A Structural Approach to the Rule of Law as a Tool to National Development, PJA Essay Winner 3rd


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  • 7/30/2019 A Structural Approach to the Rule of Law as a Tool to National Development, PJA Essay Winner 3rd


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    EunomiaIn Greek mythology, Eunomia was the goddess of law and

    legislation, of good order and lawful conduct. She was associated

    with the internal stability of a state, including the enactment of

    good laws and the maintenance of civil order.

    In present day Greek language, the word eunomia developed a

    meaning associated with the goddess virtues and high moral

    standards and the word was adopted to mean good order,

    governance according to good laws.

    The present legal system of Greece designates the Ombudsman to

    intervene in controversies involving individuals or legal entities

    against the public administration. The mediation process serves to

    protect the rights of the former and to ensure the compliance of the

    latter to the rule of law, operating as a measure to triumph over


    To demonstrate the significance of good laws and civil order in the

    Greek culture, the Ombudsmans current international activitiesinclude a Eunomia project, an action plan tasked to establish

    Ombudsman-type of mediation institutions in Southeast Europe,

    run under the auspices of the Council of Europe.





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    The rule of law is of great consequence to national development

    because the Constitution and the system of codes, laws and rulesdefine the legal framework and the government structure within which

    socio-economic and political activities that lead to national

    development can take place.

    A treatment of the rule of law and its role in national development is

    covered in the succeeding pages in the context of its operation within

    a governmental framework. The function of the rule of law within a

    structural process flows from the sovereign power, through a set of

    laws, over a network of institutions, directed at the growth forces of

    development and on to the subjects who are expected to act andperform in accordance with defined rules. The function of the rule of

    law is reliant on the balance of two powers: the degree of good

    governance as administered by the sovereign power and the degree of

    citizen participation, termed as citizenry power. These are the two

    active powers that will determine the respect for rule of law in a


    Thus, in this aspect, rule of law comprises the system of laws by

    which the legislative, executive and judicial branches of governmentcontribute to the prevention of the arbitrary exercise of their

    respective powers upon the citizens, through the preservation of

    citizens rights in order to advance compliance, sustainability and

    predictability of laws for the purpose of generating a well-ordered

    society that shall be susceptible to growth forces that create and

    influence the conditions for national development.


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    I. Prelude 1II. The Practical Concepts of Rule of Law 3III. The Philosophical and Legalistic Concepts of

    Rule of Law 4

    IV. The Basis of Rule of Law 6V. The Philippines as a Democratic Government 7VI. The Concept of National Development 9VII. Framework of Laws & National Development 10VIII. Role of the Legislative Power 13IX. Role of the Executive Power 16X. Role of the Judiciary 18XI. Summary 21XII. Conclusion 25


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    The Constitution defines

    who shall make the law . . .

    who shall execute the law . . .

    who shall interpret the law . . .

    The rule of law to prevail requires good country management

    with a well-governed economy where laws are sound and stableand where the legal interpretation and enforcement of

    contractual and statutory obligations are reliable. These

    require effective collaboration of

    who shall make the law . . .

    who shall execute the law . . .

    who shall interpret the law . . .


    On May 1, 2001, thousands of supporters of deposed

    President Joseph Ejercito Estrada amassed before the

    Presidential Palace to protest his incarceration, attempting to

    dethrone the sitting President in order to restore the deposed

    President. The office of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

    appealed before the public and declared: "Let the rule of law


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    Six years later, on September 12, 2007, after a decision

    was handed down by the Sandiganbayan anti-graft court finding

    the former President guilty of the crime of plunder, the

    Presidential Spokesman issued the following statement: We

    hope and pray that the rule of law will prevail. Meantime, we

    have a country to run, an economy to grow and a peace to win.

    After the verdict was read, Mr. Estrada proclaimed

    before members of media: I submitted myself to the rule of law

    when I allowed the impeachment proceedings against me to

    take its course. I did not resort to influence."

    The above state of affairs imparted a limited application

    of the concept of rule of law in three separate but related

    historical episodes, that the rule of law is a concept equated

    with the rule of the many or the rule of the popular will.

    Prior to these almost exclusive historic events, the

    concept of the rule of law was rather obscure in Philippine

    politics. From these momentous occurrences, the concept

    became a buzzword and gave birth to different perceptions.

