A major purpose of the Techni- DOE’S Research and ......A major purpose of the Techni-cal...


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A major purpose of the Techni-cal Information Center is to providethe broadest dissemination possi-ble of information contained inDOE’S Research and DevelopmentReports to business, industry, theacademic community, and federal,state and local governments.

Although a small portion of thisreport is not reproducible, it kbeing made available to expeditethe availability of information on theresearch discussed herein.



rm85 015710CMwm’11--+’



A(JTH(XI(S) ki. L. SeitzH. 1. StacyJerry Wackerle V

. ..’ ..


SIJCL41T1ED10 The Eighth Symposium (International) on Dctmdon


llk rwprt wu prsprd u m mccwrrtd work qnnrtoml by wr spcy of tk United SlmaCkvornmwnt.NoithlkUnltdW~la~mmnlwanympwytkd,wan)dlklrem- mmh my wmr~lYmoRP m imd~- ~ ~u~ ●nY W ll~bilily ~ n~A-blllly fof Ihc nammcy, COMPMH, or uodulrrm d my Irrfomrdknhqqmrdus, pmdwt, w~ dlAmccl, or rcpwmNmthd its WI would nd lnfrin~ pdvwdy uwrrcdrinhtn,Mer-CIICOharwirr10●y wsifk cmmtiml pmdIIcLmm w mw~ b lr~ n~~g fr*fil~*lmmwhdurwr, w dhorwk - nd nmamrlly CWIIUNC w Imply III erdrmwncrrl, rwbnm.

rrwrdskrn, rM fwodrr~ hy Iba Unltal Sida C&wmrncrrtw any agarrcyIkrwf. Ik vicwwmmYcqdnbm of wtkm OS- krdn do nd nocenmlly aIda w MM Ih- of tha

[JnltodSlda (bornrnont or snv wrwy llmrd.

I * m I ,-9, L1.1..r ! 1,.1:11,11.11 I II Inflf.l!,ll, ~l,rl,l,.sls Itl,ll 1111, Ilul,llwwl ,0,,1111”, II,,% 1111,11,. n,, W,,lh Iwfl,,lllw.,: ,,1,11,., Ihr ,,,1<1,,, ,... ,,! lttm II !, [)v,. ”rl,n ,,,,1,11 I ,,~,, ,

. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-------- . ., ___ .---- ---, . . . .-....-,, . . . . . . . . . . -- .,, ,,, , .,, ,-, .,..,- ,-, . . --- -------- -—,. -.


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About This Report
This official electronic version was created by scanning the best available paper or microfiche copy of the original report at a 300 dpi resolution. Original color illustrations appear as black and white images. For additional information or comments, contact: Library Without Walls Project Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library Los Alamos, NM 87544 Phone: (505)667-4448 E-mail: lwwp@lanl.gov

W. L. Seitu, et al (II-1OFI)



W. L. Selt>., Il. l,. Stnny, mIIl Jerry WflakcrleIIOE! A1.cImon NnLlnn~l I,nhoratory

Imn Almmon, NH 8-;545

tIlltcrfnce voloclty Illntorlnn I)etwf!ull llctern~i:lmoun III!LOIUILIIIK

l?xplr)nLvf?u nnfl tr~flnpnrullt wlIIdown, nepnrnLn,l hy II Ltlln(11 I,m) nLumlnum nhlm, hnve honn al>tR1ncd with nfi lmnly-lfl-tolinlflf?d rotmtltl~;-mirror ntrl?ak cnmrn 111111 n l+nlIry-1’rrtIL

vcLoctty lllLerforomcl.or nyntcm. ,~evt?n TA’1’l!-l)nnml (!KII lnn I VPII

wcro ntut~lt?tl with I’MMA wtIIIlown ro r Lyplcnlly tllrfu! i:lmrp,rlllllt?tlltl . m~ l}r tm7 ~EIJIIMIIVfW ucrf! nlnn II LIPII II*II wILII I,llfU1 lllloun. III oncll cnno n Iloll-ntcatly Ilo LoflnliloIl wnil \sIIIIf!rw I: II,

