A multi-channel architecture for high-performance multi-channel architecture for high-performance...


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Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658


A multi-channel architecture for high-performanceNAND flash-based storage system q

Jeong-Uk Kang a,*, Jin-Soo Kim a, Chanik Park b,Hyoungjun Park b, Joonwon Lee a

a Division of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Koreab Memory division, Semiconductor Business, Samsung Electronics Co., Republic of Korea

Received 9 December 2005; received in revised form 5 January 2007; accepted 8 January 2007Available online 1 February 2007


Many mobile devices demand a large-capacity and high-performance storage system in order to store, retrieve, and pro-cess large multimedia data quickly. In this paper, we present a high-performance NAND flash-based storage system basedon a multi-channel architecture. The proposed system consists of multiple independent channels, where each channel hasmultiple NAND flash memory chips. On this hardware, we investigate three optimization techniques to exploit I/O par-allelism: striping, interleaving, and pipelining. By combining all the optimization techniques carefully, our system hasshown 3.6 times higher overall performance compared to the conventional single-channel architecture.� 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: NAND flash memory; Storage system; I/O parallelism

1. Introduction

Flash memory is widely used for code and datastorage of consumer electronics products due to itsversatile features such as non-volatility, solid-statereliability, low power consumption, and shock resis-tance [5]. The most popular flash memory types are

1383-7621/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


q This research was supported by the MIC (Ministry ofInformation and Communication), Korea, under the ITRC(Inofrmation Technology Research Center) support programsupervised by the IITA (Institute of Information TechnologyAssessment) (IITA-2006-C1090-0603-0020).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 42 869 3585; fax: +82 42 8695569.

E-mail address: ux@calab.kaist.ac.kr (J.-U. Kang).

NOR and NAND. Although NOR flash memoryoffers random access capability and high read per-formance, it suffers from extremely low write anderase performance and it is more expensive perMB than NAND flash memory. On the other hand,NAND flash memory provides high cell densitiesand low cost per MB with higher write and eraseperformance than NOR flash memory. Therefore,NOR flash memory is well suited for code storageand execute-in-place (XIP) applications, whileNAND flash memory is suitable for data storage[13].

Many mobile devices, including MP3 players,PDAs (personal digital assistants), PMPs (portablemedia players), high-resolution digital cameras and


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camcorders, and mobile phones, demand a large-capacity and high-performance storage system inorder to store, retrieve, and process large multime-dia data quickly. In those devices, NAND flashmemory is already becoming one of the most com-mon storage medium. Moreover, solid-state flashdisks based on NAND flash memory technology,such as M-System’s FFDs (Fast Flash Disks) [6]and BiTMICRO’s E-Disks [7], are gradually replac-ing mechanical hard disks under mission-criticaland/or rugged operating conditions in military andaerospace industry. As NAND flash technologydevelopment continues to double density growthon an average of every 12 months [16], it is expectedthat sub-notebook computers or tablet PCsequipped with more than tens of Gbytes of NANDflash memory-based storage system will be availableto ordinary users in the near future.

Although replacing hard disks with NAND flashmemory brings advantages in terms of size, weight,reliability, and energy use, it is not easy to draw themaximum performance from NAND flash memorydue to its unique operational characteristics. InNAND flash memory, the write operation requiresa relatively long latency compared to the read oper-ation. In addition, the previous data should beerased first in order to write another data in thesame physical area. The worse problem is that theerase operation cannot be performed on the partic-ular data selectively, but on the larger unit contain-ing the original data with much longer latency. TheMLC (Multi-Level Cell) technology, which isrecently introduced to multiply the capacity of aNAND flash memory chip, further decreases theoperation speed [1]. Thus, developing a high-perfor-mance NAND flash-based storage system remains atechnically challenging area.

In this paper, we propose a hardware and soft-ware architecture of high-performance NANDflash-based storage system. Specifically, we focuson three optimization techniques that can exploitI/O parallelism in various ways: striping, interleav-

ing, and pipelining. The hardware architecture ofthe proposed system consists of multiple indepen-dent channels, where each channel has multipleNAND flash memory chips. On this hardware, wequantitatively investigate the performance impactof individual optimization technique, as well as theoverall performance when all the techniques arecombined together.