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    The concept is now heavily used in official and

    diplomatic addresses, congressional arguments and media

    communications. Out on the streets, in coffee shop politics,

    barbershop scuttlebutt and neighborhood chatter, much is said,

    little is understood and, often than not, the term is



    A man-on-the-streets perception of the rule of law

    operates within a narrow context that the rule of law is a regime

    that is not governed by the law of the jungle, or the law of

    the streetsor the rule of the mob. He identifies rule of law

    with law and order and ultimately associates the same with

    the competence and effectiveness of the law enforcers,

    peacemakers or even the courts.

    The newspaper and tabloid headlines scream and the

    average man in society gets excited when a controversial

    figure like Jalosjos gets embroiled in a rape scandal, when a

    political fugitive like Gringo Honasan is able to elude the

    authorities under the guise of a woman or when Trillanes fails

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    in his attempt to lead a pseudo Pied Piper march from the

    Makati RTC to the famed Peninsula Hotel. When political or

    highly controversial figures are made to stand before the law, it

    is undeniable that the integrity of the judicial process is itself

    put to judgment by the law of public opinion and the law of

    the streets. Broadly conceived, under the rule of law - no

    politician, public official or private citizen - no one stands

    above or beyond the control of the law. Both the citizenry and

    the government are mandated to submit to its supremacy.

    The relationships between the government and the

    citizens are bound by a set of rules, with the key element that

    disputes arising therefrom are decided in accordance with laws

    that are known, stable, and with equal application to all. This is

    a simple and practical workable understanding of the rule of



    The United Nations definition of rule of law refers to a

    principle of governance in which all persons, public and private

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    institutions and entities, including the State itself, are

    accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally

    enforced, independently adjudicated, and which are consistent

    with international human rights, norms and standards.1

    A World Bank definition of rule of law is that it is a

    legal-political regime under which the law restrains the

    government by promoting certain liberties and creating order

    and predictability regarding how a country functions. In the

    most basic sense, the rule of law is a system that attempts to

    protect the rights of citizens from arbitrary and abusive use of

    government power.2

    A careful reading of both definitions finds a parallel

    ground lying between two sectors. We have thegovernmentin

    the exercise of its powers and the citizens in the exercise of

    their rights, with the law having dominion on both sectors.

    The United Nations definition focuses on accountability

    before the law, while the World Bank definition centers on the

    protection of citizens against abusive government power.

    1The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice, Report of the Secretary-General, 23 August 2004.2 Yu, Helen and Alison Guernsey, University of Iowa, What is the Rule of Law?

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    Numerous works of jurists describe the rule of law as a

    power regulator, where the government in all its actions is

    bound by rules which are known and fixed. Equally, the public

    is informed of the authoritys coercive powers so that citizens

    may act on the basis of this knowledge. The rule of law is

    therefore a system by which it serves as a power regulator on

    the government and a controlling power on the citizens.

    Within the context of democratic governance as that

    prevailing in our country, the practical and philosophical

    concepts of rule of law meet at a common point: the rule of law

    prevails when a government is limited by law for the benefit of

    its citizens.


    One aspect of rule of law is the requirement of an

    existing set of good laws. The concept of rule of law is not rule-

    making nor law-making. Lying in its core is the principle that

    good laws make good governance which, in turn, uses the rule

    of law as one of its arms in reaching out to the citizenry as a

    key ingredient towards national development.

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    Rule of law and good governance require an effective

    institutional infrastructure where the factors of accountability,

    transparency and security apply horizontally to the three

    government powers and which devolve vertically to the

    commissions, the cabinet consisting of departments, bureaus

    and other institutions, ultimately delivering efficient service to

    the public according to constitutional and statutory mandates.

    The influence and power of rule of law is initiated by the

    enactment of good laws by Congress, effective execution of

    such laws by the various institutions and the equitable

    interpretation of those laws by the courts. Such functions

    should be carried out in a manner that is strong enough to

    stimulate citizen participation.


    TheExecutive, Legislative andJudicial branches of the

    government, functioning in defined areas of responsibility

    through independent institutions and agencies, draw their legal

    and political powers from the Constitution, which is drawn up

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    by the people and sets the limits and defines the framework

    within which the branches can properly function.

    The rule of law varies in different countries as it derives

    its powers from the states respective Constitutions, laws,

    customs and traditions. When we say that the rule of law has

    prevailed, it virtually means that the constitution has been

    upheld and its directives espoused in accordance with its

    principles and state policies. As such, there is a direct co-

    relationship between law and constitutionalism.

    By virtue of our democratic government, the legal

    mechanisms of checks and balances constricting the powers of

    the three branches are also shared by the citizenry, exercised by

    the people over the government in what we may term citizenry

    power. Thus we have the electoral process, initiative and

    referendum and recall election as devices allowing citizen

    participation in the system of checks and balance.

