A Wartime Childhood



C loser look at the life of a child growing up in Britain during World War 2

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Created by: Tyler, Sarah, Matthew, Tasmin

Children that were of school age were evacuated

to reception areas without their parents. They had

to go to school with a change of clothes, basic toi-

let essentials, a packed lunch and a gas mask.

Teachers would take the children to buses and

trains so they could go to reception areas. For

many of the children it was a huge impact on their

lives. They were city children and now they had to

live in the countryside. Now they had to get used

to their lives in the country. Some children adapted

better than others. They each got a new house and

a new guardian.

Across the world, children from every country

involved in the war were as affected by the fighting

in the place where they lived. So all the children had

to be evacuated. The children's lives were changed

and they had to make new friends and families. The

children struggled to cope with their new life and


The children of Britain in World War II, after they had

been evacuated, had to attend school in the country.

Where they learnt to knit, read, cook and other

interesting things that would help them in their new

lives. When the air-raid siren would sound all the

children would rush to the concrete bunkers for

shelter. They also learnt how to put up blackouts and

how do important drills and procedures to help them

be safe in the country. The teacher soften weren't

very skilled because they had no prior teaching


The children's diet during World War II was strict

because they had a short supply of food and every-

one got a fair amount. Sugar and fruit were

extremely hard to get so they had to grow their own

vegetables and fruits in their own gardens so that

when they had food, nothing was wasted. The

children did not enjoy the diet but they had to be

grateful and accept what they got.