the other things you will see today, am not here to cause any harm to you.” He looked around and noticed that everyone is still looking at the books they had in their hands. It was clear that none of them had heard anything that the stone figure had said. “I am a Gargoyle, you actually picked up a piece of my foot and brought it inside this building when you walked in,” Jason looked down to see a piece of his foot missing that was about the same size as the piece that he gave to the front desk. “I am sure that you were a little confused on everything that has happened to you today. I do not have the answers to why these things are happening but I can tell you that it is because of stuff that you’ve done throughout your day.” He realized like the book earlier that he was probably just imagining the Gargoyle. Ignore the Gargoyle or ask what happening to you.

He decided to look down at his book as if he couldn’t see or hear the Gargoyle talking to him. He hoped that just by ignoring it that it would go away and not do anything else that would make him seem like a fool. He didn’t hear it talking anymore when suddenly it brought its stone fist down on his book, forcing him to drop it onto the floor.

“I know you may think I am not real, and to everyone else in the room I am not real but you can see me and you can interact with me.”

The people looked at him as the book fell to the floor and as he just looked blankly at, to them, seemed like nothing.

Jason walked over to a window that is by a corner of the room he was in, away from everyone else so he didn’t seem as weird talking to nothing. Ask why he is helping you or ask what else will there be.

He put the book back,“So why is this all happening to me?” The guy that was looking at a book close to him looked up at Jason with a face as if to say what are you talking about.“I don’t know the answer to that question, as I’ve said these things have happened based on stuff that you have interacted with throughout your day. I do know that you are the only one that can see me or any of the creatures but you are also the only one that can interact with them.” Jason realized that the people around him were looking at him weird and based on what the Gargoyle had just said, to them he was talking to no one but himself. Jason walked over to a window that is by a corner of the room he was in, away from everyone else so he didn’t seem as weird talking to nothing. Ask why he is helping you or ask what else will there be.

“Why are you helping me, when everything so far has been trying to ruin my day?”“Gargoyles have always been around to protect building from dark spirits and when I saw you come into the building I knew that you had come into contact with some Dark creatures. I felt the need to speak to you and warn you of what may come.”

“You will have to find a way to defeat whatever it is that you bring into this world by any means necessary. Some items around you might change based on what creatures that you bring into this world, and you may have to use them to defeat the creatures. I have only come to give you this warning but I must return to my post hopefully you will make it through the day without any more troubles.”` With that the Gargoyle flew up to the open window and flew out. Filled with this information Jason left the library unable to concentrate on reading a book anymore. As he was walking down the sidewalk he saw a bronze statue of a bull with a nose ring on the other side of the street and decided to head over to it. He had been meaning to take a picture of it but never made it down by the statue. As he took a step towards it he noticed a four leaf clover in front of him that he about stepped on.Pick up four leaf clover or ignore it and go to the statue.

“What else is there going to be?” “I don’t know, all I know is that be careful of what you find

through the day as they might bring about creatures that may not be as friendly as me.”

“You will have to find a way to defeat whatever it is that you bring into this world by any means necessary. Some items around you might change based on what creatures that you bring into this world, and you may have to use them to defeat the creatures. I have only come to give you this warning but I must return to my post hopefully you will make it through the day without any more troubles.”

With that the Gargoyle flew up to the open window and flew out. Filled with this information Jason left the library unable to concentrate on reading a book anymore. As he was walking down the sidewalk he saw a bronze statue of a bull with a nose ring on the other side of the street and decided to head over to it. He had been meaning to take a picture of it but never made it down by the statue. As he took a step towards it he noticed a four leaf clover in front of him that he about stepped on.Pick up four leaf clover or ignore it and go to the statue.

Jason walked over to the statue, it was a man that was standing at the side with one hand up as if to block a blow or the sun, while the other was behind him as if to say stay back. The statue was made of solid stone and towered over him; he assumed it was Greek by the design of the man with no clothes on and the curly hair, along with well-defined muscle tone throughout his body that is common with Greek statues. The statues hand that was in the air was facing towards a museum that was down the road.

Jason meant to head towards the museum so that he could get some more information for his ancient European history class. The museum had some displays of Greek Mythology that would help as a reference for his paper that Jason had due in the next few weeks. He put his hand on the statues foot and started towards the museum.

He entered the museum heading towards the map of the place in front of him to find the section that he wanted to go to, the Greek section. He made his way through the museum, noticing that there weren’t many people looking at the items throughout the museum. There was white pillars in front of him that show he was going into the Greek section of the museum.

There are statues around the outside along with shelves in the middle that was about foot taller than him, filled with small items such as vases and other items from the Greek times. There was a few people looking at the statues and a few people looking at the shelves in the middle. Go to look at statues or shelves in middle of the room.

After seeing the statue outside he decided to go look at the other statues that was around the room. He went across the room to the ones that was the furthest away so he can work his way back around them room. The statue he came to almost seemed modern with a mother shielding her mother from something. Other than the robes that were seen during Greek times the picture almost seems like people that he would see today.