    Hence, the Government and the Constitution, both

    created by the people, exist to serve the people. Respect for the

    principle of democracy is an aspect of the rule of law.

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    National development involves a forward change in the

    different sectors of a country, basically carried out through

    socio-economic and political reforms. Its objectives are

    primarily set at providing an overall enrichment to the lives of

    the people and delivering to them a higher quality of life.

    National development entails more than a single action.

    It requires fresh inputs and reforms into its natural resources in

    order to preserve its environment. It needs social reforms to

    enhance quality education, housing, health, alleviate poverty,

    provide security against terrorism and extrajudicial killings,

    quality education, preserve human dignity and equality to the

    highest standards and protection against administrative and

    high-level corruption. It needs economic reforms to attract

    foreign investments and remove trade barriers.

    The Philippines population of more than 80 million

    inhabitants sets the greatest incentive to induce social reforms

    and implement economic diversification to target the progress

    and development of human resources as the single most

    powerful component required for national development, i.e.,

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    human capital. The development dimension is horizontal thus

    addressed to the actions of the three branches of government.


    Laws alone do not create national development. Laws

    are instruments that could be utilized to create an enabling

    environment for the establishment of communal order. It also

    establishes conditions that influence and smooth the progress of

    revenue-generating activities needed to improve the quality of

    life of the citizenry and ultimately attain national development.

    The three principal drivers for growth are: (1) the

    environment system (2) the socio-economic system and (3) the

    political system. In the passage of laws, Congress should

    assess conditions existing in each system as to their access and

    susceptibility to development and the degree to which they can

    be expanded to attain national growth.

    The environment system requires control over the

    conditions and resources of the countrys natural environment

    where laws need to be passed for protection against

    environmental degeneration, optimization of agro-ecological

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    conditions and management and control of the spatial aspects in

    the interactions between humans and natural resources, all with

    the end in view towards sustainability. Applied to our society,

    this includes controls affecting mining, fishing, farming and

    land use, among others, with responsibilities shared by the

    Bureau of Forestry, Bureau of Lands, Bureau of Fisheries and

    Bureau of Mines, all of which fall under the Department of

    Environment and Natural Resources.

    The socio-economic system includes the development of

    the countrys human resources, human rights, property rights,

    tourism, trade and industry, security, infrastructure and the

    private sector. Laws should advance economic freedom by

    removing barriers that allow trade to flourish and open the

    economy to the beneficial forces of globalization while

    preventing excesses, laws that stimulate and develop human

    and capital productivity. This includes acceleration of

    educational and skills training, agrarian reform, liberalization of

    foreign investments, protection for overseas foreign workers,

    eradication of corruption and elimination of terrorism, to name

    a few, falling under the shared responsibilities of the

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    Departments of Education, Labor and Employment, Public

    Works, National Defense, Trade and Industry, Tourism,

    Agrarian Reform and Foreign Affairs.

    The political and legal systems oversee and regulate the

    activities of the two aforementioned systems through political

    institutions and public administration. The court structure and

    its institutions safeguard civil and political liberties.

    At the top-most level, the conceptual framework is

    headed by the three powers of government which enact, execute

    and defend a system of laws and rules, within their respective

    jurisdictions. The second level consists of the institutions, in

    form of departments and bureaus, to which powers devolve for

    enforcement. The third level depicts the system of law and

    rules and regulations to be enforced, implemented and

    interpreted. This system of rules, when applied on the fourth

    level of the growth system - composed of a network of

    environment, socio-economic and political and legal forces -

    develops a growth mosaic which forms the essential parts of

    national development.

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    National development cannot be attained without the

    influence of forces derived from external sources lying beyond

    our territorial boundaries. These come in the form of foreign

    investments, treaties, overseas development assistance, and

    foreign technology including the inputs of development and

    financial organizations and our partners in development such as

    the United Nations, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and

    the ASEAN. Thus the framework essentially includes the fifth

    level, representing the foreign forces that evolve a reciprocal

    exchange with our national market forces.

    Summarily, the structural process describes the flow of

    government authority through a system of laws over a network

    of institutions, applied to a growth system of environment,

    socio-economic and political and legal institutions, including

    the foreign forces operating thereon, and on to the subject

    citizenry for their ultimate benefit.


