A sign in the sky: The Lost-Symbol Key Symbol Kundalini-Ambala-Mason-Sword of God, The woman...



"Appeared in the sky a great sign: a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Was pregnant and was crying out in pain because her time came to give birth"This characteristic signal in the sky, indicating the date on which the church fought with the angel freed by God, its buildings and leaders will then looted and purified by the power of God, and then be forced to flee into the desert and moving the seat .

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"It will not be of this generation, to ensure compliance with the

already mentioned"

Conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Mars

May 20, 2011 This combination will result in an earthquake and tsunami in the Italian Peninsula

The phenomenon is outlined in a metaphorical way in Revelation 12, 1-3

May 20, 2011

The sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Moon

"Appeared in the sky a great sign: a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Was

pregnant and was crying out in pain because her time came to give birth"


This characteristic signal in the sky, indicating the date on which the church fought with the angel freed by God, its buildings and leaders will

then looted and purified by the power of God, and then be forced to flee into the desert and moving the seat .

Anatomy of a disaster Earthquake and Tsunami in the Italian Peninsula

May 20, 2011

1) What gives clues Nostradamus? TRACK 1: (Where will it happen?) In the place where his ship was Hieron manufacture, Be so great and so sudden deluge, There will be no place or refuge lands, The wave will reach the Olympic Fesulano. Explanation: There will be a large tsunami triggered by an earthquake in the Sea, the tidal wave or tsunami triggered large waves which flooded most of the island of Sicily, the earthquake's seismic wave would reach the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza.

(Island of Sicily, Italian Peninsula)

According to Nostradamus

Earthquake affect From Siracusa in Sicily

Until the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza The greatest damage to the Vatican City

Flood tsunami

On the island of Sicily and the Italian Peninsula coast

Evidence of recent seismic activity in the area, magnitude 4.0 earthquake in the

Ionian Sea (April 20, 2010)

Archimedes' genius "King Hieron of Syracuse had commissioned the preparation of a crown of pure gold he wanted to devote to the gods. When delivered, the crown had the correct weight, but the monarch had the suspicion that some of the precious metal had been replaced with silver. However, their sacredness, there was no damage to the crown for testing. The king then ordered Archimedes to find a way to find out whether he had been deceived by the goldsmiths. Archimedes was looking for a solution to this problem while visiting the public baths of Syracuse. When immersed in water, some of this was spilled and noted that the more immersed, more water was overflowing. He immediately realized that spilled water volume corresponded to his own body and also under the water he lost the weight equivalent to water that overflowed. Their joy was so great that it is said that he ran naked wet bathing to appear before Hieron, shouting "Eureka!" Which in Greek means "I found it! Based on the same principle, failed to demonstrate that gold crown had been mixed with silver, measured the volume of liquid that spilled by dipping into a container filled with water the crown, a piece of gold the same weight as the crown and a piece of silver of the same weight as the crown. Noting that the volume of the crown was intermediate between the other two, could ensure that the mixture had a silver crown. Measure volumes of regular bodies, such as a cube, for example, was something we already knew to do at the time of Archimedes, but with volumes of irregular shapes, like a crown or the human body, no one had managed before him. Archimedes' Principle states that a body immersed in fluid loses weight equal to the weight of the volume of liquid displaced. This finding would help to measure the volume of all bodies, by their shapes were irregular. For the talent he showed in this test, Archimedes became adviser to the king and responsible

for the defense of the city. The efforts of King Hieron was the construction of a large fleet and built the largest ship of its time, Syrakosa, which weighed 4,200 tons and that in the time of its launching was stranded. The king went back to Archimedes, who invented to solve the problem of compound pulleys and a rope system that underpinned with levers at various points in the hull of the ship, managed to make it float, to the fascination of Hieron. "

Fesulano meaning of the word: Masculine noun, adjective and on a Fesulan capita (current Fiesole)