He disregarded it and moved onto the next statue. As he was looking over the next statue he heard a yell that sounded like it was cut short. He turned around and saw a statue right in the middle of the room that he hadn’t noticed before. He walked over to it to see that it was a man dressed in normal clothes just like him, except for the fact that he was completely stone.

As he was about to reach his hand out to touch the statue, he heard what sounds like snakes coming from behind the shelves. He started to head towards the sound when he saw someone else also walking close by the shelves. He saw them turn into the shelves and he thought that he just simply misunderstood their footsteps for something else. Jason decided to also go look at the shelves and follow the path that the other person had just taken. He turned the corner and run right into another stone statue but this one was exactly that of the person that he just saw walk around the shelves. Just then he heard the sound of the snakes again but this time he heard them coming from behind him. “Come, turn and look at these wonderful exhibits.”

The voice seemed to have hissed at him. He could tell that something was off with it and decided to instead of turning around to pull out his phone. He used the camera on the front screen to look behind him.

He saw a women that was transformed by a body of a snake along with what looks like dreads for hair. He decided to zoom in to get a better look, when he noticed that the dreads were actually weaving in and out of each other. The woman’s eyes were a bright yellow. He immediately knew now why there were so many stone statues around the room that looked so modern.

He was looking at Medusa, not directly or else he would of been like everything else in the room.Run or find something to fight with.

He choose to go look at the shelves first since he already looked at the statue outside. He got into the shelves and start examining the artwork that is on the vases. There were a few people that were on the other end of the shelves also examining the color art on the objects. He heard hissing coming from the other side of the shelves but it echoed in the room that it could have been anything else. He kept making his way down the shelves being sure to read all the information that went with the vases, occasionally writing stuff down in a notebook that he could use for his paper. He heard the hissing again but this time it seemed closer, although it was still on the other side of the shelves. Jason looked down the shelves to see the people that were there were at the end and were getting ready to move on to look at the statues along the exterior of the room. He looked down at his phone to check the time, not wanting to spend the whole day in the museum when it was so nice out. He looked back up to see that the people that were about to go look at the statues stop dead in their tracks, looking past the shelf that Jason was just standing in front of. He thought they were looking at something that he must of missed but then he noticed that they slowly turned a grey color. He started to walk over to them and noticed that they had turned into what looked like the stone statues that were around the outside of the room. He heard the hissing again, this time much closer. He take out his phone and turned on the camera as he stretched his hand out around the corner, and snapped a picture of whatever it was that was around the edge of the shelf. He brought the picture up and immediately understood why the people had been turned to stone

The picture showed what looked like a giant snake but it had just the tail of a snake and the rest was a upper body of a women. Her skin was dark as if she had been tanning and her hair looked like it had dreads but it was actually snakes interweaving in and out of each other hissing at the victims that had looked into her bright yellow eyes. He knew immediately that he had just taken a picture of Medusa. “Come get a better look at me, come look into my eyes I will show you many things.”

The voice seemed to hiss at him, slowly getting closer to where He was. He knew that whatever he did that he couldn’t allow himself to look into her eyes.Run or find something to fight with

Jason knew that there is nothing he could do in this room and decided to take off running for the exit of the room. He kept his phone out and the camera up so that he could see behind him rather than looking at Medusa right in the eye. He heard her turn the corner of the shelves, knocking over her victims that she had just turned to stone. She yelled as she saw him running for the exit of the exhibit. He pulled his phone up and looked behind him through the screen and see her sliding along the ground heading towards him. He looked around in front of him for anything that he could use to slow her down or use against her but there was nothing but the pillars. He looked at the pillars when he came in and noticed that they were not made of actual stone but rather a heavy plastic. He brought his phone back up to judge just how close she was to him and noticed she was closing the distance. He made it to the pillar and slide in behind it, taking his phone out so he could see how close she was getting.

A group of people was walking towards the exhibit when they saw Jason slide behind the pillar they give him a weird look as if he were playing hide in seek for no reason. He waved his hand at them trying to tell them to get away from where he was. They either saw Medusa coming towards them or just thought he was weird, either way they started to go a different direction.

She was about to reach the pillar when he pushed his back against it, pushing it towards her. She stopped where she was and looked at the pillar that was toppling forward unto her. She screamed as it lands on her trapping her underneath. A girl turns the corner in front of him seeing the pillar land on Medusa she screams running in his direction.

“What are You doing, you could of hurt someone knocking these items over.”