    The legislative branch, as the law-making body of the

    government, should enact laws articulating citizen interests and

    public need, address the demands of the economy, and

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    stimulate growth and create civil order. A policy of stability

    will attract and stimulate investments and provide the

    continuity and time horizons that investors need in planning out

    project forecasts.

    When laws are relevant and responsive to the

    requirements of the intended beneficiaries, they effectively

    connect people to the government and good governance results

    as a consequence.

    Designed to address social, economic and political needs,

    laws should build capacity to address any situation that must be

    reformed and integrated with an ideal guarantee for compliance.

    Reforms that cause resistance aggravate corruption, terrorism

    and abuse of power in their implementation. Ineffective laws

    are detrimental to good governance and consequently

    undermine respect for the rule of law. Ultimately, they negate

    economic development.

    Resistance is demonstrated in the recently enacted anti-

    terror law under R. A. 9372 Human Security Act which fueled

    domestic opposition and international concern on allegations

    that its vague language invites the misuse of such law.

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    The Foreign Investment Act, Omnibus Investments

    Code, Retail Trade Liberalization Act, Special Zone Act, Build-

    Operate-Transfer Law and the concurrence to the World Trade

    Organization Treaty are acts of legislation on reforms that spur

    economic development and respond to global demands that

    bring to life the constitutional mandate to develop a self-reliant

    and independent national economy.

    The Labor Code, the Migrant Workers and Overseas

    Filipinos Act and the proposal to negotiate for bilateral labor

    agreements with countries hosting Filipino workers are pieces

    of legislation that serve the constitutional mandate to protect

    rights of workers and promote their welfare.

    There are several proposed amendments to existing laws

    and bills relating to the Tourism Act, quality affordable

    medicines, the intellectual property code and human rights. The

    need to amend the Government Procurement Reform Act under

    Senate Bill No. 1793 for better policies on full public disclosure

    of all government transactions involving public interest

    demonstrates legislative response to demands for transparency

    and accountability.

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    These legislative mechanisms regulate and control the

    environment. They establish an order that provides the smooth

    interaction of the forces of man, rules, programs and capital.

    They comply with constitutional mandates while inducing

    individual growth and national development. When these

    conditions exist, the rule of law is said to prevail.


    The Executive power includes the implementation of the

    acts of Congress, enforced and executed through various

    institutions. Being a large bureaucracy, it consists of

    departments which are created by the legislature to exercise

    legally defined regulatory powers and which, in turn, form

    several institutions which execute the laws in accordance with

    the mandate of Congress, through policies and implementing

    rules and regulations.

    Good governance is an extension of the principle of the

    rule of law. Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the

    United Nations, had declared that "Good governance is perhaps

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    the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and

    promoting development."

    Good governance is best described by the United Nations

    Development Program (UNDP) and defines it as the exercise

    of economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a

    countrys affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms,

    processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups

    articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their

    obligations, and mediate their differences.

    The definition imparts the structural process describing

    the flow of government authority over a network of institutions

    and on to the subjects who act and operate, in accordance with

    defined rules.

    Investors are attracted to economies where there are

    proper functioning institutions that promote stability and legal

    certainty. Investors prefer to go where governance is good.

    They go where the rules are stable and where laws do not

    change overnight and wipe out a business by a mere change of


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    The creation of the Presidential Anti-Graft Commission

    to strengthen institutionalized measures against graft and

    corruption, special economic zones, tax reforms, election

    reforms, the creation of the barangay justice system and the

    mediation system at the Departments of Agrarian Reform and

    Environment and Natural Resources to resolve controversies

    closer to the grass roots - these are but few cases where

    executive acts, based on legislative mandates, open our markets

    to more investments, establish social order, and enhance human


    A capacity for law enforcement must be developed. Due

    process must be implemented and respect for human rights

    must be enhanced. A secure and prosperous environment for

    public order must be created. Foreign policies must be

    designed to promote national growth. Such a system can only

    exist where rule of law prevails.


    Without a vigorous rule of law, defended by an

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    independent judiciary, rights are not safe and the equality and

    dignity of all citizens are at risk. Only when the rule of law

    bolsters the democratic dimensions of rights, equality, and

    accountability will the responsiveness of government to the

    interests and needs of the greatest number of citizens be


    Sound laws protect the citizens from consequences of

    their infringement and serve as a shield against abuses of the

    authorities. The primary role of the judiciary is the

    administration of justice, in accordance with laws enacted by

    legislature and to safeguard civil liberty by defending these

    laws. A strong and independent judiciary is vital to the

    economic and social development of the nation since a strong

    legal system and adherence to the rule of law are components of

    national development.

