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Nwamarah Uche



urvey of Community Leadership role on Secondary

Schools Development Projects in

Benue State.






on Secondary




























Ajeh Uche Cletus, a postgraduate student of the Department of

Educational Foundations with Registration number PG/Med/10/57213 has

satisfactorily completed the requirements for the award of the degree of M.Ed

in Educational Administration and Planning. The work embodied in the projects

is the original one and has not been submitted in part or in full for any other

degree of this University or any other University.

………………………………… ……………………………..

Ajeh Uche Cletus Dr. Sam. Ugwoke

Student Supervisor



This thesis has been approved by the Department of Educational

Foundations, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.


……………………………. ……………………………..

Dr. Sam. Ugwoke Rev. Dr. L.K Ejionueme

Supervisor Internal Examiner

……………………………. ……………………………..

Prof. G.C. Unachukwu Dr. D.U. Ngwoke

External Examiner Head of Department


Prof. I.C.S. Ifelunni

Dean, Faculty of Education.



This project is dedicated to God Almighty and my late father Lazarus Ajeh Ipu.



In every exercise of this nature it reflects to the political “aphorism” that

man is a political animal and therefore cannot live in isolation rather depends on

others to survive.

Firstly, I thank the Almighty God whose inspiration and gift of wisdom

enabled me to embark on this task challenging exercise which if left for me

alone, could not be accomplished. I am very grateful to my project supervisor in

the person of Dr. Sam. Ugwoke who through his contributions, suggestions and

advice helped me to choose and organize my work to a reasonable end. I

specifically thank Associate Professor V.C. Onu who was the chairperson on

my project proposal defense, Rev. Dr. Ejionueme Lambert, the content reader,

Dr. Mrs. Oyoku, the design reader whose criticism, corrections and

contributions created positive channel in the arrangement of this work. I also

thank my seasoned Professors Ogbonnaya Nelson and Nworgu B.G. My thanks

also goes to Mrs. Diara, Dr. Enyi, Rev. Dr. Diara and others whose professional

contributions assisted in molding me. My relationship with these experts is

“live” and because live is a teacher they nurtured me at random.

Further, I cannot forget my co-students whose interaction with me is both

positive and negative but in all, they contributed much in what constitutes one’s

experience, I also thank my beloved wife Mercy Agidi Ajeh and my Children

Joy Poline and Mathew Ajeh Uche and others for their patience and the love

they offered in pursuit of this amiable goal. I extend my sincere gratitude to my

dearest sister, Margrate Ipenyi and Regina Aba whose contributions in cash and

kind cannot be measured. I also thank my brother Mr. Austine who sponsored

me and prayers from Rev. Ogwuche Boniface, Ojenya Clement among others. I

also thank Misses Peace and Mercy, the computer operators that assisted me in

course of producing this work. I thank everybody including you the reader.



Title Page - - - - - - - - - i

Certification page - - - - - - - - - ii

Approval page - - - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iv

Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - v

Table of contents - - - - - - - - - vi

List of tables - - - - - - - - - viii

List of Appendix - - - - - - - - - ix

Abstract - - - - - - - - - - x


Background to the Study - - - - - 1

Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - 13

Purpose of the Study - - - - - - - - 15

Significance of the Study - - - - - - - - 16

Scope of the Study - - - - - - - - - 19

Research Questions - - - - - - - 20

Hypothesis - - - - - - - - 21


Conceptual Framework - - - - - - - - 22

Concept of community - - - - - - - - 23

Concept of leadership - - - - - - - - 24

Concept of leadership style - - - - - - - 33

Concept of secondary school - - - - - - - 34

Concept of community developmental projects - - - - 37

Theoretical Framework - - - - - - - - 43

Human relation theory - - - - - - - 43

Behavioural science theory - - - - - - - 44

The Scientific Management Theory - - - - - - 46

Review of Empirical Studies - - - - - - 47

Studies related to development projects - - - - - 47

Studies related to secondary schools - - - - - 50

Studies related with community leadership roles - - - - 52

Summary of literature Review - - - - - - 53


Design of the Study - - - - - - - - 55


Area of Study - - - - - - - - - 55

Population of the Study - - - - - - - - 56

Sample and Sampling Technique - - - - - - 57

Instrument for Data Collection - - - - - - - 57

Validation of the Instrument - - - - - - - 58

Reliability of the Instrument - - - - - - - 58

Method of Data Collection - - - - - - - 59

Method of Data Analysis - - - - - - - 59


Presentation of Data and Analysis - - - - - - 60

Summary of Findings - - - - - - - - 69


Discussion of Findings - - - - - - - - 71

Conclusion - - - - - - - - - 76

Education implication - - - - - - - - - 76

Limitations of the study- - - - - - - - - 77

Suggestions for further study - - - - - - - 77

Recommendations - - - - - - - - - 78

Summary of the study - - - - - - - - 78

REFERENCES - - - - - - - - - 81

APPENDICES - - - - - - - - - 85

Appendix A - - - - - - - - - 90

Appendix B - - - - - - - - - - 93

Appendix C - - - - - - - - - - 98

Appendix D - - - -- - - - - - 98



Table 1: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and Schools Principals

on the Roles of Community Leaders towards Attainment of Secondary

School Development Projects in Benue State - - - - - 60

Table 2: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and Principals on the Extent the Educational

Level of the Community Leaders Affect the Development Projects Embarked upon by

Secondary Schools in Benue State. - - - - - - - 62

Table 3: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and School Principals on the Style of Community Leadership most Effective for Proper Execution of Secondary School

Development Projects in Benue State. - - - - - - - 64

Table 4: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and School Principals on The Major

Problems Encountered by The Community Leaders in Executing Secondary School

Developed Projects in Benue State. - - - - - - - 66 - -

Table 5: t-test Analysis of Community Leaders’ and School Principals’

responses on Leadership style that is most effective for the Execution

of Secondary School Developed Projects in Benue State. - - - 67

Table 6: t-test Analysis of Community Leaders’ And School Principals’

Responses on Community Leaders and Principals With Regard to

the Roles of Community Leaders Towards Successful Accomplishment

of Secondary School Development Projects in Benue State. - - - 68



Appendix A: Questionnaire on community leaders and secondary

school development project - - -- - - - - 90

Appendix B: Reliability of instrument - -- - - 93

Appendix C: Population of teachers and principal in Otukpo Education

Zone in Benue State - - - - - - - - 98

Appendix D: Grand total of teachers and principals - - - 98



This study was carried out to investigate the survey of community leadership

roles on secondary schools development projects in Benue State. The research

adopted descriptive survey research design. Four research questions and two

null hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study is 1,200 which

comprises of 670community leaders and five hundred and thirty (530)

secondary school principals. The sample size of the study is 800 respondents.

Simple random sampling techniques were used to select 300 principals and 500

community leaders. A 30 item questionnaire was administered on the 800

respondents. The instrument was validated by three experts, two in Educational

Administration and planning and one in measurement and evaluation. The

experts examined the instrument and modified it to suit the purpose. The

validated was trial tested using 20 respondents which are outside the areas of the

study. Cronbach Alpha technique was used for its analysis in the determination

of the internal consistency of the instrument. This gave reliability to co-

efficient values of 0.87, 0.79, 0.86, and 0.78 for cluster A-D respectively. These

gave an overall reliability co-efficient score of 0.89. The major findings

indicated that the respondents agree that roles of community leaders towards

attainment of secondary school project include motivating the members towards

project participation, seeking the opinion of community members before

commencement of project, mobilizing the members of the community towards

the project implementation, being active and leading by example, good and

prudent on financial management. The findings also indicate that the

educational background of community leaders affects the development projects

of secondary schools. Furthermore the result shows that community leadership

style most effective for proper execution of secondary school development

projects requires a leader who seeks opinion of majority of community members

before embarking upon a given project, among others. Also the result indicated

that the major problems encountered by community leaders in executing

secondary school development project includes; lack of coordination and lack of

funds, among others. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that

community leaders should be committed in performing their roles in school

developmental project; they should utilize their knowledge of their attained

educational background to influence professionally the secondary school

development project, among others.




Background of the Study

Leadership has been described as the process of social influence in which

one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a

common task. Leadership can be said to be an ability/Authority that pulls people

toward becoming comfortable with the language of personal responsibility and

commitment. Leadership is not just for people at the top. Everyone can learn to

lead by discovering the power that lies within one to make a difference and

being prepared when the call to lead comes. (Peteroy, 2001).

Leadership is applied in all facets of life. It is a competency that one can

learn to expand one’s perspective, set the complex of a goal, and understand the

dynamics of human behaviour and take the initiative to get to where one wants

to be. Hence leadership is defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly


Anyanwu (2007) defined an affective leader as an individual with the

capacity to consistently succeed in a given condition and be viewed as meeting

the expectations of an organization or society. Leaders are recognized by their

capacity in carrying others, clear communication and commitment to persist.

For instance, an individual who is appointed to a managerial position has the

right to command and enforce obedience by virtue of the authority of his

position. However, he or she must possess adequate personal attributes to match



this authority because authority is only potentially available to the individual. In

the absence of sufficient personal competence, a manager may be confronted by

an emergent leader who can challenge his/her role in the organization and

reduce it to that of a figurehead. However, only authority of position has the

backing of formal sanctions. It follows that whoever wields personal influence

and power can legitimize this only by gaining a formal position in the diarchy

with commensurate authority (Aderounmu; 1995).

Leadership is a widely applied term that usually refers to the personality

characteristics and the behavior of people with authority and influence and

responsibility for leading groups. The term is also use to refer to the group of

people officially responsible for running an organization.

Leadership function embraces those activities related to supervision,

leading and motivating personnel so that they will perform their task in desired

ways. The function entails human communication, man- to-man relationships

and use of incentives or penalties to motivate people in desired directions. As

with other managerial and enterprise functions, the way in which this functions

is performed makes a considerable difference in the efficiency of the firm.

However, what motivates men to better performance in some cultures may not

work may not work very well in other cultures. While leadership may prove

quite difficult to define precisely, most perceptive observes can readily detect

situation characterize by weak, vaccinating and ineffective leadership as


compared to one in which the leader as compared to one in which the leader is

competent , respected and effective. Griffiths F.M (2007)

Leadership performance is executives, because of their status, duties and

authority, are said to be in position of leadership. If leadership is considered as

something that influences person executive performances, would be Leadership

performance. More specially, it would be acts which influence the acts of

others. On the other hand, leadership style is an imprecise term that refers to the

blending of a person’s knowledge of leadership theory and skills with his or her

own personality and values under different organizational circumstances to

yield a “style” of leadership behavior (Mgbodile, 2003).

In view of the above definitions one can deduce that leadership is found

among those who demonstrate persistence, tenacity determination, and

synergistic communication so that such skills will bring out some qualities in

their groups. Leaders use their own inner mentors to acquire their team and

organization and lead a team to achieve success. Leadership therefore is a

matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, carriage and discipline.

Hence reliance on intelligence alone results in rebelliousness.

Leadership style refers to a leader’s behaviour. It is based on the

philosophy, personality and experience of the leader. Rhetoric specialists have

also developed models for understanding leadership (Mgbodile, 2003). There

are different types of leadership style which include Autocratic or


Authoritarians style, participative or democratic style; and Laissez-faire or free

rein style.

The autocratic leadership style is used to describe a leader who is high –

handed in his administration. Autocratic leader signifies a self centered leaders,

a leader whose administration is centered unto himself and all autocratic

emanates from time and ends with line.

Under the autocratic leadership style all decision-making powers are

centralized in the leader, as a dictator. Leaders do not entertain any suggestions

or initiatives from subordinates. The autocratic leader finds it difficult to get

genuine love, support and cooperation from subordinate who regard his

administration as a “one man show. He maintains a poor human relation with

his manager. He is harsh and abusive in his language. It is known that the

autocratic leadership produces many undesirable effects on workers and on

work situation. The democratic leadership style is also called the participatory

leadership signifying its recognition of the need for staff participation in the

affairs of the organization. Consulting Democratic leadership places premium

on worker or group participation in decision making. The democratic leadership

is guided by the philosophy that people are more committed to caring out the

decisions in which they played a part in formicating. Thus, the democratic

leader invites the participation of workers in decision making, in setting

performance standards and evaluating performance.