TRACK 2: (When will it happen?) Twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble so strong, The large sink crowded theater, The air, earth and sky darken and tremble, Then God with the pagan holy roll. Explanation: This Nostradamus quatrain confirms this in fact is referring to the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. On May 20 a big quake will occur that devastated the theater, right in the moment when the theater is most visited The dream of Andrea Palladio in Vicenza "... Surprised palladio Olympic Theatre, cheat, excited, as the theater itself. Through a clever conjuring trick and a strategic prospective provision of the architectural elements, decorative and sculptural, he makes us delete all references to actual space of the room where we are. I had the unforgettable feeling of being in an outdoor Roman theater recently opened. All mentally reconstructed ruins of the Roman theaters had seen in Italy, France and Spain. The theater dates from 1580 Olympic, the works were completed in 1584. It is considered the first theater to own roof. palladio visit and study in detail the ruins of the Roman theaters in Italy, which caused great admiration in the young architect. In addition to these impressions on the spot, the great architect was inspired by the treaties of Vitruvius, a compendium of the rules of classical architecture. was carried out for the Olympic Academy, a company that aimed to promote the cult of classical culture, especially literature. Andrea Palladio himself was a member of the academy. The theater should be the cornerstone of the recovery of the splendor of the Greek tragedies and comedies. The scene is crowned by a magnificent triumphal arch, a tribute to the glory of the city vicenza, which dominates the arc shield. Behind the central aperture is opened one of the seven tracks from the legendary Thebes. Twelve meters of this road real challenge to the most attentive

observers deny that extends to infinity. round arch openings diagonal two-way, flanked by Palladian-inspired palaces. This small town, designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, is entirely made of wood and plaster. The choice of these materials is explained by the temporary nature of this scenario, for the opening of the Olympic Theatre with the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Miraculously survived until today, through wars. The auditorium, crescent stands, is topped by a colonnade with statues that slip between the rays of the day, giving life to fictional sky roof that closes the set. Andrea palladio never got to see his masterpiece completed. I sense correctly that, by its structure, all viewers would have a single, coherent view of the scenery. Also, more than achieving its mission to convey to future generations a glimpse of the splendor of classical culture. Olympic visit Palladium theater invites us to a play of illusions and appearances as a reflection on the mystery of the theater, that space where the noble, tragic and comic life is recreated and exhibits with the intention to move, make think, definitely change that you have entered. "

Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza

Teatro romano di Fiesole

Track 3: (Will be years?) "Venus will have a course so virtuous, That obscure the sun all law. " Explanation: Venus could be the key that allows us to decrypt the year of the occurrence of such a cataclysm, as during the 2012 Venus transit undertake a sun-exactly the June 6, 2012.

Venus Transit

(The Sky 6) June 6, 2012

Track 4: (Possible Another Year? And the most likely!) Mars and Mercury and silver together, Towards the south extreme drought: At the heart of Asia it would seem earth shaking, Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity. The conjunction of three planets Mercury and Venus Mars and trigger the cataclysm, this event will produce exactly the May 20, 2011

Nostradamus also said: By the power of three temporal kings, Another place will be transferred to the Holy See, Where the substance of the corporeal spirit, It will be replaced and received by true seat

Explanation The three temporary Reyes would then Mars, Mercury and Venus that would force the Holy See to transfer elsewhere.

Hercules King of Rome and Denmark

De Gaul three cognomina Screenplay,

Shaker Italy and the wave of San Marcos,

First monarch renowned above all.

The wealthy will soon be destitute,

For the three brothers the world will be disturbed:

Enemies captured marine city,

Hunger, fire, blood, plague, and the double of all evil.

Triple conjunction between Mars, Mercury and Venus (The Sky 6)

May 20, 2011

Vatican City-Rome

Prophecies of St. Malachy The Prophecies of St. Malachy are two texts which were allegedly revealed to St. Malachy Catholic Archbishop of Ireland during the term of a pilgrimage to Rome in 1140. However, both letters were released centuries later, when many of the predicted events had already happened, and therefore have established serious doubts about its authenticity. The fact that his close friend St. Bernard of Clairvaux, author of Life of Saint Malachy, not mentioned at all reinforces the view that counterfeiting can be a much later (if it is true that in his Breviary states that enjoyed the gift of prophecy, without going into details.) However, it is famous throughout the world their assigned Prophecy of the Popes, considered usually apocalyptic in nature. The "Prophecy of the Popes" The second prophecy of St. Malachy appear before: to be exact, in the Lignum Vitae, published by another French Benedictine monk, Arnold de Wyon in 1595. A scholar in the history of their Order, dedicated this book to King Philip II of Spain, and is essentially a collective biography of the Benedictine elevated to the episcopal dignity. After a few paragraphs on St. Malachy, he concludes: "He wrote several pamphlets. Until today I have not had occasion to see any, except for a prophecy related to the sovereign pontiffs. Since it is very brief, and to my knowledge has not been given to print yet, and given that many would be happy to know it, then copy its contents. " Supposedly, the original text would be or would have been kept in the Vatican Secret Archives during those 400 years. Followed by a series of 111 small Latin slogans or phrases unnumbered allegorical allusion to the next 111 popes who would govern the Catholic Church, from Celestine II

