A Theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model ... · A Theoretical Extension of the...


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A Theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model to explain the

adoption and the usage of new digital services

Jean Philippe Galan

Professeur des Universités

Centre de Recherche en Management (CRM, UMR 5303 CNRS/UT1)

IAE – Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis

Les Tertiales, rue des Cent-Têtes, 59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9

jean-philippe.galan@univ-valenciennes.fr / +33(0)

Magali Giraud

Maître de Conférences

Centre de Recherche en Management (CRM, UMR 5303 CNRS/UT1)

IAE - Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole

2, rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty, 31042 Toulouse Cedex 9

magali.giraud@iae-toulouse.fr / +33(0)

Lars Meyer-Waarden

Professeur des Universités

Centre de Recherche en Management (CRM, UMR 5303 CNRS/UT1)

IAE - Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole

2, rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty, 31042 Toulouse Cedex 9

lars.meyer-waarden@iae-toulouse.fr / +33(0)


Une Extension Théorique du "Technology Acceptance Model" pour expliquer

l'adoption et l'usage de nouveaux services digitaux


Cette recherche propose une extension théorique du « Technology Acceptance Model »

(TAM). Des variables complémentaires sont proposées : image sociale, auto-efficacité,

hédonisme, innovativité, respect de la vie privée, confiance. Le modèle étendu, a été testé sur

trois types de services digitaux (loisir, pédagogie, administration; N= 2205).La confiance joue

un rôle clé dans le processus d'adoption et amène plus d'impact sur l'intention d'utilisation que

la facilité d'utilisation et l'utilité perçue, quel que soit le domaine d'application (vie privée,

pédagogie ou administration). Les bénéfices hédonistes augmentent l’utilité perçue et la

facilité d’utilisation du nouveau service digital.

Mots-clés : TAM, confiance, image sociale, hédonisme, vie privée, innovativité

A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model to explain the adoption

and the usage of new digital services


This research develops a theoretical extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

We introduce complementary variables: social image, self-efficacy, hedonism,

innovativeness, privacy concern, trust. The extended model, was tested regarding three new

digital services(leisure, pedagogy, administration; N = 2205). Trust plays a key role in the

adoption process and has even more impact on intention of use than perceived ease of use and

perceived usefulness, whatever the domain of application (leisure, pedagogy or

administration). Perceived hedonic benefits enhance perceived easiness and usefulness of

usage of the new digital service.

Keywords: TAM, Trust, social image, hedonism, privacy, innovativeness.


A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model to explain the adoption

and the usage of new digital services


New information technology (IT) adoption is a central concern of customer relationship

management, e-marketing and e-commerce. A lot of IT systems fail because users do not

adopt and use them, either because of the difficulty of use, or because of the user reluctance.

Understanding and creating the conditions under which IT systems will be embraced by the

human organization therefore remains a high-priority research issue.

Substantial theoretical and empirical progress has been made in explaining and predicting

user acceptance of IT. In particular, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has become

well-established as a model for predicting IT acceptance, usage intentions and behavior via

the mediating variables perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (Davis 1989, Davis,

Bagozzi and Warshaw, 1989). In line with a large body of research that extended the TAM

(King and He, 2006; Venkatesh & al., 2003), the first goal of the present research is to enrich

the TAM by including key determinants of perceived usefulness and ease of use that had not

been tested together, and to apply it to future digital university campus services. The second

target of this research is to highlight moderators (such as context of use of IT) of innovation

adoption processes. Previous research has shown that innovation acceptation processes

depend on system-related factors, especially on the experiential vs. utilitarian value of the

service (Nysveen, Pedersen and Thorbjornsen, 2005). This research considers the context of

use of the IT as a potential moderating variable. In fact, literature on IT focuses on several

contexts of use of IT: organizational context (Venkatesh & al., 2003), learning context (Lee,

Cheung et Chen, 2005; Wu and Gao, 2011) and private use (Nysveen & al., 2006). Contrarily


to most researches that address these fields separately, this research investigates three

different fields simultaneously, comparing adoption processes in the context of: a) relations

between students and the administrative department of the university, b) relations between

students and the professors, and c) leisure and private life. It therefore aims at understanding

different moderating effects linked to the field of application of the IT system.

