A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second


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  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second



    Chem. Eng. Technol. 19 (1996) 272-282

    A Mo del for Prima ry a nd Heterogeneous Secondary Reactions


    Wood Pyrolysis

    Pradeep Ahuja, Surendra Kumar and Prem Chand Singh*

    A ch ain growth model for heterogeneous second ary reactions is developed for the pyrolysis

    of la rge wood par t ic les and the parameters de termined by nonl inear op t imizat ion . The

    model takes both the volati le retention time and cracking and repolymerization reactions


    the vapours w ith the decomposing solid as well as autocatalysis into consideration. Th e

    extent of the secondary reactions is s trongly influenced by the t ime and the ratio of the

    autocatalytic (propagation) reaction rate to noncatalytic ( init iation) reaction rate. The

    woo d which has a higher value of the autocatalytic/noncatalytic ratio also has a higher exo-

    thermic heat of reaction and yields a higher amount of f inal char residue. T his fact con-

    firms that the heterogeneous secondary reactions lead to carbon enrichment of the f inal

    residue and are accompanied with an exothermic heat


    reaction. The lower activation

    energies of the in i t ia t ion and p ropagat ion reactions as compared to pr imary reactions (com-

    petitive reaction model consisting of weight loss and char forming reactions ) confi rm a uto -

    catalysis in large particles . The sealed reactor s tudies of small quantit ies of f ine wood

    samples show that heterogeneous secondary reactions and not lower heating rates in large

    particles are the main source of char formed dur ing the thermal decompos i t ion of la rge

    woo d particles. The m odel predictions are in agreement with the weight loss an d tempera-

    ture versus t ime curves over a wide range of particle s ize and furnace temperatures .

    1 Introduction

    Secondary vapour-solid interactions are the main source of

    char form ed durin g biomass pyrolysis. I t has even been sug-

    gested that char formation is not a primary s tep but is a

    result of repolymerization of volati le m atter [I ] . Th e

    vapo ur-solid in teraction s play a key role in the pyrolysis be-

    haviour of macroscopic particles of biomass . The tempera-

    ture profiles within


    pyrolyzing solid particle are influenc-

    ed not only by heat transfer phenomena but also by hetero-

    geneous chemical reactions.

    The least understood aspect of pyrolysis is the inte racti on of

    the nascent, hot pyrolysis vapours with the decomposing

    solid, which the va pours m ust transverse during their escape

    to the environment [2] . Moreover, solid phase decomposi-

    t ions are a challenging and poorly understood interdisci-

    plinary field of inquiry. A ntal an d Varhegyi [2] conclude

    that vapour-solid interactions (secondary reactions) are ef-

    fectively the only source of char formed during the pyroly-



    pure cellulose. These reactions ar e key to the eff icient

    (high yield) manufacture


    charcoal f rom biomass . Mok

    an d Antal [3] attr ibuted the increase in char yield a nd exo-

    thermic heat


    reaction at low purge gas f low rate to the

    format ion


    a volatile intermediate, which reacted by a

    s t rong exotherm when i t was no t removed f rom the


    cell by a high f low of purge gas .



    Ahuja, Prof. Dr. S. Kumar (to whom correspondence should be ad-

    dressed), and Prof.


    P.C. Singh, Department of Chemical

    Engineering and Technology, Institute


    Technology, Banaras Hindu

    University, Varanasi-221005, India.

    Yields as high as 47% have been achieved by control


    those conditions which affect the vapours born during py-

    rolysis of the solid substrate [4] . High charcoal yields are

    only ob ta ined when the vapours a re he ld in contac t wi th the

    hot solid residue. Mok et al . [4] bserved that higher sam ple

    loading increased charcoal yield and the associated exo-

    thermic heat release an d lowered th e reaction onset temper-

    a ture . The lower ing


    reaction onset tempera ture may be

    due t o the au tocata ly t ic ef fec t of the secondary reactions.

    I t has been suggested by Akita [5] that th e primary decom -

    position of wood has a very low heat of reaction an d tha t

    the main cause of heat generation in decomposing wood is

    secondary decomposition


    volatile matter, possibly

    catalysed by the solid residue. Th us, the heat of reaction in-

    creases with increasing residence time of volati le matter in

    the solid prior to evolution. Thus, under gentler heating

    condition s as in the case of large particles , the expulsion of

    volati le matter once formed would be less rapid and more

    time would be available for secondary decomposition [6] .

    Bradbury et al . [I] found that small sample s izes lead to

    smaller char fractions. This indicated that the residence



    volatiles in the cellulose during the pyrolysis reac-

    tion largely influences the extent of char form at ion . Pyro ly-



    levoglucosan is known to give some residual char, an d

    it has been suggested by Lewellen et al. [7] that char forma-

    tion is not a primary s tep but is a result of repolymerization

    of volati le matter . Arseneau [8] report that the depolymer-

    ization reaction consists of two reactions contr ibu t ing to the

    endothe rm, f irs t , the depolymerization of th e residual cellu-

    lose followed by the volatilization


    mo s t of the product ,

    levoglucosan, thereafter . Thicker samples trap the levoglu-

    CH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 1996

    0930-7516/96/0306-0272 $10.00+ .25/0

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second


    Chem . Eng . Technol. 19 (1996) 272-282


    cosan, thereby eliminating the latter portion of the endo-

    therm. The exotherm is not the result of the decompos i tion

    of the anhydrocellulose but rather is the breakdown of

    the product of the depolymerization reaction, presumed to

    be levoglucosan. This was confirmed with the thermogram s

    of the prepared levoglucosan. The f inal reaction varies

    depending upon the conditions of th e experiment. I t may be

    endothe rmic or exothermic. The levoglucosan formed m ay

    be trapped by the overlay of cellulose an d decom posed ex-

    othermally. Th e above results suggest that a crit ical param -

    eter in cellulose pyrolysis is the residence time



    in the pyrolyzing cellulose matrix. The existence of an opt i -

    mum residence t ime for obtaining a maximum rate of vola-

    tilization is indicated. It is suggested that cracking, cross-

    linking, and repolymerization reactions occur if this t ime is

    substantially exceeded. Low temperatures or low heating

    rate conditions, particularly involving large samples , wo uld

    promote longer residence times of all pr imary products

    within th e pyrolyzing ma trix and tha t repolymerization and

    cross-linking leads to higher charcoal yields.