She was wearing a shirt that stated she worked at the museum. He looked at her bewildered as she picked up the pillar and slides it back into the place that it just was. “Your lucky nothing broke or you would have to pay for them yourself. “

He looked past her were the pillar had landed and noticed that Medusa was gone. He look around wildly making sure that she wasn’t anywhere around him, just waiting to turn him to stone. “Are you even listening to me, I think its time you left the museum.” “I couldn’t agree more.” Jason said

He wasted no more time after that, leaving the museum as quick as he could. Once outside he took a seat on the steps, still confused as to what had just happened. He looked through his phone to see the picture of Medusa was still there so he knew he wasn’t imagining these things but that was the second thing that had happened to him today. No one had acted like they could see it nor did they try to help. He shook it off as he got up and headed down the sidewalk, he noticed a bronze statue of a bull with a golden nose ring on the other side of the street that he had wanted to take a picture of for some time. He decided to head over towards it, but as he was walking he looked down at his feet and see a four leaf clover.Pick up four leaf clover or ignore it and go to the bull

Jason decided to try and find something in the room to fight her with, not thinking he would get to far if he decided to run away. He noticed the person that had just got turned to stone, had a bag that was now also stone. He decided to break it off, looking at his phone to see just how close she was. When she was very close, he closed his eyes and turned around swinging the bag at her hoping that he would hit since he couldn’t see anything. He felt the stone bag hit a solid object, then almost in reaction to hitting her he dropped the bag. He turned back around and using his phone he looked to see what had happened. He saw the stone on the ground next to Medusa who was now laying on the ground with her eyes closed. He ran over to the statue that he just took the bag from and pushed it over on top of Medusa. He wasted no time and started heading towards the exit of the exhibit.

Jason noticed a man run past him into the exhibit, afraid to turn around he kept moving but he heard him say. “Mam are you okay?” “I’m fine think you I don’t know what is wrong with that young man over there but they just grabbed my bag from me, swung it in the air then pushed me over onto my bag.”

This confused Jason so he turned around to see a women being helped up off the ground from the man who had run past him. He was wearing a shirt stating that he was working for the museum. He pointed in his direction asking him to wait, but Jason just turned and ran out of the museum. He got out and ran down the sidewalk a few blocks until he found a bench to sit on. This is the second time that something had happened to him that no one else seemed to notice or even tried to help him with. He shook this off and decided to head out into the day.

He get up from the bench and head down the sidewalk, he noticed a bronze statue of a bull with a golden nose ring on the other side of the street that he had been meaning to take a picture of. He decided to head over to but as he took a step towards it he looked down at his feet and saw a four leaf clover.Pick up the four leaf clover or ignore it and go to the statue.

Jason decided to disregard the four leaf clover on the ground and head across the street to the bull statue. He had been meaning to get a picture with it, but never really walked by it. He took out his phone and took a picture of it as he walked up to it. He noticed the great detail that was put into the bull, with all the muscles and the creases on its face perfectly put together. He ran his hand down the back of the bull to the front of the bull amazed by how smooth the whole thing feels. He took a few more pictures of the bull before he noticed that there was a small corner store half way down the block from where the bull was. He remembered that he needed to get some pens for classes and he told himself he would get the guy from his class a new lighter.

Jason walked down to the store and walked through the sliding doors. He looked around the store to see the aisle that had the school supplies and head over to it. He walked into the aisle and started looking through the different pens they had available for the cheapest ones that he thought wouldn’t break. He made a decision on the pens and picked up the package, he turned around to see what looked like a shelf in front of the way he had just come from leaving little space for him to walk. He headed over to it and looked left and right.

The whole store seemed to change while he was looking at the pens, in both directions there was a wall of shelves with supplies on them, but none of them seemed to lead in any direction. He turned around to see the same thing on the opposite end of aisle he was in.

Just then Jason heard a heavy footstep coming from around a corner at the opposite end of the aisle. He began to hear heavy breathing that doesn’t quite sound human. He was about to take off running when he saw the monster turn the corner into the aisle he was in. He guessed what it might have been after seeing the maze like structure that the store had turned into but he could of never guessed what actually seeing it would be like.

At the other end of the aisle stood a 7 foot beast that looked like a bull but the arms and legs seemed more human than a bull. Its feet were the hooves a bull but its hands were like a human holding a giant axe that seemed to match the size of the beast. It had black hair all over its body that seemed to try and hide the bulging muscles that pulsed all over his body. The beast had the head of a bull that was all black with two white horns that curved out of its head to a point on each side of its head. Its red eyes stared down the aisle at Jason. Behind him was the path that lead left or right but he knew he had to get away.Left or Right

Jason turned around and took off to the left down the aisle. He could hear the Minotaur roar as it took off down the aisle he was just in, chasing him. The path seemed to keep winding left then right then right again but there was no other place to go other than to just keep following the path . He could hear the beast’s heavy footsteps as it ran down the aisles behind him. The path kept going for a bit but then he came to what he feared the most, a dead end. He looked around but there was no way that he could get out of maze he was in. Jason turned around just in time to see the Minotaur turn the corner into the aisle that he was now in. It stopped running and slowly walked towards him, knowing that Jason had no where else he could go.

Jason looked at the shelves next to him and noticed that they still had stuff on them so without thinking he jumped up onto it in an attempt to climb up and over the shelf. The Minotaur became aware of what he was trying to do and started running at him roaring. Jason was about half way up the shelf when he saw the Minotaur swing its giant axe at the shelf he was on. He pulled his legs up just as the axe crashed in to the place on the shelf that his legs just were. He felt the shelf topple over and he rolled off the shelf and looked up to see people all around him, looking at him trying to help him up or pick up the items that had fallen off the shelf that was laying on the ground.

