A Summary of the Geology and Petrology of the Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco, Mexico



Geología de la Sierra primavera

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    A Summary of the Geology and Petrology of the Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco, Mexico GAIL A. MAHOOD

    Department of Geology, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305

    The Sierra La Primavera, near Guadalajara, Mexico, is a Late Pleistocene rhyolitic center consisting of lava flows and domes, ash flow tuff, air fall pumice, and caldera lake sediments. All eruptive units are high-silica rhyolites, but systematic compositional differences correlate with age and eruptive mode. The earliest lavas erupted approximately 145,000 years ago and were followed approximately 95,000 years ago by the eruption of about 20 kra 3 of magma as ash flows that form the Tala Tuff. The Tala Tuff is zoned from a mildly peralkaline first-erupted portion enriched in Na, Rb, Cs, CI, F, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Sb, HREE, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th, and U to a metaluminous last-erupted part enriched in K, LREE, Sc, and Ti; AI, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, and Eu are constant within analytical errors. Collapse of the roof zone of the magma chamber led to the formation of a shallow 1 l-km-diameter caldera in which lake sediments began to col- lect. The earliest postcaldera lava, the south-central dome, is nearly identical to the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff, whereas the slightly younger north-central dome is chemically transitional from the south-central dome to later, more marie, ring domes. This sequence of ash flow tuff and domes represents the tapping of progressively deeper levels of a zoned magma chamber 95,000 + 5,000 years ago. Sedi- mentation continued and a period of volcanic quiescence was marked by the deposition of some 30 m of fine-grained ashy sediments. Approximately 75,000 years ago a new group of ring domes erupted at the southern margin of the ltke. These domes are lapped by only 10-20 m of sediments as uplift resulting from renewed insurgence of magma brought an end to the lake. This uplift culminated in the eruption, beginning approximately 60,000 years ago, of aphyric lavas along a southern arc. The youngest of these lavas erupted approximately 30,000 years ago. The lavas that erupted 75,000, 60,000, and 30,000 years ago became decteasingly peralkaline and progressively enriched only in Si, Rb, Cs, and possibly U with time. They represent successive eruption of the uppermost magma in the postcaldera magma chamber. Eruptive units of La Primavera are either aphyric or contain up to 15% phenocrysts of sodic sanidine _> quartz >> ferrohedenbergite > fayalite > ilmenite + titanomagnetite. Major element compositions of san- idine, clinopyroxene, and fayalite phenocrysts vary only slightly between eruptive groups, but the con- centrations of many trace elements change by factors of 5-10. This is reflected in phenocryst/glass parti- tion coefficients that differ by factors of up to 20 between successively erupted units. Because the major element compositions of the phenocrysts and the pressure, temperature, and fo2 of the magmas were es- sentially constant, the large variations in partitioning behavior are thought to result from small changes in bulk composition of the melt. Crystal settling and incremental partial melting are by themselves in- capable of producing either the chemical gradients within the Tala Tuff magma chamber or the trends with time in the post-95,000-year lavas. Rather, diffusional processes in the silicate liquid are thought to have been the dominant differentiation mechanisms. The zonation in the Tala Tuff is attributed to trans- port of trace metals as volatile complexes within a thermal and gravitational gradient in a volatile-rich but water-undersaturated magma. The evolution of the postcaldera lavas with time is thought to involve the diffusive emigration of trace elements from a relatively dry magma as a decreasing proportion of net- work modifiers and/or a decreasing concentration of complexing ligands progressively reduced octahe- dral site availability in the silicate melt.


    One way to understand the differentiation processes oper- ating in high-level magma chambers that solidify as granitic plutons is to study material erupted from such chambers. Ash flow tuffs are rapidly quenched voluminous samples of magma chambers; as such they have made possible the char- acterization of chemical and thermal gradients within the up- per portions of silicic magma chambers just prior to eruption [Lipman et al., 1966; Smith and Bailey, 1966; Hildreth, 1977, 1979; Smith, 1979; Ritchie, 1979; Hildreth et al., 1980]. Com- plementary to studies of ash flow tuffs, which are inverted rec- ords of magma chambers at single points in time, is the infor- mation contained in a sequence of eruptive units, which record the chemical evolution of the upper portions of a silicic magma chamber through time. Making the reasonable as- sumption that a lava flow or ash flow taps the most differenti- ated uppermost magma in the system at a particular moment, a sequence of eruptive units provides progress reports on the differentiation mechanisms operating at depth. The main put-

    Copyright 1981 by the American Geophysical Union.

    pose of this study of the Sierra La Primavera, therefore, has been to trace the chemical evolution of a rhyolitic complex through time, interpreting it as the periodic sampling of an evolving magma chamber.

    To determine the eruptive history, the Sierra La Primavera, located on the western outskirts of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex- ico (Figure 1), was mapped at a scale of 1'25,000. Eruptive units were classified into groups based on stratigraphic rela- tions, and the eruptive sequence was calibrated with over 50 K-At dates performed at University of California, Berkeley [Mahood, 1980a]. This paper summarizes the geological and chemical evolution of the Primavera system; the geology of the Sierra La Primavera is described in more detail by Ma- hood [1980a, 1980b], whereas the petrology is discussed more fully by Mahood [1980a, 1981].


    The Sierra La Primavera lies at the intersection of the two major Cenozoic volcanic provinces of Mexico (Figure 1). Its mildly peralkaline rocks stand in marked chemical contrast to both the andesitic stratovolcanoes and basaltic cinder cones

    Paper number IB0529. 0148-0227/81/001B-0529501.00


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    :Fig. . Rcgiona! location map (modified mm Mahood [980b] I. This map shows the location of the Sierra La Primavera (SLP) rela- tive to the majo andesitic stratovolcanoes of the western portion of the Pliocene-Recent Mexican Neovolcanic Belt (stippled), the Ter- tiary Cordilleran Province (diagonal ruling), regional faulting, and the cities of Guadalajara (G) and M6xico (M). The Sierra La Prima- vera lies along a line parallel to the northwest trend of the western portion of the Mexican Neovolcanic Belt defined by Volc,n Tequila and ten basaltic andesite cinder cones (small circles southeast of Gua- dalajara).

    that make up the bulk of the Pliocene to Recent Mexican Neovolcanic Belt and to the largely metaluminous silicic lavas and ash flows that dominate the Tertiary Cordilleran Province. Normal faulting has broken the area into a series of grabens, one of the largest being occupied by Lake Chapala. Volc,n Colima, south of La Primavera, sits within a large north-south graben and is on line with the east-west trend of the eastern portion of the Mexican Neovolcanic Belt. The intersection of extensional features near the Sierra La Primavera may have focused marie volcanism in the area, leading to large-scale melt- ing of crustal material to give rise to Primavera magmas.

    Little is known of the prevolcanic basement that might be partially melted to give rise to the Primavera magmas. Despite the nearly 1000 m of relief in the nearby canyon of the Rio Grande de Santiago, the oldest rocks exposed are Miocene ash flow tuffs [Watkins et al., 1971]. Much of the area now oc- cupied by the Sierra La Primavera appears to be immediately underlain by andesitic and basaltic lava flows, which are lo- cally exposed in canyons within the Sierra and at its margins and are common as accidental debris in air fall pumice depos- its.