HLLII nncll lnl:ronfllrl~ I: IIIIIIRO lr!IIv LII IIIIIIWl IIIq II ,! I) I, I’I!I, III IIIIIIIIKLllcrnnnf? 111 Lllo I.iltorrncu vGlocl Ly llln Lorl(:n. ‘1’!m I“I”ilIIlll-tli)ll ntltl vr~lnn]t.y error nlic nntlmnkl!{l to he nhi}llt 6 1111ftnil >%rrnpctlvnly. Numm?rlcnl nlmlllnl; lnlln l“nr mIIS t)r LINI l!xll lo-Illvlw, rOr wIIIc I) n nllllrk-flLtii!ll~tll BHI(II rl~d hrrl II MIIIIn r: IL17 lnw( IIAIIMAII) 111111 1111 nnnumi*il cqml; 10,, or II IJILP (llf)M) 11:111 IIIIUII l,liII-vlollnly cnl Il]rntril wI LII nlml!k 1111Lln Lion IJ, IIIII:II II: IL:I, Knvo

IPOIi nH1’nl*mrnL w LLII Llw r!mparlm~lltinl vo 10C1L% II I II LI}I” IPII.


1’111! (I I*LOIIILI; Lnfl r{!nc Llnli Y,rlllo I 11ilII!>I* l’IJ~I!llI!l)llll I*XP L[)n [Vl:ll }11111 hI*I!l I LIII*

nlll!,locl, or mnlly l’l~lll!ll 1’(!11 111.1111I I*II .

Num!?rl]ufl l*xlwrlmvlitnl LI;UIIIIIIIIII* II 11111:11mIICIIP plNLf!-pllllll Ill, I* lo~jl,rt)lnllj~lll,l, I t:

Knllf:l* [ ?], ImIIt I: nl,ll:k 1 \ I , I’hllry-l’f’rl)l,I lll.l!l.r~’l”ljlfif!Ll~l. IJII, nli(l w ll:f. -:lll~qlnM11:111*lnt~ll 1llLi!I’1’!?r’~)ln!*Li:l’ I ‘) I Ilflvv 1)1.1!11

11111’11 I II mI nLL(:ml)L LI) I) I) LII III (!,1 (l Is Lt)IIn -LIIIII prl~llllllrl:n , Il(ll,ollnl, 1[)11 1,1?; 1(:1,14)11 V.1111(*

LIII {!kllv[lnl:ll . nplku lll~l!lllllll~l!l” , :IIIil II LIIPI-Ill* t,rll 111 Ill” LIII* III! LI)IIIII; 11111 lIrIJI:I*m I . Ill111111P Ill” 1.11{! !!1)11[11111*1”:1111f~ I“I!III *II 1“1!11!111LIW II II II, IP(!L mnlly llllnllllwl~rvll 11111~111,1111111,. II II I: ISI*II I IIF, LIIO rlow ! II LIII! 191’II[!L iI~II Y,II III I1=1.m:iI II.

Hr IIISIIIII’ 11111III LIII: IMIIICSII 1111I~PIIIIII-lmts IILnl Ili,lllly ,)1” 1,111* IIC, I,(IIIIILI! III III~N,!l.lllll

Y,III IC*II 1}1’ llf~vf~ll ‘I’A’I’1l.-II:I II(s, I llXIIlll:ll Vl,ll 11#ml,flnllrl 11~ LII1* I 111,1~1”1’nl’r~ VI* 1111~1 Ly

11111Ll)rll’11 II II LW1l I,II 11111’ 111’LIIIIIII .1111: l~Elllll -Illvf.n 111111lll”:lll,l lllll’f~lll. Wllllhlwllt 111.11:11.nl,lwlI,y n LII III ( I IIlm) fllllmlllllm Illllml wlLII II

i+nlll”y- 1’ltl”l)l, vttltll!lwl,~l,t~r [lyfil. ~.m. ‘1’111*rl, ~vl’11 l’xpll)lllvr~ll w(~t.11 II rillo 111111 l!!llll ,111.