    Tak amo to an d Pe t r i ch [9] in their s tudy on the effect of

    heterogeneous secondary pyrolysis reactions on the therm al

    decomposition of polyure thane scrap , concluded tha t b o th

    act iva ted carbon and polyure thane char improve the l iqu id

    product by promoting heterogeneous secondary pyrolysis

    reactions. The polyurethane char provides the additional

    benefit of increasing the amount of char produced . Char

    yields as high as 40 were obtained when polyurethane

    char was used as the carbon bed material , as compared to

    15 t o 25 with other bed m aterial . They pyrolysed po lyure-

    thane scrap in a batch laboratory-scale reactor and used a

    packed bed t o influence the com position an d yield of pyrol-

    ysis prod ucts . G lass beads and glass wool were also used as

    inert packing materials . Cha r deposits on these m aterials in-

    dicated that volati les a dsor b on the packing. T he reactions

    of wood pyrolysis volati les with wood char and activated

    carbon [ l o ] have also sho wn similar results . Crac king reac-

    tions, leading t o lower molecular weight prod ucts , an d de-

    position reactions, leading to increased char yields , have

    been observed. T he pyrolysis volati les c an ad sorb , deposit ,

    and react in the presence of a second carbon bed, altering

    the composition and yields of the pyrolysis products .

    Mazum dar and Chat terjee [ I I ] found th e d imens ions of the

    coke charge


    be quite significant in determining volatile

    yields, while heating rate was


    secondary impor tance .

    Similar f indings are reported by Anth ony e t al . [12]. The ef -

    fect of sample s ize is sometimes misconstructed a s a he ating

    rate effect, s ince the t ime required to attain the f inal tem-

    pera ture usually decreases with increasing sam ple size.

    There is a broad support that these reactions are primarily

    concerned with the ta r fraction of the volati les .

    The ex ten t of the secondary reactions is s trongly influenced

    by the residence t ime and concentration of reactive species

    in contact with hot surfaces is also proved from the facts

    that th e large beds accompany ing s low rate of heating yield

    min imu m amo u n t s of volati les and devolati l ization at

    higher pressures increases




    [12]. An th o n y an d Ho war d [I31 in fer tha t som e of the frag-

    ments a re highly reactive free radicals subject to a variety

    of secondary reactions such as cracking and repolymeriza-

    t ion . Shaf izadeh and Bradbury [I41 also predict free radi-

    cals in their work. The extent


    secondary reactions can be

    reduced by enhancing the transport of volatile fragments

    away from the reactive environment, such as by operating

    at redu ced pressures w ith smaller and m ore widely dispersed

    particles . Th e free radical species would polymerize to coke

    unless they could escape as tar at some intermediate s tage


    polymerization and that the escaping tar might also

    undergo cracking reactions producing coke and gas. Pre-

    sumably, both cracking and polymerization are involved,

    but their relative extents are une stablished.

    Chen et al. [15] formula te a model for coal pyrolysis in

    which the volati le tar can transport out of the char matrix

    and u ndergoes cracking to yield m olecules with lower mo-

    lecular weights. After the release of primary tar , active

    char, which contains solid char and condensed tar , under-

    goes relatively slow chemical decomposition and evapora-

    tion, thereby generating additional tar molecules of dif-

    ferent molecular weights. After leaving the char matrix, tar

    molecules can recondense on the char surface followed by

    interphase reactions. Moreover, the tar molecules with

    lower molecular weights yield gaseous produc ts throug h py-

    rolysis . Production of gaseous species can also take place

    directly from char, for example, hydrogen evolves from

    aromat iza t ion of char , and carbon d ioxide format ion

    precedes tar release. Chan et al. [16] have also shown in-

    crease char and gases yields and lower tar yields when the

    particle sizes were increased.

    Ram an e t a l .


    report that th e f irs t s tep during pyrolysis

    is devolati lization, which produce s volati le matter and char.

    The second s tep consis ts of secondary reactions involving

    the evolved volati les and the solid char. The f inal product

    dis tr ibution for gasif ication is dictated by bo th th e devola-

    ti lization an d the secondary reactions. T hus, the engineer-

    ing design and de velopment of a process for the gasif ication

    will require


    basic knowledge


    kinetic da ta o n the devola-

    ti l ization as well as secondary reactions involved. This

    becomes important considering the fact that in some reac-

    tors (moving bed, rotary furnace) used in gasif ication and

    pyrolysis processes, large particle sizes are processed. In

    these cases , heat an d mass tra nsfer resistances m ay appe ar.

    Signif icant temp erature profiles may be produced inside the

    solid which influence the solid conversion and the amount

    and compos i tion of the products ob ta ined .

    Since the f irs t work by B amfo rd et al . [18], several models

    have been proposed for the thermal decomposition of

    wo o d . Mo s t of them [6, 19


    31 was mod ified by Kung [24]

    and Bilbao et al. [25] to incorpora te the ef fec ts of internal

    convection; Kansa et


    [26] subsequently included the

    momentum equation for the motion of the pyrolysis gases

    within the solid and the influence of physical s tructure on

    these phenom ena. Models which recognize therm al decom-

    position as rate controlling appear mo re realis tic an d should

    prove more f ru i t fu l in expIoring wider ranges of condi t ions .

