A Message from the Pastor · Web viewA roof leak in the rear of the parsonage necessitated major...


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Dear Members and Friends of Crescentville UMC, “When the days drew near for [Jesus] to be taken up, He set His face to go to Jerusalem”

(St. Luke 9:51)

As I sit here to write, it is still January, the first month of what is still a new year. And as you who have made resolutions as part of your looking forward to making changes and improvements in your life this year, 2020, I will simply ask, How’s it going? Have you been able to keep up with the promises you made to yourself, or God, or someone else?As Jesus was constantly in the moment, living in the fullness of God’s will, it’s interesting how Luke describes His “resoluteness” in this verse from the 9 th chapter. At this point, Jesus seems to somehow be even more aware of His purpose for coming to earth, and upon this further realization, Luke tells us how Jesus “set His face to go to Jerusalem.” I hope you who made resolutions will have the strength during this whole year to see them through.This verse is also an important one as we will begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday on February 26. This verse about Jesus facing resolutely His suffering and death is a reminder of us needing to resolutely die to ourselves and allow the life of the resurrected Christ to lead us to be more like Him.I am glad to tell you that I expect to venture with you through the season of Lent as well as celebrate Easter with you. I recently learned that the timetable for my stem-cell transplant will be spaced out between now and after Easter. The doctor suggested this pace as I am doing well and this will allow a more manageable time of preparation for this procedure sometime in late April or early May.Thank you all who have continued to pray for me. Just knowing of your prayers gives me a great lift and enables me to stay resolute in my fight against cancer.

I want Jesus to walk with me. I want Jesus to walk with me.All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

Let’s continue to walk together, knowing Jesus walks with us…


TOWER TIMESFebruary 2020/March 2020

Crescentville United Methodist Church412 Sentner Street, Philadelphia PA 19120Phone: 215-745-7115 Fax: 215-745-7258

e-mail: Crescentville@juno.comWeb site: crescentvilleumc.com

Pastor: Rev. Randy M. Brubaker

A Message from the Pastor

HISTORIC TIDBITS Believe it or not…..

Crescentville once had a SKI group for our older members. They didn’t need cold weather, slopes, snow or even skis to have enjoyable times together.

Almost forgot, SKI stood for Senior Kids Involved.

February Birthdays

5 Lebert Ellis13 Drew Manzel14 Cindy Brubaker18 Laura Brubaker19 John Wilson, Sr 23 Elizabeth Juma 24 Trokon Kofa Claudia Johnson25 Shanielle McEachnie Philip Lee27 Patience Kunyabor28 Sophia Kofa Monbo

March Birthdays3 Kass Greenlaw4 Tammy Murtha 6 Suzanne Turner 8 Abdulai Jah Bill Barry 12 Marina Macauley Coker 13 Dot Gallagher Ludwig McEachnie 15 Dende Korpoi 20 Erin Snyder Kelly Kathleen McAdoo Edith Uhlman Andrew Kamara24 Linda Pultro30 Hank Baumgartel

The energy and enthusiasm of our Youth as they cleaned up and bagged the many, many wet leaves from around the Church was amazing to behold. They did a great job – THANKS! I got tired just watching all that activity. Fortunately, February 2nd is one of my favorite holidays.

IT’S GROUNDHOG DAY!!Did you know some folks call them woodchucks,


Rose & Tom Burghaze On the birth of their Great

Granddaughter Aurelia Rose.

Trustees Report A roof leak in the rear of the parsonage

necessitated major repairs including removal and replacement of the old siding, new

roofing, soffits, gutters, and downspouts, cost was $14,500.00. Contributions to the

Our Choral Group is working hard to bring energy and musical diversity into the worship service by utilizing different music styles. Some tunes are familiar, some you may not have heard before, but all bring messages found in God’s word. I am truly grateful for each and every person that sings in this group, for the time and talent they bring.On Sunday’s when the words don’t match the music or the singing is not strong, I know it is always great music to God’s ears! 

