A.) Plastic to reduce the friction B.) Carpet to increase friction C.) Pebbles to increase friction



A.) Plastic to reduce the friction

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A.) Plastic to reduce the friction B.) Carpet to increase friction C.) Pebbles to increase friction A.) Plastic to reduce the friction A.) A Balanced force B.) An Unbalanced force Potential kinetic Potential Graph 1 Graph 4 Graph 3 Emily was sitting on the handle bars while her sister peddled the bike. They were going at a fast speed for a bike until they crashed into a large rock and Emily flew forward off of the bike. 1 st Law of Motion A.) Lever B.) Wedge C.) Pulley A.) Lever B.) Wedge C.) Screw B.) Wedge SKATER A SKATER B Left at 30N An amoeba moves using a pseudopod. They are heterotrophic so they have to hunt for food by grabbing it with its pseudopod. They move by whipping its flagella. They are mainly autotrophic. They have an eyespot to detect sunlight to perform photosynthesis. They move by using the tiny hairs surrounding their body called cilia. They are heterotrophic and take their food in through an oral groove. Chloroplast ( photosynthesis occurs here) Cell Wall ( gives the plant cell its box-like structure) Powerhouse of the cell Mighty Mitochondria Breaks down proteins for the cells energy The brain of the cell Directs all activity of the cell Semi-permeable: Lets certain things in and out of the cell 100 % BB tt SS homozygous Bb Brown Digestive & Circulatory Respiratory & Circulatory Excretory Cold front Weather station model Cloud coverage A.) Continental Tropical B.) Maritime Polar C.) Continental Polar A.) Continental Tropical B.) Maritime Polar C.) Continental Polar D.) Maritime Tropical Maritime tropical 7:00 AM3:00 PM Temperature7260 Air Pressure Sky ConditionsCloudy, RainClear, Sunny Cold front High pressure system (Happy High) Air moves down and out blowing away clouds Low Pressure system Lousy Low Air move up and inward bring up water molecules that condenses into clouds Prevailing Westerlies Jetstream Coriolis Effect Decreases