A Parent’s Guide to the Safe Use of the World Wide Web



eSafety. A Parent’s Guide to the Safe Use of the World Wide Web. Your changing relationship dictates different tactics. 7-11s. 11-16s. Parental influence. Autonomy. 7-11s. Garden Safety for Children – Rule #1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Parent’s Guide to the Safe Useof the World Wide Web


7-11s 11-16sParental influence


Your changing relationshipdictates different tactics


“Never, for any reason, leave children unattended outdoors or in the garden, especially near water.”

Garden Safety for Children – Rule #1

Quote taken from http://www.thekidsgarden.co.uk

We only use the World Wide Web when an adult is with us

We can click on the buttons and links when we know what they do

We can search in the World Wide Web with an adult

We always ask if we get lost on the World Wide Web

We can send and open emails together

We can write polite and friendly emails to people that we know

These rules help us to stay safe on the internet

Garden Safety for Children – Rule #2

“Although it’s not considered a substitute for adult supervision, fences are a good way to keep children from wandering into dangerous territory.”

Quote taken from http://www.thekidsgarden.co.uk

Configuring your home PC

Configuring your home PC

Configuring your home PC


Configuring your home PC

Configuring your home PC








ety “Never, for any

reason, leave children unattended outdoors or in the garden, especially near water.”

“Although it’s not considered a substitute for adult supervision, fences are a good way to keep children from wandering into dangerous territory.”


When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around.  But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.  ~Mark Twain

meet Jessica

she keeps in touch with most of her friends online…

… her friends know what she is doing 24/7 wherever they are


Facebook FlickrTwitter

but in doing so she leaves an online data trail for

anyone to see ……

what she looks like

who she’s friends with

where she’s going to be tonight

where she studies

where she lives

what she’s doing right now

and the web makes it so easy to aggregate personal information

..ask Jessica if she’s worried about the amount of information people can find about her online and she says …..

… there are millions of others sharing far

more information online than me ….

… you can’t expect me not to use these sites, it’s how I stay in touch ….

The whole point of these sites is to share information about yourself…..

Who uses these sites to gather information?

• Police

• Investigators

• Recruitment agencies

• Marketing companies

• Extremist groups

& others ….

Configuring your home PC

Configuring your home PC


make it difficult for strangers to connect thedots between your online and real identities

Use a nickname instead of your real name and an avatar image instead of a photo

Don’t disclose your exact location

Be selective about what you share about yourself – hold back on too many specifics

Arrange for your entry to stop being listed on 192.com

When you set up an account be sure to check the default settings and how much is open for all to see

Be selective about who you ‘friend’

10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Knowhttp://www.allfacebook.com/2009/02/facebook-privacy/

The ‘telling strangers on a train your life story’ analogy

Never talk to strangersBe cynical about anybody you meet online