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second



    Chem. Eng. Technol.


    (1996) 272-282

    T he a im of the present work is to provide a rational model

    for the purpose of describing the pyrolysis of a cylindrical

    wood particle. The reaction at any point in the particle is

    governed by the temperature at that point and consists


    primary and heterogeneous secondary reactions. The pri-

    mary reactions in the case of small particles are studied

    through TG A an d isothermal heating. A model is described

    which is found t o be applicable fo r both the modes of he at-

    ing for small particles. The heating ra te used in TG A is 10,

    20, and 40 K/min. The isothermal temperatures of the fur-

    nace are 573, 623, 673, an d 723 K. The primary reaction

    mod el consists of a weight loss and char forming reactions

    which are compe titive in nature .

    The propose d heterogeneous secondary reaction model con-

    sists of chain growth mechanism including initiation and

    propagat ion s teps and the rate parameters (act ivat ion

    energy, preexponential factor, and deposition coefficient)

    are determined by sim ulating the complete model (primary

    and heterogeneous secondary) with the experimental residu-

    al weight fraction and temperature versus time curves


    large particles. The primary reaction p aramete rs were deter-

    mined by simulating the primary reaction model with the

    experimental weight fraction curves of small particles. The

    secondary reactions also depend on the contact time be-

    tween the volatiles an d the hot char a nd this factor is also

    taken up in secondary react ion model . Apa r t f rom the ad -

    sorpt ion of the volatiles o n the prim ary char, the chemical

    reaction between the primary char and the volatiles takes

    place and leads to the secondary char formation.


    show that vapour-sol id in teractions are mo re impo rtant

    than the lower heating rates which accompany large par-

    ticles, stud ies


    small and fine samples


    the woods were

    carried out in


    specially designed sealed reactor in which

    the volatiles a nd gases remain in contact with the dec ompos-

    ing solid. The autocatalytic effects are described and the

    heat of reaction, ratio of autocatalytic/noncatalytic reac-

    tion rates, deposition coefficient, and the final ch ar yields

    of large particles and those of small particles in sealed reac-

    tor are determined to compare the physical and chemical

    phenomena during pyrolysis of a large cylindrical wood



    Model Description

    2. Primary Reaction Kinetic Model

    The primary reactions are described by the following


    ases +Volatiles

    Biomass (B)


    Prim ary C h a r (C,)

    It is assumed that the two reactions follow the Arrhenius

    law. The mo del can predict the fin al char yield in different

    heating conditions. Koufopanos et al. [27] and Dumpel-

    mann et



    also attempted simplified m odels but with

    added complications of intermediatehntermediates forma-

    tion. Th e ordina ry differential equations which describe the

    above kinetic schem e are:



    - A l e x p ) B n l - A 2 e x p s ) B n 2 (1)

    d t

    with the initial conditions: B =

    1 ,



    0 at t = 0. B is the

    educt wood f ract ion and is the f ract ion of virgin wood re-

    maining in the solid residue, and


    is the primary char

    weight frac tion. T he residual weight frac tion is given by the


    W =

    B + C In dynamic thermogravimetric analysis ,

    the temperature may be a l inear function of time:


    The characteristics of a good model are that it should re-

    quire the least number of parameters for the engineering



    the reactor an d that it should be mechanistic. The

    model which predicts the weight loss and char form ation a t

    low temperatures and heating rates should be applicable at

    high heating rates, because even at high heating rates and

    tempera tures the sample has to pass through th e low heating

    rates, where most of the devolatilization occurs. Our model

    is able to f i t the data under dynamic a nd isothermal heat ing


    Under t he heating rates which are considered for the engi-

    neering design of the equipments , the in termediate forma-

    t ion does not occur as taken up in the model by B radbury

    et al. [I]. Even for low heating rates, Varahegyi et al. [29]

    has shown that in termediates formation does not take


    The two- or three-s tep model proposed by Lipska and

    Park er [30] in the case


    isothermal condit ions an d Tang

    and Neil1 [31] for dy namic T G cond itions require a lot of

    param eters, an d the lower steps govern the pyrolysis at very

    low heating rates which are n ot required for the engineering

    design of the gasifiers an d com bustors o r pyrolysis equip-

    ments in which most of the tars or char formation takes

    place. Therefore, a s tep model was not taken into con-

    sideration to fit the experimental data for the various

    heating rates and under isothermal conditions. Moreover,

    the appearance of the single smooth curve during



    study supports the fact that the transi-

    t ion f rom char dom inat ing to tar dominat ing reactions is


    The model is consistent with a pyrolysis scheme in which

    two competing sequences of cellulose pyrolysis reactions a re

    initiated by (1) an intermolecular dehydration leading to

    char form ation and (2)


    depolymerization reaction.

    Non-linear optimization procedure utilizing Marquardt



    an d Press et al.


    were used for param eter


    List of



    the end




  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second


    Chem. Eng. Technol.


    (1996) 272-282


    estimation (activation energy, pre-exponential factor , and

    order of reaction). The best fitting was achieved by mini-

    mizing the sum of the squares funct ion :

    constants could not be used to give the rates as a funct ion

    of temperature for the various isothermal conditions. So,

    regression was used to f i t the rate constan ts as a function of

    tempera ture .