    All recognized faults in the Sierra La Primavera are related either to caldera collapse or to uplift thought to be a result of renewed insurgence of magma. All faults begin and end within the environs of the complex; none extend beyond the Sierra to offset older rocks. This suggests that, while the loca-

    tion of the Sierra La Primavera may be controlled by regional tectonics, faulting within the complex is a product of local hy- drostatic adjustments to changes in the level of the underlying magma chamber. This lack of regional faults in the Sierra La Primavera is circumstantial evidence for an underlying magma chamber that cannot sustain brittle fracture. SUMMARY OF THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY AND PETROLOGY

    A brief history of the Sierra La Primavera follows and is summarized in Table 1. The earliest lavas erupted about 145,000-100,000 years ago. They were followed by eruption, approximately 95,000 years ago, of about 20 km 3 of magma as ash flows that formed the Tala Tuff. Collapse of the roof zone of the magma chamber upon eruption of the Tala Tuff pro- duced an 11-km-diameter caldera that soon filled with water. Onset of lacustrine sedimentation was followed rapidly by eruption of two domes in the center of the lake (the south-cen- tral and north-central domes, which form the lower portions of Mesa E1 Nejahuete (I) and Cerro Alto (H), respectively, in Figure 2). The base of the south-central dome occurs at the same position within the sediments as the 'giant pumice hori- zon', an important stratigraphic marker, whereas the north- central dome overlies the giant pumice horizon. Ring domes representing some 5 km 3 of porphyritic magma then erupted along two concentric arcs: one along the northeast portion of the ring fracture and the other crossing the middle of the lake. A period of volcanic quiescence was marked by deposition of some 30 m of fine-grained ashy sediments. Approximately 75,000 years ago, activity resumed with the eruption of 3 km of aphyric and porphyritic magma at the southern margin of the lake to form a younger group of ring domes. Ensuing up- lift, thought to result from renewed insurgence of magma, brought an end to the lake. This uplift culminated in the erup- tion, beginning approximately 60,000 years ago, of 7 km of aphyric lavas along a southern arc. The youngest of the south- ern arc lavas, Cerro E1 Colli (FF, Figure 2), erupted approxi- mately 25,000-30,000 years ago.

    All the eruptive units of the Sierra La Primavera are mildly peralkaline high-silica (>75% SiO2 on an anhydrous basis) rhyolites. All of them are similar in gross composition, but there are systematic chemical differences that correlate with both age and eruptive mode. Variations in major element compositions at La Primavera are small; in contrast, varia- tions in the minor and trace elements are striking. Representa- tive analyses of major and minor elements by classical wet chemistry, and of minor and trace elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and X ray fluorescence are given in Table 2. Additional analyses can be found in works by Mahood [1980a, 1981]. In the following discussion, samples with variable degrees of posteruptive hydration have been compared on the basis of analyses recalculated free of water and normalized to 100%.

    The proportion of phenocrysts in the porphyritic eruptive units ranges from less than 1% to 15% by volume. Sodic sani- dine and quartz, the former generally more abundant, to- gether comprise approximately 97-99% of the phenocrysts, the remainder being ferrohedenbergite, fayalite, and ilmenite, typically in the proportions 50:10' 1. Titanomagnetite, zircon, and apatite occur in some units. Phenocryst assemblages of the various eruptive groups are summarized in Table 1, and representative analyses appear in Table 3. Sanidine, ferrohe- denbergite, and ilmenite are unzoned and homogeneous. The compositions of the phenocrysts changed slightly with time,


    TABLE 1. Summary of the Geologic History of the Sierra La Primavera


    Approximate Age Based on K-Ar Dates Magma Total Phenocrysts,

    [Mahood, 1980a], years Volume, km 3 % Phenocryst Assemblage Eruption of precaldera lavas Eruption of the Tala Tuff Caldera collapse Eruption of central domes and

    deposition of giant pumice horizon

    Giant pumice horizon South central dome North central dome

    Eruption of older ring domes Eruption of younger ring domes Uplift Eruption of southern arc lavas

    144,000-100,000 2(?) 0 or 10-15 20 0-1

    95,000 + 10,000


    60,000 and 30,000

    0.15 1 0.8 1 0.7 10 5 10-15 3 0or 10

    San >_ Q >> Cpx >> Fa > Ilm > Mt San >_ Q

    San > Q >> Cpx >> Ilm San > Q >> Cpx > Fa >> Ilm San > Q >> Cpx > Fa >> Ilm San >_ Q >> Cpx > F a >> Ilm San >_ Q >> Cpx > Fa >> Ilm

    7 0 None

    but within eruptive groups the phenocrysts are uniform in composition.


    Precaldera Lavas

    About 145,000 years ago the first lavas of the Sierra La Primavera were erupted. These porphyritic and aphyric domes and flows presently crop out in two areas (Figures 2 and 3a), but there may well have been other lavas now cov- ered by younger eruptive units. The precaldera lavas make up the compositionally most heterogeneous eruptive group. In the northern area, the porphyritic Rio Salado dome (A, Fig- ure 2) erupted first, followed by the aphyric Cation de las Flores flow (B, Figure 2). Both units are clearly overlain by

    is characterized by white pumice lapilli, bearing less than 1% quartz and sanidine, set in a pink ashy matrix. In many places, the third member shows interlayering of ash flow and air fall layers, and the ash flow portions are laminated.

    Compositional Zonation in the Tala Tuff The Tala Tuff is mildly zoned; most major elements remain

    approximately constant through the erupted volume, and the most strongly zoned elements, Y and Sc, vary only by a little more than a factor of two. From the first-erupted through the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff, the molar ratio Na,_O/ (Na,_O + K,_O) drops from 0.6 to 0.55. Wet chemical analyses demonstrate that TiO,_ increases from 0.09 to 0.13 wt. %, while FeO* (total iron expressed as FeO), MnO, and MgO remain approximately constant at 1.70, 0.05, and 0.04 weight percent,

    the porphyritic dome of Mesa E1 Le6n (C, Figure 2) and by respectively. Chlorine is strongly partitioned into water-rich the Tala Tuff. These three units show no systematic chemical vapor relative to a silicic liquid [Burnham, 1967]. Despite pos- trends with time. Because the southern group of precaldera lavas has been blanketed by Tala Tuff, minor ash flows, air fall, and alluvium, neither the number of separate units nor their relative ages are known.

    Tala Tuff About 95,000 years ago, ash flows representing approxi-

    mately 20 km 3 of magma erupted from the Sierra La Prima- vera and emptied into the surrounding basins, covering some 700 km'- (Figure 4). These ash flows are collectively named the

    sible loss on eruption, C1, as well as F, is enriched in the first- empted portion of the Tala Tuff, which contains approxi- mately 0.16% C1 and 0.12% F. C1 and F constitute about 0.11% and 0.09%, respectively, of the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff. Na, Rb, Cs, Sm, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb, Lu, Y, Zr, Hf, Pb, Th, U, Nb, Ta, Sb, and Zn are all enriched in the first-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff, whereas K, Ca, La, Ce, Nd, Ti, and Sc are enriched in the last-erupted part. The Tala Tuff is zoned from a mildly peralkaline first-erupted portion (agpaitic index -- 1.10, Zr - 600 ppm) to a barely metaluminous last-

    Tala Tuff for the village of Tala (Figure 1). The Tala Tuff erupted part (agpaitic index -- 0.99, Zr = 500 ppm). La Prima- consists of many small ash flows that are grouped into three easily recognized informal members:

    1. The first member contains white aphyric pumice and makes up more than 90% of the volume of the tuff. It occurs as intracaldera ash flows within the Sierra La Primavera proper and as nonwelded, approximately 60-m-thick, outflow sheets filling the surrounding basins.

    2. The second member of the Tala Tuff is about 10 m thick and is characterized by white aphyric pumice and grey pumice lapilli containing very sparse quartz and sanidine, as well as lapilli that represent the mixing of the two magmas. Despite their darker color, the grey pumice lapilli are the same composition as the white pumice lapilli in the overlying third member. The transition from the second member of the Tala Tuff to the underlying and overlying members is grada- tional but takes place within less than 1 m stratigraphically.

    3. The third member of the Tala Tuff is 5-10 m thick and

    vera is not unique in this regard. Some of the Tertiary caldera complexes of the western United States (e.g., the Black Moun- tain [Christiansen and Noble, 1965] and Silent Canyon [Noble et al., 1968] calderas) produced ash flows zoned from per- alkaline to subalkalic compositions. Many ring dike complexes in New England [Billings, 1956] and northern Nigeria [Jacob- sen, 1977] show alternation of peralkaline and metaluminous granites in the same center.