1111. Ill. Illlp I) I,[);J (1)1,/’, wltl~:lll, plllw!l.111,

‘l’A’l’ll/KI-l -F), l’l~X 11’)1)1 (H(I/ 1’,/’, W,II P,III.l,, I,s,:, ~IIl, ‘I’A’I’’l/ll!.l x/ KI*l -F), X.-llh[}’/ (’/[) /;ll, /1,wf~fIqll. 111*1.I’PI II. ‘I’I\’I’1l/ l’Wl’N/KI*l -P), II 1111l.llrl~t~ lllll’I, I!! IO-11 1X!* !Illll. l’ll)lltll!}llfl 111.

I .H K?I:I;I (’/2111.nlllllll~ll pl’

mll:l”lllll XPII) .

l),iri~lln ) TA’I’11 (III) 0111 II*II,111, 1111111~1’1’llltl, 1111!1

Nllmnrl 1:11I II Imlll:il,ll)llfl I)r 1,110

I Ill, orrn(:l! VI* 11)1!1Ly 111111.lll”ll!ll rijr LIIIB1 .H ~!/f:ml llllpl~rr I 11P ‘l’A’I’ll UIIIIIK 11

[\ll!)c:k-llL!’!!li~l,ll m~i(ll l’1~*11 AIIIIIIISIIIII II IIISII[!-Lll~II IVII. IS l:IW (I IAII MAII) :11111 1111 II II:II IMISIII?qllnl, ll)ll 111” II LIILP (II[lM) LIIIIL lIfIIl 111*,’11

prl~vll)llllly 1!:11 Ihr[ll,lvl 1,11 M:lllj:nlll 11-j::llll:l,

11111,:1 I (1 I 111’(. nlnl) 111’l~lll~lll,l!ll rlllll I’!lllll(l 1,1)

III* III I.VMM1 nj~l’,”f’nll’iil. wILII l*all,*rlmi~llL,


AII I m:tt~f!- 1II LPIIIII I’ 11*11 rll Llll. I llK-ml 1)1’IIr II LrISIIk I!mm,ril 111111II I+llhry-1’llrlll,vI*l II 1:1Ly 1111,1*1.I”IIIIIIIMII, I!II nyf~L~~m [ ‘/ I WISrI~11111’11 1.1) llH*llllll I.f ’ I II LI*I” I. IIVI’ vl~l!ll!lloy

II III L{ II’I,W 111’1.wl’1111 111’I, IIII:ILI, IK llnlllil:llvl~llnml}ll~ll Ill Ill l,tl:ll l:llllll.l~ 111. w Illlh, wll. A

I l-llnl :1 lliml Ii IIIII illilm wllII llllll!vll lII~LwI~~*II

1,111~ I*nl)lllll I VI, 1111,1 Wlllllllw 1,{) pl’l)vllll~ 11

I’I!I’11’I!LI .’( 11111’rlll!l~ . ttsl]t,rlm!~lll.il wl,l,l~

lll~l~l%lW1ll WI 1.11 I’MFIA WI II IIIIW:l I’111’LylIII:.11 Iy l.lIrIIIS 011111’I~Is IISIIKLIIII 1)1’ I 1,;11, , 111111 Ill) ml 1’1)1” II I* V!* II l~xllll)lllvl~llm 1,1P

Wllllhlwll h,! , h ,1111~11 1“111’ t, RIII*I.lm. SIILII 1)11 LIII~

I’1111* I,IL 1):’ I’llx ~ll)ll;) 111111 1 .H ~r/lWl

II II II ISI’I’ I III! ‘l’ A’l’Ii Ml 1,11 rlIIII’1 :10 ll~llKLllll Ill” I {

111111 ;Ill m. Al ! Pxl), *II IIm, IILII U(SII, * ,IIIIV,, II

WILII n 1’ .llo lll!lll. ”u:lvr~ 11~1111, :111 ml Ill’I:llmlllllll Llllll 11, 111111 1!) MM [11’ ()(11) I

