A note from the Headmaster · Rowing: Henley Royal Regatta: 1st VIII Sat 7 July 8.45am Choir and...


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As we race towards the end of term, I would like to draw your attention to the cricket report in this newsletter. Our cricketers have achieved a fine set of strong victories in recent matches, and we are delighted with their performances throughout the season. We wish our cricketers success for the final block fixture of the season, against Bristol Grammar School, this Saturday. We also wish our rowers the very best, as our 1st VIII prepares for Henley Royal Regatta next week.

Summer term: Week 1029th June 2018News

A note from the Headmaster

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On the hottest day of the year so far, Monmouth School for Boys held its annual celebration of everything running, throwing, pulling and jump-ing... plus the plank!

As you can see from the pictures this was a fan-tastically competitive and fun afternoon down at the athletics track by the River Wye. Many thanks to all of the boys for giving their all and to the staff who measured and timed as well as offered invaluable moral, and vocal, support!

A final thank you to Frank from 6.1 for these fan-tastic action shots from the afternoon.

T-SHIRT DESIGNERS SEE WINNING DESIGNS COME TO LIFEMonmouth Festival poster and T-shirt design winners, Max and William (Year 8) are seen here pulling the first Monmouth Festival souvenir T-shirts at Jolly Clothing screenprinters.

The boys throughly enjoyed an insight into the business of screen printing from their initial artwork to the finished T-Shirts.

A quick request from Mrs Underwood:Do you have an unused violin (any size, especially 3/4 & full size) that you would like to sell?

Many of my pupils are ready to move onto larger violins and it would be good to recycle instruments.


Drop me an email with the violin size, make, if known – look at the label inside the violin, current condition etc. (is bow/case included?) to underwood.rachel@habsmonmouth.org .

I am currently away from school for a while but willl get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you.

STUDY DAY ENLIGHTENS MONMOUTH STUDENTS6th Formers from all three of the schools in Monmouth were treated to an inspiring visit by postgraduate students at Bris-tol University who are all about to go on to be English teach-ers. In the past these workshops have been run as part of the Monmouth Literary festival and they are extremely well organised and stimulating as the students all enjoy a different style of learning, working in mixed groups.

As Jack from 6.1 commented; ‘The event, I personally found, was very productive and enjoyable. My group looked at Shake-speare’s King Lear, which I knew next to nothing about, but by the end I felt that I was aware of even some of the more ob-scure themes of the play. The students were incredibly engag-ing and did well to encourage participation. It culminated in us splitting into further groups and performing an interpretation on a scene in the play. In all it was a fun and productive experi-ence.’


Saturday saw the cricketers take on Colstons on the hottest day of the year. The 1st XI posted a competitive total of 205-9 off their 40 overs. Nathan scored a fluent 60 and Angus held the innings together with another half century. Colstons were well placed in the run chase until Ben claimed 5 wickets in 12 balls to see the team home. The 2nd XI played well winning by 20 runs thanks to the bowling of Luke and Ellis. The U.15a team won by 6 wickets thanks to some excellent batting from Joe and some clean striking by Josh. The u.15b team lost a very close game by 2 wickets despite fine displays from Jack and George. The U.14a and b teams won comfort-ably with a strong batting display from Hugo. The U.13a and b team also won with all-round strong team performances.

On Tuesday the 1st XI took on Gower College from Swansea. The op-position won the toss and chose to bat under clear skies. Despite a good all-round bowling display and an excellent spell from Michael the opposition posted a challenging total of 253. In reply Nathan and An-gus got off to a real flyer which brought the required run rate down to three an over, before a fine spell of bowling from the Gower spinners meant we required 150 runs off the last 20 overs. Nathan found good support from Will and Michael and gradually brought the target down from ten an over to seven an over. Will was run out off the last ball of the penultimate over which left us requiring 8 to win as Gus went to the wicket. Four singles off four balls left us requiring four off two balls. Nathan clipped the ball off his toes to win us the game finishing up on a 137 not out. This was a brilliant game played in excellent spirit.

A Sixth Form history student at Monmouth Boys School re-ceived, out of the blue, a letter written entirely in Turkish from President Recep Erdogan, asking him to vote in the upcoming elections for the conservative Justice and Development Party.