    Elemental abundances in the first-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff relative to those in the last-erupted portion are plotted in Figure 5, following Hildreth [1979]. This is equiva- lent to plotting the ratio of the abundance in th e roof of the magma chamber to that in the deepest level tapped. As is true for the Bishop Tuff [Hildreth, 1979], light rare earth elements (LREE) are depleted and heavy rare earth elements (HREE) are enriched roofward. Sr and Ba (among the most strongly zoned elements in the Bishop Tuff) do not appear in Figure 5


    0 KM 5 ( l , , , I

    Fig. 2. Location map of the Sierra La Primavera (modified from Mahood [1980b]). The Sierra La Primavera is located on the western outskirts of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Diagonal ruling: pre-Primavera volcanic rocks; V pattern: pre- caldera lavas; unpatterned: Tala Tuff (also includes minor ash flow tuffs, primary and reworked air fall deposits, and allu- vium, all generally underlain by the Tala Tuff); light stipple: lake sediments; double-dash pattern: older ring domes; rectili- near dots: younger ring domes; heavy stipple: southern arc lavas. Faults are shown as heavy dashed lines. Letters refer to the names of eruptive centers, whereas numbers refer to cultural features, as follows: A: Rio Salado dome; B: Cation de Las Flores flow; C: Mesa E1 Lon dome; D: Arroyo Saucillo group; E: Mesa E1 Chiquihuitillo; F: Mesa E1 Burro dome; G: Cerro Chato dome; H: Cerro Alto composite dome; I: Mesa E1 Nejahuete composite dome; J: Cerro E1 Tule dome; K: E1 Madr6n dome; L: Pinar de La Venta dome; M: Arroyo La Cuartilla dome; N: Mesa La Lobera dome; O: Cerro E1 Chap- ulin dome; P: Dos Coyotes dome; Q: Arroyo Las Pilas dome; R: Arroyo Ixtahuatonte dome; S: La Cuesta dome; T: Cerro E1 Culebreado dome; U: La Puerta dome; V: Arroyo Las Animas dome; W: Cerro E1 Pedernal center; AA: Cerro San Mi- guel center; BB: Llano Grande flow; CC: Cerros Las Planillas center; DD: Arroyo Colorado dome; EE: Cerro E1Tajo cen- ter; FF: Cerro E1 Colli dome; 1: Rio Caliente; 2: La Venta del Astillero; 3: Tierra Blanca.

    because in all samples they are below detection levels (10 and Caldera Collapse 20 ppm, respectively). The antithetic behavior of Na:O and K:O in the Tala Tuff is common to a number of high-silica The second and third members of the Tala Tuff occur only eruptive units, including the Bishop Tuff, the BandelJer Tuff in the central part of the Sierra La Primavera; they are not [Smith and Macdonald, 1979], and several ash flows from the found as outflow sheets in the surrounding basins. This sug- Yellowstone Plateau (W. Hildreth, personal communication, gests that the estimated 150-500 rn of collapse of the roof zone 1979). of the magma chamber began while the first member of the


    TABLE 2. Representative Whole Rock Analyses

    Eruptive Group PCD TT-E TT-L SCD NCD ORD YRD 60 30

    SiO: 76.84 76.44 77.02 76.67 76.43 76.10 76.85 77.02 77.28 TiO2 0.09 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.17 0.12 0.09 0.06 A1203 11.79 11.70 11.70 11.67 11.66 11.71 11.44 11.71 11.91 FeO* 1.55 1.70 1.72 1.76 1.79 2.02 1.72 1.42 1.18 MnO 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.04 MgO 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 CaO 0.21 0.18 0.26 0.27 0.20 0.27 0.20 0.23 0.30 NaO 4.25 4.70 3.88 4.42 4.60 4.62 4.54 4.69 4.51 KO 4.89 4.72 4.81 4.66 4.80 4.83 4.71 4.44 4.47 F 0.11 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 CI 0.12 0.16 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.13 Agpaitic

    index 1.04 1.10 0.99 1.06 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.07 1.03 La 48 41 66 67 81 81 57 39 35 Ce 112 92 141 135 171 172 124 89 79 Nd 46 50 56 54 67 6 52 39 35 Sm 9.6 13.1 11.9 10.9 11.3 11.3 10.3 8.4 8.0 Eu 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.06 0.03 Tb 1.54 2.58 1.63 1.63 1.59 1.48 1.55 1.36 1.25 Yb 6.4 10.8 6.2 6.0 5.6 5.9 6.1 5.6 5.4 Lu 0.96 1.41 0.90 0.86 0.86 0.84 0.90 0.80 0.79 Rb 188 275 171 172 141 144 163 167 195 Cs 3.7 6.4 4.2 3.6 3.4 2.9 3.3 3.6 4.4 Th 18.4 27.3 18.9 19.1 18.1 17.6 18.2 16.6 19.6 U 7.0 9.5 6.2 7.0 6.6 5.1 5.8 5.7 6.5 Hf 13.6 20.0 13.2 13.3 15.3 15.2 14.7 11.3 8.9 Y 65 139 54 76 51 47 53 50 47 Zr 454 615 499 526 683 682 584 379 228 Nb 66 112 69 71 70 66 65 68 68 Ta 4.3 6.7 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.4 Sc 0.96 0.41 0.95 0.99 0.83 1.06 0.71 0.69 1.10 Zn 116 179 114 106 100 106 108 100 84

    To facilitate comparison of variably hydrated samples, all analyses have been recalculated to 100%, free of water.

    PCD = precaldera dome, TT-E = early-erupted Tala Tuff, TT-L = late-erupted Tala Tuff, SCD = south-central dome, NCD = north-central dome, ORD = older (95,000-yr) ting domes, YRD = younger (75,000-yr) ring domes, 60 = 60,000-yr southern arc lavas, 30 = 30,000-yr-old youngest dome, Cerro El Colli.

    Tala Tuff was still erupting, so that the two upper members were entirely ponded within the collapse basin. Topographic expression of a bounding ring fault is present only to the west of Rio Caliente (1 in Figure 2), where the precaldera Rio Sal- ado and Cation de las Flores lavas are truncated. The circular pattern defined by the vents for the northeastern arc of older ring domes and the younger ring domes indicates the location of the remainder of the master ting fault. Caldera Lake Sedimentation

    The caldera rapidly filled with water, and sediment began to be deposited on the surface of the Tala Tuff almost imme- diately, protecting it from all but minor fluvial erosion. These sediments consist dominantly of 15- to 50-cm-thick layers of planar-bedded and low-angle cross-bedded coarse, ash and pumice lapilli that show repetitive normal grading with some erosion of the finely cross-bedded tops of the sequences. They seem to be saturated pumice turbidity flows. The source for most of this pumice appears to be erosion of small 'islands' of Tala Tuff within the shallow lake and reworking of immedi- ately post-Tala air fall deposits, which are several meters thick outside the caldera. The thickness of this basal pumiceous sec- tion varies from 0 to 25 m due to pre-existing topography on

    the floor of the caldera, but everywhere the top is marked by a 30-cm-thick fine white ashy layer.

    Then a rather spectacular sedimentation event occurred. A 3- to 13-m-thick horizon of giant pumice blocks set in a diato- maceous ashy matrix was deposited over the entire 110 km 2 of the lake. The blocks of fully inflated pumice range from 0.3 to more than 6 m across and are commonly columnar-jointed in a crudely radial pattern. The ashy matrix is finely laminated, and the laminae are deformed around the pumice blocks. The distribution of particle sizes is bimodal; pumice lapilli of inter- mediate size are rare. The unique character of this deposit made it an important stratigraphic marker bed within the lake bed sequence.