The laissez faire leadership style is sometimes called the loose raine

leadership which can best be described as the detached management style. This

is taken from French language, the expression “laissez-faire” which literally

means “allow things go their way” is use to described the leader who allows his

workers to about go their work the way they want.

The laissez-faire administration does not engage in strict supervision of

workers as they perform. Their duty. He applies little control over the activities

of the worker and allows a measure of freedom in work operation.

This style of leadership is considered unsatisfactory because it signifies

the absence of visible leadership which often leads to a number of undesirable

behavior among workers leading to poor work performance. He develops no

policy of his own. He allows complete freedom to the group and for them to do

as they wish, generally a Laissez-faire leaders responsibility.

The community leader is the key influential people that exert influence

and authority over the other members of the community. These power action

need to be elected by the generality of the people they serve and equally

recognized by the government of the area their community is under. They also

need to poses the relevant qualities are present in these leaders and they are

selected by the people that they experience the support and participation of them

in any development project.

Community leaders are not necessarily elected to their positions, and

usually do not have legal powers, but they are often used by the media and the


police as a way of determining the general efforts within a particular

community, or acting as a point of liaison between the community and

government authorities. Community leadership are active in participation of the

community project as well as solving the problems of the community members.

Community leadership is a designation, often by secondary sources

(particularly in the media) for a person who is perceived to represent a

community. A simple way to understand community leadership is to see it as

leadership in, for and by the community. Essentially community leaders have

the responsibility of identifying the felt needs of his community members and

serves as a link between his community and Government or none Governmental


In the present time, there has been a continual emphasis on the agencies

need to improve developmental activities in various communities. Such

emphasis emanate from various sections of communities and the society. Not

until recently, the belief of most Nigerians was that it is the responsibility of the

Government to provide for the needs of their communities. The Government

was seen as the great provider with unlimited resources and consequently, there

has been an almost complete dependence on the Government to provide the

needs of the people in the localities. The situation has tended to stagnate social-

economic development in many Rural Communities.

On its own part, Government has realized the essence of rural

development through repeated calls, re-awakened the people’s interest in the


development of rural areas. However, it is pertinent to mention at this point that

to identify community problems, and the existence of felt needs as well as the

ability of the individuals and groups in the community to perceive the particular

problems (Dunham, 2007).

The situation is further compounded by lack of able leadership that is

capable of mobilizing the people to embark on meaningful community

development in the communities. Long before the establishment of the science

of development and planning, many rural communities in Nigeria have learnt to

pull their resources together in construction of project such as foot paths to their

farm which are some kilometers away from their settlements (villages). They

are as well did the clearing around their homes, shrines, and markets under the

directive and supervision of community leaders (NYSC and Anka


There is now an increasing awareness that people can develop their own

communities out of their efforts and resources. The changes began to occur as a

result of their increasing realization of the relationship between leadership role

and community development. Community awareness can be generated by the

community leaders in that, some people cannot easily be able to perceive a

common problem confronting them without being assisted (Nnena, 1990).

As a result, community development project relies heavily on local

leadership to elicit the enthusiasm of the people. This is to ensure that it is not

only the change agents, who are paid officials, but also the local leaders, who


act as the agent of the development in their communities. Local leaders are very

often volunteers and they are perhaps the very real agents of social change and

improvement in their communities. This is why the community development

agent must endeavour, at the initial stage, to identify the structure and pattern of

the leadership in his client community (Bello, 1990).

Moreover, community leadership fosters participation is affecting the

lives and welfare of the people in the community. It creates faith in a number of

factors that may generate community development. It creates faith in common

understanding, faith in the philosophy of success, faith in the ultimate

satisfaction of personal and community motives, faith in the integrity and

objective of the authority, and faith in the superiority of community purpose.

Community leaders are thus enabled to pursue the incessant interchanges of

energies and satisfactions for immediate growth of the community and ultimate

development of the nation. It is necessary therefore for individual and groups to

improve their leadership (Fisher and Romanorstky, 2012).

Leadership in Zone ‘C’ community of Benue State starts from the

villages which are the strongest political unit in communities. The community is

egalitarian, with the extended family comprising of many families as the lowest

political unit. The head of the extended family holds the “Ochirigogo” which is

the symbol of power, for he represents that extended family at the village



The extended family is made up of families that trace their ancestor to

one person. The extended family also has kindred’s which is a localized

patrilineage made up of a group of related extended families. The eldest male in

this family head the kindred called “Okoshe” and he represents them in

political, religious and social matters. The village is composed of many

kindred’s whose members trace their ancestors to one person belonging to a

distinct group. The village is based upon common kinship, religious, dialect and

economic ties.

The Zone ‘C’ is the largest political unit area in Benue State and the LGA

that constitute the Zone ‘C’ have the feelings of same identity and it is the basic

political unit in the whole Idoma political system. The Zone ‘C’ has a central

deity which all members of the Zone ‘C’ recognize as the deity to which the

Zone ‘C’ owes its co-existence. The traditional functions in this society are

performed through various structures within the system.

In the typical local government setting, the women’s club, the age grade,

youth association, traditional and political and religious leadership are the

executive agent of the social system. The age grade system cuts across

residential and lineage ties and brings members of each village into a single

organization based mainly on age.

The secondary school institution as a social system consists of individuals

with different personality and needs or disposition (Oboegbulam 2000;

Peretomode, 1999). The individuals within the school include the principals,


teachers, students and other non-academic staff, interacting within the defined

boundaries for the purpose of achieving the predetermined objectives of the

school. Educational administrators (principals) are involved in administration

and management of secondary schools, Nwankwo in Peretomode (1996)

considers school administration as careful and systematic arrangement and use

of resource, (human and materials) situations and opportunities for the

achievement of specified goals and objectives of a given organizations.

Mgbodile, (2004) defined school management as guidance, leadership and

control efforts of groups of people towards some common objectives. It is a

social process of interaction and economic process involving a sequence of

coordinating events, which include: planning, organizing, coordinating and

controlling. Educational management is concerned with the planning and

formulation of educational policies or programmes with the view of achieving

educational goals. The supervisory aspect of administration is mainly for

maintaining punctuality and general discipline as well as facilitating changes

and pattern of work to modern techniques as commented by Oboegbulem


It is obvious that leadership would play a tremendous role in managing

the life pattern of the community members. The leaders are capable of knowing

how best to channel the resources of the community or the resources of the local

government towards meaningful educational development project such as

library construction school building and bore hole establishment.


The community leaders and school principals’ position in a community

educational development project can be termed as crucial since they help to

disseminate information motivate people and also accelerate the programme

execution. In this regard, the rural leaders are key to success in community

development programme (Brien, 1999). However, most often community

leaders encounter some major problems in the face of executing school

development projects such as polite involvement, lack of coordination and

sound group conflict.

The existence of capable leaders enhances the status of village projects

and places them in a better position to qualify for government grants in aid. To

help bring a community to action, it requires the community leaders to create

awareness on the people in the direction of self-help project. In Zone ‘C’

community of Benue State leadership starts from village, which is the basic

political unit in a community. It possesses all the socio-political attributes of a

traditional Idoma society in Benue State.

Execution of community development projects depend on organization

and effective participation of the people in the community enhanced by the free

flow of communication in which it is made possible by the Local leaders such

as Council of Elders, Age grade, Town Unions, Cooperative societies and heads

of various organizations in the community.

However, the influence of educational background of community leaders

is being felt in most communities since it has formed and modified some


traditional, social and political structures. In this pattern of community

leadership educated leaders who are aware of current changes, the community

members should therefore try as mush as possible to elect those who are

educated to replace non-educated (illiterates) leaders in order to communicate

with other members of community effectively and relate well to enlight them of

the need for change., will help to bring cordial relationship between community

members and the community leaders (Peteroy, 1999).

It is obvious that educational level knowledge of community leader

plays a tremendous role in managing the life pattern of the community

members. Those leaders are capable of knowing how best to channel the

resources of the community toward meaningful development projects such a

road construction, erection of classroom structure, school library and school

structure (Boggs, 1996).

The existence of capable leaders enhances the status of community

projects and places them in a better position to qualify for governments, grants

in-aid. To help bring a community to action, it requires the community leaders

to create the awareness on the people, in the direction of self help projects. It

must be recited that in Zone “C” community of Benue State, leadership starts

from the village which is the basic political unity in the community. It posses all

the socio political attributes of a traditional Idoma society. They are, to a very

great extent, egalitarian as well as political in standards of conduct. The


community is agriculturally, religiously, economically, educationally and

politically alert.

Therefore those community leaders’ roles in community development

projects can be termed as crucial since they help to disseminate information,

motivate people and also accelerate the programme execution. In this regard the

rural leaders are rightly pointed to as a key to success in community

developmental program (Edekobi, 1998).

Statement of the Problem

Leadership is very crucial in educational development projects, and the

effectiveness of leadership therefore, goes a long way towards the realization of

community aims and objectives. Most projects being undertaken in

communities for their development require effective leadership for their

success. The existence of capable leaders enhances the status of development

projects and places them in a better position to qualify for government


In the past, the people in Zone “C” of Benue State placed much

importance on development projects of their communities and have been noted

in the past for her self-help efforts. This was demonstrated greatly when they

were under Benue Plateau State when they built the Otukpo Town Hall which

has clinic, the Women Education Centre, Lodging Accommodation House and

some community secondary schools in many Zone ‘C’ communities


respectively. This problem of this study originate as result of lack of

development project by community leaders in Benue State.

It is most unfortunate that since the creation of Zone ‘C’; (social political

sector, 1976) in Benue State, the communities have not recorded any new

developmental project in its own for past decades and seems not to be

interested. Some uncompleted projects have even been abandoned such as

Otukpo Community Hall and library building. The big question therefore is

what has actually gone wrong? Why is it that Zone ‘C’ consisting of nine (9)

Local Government Areas with abundant human and material resources not able

to provide her people with viable secondary schools development projects such

as water bore hole, classroom accommodation, building of library, school

electrification or plants?

In the typical local government setting, the women’s club, the age grade,

youths association, traditional, political and religious leadership are the

executive agents of the social system. The age grade system cuts across

residential and lineage ties and brings members of each village into a single

organization based mainly on age. It is obvious that leadership would play a

tremendous role in managing the life pattern of the community members. The

leaders are capable of knowing how best to channel the resources of the

community or the resources of the local government toward meaningful

development projects.


Education developmental projects both as a practice, process and

movement have not been achieved, especially in Zone ‘C’ Community of Benue

State, in spite of various concerted efforts of the government to mobilize the

communities through such governmental agencies as the World Bank assisted

projects on self-help, Mass Mobilization for Self Reliance and Economic

Recovery (MANSER), Better Life Programme for Rural Women (BLPFRW),

Family Support Programme (FEAP). From the foregoing, it is clear that certain

problems exist, and it is of more concern to this researcher hence posed to ask:

what are the roles of community leaders in secondary school developmental

projects? In view of this, the researcher embarked on this study to investigate

through the opinion of community leaders and school principals on roles of

community leaders in the secondary school development project in Benue State.

The Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to investigate the roles of community

leadership in secondary school development projects in Benue State.

Specifically, this study seeks to:

1. Determine the roles of community leaders towards successful

accomplishment of the secondary school development projects in

Benue State.

2. Determine the extent to which the educational level of the community

leaders affect the development projects of secondary schools in Benue



3. Find out how the style of community leadership that is most effective

for the execution of secondary school development projects in Benue


4. Identify the problems encountered by the community leaders in

executing secondary school development projects in Benue State.

Significance of the Study

The emphasis on community development project has been a growing

phenomenon in recent time. Therefore the importance of secondary school

development cannot be over-emphasized.

The study will be beneficial to the principals, teachers, students,

community leaders as well as Ministry of Education, its agencies at all levels.