    2.2 Heterogeneous Secondary React ion Kinet ic Mo del

    For s implicity, the o rder


    the reaction 1 ) was set equal to

    that of reaction (2) . In order to avoid poor parameter es ti-

    mat ion due to improper sca l ing or parameter in terac t ion ,

    the reparameterization recomm ended by Chen an d Aris [34]

    was adopted:

    In the large particles , along with the primary reactions,

    heterogeneous secondary reactions also take place and the

    model was expanded as:






    l n A i

    ej =

    Ei /


    R E )

    W o o d ( B )



    = T/1200

    (3) (4)

    Pr imary


    Secondary - econdary + Gases

    Therefore , tak ing the reparameter iza t ion and n , = n2= n ,

    the ordinary differential equations become:

    Reaction (3) is the init iation reaction a nd includes th e coef-

    ficient of deposition 6, which depends o n the volati le con-

    tact time inside the pyrolyzing particle. Reaction (4) is the

    propagation reaction.


    s the pr imary char , C2 s the sec-

    ondary char formed by the init iation reaction, and C22 s

    the secondary char formed by the propagation reaction. C2

    is the sum


    C2, an d C2, and is the total secondary char.

    %=t - [exp


    -:) + e x p

    (a2-:)] B



    To determine the parameters a , , e l , a2 , and e2 , the par t ia l

    differential of the above two ordinary differential equations

    with respect to these paramete rs is needful. A total of eight

    more equations were obtained. The above two differential

    equations along with the eight equations form a system


    non-linear differential equations . The solution of the init ial

    value problem can be obtained numerically by an explicit

    algorithm. The ordinary differential equations were solved

    by using a 4th-order Runge-Kutta algorithm. The optimum

    step s ize was fo und t o be 1.5 s and the r ise in temperature

    in each s tep was adjusted according to the heating rate.

    Reaction ord ers tr ied were




    and 1 .5 . The order

    of reactions of th e propos ed m odel, c onsidering the experi-

    mental da ta an d residual curves, were established as being

    equal to


    . l .

    The concepts


    adsorption, deposition and reaction of tar

    with char leading to cracking and repolymerization [I




    I], residence time of volatiles


    and presence of free

    radica ls [12- 141 sup port o ur mod el and give a mechanistic



    the same.

    The ordinary differential equations of the overall kinetic

    model become:

    ( K , + K 2 ) B n


    d t



    he same primary m odel was fou nd also applicable for iso-

    thermal heating of small particle, at various furnace tem-

    peratures . The primary reactions are:

    d B

    - =

    - ( K I + K 2 ) B n

    d t

    with the init ial condition B = 1 , C1= 0, C2= 0 a t t = 0.

    Th e residual weight fraction in the case of large particle is

    given by the sum: W = B + C1+ C2.

    Th e ordinary differential equations were again solved using

    the R unge-Kutta 4th-ord er method as described previously

    for the case of primary reactions. Also, in order to avoid

    poor parameter es t imat ion due t o improper sca l ing or pa-

    rameter interaction, the reparameterization recommended

    by Chen and Aris [34] was adopted.

    with s imilar initial conditions as above. Th e parame ters K ,

    and K2 were determined fo r various isothermal conditions

    by non-linear optimization as described above. T he plot


    In K, versus


    / T an d In K2 versus 1/T did n ot give s traight

    l ines and , therefore , the Arrhenius form for the ra te

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second



    Chem. Eng. Technol.



    996) 272



    The rate cons tants K3 a n d K4 are assumed to be in Ar-

    rhenius form . The temperature- t ime data of large samples

    at various radii are needed to determine the kinetic p arame -



    the secondary reactions. The parameters A3 E3,A4,

    E4 along with


    were determined by simulating the model

    with th e experimental weight loss curves of wood cylinders

    by nonl ine ar opt imizat ion using the Marquardt method by

    minimizing the sum


    the squares funct ion

    F .

    2 . 3 Heat Transfer Model

    Taking a differential control volume


    a solid particle dur-

    ing heating and neglecting the convective hea t transfer a nd

    assuming the solid properties


    C p, ) inside the control

    volume to remain constant, i t can be shown that the equa-





    x = l


    - = - H e

    The weight loss kinetics a re used to solve the abov e partial

    differential equation (PDE). The radius is divided into 14

    s teps and temperature a t 15 points is determined a t increas-

    ing values of t ime. The A t / A x 2 value is taken to be


    The Crank and Nicolson method was used for solving the

    above PDE in to


    algebraic equation s which were solved

    using the initial condition as above. The heat



    was determined by hit and trial method by simulating the

    model with the experimental curve.

    t ion for a cylind rical pellet is:

    Rober ts [35] pointed out the tendency of volatiles to travel

    along approximately isotherm al planes parallel to the wood

    grains and int o cracks. The convective heat transfer c oeffi-

    cient between the pyrolysis gas and the solid is unlikely to

    be significant under these conditions. Pyle and Zaror [21]

    also pointed o nto the unimportance of in ternal convect ion

    in the model. Moreover, the migration of the volatiles

    towards the cooler parts of the virgin wood may occur,

    but the resistance to flow will invariably be greater in the

    virgin wood tha n in the charcoa l region a nd , therefore, the

    outward f low of volatiles is likely to be mo re sign ificant. In

    the work of Bilbao et al.


    when convective heat transfer

    in the solid due to the volatiles is used, the temperatures

    predicted show lower values tha n those ob tained experimen-


    1 )


    Initial condition:

    t = 0, T(r,O)= To

    Boundary condition:

    t>O, r=O, -= 0



    a T





    t>O, r


    R , - k - = h ( T - T f ) + m ( T 4 -T:)

    In the above formulation, external heat transfer is con-

    sidered to occur by a combina tion of convective and radia -

    tive m echanism.

