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Lecture 10

Phil Smith

LO4 Be able to promote websites LO4 questions – can you

4.1 explain the methods and techniques required to

promote a website?

4.2 evaluate the different features that are available to

enhance and upgrade a website?

These will be the substance of assignment 3.

Unit 15 LO2

LO4 Be able to promote websites

1. Marketing:

1. advertising e.g. search engines, social

networking, banner, pay-per-click;

2. exchange website links; back links.

3. cross-marketing techniques e.g. letterheads,

brochures, magazine, company vehicles,

television, radio .

Unit 15 LO2

Can we find anything without a search engine?

Google is the clear search market leader



















It's not good having a great website that no one can find. Discover the keys to being found on search engines.

Elements of a successful online strategy.

Google Analytics


The first picture below shows that the bulk of traffic is coming directly to the website (e.g. users enter the address of the website in their browser directly). This website is missing out on a lot of business that could be brought by search engines. It is not search engine optimised.

The second picture reveals that the majority of the traffic to the website isbrought by search engines. Search engines are promoting the website

for free! This is the sign of a well optimised website.

E-marketing includes various strategies and techniques, such as:

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization)SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Banner advertising

Social Media ( Blog, forums, social websites( Facebook, twitter, Flickr….etc))

E-mail marketing

Affiliate marketing

Mobile Marketing

Online press releases


SEO versus SEM


Search Phrase Nr of searchresults

Organic searchresults

Paid AdWords ads

SEO and SEM defined

SEO: “Refers to the process of “optimizing” both the on-page and off-page ranking factors in order to achieve high search engine rankings for targeted search terms”.

SEO is also optimization of a website for the free

(organic) search listings

SEM is also seen as the practice of buying paid search listings OR free listings

SEM is a type of online marketing that encompasses both organic SEO and PPC marketing

SEO Technical optimisation

Content optimisation

Link building strategy

Subscription into different directories

Mainly on-page elements were analysed

TITLE tags

Meta Description

Anchor text in links

keywords used in texts

Website Pages accessibility

Internal and external links

H1, H2, H3…

Keywords in Meta tags


Alt Tags

TITLE tags- 72 character OR 9 words- 1st & 2nd word is more important than other- Your site's Title MUST grab attention, create curiosity, evoke emotion to get the click. Don't just use your company's or website's name. I highly recommend that you spend the same amount of time when writing your Title as you would if you were writing

a Pay Per Click (PPC) ad. Because:

No clicks = No conversions

SEO Tools

- Google keywords Tool

SEO Tools

Google Trends

TITLE tags

Meta Description

Alt Tag

Alt Tag Keywords for imagesYou can target your important keywords in your images .


Technical optimisation

Content optimisation

Link building strategy

Subscription into different directories

Content Optimization

Anchor text in Link

Keyword used in text


Unique Content :

Google’s PandaGoogle’s Fresh

H1, H2, H3…

H1 ===> Very Very Important Keywords

H2 ===> Very Important Keywords

H3 ===> Important Keywords


Technical optimisation

Content optimisation

Link building strategy

Subscription into different directories

Internal and external links

- Internal Links :

Internal and external links

- external Links :

Back Links

Site A and Site B. The 2 site is fighting about the ranking for the same keyword.

Back Links

So to decide which one will get the highest ranking Google will look at the links to the two sites. Here site A get a link from site C – while site B doesn't get any links. You can say C is giving some juice to site A. So site A will do best in the Google ranking.

Back Links

Now both site A and site B get a link from site C. Their are sharing the juice. So they will rank on the same level. So to decide which one will get the highest rank Google will have to look at other normally not so important things

Back Links

Now site A get another link from site D and site B get a link from E. So now Google has to decide – which one the two new sites are most important site D or site E. Who has most juice to give.

POSITIVE ON-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors keyword selection, try Google Ad Words - Google


Keyword in URL

Keyword in Domain name

Keyword in Title tag

Keyword in Description meta tag

Keyword in Keyword metatag

keyword density (1 - 6% - (each keyword/ total words)

POSITIVE ON-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors Keyword in H1, H2 and H3

Keyword font size ("Strong is treated the same as bold, italic is treated the same as emphasis" . . . Matt Cutts July 2006 )

Keyword prominence (how early in page/tag) (Can be important at top of page, in bold, in large font )

Keyword in alt text

Keyword in links to site pages (anchor text)

POSITIVE ON-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors All Internal links valid?

All External links valid?

File Size (Try not to exceed 100K page size, Smaller files are preferred <40K )

Frequency of Updates (Frequent updates = frequent spidering = newer cache )

keyword stemming ( Stem, stems, stemmed, stemmer, stemming, stemmist, stemification )

URL length (less than 100 is good, less is even better )

POSITIVE ON-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors

Site Size - Google likes big sites

Site Age

SEOTechnical optimisation

Content optimisation

Link building strategy

Subscription into different directories

NEGATIVE OFF-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors

Traffic Buying

Google hates link-buying, because it corrupts their PR model in the worst way possible.1. Does your page have links it really doesn't merit?2. Did you get tons of links in a short time period?3. Do you have links from high-PR, unrelated sites?

Zero links to you

Links from bad websites

LO4 Be able to promote websites

1. Visitors:

1. visitor incentives e.g. promotional/voucher

codes, discounts.

2. data security e.g. website certificates, secure

socket layer (SSL), encryption.

3. presentation e.g. multimedia, flash content,

audio and visual components, human

computer interaction (HCI).

4. visitor feedback e.g. check boxes, radio

buttons, drop-down menus, text fields, form

to email, form to database.

Unit 15 LO2

LO4 Be able to promote websites

1. Alternative methods:

1. off-the-shelf software,

2. data entry forms,

3. response facility,

4. forums,

5. free user groups

Unit 15 LO2

LO4 Be able to promote websites

1. Optimisations:

1. insert components e.g. title, description, keyword


2. client/server side script components e.g. dynamic

hypertext mark-up language (DHTML), extensible

hypertext mark-up language (XHTML), JavaScript,

Perl, Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP), Active Server

Pages (ASP), ASP.NET, Cascading Style Sheets


3. enhancements e.g. rollover image maps,

audio/visual, drop-down menus, colours, multimedia

Unit 15 LO2

LO4 Be able to promote websites

Task 1

Research then update your web pages for SEO,

record your reasons for the choices you make.

Task 2

Research free page rank checkers, run on your

hosting web pages, can you improve your ranking?

Unit 15 LO2

LO4 Be able to promote websites

Task 3

Research webmaster tools, what can they do?

Task 4

Refer back to the two questions at the start of this

presentation. Write an outline answer to these


Unit 15 LO2

What have we learnt today?You tell me!

Unit 15 LO2