    It is envisioned that the giant pumice blocks formed when phenocryst-poor lavas erupted into the middle of the shallow lake. The blocks floated over the surface of the lake and even- tually saturating with water sank gently to the bottom of the lake, where fine wind-blown ash from the surrounding plains of the Tala Tuff and diatoms were accumulating as finely lam- inated sediments [Mahood, 1980b].

    At the margins of the lake, the giant pumice horizon was deposited directly over the eroded Tala Tuff or on 'inselbergs' of pre-Tala rocks. Over most of the lake it was deposited on


    top of the 30-cm-thick layer of fine white ash that caps the basal pumiceous sediments. The giant pumice horizon 'seals' faults in the Tala Tuff and the overlying pumiceous sedi- ments, but is rarely cut by faults itself, showing that faulting related to caldera collapse had ceased by the time it was de- posited.

    Central Domes

    A dome comprising the lower part of Mesa E1 Najahuete was eraplaced at the stratigraphic level of the giant pumice horizon in the south-central portion of the lake (Figure 3b). Both the giant pumice horizon and this south-central dome have less than 1% phenocrysts, in contrast to later domes with approximately 10% phenocrysts that stratigraphically overlie the giant pumice horizon.

    The chemical similarity of the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff to the south central dome and the presence of a 'co- ignimbrite lag-fall deposit' [Wright and Walker, 1977] near the dome suggest that the Tala Tuff may have erupted from a central vent near the present site of the south-central dome [Mahood, 1980b].

    Shortly after eraplacement of the south-central dome and deposition of the giant pumice horizon, a dome containing 10% phenocrysts erupted through the middle of the lake (Fig- ure 3b). The base of this north-central dome overlies subaerial pumice breccias on top of the giant pumice horizon. The whole rock and phenocryst compositions of the giant pumice horizon are generally intermediate between those of the south- and north-central domes [Mahood, 1981].

    The sedimentary section above the giant pumice horizon is quite variable. Typically the giant pumice horizon is overlain by less than 10 m of stratified pumice before the section be- comes dominated by fine white ashy and diatomaceous beds. Locally, fine-grained deposits directly overlie the giant pum- ice horizon. The pumiceous lacustrine beds appear to be the product of air fall eruptions that preceded the eraplacement of a group of ring domes. Older Ring Domes

    The older ring domes contain approximately 10% pheno- crysts and represent some 5 km 3 of magma. They erupted along two concentric arcs: one along the ring fracture at the northeast margin of the lake, and the other through the middle of the lake (Figure 3c). The new magma erupted through the earlier central domes; thus Cerro Alto and Mesa E1 Nejahuete are composite domes, their lower and upper portions consisting of magmas of slightly different composi- tion. The autobrecciated lower margins of older ring domes that erupted in the lake or at its margin are horizontal; the contacts generally occur within the lower portion of the fine- grained sediments, approximately 10 m above the giant pum- ice horizon. Locally (e.g., on the west flank of Mesa E1 Neja- huete) the intrusion of these domes deformed and uplifted the lake sediments, including the giant pumice horizon.

    The cauldron block is cut by an arcuate system of normal faults that extends 9 km from Cerro Alto to just south of Cerro E1 Tule (Figure 2). This fault offsets Mesa E1 Nejahuete and seems to have provided structural control for the ex- trusion of a ridge of pumiceous porphyritic lava on its south flank, suggesting that faulting and eruption were closely re- lated. This fault may represent a fracture developed in the roof zone of the underlying magma chamber on caldera col- lapse that was reactivated during eruption of the older ring


    Fig. 3. Palcogeography of the Sierra La Primavera [from Mahood, 1980b]. Pre-Primavera volcanic rocks: diagonal rul- ing; precaldera lavas: V pattern; Tala Tuff: blank; lake sediments: light stipple; central domes and older ring domes: paired dashes; younger ring domes: rectilinear dots; faults: dashed lines. (a) 100,000 years ago, following eruption of the pre- caldera lavas. There may have been other lavas belonging to this period, now covered by younger eruptive units. (b) 95,000 years ago, following eruption of the Tala Tuff, caldera collapse, and the eruption of the central domes through the middle of the lake. (c) 90,000 years ago, following eruption of the older ring domes. These ring domes erupted along two con- centric arcs: one along the ring fracture at the northeast margin of the lake, and the other through the middle of the lake. (d) 65,000 years ago, following eruption of the younger ring domes. Both aphyric and porphyritic lavas erupted along the ring fracture at the southern margin of the lake.

    domes. The presence of the older ring domes Cerro Chato, Mesa E1 Burro, and Mesa E1 Chiquihuitillo (G, F, E, Figure 2) on the extension of the arcuate trend of the fault beyond the margin of the lake suggests that, at that time, the under- lying magma chamber was somewhat larger than the collapse basin.

    Tala Tuff Magma Chamber

    Ar dating, about 5,000-10,000 years [Mahood, 1980a, b]. The last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff is compositionally nearly identical to the south-central dome, whereas the north- central dome and older ring domes are slightly more mafic in composition (Tables 2 and 3). This suggests continuity in compositional gradients from that part of the magma chamber that erupted explosively as the Tala Tuff to that which erupted as early postcaldera lavas. Similar relations have been

    The eruption of the Tala Tuff, caldera collapse, inception of documented in several large silicic systems, where the imme- lake sedimentation, deposition of the giant pumice horizon, diately post ash flow lavas are similar to or lie on slightly more and eruption of the two central domes followed by the older mafic extensions of the chemical trends in the ash flows (e.g., ring domes all occurred within a time span unresolvable by K- Long Valley, California [Bailey et al., 1976], the Valles cal-


    Ta G

    0 km 20

    Fig. 4. Distribution of the Tala Tuff (modified from Mahood [1980b]). The Tala Tuff (pebble pattern) buried approximately 700

    dera, New Mexico [Smith, 1979], and Yellowstone [Hildreth et al., 1980]). In all these examples, ring domes presumably rep- resent the tapping of slightly deeper portions of the composi- tionally zoned magma chamber from which the ash flow erupted.

    Most elements show unidirectional changes from the first- erupted portions of the Tala Tuff to the older ring domes (Fig- ure 6). Certain elements, however, show a reversal in trend. Zr and Hf are most depleted in the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff and the south-central dome but increase again in the north-central and older ring domes. Likewise, Na20 is most depleted in the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff but is significantly higher in the south-central dome. Whereas K20 and Na:O behave antithetically in the ash flow, they both increase in the central domes and older ring domes. Iron appears unzoned in the ash flow, but like Zr, Hf, and Na, it is more abundant in the north-central dome and older ring domes. The reversals in Na, Zr, and Hf parallel changes in the agpaitic index, which is 1.10 in the first-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff, falls to approximately 0.99 in the last erupted por- tion, and then rises to approximately 1.10 in the older ring domes.

    The rapid evacuation of the Tala Tuff magma would lead to a rapid reorganization of the magma chamber, with magma

    from deeper levels becoming the most roofward. During this interval immediately following caldera collapse, the new roof zone magma may have been temporarily out of equilibrium with its surroundings. Additionally, a free vapor phase may have been present as a result of vesiculation during the cal- dera-producing eruption. During this period of re-estab- lishment of magma chamber equilibrium, transient mecha- nisms may have produced the increase in Na, Fe, Zr, and Hf in the magma that erupted as the north-central dome and older ring domes. If so, the mechanisms must have operated on these elements alone or much more rapidly on them than on other elements. Alternatively these reversals may have been present within a continuously zoned magma chamber and reflect contrasting differentiation mechanisms and condi- tions in the volatile-enriched roof zone that erupted as the Tala Tuff and in the relatively drier, slightly hotter, deeper magma that erupted later as the older ring domes.