The findings will go a long way in helping principals of secondary

schools because they will acquire maximum knowledge from the finding of

Researcher after investigation into the various roles or contributions, if any,

made by the community leaders in Zone ‘C’ community in terms of secondary

school development projects and understanding of several aspects of the effect

of leadership roles on secondary school developmental projects. The study will

help the principals gain the background knowledge and problems militating

against secondary school developmental projects as a result of this work, when

properly studied.

Teachers in secondary school will benefit from this study in one way or

the other as they find the information very useful and important in teaching and


learning situation. The teachers in the secondary school will benefit from the

findings because it will help them to know the activities of community leaders

as regards secondary school developmental programmes that bring about new

changes at school level. The teachers will well benefit from the study because it

will make them know the roles of community leaders in secondary school

development projects. This awareness will help them have interest in their job.

The findings will go a long way in helping students to understand and

gain knowledge how secondary schools in the community are equipped with

greater knowledge for change of school environment. Through the effort of

community leaders. The findings will benefit the students as it will help them to

know and understand the different efforts of community leaders/members and

principals/teachers in secondary school development project. This awareness

will make them improve their knowledge and skills. It will equally make the

students aware of the good relationship between the principal/teacher and

community leader/members in development of secondary school project there

by make the students to develop spirit of good relationship.

The education agencies in-charge of secondary schools will benefit from

this study because it will provide them with useful and needed information on

the functions of community leaders and their active participation in secondary

school developmental projects. It will make such education agencies realize the

essence of community leader’s effort towards the development of secondary


school project. This awareness will enable them know how to channel the

education problem to appropriate quarters.

The ministry of education will benefit from this study because it will help

them to know the style of leadership preferred for full initiation, implementation

and participation in secondary schools development projects. It will as well

make them know the problems encountered by these community leaders in

executing developmental project and how to overcome them. This awareness

will inspire the ministry of education to pick interest on the effort of community

leaders and to meet community demands at the time of their need.

The findings of this research will be useful to community leaders because

it will make them know how mush contribution to the realization process of

what the community leaders in Zone ‘C’ of Benue State have done towards the

community development project. It will enable them to know the areas of their

weakness and strength in the job. This awareness will help the leaders to know

and understand the areas preferred for full initiation, implementation and

participation in secondary school developmental projects and as well as their

real function or roles in a given society.

The findings will be of benefit to community members because it is

hoped to draw out the needed information that would go a long way to stimulate

community members in embarking and taking active part in education

developmental projects. This awareness will help them to alleviate the suffering

of the principals, teachers and students in the community.


It will equally stimulate community member to know what are the roles

of these leaders towards successful accomplishment of education developmental

project in Zone ‘C’ community in Benue State.

Scope of the Study

The study has both content and geographical scope.

In the geographical scope, the study was limited to Zone “C” community

of Benue state, the Zone ‘C’community comprises of nine (9) local

governments areas in Benue state which include Obi, Oju, Otukpo, Ado

Okpokwu, Obadigbo, Apa, Ohimini and Agatu respectively.

In the content scope, the study was limited to the examination of the roles

of community leaders in secondary school development projects in Benue State.

This study will carry out investigation into the secondary school developmental

projects and look into problems encountered by community leaders in executing

secondary school development projects in Benue State. this study will carry out

investigation into educational background of the community leaders who are

involved in development projects embarked upon by secondary schools in

Benue State. It will as well cover the type or style of leadership preferred for

full initiation, implementation and participation in secondary school

development projects in Benue State.

Essentially the finding of the study helps to emphasize the indispensability of

the leadership roles in the secondary school development efforts. This further

stimulate community development workers, the government and Zone ‘C’


community in taking active part in community development projects. It will also

expose the critical issues involved in effective secondary school development,

and as such, it helps in exposing all possible awareness to promote co-operation

among community members to promote the socio-economic and cultural status

of the community.

Furthermore, this study serves as a reference book, as it may stimulate

other researchers to carry out further research on the contributions the

community leaders can make towards the upliftment of human well being in

their various communities.

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1. What are the roles of community leaders towards attainment of

secondary school development project in Benue State?

2. To what extent does the educational level of the community leaders

affect the development projects embarked upon by secondary schools

in Benue State?

3. What style of community leadership that is most effective for proper

execution of secondary school development project in Benue State.

4. What are the major problems encountered by the community leaders

in executing secondary school development project in Benue State.



The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and

was tested at 0.05 levels of significance:

HO1: There was significant difference between the mean rating scores of

community leaders and principals with regard to leadership style that is

most effective for the execution of secondary school development

projects in Benue State.

HO2: There is no significant difference between the mean rating scores of

community leaders and principals with regard to the roles of community

leaders towards successful accomplishment of secondary school

development projects in Benue State.




This literature review was treated under the following sub-headings:

conceptual framework, theoretical framework, review of empirical studies and

summary of the reviewed literature.

Conceptual Framework:

Concept of community

Concept of leadership/leadership style

Concept of secondary school

Concept of development and development projects

Theoretical Framework

Scientific management theory

Human relations theory

Behavioural science theory

Review of Empirical Studies

1. Studies related to development project.

2. Studies related to secondary school

3. Studies related with community leadership roles.

Summary of Literature Review



The Concept of Community

The term community is used to refer to a group of people living within

the same geographical area, with a high degree of communalism and kinship

obligations. Community is characterized by a light degree of inter – personal

intimacy where relationship are strengthened by face to face relationship.

Community is a word with many meanings and uses. According to

Beresman (1998), community is one of the oldest forms of human organization

where social order is based upon consensus of will and supported by folkways,

mores and religion. He again stated that, community is a place where people

have high moral commitments, and dependency on reciprocity, norms, filial

ties, kind ship, obligations, neighborhood ties, and a high degree of


From another perspective that seems to improve on above definitions,

Taylor (1997) defined community as consisting of persons in social interaction

within a geographical area having one or more common ties. Taking a definite

point, Mezirow (1992) sees community as that level of social interaction where

these tensions are more clearly exposed between micro-experience and macro-

explanation. Beresford (1998), views community from different perspectives in

respect of psychological angle. He stated that, community is a temporary

psycho- and sociological function giving rise to a social form within the

boundaries of which personal affective ties and situational purposive

instructions prevail. It is the convergence like affected individuals into social


formation in response to a perceived negative influence in prevailing broader

environment and in opposition to it from his own angle Fussell (1998) says that

the fundamental unit of development is the community which is made up of

households, comprised of individual men and women, young and old with many

roles and responsibilities which allows the community to function.

In view of all the above definition, one can deduce that, community is

seen as a social unit made up of a people who live in a geographical area, which

may be large or small, formed for different purposes. Community can therefore

develop through a close relationship between the people, the sharing of common

interests and obligation and feedings of oneness for the realization of their

common goals and aspirations. A pioneer settlement, a village, a city, a tribe or

even a nation can be seen as an example of community.

The Concept of Leadership

The concept of leadership has been looked at from various points of

views, by different researchers. Because of the abstract and fluid character of

the concept, it has been universally accepted and standard definition of

leadership to emerge. Throughout the human history, philosophers have made

attempt to define the concept of leadership and to give appropriate position in

the development of man and society. Edekobi (1998), defined leadership as one

who is endowed with unique qualities that capture the imagination stressed that

leadership consist of such skills as intellectual, physical, moral and artistic

skills. It may be as a result of this fact that they are appointed as a leader within


the group as he is the real centre of influence within the group. For instance

kings and leaders one those whose authority is mostly derived from their


From more pragmatic perspective, Onyechi (2001) views a leader as that

member of a group who has the most influence over the behaviour of other

members and whose position is usually the first to emerge as the group becomes

structured. Saheny and Chanterge (1999) assumed that leadership in community

development is based on the relation between an individual and a group that

built around some common interest. He further contended that community

leadership is when a group follows an individual out of free will and not under

command or force. It has also been stressed that community leaders should be

reorganized and seized opportunities to surmount cultural, legal, administrative

obstacles. He should also obtain the necessary resources and sufficient support

for his plan and execution I order to achieve the goal and objection of an

organization. (Ugwunyi, 2001). Therefore, leadership involves the ability of an

individual or group of people to mobilize human resources in response to the

need and requirements that results from stencil, either from internal or external


Leadership may be entrusted by birth, selection, or by usurpation of

power. In this regard, Bass in Edekobi (1998) looks at leadership as an

individual’s effort to change the behaviour of others. .When other members

actually change, this creation of change in others is successful leadership. If the


other is reinforced for changing their behaviour, this evoked achievement in

effective leadership. Considering the above definitions, one can deduce that

leadership is the most basic concept in community development projects, and

the efficiency of the leader goes a long way in the realization of the

community’s aim and objectives. Leadership requires responsibility and

sacrifices. Therefore, the prospective leader must accept the responsibility

associated with leadership.

The worker or group leadership style places premium on people as the

prime determinant of production. In this approach attention is paid more to the

needs of the people in the organization and production is seen as a natural

antecedent of good relations. The leader emphasizes sound interpersonal

relations and sees the welfare of the workers as instrumental to production.

Leadership involves the ability of an individual or group of people to

mobilize human resources in response to the need and requirements that results

from stimuli, either from internal or external environment. A common link

which runs through those positions is that leadership remains the art of

coordination and motivating individuals and group of people to achieve a

desired goal (Ezeocha, 2006). In the absence of leadership, life would have been

poor, nasty, solitary, brutish and short.

The salience and conversance of power of a leader depend to a large

extent, on the goals of an organization, and strategies available for achieving


these goals. For leadership to be successful, Ezeocha (2006) considered the

following principles of leadership:

(i) leadership must be legitimate and authoritative, meaning that the leader

must be led, be given the mass and societal backup to direct and control.

(ii) leadership must not exceed the mandate entrusted to it by the people.

(iii) leadership must subject itself to public advancement, responsibility and

accountability to maintain a good relationship between the leader and the


(iv) leadership in terms of recruitment must be by merit instead of inheritance

or usurpation.

A leader should possess superior intelligence, relevant training or

experience. He must be initiative and should be capable of having inter-personal

relations, direct attention and advance acceptable solution (Onyechi, 2001).The

leader is a person endowed with unique qualities that capture the imaginations

of the masses. (Bruse, 1998). Ezeocha (2006) in his own view, stressed that

leadership can be seen as authority injunction given to an individual or group of

individuals to exercise a definite measure of power within a specific

organizational content.

Saheny and Chanterge (1999) assumed that leadership in community

development project is based on the relationship between an individual and a

group built around some common interest and believing in a manner or

determined by him. They further contended that community leadership where a


group follows an individual of free will and not under command or coercion. It

has also been stressed that community leaders should recognize and seize

opportunities to surmount cultural, legal, administrative and other kinds of

obstacles, obtain the necessary resources and combine and make use of them in

the right way to obtain sufficient support for plan and promote the necessary

organization to carry them out. (Saheny and Chanterge, 1999).

In summary, leadership is the most basic concept in community

development project, and the efficiency of the leader goes a long way towards

the realization of the community’s aims and objectives.

Generally, leadership is classified according to their leadership styles and

their characteristics. Edekobi (1998) stated that in order to find the real leaders

of the community the style and characteristics of leadership are necessary to be

examined. The leaders are classified according to the following styles. The

autocratic leadership style, the democratic leadership style, the laissez fair

leadership style, the leadership according to compulsion and the charismatic

leadership (Mgbodile, 2003).

The word autocratic is used to describe a leader who is high-handed in his

administration “Auto” is a Latin word which means self. So the expression

autocratic leader signifies a self-centred leader, a leader whose administration is

centred on his self. He is the centre of all the activities that go on in the

establishment where he is a leader. A prime determinant of action, all the

authority emanates from him and ends with him.


The autocratic leader manifests his autocratic tendency clearly in

decision-making. He monopolizes the decision-making process and takes

decision all alone. He does not see the need to involve his staff in decision

making since he thinks he has all the bright ideas. He believes his ideas and

thoughts to be superior to those of his subordinates and considers involving

them in decision-making as a waste of time. He is therefore not interested in

group or corporate decision. He takes decisions all alone and passes these down

to subordinates as orders to be carried out without question (Mgbodile, 2003).