“What the hell kind of stunt are you trying to pull?” A man was looking down at Jason, his name tag on his shirt stated that he was the store manager and his face was red as he yelled at him.“You are lucky no one was standing there, they could have been hurt and to think of how much merchandise might have been destroyed, it’s a good thing that we had recently taken everything off of that shelf.” He grabbed his arm and walked him over to the entrance and shoved his arm out of store, saying nothing else as he walked back into the store. Jason turned around to see that in the store a shelf was on the ground with items scattered all around the floor, but it was the shelf with the school supplies. It was as if he had never left the aisle yet he was sweating from running down the aisles of the maze, running from the Minotaur, which seemed to have disappeared once he escaped the maze. Slightly dazed from the fall of the shelf but still confused on what just happened Jason decided it would be best if he got away from the store and he started walking down the street.Jason remembered that he wanted to stop by the bank to get some money. He noticed that there is a water taxi that travels down the river that he can use to get to the bank or he can take a shortcut through a graveyard to get to the bank.Graveyard or Water Taxi

Jason turned right and took off running down the aisle, he could hear the Minotaur roar as it started to run down the aisle that Jason was just in, chasing after him. He ran past a few openings to the left and right, but as he passed by them Jason noticed that they were just dead ends with a shelf blocking any route.

He kept running and came to another section to either go left or right and decide to go right again. He could hear the Minotaur’s heavy footsteps as it was running down the aisle. He knew that it couldn’t see him right now and he saw there is a another small spot to the right that he could slide into to hide even though it was a dead end, or he could keep going.Hide or keep running.

Jason slid into the small spot and moved to the corner hoping that it would conceal him. He noticed that there is another opening on the other side of the shelf that he was standing next to. He heard the Minotaur move into the spot looking for him. Jason decided to climb up the shelf and noticed that the Minotaur is about to turn around to move back to the aisle but before he could do anything Jason leaned over the edge forcing the shelf to fall over and onto the Minotaur.

He felt the shelf collide with the Minotaur forcing him to fall over under the weight of the shelf. Jason closed his eyes as the shelf crashed to the ground and he rolled off. Jason open his eyes to see people looking down at him. A man rushed over to him helping him off the ground.

“That was amazing, I really thought he was going to hurt someone.”.

Jason looked around, confused as to what the man was talking about. He turned around and see that under the shelf, in place of where the Minotaur should have been was a man dressed in black holding a gun. The man was trying to rob the store when Jason had pushed the shelf over on top of him. Jason left the store, not wanting the peoples thanks or to have to sit around and talk to the police when they showed up. He was still confused on what had just happened to him. He decided to head down the street to clear his head as to what just happened.

Jason remembered that he wanted to stop by the bank to get some money. He noticed that there is a water taxi that travels down the river that he can use to get to the bank or he could take a shortcut through a graveyard to get to the bankWater Taxi or Graveyard.

Jason kept running down the aisle, aware that hiding in the little spots will not save him from the Minotaur. He noticed that there is another path in front of him that goes left or right and he was starting to get tired of running. Jason noticed that there is red towel in front of him and he decided to grab it. He turned around holding it off to the side as if to hide the shelf behind it. He look down the aisle to see the Minotaur looking down the aisle at him.

The Minotaur started to run at Jason who stood there perfectly still waving the red towel. The Minotaur was getting closer and Jason noticed that it was aiming for him instead of the red towel as he had hoped. He swears as he throws the red towel away. He waited until the Minotaur was about to hit him then he dove out of the way, allowing the Minotaur to smash into the shelf.

Jason got up to see that there is a hole the size of the Minotaur in the shelf and looking through the hole Jason could see the entrance to the store. There were people looking at him as he passed through the whole. Jason looked around for any sign of the Minotaur but it was no where around him. Jason turned around to see that indeed there was a hole in the shelf that was twice his size. The people started to crowd around the whole, confused as to how Jason could have been able to put such a big hole in the shelf. Jason, thought it best to leave the store before anyone started asking any questions.

He remember that he wanted to stop by the bank to get some money. He noticed that there is a water taxi that travels down the river that he can use to get to the bank or he could take a shortcut through a graveyard to get to the bank.Water Taxi or Graveyard.

Jason leaned down and grabbed a hold of the four leaf clover, thinking to him self that for once he could have some luck in this day. As he started to pick up the clover he heard a small high pitched voice come from where the clover was.“HEY! What the hell do you think you are doing you bloody idiot.”

Jason looked down to see that holding onto the four leaf clover was a Leprechaun. The Leprechaun was wearing a red hat and green pants with a vibrant red beard. The four leaf clover was the Leprechauns walking stick that he used. Jason brought the Leprechaun up to his eye level and the Leprechaun kicked him in the nose and jumped out of hands with the clover, landing on Jason’s shoulder. “You think you can just go around picking me up thinking that I can show you where the big ole pot of gold is don’t you? Well there isn’t one you idiot now why don’t you take that dumb brain of yours and walk into a car.”

The leprechaun took his cane and stabbed it into Jason’s ear forcing him to bring his hand up to try and smack the cane out of his hands but instead he just smacked him self on the side of the head. The leprechaun jumped off his shoulder onto the ground. Taunting Jason as he ran off into the park. Jason, upset about taking the taunts chased after the leprechaun.