(1143-1144) to a course Peter the Roman, including the antipope. It is interesting to note that the currency corresponding to the popes prior to 1595 are much less ambiguous than successive. The list is as follows: Slogans for Popes and previous to 1595 Antipopes * Ex castro Tiberis (the castle of the Tiber) - Celestine II (1143-1144) was born in Città del Castello, on the banks of the Tiber * Inimicus expulsus (The enemy ejected) - Lucius II (1144-1145). Caccianemici family (caccia = hunt), ([e] nemici = enemies). * Ex magnitudine Montis (From the grandeur of the mountain) - Eugene III (1145-1153), his name was Montemagnus, born in the castle of Grammont. * Abbas suburranus (The Abbot of Suburra) - Anastasius IV (1153-1154), whose name was Corrado Della Suburra. He was the abbot before Pope. * From rure albo (From the white field) - Adrian IV (1154-1159) was of peasant origin and was born in Saint-Alban (Alba = "white, albino). * Ex Tetro carcere (From grim prison) - Victor IV (1159-1164), antipope. He had been Cardinal of San Nicolas in Carcere (in prison). * By Via Trasteveran (De la Via Trasteveran) - Paschal III (1164-1168), antipope. Born in Lombardy and former Cardinal of Santa Maria del Trastevere, all bathed in the river Tiber. * De Pannonia Tusciae (De Pannonia to Tuscany) - Callistus III (1170-1177), antipope. In Hungarian (Latin pannonia) was cardinal bishop of Tusculum. * Anser CUSTODE (Custodian of the Goose) - Alexander III (1159-1181). His name was Paparone, which means "goose". He was custodian of the Church against the three previous anti-popes. * Lux in Ostia (Light at the door) - Lucio III (1181-1185). Lucio III, whose name comes from "light", was Cardinal of Ostia (ostia = "door"). * Your in cribo (A pig in a sieve) - Urban III (1185-1187). Uberto Crivelli (Crivelli = "sieve") had a pig on his coat of arms. * Ensis Laurentii (Sword of Lawrence) - Gregory VIII (1187). Ex-Cardinal of St. Laurentius, with two swords on his coat of arms. * De schola exiet (Leaving school) - Clement III (1187-1191). Named Paolo Scholari (school). * From rure bovensi (field of oxen) - Celestine III (1191-1198). From the family of Bovis (oxen) and originating in the Roman countryside. * Comes signatus (unsigned Count) - Innocent III (1198-1216), family Signi di Conti (after Segni). * Canonicus is larere (Canon of Lateran) - Honorius III (1216-1227) was a canon of St. John Lateran. * Avis Ostiensis (The Bird of Ostia) - Gregory IX (1227-1241), was Cardinal of Ostia, and had a bird in its coat of arms. * Leo Sabinus (The Sabine Lion) - Celestine IV (1241). With a lion in its coat of arms, he was Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina. * Comes Laurentius (Count Lawrence) - Innocent IV (1243-1254). Lavagne Count of San Lorenzo. * Signum Ostia (The Sign of Ostia) - Alexander IV (1254-1261). Another member of