The consideration and initiating structure of leader has a great effect on

the subordinates. Leadership equally has great effect on the subordinates. Agabi

(1995) states that an autocratic leader by fear unites his group and by suspicion

divides his group into enemies. By this an autocratic leader has two images

about his group; he suspects them and once he fears that his group members are

coming too close, he by all means separates them since he cannot lead people

who are together. Nnenna (1990), sees an autocratic leadership as all-in all

decision making. An autocratic leader is characterized by the following:

� The dictation of all policies and procedure by the leader;

� Imposition of task and methods on the subordinates;

� Lack of effective communication between the leader and the group.

An autocratic leader gives more attention on the nomathetic dimensions

(Nnenna, 1990). He does not believe in using staff initiative or discretion.

Dennis (1997). further lists eight characteristics autocratic leader assumes


inconvenience to himself: an aggressor, a blocker, recognition seeker, a dodger,

a dominator, a help seeker, a special interest seeker, a blamer, the autocratic

leader as Hall in Ume (1999) puts it plays dominative roles, gets things done in

his own ways and prevents others from emerging as leader; he is just one in

making decision, his decision is final. He is leader dominated rather than group

dominated. He performs better during anarchy because in anarchy there is really

no group and group cohesion.

The democratic management style is also called the participatory

leadership signifying its recognition of the need for staff participation in the

affairs of the organization. Democratic leadership places premium on worker or

group participation in decision making. The right of the worker to participate in

taking decisions on issues that affect his work is recognized. The central idea in

democratic management is getting the worker directly involved in helping to

make decisions that affect his work operation (Knezevich, 1995).

The democratic management sees the need to take the worker into

confidence and to seek his ideas, views and suggestions on issues concerning

the organization’s welfare. He believes that no one man has a monopoly of

ideas, and that better decisions can be taken under joint deliberations making

use of suggestions and ideas of members of the organizations. He therefore

genuinely invites suggestions and ideas of subordinates in decision making, and

incorporates them in the final decision. Nnenna (1990) in his own opinion saw

democratic leadership as that which creates room for the consultation of the


group on almost all the things that affect them before decision are made. It

allows for self-expression, creativity and group healthy interactions. A

democratic leader listens to the group’s suggestion and he believes that the

whole group is greater than individual part. He thinks with this group. A

democratic leader is more interested in the smooth running of the community,

personnel, citizens, welfare and understanding and interest.

Unlike the autocratic leader, the democratic leader is a part of the group

and in the real sense a product of the group. He is just one of the number of

leaders who under different circumstances helps the group to do its jobs. Hall

lists fifteen characteristics of a democratic leader: Initiator, Orientor, Facilitator,

Encourager, Summarizer, Fact giver, Expeditor, Status role, Evaluation,

Harmonizer, Fact seeker, Compromiser, Spokesman, Recorder and Analyzer.

But one thing needs to be noted, a democratic leader is a matter of degree. A

leader should not be totally autocratic or totally democratic; the best leaders

probably are slightly more autocratic than democratic, but only in the sense that

they make the difficult decisions when the buck stops at their desk (Mgbodile,


The Laissez faire leadership implies that things should sort themselves

out. The leader has seldom clearer vision of organizational goals. According to

Nnenna (1990), laissez faire leadership style are such things that should sort

themselves out. The leader not only has seldom clearer vision of organizational

but also of community goals. He develops no policy of his own. He allows


complete freedom to the group and for them to do as they wish. Generally, a

laissez faire leader lacks responsibility. Hall in Ume (2002) states that a laissez

faire leader is as well called passive leader who is not really a leader. This is the

type of leader that is arrived when circumstances so dictate. Under this

leadership, people get into leadership not because they wanted to lead but

because leadership has become a right. A passive leadership often fail to

stimulate his group; neither can the people stimulate him. To have a laissez faire

leader is to fall asunder the group. It is a leader who is a good follow leader and

therefore must be avoided.

The Laissez faire style of leadership which is sometimes called the loose

rein leadership can best be described as the detached management style. Taken

from the French Language, the expression “Laissez-Faire” which literally

means “allows things go their way”, is used to describe the leader who allows

his workers to go about their work the way they wanted. The Laissez-Faire

administrator does not engage in strict supervision of workers as they perform

their duty. He applies little control over the activities of the workers and allows

a measure of freedom in work operation (Mgbodile, 2003).

The Laissez faire style of leadership is considered unsatisfactory because

it signifies the absence of visible leadership which often leads to a number of

undesirable behaviours among workers leading to poor work performance.

Some workers might pay less attention to their work while others might

completely abandon their work or perform below expectation.


Freedom of action: The group members do things as they are pleased. In this

case, there is no leadership. The following characterizes laissez faire leadership


� Complete non-participation and indifference

� Leadership supplies information only if asked and assumes no other duty.

� Makes few comments of any kind and no effort to enforce any work rule

(Hall in Ume, 1999).

One of the motivational factors gives strength to leadership in the society is the

compensation that the leader receives for his efforts. Compensation takes many

forms (Hall in Ume, 2002). It could be status recognition, monetary or material

compensation. It could also be professional. Ume (2002) states that there are

distinguishing factors between a professional leader and others. Under the

leadership according to compensation, status changes immediately. The

compensation is the upliftment he has. Therefore, one is raised among others

just overnight.

Concept of leadership style

The charismatic style is a style of management behaviour observed

among people who naturally possess the charismatic traits. Charisma is a natural

endowment of certain leadership traits which the possess manifests of oratory

boldness, drive, the power to organize and mobilize people. By the natural

leadership qualities which the possesses, he is able to get the support of his

followers without much effort. People are willing to follow him to sink with or


swim behind him. They give him their trust, support and co-operation without

knowing or questioning why they should do so. Nnenna (1990) saw this

leadership as “a term used to describe the capacity, capabilities or qualities of a

person who recognizes, direct and control others for the purpose of attaining the

set goals for his group or society.

Thus, it is the process of influencing the activities and behaviour of an

individual or group in an effort to attain a goal for the group. It is also used to

describe a person’s status, position of authority or power. The above implies

that the success or failure of the group or society is in most cases attributable to

the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the leader. He tries to lead in the right

direction. Charismatic leadership refers to natural and supernatural qualities of

influencing others. A reflection on the above definition of leadership shows that

leadership could be a personality gift or an individual’s characteristics to easily

influence the activities or behaviour of others. The charismatic leader is

characterized by the following: command of language, use of proverb, live of

honesty, fairness, confidence, good memory (Nnenna, 1990).

Concept of Secondary School

According to Hormby (2003) secondary school is an institution where

teaching and learning take place which students acquire many skills: it is where

admission is created for those children who are above average level of their

academic performance at primary school level. Secondary schools in Nigeria are

of three categories. These are unity schools or federal Government Colleges,


secondary schools owned by the states and private secondary schools.

Admission into the unity school is usually in two stages: the National common

entrance examination involving all candidates who may have applied, and the

interview stage involving candidates deemed to have veached a certain standard

at the first age. Cut off marks are used in determining who qualifies for the

second stage. However, it does happen that there is no uniform cut off mark.

Admission into the state secondary school is by a state common entrance

examination. Some private secondary schools also conduct entrance

examination and used cut off marks to determine who qualifies to be posted to

their schools as well. (Ogbonnaya, 2003). Secondary schools is for those

children who are between the ages of 11 to at least 19, years old. but in some

areas like “US” where secondary school is divided into Junior school and high

school, the secondary school is for children at ages of 11 to 14 years and 14 to

19 yearsold respectively. Obanya (2002) state that, since a secondary school

offers a full range of subject across the academic and vocational spectrum, it is

commonly understood that the school will need to be of a large size and to take

children from a wide range of abilities. In principle, it was originally conceived

as neighbourhood schools, which all students in its catchments area were meant

to attend, irrespective of ability and without in most cases any significant

element of parental choice.

The school is a social system that possesses a distinct unit (creativity)

beyond its component parts: It is distinguished from its environment by a


clearly defined boundary; it is compounded by sub-unit elements and sub-

system that are at least interrelated within relatively stable pattern of social

behaviour. Consequently, it is relevant to indicate that the school has a formal

and an organized avenue for operating within set rules and regulations

comprising of pupils or students and teachers whose goals is to inculcate

relevant ideas, skills, and knowledge in other pupils or students to enable them

fit adequately into human culture, social identity as well as earn a living with

the economy (Adesina, and Ogunsaju, 1994).

The school is an institution and a social system in a community where

students receive their studies. According to Oboegbulem (2000), the secondary

school as a social system consists of individual with different personalities and

needs deposition. Pertomode (1999) states that individuals within the school

include, the principal, teachers, students and other non-academic staff,

interacting within defined boundaries for the purpose of achieving the

predetermined objectives of the school. The school administrator is the principal

involved in administration and management of secondary schools. Nwankwo in

Pertomode (1999) considers school administration as careful and systematic

arrangement and use of resource, (human and material), situation and

opportunities for the achievement of specified goals and objectives of a given

organization. Sherkalar (1998) defined school management as a guidance,

leadership and control efforts of group of people towards some common

objectives. He again stated that it is a social process or interaction and economic


process involving a sequence of coordinated events, which include, planning,

organizing, coordinating and controlling. He added that educational

management is concerned with the planning and formation of educational

policies for achieving educational goals.

Having observed all of the above mentioned definitions, one can deduce

that secondary school is where children from age of 11 to 15 years acquire their

knowledge. The individuals within the secondary school include the principal,

teachers, students and other non-academic staff who have areas of

responsibilities for purpose of achieving the respective goals across the

academic and vocational spectrum in which all the students were meant to

attend or study irrespective of ability and without in most cases, any significant

element of parental choice.

Concept of Community Developmental Project

Community developmental project places a high premium on, and extols

the values of self-help and voluntary cooperation among members of the

community seeking to address their problems. According to Dickson (2006),

community developmental project has been sincerely labeled as a movement

designed to promote better living for the entire community. It is galvanization of

communities into taking the necessary, urgent steps to improve their lots where

the spirit of self-help guide the zeal of people.

Community development, viewed from different perspective in respect of

psychological angle, is a temporary psycho- and sociological function, giving


rise to a social form within the boundaries of which personal affective ties and

situational purposive institution prevail (Beresford, 1996).

Community development is a group work technique which demands

collective action of community members in solving their identified problems.

Schuftan (2006), approached the concept of education developmental project as

coming from above. He defined education development project as a method by

which a national/State government reaches out to people at the village level and

help them use local initiative and resources to achieve increased production and

higher standard of living, and as a social process by which the people of a

community define, solve and actually work out as a community the problem

they face, relying as much as they possibly can upon local resources. Education

developmental project is seen as a means for achieving a unified approach to the

village improvement by increasing local skills in the use of democratic

processes. This definition is based on the premise that when people are given a

chance to work out their own problems they will find solutions that have a

lasting effect. Hence, its core concept is self-help.

Principle of national support and commitment to democratic values and

process were equally stressed in this definition. Gibb & Gibb (2004) argues that

education developmental project is the employment of communal effort as

mechanism for mobilizing community resources to effect physical improvement

and functional facilities in their various localities in the educational, social,

political and economic aspect of their lives. Fisher (2002) after reviewing


various attempts at explaining the concept of educational developmental project

by various statesmen and experts said that, education developmental project

could then be seen as development process embracing the efforts of individuals,

self-help groups, non-governmental organizations, collective thinking,

collective action and participation each uniting body identifying with different

roles towards increasing the social and economic well-being of the people and

add to the nations growth. Continuing he added, to make these uniting efforts

effective and acceptable, the people identified felt-needs must be priority


Take, for instance, community in Zone “C” of Benue State, the decision

and implementation of a project usually go to the general annual conference of

Ito Welfare Association (IWA). This makes for full participation and support of

the project. In this sense he (Schuftan 2006) stated that people will organize

themselves for planning action, defines their common and group problems and

make individual and group plan with maximum reliance upon community

resources. He further stated that these resources could be supplemented when

necessary with services and materials from government. This definition

becomes most appropriate to the area under study, since from the pilot survey

carried out, it is evident that the community relies mostly on their own

initiatives in carrying out development projects. Before any project is

undertaken, it will be discussed at Ito Welfare Association (IWA) meeting, then

the mode of implementation will be finalized. But in heavy projects where their


resources cannot be sufficient for carrying them out, government’s help will be

sought, like the borehole and electrification projects.