In the experiments, the striping technique, theinterleaving technique, and the pipelining technique

improve the throughput up to 164%, 72%, and197%, respectively. By combining all the optimiza-tion techniques carefully, our system has shown3.6 times higher overall performance compared tothe conventional single-channel architecture.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 describes the characteristics of NAND flashmemory. In Section 3, we present the hardwarearchitecture of the high-performance NAND flash-based storage system that we designed andimplemented. In Section 4, we explain the softwarearchitecture and three optimization techniques thatcan maximize I/O parallelism. Section 5 showsexperimental results and Section 6 presents therelated work. Finally, our conclusions and futurework are drawn in Section 7.

2. Background

A NAND flash memory consists of a memoryarray and an I/O buffer. Data are transferredthrough the I/O buffer. The memory array is com-posed of a fixed number of blocks and each blockis organized as 32 pages. A block is a basic unit oferase operations, while a page is a basic unit of readand write operations. Each page consists of512 bytes of main area and 16 bytes of spare area.

There are three basic operations in NAND flashmemory: read, program (write), and erase. The readoperation fetches data from a target page, while theprogram operation writes data to a target page. Theerase operation resets all values of a target block to1. In flash memory, once a page is written, it shouldbe erased before the subsequent program operationis performed on the same page. This characteristic issometimes called erase-before-write. The number ofprogram/erase cycles is limited to about 10,000–1,000,000 times.

Read and program operations consist of threephases: setup, busy, and data transfer. In order toread a page, command and address are given to aNAND flash memory chip through I/O pins in thesetup phase. After a fixed delay time of 10–25 ls,the selected page is loaded into the I/O buffer inthe busy phase. Hereafter 8-bit or 16-bit data canbe sequentially fetched from the I/O buffer every50 ls in the data transfer phase. The program oper-ation is similar to read, except that the sequence ofthe data transfer phase and the busy phase isreversed. The programming delay time is 200–700 ls. This fixed delay time of program operationis about 10 times longer than that of read operation.

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The erase operation is simply composed of the setupphase followed by the busy phase, since data trans-fer is not needed. The fixed delay time of erase oper-ation in the busy phase is 2–3 ms [14].

Recently, a new type of NAND flash memory,called large block NAND, has been introduced inorder to provide high density and high performancein bulk data transfer. The large block NAND flashmemory offers 2 Kbytes of main area and 64 bytesof spare area with 64 pages per block. Note that anew programming restriction is added in the largeblock NAND flash memory; the page should beprogrammed in sequential order from page 0 topage 63 within a block. Random page address pro-gramming in a block is strictly prohibited by thespecification [14].

3. Multi-channel architecture

In this section, we describe the hardware archi-tecture of our prototype system, which is based ona multi-channel architecture. The basic idea behindthe multi-channel architecture is to exploit I/O par-allelism by utilizing multiple independent channelsand multiple NAND flash memory chips.

3.1. Overall architecture

In order to investigate the impact of the multi-channel architecture on the overall performance,we implemented a prototype of NAND flash-basedembedded storage system, which we namedDUMBO. The design of DUMBO focuses on sim-plicity and flexibility so that we can investigate theeffect of various optimization techniques.

Fig. 1 depicts the overall architecture of the pro-totype system where DUMBO is connected to thehost system through the host interface. DUMBO

Fig. 1. The overall architecture

consists of four independent channel managers thatcontrol NAND flash memory chips separately.

The host system is an ARM9-based embeddedsystem which has 32 Mbytes SDRAM and 64 Mby-tes NOR flash memory. The clock speed of CPU is100 MHz. Operating system and read only data arestored in the NOR flash memory. The host systemhas an additional SDRAM interface for externalI/O devices. We use this additional SDRAM inter-face to connect DUMBO to the host system. Thebus width of the SDRAM interface is 32 bits andthe maximum bandwidth is 25 Mbytes/s. To sup-port interrupt-driven I/O, an interrupt line is con-nected to the host CPU.

3.2. Channel manager

Each channel manager consists of a control logic,a NAND interface, two independent buffers, andeight NAND flash memory chips as illustrated inFig. 2. The control logic is responsible for transfer-ring data between NAND flash chips and the corre-sponding channel manager’s buffers. The NANDinterface controls NAND flash memory chips toread and write data. The control logic receives readand write commands from the host system throughthe host interface, and manages NAND flash mem-ory chips via the NAND interface to service thecommands. When the data transfer finishes, thecontrol logic notifies the host interface of the com-pletion of the command. Then the host interfacesends an interrupt signal to the host system.