    Younger Ring Domes Caldera lake sedimentation continued after the emplace-

    ment of the older ring domes, with fine ashy and diato- maceous material dominating the section. The deposition of some 30 m of these fine-grained sediments indicates a period of volcanic quiescence. (The fine-grained nature of the lake sediments and the virtual absence of lithie debris derived from outside the caldera suggest that, prior to formation of the cal.- dera, the whole region was elevated so that streams drained away from the future site of the Sierra La Primavera. This may represent an example of regional intumescence above a shallow silicic magma chamber, Stage 1 of the resurgent caul- dron cycle [Smith and Bailey, 1968].) About 75,000 years ago, activity resumed with the eruption of a new group of ring domes at the southern margin of the lake (Figure 3d). Both aphyric and porphyritic lavas were erupted, totalling approxi- mately 3 km 3 of magma. The younger K-Ar dates on these domes are corroborated by their position higher within the lake bed sequence [Mahood, 1980b]. The younger ring domes are lapped by only 10-20 m of sediment. Fine-grained sedi- ments give way to fluvially reworked air fall pumice, and the uppermost part of the section consists of subaerially deposited tephra units.


    t3 Sb Tm Yb Ta

    CI Zn Rb Cs Tb Na Gd

    Mn Fe Co Sm Eu CONSTANT 1

    K Nd

    Ca Ti La Ce


    I , Sc _ 1/2



    Fig. 5. Tala Tuff enrichment and depletion factors. The elemental abundances in the first-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff are ratioed to those in the last-erupted part. If an element plots above the line it is enriched roofward, below the line it is depleted roofward, in each case by the factor on the right.


    200 -

    150 -

    100 -

    1000 -

    600 -

    200 -





    2.0- %















    77- %


    - 20




    4.5 '=

    % 4.0

    250 -

    200 -

    150 -





    SiO21---'--I1- 203

    20 "K20 Na Rb


    _ Zr 180- Zn Hf 140 lOO


    (-95) (-95)

    -12 %








    - 150

    - 100


    Fig. 6. Elemental trends in the Tala Tuff and immediately postcaldera lavas. E, M, and L stand for the early-, middle-, and late-erupted portions of the Tala Tuff, respectively, while SCD, NCD, and ORD refer to the south-central, north-cen- tral, and older (95,000-yr) ring domes, respectively. A.I. is the agpaitic index.

    Uplift that produced the topographic Sierra La Primavera brought an end to lacustrine sedimentation approximately 60,000 years ago. Much of the geomorphic expression of the caldera was destroyed because the hinge line for this uplift nearly coincided with the ring fracture of the caldera. The largest fault associated with this uplift parallels the caldera margin and can be traced for approximately 8 km from south- west of La Venta del Astillero (2 in Figure 2) to Cerro E1 Ped- ernal. The fault consists of two en echelon segments; the max- imum displacement is found at Rio Caliente (1 in Figure 2), . where the Tala Tuff and overlying lacustrine deposits are cut by a 100-m scarp.

    Deformation during uplift was concentrated at the margins of the lake. Radial dips of 10-20 on sediments at the margins of the former lake flatten to approximately 2 within a short distance towards its center. Uplift was assymetric to the cal- dera and was greatest at the southern margin of the lake; thus a gentle northerly component is superimposed on the radial dips of the lake sediments. Uplift of at least 250 m is indicated [Mahood, 1980b]. The notable scarcity of faults that cut sedi- ments above the giant pumice horizon within the central por- tion of the former lake indicates that the uplift was piston- like; the former caldera block apparently rose as a single unit except at its margins. Southern Arc Lavas

    Uplift culminated in the eruption, beginning approximately 60,000 years ago, of 7 km 3 of magma as aphyric flows and domes. Contemporaneous with extrusion of these domes and flows were eruptions of air fall pumice, which caps the lake bed section, and a small ash flow that spread over approxi- mately 2.5 km ' near Tierra Bianca (3 in Figure 2). These tuffs have compositions relating them to the 60,000-yr-old southern arc lavas [Mahood, 1980a].

    The lavas of the southern arc are generally younger toward the east. Cerro E1 Tajo and Cerro E1 Colli (EE, FF, Figure 2),

    the easternmost centers, give K-Ar dates of 25,000-30,000 years, which are in agreement with the youthful topographic expression of these units. Cerro E1 Colli is chemically distinct from the rest of the southern arc lavas, and its position in the compositional trend defined by the postcaldera domes in- dicates that it is the youngest eruptive unit in the Sierra La Primavera.

    Post-95,000-Year Evolution of the Primavera Magma Chamber

    After the eruption of the older (95,000-yr) ring domes, the lavas became progressively more silicic and less peralkaline (Table 2, Figure 7). Values for FeO*, TiO,, MgO, and MnO in the older ring domes are approximately twice those in the most recently erupted unit, Cerro E1 Colli. There is some scat- ter in the alkali data due to mobility on posteruptive hydra- tion, but Na,O remained approximately constant while K,O decreased from about 4.8 to 4.45% with time (Table 2). C1 concentrations appear to have increased slightly from 0.9 wt. % in the perlitic and pumiceous older ring domes to 0.13% in the youngest of the southern arc obsidians, although this may reflect better retention of C1 by obsidian samples. F remained approximately constant at about 0.10%. Rb, Cs, and possibly U are the only trace elements that increased monotonically with time in the lavas (Figure 7); nearly all other elements de- creased (REE, Zr, Hf, K, Mg, Ti, Mn, Fe, and Zn) or re- mained approximately constant (Ta, Nb, Sb, Th, Pb, and Y). Sc, like Ca, is unsystematic in behavior, and Th, which re- mained approximately constant from the older ring domes to the 60,000-yr southern arc lavas, increased again in Cerro E1 Colli, the youngest dome.

    In Figure 8, the elemental values for Cerro E1 Colli are shown in ratio to those in the older ring domes. This diagram is not strictly comparable to the enrichment factor diagram for the Tala Tuff (Figure 5) because it does not represent the chemical zonation present in the magma chamber at any one moment in time; rather, it is thought to illustrate the chemical


    175 -




    600 -

    200 -

    1.0- 0.8-

    2.0- %


    600 -

    400 -

    200 -

    Ce ====== Yb ,,

    Ti Ca Mn

    FeO A.I. Zr

    r 30





    -4 %77- -3 76-

    4.75 - % 4.50 -


    175 - -- 1.0

    150 -

    20- -14

    15- -12

    100 - -10


    ,SiO2A203 Na2"-'_K20 Rb


    i i i i 95 75 60 30

    -12 %


    -4 -3

    -6 -5

    - 100

    - 50

    (=ORD) (=ORD) Fig. 7. Elemental trends in the post-9S,000-yr lavas. This figure is similar to Figure 6. The 95: older ting domes (ORD

    of Figure 6); 75: younger ring domes; 60: 60,000-yr southern arc lavas; 30: the youngest southern arc lava, Cerro El Colli, erupted approximately 30,000 years ago.

    evolution through time of the uppermost magma in the cham- ber. The difference between the two enrichment patterns is striking; with increasing differentiation, the ash flow magma was enriched in the HREE and many of the multivalent cat- ions, whereas the post-95,000-yr lavas were enriched system- aticaBy only in Si, Rb, Cs, and possibly U. (Th plots above the no-enrichment line only because of its increase in Cerro E1 Colli.)


    Temperature and Oxygen Fugacity Neither the aphyric nature of many Primavera eruptive

    units nor the phenocryst assemblages in most others lend themselves to thermodynamic determination of crystal-liquid equilibration temperatures. Hence it remains uncertain whether the chemical evolution documented for the post- caldera lavas took place under a waxing, waning, or fluctuat- ing thermal regime.