    The concept of rule of law puts the weight of its

    effectiveness on how the legal system sustains the laws in

    resolving conflicts, applying them equally to all its citizens and

    consistently over time.

    3ODonnell, Guillermo A., Why the Rule of Law Matters, Journal of Democracy Vol. 15, No. 4, October2004, pp. 32-46

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    Several recent judgments have demonstrated the

    sensitivity of the courts to promoting the rule of law in the

    pursuit of national development.

    By declaring the Mining Law under R. A. 79424


    constitutional, the Supreme Court participated in the

    advancement of economic development through increased

    mining activities that translated to billions worth of investments

    and created more job opportunities, which was the goal of this


    The Court upheld the Senates concurrence to the WTO5

    membership by recognizing the free market espoused by the

    WTO and its status as the only viable structure for multilateral


    The Supreme Court defended the peoples rights when it

    struck down the calibrated pre-emptive response6


    in Presidential Proclamation No. 1017 which was used as basis

    for violent dispersals of peaceful assemblies.

    4 La Bugal vs Ramos, G. R. 127882, 1 December 2004.5 Tanada vs Angara, G. R. No. 118295, 2 May 19976 David vs Arroyo, G. R. 171396, 3 May 2006

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    A significant test of the force of the rule of law in the

    Philippines took place when the Supreme Court upheld the

    constitutional power of a co-equal branch to conduct legislative

    inquiries in aid of legislation and invalidated an act of another

    co-equal branch when it declared certain provisions of

    Executive Order No. 4647

    as unconstitutional. It upheld the

    right of lawmakers to compel the appearance of officials of the

    executive branch in legislative inquires so as not to frustrate

    legislative investigations and serve the peoples right to take

    part in government affairs.

    The above cases, brought to the Supreme Court for

    resolution, are manifestations of its mandate to uphold the

    supremacy of the law and maintain equality before the law,

    which are the basic precepts of the principle of rule of law.


    All three powers of government utilize laws and rules as

    mechanisms to achieve good governance, which is a pre-

    condition to achieve national development.

    7 Senate vs Ermita, G. R. No. 169777, 20 April 2006

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    The force of rule of law commands civil order and

    requires such order as a condition for rule of law to prevail. To

    be operative, it mandates a set of laws, the primacy of such laws

    and the adherence of society to such laws.

    Congress determines the laws that go into the system and

    bears the responsibility to formulate good, sound and strong

    laws, articulating citizen preference and public need. Laws are

    good when they create rights, stimulate opportunities for

    growth, facilitate the management of national economy and

    protect people and investments. They are sound when they

    involve legal certainty, contain no infirmities, are consistent

    with international standards and are predictable and enduring.

    They are strong when they are stable, but not stagnant, and can

    break down trade barriers to allow foreign investments to come

    in. Effective laws are good laws. Good laws stimulate

    compliance. Compliance to laws is respect for the rule of law.

    The rule of law contributes to national development.

    The Executive bears the responsibility to enforce the law,

    through its bureaucracy, by way of orders, proclamations and

    implementing rules and regulations in accordance with the

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    spirit intended by Congress and is mandated to bring out the

    effect of such laws pursuant to the objectives they were set out

    for. The onus of law enforcement is addressing laws to their

    intended beneficiaries, balancing the various interests in society

    in order to form the synergy required for progressive-oriented

    actions. Good law enforcement optimizes the pieces of

    legislation as instruments to license, protect, regulate, generate

    or to charge.

    Proper use of laws on the appropriate subjects will induce

    obedience to laws and regulations. Building capacity and

    developing an attitude for ensuring compliance to laws is an

    order for the Executive, with a duty to close gaps between legal

    pronouncements and enforcement while infusing transparency

    and accountability into the enforcement process. Without

    compliance, laws and regulations are inconsequential.

    Disregard of the law undermines the rule of law. The absence

    of the rule of law is absence of public order and closes the

    doors to foreign investments. In an age of globalization, lack of

    foreign capital will impede national development.

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    While the Legislative and the Executive participate

    indispensably in establishing the force of rule of law upon

    society, a point in fact is that the heaviest burden of upholding

    the principle is loaded on the shoulders of the Judiciary as the

    guardian of the rule of law.

    While a system of checks and balances aligns and

    delineates the respective jurisdictions of the three powers,

    judicial reach covers not only civil society but extends even

    over their co-equal branches through judicial reviews in order

    to determine whether or not legislative and executive acts lie

    within the bounds of the Constitution, to which

    pronouncements Congress and the President must defer.