    Introducing the following groups:


    r at



    x = -


    7 = -


    R R 2




    = -

    h+ o ( T 3 T 2T f +TT:+ T:)]

    - A H

    QCp(To- T f )

    Q =

    The energy balance equation becomes:

    _ = _e


    - + - +Q

    6 a20

    ar x a x ax 2

    - )


    = 0 , 6 x , O )= 1

    tally, especially when a significant weight loss is pioduced.

    This delay in the temperature could be due to the assump-

    tion that the volatiles formed leave the particle instan-

    taneously, which overestimates the heat loss. On th e other

    hand, the consideration that volatiles only flow radially

    toward the solid surface an d without d iffusional resistance

    is also questionable. Due to this anisotropy, preferential

    paths for volatiles t o escape may exist in the woo d. There-

    fore, it is difficult to establish the true p aths th at generated

    volatiles follow. Taking into account these difficulties, it

    has no t been cons idered appropr iate to include the assump-

    tion of the convective heat transfer of

    the volatiles.

    With respect to the particle volume, previous experiments

    were carried ou t with th e differen t particle sizes and were

    stopped a t different temperatures an d solid conversions. An

    appreciable particle shrinkage was only observed at high

    solid conversions. In add ition, in oth er studies including the

    particle shrinkage [21], a variation


    the overall numerical

    solution by less than


    was obtained with this modifica-

    tion. So,


    constant pa rticle volume was used in our calcula-





    Pyrolysis of acacia an d eucalyptus woods were investigated

    in flowing nitrogen atmosphere in the thermogravimetric

    analyser, gas-purged isothermal reactor, and a specially



  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second


    Chem . E ng. Technol. 19 (1996) 272-282


    designed sealed reactor . The samples of various sizes were

    stored in the laboratory under dry conditions.

    A gas-purged isothermal reactor was employed to measure

    the pyrolysis rate of large cylindrical an d small particles .

    The tem perature variations inside a pyrolyzing woo d parti-

    cle were also measured. A pipe of diameter 51 mm and

    length 2.0 m was taken and kept in a n iner t a tmosphere by

    passing nitrogen gas f rom below. T he lower half of the re-

    actor was kept in


    tubular electr ical furna ce to which



    troller was attached to main tain isothermal conditions. The

    upper portion of the reactor was used for quenching and

    rapid cooling of the hot sample. This was essential because

    the hot sample had


    be cooled in neutral atmosphere as

    oxidation occurs in air leading to erroneou s weight loss


    the samples .

    The sample material (cylindrical pellets of diameter


    m m

    a n d l e ng th 9 0 m m , d i a 2 0 m m a n d l e ng th 1 2 0 m m , di a


    mm and length 150 mm to s tudy the secondary reaction

    kinetics , a nd f ine samples


    0.3 to 0 .5 mm to s tudy the pr i-

    mary reaction kinetics) of acacia a nd eucalyptus wood was

    placed in a stainless steel wire mesh basket hu ng o n a metal-

    lic rod , which c ould easily move vertically inside the reacto r



    f low rate


    2700 cm3 /min of nitrogen (a t 293 K

    and 101.3 kPa) was chosen. I t was sufficiently high to ma in-

    tain a uniform temperature zone, displace the oxygen from

    the reactor , an d carry away the volati les a nd gaseous prod-

    ucts. H eat was transmitted to the sample by means of con-

    vection fro m the carrier gas an d radiation. Before entering

    the reaction zone, the nitrogen s tream was passed through

    a preheating coil.

    Smal l samples


    size 0.3 to


    mm (0.2 g spread uniformly

    over an area


    14c m2 ) were kept between the folds of a

    fine stainless steel wire mesh and the weight loss with time

    was recorded at various temperatures . Similar weight loss

    curves with 0.15 t o 0.3 mm particles were obtained to con-

    firm that heat an d mass transfer resis tances d o not exist in

    the study of small particles. For large particles, experiments

    with different lengthldiam eter ratio of wood cylinders were

    car ried out , and i t was found tha t a ra t io of 6 was safe for

    the samples to act as of infinite length. Tem peratures



    axis , at half radius from the axis , and just below the surfac e


    the pellet were record ed w ith


    f ine chromel/alumel ther-

    mocouple . In some exper iments the ax is tempera ture a t d i f -

    ferent lengths from the end


    the pellet were recorded to

    conf i rm that the heat ing was only rad ia l and tha t no tem-

    perature variation exis ts along the length of the pellet.

    To check the applicabili ty of the primary reaction model

    under various heating conditions, dynam ic TG studies were

    car r ied out on a Stan ton Redcrof t 780 STA. Small (6 to

    7 mg) quantit ies of samples were investigated at heating

    rates of 10, 20 , and 40K/min in n i t rogen f low ra tes of

    50cm3/min . High f low ra te of purge gas were adopted to

    remove the gaseous an d volati le pyrolysis pro ducts evolved

    and, thus, minimize any secondary interactions between

    them a nd the ho t so l id . Before carry ing out a run, th e varia-

    tion in the base l ine were measured by performing a blank

    run with an empty crucible. The samples were spread

    uniformly o n the sam ple pan. S mall samples was a necessity

    because the reaction was found endothermic, and large

    mass loadings caused heat and mass transfer l imitations.