    Microprobe analyses of titanomagnetite and ilmenite from the Rio Salado dome (A, Figure 2) were recalculated using the method of Carmichael [1967], and the recast analyses were used to determine the temperature and oxygen fugacity using Buddington and Lindsley's [1964] calibration of the Fe-Ti oxides. A temperature of 850C and a log fo: of-13.8 were obtained, Which are appropriate to a magma on the FMQ buf- fer. The small variations between eruptive units of the major element compositions of phenocrysts suggest only small dif- ferences in'magma temperatures. This fact, coupled with the results of two geothermometers [Mahood, 1980a], leads to the conclusion that eruptive temperatures of porphyritic Prima- vera magmas probably varied by no more than 30C.


    There is little direct evidence for the depth to the roof of the Primavera magma chamber. Formation of a caldera 11 km in diameter on eruption of only 20 km 3 of magma as the Tala


    i CI Rb U F Na AI Si Ca Sc Y Nb Sb Ta Pb Th CONSTANT

    Go Mn Fe HI




    Ti 1/3 Zr


    Fig. 8. Enrichment and depletion factors in the post-95,000-yr lavas. The elemental value in the youngest southern arc lava, Cerro El Colli, is ratioed to the average of the older ring domes. This figure is not directly analogous to Figure 5, as it does not represent the zonation present in the magma chamber at any one point in time; rather it presumably illustrates the evolution through time of the most roofward magma.


    Tuff would seem to require a magma chamber with a fairly shallow roof. By analogy with eroded cauldrons and ring complexes of similar mineralogy and bulk composition, the roof of the Primavera magma chamber was probably between 2 and 6 km beneath the surface. Assuming that the pheno- crysts precipitated within the upper portion of a high-level magma chamber, the small variation between eruptive groups of the major element compositions of the phenocrysts suggests

    the computer program of Wright and Doherty [1970] require 1-30% fractionation. Sums of the least squares residuals are quite small (a necessary consequence of the slight composi- tional differences between parent and daughter magmas), but more than half the solutions require both the addition and subtraction of phases, a result that seems geologically improb- able, especially in crystal-poor rhyolites.

    The best computer solutions calculated on the basis of ma- that the depth to the roof of this magma chamber changed jor elements were tested to see if they predicted correct trace little after eruption of the Tala Tuff. element concentrations in the daughter magmas. Poor agree-


    The homogeneity of phenocryst and whole rock composi- tions within each postcaldera eruptive group, along with the arcuate arrangement of vents, is strong evidence that these lavas erupted from a single unified magma chamber. Studies of large-volume zoned ash flow eruptions have shown that magma at the roof of the chamber is generally more differen- tiated and poorer in phenocrysts than at deeper levels. The trend in Primavera post-95,000-yr lavas is opposite to that expected on tapping successively deeper levels of a composi- tionally zoned magma chamber; the last lavas erupted are phenocryst-free and are the most siliceous. Thus it seems more likely that the Tala Tuff and all the postcaldera lavas erupted froma magma chamber that was evolving chemically with time. This is not to say that the geometry of the magma chamber did not change; indeed, the southern arc lavas may represent a southward expansion of the magma chamber. However, the magma chamber was (is) presumably large enough that magma in its roof zone did not immediately 'feel' the effects of new additions below, and thus changes in com- position within the sequence of lavas reflect high-level differ- entiation mechanisms. Since there is no positive evidence of a unitary magma chamber during eruption of the precaldera lavas, they will not be considered further.

    Crystal Fractionation Most of the Tala Tuff and many of the Primavera lavas are

    aphyric. If crystal settling operated in these magmas, either all the phenocrysts settled out, or the magmas became super- heated prior to eruption and the phenocrysts were resorbed. Phenocrysts show no evidence of having settled: they are hedral, unzoned, and homogeneous. Repeated tapping of a cooling magma chamber that is crystallizing inward from its margins is equivalent geochemically to settling of the ob- served phenocryst phases; thus the chemical contraints on both of these differentiation mechanisms are similar.

    The compositional zonation present in the magma chamber just prior to the eruption of the Tala Tuff was not the product of crystal fractionation alone for the following reasons:

    1. Zn is enriched and Sc and Ti are depleted roofward, while Fe, Mg, and Mn are unzoned (Figure 5). These diver- gent trends are incompatible with the removal of mafic phenocrysts, which are strongly enriched relative to glass in these elements. '

    2. To produce the nearly two-fold roofward enrichment of elements such as Nb, Y, Ta, U, Rb, and Cs would require re- moval of at least half the magma as phenocrysts. But this would have profound effects on major elements such as Ca and Fe, effects that are not observed.

    Separation of phenocrysts in their modal proportions does not account for the chemical trends in the post-95,000-yr lavas [Mahood, 1981]. Crystal fractionation models calculated using

    ment was obtained between the predicted and measured con- centrations of most trace elements in the daughter magmas [Mahood, 1981]. Most trace elements decrease or remain ap- proximately constant with time in the postcaldera lavas (Fig- ure 7), but the calculations predict increasing concentrations. This is a result of the large proportion of sanidine and quartz in the separating phases which, despite the strong enrichment of elements such as the LREE and Zn in the marie phases, causes the bulk distribution coefficient D for these elements to be less than one. In all the calculated models the removal of phenocrysts does not produce the observed decrease in LREE with time. Also, despite the dominant role of sanidine in the calculated models and D.u for all cases being greater than one, the predicted decrease in Eu is always smaller than that observed.

    Partial Melting Incremental partial melting of a source region would not

    produce the trends observed in the post-95,000-yr lavas of La Primavera. The first partial melts would be enriched in Si, Rb, and Cs and depleted in Fe, Mg, and Ti relative to subsequent melt fractions. The reverse is observed in the post-95,000-yr lavas: they become increasingly siliceous and depleted in the marie elements with time.

    The chemical zonation in the Tala Tuff did not result from accretion of successive partial melt increments. Incremental partial melting does not readily explain the crossover in REE on the enrichment factor diagram (Figure 5) nor the divergent enrichment patterns of the first transition series elements [Ma. hood, 1980a; see also Hildreth, 1977].


    Crystal fractionation, whether during partial melting or due to crystal settling, cannot alone account for the compositional gradient in the Tala Tuff or the trends with time in the post- 95,000-yr lavas. On the other hand, the progressive increase in the ratio of network-forming elements to network-modifying elements in the post-95,000-yr lavas suggests that trace-ele- ment evolution is associated with changing melt structure. (The term 'melt structure' is used here to signify the mutual spatial relationship between atoms in a silicate liquid. Since melts lack long-range order, a melt structural state is charac- terized by an average concentration of variously coordinated cations (e.g., a highly polymerized melt has, on the average, fewer octahedral 'sites' than a less polymerized melt). In this sense, at any given pressure, temperature, volatile content, and bulk composition, the melt structure is 'fixed' in a statisti- cal sense.)