We used the large block type of NAND flashmemory chips for DUMBO. The capacity of eachNAND flash memory chip is 1 Gbits. Thus, eachchannel manager provides 1 Gbytes and the totalstorage size of DUMBO is 4 Gbytes. NAND flashmemory chips are connected to buffers via 16-bit

of the prototype system.

Fig. 2. The internal organization of a channel manager in DUMBO.

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I/O pins. Since the buffers are accessed both fromthe host interface and from the NAND interface,they are implemented with dual-port RAMs. Thesize of each buffer is 2112 bytes that is the same asthe page size (including the 64-byte spare area) ofthe large block NAND flash memory.

As each channel manager has two independentbuffers, we can send the next command to the samechannel manager using the other buffer withoutwaiting for the completion of the previous com-mand. All the eight NAND flash memory chips inthe same channel manager share address/data I/Olines. Therefore, we cannot transfer data betweentwo buffers and several NAND flash memory chipsconcurrently. We can, however, overlap severaloperations using separate control lines and twoindependent buffers in the channel manager. Thedetails will be given in Section 4.

3.3. Read operation

A read operation consists of three phases: ReadSet (RS), Read from NAND (RN), and ReadData (RD) as shown in Fig. 3. The arrows in theboxes indicate the flow of control information anddata.

In order to read a page, read control informationis given to DUMBO via the host interface (RS).Then the control logic of the channel manager con-trols a NAND flash memory chip to read data.

Fig. 3. Timing diagram of rea

Read command and page address are given to theNAND flash memory chip via the NAND interface(setup phase). After the busy phase, the controllogic moves data to the buffer (data transfer phase).When the data transfer from the NAND flash mem-ory chip to DUMBO (RN) finishes, DUMBO sendsan interrupt signal to the host system to notify thecompletion of the request. Finally, the host systemcopies data from DUMBO (RD).

In Fig. 3, the boxes with diagonal lines (RS andRD) use the host interface and the boxes with hori-zontal lines (RN) use the NAND interface.Although there is no data transfer in the busy phase,the channel manager polls the NAND flash memorychip in order to check the completion status usingthe NAND interface. Polling during the busy phaseis more efficient than using an interrupt-driven I/Obecause the delay time of the busy phase is veryshort.

3.4. Write operation

A write operation consists of five phases: WriteData (WD), Write Set (WS), Write to NAND(WN), Write Confirm (WC), and NAND Program(NP) as illustrated in Fig. 4. Note that the boxeswith diagonal lines (WD, WS, and WC) use the hostinterface and the boxes with horizontal lines (WN)use the NAND interface. The box with diagonalcrossing lines (NP) does not use any interfaces.

d operation in DUMBO.

Fig. 4. Timing diagram of write operation in DUMBO.

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In order to write a page, the host system movesdata to the buffer of the corresponding channelmanager in DUMBO (WD) and sends commandand address via the host interface (WS). Then thechannel manager sends write command and pageaddress (setup phase), and copies data (data transferphase) to the NAND flash memory chip via theNAND interface (WN). When the data transferends, the address/data I/O lines of the channel man-ager become free. At this point, DUMBO sends aninterrupt signal in spite of the incompletion of arequest to maximize the utilization of the address/data I/O lines. Finally, the host system sends writeconfirm command (WC), and the correspondingNAND flash chip goes to the busy phase (NP).

Unlike the case of read operation, the delay timeof the busy phase (NP) in write operation is longerthan any other phases such as WD and WN. Sincethe host interface and the NAND interface becomefree during the busy phase (NP), we can utilize thisinterval to handle other requests concurrently.

4. Software architecture

In this section, we present the software architec-ture for the proposed NAND flash-based storagesystem. We also explain three optimization tech-

Fig. 5. The software architectur

niques, striping, interleaving, and pipelining, tomaximize the throughput of DUMBO.

4.1. Software architecture

The software architecture for the prototypesystem consists of request queue managementsubsystem, Flash Translation Layer (FTL), andlow-level device driver as presented in Fig. 5. Thefunction of the request queue management subsys-tem is to rearrange I/O requests received fromthe operating system and to assign them to the spe-cific channel manager. The main role of FTL is toemulate the functionality of block devices with flashmemory [10]. The low-level device driver controlsDUMBO according to various optimization tech-niques.

As described in Section 2, NAND flash memoryhas a restriction that the page should be erasedbefore being rewritten in the same location. Theerase operation takes much longer time in compar-ison with read and program operations. Therefore,an intermediate software layer called FTL is usuallyemployed to hide the latency of erase operation asmuch as possible. FTL achieves this by redirectingeach write request to an empty location in flashmemory that has been erased in advance, and bymanaging the mapping information internally.

e for the prototype system.