This article is structured as follows: after reviewing key concepts about the TAM, we shall

explain our conceptual framework and hypotheses. We then describe our methodology and

surveys conducted. The results shall be presented and we conclude the article with a

discussion, managerial implications and directions of future research.

1. Key concepts, conceptual framework and hypotheses

We define, in the following sections, the concepts used in our conceptual framework and then

present the hypotheses related to our core issues.

1.1. Basic TAM model

Rooted in the Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980), TAM is a framework

for predicting and explaining consumers' adoption of IT (Davis, 1989). It is a framework for

predicting and explaining consumers' adoption of information technology. It postulates that

user acceptance of a new system is determined by the users’ intention to use (IU) the system,

which is influenced by the users’ beliefs about the system’s perceived usefulness (PU) and

perceived ease of use (PEU).Both variables are influenced by external variables, such

perceived accessibility (Karahanna and Straub, 1999), social influence processes, and

cognitive instrumental processes (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000).


1.2. Extended TAM model

Figure 2 shows our extended model. Using TAM as the starting point, our model incorporates

additional theoretical constructs spanning different aspects of social influence processes,

perceived hedonism and cognitive instrumental processes.

Figure 1.Extended TAM model

1.2.1. Social Influence Processes

Our model reflects the impact of two social forces impinging innovation adoption.

-Perceived social image (PSI)

In our research we define social image (PSI) as the degree to which use of an innovation is

perceived to enhance one's social status in one's social group (Moore and Benbasat, 1991). A

technology will be considered all the more useful as it helps persons to be consistent with a

Perceived ease of

use (PEU)

Trust (TT)

Intention to use (IU)


usefulness (PU)

Perceived Social image (PSI)

Perceived self efficacy (PSE)

Perceived protection private

live (PPPL)

Perceived Self Congruity (PSC)

Perceived Hedonism (PH)

Innovativeness (INO)

Contexts of use of IT (leisure,

administration, pedagogy)


groups’ norms. They may perceive that using a system will lead to improvements in their

performance indirectly due to image enhancement. We hypothesize:

H1a: PSI to others by adopting a technology is positively correlated with PU.

H1b: PU of a technology is positively correlated with IU.

- Perceived Self Congruity (PSC)

Consumers are motivated to purchase products, which are congruent with their beliefs about

themselves (Sirgy, 1982). A product perceived as congruent may be considered easier to use

and more useful as an incongruent one.

H2a :PSC is positively correlated with PEU of a technology

H2b :PSC is positively correlated with PU of a technology

1.2.2 Cognitive Instrumental Processes

We theorize three cognitive instrumental determinants affecting perceived usefulness and

usage intention: perceived ease of use, self-efficacy with the technology and perceived

hedonism of technology.

- Perceived ease of use (PEU)

In accordance with the basic TAM, our extended model retains perceived ease of use from

TAM as a direct determinant of perceived utility (PU) and an antecedent of intention to use

(IU), both directly and indirectly via its impact on perceived utility (Davis, Bagozzi and

Warshaw, 1989). We therefore hypothesize:

H3a: PEU of a technology is positively correlated with PU.

H3b: PEU of a technology is positively correlated with IU.


- Perceived self-efficacy (PSE)

Perceived self-efficacy (PSE) is the measure of one's own competence to complete tasks and

reach goals in specific situations (Bandura, 1997). Some investigations about TAM have

confirmed the causal links between general computer self-efficacy, perceived usefulness

(Compeau and Higgins, 1995) and ease of use (Agarwal, & al. 2000; Hu & al., 2003 ;

Venkatesh and Davis, 1996). People generally avoid adopting technologies where their self-

efficacy is low, because they overestimate efforts it will require. We hypothesize:

H4a: High consumers’ PSE is positively correlated with PEU of a technology.