II Illmlllllm II II Illlllwll I II VII:. 1. ‘I’ll I 11

11111VI IIP. IIynl.1’m WIIII I!II IJIII III LII I; I v~” II I-III -IILI vr~l y lnu)ml)l, 11111 .~ll Lll Ml 111. 1111Llllllltil,lll

( 11*1111 LIIm I ;’ mm III. 11.111) I-III. II II VII III’ LIIIC111.VIQII Ilkl)llllll VI-II , w: LIIIIIIL IIIIVIIIK 1111(lvl~lllll,l VI-II lll~l.llllll L 1!)11. I’lllllllrll!y Ill’ LIII*



W. L. Seltz, et al (a-1013)

2%4 mAm


● SuI’llplo

10 n II5-

= Almminut

25,4 mm - CtwqJ B


44‘?u- ‘-’o1’—. 102 nun i

Figure 1 nhodm tho lmngn-lntnnoL-rid rotntlll~-mlrrt.ar mtrt?nk twimnrn(121H:). A 41bmm-dlnmnLi!r IntnrtlatlonnlTnLephono nml ‘1’f+lnRrnph lmnEe-lnt@nelrl-cr tube [10] mid n hllth npnrturn lellntr/2.5) worw muutttml nuch hhnt the lmnRernrmrd nh Lln? ntrt!nL-t!nmorn rtlm plnnnwnn proJoaLd ntllx~ LIM! lmi[qn-l llLPltnlrlmt’twhm . A mn~ttlrltmtlntl cjr 1.16 wnn undhetwt?t?ll Lh@ nLrunk-cnmt*rn rllm plnnt? nmltltr! l,mnRn-l rlLt*~ltlLrlnin LuIM*. TIw! wrl Llu~qHpellll llt tslt~ lntottnl~lmr LIIIW wan nhimL21 M/lIn.

II IhlllllIpIO l~hlrl. 111 wfiv~~lnftftl.h Ilrtlm rorif!oLiwl lnn{~r IIKIIL fmt~null,ltlf% rrornLitr~n L motlnll, IM*I%IIMIIIWT :iL !~liitt:k nrrlv -nl Lltnr, pt”llllllwll n l:ctl’t”l~lllllllllllllc l!hlrLl~t rf~llt~l! ll~l~ll!illlt. WOI” (N:P l:hlll~~~ cjrw I Illhli{ mnLf’rl#llfl. Ln tvm~L lnLorf’nno

hy 1“11



1!A“ l“’”

,( Ilk) ,,~II


111- (I,,ml , (1)

1- “:

wilt?Iw c In Llw’ VI* IIII!ILY Or 1!1!111. Illvnuuum. h in I,ttu 11111,1111- w:tvr~lolitqt,h Ilr

l.111~ Innl!r, 1, Ill 1.111’ lfftlll’y- l’1~l’111, Inlrr’llrIlpitl:!ll[t, (Ilk) Ill Llto iw)t,l..~rl. 11111 [’:ti:Li, t.

rttt” I,htt I:hIIIIKIS II! II IIIPX lIr IWIIIIYII:LIII,Irt)l~ LIIO wluIhIw m:tt.t~rl: I , 1111ntiil II ,1 NIIIILhr Illnli:inc:vn 111.l,uvi~tl ~l(IL p;l 11.11 Pot, Ll,o

Ii 111111 1111 lll,sll .11’ l“t”lll~:l’lt, 111111II’ ,,”1,111’ Ilylulmlc: I’rlttl:v 1111:11~1111: rl~l~ IYIIS ftll

rf~lli:;t~m ‘h IIIIIIIIWIO III. rt”llll:i~illlhlrbd,

m , :tl. nlw)uk :ll’ICI VII I 1.Imts 11111111.IIIS Ilol, 1~11-111111011I’rnm II IIMI” prvvl:lllll Illlllwllull:o III’LIW IJIl’~1’1. Vr. 1111.I Ly Ill, 1111111111:1I Iy

lllc*it Llvrtl l~Rpl.l’lmllll Llt 11111111, III* pl~f”rtlllllll~cl

WII. h dlrrt!t”l~llt. rt”ltl~ii l~iillilwht (l: A/ JIIl).