the family of Signi, former Cardinal of Ostia. * Campaniae Jerusalem (Jerusalem in Campania) - Urban IV (1261-1264), born in Troyes, Champagne, and later patriarch of Jerusalem. * Depresus Draco (the dragon lost or expired) - Clement IV (1265-1268). Their weapons represented an eagle trapped between its claws of a dragon. * Anguineus vir (man of the snake) - Gregory X (1271-1276). In the Visconti family, whose coat of arms includes a snake eating a man. * Conciunator gallus (Gallo Preacher) - Innocent V (1276), born in France, primate of the Gauls, known as Dr. famosissimus for his oratory. * Bonus comes (Good Count) - Adrian V (1276). Count of Lavagna. * Piscator tuscus (The fisherman Tuscan) - John XXI (1276-1277), named Pedro and cardinal of Tusculum. * Rosa composita (The pink compound) - Nicholas III (1277-1280). With a rose in his coat of arms, was nicknamed the compound (the compromise). * Ex telonium liliacei Martini (Collector's Martin-de-lis) - Martin IV (1281-1285), treasurer of the church of San Martín de Tours, and Chancellor of the King of France (whose symbol, as is well known, is the flower de lis. * Ex bear lion (the lion of the Rose) - Honorius IV (1285-1287) Savelli family, whose arms consist of a rose led by two lions. He broke the links between Western and Eastern Church at the Council of Lyon. * Little interest Picus (The spike in food) - Nicholas IV (1288-1292). Jerome d'Ascoli Call for membership in the Franciscan Order (scarce means "food") Masci Cardinal Giacomo was named after a council which lasted over a year (he was pecked "among the cardinals.) * Ex eremo celsus (Raised the chapel) - Celestine V (1294), before being elected, was a hermit in the monastery of Apulia. * Ex undarum benediction (From blessing of the waves) - Boniface VIII (1294-1303). Benedict named Gaëtan. The family crest Gaëtan represents some waves. * Concionator patareus (The preacher of Patara) - Benedict XI (1303-1304). His name was Nicholas, and the original Bishop Nicholas was born in Patara. Benedict XI belonged to the Order of Preachers. * From fasciis Aquitanicis (From the binds of Aquitaine) - Clement V (1305-1314) was archbishop of Bordeaux, in Aquitaine, and his coat of arms of gulas had three fasces. * From surore osseo (From cobbler Ossa) - John XXII (1316-1334). Panvinio theologian-author of papal biographies, have been wrongly attributed the son of a shoemaker and a member of the family Heuss (Ossa), when in fact belonged to the family Dueze and never had any relation to the shoemakers. However, this error also appears Panvinio "pass" to the prophecy. * Schismaticus Corvus (the schismatic crow) - Nicholas V (1316-1333), antipope schismatic. * Abbas frigidus (cold Abbot) - Benedict XII (1334-1342), former priest of the Monastery of Frontfroid (Cold Front). * Ex Attrebatensi Rose (From the Rose of Arras) - Clement VI (1342-1352), former Bishop of Arras (France), with roses on his coat of arms. * In montibus Pammachii (Del monte Pammacos) - Innocent VI (1352-1362) was born in Mount Limousin, very close. In his arms, six mountains. * Gallus vicecomes (Gallo Viscount) - Urban V (1362-1370) was a viscount and

French. * Virginia forti Novus (New virgin strong) - Gregory XI (1370-1378), Count of Beaufort and Cardinal de Ste Marie la Neuve. * In cross Apostolic (From the cross apostolic) - Clement VII (1378-1394), and schismatic antipope, was a "cross" for the apostolic lineage. * Cosmedin Moon (Luna Constance) - Benedict XIII (1394-1424). Name, Pedro de Luna. Personally dealt with the diocese of Zaragoza, where appropriate, and thereafter the Council of Constance. Excommunicated and considered by the rest of Church an antipope. * Schisma Barcinonum (The schism of Barcelona) - Clement VIII (1424-1429), antipope based in Barcelona. * De inferno prægnante (Pregnant Hell) - Urban VI (1378-1389), by first name Pregnagni Bartholomew, was born in a suburb of Naples called Inferno. * Cubus of mixtione (Cube Mix) - Boniface IX (1388-1404). The coat of arms of his family represented interlocking cubes. * Melior sider (best Star) - Innocent VII (1404-1406). Name Cosimo de Migliorati or Cosmatos to meliorate (in both cases the family name means "improved"). In his coat of arms, a star. * Ponto Nauta nigra (Black Sea Marine) - Gregory XII (1406-1415), born in Venice, was a priest of the Church of Negreponte. * Flagellum solis (The Scourge of the Sun) - Alexander V (1409-1410). With a sun in his coat of arms, was indeed a scourge to the Church as an antipope. * Cervus sirenæ (Hart siren) - John XXIII (1410-1419), antipope. Balthasar Cossa was Cardinal-deacon of St. Eustatius, and a deer represented on his shield. Naples was home, a place name jadis classic Naples Parthenope, by the name of a mermaid. While anti-pope, his name was ignored and reused in 1958. * Veli aurei Corona (The Crown of the veil of gold) - Martin V (1417-1431). A Colonna, the arms of her family include a crown. It was Cardinal Deacon of St George's Golden Veil did away with the Great Schism of the West. * Cælestina Lupa (Wolf matchmaker) - Eugene IV (1431-1447). Another Panvinio error. He wrote that he belonged to the Order Celestina, when in fact it was Augustine. This error is also "passes" to the prophecy. He was bishop of Siena, whose weapons are a wolf. * Amator crucis (Lovers of the Cross) - Felix V (1439-1449), antipope. It was the Duke Amadeus VIII of Savoy (Amadeo = "Love God"). In his coat of arms, a cross. * From modicitate lunae (From the modesty of the Moon) - Nicholas V (1447-1455). From modest origins. Born in Lunigiana. Although it was a highly enlightened Pope, creator of numerous monuments and the Vatican Library, his papacy was marked by the Turkish threat to Europe (under the banner of the Crescent) and the lackluster response to their Christian lords called on the Crusade against it. He died at night. * Pascens Bos (The ox grazes) - Callistus III (1455-1458), born in Xativa (Valencia), Borja family (Borgia). His coat of arms was a golden grazing ox. * De capra et albergo (From the goat and the hostel) - Pius II (1458-1464). Before he became pope, Enea Piccolomini was secretary of the cardinal and Albergati Capranica. * De Cervo et Leone (The Deer and the Lion) - Paul II (1464-1471). Pietro Barbo was bishop of Cervia and cardinal of San Marcos, which is a lion symbol. And there was a lion in his coat of arms.