H4b: High consumers’ PSE is positively correlated with PU of a technology.

- Innovativeness (INO)

Innovativeness has been defined as the willingness of an individual to adopt and try out any

innovation (Rogers, 1983). Insofar innovative people are opened to new experiences and risk

taking, they are less reluctant to adopt a new technology, as they anticipate less risks and

efforts, and as they have more positive beliefs about technology use (Agarwal and Karahanna,

2000; Lewis, Agarwal and Sambamurthy, 2003). Hence, we hypothesize:

H5a: Consumers’ innovativeness is positively correlated with PEU of a technology.

H5b: Consumers’ innovativeness is positively correlated with PU of a technology.

- Perceived hedonism (PH)

One of the drawbacks of the TAM is that it does not take into account emotions as a predictor

of perceived utility toward the act of using the new technology and usage intention. Indeed,

consumer behavior theory provides evidences that utilitarian motives (economic and

functional) are not sufficient to explain consumer behavior toward a product (Chitturi,

Raghunathan and Mahajan, 2008). Hedonic motivation has been shown to influence


technology acceptance and use very significantly, sometimes more than PU (Van der Heijden,

2004). We therefore hypothesize:

H6a: A technology PH is positively correlated with PEU.

H6b: A technology PH is positively correlated with PU.

- Perceived protection of private live (PPPL) and trust in technology (TT)

Most commercial IT systems and associated databases (e.g. Google, Facebook, e-

commercents such as Amazon.com) collect personal data associated with individual

consumers in intimate ways that can be used to tailor personalised advertisements. This can be

seen as intrusion and arouses concerns on privacy (Phelps, D’Souza and Nowak, 2001). The

adoption of IT then depends heavily on the development of trust between the provider, the

consumer and the IT systems. Perceived trust in new IT proves to be a direct antecedent of

intention to use (IU) (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol, 2002; Dimitriadis and Kyrezis, 2010)

and mediates the influence of PPPL on IU (Liu & al., 2004). We therefore hypothesize:

H7a: PPPL about a technology is positively correlated with their trust in it.

H7b: Trust in a technology is positively correlated with intention to use.

1.3 Moderating effects

Previous studies highlight some differences in processes underlying innovation adoption

depending on personal differences such as gender (Venkatesh and Morris, 2000), on the field

of application of the technology (e.g. commercial vs non-commercial system; Wu & al., 2011;

telephone banking vs internet banking; Dimitriadis and Kyrezis, 2010),or on the experiential

vs utilitarian value of the service (Nysveen & al., 2006). We therefore hypothesize that the

context of use of the innovation (administrative, pedagogy and leisure) is going to moderate

relations between the variables of the model.


H8: The relations between the variables of TAM are moderated by the context of use of

the technology.

2. Research methodology

Our investigation based on scenario experimental methodology is carried out together with

the microprocessor firm Intel to test our extended TAM model for three new digital campus

life services that should facilitate in different contexts administrative, academic/pedagogical

and leisure activities.

Theoretical constructs are operationalized using validated items from prior research. All the

constructs are measured with multi-item Likert scales (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly

agree). The TAM scales of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention to use

are measured using items adapted from Davis (1989) and Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw

(1989). Trust scale items are taken from Dimitriadis and Kyrezis (2010). Perceived self-

congruity items are taken from Sirgy and Su (2000). Innovativeness is measured through five

items adapted from Oliver and Bearden (1985) and Goldsmith and Hofacker (1991).

Perceived protection of private life is measured through items adapted from Jarvenpaa,

Tractinsky and Vitale (2000). Perceived self efficacy toward IT is measured through the scale

of Faurie and van de Leemput (2007). We adapt Venkatesh & al. (2012) scales to measure

perceived hedonism. Finally, PSI is measured through the scale of Sweeney and Soutar

(2001). The surveys were conducted between 2011 and 2012 on a sample of 2205

undergraduate and graduate students attending the university Toulouse (France). A structural

equation model (SEM) is employed to test the hypotheses of this research


3. Results

During the scales validation process, we have to eliminate one item linked to the PSE scale

and one item linked to trust to improve constructs reliability. The other scales do not require

any modification. Results are satisfying concerning reliability (Cronbach's alpha and

Joreskog’ over 0,7), convergent validity (vc around or above 0,5) and discriminant validity

(vc below ²). The model has a good fit, as indicated by indices of goodness of fit (table 1).


