A New Community Park - Bellevue€¦ · park overlook & terraces off leash dog park...


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A New Community ParkEastgate Area Properties Master Plan

Parks & Community Services Board

October 13, 2009


Park Master Plan Alternatives

Master Plan Process and feedback

Three Park Alternatives

Board Discussion/Action

Park Name Alternatives

Board Discussion/Action

4 Community Workshops (380)

Workshop Exercises (435)

Neighborhood Meeting (40)

Petition (242)

Emails & Phone (400+)

4 Surveys (1,120)

Park Board


Master Plan Process/Input to-date

2,600 +

Design Elements Common to All

Alternative A

Off-Leash Area

at Robinswood

expanded & enhanced

Alternative B

Alternative C

Off-Leash Area

at Robinswood

expanded & enhanced

Alternative A

Off-Leash Area

at Robinswood

expanded & enhanced

Next Steps

After Tonight’s Meeting:

City Council review (Nov)

Environmental Review

City Council Adoption (1st Q 2010 ?)


Construction (phase 1)


Park Name

Airfield Meadow Community Park

Bellegate Community Park

Eastgate Meadows Community Park

Meadowlands Community Park

Phantom Ridge Community Park

Phantom Woods Community Park

Spirit Ponds Community Park

Spirit Run Community Park