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There are two main functions of FTL: addresstranslation and garbage collection. The primary roleof the address translation is to manage sector map-ping information. The logical sector number of arequest is translated into a physical address that rep-resents a location of data in NAND flash memorychips. According to the granularity with which themapping information is managed, FTL can be clas-sified as page-mapped, block-mapped, or hybrid.The hybrid scheme uses smaller memory footprintthan the page-mapped method and can programpages sequentially within a block in contrast withblock-mapped method. Therefore, we implementeda hybrid FTL similar to the log-structured FTL[10] in order to reduce memory usage and to obeythe sequential write order requirement in the largeblock NAND flash memory. Garbage collection isto reclaim free pages by erasing appropriate blocks.We use the same replacement block scheme thatused for block-mapped FTL [2]. The replacementblocks are merged into a single block by the garbagecollector.

4.2. Exploiting I/O parallelism

There are two kinds of I/O parallelism we canexploit. One is intra-request parallelism whichdenotes the parallel execution of a single requestto reduce service time. The other is inter-request par-

allelism which indicates the parallel execution ofmany different requests to improve throughput.

In order to exploit intra-request parallelism, wecan adopt a striping technique. The striping tech-nique spreads out a request across multiple chan-nels. Fig. 6a illustrates that the request 1 is

Fig. 6. Three optimization techniques to exploit I/O parallelism. (a)technique.

divided into two sub-requests and those sub-requests are handled by two channels in a parallelway.

To exploit inter-request parallelism, we can thinkof two techniques: interleaving and pipelining. In theinterleaving technique, several requests are handledin parallel by using several channel managers. Forexample, in Fig. 6b, two requests are processedsimultaneously with two channels. The pipeliningtechnique overlaps the processing of two requestsas presented in Fig. 6c. While the interleaving tech-nique and the striping technique occupy more thantwo channels, the pipelining technique occupies onlya single channel.

4.2.1. StripingWe define the striping level to be the number of

channel managers that are used to handle a singlerequest. Those channel managers form a channelmanager group. Each channel manager in the samegroup gets its corresponding portion of data to han-dle the request. The maximum striping level is fourin our system because DUMBO has only four chan-nel managers.

Let us assume that the striping level is two. Achannel manager group is composed of two channelmanagers and DUMBO has two channel managergroups. A request is divided into two sub-requestsas illustrated in Fig. 7.

In case of read operation (Fig. 7a), commandsand addresses of two sub-requests are given to eachchannel manager sequentially (RS) through the hostinterface. Each channel manager reads data fromNAND flash memory to the buffer of the channelmanager concurrently (RN). After that, the data in

Striping technique; (b) interleaving technique; and (c) pipelining

Fig. 7. The striping technique with the striping level of two. (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

650 J.-U. Kang et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658

the buffers are copied to host memory sequentially(RD) through the host interface. The case of writeoperation (Fig. 7b) is similar to that of read opera-tion except that the sequence of the data transferphase and the busy phase is reversed.

Note that the data transfer between the hostmemory and DUMBO (RS, RD, WD, WS, andWC) is serialized via the host interface without over-lapping. This is because DUMBO relies on only onehost interface.

Fig. 8. The interleaving technique with the interleaving leve

4.2.2. Interleaving

The interleaving technique exploits inter-requestparallelism using multiple channel managers similarto the striping technique. The difference betweeninterleaving and striping is the number of requestshandled simultaneously. The interleaving techniquehandles several requests at once, while the stripingtechnique handles only one request with severalchannel managers. We define the interleaving level

to be the number of requests that can be handled

l of two. (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

J.-U. Kang et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658 651

simultaneously. Again, the maximum interleavinglevel is four in DUMBO.

Let us assume that the interleaving level is two.In Fig. 8, request 1 and request 2 are handled con-currently by the channel manager 1 and the channelmanger 2, respectively. The control order of readand write operations with interleaving are similarto that with striping except that each channel man-ager handles its own request separately.

For write operation, FTL needs to redirect awrite request to one of the available channel manag-ers. A simple distribution policy is a round-robinpolicy, where the channel manager is decided basedon the logical sector number. For example, if theinterleaving level is two, write requests to even-num-bered sectors are redirected to the channel manager1, while the others are to the channel manager 2. Incase of read operation, however, we have no free-dom to distribute incoming read requests becausedata are already stored in a specific location. Inany case, the throughput of read or write operationscan be degraded when the requests are skewedtowards a specific channel manager.