    Crystal/liquid partition coefficients are thought to be func- tions of (1) temperature [Hkli and Wright, 1967; Leemah and Lindstrom, 1978], (2) fo [Drake, 1975; Sun et al., 1974], (3) pressure [Mysen and Kushiro, 1978], (4) composition of the


    TABLE 4. Summary of Phenocryst/Glass Partition Coefficients

    Eruptive Group

    Sanidine Ferrohedenbergite Fayalite Ilmenite PCD TT ORD YRD PCD SCD ORD YRD SCD ORD YRD ORD

    La 0.06 0.037 0.057 0.11 23 2.9 3.5 24 1.08 2.0 23 1.31 Ce 0.033 0.031 0.043 0.095 20.9 3.5 4.0 21.6 0.93 1.78 20.4 1.19 Nd 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.09 16 5.3 5.9 17 0.77 1.5 14 0.96 Sm 0.019 0.020 0.029 0.946 14 6.2 6.2 13 0.496 1.060 8.4 0.684 Eu 2.3 2.3 2.0 2.2 12 5 6 10 0.1 0.4 5.8 0.4 Tb 0.012 0.016 0.023 0.022 6.9 5.0 4.0 6.1 0.31 0.54 2.8 0.36 Dy 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 6 4.5 4.8 1 1 3 0.4 Yb 0.005 0.014 0.016 0.018 6.4 5.0 4.5 5.5 0.92 0.98 1.96 0.55 Lu 0.008 0.010 0.015 0.014 8 6.9 6.1 7 1.3 1.3 2.2 0.72 Th 0.010 0.017 0.021 0.025 3.44 0.36 0.77 2.89 0.276 0.438 3.17 0.43 U 0.008 0.021 0.018 0.014 1.0 0.12 0.33 0.87 0.12 0.13 0.69 0.06 Hf 0.005 0.018 0.015 0.015 1.52 0.30 0.39 2.04 0.12 0.28 1.78 0.65 Ta 0.004 0.018 0.018 0.015 0.69 0.10 0.97 0.49 0.098 0.090 0.575 18.0 Sc 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 133 110 109 172 5.1 4.8 9.3 18 Ti 0.1 0.05 0.11 0.11 2.6 4 2.5 2.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 380 Mn 0.011 0.020 0.018 0.020 34 30 33 63 56 77 27 Fe 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.14 20 18 15 18 37 33 40 24 Zn 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.07 21 8.9 7.2 14.8 11.1 10.4 10.7 7.8 Rb 0.39 0.31 0.36 0.34 Cs 0.012 0.023 0.009 0.028

    The calculated errors on the partition coefficients, the method of correcting for impurities in the mineral separates, and the INAA analyses of the separated glass and phenocrysts are given by Mahood [1980a]. Values are stated such that uncertainty is in the last digit. See footnote to Table 2 for the Eruptive Group abbreviations.

    phenocryst phase [Schnetzler and Philpotts, 1970], and (5) bulk composition of the melt [Watson, 1977; Takahashi, 1978; Hart and Davis, 1978; Mysen and Virgo, 1980]. The temperature, oxygen fugacity, and pressure of the Primavera magmas are thought to have varied little between eruptive groups. Compo- sitions of the marie phenocrysts in the different groups are nearly identical, and the range of sanidine compositions is small. Thus variations in partition coefficients between the older and younger ring domes or between them and the Tala Tuff and its outgassed equivalent, the south-central dome, re- flect changes in melt structure resulting from changes in bulk

    tion coefficients for all analyzed elements with the exception of Ta in ferrohedenbergite remain constant or increase from the 95,000- to the 75,000-yr dome. The single exception of Ta, however, might simply be an artifact of an improper correc- tion for ilmenite inclusions in the clinopyroxenes.

    The observed decrease in Fe, Mn, Mg, and K in the se- quence of post-95,000-yr lavas would be expected to foster in- creasing polymerization of the melts and, as a result, increas- ing crystal/liquid partition coefficients. The changes in crystal/glass partition coefficients between the older and younger ring domes, however, seem remarkably large consid-

    composition of the magma. A decrease in the concentration of ering the small changes in major element composition. Such the network modifiers, Fe, Mn, Mg, and Ca (and Na and K in peralkaline melts), or in dissolved H,_O or F would promote a higher proportion of bridging oxygen bonds and an increase in the polymerization of the melt [Burnham, 1975], with a cor- responding increase in crystal-liquid partition coefficients.

    With this in mind, seventeen mineral and glass separates from five representative Primavera samples were analyzed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory by INAA. The resulting anal- yses and partitioning patterns are discussed elsewhere [Ma- hood, 1980a; G. A. Mahood and W. Hildreth, manuscript in preparation, 1981]; the pertinent partition coefficients are summarized in Table 4. Despite only minor differences in the major element compositions of phenocrysts, the concentra-

    behavior suggests one or more of the following conclusions: 1. High-silica rhyolitic melts are so strongly polymerized

    that small changes in major element composition can greatly affect the number of sites in the liquid suitable for most trace elements. Small distortions of the silicate network may make already marginal sites even less energetically favored.

    2. The increase in partition coefficients may reflect in- creasing melt polymerization and resultant decrease in trace metal sites caused chiefly by a decrease in the dissolved vola- tile content of the melt. Although the absolute difference in volatile content between the magmas of the older and younger ring domes could not have been large, at low water (or fluor- ine) concentrations, small variations can have great effects, as

    tions of many of the trace elements vary by factors of 5-10 illustrated by the rapid drop in liquidus temperature on add- among analyzed samples. This is reflected in crystal/glass par- tition coefficients that differ by as much as a factor of 20.

    Phenocryst/Glass Partitioning in the Older and Younger Ring Domes

    All the southern arc lavas are aphyric, so any discussion of the chemical evolution of the post-95,000-yr lavas as reflected in trace element partitioning is necessarily restricted to the older and younger ring domes. The behavior of trace element partition coefficients in the ring domes is systematic; the parti-

    ing small amounts of water or fluorine to the anhydrous gra- nitic system [Naney and Swanson, 1980; Wyllie and Tuttle, 19611. '

    3. If elements that are not easily accommodated by the sil- icate network are complexed by hydroxyl, fluoride, chloride, phosphate, sulfate, or carbonate ligands, any decrease in con- centration of these complexing agents would increase the ac- tivity of the trace elements in the melt, favoring increased concentrations in the crystalline phases. Complexing could lead to discontinuities in crystal/liquid partitioning behavior; partition coefficients might remain low as long as the concen-


    tration of the complexing ligands is sufficient to complex most of the trace metals, but once the concentration of complexing

    'ligands falls below that threshold, the partition coefficients will rise. This mechanism might be most effective in relatively volatile-poor high-silica magmas where the total concentra- tion of possible complexing ligands is of the same order as the sum of the trace metals. Other types of complexing may also be important in increasing the solubility of trace metals in melts. For example, Watson [1979] has suggested, on the basis of measurements demonstrating an increase in the solubility

    sociated with the alkalies as complexes.

    Migration of Elements to Structurally More Favorable Melts

    The combined effects of gradients in temperature, bulk composition, and volatile content should logically result in a magma chamber with a melt structural gradient. In the rela- tively dry post-95,000-yr system, the combined gradients could have been such that the roof was more polymerized than the more mafic, hotter, deeper levels. The progressive de- crease in whole rock (and glass) abundances of most trace ele-

    Fe, Mn, and Mg than the older ring dome. On the contrary, for the elements and phases analyzed, partition coefficients for most trace elements in the Tala Tuff magma (Table 4) are sig- nificantly smaller than in the younger ring domes and, in fact, are smaller than or similar to those in the more mafic older ring dome.

    Limited analytical data, thermodynamic calculations, and mineralogical evidence [Smith and Bailey, 1966; Gibson, 1970; Noble and Parker, 1974; $ommer, 1978; Hildreth, 1977, 1979; R. L. Smith, personal communication, 1979; this study] in-

    in H20, F, and C1 relative to the last-erupted portions, and, by inference, the roofward magmas are enriched in volatiles. An increase in the water and/or halogen content of a rhyolitic melt, like an increase in concentration of the cationic network modifiers, should depolymerize the magma [Burnham, 1975]. One expression of such depolymerization would be smaller phenocryst/glass partition coefficients, as indeed are found in the Tala Tuff and its outgassed equivalent, the south-central dome. The contrast in elemental enrichment patterns between the Tala Tuff and the post-95,000-yr lavas (Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8) suggests that mechanisms other than melt structural control

    ments with time in the post-95,000-yr eruptive groups (each of produced the trace element gradients in the Tala Tuff magma. which presumably represented the uppermost and most differ- entiated magma in the Primavera magma chamber at the mo- ment of its eruption) may have been accomplished by migra- tion of these elements out of the roofward magma into deeper, less polymerized levels of the magma chamber.