Please encourage this group with your thanks and appreciation.I take requests! If you have one, please talk to me and I will see if we can get it together!  Choral Group Leader Sue Creevey

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1

2 CommunionWorship 10:30


Men’s group Meeting

3 4 5Vespers at PPH 7 PM

6 7 8

9Worship 10:30

10JOY Circle


11 12Vespers at PPH 7 PM

13 14 15

16Worship 10:30


Congregational Meeting

17 18 19Vespers at PPH 7 PM

20 21 22

23Worship 10:30


Pretzel Sunday

24 25 26 7 PMAsh


27 28 29


Worship 10:30

2 3 4Vespers at PPH 7 PM

5 6 7

8Worship 10:30


Daylight Savings

9JOY Circle


10 11Vespers at PPH 7 PM

12 13 14

15Worship 10:30

16 17 18Vespers at PPH 7 PM

19 20 21

22Worship 10:30

23 24 25Vespers at PPH 7 PM

26 27 28

29Worship 10:30

30 31

Pretzel Sunday isFebruary 23rd!

The "Little Arms" of prayerDuring the season of Lent we remember the saving action of our Lord Jesus Christ in a variety of ways. Ashes help us to remember the cost of our redemption and our destiny as humans. Palms remind us of the divinity of Christ and his willingness to suffer for us. And pretzels remind us to pray every day.

The Youth of today are getting so

smart they could almost be our age!

No one will ever take your place…, but someone will stand where you once stood.

Remember, a prune is a plum that worried too much and got wrinkles.

Kayla –Wants to graduate 8th grade.

Kelsey –Looking and planning for College.

Maurice –Scholarship for football at a High School.

Naiima –Play more sports.

Marina –Work more in English to do better.

Ketasia –Less arguments, dealing with staying out of trouble.

Christian –Give Mom more hugs, annoy her less, continue to invite her to Church.

Darryl –Complete all tests at school, study more, find ways to be less distracted.

Marcus –Get all A’s in school by listening, paying attention and doing all assignments.

Mariah –Learn to play basketball by signing up and taking lessons at school.

Keith –Do better in school by paying attention and working on behavior.

YOUTH Resolutions

Views from the Pews…Did you watch the shepherds and the wise men travel from the back of the church to the altar to see Jesus? From the youngest to the oldest and shortest to the tallest our children and youth did a fine job with their Christmas presentation. Christmas Eve found some of our young shepherds wandering around the sanctuary, possibly looking for sheep. A lively rendition of ‘Joy To The World’ ended the Service, milk and cookies followed.Thanks, to ALL who helped decorate the church for Christmas and then undecorated after. At the Lawncrest Community Meeting , Jean Pleis presented 2nd. District Community Relation's Officer Mark Mroz with a "Bible for Heroes " on behalf of the Crescentville United Methodist Women's Group. Officer Mroz has been a true friend to us over the past years with various happenings at the Church. We wanted him and all our Law Enforcement and Firefighters to know they are continually in our Prayers.

SAVE THE DATE AND PLAN TO PARTICIPATEPlan to join us on Sunday, February 16th.

For worship, a congregational meeting, and lunch.

Worship begins at 10:30 AM, followed by a congregational meeting that will include reports from our Administrative Council and question and answer

time.Lunch will be a pot luck event.

Please bring a dish of food to share.Beverages and desserts will be provided.

Your opinion matters! Please plan to participate!

Ms. Marge Rosenkaimer 6555 Tabor Ave. Apt. 4712 Philadelphia, PA. 19111215-697- 8472

Crescentville UMC 412 Sentner Street Philadelphia, PA. 19120

Crescentville UMC Social MediaAre you taking advantage of the postings on our Facebook page,

Website, and YouTube Channel?

Please LIKE and FOLLOW us on FACEBOOK to have our posts appear on your newsfeed! https://www.facebook.com/crescentvilleumc/

Book mark our website and visit it frequently. Not only will you find upcoming event information,

but also lectionary readings for each week and links to choral videos and picture videos.www.crescentvilleumc.com

Visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for videos of events and playlists for Choral practice and Music & Drama Camp.


www.crescentvilleumc.com † 215-745-7115 † crescentville@juno.com †

February/March 2020