The leprechaun ran up into a tree and was on a branch just out of Jason’s reach.“Come on lets see you get me, or are you going to let my little midget self just run you around the park.” Jason noticed that he could probably climb up the tree or pick up a rock that was close by and throw it at him.Climb the tree or throw rock

Jason ran towards the tree grabbing a hold a branch on the opposite side of where the leprechaun was sitting. “You want a banana while your up here?” The leprechaun was laughing as Jason jumped over to the branch where the leprechaun was. Jason fell to the ground, looking back up he saw that there had never been a branch there at all, the leprechaun was just playing tricks on him. A little girl that was walking by with her dad saw Jason fall out of the tree and giggled. The leprechaun fell to the ground and noticing the girl said,“Now that’s two tiny people making fun of you today.”The leprechaun got up and took off running.There was a Golden Retriever playing catch this its owner in front of them and the leprechaun looked back at Jason, raising his eyebrows as if to say, oh look what’s up here. The Leprechaun leaped onto the back of the Golden Retriever and as if the dog hadn’t noticed anything it took off chasing the Frisbee that its owner had just thrown. Jason chased after the dog and as it finally got the Frisbee it turned around to see him.Pet the dog or grab for the Leprechaun.

Jason picked up the rock that was next to him and as the leprechaun was leaning back holding his stomach laughing Jason threw the rock. It his the leprechaun dead in the body, throwing him off the tree hitting ground hard. “Now that wasn’t very nice now was it.”

He took off running with Jason chasing after him. There was a Golden Retriever playing catch this its owner in front of them and the leprechaun looked back at Jason, raising his eyebrows as if to say, oh look what’s up here. The Leprechaun leaped onto the back of the Golden Retriever and as if the dog hadn’t noticed anything it took off chasing the Frisbee that its owner had just thrown. Jason chased after the dog and as it finally got the Frisbee it turned around to see him.Pet the dog or grab for the Leprechaun

Jason grabbed at the place where the leprechaun was but the leprechaun jumped off as the dog turned and growled at Jason. “Whoa, good boy.” Said Jason putting his hands up and backing away. “Now this is a animal I can get used to.” The leprechaun said laughing as he took off running. Jason took off after him as the leprechaun started weaving in and out of trees with Jason right on his tail. The leprechaun stopped in front of a bush and waved his cane and right under the bush a hole seemed to show up. “Well sucks to be you but its time for me to go, toodles.” The leprechaun jumped into the hole just as Jason reached down at him but what Jason hadn’t noticed was that the bush was a thorn bush. He immediately brought his hand back as he felt it prick into his hand. The hole he had reached for was gone and there was no sign of the leprechaun. Jason got up and looked around to make sure that he wasn’t playing anymore tricks on him. Finally sure that the leprechaun was gone Jason started to head for his bank knowing that he needed to pick up some money to get through the week. He knew there was a shortcut through a graveyard he could go through or he could take a Water Taxi down the river that would stop close by this bank.Graveyard or Water taxi

“Hey there boy, come here.” Jason said as he stuck his hand out to pet the dog. The Golden Retriever walked over

and let Jason pet him, the leprechaun was sitting there by the back away from Jason’s hand waiting for Jason to make a move to try and grab him, but Jason just kept petting the dog. Jason started scratching the dogs back and like most dogs the dog rolled over on its back so that Jason could rub its Belly. “No, Dammit you dumb animal don’t…” The leprechaun was still holding onto the dogs hair as he rolled over and cut him off.“Cant….Breathe…..” As Jason was rubbing the belly of the dog as the leprechaun started to crawl out from underneath him, towards where Jason was crouched down at. The leprechaun looked up with his legs still under the dog to see Jason looking down at him and his hand grabbing a hold of the rest of his body.“Ok let me explain…” The Leprechaun was cut short as the dog owner came over to them.“Ah there you are boy.” The dog rolled back over and walked over to the dog owner who waved at Jason.“Must be your lucky day catching that in the wind. Wouldn’t wave it around to long.” The owner was pointing at Jason’s hand. Jason looked back at his hand to see that where the leprechaun was, was now a one hundred dollar bill. “Yea just one of those days I guess.” Jason laughed as he put the money in his pocket.

Catching the leprechaun must have given him money rather than a pot of gold. Jason didn’t mind as long as he didn’t have to chase that little shit any more. He decided it would be best if he ran to the bank to put some of the money in there rather than walk around with that in his pocket. He knew that it was getting late in the day and he could either take a shortcut through a graveyard or take a water Taxi to get to the bank.Water Taxi or Graveyard

Jason decided it would be quicker to take the shortcut through the graveyard rather than try and catch the water taxi. The graveyard was quite the length but he knew that going through it would be much quicker than trying to find a way around, plus by then the bank will have closed. He started off down the path that he thought would lead through the graveyard. The sun was setting but the weather was still very nice and Jason was enjoying the walk with the nice breeze.