    The two-liquid partitioning studies of Watson [1976] and Ryerson and Hess [1978] in immiscible mafic and silicic melts are examples of diffusion into a structurally more favorable melt. They found that Ti, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, P, Zr, Ta, Cr, REE, Sr, and Ba were partitioned into the less polymerized marie melt and that A1, Na, K, and Cs were preferentially concentrated in the silicic melt. Aluminum apparently sub- stitutes for silicon in tetrahedral coordination, which requires the coupled substitution of the alkalies to maintain local charge balance. The systematic enrichment of Primavera post-95,000-yr magmas in only Si, Rb, and Cs, while all other elements remain approximately constant or decrease in con- centration, is analogous to the partitioning of all cations but aluminum and the alkalies into the less polymerized marie melts in the two-liquid experiments. The observed decrease in total mole percent alkalies is consistent with the implications

    If melt structure had been the dominant control on trace ele- ment variations in the Tala Tuff, enrichment of those ele- ments (Si, A1, and the alkalies) which have been shown exper- imentally to partition into the more strongly polymerized melt would be antithetic to those elements (Fe, Ti, REE, Zr, Ta, etc.) that partition into the less polymerized melts. The verti- cal trace element gradients in the Tala Tuff magma chamber are not in accord with such a model. Na and K behave anti-

    thetically, as do the HREE and LREE. Elements of the first transition series do not behave consistently: Sc and Ti are de- pleted and Zn is enriched roofward, whereas Fe is unzoned. These data suggest that melt structure did not exert as strong a control on trace element behavior in the ash flow magma as in the magmas of the ring domes, due to the depolymerizing ef- fects of elevated volatile concentrations.

    A number of elements that partition into less polymerized melts in the two-liquid experiments have opposite enrichment directions in different ash flow systems, despite the roofward depletion in all systems of the elements Ca, Mg, and Ti. Zr, Hf, Zn, and Fe are enriched roofward in moderately to strongly peralkaline systems (e.g., Fantale Tuff [Gibson, 1970];

    of the two-liquid data, because the measured decrease in. Grouse Canyon member of the Belted Range Tuff[Noble and magma viscosity with increasing peralkalinity [Riebling, 1966] indicates that alkalies in molecular excess of alumina are net-

    work modifiers and should, therefore, migrate to a less polym- erized melt. At Primavera this less polymerized melt presum- ably lies at a slightly deeper level of the magma chamber.

    Phenocryst/Glass Partitioning in the As Flow Magma and the Origin of Compositional Zoning in the Tala Tuff

    If bulk composition had been the major control on partition coefficients in the Tala Tuff magma, the last-erupted portion of the Tala Tuff and its compositionally identical, outgassed equivalent, the south-central dome, could be expected to have partition coefficients similar to those of the younger ring dome, which, in turn, should be higher than those for the older ring dome. This is because the last-erupted Tala Tuff, the south-central dome, and the younger ring dome are simi- lar in major element composition and all three are lower in Ti,

    Parker, 1974]; Soldier Meadow Tuff [Korringa, 1973]), whereas these same elements are unzoned or depleted roof- ward in 'calc-alkalic' systems (e.g., Bishop Tuff [Hildreth, 1979]; Topopah Springs member of the Paintbrush Tuff [Lip- man et al., 1966]; Rainier Mesa member of the Timber Moun- tain Tuff [Christiansen et al., 1977]). In mildly peralkaline or alkali-rhyolite systems (e.g., La Primavera; Bandelier Tuff (R. L. Smith, personal communication, 1979); Spearhead member of the Thirsty Canyon Tuff [Noble and Parker, 1974]) these elements are variously unzoned or slightly enriched roofward.

    Such behavior seems inconsistent with melt structural con- trol, and may be better explained by a mechanism in which trace elements migrate as volatile complexes in a thermal and gravitational gradient. As volatiles move roofward, they may preferentially complex with different trace metals; thus, sys- tems with different volatile contents or ratios of H20, F, C1, and CO2 will have different elemental enrichment patterns. In this way the trace element enrichment pattern in the Tala




    TRACE-ELEMENT VOLATiLE-COMPLEXES (tends to erupt explosively as ash flows and major air falls) POLYMERIZATION MAXIMUM---'-'


    (tends to erupt as lavas and minor air falls)





    (tends to erupt as lavas and minor air falls)


    Fig. 9. Diagrammatic representation of melt polymerization gradients within silicic magma chambers. (a) Silicic magma chamber with a volatile-rich roof zone and maximum melt polymerization at an intermediate level. In the volatile- rich zone above the polymerization maximum, transport of trace metals as dissolved volatile complexes may be the domi- nant differentiation mechanism, while below the polymerization maximum, the distribution of trace metals may be deter- mined by melt structure. (b) Silicic magma chamber lacking a volatile-rich roof zone. The roofward magma might be the most polymerized, so most trace metals would diffuse to deeper, hotter, more mafic levels of the chamber where the melt is less polymerized.

    Tuff (and in other ash flow systems) may be the natural result of development of a volatile-enriched cap on a dominantly drier magma chamber. Roofward enrichment in trace metals may be linked to roofward enrichment in the volstiles re- quired to produce an ash flow eruption.


    The structure of a silicate melt is determined by pressure, temperature, major element composition, and volatile con- tent. Gradients in temperature and phenocryst and hole rock compositions preserved in ash flow tuffs are the main evi- dence for such gradients within silicic magma chambers and, inferentially, for the melt structural gradients that result from

    gradient fiattens, increasing temperature and the more mafic composition of the magma with increasing depth in the cham- ber may overcome the roofward volatile gradient and reverse the polymerization gradient. The result could be a magma chamber with maximum melt polymerization at some in- termediate level. In the volatile-rich zone above the poly- merization maximum, transport of trace metals as dissolved volatile complexes may be the dominant differentiation mech- anism, while below the polymerization maximum (which would roughly coincide with the leveling of the water gradient), the distribution of trace metals may be deter- mined by melt structure. This concept is shown diagra- matically in Figure 9a. If an eruption were to tap through the

    such zoning. The depolymerizing effect of a roofward increase polymerization maximum, it would sample magmas that ob- in dissolved volatile content of a magma is counteracted by tained their trace element abundance patterns through at least the roofward decrease in temperature and concentration of two different mechanisms; such an event might be manifested network-modifying cations. In different systems, the sum of by discontinuities in elemental trends. Such a change in the these effects could result in maximum polymerization occur- dominant mechanism of differentiation might account for sp- ring at the roof, at deep levels, or at some intermediate posi- parent reversals in the trends of Zr, Hf, Ns, and the agpaitic tion in a magma chamber, depending on the relative magni- index between the Tala Tuff and older ring domes (although a tudes of the individual gradients. transient vapor phase produced on eruption may have been

    In chambers in which the roof zone is strongly enriched in involved). Magma that erupted as the south-central dome may water (or other volstiles), the melt may initially be increas- have occupied the boundary between the two differentiation ingly polymerized with depth in the chamber, but as the water regimes. The change in trace element trends coincides with


    the end of the ash flow eruption, which is consistent with the eruption ceasing on exhaustion of the volatile-enriched magma.

    In a silicic magma chamber that lacks a strongly volatile- enriched roof zone, the roofward magma might be the most polymerized, so most trace metals would diffuse to deeper, hotter, more mafic levels of the chamber where the melt is less polymerized (Figure 9b). Such a configuration might produce the trends observed in the post-95,000-yr lavas, each eruptive group representing successive samples of roof zone magma in

    ......................... uxy ystcm mat occamc progressive a tcxauvxy more S'llicic and more polymerized with time.

    12782 and EAR-78-03648 to Carmichael and EAR-76-21833 to G. Curtis, and by two University of California at Berkeley Graduate Di- vision Grants-in-Aid and a N. S. F. Fellowship to the author. Early versions of this manuscript benefited from suggestions by Gilbert and Hildreth, and the final version from a review by J. Ratt6.


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