    To s tudy the ef fec t of vapour-solid interactions on the py-

    rolysis of wood, a specially designed cylindrical stainless

    steel reactor


    inside diameter 5


    mm and height 124 mm

    was used. T he lid of the reactor consisted of a circular plate

    with a hole to which a pressure gauge was attached . A tef lon

    ring and a stainless steel cover were used to seal the upper

    part with the reactor . A fine chromel/alumel thermocouple

    was inserted into the reactor to come in contact with the

    sample. Small samples of size 0.3 to 0.5 mm (0.3 g spread

    uniformly over a n area


    20 cm2) were placed in th e reac-

    tor a nd f lushed with nitrogen for 8 times under higher than

    atmospheric pressure and thereafter the reactor was in-

    serted in to the to p of the tubular furnace . The tempera ture

    of the sam ple was recorded and came t o the furnace temper-

    ature within 2 min. The pressure s tarted r is ing as gases and

    volatiles were formed from the pyrolysis


    the subs t ra te .

    When the pressure reached a constant value, the reaction

    was completed and the appara tus was removed f rom the

    furnace and purged wi th n i t rogen to cool the sam ple and the

    reactor . Precautions were taken that everytime a posit ive

    pressure was maintained in the reactor so tha t the ou ts ide

    air does not enter . The f inal weight of the char was re-

    corded .

    Elemental analysis


    acacia and euc alyptus wood were de-

    termined using Perkin Elmer 2400 CHN analyser . The

    elemental analysis of acacia used is C = 45.13%, H


    6.14070, ash = 0.8% and by difference = 47.93%. Euca-

    lyptus contains C


    46.21%, H


    6.08%, ash


    0 .7 % an d

    by difference = 47.01 070 (dry weight basis).

    4 Results and Discussion



    and 2 show the experimental points and theoretical

    curves of the residual weight fractio n


    acacia an d eucalyp-

    tu s wo o d a t a heating rate of 20K/m in . Alongwith are

    shown the theoretical char and virgin wood fractions ob-

    tained by the primary reaction model. The residual weight

    reported was norm alized as (residual - ash weight)/(initial

    ash weight). T he activation energies , preexponential fac-

    tors , and order


    the reaction determined by nonlinear op-

    t imization are repor ted in T ab . 1 . The isothermal residual

    weight frac tion curves were obtain ed a t 573, 623, 673, an d



    Primary reaction kinetic parameters for pyrolysis of acacia

    and eucalyptus woods by TGA in nitrogen atmosphere.

    ~ ~~

    Sample To Tf n A El A2


    [K] [K] [g-' '/s] [kJ/mol]


    'Is] [kJ/mol]

    Acacia 413


    1.1 5.87104 91.5 6.5710 3 85.9


    Eucalyptus 413


    1 . 1 1.2810 5 93.1 1.16 lo4 86.7


  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second





    . .


    Educ t

    residue ... .


    I I






    Ch o r

    / ...c,



    l O F - y - - - - -.9

    0 8







    0 0


    _ .

    - Exp. Theo. Heot




    B E d u c t residue f r ac t i o n

    C,- Char fraction




    I_- .




    I I

    I I


    _ - -

    _ -










    0 0

    0 . 8L







    I I

    I I


    _ - -

    _ -

    Exp. Theo. Heot rote



    B E d u c t residue f r ac t i o n

    C,- Char fraction

    + 0.6


    0 . 5






    2. Thermogravimetry of eucalyptus wood. Experimental points

    in comparison with the residual weight fraction, educt residue B and

    char C curves predicted by the primary kinetic model for heating rate

    of 20 K/min.

    723K for acacia and eucalyptus wood and the rate

    constants for the weight


    and char forming reactions are

    reported in Tab.


    The same model


    found applicable

    under dynamic TG and isothermal studies. The order of the

    reactions in the case of TG studies was found to be larger

    than one but in isothermal studies the model was found fit

    for an order equal to one.

    Chem. Eng. Technol. 19



    The primary reaction kinetics of small particles is used in

    the overall reaction model of pyrolysis of large particles to

    determine the secondary reaction kinetic parameters.

    Figs. 3 and 4 show the simulated and experimental residual

    weight fraction curves and normalized temperatures of the

    Table2. Values of rate constants of weight


    and char formation

    reactions during isothermal pyrolysis


    acacia and eucalyptus woods.

    Sample Temperature [K]

    K , [s -]

    K2 [s-I

    Acacia 573

    wood 623



    Eucalyptus 573

    wood 623



    1.31 1 0 - ~

    7.74 1 0 - ~

    1.36 I O - ~




    2.52 lo-




    1.47 I O - ~

    4.73 1 0 - ~

    1.21 1 0 - 2



    4.84 1 0 - ~

    1.05 lo-*

    w 0.8














    2 0.2 -


    0 3 6




    18 21


    T IME (rnin.)

    Figure 3. Experimental points and theoretical curves


    residual weight

    fraction and centre temperature during isothermal pyrolysis of acacia

    wood cylinder (diameter 15mm and length 90 mm) at 623 K.

    - 0 . 8











    -0 .2


    - 0 . 0 L




    0 3 6


    12 15


    21 24

    TIME min.1


    4. Experimental points and theoretical curves of residual weight

    fraction and centre temperature during isothermal pyrolysis of eucalyp-

    tus wood cylinder (diameter 15 mm and length 90 mm) at 623 K.