As the sun started getting lower in the sky Jason saw the exit to the graveyard and noticed that he would have to cut through the grass instead of staying on the road. As he veered off the path he was on he looked at his phone to check the time and realized that he only had an hour until the bank closed so he decided to start jogging towards the exit.

As he was running past the last few headstones he felt something shake under his feet and then he tripped falling into the grass

Jason looked back to see what had tripped him just in time to see a decaying brown hand reaching out of the ground and grab a hold of his ankle. The hand was covered in dirt and the middle finger was missing. It had insects crawling all over it as it wrapped its four fingers around his ankle. Jason looked at the hand as it grabbed his ankle still in shock of what exactly he was seeing but when the second hand came out of the same grave he snapped back to reality and kicked at the hand that was grabbing a hold of his ankle until it finally released its grip.“Hey kid, stop stomping your feet on the grave.” One of the grounds keepers of the graveyard had saw Jason stomping on the grave frantically and started coming towards him.

Jason stood up and before he waited for anything else to happen at the grave he took off running towards the direction the bank was at. He turned the corner and took off down the sidewalk . As Jason got to the bank there was about 20 minutes left until the bank closed. As Jason opened the door the bell rang that was connected to the door. He looked at the desk to notice that there was still a few people in the line. Jason went over to join, there was only one person helping everyone in the line. As the line started to move the bell rang as the door opened. No one turned around, nor did any of the people working there greet the person who just walked in to the door. Jason thought this was weird and turned around to wish he hadn’t.

The zombie was covered in a brownish layer of dirt, with his clothes torn up and his flesh decaying off its bones from the years of being dead. It was dragging its right foot behind him and Jason noticed that this left hand had the middle finger missing and immediately realized it was the same thing that had grabbed his ankle at the graveyard. Jason can either look for something to fight the zombie off or just wait in line and believe that it is not real.Ignore the zombie or find something fight with

The zombie was making its way slowly through the lobby towards Jason. Jason looked around and saw a heavy book that must have been an antique to the bank but it also looked heavy. Jason stepped out of line, slowly walking toward the book waiting for the zombie to slowly make its way towards him. As it got in range of Jason’s reach it seemed to speed up noticing how close Jason was. Jason grabbed the book, “Hey don’t touch that.” The lady behind the desk yelled at Jason but it was to late, Jason had grabbed the book and swung it hitting the zombie on the head knocking him to the ground. “Sorry bout that.” Jason put the book down and ran over to the desk as he noticed the zombie was still moving. Jason can either grab a pen or traveling cup.

Jason grabbed a pen out of the jar and went back over to the zombie who was crawling on the ground towards him. “Sir what are you doing with the pen.”

The lady was looking at Jason as he took the pen and started stabbing the pen into the tile on the floor. Jason had stabbed the zombie right into the head with the pen and just kept stabbing until it finally stopped moving and disappeared. Jason stood up and everyone else had left the line so he walked up to the desk returning the bent pen to the case. After taking care of what he needed to at the bank, Jason left the bank. “Hey man can you spare me some food I am starving and need something to get through the rest of the night.” A homeless was man was sitting there in what rags he could find looking up at Jason. Jason could give him food and head to the subway or he can ignore him.Give him food or ignore him

Jason saw that the lady behind the desk had a traveling mug of what looked like a hot liquid. Without asking he picked it up and walked back over to the zombie. The people in the line were starting to leave thinking that Jason was crazy swinging books in the air and now throwing the hot coffee on the ground and slamming the cup into the puddle on the floor. Jason decided to throw the coffee into the eyes of zombie and kept hitting the skull of the zombie with the cup until it stopped moving.

He stood up with the cup covered in blood and dirt from the zombie and wiped it off on his shirt as he walked back up to the counter setting the cup back down where it had been.“What the hell is wrong with you.” “Nothing mam.” Said Jason as he started to write down what he needed from the bank on one of their forms. As she made the transaction security came around grabbing Jason’s arm on both side, escorting him out. As he got outside there was a homeless man next to the bank’s entrance,“Hey man could you spare me just some food I’m starving and need something to get through the night.” Give him food and catch the subway home or ignore him.

Jason turned around to face the line hoping that the zombie had been a hallucination and that his time at the bank would be normal but that was cut short as a brown slimy hand grabbed a hold of his shoulder. Jason jumped away, sliding out of the grip of the zombie while also bumping into the man in front of him in line. “You ok?” The man asked, putting out his hand to steady Jason from falling over. Without answering Jason pushed the man into the zombie, knocking the zombie and the man over. The zombie was laying next to the man he just knocked over. “What is your problem man.” The man yelled at Jason as security came around the corner. Jason walked over to the zombie and started kicking at his head into the tiles of the bank’s floor until it was dead for good. One of the security grabbed a hold of Jason as the other helped the man up and back into the line, that was now starting wide eyed at Jason. Jason was escorted out of the building and there was a homeless man next to him. “Hey man can you spare me some food, just need a little bit of something.” Give him food or ignore him.

