A Questioning Faith: Does God bless same-sex marriages?


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A Questioning Faith:

Does God bless same-sex marriages?

Possible Trajectories

• Is this issue a challenge to the institution of marriage?

• Is this an issue of civil rights?

• Is this about the acceptance of gay and lesbian people?

Focus on blessing

• God does not bless same-sex marriages

• God does not bless opposite-sex marriages

Who blesses?

• The Church blesses in the name of God

• Ultimately this is a ecclesiological issue

What is the relationship between marriage, Scripture/tradition and the


• This moves us into a larger context• This will allow the issue to be seen in light of

the broader discussion of history and church tradition

• This will allow us to raise key questions that will help shape our conclusions

What does Scripture state about marriage?

“The Old Testament has very little to say about marriage as an institution. In fact, there is no word for marriage, nor are their separate words for husband and wife.”

Mary Shields

Example: Genesis 2:24-25- most translations say “wife” the Hebrew is “woman”

What is stated?

“It is very difficult to assess the extent to which marriage functioned as a free-standing social institution within ancient Israel. Clearly ancient Israel organized most if not all of its households around a man, and such households included both women and children under the authority of the man.”

Jon Berquist

Marriage in Bible was:

1. Only between a man and a woman

2. Contractual in nature- Usually between two male head-of-households

3. Preference to endogamy

4. Involved payments

Mohar- gift from groom to bride’s father

Dowry- gift from bride’s father to groom






Marriage Ceremony

“The Old Testament records no wedding ceremonies that might depict how marriages happened. It is not known if there were wedding ceremonies in most cases or if such occasions occurred only among wealthy families.”

Jon Burquist

Examples Given

• Central ritual of bringing the bride to the groom’s house

• Celebrations center around weddings

Development in New Testament

• Marriage relations unclear among Jesus’ followers

• Marriage is understood as temporal

Apostle Paul

• Paul advocates for no marriage

• Paul makes provisions for those who chose to marry

• Marriage is concerned with sexual fidelity

Marriage as metaphor: Covenant

• In Old Testament• Describes the

relationship between God and Israel

• In the New Testament• Describes the

relationship between Jesus and the Church

Early Church

• Marriage was a private matter between families

• No state or church involvement• Marriage is concerned about birth of children

Marriage Ceremony

Betrothal Ceremony

Done with bishop’s awareness1. Giving of earnest money- pledge2. Ring- sealed household effects for wife

Marriage Ceremony

Betrothal Ceremony

3. Dowry promised4. Couple’s hands were joined5. A kiss was exchanged

Nuptial Ceremony

1. Eucharist celebrated2. Blessing given by priest

Church becomes involved

• 12th century- 1. First direct relation in approving

weddings as “licit”2. Priest present3. Marriage becomes a sacrament of the

church in 1215

• 13th century- priest in charge of proceedings

• 16th century 1563- Roman Catholic Church requires all

marriages be in the presence of a priest and two witnesses No more private or informal weddings for Christians

Reformation Changes

“All Reformed communities rejected the medieval idea that marriage is a sacrament, yet held high views of its importance. According to them the essence of marriage lies in the mutual declaration and promise of fidelity before witnesses, the consequence being that the ‘pronouncing together’ by the minister was only a confirmation of the marriage.”

J.A. Lamb

Reformation And Marriage

Martin Luther believed that marriage was a worldly thing that belonged to the realm of the government

English Puritans believed that marriage was no longer a sacrament and did not need a minister, but rather a justice of the peace

1792 most of Europe believed that the church need not be involved in marriage- compulsory civil marriages

Current Situation in US

• Merge both functions• Marriage must be

administered by some magistrate or government official. Clergy become an extension of the state authority

Christian Responses to Same-Sex Marriage

• Two basic responses1. Refuse to marry same-sex couples2. Bless same-sex couples

Churches who refuse to marry

Position 1• See such an act as a threat to the institution of

marriagePosition 2• Support civil unions for same-sex couples as a

civil rights issue, but do not blessPosition 3• Support and bless civil unions of same-sex


• Position 4-• Individual clergy bless

and support same-sex marriage outside the authority of church and church takes a “don’t ask, don’t tell attitude”

Churches who bless same-sex marriage

• A few denominations support the blessing of same-sex marriages

Presbyterian Church (USA)

“Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage is a civil contract between a woman and a man. For Christians marriage is a covenant through which a man and a woman are called to live out together before God their lives of discipleship. In a service of Christian marriage a lifelong

commitment is made by a woman and a man to each other, publicly witnessed and acknowledged by the community of faith.”

W-4.9001- Book of Order 2007-2009


• Marriage is between a man and a woman• Presbyterian clergy may lose his/her

ordination for marrying a same-sex couple• A number of church court cases have ruled

that Presbyterian clergy may officiate at the blessing of a civil union

• Currently a special committee appointed by the Moderator of the General Assembly is studying “Civil Unions and Christian marriage.” Their report is due in June 2010


• Marriage remains a central value of human community and church theology

• The institution of marriage has been fluid in form• Christians (some of whom are setting right next

to you) do not agree on the issue of blessing same-sex marriage

• This cannot be reduced to an issue, but must be a discussion about the Church, God and human beings