* Piscator minority (less Fisherman) - Sixtus IV (1471-1484). Son of a fisherman, was educated by the friars Minorite. * Praecursor Siciliæ (the precursor of Sicily) - Innocent VIII (1481-1492), was called Juan Bautista (name of the forerunner of Christ) and was linked to the Court of Alfonso, King of Sicily. * Bos albanus in Portuguese (the Albanians in the port ox) - Alexander VI (1492-1503) was cardinal bishop of Albano and Porto, and their weapons are an ox. * De parvo homine (From the little man) - Pius III (1503). Prematurely aged, did not support naming ceremonies and died barely 10 days after he was crowned pope. His name was Piccolomini (signic piccolo "small" and uomoni means "men"). * Fructus Jovis juvabit (The fruit of Jupiter pleased) - Julius II (1503-1513). His coat of arms contains an oak tree of Jupiter. * From craticula Politiana (From grid Politiano) - Leo X (1513-1521). The son of Laurentius de Medicis (St. Laurentius grill emblem is where he was martyred), and was bishop of Politiano. * Florentius Leo (The Lion of Florence) - Adrian VI (1522-1523). Florenz belonged to the family or Florent, whose coat of arms contains a lion. * Stack aegrae Flos (The flower of the columns sick) - Clement VII (1523-1534). His coat of arms included a column and a lily. Belonging to the Medici family (doctor), the turbulent period in which his papacy discurrió invites a pun on the disease. * Medicorum Hyacinthus (hyacinth doctors) - Paul III (1534-1549) was the Pope of the Council of Trent, which for Catholics "healed" the Church. In his coat of arms, two blue lilies (also called hyacinth) and was cardinal of San Cosme y San Damian, two doctors martyrs. * The mountain crown (crown of the hill) - Julius III (1550-1555). Named Juan Maria del Monte, had two crowns on his shield. * Frumentum floccidum (Wheat withered) - Marcellus II (1555). He developed a great work before he became pope, but it had just physically and only lived 22 days on the Chair of Peter. His coat of arms was of dark complexion. * De fide Petri (Of the Faith of Peter) - Paul IV (1555-1559). His name was Peter Carafa (Carafa = faith). * Aesculapii farmacum (The drug of Aesculapius) - Pius IV (1559-1565). He belonged to the Medici family (pun: "doctors") and was a doctor by profession (the classical god of medicine is Aesculapius). * Nemorosus Angelus (The Angel of the woods) - Pius V (1566-1572). Ghisleri Miguel (Miguel is the name of an angel) was born in Bosco ("forest") in Lombardy. * Medium pilarum corpus (the body in the middle column) - Gregory XIII (1572-1585). In his coat of arms, the waist of a dragon. He was named cardinal by Pope Pius IV, whose shield containing two columns. * Axis in medietate sig (The ax in the middle of the sign) - Sixtus V (1585-1590). His coat of arms contained a lion crossed with a hatchet. The Lion is a sign of the Zodiac (Leo). * From rore coeli (The dew of heaven) - Urban VII (1590). Archbishop of Rossano (Ros means "dew"). Lived only twelve days in the chair of Peter, as soon as the dew of heaven. At this point, there is an extremely interesting fact. The 74 top slogans, until Pope