In summary, education developmental project is the people’s initiatives to

find and identify their problems and seek solutions to individual and common

problems. It is the people’s power to enhance the living conditions of the people

through self-reliance on their own resources and assistance from outside the

community if there is need.

In planning community developmental project, goals and objectives must

as a rule flow from the prioritized needs. In effect, the successful completion of

a community project is a function of well-articulated goals and objectives,

which serve as a compass for the project implementation, spell out clearly what

must be accomplished as well as provide the platform for developing the

indicators for evaluating projects.

The aim of community development is to organize a system of social

services in order to inculcate in people the spirit of self-reliance. This implies all

that would enable them to participate or ensure their full participation in

national development efforts following their integration into national scheme of

affairs through community development project. In other words, a minimum

standard of living consistent with human dignity and worth is the target. Eze

(1999) stated that community development seeks to enhance the acquisition and

redistribution of resources. It is also an educational process of social and

political awareness of the causes of their problems. Hence, community


developmental project is an essential contract in the larger process of social an

economic dynamic in a democratic society aimed at integrating the people into

overall socio-economic system by activating their latent productivity potentials

through the creation of conditions, which allow them to get their fair shares

economically and socially from development efforts (Eze, 1999).

The primary aim and objective of community development is self-

actualization in the context of community development and societal growth and

that its most appropriate working method is the problem solving approach. Also

community development has the aim of promoting, maintaining and supporting

community action in the same way as education stands in relation to learning.

This is then implies that the aims of community development is concerned with

development, which moves forwards and maximizes opportunities for better

understanding and to stimulate them to action. Thus the aims and objectives of

community, simply stated, are to promote, sustain, support and maintain

community action. In summary, members of a community have common goals

and aspirations and cooperation with one another for the realization of these

common goals and objectives (Ugwuanyi, 2001).

Wills (2000) stated that the fundamental problem in democratic

organization is that of recruiting, retraining and developing, even funding a

functioning leader at all levels, from the smallest local government. The ability

to find a functioning and capable leader is one of the problems of community

development project. There are people in the various communities whose


actions and utterances influence the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of other

members. These people stand the better chance to strike a compromise among

individuals and groups of varying interests and needs, as such, people look up to

them for leadership in a situation that demands it. This leadership is the activity

of helping people to operate towards some goals which they can find desirable.

Community leader has been considered as the basic tool for steering mass

participation in any developmental project. Community leader are the

motivating force behind active and mass participation of the community

members in developmental programmes (Eze, 1999). Some community leaders

help in identifying community problems. Uyanna in Adekobi (2008), states that,

this is done by generating awareness because some people cannot easily

perceive a common problem without being assisted. To achieve effective

participation of all the members in any community development programme,

there must be effective communication upwards, downwards, and sideways if

the community developmental programmes is to be carried out successfully.

The free flow of community makes it possible for large number of the

community members to turn up - the agents of village leaders, association

groups, town criers, masquerades, women organization youth movements.

Again, because of the emergence of these agents of communication, the

community leaders are bound to have cordial relationship with them in terms of,

or as regards, development and other activities in the community.


The Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework has been treated under the following sub-

headings: Human relations theory, behavioural science theory and scientific

management theory.

Human Relation Theory

The human relation theory was propounded in 1930 by Hawthorne. The

variety of the researcher participation in the studies include Mary Peckerfolleth

(1868-1933) Ecton Mayor (1945), Felix Roethisberger and Dickson

(1939),Yauch (1949), Lewin, Lippit and White (1938). In human relation

theory, the central idea is that human factor is important in the achievement of

organizational goals. One of the major conclusions of the Hawthorne studies

was that workers’ attitudes are associated with productivity. Another was that

the work place is a social system and informal group influence could exert a

powerful effect on individual behaviour. A third was that the style of

supervision is an important factor in increasing workers job satisfaction. The

theory also holds that organizations should take steps to assist employee in

adjusting to organizational life by fostering collaborative systems between

labour and management. Such conclusion sparked increasing interest in the

human element at work; today, the Hawthorne studies are generally credited as

the impetus for the human relations theory.

According to the human relation theory, manager should possess skills

for diagnosing the causes of human behaviour at work, interpersonal


communication, and motivating and leading workers. The focus became

satisfying workers needs. If workers’ needs were satisfied, wisdom held, the

workers would in turn be more productive. Thus the human relations theory

focuses on issues of communication, leadership, motivation, and group

behaviour. The human relations theory of thought still influence management

theory and practice, as contemporary management focuses much attention on

human resources management, organizational behaviour, and applied

psychology in the workplace. This theory is closely related to study most

expecially in the area of leadership roles in development project and

relationship between the members and the community leaders in process

community development project for purpose of attainment of goal.

Behavioural science theory

Behavioural science theory and the study of organizational behaviour

emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. The proponents of behavioural science theory

are Chester Berner (1938), Maxweber (1910), Herbert Simon (1947),

MacGregor (1957), Halpin (1958) and Blaw and Scott (1963). The behavioral

science theory was natural progression of the human relations movement. It

focused on applying conceptual and analytical tools to the problem of

understanding and predicting behaviour in the workplace. However, the study of

behavioural science and organizational behavior was also a result of criticism of

the human relations approach as simplistic in its assumptions about the

relationship between workers’ attitudes and productivity. The study of

behavioural science in business schools was given increased credence by the


1959 Gordon and Howell report on higher education, which emphasized the

importance to management practitioners of understanding human behaviour.

The behavioural science theory has contributed to the study of management

through its focus on personality, attitudes, values, motivation, group behaviour,

leadership, communication, and conflict, among other issues. Some of the major

contributors to this school include Douglas, Christ Argyris, Federicks Herzberg,

Renails Likert, and Ralph Stogaill, although there are many others.

The theory is mostly concerned with understanding of human behaviour

in an organization as a system that transform inputs into outputs while in

constant interaction with its environment. The relationship between behavioural

science theory and the roles of community leaders in secondary school

development project is that for successful management and development of

schools teachers and principal must understand the workers, the job content

(project) and the work environment. The community leader must ensure that

there is equal attention to human welfare as well as the achievement of set

educational objectives as a benefit to the society or community as a basic for

effective educational development and progress on the work place. The

community leaders make sure there is conducive environment in terms of

accommodation, furniture, and other resources needed for teaching and learning

provided in good condition. This theory specifically related to this work in

aspect members towards community development projects as proper execution

of the projects.


The Scientific Management Theory

The scientific management theory was propounded in 1940 by Fordism

and Taylorism. The proponents of scientific management theory include

Historian Thomas P. Hughes Gaster (1920), Leon Trotsky (1930), Uladimir

Lenin (1939) and Sorensen (1956). The scientific management theory was one

of the first attempts to systematically treat management and process

improvement as a scientific problem. It was probably the first to do so in a

“bottom-up” way which is a concept that remains useful even today, in concert

with other concepts. It was merely the first interaction that has come since.

Nevertheless, common elements unite them. With the advancement of statistical

methods, quality assurance and quality control could begin in the 1920s and

1930s. During the 1940s and 1950s, the body of knowledge for doing scientific

management involved into operations management of cybernetics.

In the late 19th

century, management decisions were often arbitrary and

workers often worked at an intentionally slow pace. There was little in the way

of systematic management and workers and management were often in conflict.

Scientific management was introduced in an segment, though organization,

system, style, manger, school and concepts more practical for industry.

Increasingly, management science and management information system (MIS)

are intertwined. MIS focuses on providing needed information to managers in a

useful format and at the proper time. Decision support systems (DSS) attempt to

integrate decisions, data, and the decision maker into a system that supports

better management decisions. This theory is related to this work in the area of

practical involvement and problems encountered in the process of execution.


The relationship between this theory and the study of the impact of

community leaders in the secondary school developmental project is that of

leaders focuses on the operation and control of the production process that

transforms resources into finished goods and services. It has its roots in

scientific management but became an identifiable area of management study

after World War II. It uses many of the tools of management science. The

community leaders secondary school principal should ensure to be exerted a

tremendous influence in shaping modern management including capacity

planning, facilities location, facilities layout, materials requirement planning,

scheduling and inventory control, quality control, computer integrated

manufacturing and flexible manufacturing systems. However, scientific

management’s application was contingent on a high level of managerial control

over employee work practices. This necessitated a higher ratio of managerial

workers to laborers than previous management methods.

Review of Empirical Studies

The review of empirical studies has been treated under the following

headings: studies relate to development projects, studies related to secondary

school and studies related with community leadership roles.


Nkiruka (1988) carried out a study on the impact of community leaders in

community development projects. A Case Study of Okpatu, Udi Local

Government Area of Anambra State. The study used the survey research design

in carrying out the studies. The population of the study was all the adult

members of the community estimated around 7,000 (Statistics of the 1983


Election from the Udi Local Government Area Headquarters, Udi). The sample

was 300 respondents from the 12 different villages. The number of purpose of

study set was five as well as the research questions. The instrument used for

data collection included documentation questionnaire and oral interview.

Some of the findings of the study were as follows: that the pragmatic

leader in Okpatu community is the chief of the town. They found that the

chairman of the towns development union is the most qualified to be a leader in

terms of role assignment and function. The study as well found that the major

function of the community leader in Okpatu community are: allowing

community to do whatever they like (a laissez-faire attitude), the study again

identified that people participate actively in community activities and as well,

the leaders seek the opinion of all members before the commencement of any

project. The chief initiates development project with active participation of

others. This study is related to the study in aspects of involvement of the

community members towards the developmental projects. This will help the

researcher gain some position and negative ideas in his study.

In other empirical studies, Benga (2008), carried out is a study on

importance of educational development project in Benue State, Nigeria. The

study examined teachers and students’ performance and availability of

necessary education facilities for achieving basic education in Benue State,

Nigeria. The purpose of the study set as well research question were five (5) and

two hypothesis. A descriptive survey research design was used, and the


population comprised all the 156 primary and 120 junior secondary schools in

Benue State, Nigeria. Out of this population, a sample of 86 primary school and

60 junior secondary schools was taken and selected through the stratified

random sampling technique. The instrument used to collect data for the study

was an inventory while the data collected were analyzed using percentages. The

findings revealed that the level of teachers and students performance in

Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Benue State, Nigeria was low. It was also

found that educational facilities and material were not adequately available for

the Universal Basic Education programme. The number of material and

facilities in the post primary school did not match the teacher quota in the

schools. The study is guided related to this study because it deals with

educational facilities and materials which is aspects of developmental project in

the school.

Eze and Clara (2001), conducted a study on the “impact of leadership on

educational development. A case study of Obukpa Community of Nsukka Local

Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria.” In this study four (4) purposes and

research question were while only two (2) hypothesis were set with four

hundred (400) sample. The study used survey method in collecting the relevant

data. For this method was used as the researcher was interested in the accurate

assessment of the impact of community leader in the primary and junior

secondary education development project in Obukpa community of Enugu

State. The population used for this study was seventeen thousand, three hundred


and seventy five (17,375) respondents. It comprised of all the members from the

entire villages that make up Obukpa community in Nsukka LGA of Enugu

State. In this study a sample of four hundred (400) people was used. This

consists of all the leaders and some members of all the villages that make up the

Obukpa community.

The questionnaire constituted the main data gathering instrument for the

study. Date collected in the study was analyzed using simple percentage and

meansure. The study identified that the participation of local leaders in the

educational development project was generally low. The study also discovered

that the extent of the local leaders’ performance on the execution of community

development projects was little. It was found that one of the greatest problems

that affects community developmental project was poor financial accountability.