4.2.3. Pipelining

The pipelining technique utilizes inter-requestparallelism between the host interface and the chan-nel manager. Since the host interface and the chan-nel manager operate concurrently, we can send thenext command to the same channel manager usingthe other buffer without waiting for the completion

Fig. 9. The pipelining technique. (a) Read

of the previous command as shown in Fig. 9. TheNAND interface of the channel manager handlesthe previous command and the host interface dealswith the next command simultaneously.

In case of read operation (Fig. 9a), when the datatransfer from NAND flash memory to the buffer 1(RN 1) is finished, the channel manager sends aninterrupt signal to the host system. Since NANDflash memory is free at this point, we can sendrequest 2 to the channel manager using the buffer2 before the data in buffer 1 is copied to the hostmemory (RD 1). Therefore, the channel managermoves the data of request 2 from NAND flashmemory to the buffer 2 using the NAND interface(RN 2) while the data in buffer 1 is transferred tothe host memory using the host interface (RD 1).

For write operation (Fig. 9b), the data transfer ofrequest 1 from the buffer 1 to NAND flash memory(WN 1) overlaps with the data copy of request 2from the host memory to the buffer 2 (WD 2). Sincethe time of busy phase (NP 1) is longer than that ofdata transfer time (WD 2), we need to wait until therequest 1 is completed in order to write the data ofrequest 2 to NAND flash memory (WN 2, NP 2).

4.2.4. Putting it all together

The three techniques, striping, interleaving, andpipelining, can be combined together in our systemas follows. The requests received from the operatingsystem are assigned to a specific channel managergroup according to the interleaving technique. Then

operation and (b) write operation.

Fig. 10. The flow of requests when three optimization techniques are combined together. (It is assumed that both the striping level and theinterleaving level are two.)

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the request is divided into sub-requests using thestriping technique. Finally, the sub-requests are pro-cessed according to the pipelining technique as pre-sented in Fig. 10.

Since both striping and interleaving require sev-eral channel managers, we need to allocate channelmanagers to each technique effectively. When weapply both striping and interleaving to DUMBO,we have three possible configurations as shown inTable 1. For example, if the striping level is two,the interleaving level should be two becauseDUMBO has only four channel managers. Thepipelining technique can be used together with strip-ing and interleaving without any restriction becausethe pipelining technique does not require additionalchannel managers.

Another performance factor is the size of request.Generally, the large request size is desirable to max-

Table 1Available configurations in DUMBO

Striping level Interleaving level Symbol

4 1 S4:I12 2 S2:I21 4 S1:I4

Table 2The experimental environment

Parameters Values

Host interface bandwidth 25 MB/s16-bit data transfer time from NAND 50 nsa

Busy time of read operation 27.32 lsa

Busy time of program operation 196.37 lsa

a These are the values actually measured on DUMBO.

imize the throughput of storage system and toamortize the overhead associated with data transfer,although it causes more internal fragmentation. Inthis paper, we consider the request size ranging from512 bytes to 8 Kbytes.

5. Performance evaluation

This section presents our experimental results.Table 2 describes our experimental environment.

5.1. Impact of optimization techniques

We first show the impact of individual optimiza-tion technique on the performance as well as thefinal performance when all the techniques areapplied.

5.1.1. StripingFig. 11 presents the throughput of read and write

operations under various request sizes as the strip-ing level increases from one to four. Since the busytime of read operation is shorter than that of writeoperation (NP), the read throughput is about twicethe write throughput. When the request size is8 Kbytes, using the striping level of four improvesthe throughput by 73% for read and by 164% forwrite, compared to the case without striping. Theread operation is more affected by the control over-head, which results in the smaller throughputimprovement than the write operation.

The striping technique reduces only the datatransfer time between DUMBO and NAND flashmemory chips (RN and WN) in proportion to thestriping level. The data transfer time between the

Fig. 11. The throughput under various request sizes with striping. (When the striping level is two and the request size is 4 Kbytes, twochannel managers are used and a 4-Kbyte request is divided into two 2-Kbyte sub-requests.) (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

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host memory and DUMBO (RS, RD, WD, WS, andWC) is not improved because RS, RD, WD, WS,and WC must use the host interface in a mutuallyexclusive way. The control overhead, moreover,grows commensurate to the striping level to controlmore channel managers. Therefore, both the readthroughput and the write throughput do notimprove linearly as the striping level increases.