,960 ,947 ,975 ,037 ,0292 1534 (42303)

Table 1. Global fit of measurement model

Hypothesis H1 to H8aretested through a structural equation modelling analysis (figure 2).

Figure 2. Strutural equation model

This model presents a good-fit (cf. table 2).


7,61 ,937 ,918 ,947 ,054 1934 (32304)

Table 2. Global fit of structural model











Significant relation

Non significant relation


There is a positive and significant link (β=,111 ; p<,000) between perceived social image and

perceived usefulness, supporting hypothesis H1a. The link between perceived usefulness and

intention to use is positive and significant (β=,218 ; p<,000), confirming H1b. Perceived self-

congruity exerts an influence significant and positive on perceived usefulness (β=,118 ;

p<,000), confirming H2b, and on perceived ease of use (β=,087 ; p<,007), supporting

H2a.The links between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness (β=,331 ; p<,000), as

well as perceived ease of use and intention to use(β=,140 ; p<,000) are positive and

significant, confirming hypotheses H3a and b. The relation between perceived self-efficacy

and perceived ease of use is positive and significant (β=,364 ; p<,000), whereas the relation

between perceived self-efficacy and perceived usefulness is non-significant (β=-0,010 ;

p<,764), confirming H4a and rejecting H4b.

Pedagogy Administration Leisure Test

Relation stand. p stand. p stand. p χ²[2] p

PSEPEU* ,424 ,343 ,000 ,325 ,220 ,000 ,290 ,230 ,000 3,789 ,150

PHPEU ,083 ,059 ,051 ,080 ,050 ,055 ,133 ,101 ,003 1,494 ,474

PSC PEU ,070 ,048 ,185 ,090 ,066 ,162 ,115 ,090 ,100 ,409 ,815

INO PEU ,165 ,137 ,009 ,155 ,132 ,007 ,248 ,227 ,000 2,127 ,345

PSEPU ,014 ,011 ,844 ,023 ,017 ,701 -,037 -,033 ,470 ,691 ,708

PH PU ,230 ,163 ,000 ,057 ,038 ,180 ,307 ,264 ,000 24,056 ,000

PSIPU ,028 ,020 ,600 ,079 ,062 ,219 ,134 ,107 ,043 1,856 ,395

PSC PU ,161 ,110 ,004 ,031 ,025 ,631 ,185 ,162 ,005 3,384 ,184

INO PU -,027 -,022 ,682 ,177 ,162 ,002 ,064 ,066 ,227 5,915 ,052

PEUPU ,384 ,381 ,000 ,310 ,334 ,000 ,235 ,265 ,000 2,956 ,228

PPPL TT ,528 ,503 ,000 ,545 ,608 ,000 ,460 ,452 ,000 5,789 ,055

TT IU ,615 ,569 ,000 ,617 ,513 ,000 ,692 ,655 ,000 6,781 ,033

PUIU ,208 ,226 ,000 ,218 ,216 ,000 ,198 ,193 ,000 ,376 ,828

PEU IU ,243 ,261 ,000 ,157 ,168 ,000 ,090 ,099 ,005 9,241 ,009

* PSI: Perc. social image PU: perc. usefulness IU: Intention to use PEU: Perc.ease of use PSE: Perc.self-efficacy

PSC:Perc. self-congruity, PH:Perc. hedonism,INO: Innovativeness PPPL: Perc.protection of private live, TT:


Table 3. Moderating effect of context

Results indicate that innovativeness influences significantly perceived ease of use (β=,159 ;

p<,000) and perceived usefulness (β=,084 ; p<,008), confirming H5a and H5b. As anticipated


in H6a and b, perceived hedonism positively and significantly influences perceived ease of

use (β=,094 ; p<,000) and perceived usefulness (β=,153 ; p<,000). Perceived protection of

private life influences positively and significantly trust (β=,529 ; p<,000) and trust influences

positively and significantly intention to use, confirming H7a and b.