Jason decided to take the Water Taxi to get to the bank, he had never taken one before and was looking forward to the experience of the ship. He made his way to the river where the ticket station was for the water taxi. He noticed that the ship had just pulled up and bought a ticket and got on board. As he was walking up the walkway, kid was in front of him playing with a boat along the handrail . The boat rocked pretty hard and Jason fell into the side of the rail, the boy lost his grip on the toy boat and it fell into the water. “No mommy!” He yelled pointing down at the boat that was now floating towards the back of the boat. The mother who was mad at her son for dropping the toy she had surely paid for grabbed his hand leading him onto the boat. The boy started to cry as the toy boat got sucked under the boat from the waves.

Jason boarded the ship and took a seat by the railing. The boat left the dock and started down the river with the waves flopping against the side of the boat. The ship had a on board bar that some of the passengers were sitting at drinking some colorful drinks enjoying the sun. Jason decided to get up to join them but as he got up he heard something in the water and felt the boat rock pretty hard as if the bottom had slid across something. Jason walked over to the rail of the boat and looked down into the water to see a long shadow swimming through the water coming out from underneath the boat.

Jason felt the boat shudder again as the tail of the creature swam out from underneath the boat. Everyone at the bar just sat their laughing at some joke a guy had told, probably to drunk already to notice the boat moving. Jason noticed there was another man at the edge of the boat,“Did you see that?” Jason called out to him pointing down at the water where the shadow of the creature was still swimming. “See what? The birds fly by?” The man looked right at where Jason was pointing but obviously didn’t see anything.“Yea the birds.” Jason said as he felt creature rub against the boat again.Jason can either go over the bar or stay at the rail.

Jason decided to walk over to the bar to try and forget about whatever it was that he saw. He ordered a drink and the bartender brought it out to him with one of colorful sword toothpicks sticking out of the cherry in the drink. Just as Jason took a sip of the drink he heard a roar come from the side of the ship and a huge splash of water.

Before Jason could react a snake like face of a creature came up next to the ship. The creature had what looked like gills but could still breath above water, it was covered in green scales that seemed to shine from sun reflecting off the water, It roared showing rows of sharp razor teeth. Jason looked around and noticed that no one was even phased by the Sea Serpent towering next to the ship. Jason saw it lunge at him and he dove out of his stool he was sitting on, spilling his drink all over the floor.

Jason heard a clang of metal hit the floor at the same time he did while snake smashed into the bar. Jason looked to his left to see a full length metal sword with a small red cherry stuck at the tip. Jason didn’t have time to understand what just happened because as he was looking at it the serpent had recovered from hitting the bar and was preparing to lunge at Jason again. Jason grabbed a hold of the sword and stood up just as the serpent lunged at him. Jason stabbed the sword forward, closing his eyes hoping the snake wouldn’t throw him off the ship or crash its teeth into his body.

Jason heard laughing as he opened his eyes to see everyone at the bar laughing so hard some of them had to hold their stomachs from the pain that it was causing them. Jason was standing there with one hand out holding onto the plastic toothpick sword with is stool and drink on the floor in front of him.“Yoush go Romeo, swing the sword more, yoush must be an actor.” One of the drunk guys at the bar said while laughing at Jason. Jason picked up the stool and drink and got off the boat noticing that he missed his stop that needed to get off at for his bank. As he got up the stairs to the sidewalk he heard a voice come from next to him.“Hey man can you spare me some food I am starving and need something to get through the rest of the night.” A homeless was man was sitting there in what rags he could find looking up at Jason.Give him food or ignore him.

Jason stood at the rail watching the shadow in the water move around. Just as he thought it was nothing he saw water erupt and he fell backwards as the head of the creature rose out of the water, roaring into the sky. The creature was a sea serpent that was covered in green scales that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight from the water that was dropping off of them. It roared at Jason showing the rows of razor sharp teeth. Jason noticed that no one even stopped talking as the serpent roared, but before Jason could take the time to register any of this the serpent lunged at him forcing him to dive out of the way or get eaten. The serpent crashed on the deck of the ship, looking back at Jason.

Jason looked around and saw that the ship had a flare gun in a glass case on the side of the ship that was supposed to be used for emergency only. Jason ran over to the case as the serpent crashed into where he just was, ALARM WILL SOUND, Jason read this as he smashed his elbow in to the glass case. A siren ran throughout the ship getting everyone’s attention, who was now looking for where the siren was coming from or for what reason. Jason wanted to yell at them but had no time for the serpent was preparing to lunge at Jason again but as it opened its mouth Jason fired the flare right at it. The flare went into its mouth but as it did the serpent disappeared and the flare just soared through where its head had been into the sky.

The captain of the boat grabbed the flare gun out of Jason’s hand as the alarm on the ship was turned off. “Having fun kid?” The captain was clean shaved but could tell he had been doing this for years by the creases on his face. .

He grabbed Jason as they pulled up to the dock and walked him over to the edge of the rail . In the distance Jason could hear people cheering thinking that the flare was as firework. “Why cant you enjoy it like they did?” Jason said as the captain pushed him forward motioning for him to get off the ship.“It isn’t something for fun, now get off the taxi!” He yelled at Jason as he hopped onto the dock. Jason noticed that he was past where he meant to get off at wouldn’t be able to make it to the bank. “You got any food to spare man I am starving and could use anything to get through the rest of the day.” Next to him was a homeless man hiding in the shadows begging for food. Give him food or ignore him.

