A PRESENTATION BY MS C. ROSS Christian beliefs about the origin of the universe


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Christian beliefs about the origin of the universe

Christians believe God created the universe

This is explained in the creation narratives, found in the BIBLE.

Genesis 1

In this creation narrative, God creates the world in 6 days.

Before God created the universe, nothing existed but God.

Humans are created last of all, showing they are the most important aspect of God’s creation.

God speaks the universe into being.

Genesis 2

In this narrative, God is presented like a human.

God creates Adam and makes Eve as a companion out of Adam’s rib.

Adam and Eve sin against God and are cast out of paradise, doomed to a life of suffering.

Key beliefs

God created the universe.Before the universe there was nothing.Humans play an important role of caring for

the universe.Humans are capable of sin and God will

punish them for sinning.