Gap in the study which this study intends to fill is in respect of roles of

community leaders in secondary schools development projects in zone C of

Benue state.


Oboegbulem (2008), carried out a study on the role of the school

administration in reform agenda for the professionals of secondary school

teachers in Anambra State, Nigeria fire purpose of study as well as research

question were set with only three hypotheses The study adopted a survey design

aimed at examining the roles of school administrator in professional

development of secondary school teachers. The population of this study


consisted of all the principals in secondary schools in the five education zones

of Anambra State. Available statistics at time of this research showed that the

population of secondary school principal was 323. Stratified random sampling

technique was employed in selecting 20 schools from each of the education

zones. This gives a total of 100 secondary schools. The stratification of the

sample is done using the variable of location-urban and rural. Thus, 60 urban

and 40 rural secondary schools were selected. The instrument for data collection

was a 24 item researcher developed questionnaire.

The number of purposes of study was five as well as the research

question used for the study. The result of the finding showed, among others, that

the roles of the school administration in the professional development of

teachers include retraining teachers in the new curricular and subject content,

encouraging creatively in teacher’s area of specialization, inviting professionals

to schools to help teachers update their knowledge and current issues and

equipping library with books, newspapers, journals and periodicals for teachers

reference. On constraints to quality professional development of teachers,

nonchalant attitude on the part of some school administrators about teachers’

welfares, inadequate funds to embark on professional development of teachers,

inadequate facilities and teaching materials, among others were found. The

study emphatically based on the roles of school administrator in the school but

the area of community leaders roles in schools development projects is left out

which this study has to carry out.



Etuk (2006) investigated “the leadership provision and management of

facilities in primary and secondary schools in Calabar Cross River State

Nigeria”. The purpose of the study set were five(5) as well as research

question and three(3) hypothesis were set 200 sample population in the study,

The study adopted a survey design in carrying out the research work. The

population of the study used was 385 people in four education zones in Calabar.

The random sampling technique was employed in selecting 30 schools from

each of the education zones; this gave a total of 120 schools and 200 people in

the community and educational administrators randomly selected. Three

research questions raised and validated to guide the study. The instruments for

data collection were observation check list, questionnaire and interview. Some

of the findings are the inadequate supply of qualified special teachers for

teaching of science, technology and operational equipment in the laboratories

and introductory technology workshop. The most important findings were that

the constraints that affect instructional materials and management are the

inadequate provision, poor maintenance of the facilities and improper record

keeping. This study is basically delt with management of schools facilities by

the principal of the schools without the involvement of community leaders in

which this study has to be covered.


Summary of Literature Review

The review of related literature focused on conceptual framework,

theoretical framework and empirical studies on the early works of researchers

who made attempt to highlight the concepts of community, leadership,

leadership style, secondary school, and developmental projects. Community is

where a group of people living within the same geographical area that have

common values, beliefs, norms, and high degree of communalism. It is a place

where people together with face to face relationship and have same church,

school, market, hospitals etc. the community leaders are the key influential

people that exert influence and authority over the other members of the

community. The main leadership style includes the autocratic, democratic and

laissez faire leadership style. Secondary school is the social system where

children age of 12 to 14 years old attends after the primary school level.

Development is in this write up is in terms of structures which eventually lead

to increase in social system, and economic status, with the active participation

of the community members while projects refers to physical structure carried

out in the community schools by community leaders and members themselves.

The aims and objectives of education developmental projects and roles of

community leader in educational developmental project are also treated under

the conceptual framework. Theories of management include the scientific

management theory, human relations theory, and behavioural science theory

which were discussed in this study.


The reviewed literature revealed that leaders are important aspect of the

education development projects process hence they form the human resources

upon which all other resources depends on. In reviewing the concept of

leadership characteristics, leadership style as well as the literature reviewed on

the previous work that indicated most researchers focused on management of

school resources, maintenance of school facilities and roles of the leadership in

development of community. There was no known work by my research done on

the community leadership role on secondary school developmental projects in

Benue State. Hence the need for this presents study.




This chapter discusses the method which the researcher intends to adopt

in the study. This chapter has been treated under the following subheadings:

Design of the study, area of the study, the population of the study, sample and

sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument,

reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data


Design of the Study

The design adopted for the study was descriptive survey design.

Descriptive survey design is used on studies which aim at collecting data on and

describing in a systematic manner, the characteristic feature or facts about a

given population (Nworgu, 2006). The descriptive design studies are mainly

concerned with descriptive events as they are without any manipulation being

observed. It is a study which seeks merely to find out “what is” and describe it.

The adoption of this design is aimed at establishing and giving a clearer picture

of roles of leaders in community development project with particular reference

to educational zone ‘C’ in Benue State.

Area of Study

The study was carried out in Benue State of Nigeria. Benue State is one

of the 36 States of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It has 23 Local Government

Areas with total population of 4,253,641 people in 2006 population census and



it is located within the tropics. It shares a common boundary with Cross River

State in South, Enugu State in the East and Kogi State in the North.

This study was majorly carried out in secondary schools in the following

Local Government Areas: Obi, Oju, Otukpo, Ado and Ohimini respectively.

These areas are in the southern part in Zone ‘C’ of Benue State. They were the

earliest Local Government Areas created as far back as 1976. They formed the

second largest ethnic group in Benue State.

The Zone ‘C’ comprises of nine (9) Local Government Areas in Benue

State namely: Apa, Obi, Oju, Ado, Otukpo, Ohimini, Ogbadibo, Agatu,

Okpokwu and the choice of these areas for the study was because the zone is the

largest inLGA in the State with highest number of community and secondary

schools. It is also the largest in both population and land size. It is therefore, the

easiest to identify the effects of leadership on community development project

in secondary schools in Zone “C” of Benue State.

The Population of the Study

The population of the study was made up of all the community leaders

and principals of secondary schools in Zone ‘C’ of Benue State. The total

population in this study is one thousand two hundred (1,200) made up of six

hundred and seventy (670) community leaders (Ministry for Local Government

and Chieftaincy Affairs, Benue State, 2010/11) and five hundred and thirty

secondary school principals (Benue State Teaching Service Board BSTSB,



Sample and Sampling Technique

The sample size in this study was eight hundred (800) respondents. This

is based on the areas to be covered which include Obi, Oju, Ado, Otukpo and

Okpokwu LGAs respectively. The researcher used simple random sampling

technique to select three hundred (300) principals and five hundred (500)

community leaders giving total of eight hundred (800) respondents. 200

principals represented 200 schools in Obi, Oju and Ado LGAs while 100

principals represented 100 schools in both Otukpo and Okpokwu LGAs. On the

other hand, the 500 community leaders have 100 leaders represented in each of

the five (5) LGAs, Obi, Oju, Ado, Otukpo and Okpokwu LGAs respectively.

Instrument for Data Collection

The instrument for data collection was questionnaire designed by the

researcher titled community leader and secondary school development project

questionnaire (CLSSDPQ). It has two sections – A and B. Section A deals with

Bio-data information of respondents which include Age, Sex, Location and

experience. Section B consists of 30 items arranged in cluster with items to seek

the opinion of community leaders and principal of secondary schools on roles of

community leaders in secondary school development projects in Benue State.

The items was placed on a four point rating scale of Strongly agree (SA)

4 points, Agree (A) 3 points, Disagree (D) 2 points and Strongly disagree (SD)

1 point.

SA - Strongly agree


A - Agree

D - Disagree

SD - Strongly disagree

Validation of the instruments

The instrument was face validated by three experts to criticize and

recommend areas for adjustment. Two of these experts are from Educational

Administration and Planning while one is from Measurement and Evaluation all

in the Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. This was done to

ensure the content and structural coherence.

These experts are expected to review the instrument in relation to the

purpose of study, research questions and hypotheses, to check clarity of the

items, language and compatibility to statistical tools for analyses. After their

inputs and criticisms on the effectiveness of the instruments in achieving the

required objectives, the corrections were effected in the final drafts of the


Reliability of the instrument

The validated instrument was trial tested with twelve 12 public secondary

school principals and eight (8) community leaders in Enugu State which is not

part of the study area. To ascertain the internal consistency of the instrument

Cronbach Alpha technique was used for its analysis. Reliability Coefficients for

the clusters are as follows: Cluster A: 0.87, Cluster B: 0.79, Cluster C: 0.86 and

Cluster D: 0.78 respectively. These gave an overall reliability score as 0.89. The


result indicated that the instrument was reliable and therefore considered

appropriate for use (See Appendix 2).

Method of Data Collection

The questionnaire designed for purpose of eliciting relevant information

for this study was personally distributed by the researcher to the respondents at

different meeting places with the help of five research assistants. The researcher

will train five (5) Research Assistants on the modality of filling the

questionnaire so that they will be able to explain and assist the respondents if

need be.

Method of Data Analysis

Data collected in this study was analyzed using Standard Deviation (SD)

and mean in answering the research question while the null hypotheses will be

tested using the t-test statistic at 0.05 level of significance. A mean of 2.50 and

above shows that the respondents agree with the corresponding item, while an

item with a mean below 2.50 indicates disagreement.




This chapter presents the results of data analysis based on the four

research questions and two null hypotheses that guided the study. The results

were presented in tables according to the individual research questions and


Research Question 1:

What are the roles of community leaders towards attainment of

secondary school development projects in Benue State?

The data collected with items 1-8 of the instrument which dwelt on the

roles of community leaders towards attainment of secondary school

development project in Benue State were used to answer the above stated

research questions. Data were also analyzed using mean and standard deviation.

Summary of the results was presented in table 1.

Table 1: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and Schools Principals on

the Roles of Community Leaders Towards Attainment of Secondary School

Development Projects in Benue State.

Community leaders School Principals

n = 500 n =300


Item Description

X, SD, Dec X, SD2. Dee

1. Motivating the members towards project


2.75 0.86 Agree 3.04 0.69 Agree

2. Seeking the opinion of members before the

commencement of projects

3.09 .73 Agree 2.89 0.63 Agree

3. Mobilization of the members towards the project implementation

2.92 0.66 Agree 2.78 0.71 Agree

4. Being active (i.e. leading by example). 2.64 0.71 Agree 2.60 0.72 Agree

5. Good and prudent on financial management 2.91 0.65 Agree 2.68 0.65 Agree

6. Responsibility of identifying the felt needs of

community members on how to carry out their


2.59 0.72 Agree 2.61 0.77 Agree

7. Serving as a link between his community and

government on their projects.

3.07 0.74 Agree 2.94 0.75 Agree

8. Works as an agent of social change in the

community and their projects.

3.05 0.76 Agree 2.73 0.59 Agree

Cluster Mean 2.87 0.72 - 2.78 0.68 -




X1 = Mean for community leaders.

X2 = Mean for school principals.

SD1= Standard deviation for community leaders.

SD2= Standard deviation for school principals.

Dec= Decision for community leaders/schools principals.

n= sample

Based on the data shown above, all the community leaders and school

principals that responded to the questionnaire items agreed on the roles of

community leaders towards the attainment of secondary school development

projects in Benue State. This agreement of the respondents is expressed by the

mean values of each item and then, the cluster means of 2.87 and 2.78

respectively on a four point rating scale. This is indicative of the fact that both

the community leaders and school principals are of the opinion that the roles of

community leaders towards the attainment of secondary school development

projects include: Motivating the members towards projects participation,

Seeking the opinion of members before the commencement of projects,

Mobilization of the members towards the project implementation, Being active

(i.e. leading by example), Good and prudent on financial management,

Responsibility of identifying the felt needs of community members on how to

carry out their projects, Serving as a link between his community and


government on their projects and Working as an agent of social change in the

community on their projects.

Research Question 2

To what extent does the educational level of the community leaders affect the

development projects embarked upon by secondary schools in Benue State?

The data collected with items 9-15 of the instrument which dwelt on the

extent the educational level of the community leaders affect the development

projects embraced upon by secondary schools in Benue state were used to

answer the above research questions. Data were also analyzed using mean and

standard deviation. Summary of the results was presented in table 2.