Urban VII (1590), were followed by a brief explanatory commentary written by Alphonsus Ciacconius Spanish Dominican scholar in the history of the papacy. Ciacconius wanted, the death of Urban VII, the cardinals elevated to the papacy Cardinal Simoncelli, a native of Orvieto (urbs vetus, old city). It has been suggested that the Dominican could take advantage of the credulity and prestige of the editor Arnold Wyon to expose a false prophecy that contribute to the choice of Simoncelli, failing in his attempt. * Ex Antiquitates urbis (From the age of the city) - Gregory XIV (1590-1591). Sfondrati Niccolo was born in the city of Cremona, who was one of the first Latin colonies of the Po valley, in the third century BC * Pia civitas in bello (the pious village in war) - Innocent IX (1591). Originally from Bologna, the pious village at war during battles for control of the Papal States, as defined by the Abbot of Noah. * Crux Romulea (Roman Cross) - Clement VIII (1592-1605). His coat of arms contained the triple papal cross oblique arrangement. Lignum vitae is published in 1595, constituting a hit in Christian Europe. Slogans for post-1595 popes * Undosus vir (The man waved) - Leo XI (1605). It has been said that because his reign was so short "like a wave" (28 days). It is the third shortest papacy in history (the first being Urban VII) * Gens perverse (the evildoers) - Paul V (1605-1621). It is said that because he had to deal with the Bohemian heresy and conversion of the Crown of Austria to Protestantism, but there were popes who had to deal with much broader heresies. It has also been suggested to be due to the symbols, where a dragon and an eagle, animals are considered by people as "cruel" or "evil." * In tribulatione pacis (On the Apocalypse of peace) - Gregory XV (1621-1623). Reconciled to the Duke of Savoy with the King of Spain at great effort. * Lilium et rosa (The lily and the pink) - Urban VIII (1623-1644). One of the few prophecies like those prior to 1595, though lacking the same sharpness. Maffeo Barberini was Florence, whose symbol is a lily, which is the flower of the lily, "and his coat of arms incorporated bees. During his pontificate there were sharp conflicts in France (whose symbol is also the lily) and England (whose symbol is the rose). * Jucunditas Cross (The Exaltation of the Cross) - Innocent X (1644-1655). Apparently, he was elected to the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. * Montium custos (The guardian of the mountains) - Alexander VII (1655-1667). Again a prophecy in the style of pre-1595: on his coat of arms had some hill overlooking a star. * Olorum Sidus (Star of the swans) - Clement IX (1667-1669). July Rospigliosi was born near the river Stellata (stella = "star"). It seems that during the conclave took the Chamber of Swans in the Vatican, which came as a "shining star." * From flumina magnum (the big river) - Clement X (1670-1676). In Rome, like many

others, but the day of his birth came the Tiber River overgrown and apparently led to flooding. * Bellu Insatiabilis (The insatiable beast) - Innocent XI (1676-1689). In his coat of arms was a lion and an eagle. Was close to Cardinal Cibo (Cibus = "food"). He had dark clashes with the French King Louis XIV, considered by his enemies "insatiable" for its excessive pomp. * Poenitentia glorious (glorious Penance) - Alexander VIII (1689-1691) was called Pedro (name of the "great remorse") and was elected on the day of San Bruno ("angel of repentance"). Forced the bishops of Louis XIV to repent of their Declaration of the Clergy of France. * Rastrum in portal (The rake at the door) - Innocent XII (1691-1700). Another eye-catching slogans. It was originally the home of the Rastell Pignatelli (Rastell = "rake"), born at the gates of Naples (this part and is less accurate). * Circumdati Flores (Flores surrounded) - Clement XI (1700-1721). Born in Urbino, whose weapons are a crown of flowers. * De bona religione (Of the good religion) - Innocent XIII (1721-1724). From a Roman family, the Conti, which has given the Church seven popes. Very general and ambiguous slogan could be applied to anything in a pontificate. * Miles in bello (the soldier in the war) - Benedict XIII (1724-1730) took up arms during the siege of Avignon, but not the first nor the last Pope who was a soldier at some point in their lives. * Column excelsa (Columna excelsa) - Clement XII (1730-1740). Excessively ambiguous. Without well-established correlation. * Animal rural (rural animal) - Benedict XIV (1740-1758). Born in Bologna, which was not of rural origin. Considered a hard worker ("a" pack animal "?). No clear correlation. * Umbriae Rosa (The Pink shade) - Clement XIII (1758-1769). It was ex-Bishop of Padua, the birthplace of St. Francis of Assisi, the Rose of Umbria. Too far-fetched. It has also said that Umbria is the name of a rose that is given in Venice among other places, and this pope was Venetian. * Visus velox (piercing vision), and Velox Ursus (the bear faster) - - Clement XIV (1769-1774). It is said that he had a living spirit and penetrating, with little correlation. The error Ursus velox velox by Visus first appeared in the Cologne edition of 1656 (which began directing, of course, Ciacconi before his death in 1599) and then has spent the majority of contemporary issues. But in the original reads De Wyon Visus and Ursus velox velox. * Apostolicus Peregrinus (The Apostolic Pilgrim) - Pius VI (1775-1799). Forced to move from Rome to Valence (France). During a pastoral visit to Austria currency used Apostolicus Peregrinus, Viennae, 1782 but this could well have been just to rely on the Prophecy of St. Malachi, already known extensively. Also says it is for the length of his pontificate, but although it was durable, there has been much longer (without going any further, that of John Paul II). * Aquila rapax (the eagle) - Pius VII (1800-1823). He was a contemporary of Napoleon Bonaparte, an expansionist emperor whose symbol was the eagle and was subjected to severe pressure. But it is not the first pope who lives in history with an emperor as a symbol of expansion using the eagle (imperial emblem par excellence) and suffers from the same pressures. * Canis et Coluber (The dog and the snake) - Leo XII (1823-1829) ordered and