In Fig. 11, we can observe that increasing thestriping level does not yield satisfactory throughputespecially when the request size is small. This isbecause the size of sub-request becomes smaller thanthe page size of NAND flash memory, in which casepartial page read (or program) operation should beperformed. As we have to pay the fixed amount oftime for the setup phase and the busy phase regard-less of the data size, partial page read (or program)operation incurs relatively more overhead than theread (or program) operation at full page size. Fromthese results, we can see that the striping technique iseffective only when the sub-request size is equal to orgreater than the page size of NAND flash memory.

Fig. 12. The throughput under various request sizes with interleaving. (two 2-Kbyte request are processed concurrently in two channel manag

5.1.2. Interleaving

Fig. 12 depicts the throughput of read and writeoperations under various request sizes as the inter-leaving level rises from one to four. When we dis-tribute incoming requests to four channelmanagers, we can accomplish the throughputimprovement up to 84% for read and up to 197%for write. Since commands (RS, WS, and WC) aresent to each channel manager via the host interfacesequentially, the control overhead of channel man-agers is proportional to the interleaving level.Therefore, the larger interleaving level causes thesmaller improvement. In addition, the bandwidthof the host interface becomes a bottleneck in theinterleaving technique, because DUMBO has onlyone host interface.

In Fig. 12, the reason why the request size of1 Kbytes shows consistently worse throughput thanthe other cases is also related to the fact that partialread or program operation incurs more overhead(cf. Section 5.1.1). The larger request size does notimprove the throughput further as long as the

When the interleaving level is two and the request size is 2 Kbytes,ers.) (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

Fig. 13. The throughput improvement with pipelining. (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

654 J.-U. Kang et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658

request size becomes equal to or greater than thepage size of NAND flash memory.

5.1.3. Pipelining

Fig. 13 compares the throughput with and with-out pipelining. The use of pipelining increases theread throughput and the write throughput by 72%and by 37%, respectively. As in the interleavingtechnique, pipelining has no added benefit if therequest size is equal to or greater than 2 Kbytes.For the smaller request size, the throughput isdecreased due to the overhead of partial read andprogram operations.

With pipelining, the performance of NAND flashmemory chips becomes a bottleneck because thebandwidth of the host interface is faster than thatof NAND flash memory chip. The time using thehost interface (RS, RD, WD, WS, and WC) over-laps with the time using the NAND interface (RN,WN, and NP). In case of read operation, since RD

is not much shorter than RN, the pipelining tech-nique benefits by processing RN and RD concur-rently. However, the write throughput is improved

Fig. 14. The throughput under all possible configurations show

slightly since the duration of WN and NP is muchlonger than that of WD.

5.1.4. Putting it all together

Fig. 14 shows the throughput of read and writeoperations under all possible configurations inDUMBO (cf. Table 1).

Overall, we can see that the configuration S1:I4,which maximizes the interleaving level, always per-forms well regardless of the request size. Recall thatthe striping technique splits a request into severalsub-requests according to the striping level. There-fore, if the request size is small, the sub-request sizecan be smaller than the page size of NAND flashmemory, in which case the throughput is degradeddue to the partial read and program operations.As long as the sub-request size is equal to or greaterthan the page size of NAND flash memory, S4:I1and S2:I2 configurations also show the performancecomparable to S1:I4 configuration. This can be seenin Fig. 14, where both S4:I1 configuration with8-Kbyte request size and S2:I2 configuration with

n in Table 1. (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

Fig. 15. The average service time under all possible configurations shown in Table 1. (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

J.-U. Kang et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658 655

4-Kbyte request size exhibit the same maximumthroughput.

Fig. 15 presents the average service time of readand write operations under all possible configura-tions in DUMBO. Contrary to the throughput,striping is very effective in reducing the average ser-vice time. This is obvious because the interleavingtechnique does not reduce the service time of indi-vidual requests.

From our measurement results, we selected theS2:I2 configuration with 4-Kbyte request size asthe best choice for our storage system. The criteriawe used to select this configuration are as follows.First, the size of sub-request with striping shouldbe larger than the page size of NAND flash memoryas stated in Section 5.1.1. Second, the request sizeshould not be larger than 4 Kbytes because the sizeof default unit is 4 Kbytes in most file systems suchas FAT32, NTFS, FFS, and Ext2/3 [15]. ManyCPUs also use 4 Kbytes as the default memory pagesize. Finally, the striping level should be as large aspossible to reduce the service time.