We then conduct a multi-group analysis to test the influence of the context of the digital

services (administration, pedagogy or leisure) on the extended TAM. This procedure relies on

the analysis of variations of the global fit index χ². First, we verify that measurements do not

vary across the three domains, to ensure that differences cannot be attributed to measurement

instability. We thus constrain parameters linking constructs and their measurements. We got a

difference ²(38)= 47,126 (p<,147) which ensures the absence of measurement differences.

Second, we constrain the causal relations between the latent constructs for which we

hypothesize the moderation effects and obtain a variation ²(28)=106,32 (p<,000)supporting

H8, stipulating the moderating impact of the kind of digital services offered. Nevertheless,

every relation is not affected by this moderating effect. The moderating effect is significant

(p<0,05) on the relation between perceived hedonism and perceived usefulness (²(2)=

24,056 ; p<,000), between trust and intention to use (²(2)= 6,781 ; p<,033) and on perceived

ease of use on intention to use (²(2)= 9,241 ; p<,009). Two relations are only slightly

moderated: innovativeness on perceived usefulness (²(2)= 5,915 ; p<,052) and perceived

privacy on trust (²(2)= 5,789 ; p<,055).

First, we note (cf. table 3) that the influence of perceived hedonism on perceived usefulness is

significantly lower for administrative digital services than leisure and pedagogy services.

Second, trust has a stronger influence on intention to use for digital leisure services, than for

administration and pedagogy services. Finally, the relation between perceived ease of use and


intention to use is weaker for digital leisure services than for administrative and pedagogical


4. Discussion of Results

The primary goal of this research is to enrich the TAM and compare adoption processes in an

administrative, learning and private life context. The most important result is the key role

played by trust in the IT adoption process. Trust appears to have more impact on intention of

use than perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, whatever the domain of application.

Several additional variables indirectly affect behavioral intentions through perceived ease of

use and/or perceived utility. The model enhances the importance of perceived competences

and innovativeness in perceived ease of use. Feeling self-efficient make consumers more

confident about their ability to use new technologies. Innovators, on their side, derive a

positive stimulation from using a new product. Learning may also not be considered as a

painful effort.

The model also emphasizes a “hedonic path” to innovation acceptance. Consumers consider

an innovation all the more easy to use and useful if they feel that it gives them a hedonic

benefit. An innovative IT system or digital service can therefore create value not only through

its utilitarian benefits but also through the emotional experience associated with its use

(Novak, Hoffman and Yung,2000).

Surprisingly, social influence plays a secondary role for the adoption of all digital services.

This confirms that the role of social influence on innovation adoption remains quite

ambiguous (Lewis, Agarwal and Sambamurthy, 2003; Scheppers and Wetzel, 2007;

Venkatesh, Morris, and Davis, 2003).


The second important finding is that psychological processes underlying innovation

acceptation were moderated by the “nature” of the services (leisure, studies, and

administrative services). Ease of use only slightly affects intention to use when the digital

service is dedicated to leisure, whereas its influence is very significant for the two utilitarian

kinds of service (administration and pedagogy). When hedonism is perceived, the influence of

ease of use on intention of use thus decrease. There is also a positive influence of perceived

hedonism on perceived usefulness. When the IT system provides hedonic value, it therefore

seems that time and efforts associated to use are perceived as less costly for consumers as

consumers derive more hedonist values.

A second main difference between “hedonic” and “utilitarian” processes appears through the

direct influence played by ease of use on intention of use. Ease of use indeed only slightly

affects intention to use when the digital service is dedicated to leisure, whereas its influence is

very significant for the two other types of service (administration and pedagogy). Consistently

given the fact that an utilitarian IT system is not chosen for hedonic purposes, time and efforts

associated to use can be considered as costs. On the contrary, in a hedonic context, consumers

derive more emotional value from the direct use of the system.