Table 2: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and Principals on the Extent the

Educational Level of the Community Leaders Affect the Development Projects

Embarked upon by Secondary Schools in Benue State. Community leaders School Principals

n = 500 n = 300


Item Description

X SD. Dee X SD. Dee

9. High educational attainment helps leaders to be acive in developmental projects

2.58 0.61 Agree 2.61 0.73 Agree

10. Academic attainment of leaders does not

affect their contributions towards

developmental projects.

2.41 0.72 Disagree 2.39 0.78 Disagree

11. Poor educational attainment leads to improper

accountability of fund.

3.07 0.76 Agree 2.98 0.69 Agree

12. Low educational attainment brings about choosing of project without cost benefit


2.81 0.69 Agree 2.89 0.59 Agree

13. Good educational attainment helps for proper

utilization of educational resources.

2.94 0.81 Agree 3.02 0.88 Agree

14. Low educational attainment of leader varies

high-need projects not being properly


2.67 0.77 Agree 2.66 0.89 Agree

15. Good educational attainment helps leaders to

achieve greater execution of projects.

3.62 0.64 Agree 3.07 0.81 Agree

- Cluster Mean 2.87 0.71 - 2.80 0.76 -


By the data shown in table 2 above, majority of community leaders and

school principals disagreed with item 10, that academic attainment of leaders

did not affect their contributions towards developmental projects.

However, based on the data generated above, the mean ratings for items

9, 11-15 exceed 2.50 for both community leaders and school principals. It is the

decision here that those who responded to the questionnaire items under

this matter, disagreed with only one (1) of the items. This decision is further

expressed by the data showing the mean values of the items. In the table, out of

seven (7) items, only one (1) that is item 10 score mean value below 2.50,

others that is, items 9, 11-15 their mean scores range from 2.58 to 3.62 both

community leaders and school principals respectively. The cluster means of

2.87 and 2.80 for community leaders and school principals respectively also is

an indication of their agreement on the extent the educational level of the

community leaders affect the development projects embarked upon by

secondary schools in Benue State.

Research Question 3

What style of community leadership is most effective for proper execution

of secondary school development projects in Benue State?

The data collected with items 16-22 of the instrument which dwelt on the

style the of the community leadership that is most effective for proper

execution of secondary school development projects in Benue State were used

to answer the above research question using mean and standard deviation.

Summary of the results were presented in table 3.


Table 3: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and School Principals on the Style of

Community Leadership most Effective for Proper Execution of Secondary School

Development Projects in Benue State.

Community leaders School Principals

n =500 n = 300


Item Description

X SD. Dee X SD. Dee

16 Requires a leader who initiates projects

feels best for community members and

compels others to contribute whether

they like it or not.

2.42 0.68 Agree 2.37 0.81 Disagree

17. Requires a leader who seeks opinion of

the majority of community members

before embarking upon a given project

3.38 0.78 Agree 3.68 0.75 Agree

18. Requires a leader who allows

community members to decide by

themselves and do what they like

2.21 0.71 Disagree 2.03 0.66 Disagree

19. Requires a leader who raises among

others based on his own effort to carry

out community projects without the

assistance of others.

2.51 0.69 Agree 2.58 0.67 Agree

20. Requires a leader whose qualities is well

recognized by others to carry out

projects based on his capacity.

2.78 0.63 Agree 2.72 0.78 Agree

21. Requires a leader who influences the

activities and behaviour of an individual

or group in an effort to attain a goal for

the group.

2.89 0.70 Agree 2.80 0.83 Agree

22. Requires a leader who has natural status,

position of authority and supernatural

qualities of influencing others.

2.81 0.69 Agree 2.90 0.88 Agree

From the tabulated data above, it was that majority of community leaders and

school principals disagreed that most effective style of community leadership

requires a leader who initiates projects and feels best for the community

members and compels others to contribute whether they like it or not. Both of

them (respondents) however, agreed on the fact that it requires a leader who

seeks opinion of the majority of community members before embarking upon a

given project.


Again, based on the data generated above, both of the respondent groups

disagreed on item 18 under this matter. Their disagreement was expressed

through the mean values which is not up to 2.50. Conclusively, these

respondents on the other hand, expressed agreement on items 17, 19- 22. The

five items have mean scores exceeding 2.50 for both community leaders and

school principals. The cluster means of 2.68 and 2.69 for community leaders

and school principals respectively also is an indication of their agreement on the

style of leadership most effective for proper execution of secondary school

development projects in Benue State.

Research Question 4

What are the major problems encountered by the community leaders in

executing secondary school development projects in Benue State?

The data collected with items 23-30 of the instrument which dwelt on the

major problems encountered by the community leaders in executing in

secondary school developed projects in Benue state were used to answer the

above research questions. Data were also analyzed using the mean and standard

deviation. Summary of the results were presented in table 4.


Table 4: Mean Ratings of Community Leaders and School Principals on The Major

Problems Encountered by The Community Leaders in Executing Secondary School

Developed Projects in Benue State.

Community leaders School Principals

n = 500 n = 300


Item Description

X SD. Dee X SD. Dee

23. One problem affecting leaders in execution

of projects is involvement of politics.,

3.02 0.81 Agree 2.99 0.86 Agree

24. Lack of coordination affects execution of


2.89 0.69 Agree 2.91 0.77 Agree

25. Lack of fund leads to poor execution of


2.79 0.84 Agree 2.69 0.66 Agree

26. Poor financial accountability affects

execution of project

2.96 0.69 Agree 2.68 0.86 Agree

27. Group conflict affects the execution of


2.59 0.91 Agree 3.68 0.88 Agree

28. Problems of planning and implementation

of projects by leaders lead to improper

execution of project.

3.02 0.90 Agree 2.94 0.71 Agree

29. Self-centered leadership affects execution of


2.73 0.70 Agree 2.81 0.68 Agree

30. Pride by the leaders lead to poor execution

of community project

2.61 0.59 Agree 2.73 0.78 Agree

- Cluster Mean 2.82 0.76 - 2.88 0.77 -

From the data obtained and presented above, both community leaders and

school principals were of the opinion that all the items under this matter are the

major problems encountered by the community leaders in executing secondary

school developed project in Benue State. Their agreement were further

expressed through the mean values of the items. Hence, the mean rating of the

community leaders and school principals who responded to the eight (8) item

questionnaire on the matter indicated their honest agreement. In the table above,

mean ratings of community leaders range from 2.59 to 3.02 while that of the

school principals range from 2.68 to 3.07 with the cluster means of 2.82 and


2.88 respectively both of which are on the high side and greater than 2.50 which

is the base point.

Hypothesis 1

There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of community

leaders and school principals with regard to leadership style that is most

effective for the execution of secondary school development project in Benue


Table 5: t-test Analysis of Community Leaders’ and School Principals’

responses on Leadership style that is most effective for the Execution of

Secondary School Developed Projects in Benue State.

Variables n



t-cal Level




Community leaders 670. 2.71 0.69




School principals 530 2.27 0.76 Accepted

The analysis shows the probability associated with the calculated value of

t(1.59) is 0.11. Since the probability value of 0.11 is greater than the level of

significance, the null hypothesis is accepted, implying that there is no

significant difference in the mean rating scores of community leaders and

school principals with regard to leadership style that is most effective for the

execution of secondary school development projects in Benue State.


Hypothesis 2

There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of community

leaders and school principals with regard to the roles of community leaders

towards successful accomplishment of secondary school development projects

in Benue State.

Table 6: t-test Analysis Of Community Leaders’ And School Principals’

Responses on Community Leaders and Principals With Regard to

the Roles of Community Leaders Towards Successful Accomplishment of

Secondary School Development Projects in Benue State.

Variables n



t-cal Level




Community leaders 670 2.77 0.72




School principals 530 2.78 0.68 Accepted

Data on Table 6 indicates that the probability associated with the

calculated value of t(1.48) is 0.10. Since the probability value of 0.10 is greater

than the 0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis is accepted proving that

there is no significant difference in the mean rating scores of community leaders

and school principals with regard to the roles of community leaders towards

successful accomplishment of secondary school development projects in Benue



Summary of Findings

Given the analysis of responses from both community leaders and school

principals on the items of research questions and hypothesis formulated for this

study, the summary of findings are presented as follows:

The roles of community leaders towards attainment of secondary school

development project are: motivating members towards project participation,

seeking the opinion of members before commencement of project, mobilization

of members towards project implementation, being active, good and prudent

financial management, responsibility of identifying the felt need of community

members on how to carry out their projects, serving as a link between his

community and government on their projects, and working as agent of social

change in the community on their projects. This general opinion arose after

taking into cognizance of the reactions and views of the community leaders and

school principals who responded to the thirty (30) items of the questionnaire

formulated for this study. Their views also gave chance to find out that:

The educational attainment of the community leaders affect the

development projects embarked upon by secondary schools in such ways as:

helping leaders to be active in developmental projects, affecting the

contributions towards developmental projects, poor educational level of leaders

leads to improper accountability of fund, and brings about choosing of project

without cost benefit analysis, good education attainment helps for proper

utilization of education resources, low education attainment of leader varies


high-need projects not being properly planned and finally, that good education

attainment helps leaders to achieve greater execution of projects.

Community leadership style includes a leader who seeks opinion of the

majority of community members before embarking upon a given project, a

leader whose qualities is well recognized by others to carry out project based on

his/her capacity and a leader who has natural status, position of authority and

supernatural qualities of influencing others.

Major problems encountered by the community leaders in executing

developmental projects include: involvement in politics, lack of coordination,

lack of fund, group conflicts, problem of planning and implementation, self-

centered leadership and pride among leaders.





This chapter presents the discussions of the findings of this study,

conclusion, implications, recommendations and limitations, suggestions for

further research study and summary of the study. Discussions are made

according to the research questions and hypothesis formulated for the study.

Discussion of Findings

The roles of community leaders towards attainment of secondary

schools development project in Benue State.

From the responses made on research question one of the study, it was

agreed that the roles of community leaders are: motivating the members towards

project participation, seeking the opinion of members before commencement of

project, mobilization of members towards the project implementation, being

active, good and prudent financial management, identifying the felt needs of

community members on how to carry out their projects, serving as a link

between his community and government on their projects, and working as agent

of social change in the community on their projects.

This study is in agreement with that of Ezeocha (2006), who stated that

roles of leaders majorly involve the ability of an individual to mobilize human

resources in response to the felt needs of the group. It is also in line with that of

Ugwuanyi (2008), who summarizes the roles of the community leaders to



include a community leader has the responsibility of identifying the felt needs

of his community members, among others.

The result of the test of the second hypothesis further buttressed this

finding because there was no significant difference between the opinion of

community leaders, and school principals with regard to the roles of community

leaders towards attainment of secondary school development project. This

suggests that the community leaders and school principals were of similar

opinion on the roles of community leaders towards attainment of secondary

school development project.

Determine the extent to which the educational level of the community

leaders affects the development projects of secondary schools in Benue


With regard to the second research question which elicits information on

the extent educational level of the community leaders affects the development

project embarked upon by secondary schools in Benue State, the respondents

agreed that high educational attainment helps leaders to be active in

development projects. However, they disagreed that academic attainment of

leaders does not affect their contributions towards development projects. The

respondents (community leaders and school principals) also agreed that poor

educational attainment brings about choosing of project without cost benefit

analysis and that good education attainment helps for proper utilization of

education resources.


Again, they were of the opinion that low education attainment of leader

varies high-need projects not being properly planned. And that good education

attainment helps leaders to achieve greater execution of projects.

The above findings are in consonance with that of Boggs (1996) who

stated that educational level of community leaders obviously plays a

tremendous role in their approach towards secondary school development

projects. And that those leaders are capable of knowing how best to channel the

resources of the community towards meaningful development project such as

road construction, erection of classroom structure, school library and other

school structures.

Find out how the style of community leadership that is most effective for

the execution of secondary school development projects in Benue State.