Fig. 16. The actual throughput delivered to the user-level ap

The maximum throughput of read and writeoperations in DUMBO with the S2:I2 configurationis 23.3 MB/s and 16.0 MB/s, respectively. Thisresult shows that the throughput of read and writeoperations are improved almost 2.3 and 3.6 times,respectively, over the conventional single-channelarchitecture without any optimization. Since theread operation reaches the full throughput of thehost interface, the improvement of read operationis slightly smaller than that of write operation.

5.2. Overall performance

We implemented the software part of the multi-channel architecture in the block device driver ofLinux operating system. Fig. 16 shows the resultingthroughput delivered to the user-level applications.The raw level in the legend indicates the maximumbandwidth of DUMBO shown in Fig. 14.

In case of read operation, the practical through-put is limited to 80% of the raw throughput. This ismainly because we use the programmed I/O in

plications. (a) Read operation and (b) write operation.

656 J.-U. Kang et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658

transferring data between the host memory andDUMBO. With the programmed I/O, the datatransfer often interferes with the other CPU activi-ties, such as the execution of the application code,operating system code, and the FTL code.

For write operation, Linux supports two writemodes: synchronous mode and asynchronous mode.In the synchronous mode, each write() system callwaits until the request is completed. Hence, thesmall block size cannot fully exploit the parallelismoffered by DUMBO. In the asynchronous mode,however, the operating system buffers the writerequests temporarily in buffer caches and issues bulkdata transfer at later, which results in roughly thesame throughput independent of the block size.

Unlike the read operation, the write operationshows the lower throughput as the block sizeincreases. This is because two channel managergroups with the interleaving technique compete forthe CPU to handle their own requests. Since eachchannel manager group waits for the end of thebusy phase of program operation using busy wait-ing, only one channel manager group which cur-rently acquires the CPU can handle the nextrequest for pipelining. The other channel managergroup delays the completion of the request until itholds the CPU. As the block size increases, the com-petition between two channel manager groups isexacerbated, thus increasing the request processingtime. In addition to the competition for the CPU,the garbage collection is another factor thatdecreases the write performance. While writerequests are processed, the garbage collector occa-sionally has to erase invalid blocks to make freeblocks.

5.3. Overhead analysis

Table 3 shows the number of gates used by eachcomponent in DUMBO. We extracted each gatecount from Synopsys design compiler [8]. One chan-nel manager consists of 3769 gates and one or two

Table 3The number of gates used by each component in DUMBO


Channel manager



The size ofbuffer

1939a 3353a 416a 2112 bytes

a Each value is extracted from Synopsys design compiler.

2112-byte (2 Kbytes + 64 bytes) buffers. For strip-ing and interleaving, each channel manager necessi-tates merely one buffer, while the pipeline techniquedemands two buffers per channel manager. Conse-quently, DUMBO is made up of 17,015 gates andeight 2112-byte buffers. With this small hardwareoverhead, DUMBO shows 3.6 times higher overallperformance compared to the conventional single-channel architecture (cf. Section 5.1.4). Note thatthe gate number of control logic is significantly lar-ger than that of the NAND interface in the channelmanager. This is because the control logic internallyhas five 32-bit registers which are used to store theaddress for each read or write operation, the com-mand, and the ID and the status for a selectedNAND flash memory chip.

The code size of software including three optimi-zation techniques is about 4 Kbytes, when the codeis compiled with gcc (GNU C Compiler) for ARM9.Although there is a little control overhead accordingto the number of channel managers (cf. Section 5.1),the increase of code size is negligible. The softwarerequires only a small size of execution stack at runtime, because the software does not use global dataor temporary buffers.

6. Related work

To achieve high performance in flash memory-based storage system, many research efforts havebeen performed. Kawaguchi et al. [9] proposed atranslation layer for flash file systems and studiedcost-benefit policy for garbage collection. Chianget al. [4] investigated the DAC (Dynamic dAta Clus-tering) scheme to cluster data during data update.On the other hand, Wu et al. [17] proposed a largenon-volatile main memory storage system withwrite buffering in battery-backed SDRAM to hidewrite latency. Lee et al. [11] examined a NAND-type flash memory package with a smart buffercache to raise the hit ratio. Recently, Park et al.[12] proposed a replacement algorithm calledCFLRU (Clean First LRU) to minimize the numberof write requests from the operating system. All ofthese previous work, however, focus on reducingthe number of write or erase operations to improvethe performance of flash memory-based storage sys-tem. Our work is complementary to the previouswork since we are focusing on exploiting I/O paral-lelism for the given number of I/O requests.

