A Webinar from AUCD's Early Intervention/Early Childhood ...• Presentation • Q & A...


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A Webinar from AUCD's Early Intervention/Early Childhood (EIEC) Special Interest Group

Systemwide Solutions for Developmental-Behavioral Concerns

Presented by: Kevin P. Marks, MD, Adriane K. Griffen, MPH, MCHES,

Cordelia Robinson, PhD, RN

February 23, 2016

Webinar Overview

• Introductions • Presentation • Q & A after presentation

– You can ask a question by pressing the then # key to request the floor. Questions will be answered in the order they are received.

– You can also submit any questions throughout the webinar via the ‘Chat’ box below the slides.

– The moderator will read the questions after the presentations.

• Survey– Please complete our short survey to give us feedback for

the next webinar!



Kevin P. Marks, MD, General pediatrician & Pediatric hospitalist, PeaceHealth Medical Group

Dr. Kevin Marks feels passionate about carefully listening to and promptly addressing parents' concerns about their child's physical, developmental and emotional well-being. He went to medical school at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California San Fransisco-Fresno in 1998. Dr. Marks takes a comprehensive approach to well-child care for patients 0 through 21 years and works hard to promptly recognize and treat pediatric (and family) emergencies whenever they arise. For this, he has up-to-date Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification. In addition to working full-time as a clinic-based pediatrician, he also rotates as a pediatric hospitalist at Sacred Heart Riverbend. Dr. Marks' area of research and expertise is developmental and behavioral pediatrics.

Cordelia Robinson Rosenberg, Ph.D., R.N., B.S.

Dr. Robinson has professional preparation in Nursing (BS) Special Education (MA) and Developmental Psychology with a research specialty in Intellectual Disabilities (PhD) from Peabody College, Vanderbilt University. She is currently Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at University of Colorado School of Medicine.. She has worked in the field of early intervention for children with developmental disabilities as a clinician, researcher and educator of personnel from multiple disciplines since 1973.

Adriane K. Griffen, DrPH (c), MPH, MCHES, Director of Public Health, AUCD

Adriane Griffen, MPH, MCHES, oversees public health efforts for the national headquarters of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities. With over 15 years of experience in the disability and health field, she has specialty areas in health promotion, social marketing, qualitative research, and health education. She is a DrPHcandidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, with a focus on leadership, systems change, and capacity building.



6 Goals to Achieve by ‘15


Sixby’15 Early Childhood Goal

• At least six states increase by 15 percent the proportion of children ages 0-3 who receive recommended developmental screening. At least six states commit to improving cross-system information exchange that supports access to services for children identified by screening.

• Collaboration with partners: CDC, HRSA, AIDD, DOE, Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive!

• Commentary on connection to services


Systemwide Solutions to Improve Early Intervention for Developmental-

Behavioral Concerns

4 bold actions

Action 1: Child- and Family-Focused Early Detection and Care Coordination Entity in Every U.S. State


Action 2: Comprehensive, Tiered, Equitable Approach to Assessing Developmental-Behavioral Needs and Corresponding Supports


Action 3: Universal Access to High-Quality Early Learning Programs and Preschool


Action 4: Continuous Accountability for the Early Detection & Intervention Process, Including Tracking Outcomes (i.e. Developmental-Behavioral Status) at Kindergarten Entrance


Sixby’15 Early Childhood Goal

• At least six states increase by 15 percent the proportion of children ages 0-3 who receive recommended developmental screening. At least six states commit to improving cross-system information exchange that supports access to services for children identified by screening.

• How did we do?Pediatrics November 2015 Commentary: “Systemwide Solutions to Improve Early Intervention for Developmental–Behavioral Concerns”Kevin P. Marks, Adriane K. Griffen, Patricia Herrera, Michelle M. Macias, Catherine E. Rice, Cordelia Robinsonhttp://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2015/11/04/peds.2015-1723?sso_redirect_count=2

• Your Mission/Your Call to ActionKEEP THIS CONVERSATION GOING: Newsletter article

Talking points

Q & A

• How to Ask a Question– You can ask a question by pressing the then # key to request

the floor. Questions will be answered in the order they are received.

– Type your questions into the ‘Chat’ box below the slides and the moderator will read the questions.



Visit the Websites

AUCD Website: http://www.aucd.org

EIEC SIG Website: http://www.aucd.org/eiec

Questions about the SIG?

SIG Co-Chairs

Mary Beth Bruder: bruder@uchc.edu

Corry Robinson: Cordelia.Rosenberg@ucdenver.edu

Questions about the Webinar?

Anna Costalas: acostalas@aucd.org

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey!