Whatever the domain of application of the IT system or service, users are conscious about the

potential risks of the intrusion of the IT in their private life. Even the hedonic benefits cannot

compensate for a lack of perceived protection of private life. However the positive influence

of trust appears to be greater in the context of new digital leisure services than for new

administrative services. This could be explained by the fact that the administrative services

concern mostly non “sensitive” information (e.g. schedules, localization of classrooms).In


contrast, hedonist leisure services associate risks for private life as topics are more sensitive

(e.g. geolocation of individuals).

5. Managerial Implications

The most significant managerial implication of this research is that lack of trust and privacy

concerns remain the main obstacle to a widespread adoption of IT systems. Respondents do

not adopt an unsecured system, even if its use can provide hedonic and utilitarian benefits.

Security must be the central topic both in IT development and communication. Results

regarding innovation and self-confidence have implications for communication toward

experts and opinion leaders who are innovators and/or self-confident. As they experience

fewer difficulties in the use of an innovative system, managers should rely on them to

convince consumers that technologies are easy to use. Finally, the marketers of IT systems

(such as e-learning) must take into account that consumers' expectancies are not strictly

utilitarian: information IT systems will be all the more accepted if they are entertaining and

safe for their privacy.

6. Limitations and Directions of Research

This empirical research has some limitations and leaves many questions unanswered. From a

theoretical point of view, it only examines antecedents of technology acceptance. It would be

interesting to examine the impact of the variables on the "real" use of an IT system or a digital

service, with behavioral loyalty and usage indicators. Theory on technology adoption suggests

several direct links between the model variables that have not been tested in this research (e.g.

influence of perceived ease of use on perceived hedonism – Van der Heidjen, 2004; influence

of perceived ease of use on trust intentions; Gefen, Karahanna and Straub, 2003). The

methodology of the research may also induce some biases. IT systems and digital services


were described through scenarios to respondents but not directly experienced. Ease of use was

therefore difficult to assess. In a next step, we will propose students to test real prototypes

which should provide more reliable measures and results.


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Appendix 1 – Reliability and construct validity

Items comm load.

PSI – Perceived Social Image (Sweeney and Soutar, 2001)

This kind of services would help me to feel acceptable PSI1 ,768 ,877 ,851

This kind of services would improve the way I am perceived PSI2 ,882 ,939 ,968

This kind of services would make a good impression on other


PSI3 ,827 ,909 ,859

This kind of services would give its owner social approval PSI4 ,833 913 -

,930 ,923



82,753 vc ,800

PEU – Perceived Ease of Use (Davis, 1989 ; Davis and al. 1989) It would be easy for me to learn how to use this kind of services FUT1 ,715 ,845 ,863

It would be easy for me to develop skills in order to use this kind of


FUT2 ,817 ,904 898

It would be easy to remember how to use this kind of services FUT3 ,773 ,879 ,824

Generally, I would find easy to process … via this kind of services FUT4 ,654 ,809 -

,879 ,897



73,987 vc ,743

PPPL – Perceived Protection of Private Life (Jarvenpaa and al.,


This kind of services guarantees my privacy VPT1 ,714 ,845 ,782

The existing legal and institutional framework guarantees

sufficiently the privacy of transactions via…

VPT2 ,826 ,909 ,892

Generally, I believe that personal information that is carried via this

technology is secure

VPT3 ,765 ,875 ,819

,848 ,871



76,839 vc ,692

INO - Innovativeness (Godsmith and Hofacker, 1991 ; Oliver and

Bearden, 1985)

I like to try new and different things INO1 ,750 ,866 ,795

Usually, I am among the first ones to try new products INO2 ,684 ,827 ,720

I like to experiment with new ways of doing things INO3 ,741 ,861 ,788

,807 ,812



72,519 vc ,591

PSE – Perceived Self Efficacy (Faurie and vand de Leemput, 2007) I feel self-confident to download on internet data I need (software, video, files…) SET1 ,555 ,745 ,771

to create a personal web page or a blog SET2 ,606 ,778 ,676

to configurate and use an internet telephone software (e.g Skype…) SET5 ,523 ,723 ,645