Jason walked past him ignoring the homeless man.“You don’t understand man…Rrrrr,…I cant make it much longer.,..rrrrr…need something to eat…” Jason heard what sounded like a growl coming from the man and noticed that his hand was shaking uncontrollably. “Are you ok?” Jason asked, noticing the shaking had moved to his whole body. “No….all I needed was just some food…rrrrrrrr…and you turned me down………I….HAVE….HAD…ENOUGH!”

The homeless man had yelled the last bit at Jason but it also sounded more like a howl than words. His eyes grew wide and seemed to glow blue. Just then the man’s back started to bulge and he was now bent over with his hands on the ground, his face twisting in pain. His skin seemed to be getting darker and his whole body seemed to be growing. The clothes he had on started to rip, unable to hold back the amount of growth that he was having. His ears became pointed and his face became elongated like a dog and his teeth grew very sharp.

Jason turned and started running down the sidewalk just as the Werewolf howled into the sky before chasing after him.

Jason could hear the werewolf chasing after him as he was diving in and out of people. He could hear them getting pushed out of the way by the werewolf but was sure like everything else today they couldn’t see him. He came to a busy street and noticed that to his left was a bus stop with a bus pulling up letting people on. To the right was a group of police officers talking next to their car.Police or bus

Jason decided to run towards the police and as he was running at them he could heard the scratch marks of the werewolf sliding down on the sidewalk, turning the corner. Jason was running at the police as they looked up at him and started to run towards him too. Before Jason could explain they ran past him and he could hear them grunt and a thud as they hit something.

Jason turned around to see the police had tackled the homeless man to the ground and were holding him down. Jason ran off before he had to explain anything to the police, as the homeless man was muttering some words that weren’t understandable to anyone.


Jason ran towards the bus and as he was halfway across the street the light turned green. He jumped off the street and slid onto the bus that was about to close its doors, just as he heard a horn and a thud as the front of a car hit something.

Jason turned around to see that a car had hit person who was on the middle of the street. The bus started moving as the people got out of the car and Jason could see the homeless man was laying there on the ground not moving. Dorm

“Yea here you go man.” Jason took the few snack bars that he had in his bag out and gave them to the homeless man. He thought that since he was having a bad day he might as well let someone have a good day. “God bless you man, you have no idea how much you just saved me.” “No problem.” said Jason as he walked past the man towards the subway to get home.

Jason got to the subway entrance and started making his way down the steps when his foot slipped on something and he caught himself on the hand rail before falling down the steps. He looked down to see a plastic toy snake and he picked it up, throwing it away when he got to the bottom. He went through the turnstiles and took the escalator down to the landing. As Jason was standing there he was reflecting on everything that had happened to him today. He could hear the sound of the train coming from the tunnel and still thinking about the day he walked over to the ledge to see how far away the train was.

He thought his day couldn’t and that it might finally be over when he saw the lights coming around the corner and he leaned back onto the platform.

Jason was standing there hearing the roar of the train getting closer and decided to look where it was but before he could the train barreled out of the tunnel but instead of a train a giant snake flew past him and up onto the platform. Jason ran back behind a pillar as the snake turned around to look at Jason. People were walking towards the tracks and boarding the train but Jason knew he wouldn’t make it there. A rat ran passed Jason and looked up in the direction where the snake was, before it could move anymore it went stiff and rolled over. Jason knew it was dead and immediately understood that looking at the creature was deadly.

He pulled out his phone and used the camera to see behind the pillar, the snake was completely black other than the green venom leaking out of its mouth, and its yellow eyes that were moving towards the pillar that he was at. Jason waited until the snake was about to lunge around the pillar before he dove out and behind a pillar on the other side of the platform . The snake went around the pillar and was heading for the one that Jason was now behind. Jason kept doing this forcing the snake to weave in and out of the pillars, so that at the end the snake was weaved in and out of each pillar all wrapped up. Jason was still holding his phone around the corner looking at the snake as it was making its way towards him at the last pillar. “Mommy look at the man he’s acting like a spy agent.”

A little girl was tugging on her mother’s hand pointing at Jason, standing behind a pillar with his phone out looking behind him. Jason ignored them as he heard the train getting close and could see the light about to break through the tunnel and all he could hope was that it wasn’t another snake. The snake lunged at Jason, who had dove out of the way but this time the snakes head had over extended over the tracks and before it could turn to look at Jason the train flew out of the tunnel crashing into the snake. The whole snake disappeared clearing up the whole platform as Jason walked over to the door as the train stopped, and got on.Dorm

Jason made it back to his dorm and opened the door as his roommate was sitting in front of the TV.“Dude have you seen this.”Jason walked over to the front of the TV to see video footage of someone running down the street with a crazy guy chasing him. It was when the footage zoomed in that Jason noticed that it was him being chased by the crazy homeless man. “The crazy guy got caught but damn dude what did you do to him?”“Oh man that’s just the beginning…let me tell you about my day….”