One possible explanation for this strange request is that the student had been researching Turkish history for his A level Historical Investigation. He had been reading articles about recent political events in Turkey using academic web-sites for his study of the legacy of Kemal Ataturk, the founder of Mod-ern Turkey. This on-line research would appear to have put him, erroneously, on a database of potential voters amongst the Turkish diaspora.

His teacher, Dr James Harrison, commented that the student’s historical research and investigation had produced a first class piece of work that was interesting and well-written but that he had not expected it to attract the attention of the Turkish Head of State.


Calendar Dates:

Fri 29 June7pm Gala Performance (Savoy Theatre)Cricket: 1st XI v. Solihull (H) 11amRowing: Henley Royal Regatta Qualifiers: 1st VIII

Sat 30 June

Boarders’ Activity: 6.30pm Cinema (Newport)7.30 pm Sixth Form Summer Ball (MG)Cricket: v. Bristol Grammar School: 1st XI (H) 11.30amU14A & B, U12A & B (H) 2pm. 2nd XI, U15A & B, U13A & B (A) Depart 12noon

Sun 1 JuLY

Boarders’ Activity: 10.30am Seaside Trip (Barry Island)6pm BBQ for all boarders (MG)Cricket: Old MonmothiansRowing: GB J16 Trials: Selected J16s (Nottingham)

Mon 2 JulyForm IV GCSE Geography Field trip (Lake District) Depart 8am (to 4 July, 4pm)12.40pm Joint Schools’ Council (Hitchcock Pavilion)

Tue 3 July

1pm Tom Walker’s Funeral (Priory Church of St Mary)Canoeing Club: Cardiff Indoor White-water Slalom. Depart 4pm, return 8.30pm7pm Chamber Concert for the Junior Ensembles (Blake Theatre)8pm Boarders’ Multi-Activity: Form IV/Year 10 (MG)

Wed 4 July

CCF: RAF Air Experience Flying (St Athan) Depart 6.30am, return 5.30pm11.30am CCF rededication of the grave of William Allen, VC, with Royal Welsh Regiment (Monmouth Cemetery)Form IV IGCSE Geography Field trip returns 4pm6.30pm - 8.30pm Joint MB/MG UCAS Parents’ Information Evening (MG Main Hall)Rowing: Henley Royal Regatta: 1st VIII

Thu 5 July

Young Enterprise UK Final (County Hall, London) Depart 8.30am (to Friday 6 July)8.40am Headmaster’s Final Assembly (to include Period 1)Joint MB and MG Form VI.1/Year 12 visit to University of CambridgeJoint MB and MG Form VI.1/Year 12 Medical Applicants’ Preparation Day (MB)Rowing: Henley Royal Regatta: 1st VIII

Fri 6 July1.15pm - 2.30pm Choir and Brass rehearsal (Priory Church of St Mary)3pm Speech Day Prizewinners’ rehearsal (Hitchcock Pavilion - Marquee)Rowing: Henley Royal Regatta: 1st VIII

Sat 7 July

8.45am Choir and Brass rehearsal (Priory Church of St Mary)9.45am The Commemoration Service (Priory Church of St Mary)11.15am Speech Day and Prize-Giving (Hitchcock Pavilion - Marquee)12noon CCF RAF Summer Camp depart to RAF Coningsby (to 14 July, 2pm)End of termRowing: Henley Royal Regatta: 1st VIII

Click here to see all of our news stories on the website.

COMING UP AT THE BLAKE THEATRE: 30th June - A Midsummer’s Opera Gala : 7.15pm

Current Young Artist at the National Opera Studio and former Monmouth School pupil Andrew Henley presents an evening

of operatic classics, performed by artists from the NOS and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Glorious music by

Verdi, Puccini, Mozart, Bizet and many others will be brought to you by some of the best young singers in the UK.

Live on Stage: TONIGHT!

In association with the National Opera Studio’s ‘Opera Roots’ Programme.

Tickets: Adults £10, Concessions £8

Free for music students at Monmouth School for Boys, Monmouth Comprehensive School and Monmouth School for Girls