maintained a strict adherence to the liberal movements, particularly Freemasons and Carbonari, and the Protestant Bible societies. That's why he is considered a dog (a guard) against snakes destroying the Church. Very elaborate. It is said that there was a dog and a snake in the coat of arms, but really bore azure eagle. * Vir religiosus (The male religious) - Pius VIII (1829-1830). Very ambiguous. It applies to any pope and, in general, any man of strong faith. * From Balnes Etruriæ (From the baths of Etruria) - Gregory XVI (1831-1846). It has said it was Tuscan and Etruscan, and carrying weapons of Etruria. Neither of the two things is true: it was Venetian and carrying his shield only currency. But he was a member of the Order Camaldolensian founded in a place called Balneum (= "baths") and then Balni (same meaning) in Etruria. Curious, but somewhat far-fetched indeed. * Crossing Crux (The Cross of Crosses) - Pius IX (1846-1878). The most durable pontificate in history, considered by some as a cross of the Cross. He was held in the Vatican Palace by the King of Savoy, who also bore the title King of Jerusalem, where Christ was crucified. Again, too much ambiguity. * Lumen in Caelo (Light in the Heavens) - Leo XIII (1878-1903). In his coat of arms set a comet on an azure field. His encyclicals are considered by many Catholics especially bright. * Ignis Ardens (Burning Fire) - Pius X (1903-1914). Born on the day of St. Dominic (August 4) whose order is to shield a burning torch. Eight days after his death began the First World War. * Religio Depopulata (Religion Devastated) - Benedict XV (1914-1922). Perhaps one of the most extraordinary slogans. During the pontificate of Benedict XV came the Russian Revolution of 1917 to implant atheism in Russia and then in many countries, and also the First World War that killed millions of Catholics. * Fides Intrepid (Intrepid Fe) - Pius XI (1922-1939). Too ambiguous. During his pontificate were created missions and Catholic Action, which tend to view samples of "fearless faith." Inconclusive. * Pastor Angelicus (the Angelic Shepherd) - Pius XII (1939-1958) has been widely criticized for his attitude to the Nazis, much more passive (it has been speculated that perhaps for their own convenience) compared to that adopted by example, to communism and liberalism. A firm believer in the prophecy of St. Malachy, made a film about himself called Pastor angelicus. He is known for his asceticism and for being very pious man, but it is not possible to establish clear correlations. * Pastor et Nauta (Pastor and mariner) - John XXIII (1958-1963). He was Patriarch of Venice. Pope of Vatican II. * Flos florum (Flower of flowers) - Paul VI (1963-1978). Their weapons were three lilies, considered the flower of flowers, but this shield could choose precisely because of the Prophecy. In any case, was a native of Florence, whose symbol is a lily. * From Medietate Moon (In the Middle of the Moon) - John Paul I (1978). Born near Belluno (Bel-male moon, beautiful moon). His name was Albino Luciani (white light, suggesting the moonlight. His pontificate lasted only 33 days. * De Labore Solis (From the work of the Sun) - John Paul II (1978-2005). Born in Poland, the only Pope from a country in Eastern Europe. During his pontificate hundreds of trips around the world, thus receiving the nickname "the Pope traveler." It also came a day eclipse of the sun and his funeral took place while there was a solar eclipse.