,786 ,741



54,210 vc ,490


TT - Trust (Dimitriadis and Kyrezis, 2010) To organize…, I feel that I could trust this kind of services TRI1 ,901 ,949 ,911

In order to …, I feel that I could rely on this kind of services TRI2 ,901 ,949 ,904

,891 ,904

%V exp 90,140 vc ,824

IU – Intention to Use (Davis, 1989 ; Davis and al. 1989) I intend to continue using this kind of services in the future IDC1 ,812 ,901 ,896

I will always try to use this kind of servicesin my daily life IDC2 ,820 ,906 ,859

I plan to continue using this kind of servicesfrequently IDC3 ,871 ,934 ,913

,900 ,919



83,474 vc ,792

PU – Perceived Usefulness (Davis, 1989 ; Davis and al. 1989) The use of this kind of services would help me to perform… faster UPP1 ,703 ,838 ,747

The use of this kind of services would help me to save money in… UPP2 ,235 ,485 -

The use of this kind of services would facilitate the delivery of… UPP3 ,776 ,881 ,838

Generally, the use of this kind of services would be useful in

performing ….

UPP4 ,745 ,863 ,853

,752 ,855



61,504 vc ,663

PH – Perceived Hedonism (Venkatesh and al. 2012) Using this kind of services is fun HDO1 ,831 ,912 ,881

Using this kind of services is enjoyable HDO2 ,682 ,826 -

Using this kind of services is very entertaining HDO3 ,828 ,910 ,915

,859 ,890



78,039 vc ,802

PSC – Perceived Self-congruity (Sirgy and Su, 2000) This this kind of services is consistent with how I see myself SCV ,775 ,880 ,822

This this kind of services is consistent with how I like to see myself SCI ,882 ,939 ,951

This kind de service is consistent with how I believe others see me SCS ,863 ,929 ,924

This kind of services is consistent with how I would like others to

see me

SCSI ,871 ,933 ,910

,940 ,946



84,748 vc ,815


Appendix 2 – Discriminant validity

Scale vc

PSI – Perceived Social Image (Sweeney and Soutar, 2001) ,930 ,923 ,800

PEU – Perceived Ease of Use (Davis, 1989 ; Davis and al. 1989) ,879 ,897 ,743

PPPL – Perceived Protection of Private Life (Jarvenpaaand al.,


,848 ,871 ,692

INO - Innovativeness (Godsmith and Hofacker, 1991 ; Oliver and

Bearden, 1985)

,807 ,812 ,591

PSE – Perceived Self Efficacy (Faurie and vand de Leemput, 2007) ,786 ,741 ,490

TT - Trust (Dimitriadis and Kyrezis, 2010) ,891 ,904 ,824

IU – Intention to Use (Davis, 1989 ; Davis and al. 1989) ,900 ,919 ,792

PU – Perceived Usefulness (Davis, 1989 ; Davis and al. 1989) ,752 ,855 ,663

PH – Perceived Hedonism (Venkateshand al. 2012) ,859 ,890 ,802

PSC – Perceived Self-congruity (Sirgy and Su, 2000) ,940 ,946 ,815


PH ,802 PSI ,127 ,800 PEU ,104 ,050 ,663 PSE ,034 ,019 ,062 ,490 INO ,087 ,019 ,089 ,369 ,591 PPPL ,009 ,058 ,072 ,077 ,067 ,692 PU ,034 ,004 ,190 ,206 ,168 ,044 ,743 TT ,049 ,029 ,338 ,177 ,195 ,240 ,286 ,824 IU ,071 ,051 ,303 ,184 ,225 ,192 ,240 ,578 ,792 PSC ,129 ,550 ,018 ,059 ,070 ,074 ,092 ,074 ,111 ,815