I II 1.110 prlvllvll. wt)llk l. A/hi, w:111l.ti lmn/1111/rl’lllW :11111 1,111~ Lnll~Olvt~llll!ll. 11.11 wl~l~l. Iillllwll LI1 Uil. tllll 91111U

rt~ltip,f~ I! 1111111,VIII..

A [.ylllWll : Lvtm:lk rIortDtIll ill’ 1“1ltij:c~:lIll nllllwtl Ill PI1:. ‘1. ::1.lw,nk 11C,11C)1911NWIOllI~

IIIKILIWI’11 M1l.11 1111 11111,11,111 l!lllll llllt~:ll,lll~ ,‘Itlcl plllll Lllltl II IIL”I nl,l’1~ i,tcmltllll’ttlilmt. cl I 111,11Vc.ll)l!il.loll Iltlll Lllllf,ll WILII Pqllftl.llltt ( 1)111111 1.111! kiumtl ttnmi~tvi WI”IL IIIP, II IIIVII,Itlll.llnlll,t*ll l.llw~ 1“1~11111111.lt~tlflll,l Wllll.ll, y1*1”1’111”11wF~l’1* h 1111illlll ;’ %, t“t~lllll~l’1.lvr~ly.All WIJII III ;,,: ISRII-SVLIQII, 1.110 t’l~vl~l’lll~ t”:ll,lllllllItl LIII~ I l-llm nluwlllllm nlllm, tinl.lmftl.rul LitIW 1111111111II 1111, W1*IW1 IIIIL l,IIIII)IV,.,1. AllIilmtmn hrv rt~l’t~r,tlnwul Ltt nlMM!h nrrlvnl ill,LIII* Wlllllllw. IMLII pllllll.11 wltl’1~ iiypll’llllit“lvlll Illlrll Lllnf. V1-llll!l l.11~11 wl~l~l~ 1)111.llltlollII L %-tin ltil,t’t”v~ilfl rlJI” IIhli rll~fll. Ilw 1111

U. L. ficltz, et al (U-108}



——- -—:”-—. ----

- —

——— ,— --------- . .

. . ..__ ----

PIK. h. ‘1’$!1,1,!11I ill, pl~llk 1,,.1 !111,,1 WI 1,11 ;LIILIII Ill,tw$nk I,lmv III’ I .(I 1111.

1111,1 III. ;, I)-. II[I I II LI~r VII I II l’111~ LIII! I“I, MII I III IIt I-tlr I.III, 11111.1111,1.

I{ K: I’11’I’:1

F+llzlll’1’ II Illlllwll Lylllll:l I lll!lll.l, t~r’ Illltln I’lllll!l .1111111I rl 1, 1,11 1.111* 11111.:1 I’,,1, 1,111~


1’ I Ill, I’llx IIllf);l . ‘1’111* lIIImI I y l~mlll rl CII I


v - :11~-”” - 1!1! I II , (;’)

WII!I I’11111111 lit) KI VIS II KIIII II 1’11, LI) !, III*VI* I 1)(: 1 Icy llllllc,ll~ll!ll. 1)!11. 1.11 II II LIWIIIKl:!)l,lw~ 1111, lt)ll IIC. LMISPII I!{} II II I, II IILII :11111 1,111?Ii I rrf~t,t~tll, IIIILII 1’:1111:1’11 1’1111 1~111~11 Pxp.1’l -

mll~llli , I:lmilult’lllf)llil lIISLWfII*II IIIIISI:I I’111 1:,111-

111.:1111.11 I’1)1” LIIII V:II’1 111111Is fill ll)lllvllll 11111!