* OLIVAE Gloria (The Glory of the Olive) - Benedict XVI (2005 -). He was born on Holy Saturday, the last Saturday before Easter (which is done by Lent, which begins on Palm Sunday (olive). On the other hand, the Benedictine order receives the traditional nickname "Olivetan." The addition of the slogan and tagline 112th apocalyptic As we have seen, in the Lignum Vitae 111 appear only slogans attributed to St. Malachy prophecy, ending OLIVAE glory which would correspond to the current Pope Benedict XVI. However, sometime between the publication of Arnold de Wyon and contemporary tagline appears below, bounded for short alignment with previous slogans, which speaks of a Pope No. 112: [...] Gloria olivæ. In prosecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. (S.R.E. = Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ) Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, et Judex tremendus iudicabit populum suum. Finis.

“The glory of the olive.

During the final pursuit of the Holy Roman Church will reign.

Peter the Roman, who

feed his flock among many tribulations;

after which, the city of seven hills [Rome] will be destroyed

and the Terrible Judge will judge his people. End »

It is curious that, with the wording, do not know who will reign during the "final pursuit" of the Church, whether of glory or Petrus Romanus OLIVAE. In an attempt to soften the tone of the text millenarian, some apologists have suggested that Peter the Roman is really a generic name for all the popes (as descendants of the Apostle Peter) and is therefore not possible to know how many of them will have to the Second Coming. Also some have suggested that the acronym SRE not be used in genitive case (Sanctæ Romanae Ecclesiae), but in the accusative (Romanam Sanctam Ecclesiam). In this case there are three possibilities, since the possible translation might be:

* [The Pope] will reign in the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church "(which would suggest a 113th pontiff between OLIVAE glory and Petrus Romanus). * "In pursuit final, the Holy Roman Church will reign" (not clear for how pontificate) including: * "Then the Holy Roman Church will reign extreme" ("last?" Extremist? Fundamentalist?) These doubts have not obstado for Prophecy of the Popes and tradition, which considered "the list of Popes from St. Malachy's death until the end of the world" - is transformed into an openly apocalyptic prophecy in the eyes of society . People of all nations are interested in it, since the arrival of the Antichrist, the Second Coming of Christ and the end of time as we know it would be found soon. And in the XXI century, an old medieval vision or a trick becomes a cultural myth and an apocalyptic premonition for millions of people around the world. Canonical texts The final text states that the Catholic Church officially as inspired by God is the Apocalypse of St. John. However, many Catholic saints such as St. Malachy have had prophetic visions after this writing. The Catholic Church has not claimed nor supported the veracity of these prophecies, but has expressed no public ban when his followers to believe in these revelations or not.

Images shown in the characteristic figure in the sky, described in Revelation and the conjunction of Mars, Mercury and Venus described by


The thought of Saint-Germain "Humanity, through the centuries, has described Universal as something Substance deteriorate and limited, and so the bodies that she is wearing today are expressing these characteristics. The entire human race feels within himself storms of hatred, anger, revenge and several emotional outbursts, which are printed on the four elements of nature, then she is the returns to the world in the form of storms. The people of Earth generates cataclysms of thoughts and feelings, in the form of resentment about against others, against injustice, places and things, unconscious or knowledge-projecting outward feelings of revenge. The Great Ocean of Universal Substance which these qualities have been printed, returns to its origin through the four elements in the form cataclysms of nature. These are only the way that nature purified, getting rid of pollution of thoughts and feelings discordant human, returning to his condition Heavenly Purity. At all times, individuals are receiving in your mind and body pure and perfect life of God. And each time also, they will print some quality the Universal Substance of God. This human quality that generates, by Of course, you have to get it back in your mind and body, because all things in the universe moving in a circle, and in this way, return to their point origin. When mankind has learned the Truth and obey his decrees Eternal discord of the earth and the destructive activities of the four elements will be terminated. There are, in nature, a self-generating power and self-purifying rejects everything that disagrees with the Law of One The Force or Energy is activity emanating from the interior, and is a power expands. If on the Pure Universal Substance imposes discord, the electronic energy is temporarily stalled. When the stored energy reaches a certain pressure, expansion occurs that explodes the discord and limitation. Thus, The Great Life of One, the Light Essence of Creation, or God in action dominates anything that is opposed and continues its path of Supreme

Ruler of the Universe. The Ascended Masters of Light know this and identify with that knowledge. "

And what does the bible code?


(5771 in the Jewish calendar)


`The glory of the olive. During the final pursuit of the Holy Roman Church will reign. Peter the Roman, who feed his flock among many tribulations; after which, the city of seven hills [Rome] will be destroyed and the Terrible Judge will judge his people. End »