    Rule of law prevails where laws exist, where laws are

    observed and where laws are upheld. Investors go where the

    legal system provides recourse when their rights are denied by

    private parties or by public administration. Legal systems that

    provide strong legal protection for offended parties and

    investors will allow the implementation of reforms and market-

    oriented programs executed and protected under legal basis,

    thus making risks predictable and calculable.

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    The reins of the government are held by the Legislative,

    Executive and the Judiciary. Whether the exertions to reach the

    goal are evenly balanced or not, the horses that pull the carriage

    will reach their target destination all at the same time.

    Following the wisdom of an aphorism, it does not matter which

    horse had brought the carriage to the finish line.

    We must admit that the common man on the street, the

    average Filipino belonging to the majority of the population

    below the poverty line, does not probably think of national

    development. He will not monitor the countrys economic

    indicators. He gives no importance if we can attain our 7%

    economic growth target for 2007. Claims for one million jobs

    are irrelevant to him if he is employed. He even complains of a

    strong peso because the overseas remittance he receives from

    the Middle East had become less. The expressions of a

    prosperous economy, the guarantee of his civil liberty . . . these

    are abstract ideologies to his mind and too complicated for him

    to appreciate. What then is relevant to him?

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    - 26 -

    The average Filipino rates the government in accordance

    with the improvement of his standard of living on a day-to-day

    basis. To him the government is doing well if he himself

    receives a regular salary increase. He is happy if the price of

    pandesal can be maintained at P2.00 apiece, if his electricity

    bill does not fluctuate significantly, if the cost of his LPG stays

    constant from one purchase to the other, if he still has money

    left to put aside for savings, if he is secure in his home and his

    neighbor does not steal his chickens, most important, if he can

    provide his children a better education and give them a better

    life than what he had. These are his economic indicators.

    With priority over all other resources, the Philippines

    should invest more in its most potent asset, that is, human

    capital. This for the most part involves reforms and programs

    that intensify the ability to subject the peoples attitudes

    (referring to mental facilities) and behavior (referring to

    physical actions) under the supremacy of laws.

    Where the law is supreme, there is order. Where there is

    order, investors find their way in the markets with facility

    because all forces take their own course. Where the economy is

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    - 27 -

    market-oriented, there is national development. When all these

    happen, rule of law prevails. Laws build civil order, civil order

    builds industries, industries build economies, economies build a


    All said, the rule of law as a tool to national development

    may be summarized in the following conceptual structural


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    - 28 -

    - Implementing Rules& Regulations

    - Executive Orders- Proclamations- Policies- Other issuances





    International Treaties

    Foreign Investments

    World Bank

    Conceptual Structural Framework




    D AR

    D BM




    D oH




    DN D




    CA SB



    RT C SDC


    Rules- Procedure- Pleadings- Practice- Legal Profession- Protection & Enforcement

    of Constitutional Rights

    - Constitution- Revised Penal Code- Civil Code- Code of Commerce- Other Legislations


    Blue RibbonEconomic Affairs

    EthicsFinanceForeign Relations


    JusticeRulesWays & Means










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    Thus, we can sufficiently conclude that the operation of

    the rule of law is effective when it follows an orderly structural

    process which recognizes authorities and symbiotic

    relationships existing in all levels of government that

    adequately influence the creation of conditions susceptible to

    national development.

    Conformably, we may revisit the message embodied in

    the Prologue of this piece of writing which had attributed a

    structural approach to the rule of law as a tool in national


    The rule of law is of great consequence to nationaldevelopment because the Constitution and the

    system of codes, laws and rules define the legal

    framework and the government structure within

    which socio-economic and political activities that

    lead to national development can take place.

  • 7/30/2019 A Structural Approach to the Rule of Law as a Tool to National Development, PJA Essay Winner 3rd



    Dobriansky, Paula, U.S.A. Under Secretary of State for Global

    Affairs. Principles of Good Governance, located at


    Bo Li, What is Rule of Law?, Perspectives, Vol. 1, No. 5,

    located at http://www.oycf.org/Perspectives/5_043000/what_is_


    Resnick, Danielle and Birner, Regina, Does Good Governance

    Contribute to Pro-Poor Growth? located at http://www.ifpri.org/divs/


    World Bank, Yu, Helen and Alison Guernsey, What is the Rule

    of Law?, located at http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook/faq/


    Websites of Malacanang, Senate, Supreme Court, NEDA.