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second


    Chem. Eng. Technol. 19 (1996) 272-282


    axis of the 15 mm cylindrical pellet and length 90 mm at fur-

    nace temperature of 623


    for acacia and eucalyptus wood

    respectively. The data for 20 mm dia and length 120 mm

    wood cylinders are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 at furnace tem-

    peratures of 673 and 723


    The temperature was normal-

    ized as (temperature final temperature)/(initial




    The optimized parameters (deposition coefficient, preexpo-

    nential factor, and activation energy) for the initiation and

    propagation reactions of the chain growth mechanism,

    alongwith the values of



    rates within the temperature range which accompany the

    pyrolysis of larger particles are given in Tab.


    for the

    acacia and eucalyptus woods. Reaction (3) is the initiation

    rate constant and reaction (4) s the chain growth (or auto-

    catalytic) rate constant and the ratio

    K 4 / 6 K 3

    epresents the

    increase i? autocatalytic over noncatalytic rates of reaction

    7 3





    - 0 . 2





    I I I



    4 6

    8 10 12 14 1 6

    TIME min.1


    5. Experimental points and theoretical curves of residual weight

    fraction and centre temperature during isothermal pyrolysis of acacia

    wood cylinder (diameter 20

    m m

    and length 120 mm) at 673 and 723





    g 0.0

    - 0 . 2

    I I I I I I I

    0 2 4 6


    1 0 1 2 1 4

    TIME min

    Figure 6. Experimental points and theoretical curves of residual weight

    fraction and centre temperature during isothermal pyrolysis



    tus wood cylinder (diameter 20

    m m

    and length 120


    t 673 and

    723 K.

    Table 3.

    Secondary reaction kinetic parameters for pyrolysis of acacia

    and eucalyptus wood cylinders.

    Sample 6 A



    E4 K,/6K3

    [s-'] [kJ/mol] [g -l s- '] [kJ/mol]



    _ _ _ _ ~

    ~~ ~~

    Acacia 1.48 1.045.106 80.5 1.015.106 76.0 1.39- 1.69


    Eucalyptus 1.40 1.329. lo6 80.3 1.264. lo6 78.3 0.95- 1.03


    or the relative chain growth rate. The value varies from 1.39

    to 1.69 for acacia wood in the temperature range 573 to



    which being greater than one clearly reflects the im-

    portance of the propagation reaction in the proposed chain

    growth mechanism.

    For the case of eucalyptus wood the relative chain growth

    rate varies between 0.95 to 1.03 which shows that in this

    case the propagation reaction is not as significant as in the

    case of acacia wood and the major phenomena affecting the



    eucalyptus wood are the tar adsorption and de-

    composition reactions.

    Heterogeneous secondary reactions play an important part

    at both low and high temperatures. At low temperatures

    more residence time is available for vapour-solid interac-

    tions and autocatalysis take place whereas at high tempera-

    tures the tar decomposition reactions take place. Fraga et

    al. [36] in their investigation of biomass pyrolysis tars show

    that extensive modification of primary pyrolysis tars takes

    place by means of intraparticle (heterogeneous) secondary

    reactions, the reactions being intensified by increasing heat-

    ing rates. The chain growth model takes both the volatiles

    retention time and cracking and repolymerization reactions

    of the vapours with the decomposing solid as well as auto-

    catalysis into consideration.

    The sealed reactor studies carried at 573, 623, 673, and



    of small samples yield a final char residue of 36% and

    32% for acacia and eucalyptus wood respectively. It is in-

    teresting that the char formed from acacia and eucalyptus

    wood in sealed reactor is in similar quantities as those ob-

    tained for the two woods in gas-purged reactor for large

    samples, although the heating rates in the sealed reactor are

    much higher than the heating rates which accompany large

    particles in the gas-purged reactor. This clearly shows that

    the secondary reactions and not lower heating rates are the

    source of secondary char formation in large particles. Ex-

    periments carried out with higher initial nitrogen pressures

    resulted in the similar amounts of final char residue which

    predicts that vapour-solid interactions and not higher pres-

    sure which accompany the inside of the large particles [37]

    are the cause of higher char yields.

    During the pyrolysis process the pores of the solid are

    enlarged which offer many reaction sites and more second-

    ary reactions take place which lead to the enrichment of

    charcoal with carbon and reform the volatiles and gaseous

    products. The volatiles generated from the inner virgin

    wood pass through the outer charcoal regions and the pores

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second



    Chem. Eng. Technol.


    (1996) 272-282

    become smaller and smaller, thus, the retention time of the

    tars increases, leading to again more of char, as more the

    retention time of the volatiles, higher is the extent of sec-

    ondary reactions. That autocatalysis observed


    our experi-

    ments is confirmed by the lower activation energies of reac-

    tions (3) and (4) as compared to reactions (1) and (2). The

    activation energies for acacia wood for reactions (3) and (4)

    are 80.5 and 76.0 kJ/mol and are lesser than 91.5 and

    85.9 kJ/mol for the primary reactions. Similar is the case

    for eucalyptus wood in which the secondary reaction activa-

    tion energies of 80.3 and 78.3 kJ/mol are lesser than 93.1

    and 86.7 kJ/mol. Antal and Varhegyi [2] also comment that

    vapour-solid interactions are accompanied with lower ac-

    tivation energies. Murty and Blackshear [38] also observed

    an increase in reaction rate constant at a particular tempera-



    passing from the surface to the center of the

    specimen and Stamm [39] has described experiments in

    which the rate of reaction was increased when products

    were not free to escape, effects that could be called auto-

    catalytic. Tabatabaie et al. [40] call attention to the fact that

    their high temperature decomposition


    cellulose in the

    Fast-TGA sample boat may have been affected by autoca-

    talysis (perhaps by the presence of organic acids such as for-

    mic and acetic acids in the volatile pyrolysis products).

    Autocatalysis is promoted by the presence of the lid which

    hinders easy escape of the primary vapours from within the

    sample boat into the inert carrier gas stream [41].