In an adaptive striping architecture, Chang andKuo [3] presented a multi-banked flash memory

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storage system to utilize multiple NAND flashmemory chips. Unlike DUMBO, however, their sys-tem consists of only multiple NAND flash memorychips without additional hardware controller. Theyjust focused on an adaptive striping-aware bankassignment method which is a data placement algo-rithm and garbage collection technique to reduceerase operations rather than exploiting I/O parallel-ism on parallelized architecture. When data areupdated, the method selects the specific NAND chipwhere the data will be written in order to evenly dis-tribute erase operations among multiple NANDflash memory chips. The decision is generally madebased on the update frequency of the data withoutconsidering hardware architecture. In fact, this isan orthogonal issue to our multi-channel architec-ture and we expect their method also has the similareffect on DUMBO.

7. Conclusion

This paper presents the design and implementa-tion of high-performance NAND flash-based stor-age system that exploits I/O parallelism frommultiple channels and multiple NAND flash mem-ory chips. We have applied three optimization tech-niques to maximize I/O parallelism: striping,pipelining, and interleaving. We find out that thesize of sub-request should be equal to or greaterthan the page size of NAND flash memory for strip-ing, and the request size is not related to thethroughput of read and write operations for inter-leaving. By combining all the optimization tech-niques carefully, our system has shown 3.6 timeshigher overall performance compared to the con-ventional single-channel architecture.

In the current implementation, only the 80%of the throughput is delivered to the user-levelapplications in Linux mainly due to the use ofprogrammed I/O. To reduce the competition forthe CPU in programmed I/O, we believe it wouldbe essential to have a DMA engine. We are cur-rently working on the second prototype systemwhich supports more channel managers and theDMA engine.

Another cause of performance degradation inpractice can be the load imbalance among chan-nel managers in the interleaving technique. Weplan to explore an algorithm that can distributeincoming requests to channel managers moreeffectively by investigating the characteristics of realworkloads.


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Jeong-Uk Kang received his B.S., andM.S. degrees in Computer Science Divi-

sion, Dept. of EECS from KoreaAdvanced Institute of Science andTechnology (KAIST) in 1998, and 2000,respectively. Currently, he is enrolled inthe PhD program in Computer ScienceDivison, KAIST. His research interestsinclude operating systems and storagesystems.

658 J.-U. Kang et al. / Journal of Sys

Jin-Soo Kim received his B.S., M.S., and

Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineeringfrom Seoul National University, Korea,in 1991, 1993, and 1999, respectively. Hewas with the IBM T. J. Watson ResearchCenter as an academic visitor from 1998to 1999. he is currently an assistantprofessor of the department of electricalengineering and computer science atKorea Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology (KAIST). Before joining

KAIST, he was a senior member of research staff at Electronicsand Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) from 1999 to

2002. His research interests include flash memory-based storagesystems and operating systems.

Chanik Park received the BS, MS, andPhD degrees in computer engineeringfrom Seoul National University, Korea,in 1995, 1997, and 2002, respectively. Heis currently a senior engineer in memorydivision, Semiconductor Business ofSamsung Electronics. His researchinterests include mass storage architec-ture and co-design for NAND flashbased embedded systems.

Hyoungjun Park received the BS degreesin electronics engineering from Yonsei

University, Korea, in 2000. He was asystem integration engineer at the S/Wcenter of Samsung Electronics, Korea,from 2000 to 2003. He is currently asystem integration engineer in memorydivision, Semiconductor Business ofSamsung Electronics. His researchinterests include embedded systems,memory management, and FPGAprototyping.

Architecture 53 (2007) 644–658

Joonwon Lee received the B.S. degreefrom Seoul National University, in 1983and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from theCollege of Computing, Georgia Instituteof Technology, in 1990 and 1991,respectively. From 1983 to 1986, he waswith Yugong Ltd., and from 1991 to1992, he was with IBM research centerswhere he was involved in developing ascalable-shared memory multiproces-sors. He is currently a faculty member at

KAIST. He was a recipient of Windows NT source code. Hisresearch interests include operating systems, computer architec-

tures, parallel processing, cluster computing and Web server.