With reference to research question three, which sought to find out the

style of community leadership most effective for proper execution of secondary

school development project in Benue State, the respondents disagreed that

leadership style most effective for proper execution of secondary school

development projects requires a leader who initiates projects feels best for

community members and compels others to contribute whether they like it or

not. However, they agreed that effective leadership style requires a leader who

seeks opinion of the majority of community members before embarking upon a

given project. Again, they disagreed that it requires a leader who allows

community members to decide by themselves and do what they like. But they


agreed that it requires a leader who rises among others based on his effort to

carry out community projects without the assistance of others. Similarly, they

agreed on the fact that it requires a leader whose quality is well recognized by

others to carry out project based on his or her capacity. Also they agreed that it

requires a leader who influences the activities and behaviour of an individual or

group in an effort to attain a goal for the groups, and a leader who has natural

status, position of authority and supernatural qualities of influencing others.

This implies that effective leadership style brings about proper execution of

secondary school development projects. This verification is in line with that of

Ezeocha (2006), who opined that good leadership involve the art of

coordinating and motivating individuals and group of a community member to

achieve their desired goals. He is also of the view that in the absence of

effective leadership, life would be poor, nasty, solitary, brutish and as well


The result of the test of the first hypothesis further buttressed this finding

because there was no significant difference between the opinion of community

leaders and school principals with regard to the style of community leadership

most effective for proper execution of secondary school development project.

This suggests that the community leaders and school principals were of similar

opinion that effective community leadership style brings about proper execution

of secondary school development project.


Identify the problems by the community leaders in executing secondary

school development projects in Benue State.

Looking at the research question four, which discusses the major

problems encountered by the community leaders in executing secondary school

development project in Benue State, the respondents (community leaders and

school principals) agreed that the major problems encountered by the

community leaders in executing secondary school development project are:

involvement in politics, lack of coordination, lack of funds, poor financial

accountability, group conflicts, poor planning, self-centered leadership style,

and pride by the leaders. The truthfulness of these findings cannot be

overemphasized. This is because, the most cases of poor execution and

negligence of secondary school development projects by community leaders are

not unconnected with the problems encountered in executing school

development projects. This is in agreement with that of Edem (1982), who

maintained that most often, community leaders encounter some major problems

in the face of executing school development projects such as: political

involvement, lack of coordination and fund. Group conflict among others. This

therefore, has suggested that in the course of school development projects,

community leaders encounter varied major problems which often result to poor

execution and negligence of school development projects.



From the findings obtained from this study and observations of the

researcher, the following conclusions can be deduced. The community leaders

have much role to play to achieve the secondary school development project

target. The community leaders who have attained a reasonable level of

education stand better chances of influencing progressively the secondary

school development projects. The political involvement in execution of projects

and lack of coordination, among others, are some of the major problems why

the roles of community leaders towards proper execution of secondary school

projects most often fail. Any community leader who allows the members to

decide by themselves and possibly do whatever they like is not operating under

a good leadership style.

Educational implications

One of the educational implications of the findings is that leadership roles

is the major tool for effective and efficient execution of secondary school

development projects. The neglect of roles among community leaders, mars the

execution of school development projects. Therefore, community leaders must

of necessity, commit and discharge necessary roles in the pursuit and

accomplishment of secondary school development projects. Another implication

of this study is that poor implementation and neglect of secondary school

development projects, among community leaders in various capacities have

been attributed to the poor leadership style. To tackle these problems requires


that community leaders should adopt good leadership style in order to meet up

with the secondary school development projects targets.

Finally, there are causes of political involvement, lack of coordination

and group conflicts among community leaders among others. These problems

are traceable to poor leadership roles among community leaders. Thus, for

secondary school development projects to be effectively executed, it is expected

that community leaders should commit to discharge their leadership roles

without any fear or favour.

Limitations of the study

The study had one major limitation. Although the study accomplished the

purpose for which it set out to achieve, it could not obtain the views of some

key respondents (for example, the leaders) which could have made the result

more valid. Limiting respondents to only community leaders and principals was

therefore restrictive.

Suggestions for further study

Based on the findings of this study, the researcher suggests that further

research work should be carried out in some other areas relating to this study.

Such areas are indicated below:

1. Constraints to effective community leadership roles on secondary school

development projects.


2. Effects of poor community leadership roles on secondary school projects

in school administration.


Based on the findings, observations and conclusions of this study, the

researcher arrived at the following recommendations:

1. Community leaders should be committed to perform their roles in the

community development projects.

2. Community leaders should be committed to utilize the knowledge of their

attained educational background to influence progressively the secondary

school development projects.

3. In order to facilitate effective leadership community leaders should

ensure that an opinion of the majority members of the community is

sought for before embarking upon a given project.

4. Community leaders should ensure that: secondary school development

projects are not politicized in any form.

Summary of the study

The study investigated the survey of community leadership roles on

secondary school development projects in Benue State. The need for the study

stems from the fact that some of the community leaders do not actually

appreciate the value of secondary school development projects. They rather

embezzle some of the fund eye marked for secondary school development


projects and get them abandoned. In this case, some community leaders even

see the fund generated from the community for secondary school development

project as their own income. Similarly, some leaders do not consider the opinion

of the community members before embarking on a given project.

Four research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated for the

study. A thirty (30) item study questionnaire was developed and administered to

six hundred and seventy (670) community leaders and five hundred and thirty

(530) principals in the five hundred and thirty (530) secondary schools in the


The data collected were analyzed with regard to each research question

using mean scores. A mean score of 2.50 was adopted as the cut-off point or

acceptable level for the statements. The t-test statistics was employed in testing

the null hypothesis formulated for the study.

The analysis shows that community leaders and principals who responded

to the items agreed that roles of community leaders towards attainment of

secondary school projects include: motivating the members towards project

participation, seeking the opinion of community members before

commencement of project, mobilizing the members towards the project

implementation, being active and leading by example, good and prudent on

financial management, identifying the felt needs of community members on

how to carry out their projects, serving as a link between community and

government on their projects and working as agent of social change in the


community on their projects. The analysis equally indicates that the educational

background of community leaders affect the development projects of secondary

schools. This is because high educational attainment helps leaders to be more

active in developmental projects, and proper utilization of education resources

among others. Conversely, poor educational attainment of community leaders

leads to improper accountability of fund.

Furthermore, the analysis proves that the community leadership style

most effective for proper execution of secondary school development projects

requires: a leader who seeks opinion of the majority of community members

before embarking upon a given project, a leader whose qualities is well

recognized by others to carry out project based on his or her capacity, a leader

who influences the activities and behaviour of an individual or group in an

effort to attain a goal for the group, and a leader who has natural status position

of authority and supernatural qualities of influencing others.

Finally, the analysis equally shows that the major problems encountered

by the community leaders in executing secondary school development projects

include: execution of projects being involved in politics, lack of coordination,

lack of funds, poor financial accountability, group conflict, planning and

implementation problem, self-centered leadership, and pride among leaders.



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Department of Educational


University of Nigeria



August, 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a post graduate student (MED) of the above department of this university. I am

currently undertaking a research on the topic “Impact of community leaders in

secondary school developmental project in zone “C” of Benue State.

You are requested to check for ambiguous statement and relevance of the instrument

to the purpose of the study and the research questions. The purpose of the study,

research questions and hypothesis are attached below for your confirmation and

guidance please.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Ajeh Uche Cletus PG/MED/10/57213



Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of community

leadership in secondary schools developmental projects in Zone ‘C’ of Benue State.

Specifically, this study seeks to:

1. Determine the roles of those leaders towards successful accomplishment of the

secondary school developmental project in Benue State.

2. Determine the extent to which the educational level of the community leaders

affect the developmental project of the secondary schools in Benue State.

3. Find out how the style of leadership employed has affected the execution of

secondary school development projects in Benue State.

4. Identify the various problems encountered by the community leaders in

executing secondary school developmental projects in Benue State.


Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1. What are the roles of community leaders towards attainment of secondary

school developmental project in Benue State.

2. To what extent does the educational level of the community leaders affect

the development projects embarked upon by secondary schools in Benue


3. What style of community leadership exist that is more effective for

proper execution of secondary school developmental project in Benue


4. What are the major problems encountered by the community leaders in

executing secondary school developmental project in Benue State.



The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and

will be tested at 0.05 level of significance:

HO1: There is no significant difference between the mean rating scores of

community leaders and principals with regard to leadership that is more

effective for the execution of secondary school development projects in

Benue State.

HO2: There is no significant difference between the mean rating scores of

community leaders and principal with regard to the roles of leaders

towards successful accomplishment of secondary school developmental

projects in Benue State.


Department of Educational


University of Nigeria



November, 2012

Dear Respondent

I am a student of the above named department currently carrying out a research study

on the Impact of community leaders in secondary schools developmental projects in

Zone ‘C’ of Benue State. I therefore, humbly request that you read each of the

following statements carefully and tick (√) in the spaces provided against the answer

you considered most appropriate.

Your response to the question will in no small measure contribute to the success of

this research. It is purely for academic purposes. Hence your sincere responses are

highly needed and will be treated confidentially.

Thanks for the anticipated cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Ajeh U. C.






Please tick (√) where applicable in the column provided.

1. Gender (a) Male [ ] (b) Female [ ]

2. Age range (a) 20-30 years [ ] (b) 31-40 years [ ] (c) 41-50 years [ ]

(d) 51-60 years [ ] (e) 61 years and above [ ]

3. Marital status: (a) Single [ ] (b) Married [ ] (c) Separated [ ]

(d) Divorced [ ] (e) Widowed [ ]

4. The highest Education qualification: (a) FSLC [ ] (b) WASC/GCE [ ]

(c) Civil servant [ ] (e) Artisan [ ] (f) Student [ ]

(g) Other (specify) ______________



Roles of community leaders

S/N Statement Strongly


Agree Disagree Strongly


1. Motivating the members towards

project participation

2. Seeking the opinion of members

before commencement of project.

3. Mobilization of the members

towards the project implementation.

4. Being active (i.e. leading by


5. Good and prudent financial


6. Responsibility of identifying the felt

needs of community members on

how to carry out their projects

7. Serves as a link between his

community and government on their


8. Works as agent of social change in

the community on their projects.



Extent of the educational level of the community leaders.

S/N Statement VGE GE LE NE

9 High educational attainment helps leaders to be

active in developmental project

10 Academic attainment of leaders does not affect

their contributions towards developmental


11 Poor educational attainment leads to improper

accountability of fund..

12. Low educational attainment brings about

choosing of project without cost benefit analysis.

13 Good education attainment helps for proper

utilization of education resources.

14 Low education attainment of leader varies high-

need projects not being properly planned.

15. Good education attainment helps leaders to

achieve greater execution of projects.

Cluster C

Please tick (√) the option that is acceptable to you..

Style of leadership in Zone ‘C’ Communities of Benue State S/N Statement Strongly


Agree Disagree Strongly


16 Requires a leader who initiates

projects feels best for community

members and there compels others to

contribute whether they like it or not.

17. Requires a leader who seeks opinion

of the majority of community

members before embarking upon a

given project

18. Requires a leader who allows

community members to decide by

themselves and do what they like.

19. Requires a leader who raises among

others based on his own effort to

carry out community project without

the assistance of others.

20. Requires a leader whose qualities is

well recognized by others to carry

out project base on his or her



21. Requires a leader who influences the

activities and behaviour of an

individual or group in an effort to

attain a goal for the group.

22. Requires a leader who has natural

status, position of authority and

supernatural qualities of influencing



Major problems encountered by the community leaders.

S/N Statement Strongly


Agree Disagree Strongly


23 One problem affecting leaders in

execution of projects is involvement

in politics.

24.. Lack of coordination affects

execution of project.

25. Lack of funds lead to poor execution

of project.

26. Poor financial accountability affect

execution of project

27. Group conflicts affect the execution

of project.

28. Problems of planning and

implementation of projects by the

leaders lead to improper execution of



29. Self-centered leadership affects

execution of project.

30. Pride by the leaders lead to poor

execution community projects.