    Alongwith the residual weight fraction the axis temperatures

    are reported. The temperature in the pellet is simulated with

    the energy balance model, and the theoretical curves and ex-

    perimental points at half radius from the axis are shown in

    Figs. 7 and 8 for acacia and eucalyptus wood respectively for


    mm dia particles at 623


    The values of the properties

    used in the model are taken as:

    Wood specific heat = 2380.0 J/kg K

    Char specific heat = 1600.0 J/kg


    Wood thermal conductivity = 0.158 W/m


    Char thermal conductivity = 0.107 W/m K

    Solid emissivity = 0.95

    Convective heat transfer

    coefficient = 5.69+0.0098 TW/m2



    It is considered that the local value of the property is a func-

    tion of the conversion of wood. The local value of the heat

    conduction coefficient, k and of the specific heat,



    the pyrolyzing solid were estimated as the sum of the two

    values corresponding to the virgin material and of the char.

    Each of the two values contributes to the sum in a way pro-

    portional to the local conversion: property = (l-conver-

    sion) (property),,,,, + (conversion) (property),ha,. The heat


    reaction is determined as equal to 23 kJ/kg for acacia

    wood and - 241 kJ/kg for eucalyptus wood. The tempera-

    ture history of acacia and eucalyptus wood cylinders of dia

    20 mm and length 120 mm at 723


    as predicted by the


    T I ME r n i n . 1

    Figure 7. Experimental ( - - ) and theoretical ( temperature

    variation at a distance

    R / 2

    during pyrolysis


    acacia wood cylinder


    15 mm

    and length



    623 K.

    1 *o


    0 3 6 9 12 15 1 8 21 24


    9 12 15






    Figure 8. Experimental ( - and theoretical



    variation at a distance

    R / 2

    during pyrolysis of eucalyptus wood cylinder




    and length





    model are shown in Figs. 9 and 10 respectively. It is interest-

    ing to note that acacia wood has a higher autocatalytic/

    noncatalytic ratio and also has a higher exothermic heat of

    reaction as compared to the eucalyptus wood and, more-

    over, they yield higher char fractions in the sealed reactor

    as well as for large particles in gas-purged reactor. Mok et

    al. [4] observed that high sample loadings increased char

    yield and the associated exothermic heat release and

    lowered the reaction onset temperature. That the secondary

    reactions and heat of reaction are linked, is in support of

    our chain growth model of heterogeneous reactions during

    wood pyrolysis.

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second


    Chem. Eng. Technol. 19 (1996) 272-282


    I I



    I I

    0 2



    10 12

    T IME min . 1

    Figure 9. Temperature history of acacia wood cylinder (diameter 20 mm

    and length 120mm) during pyrolysis at 723 K as predicted by the model.



    The chain growth model takes both the volatiles retention

    time and cracking and repolymerization reactions of the

    vapours with the decomposing solid as well as autocatalysis

    into consideration. The secondary reaction activation ener-

    gies determined are


    and 76.0 kJ/mol for acacia, and

    80.3 and 78.3 kJ/mol for eucalyptus wood for the initiation

    and propagation reactions respectively, and deposition

    coefficients larger than one are obtained for both the

    woods. The activation energies of the heterogeneous reac-

    tions are lesser than primary reactions which predict auto-

    catalysis in large particles.

    The vapour-solid interactions are an important pheno-

    menon in biomass pyrolysis. Char yields of 36% for acacia

    wood and 32% for eucalyptus wood have been obtained in

    sealed reactor studies. Similar char yields are obtained for

    pyrolysis of large particles which implies that the vapour-

    solid interactions and not lower heating rates govern the

    pyrolysis of large particles, since high heating rates accom-

    pany sealed reactor studies.

    The small samples in which the volatiles are immediately re-

    moved are endothermic and those accompanied with sec-

    ondary reactions in large particles are exothermic. The heat

    of reaction



    323 kJ/kg is determined for acacia wood,





    I I


    6 8 10 12

    T I M E min.)





    Temperature history of eucalyptus wood cylinder (diameter


    mm and length 120 mm) during pyrolysis at 723 K as predicted by the


    and of -241 kJ/kg for eucalyptus wood. Moreover, the

    ratio of autocatalytic reaction to that of the noncatalytic

    reaction in our chain growth model K 4 / 6 K 3 is higher for

    acacia wood (1.39 to 1.69) than that of eucalyptus wood

    (0.95 to 1.03) and also the deposition coefficient for acacia

    wood is higher than that of eucalyptus wood, and acacia

    yields more char. The positive correlation between the sec-

    ondary reactions and exothermic heat of reaction proves the

    applicability of the model.

    Our model of secondary reactions is found to be satisfacto-

    ry and can predict accurately the weight loss and char yield.

    The secondary reactions are responsible for carbon enrich-

    ment of the char residue and exothermic heat of reaction.

    Received: July 19, 1994 [CET684]

    Symbols used

    preexponential factor for i


    1,2, and 3

    propagation reaction preexponential factor

    transformed preexponential factor

    educt (virgin) wood weight fraction

    primary char weight fraction

    secondary char weight fraction

    specific heat capacity

    activation energy

  • 7/23/2019 A Model for Primary and Heterogeneous Second



    Chem. Eng. Technol.




    ei [-I

    F [-I

    h [W/m2K]

    A H


    H [-I


    [s- 1

    K4 [g-ls-']



    n j , n






    R , [J/molK]

    r , R Iml

    T [Kl

    t [sl



    x [-I

    Greek letters





    transformed activation energy

    sum of squares function

    convective heat transfer coefficient




    dimensionless convective and radiative heat trans-

    fer coefficient

    rate constant for i = 1,2, nd


    propagation reaction rate constant

    thermal conductivity

    reaction order

    transformed absolute temperature

    dimensionless heat of reaction

    gas constant

    radius of pellet

    absolute temperature


    residual weight fraction

    dimensionless radius

    deposition coefficient

    dimensionless temperature

    Prandtl number


    dimensionless time

    heating rate

    solid emissivity

    Stephan-Boltzmann constant

    reaction number, i = 1,2,3,4

    point employed in least square fitting






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