IIIIL m~,:llll 111~1’11I . Pot” L Itwll KI’I!lILI!I’ Lllllll

l.llr~ l:llvf~l’nf~l, ,)” 1.111* II IILII , Ii 1111 1’ I L

111$0111 l!LI1 rlt’11 I I,ml’1 I y 1 nr~~l~ lloKllL I VI* .)1’p!)lll L I Vr Vvll)l!l LIIW; Lll[.1.111’111.l!, lta Ll.;llll)-

1111,11,1111 IIIILIIIIIIS LIII’ IIIILn 191111KI!11111}11111IMSnvillilr. il.

w. L. Holtm,

, I 1

‘ I’nx !31

502( /).:.- .

: F:”:I

I n I I 1-025 0 G?!1 o ‘W o I!l 1

Iiftwp (/L!i)

FIK. %. (!mrrpnrlflotl U1’ I%llctlnllrll h~rmwlLtl ncl. unl dntn for ~lnn l’llx 950? wILIII’MMA Willclnw.

Puncl.lmml ritfl L{) Lllr! r?XIW!ImlIrr(!IILnl

dntn PrIIIILn ror thu III?VCII wxplonlvcnn t.llfl I ml Rre nhown LII PIR. 6. Atnhulntlun Or e:plonlvn dorlaltlpn nIIllrlifl[:t.ln~l~l r~t mmntfllltfl ror IIrnMh ~fllIIIIV wlI}down nro glvc311 In I’nhlcn 1 aml 2,rcnpnctlvnly. ALJ nr the Lntnrrnmvnlnfllty Iilfltnrlun lmvu till? Cl)lml)lll’c:lLurv~ thRk nnl! nnlilu~t II Lnfx!l”ll 1111r~uLnf;mnllltilq di*m:lpc#lLLnll Lhat mlfqllL hnIln:ll)l! lllttrll WI Lll aktdilllttl~ n clllllrlm’lll-,1l)ll~~lu!l. nLntr!. TIIln 1:1)11111tlllll rorl’A’l’11-l]nnntl c~apll}nlvf!ll Illul flhht!l’11 , Wlln:11110 IIULOII ill lu~rll. [? I nllll [%]. AII nll-dl t.lttrui I rmmmtlll rOnht~tl tlr LhP IIC!WII lqR-lIIIInlVOII nLlllllmcl In Lhts I Ill: Pt’nill! IIII llL1’rrn(!l: VI: II)(II Ly llIn Lt)r Lnfl WI Lll

llmrtmnlil~ tVItI Illntntu:un. An II II II: IIIIIIIWIIII ibr. [2], LIIl~ 111 IWIIIXII,IW llr II~nl Iut’u Lo nLl#nlII n !ILIvIIIY II,!L,MMLLIcM1 In


et .nl (U-108)

mplkm aoIIdililGtI nlonl; LIIC Ilrhylolgh llnmOr nlope Pnl) (whmro pm In the ln~tlnl(h?llmlty and 1) in the detonnLionvelnolty). ‘1’ho ufirrmdtcfi lluRunlote nroonut Ln t ho common Ilnf’nr nhockvnloclty-pnimLlo kc vnlf]clLy I%rmu.~+su. ‘1’IIc cntint:ultH C nnd S wornol]Lnlrw!d rt)r Ill I L Ilf! oaploelvnm 1)yleant-nqunru rlLtltig Lc} ltilLlal U-u dntnc9hLnLrled l’roWi r!xplilnlvcn WPIIW! waporl-mnnl.n; Lhcno llnk:i nrmrr uhtnllml monlily nl.ulmLt.rr Mull Irmlou Lho [M oordlklon, nrdtyplt%illy hllvl? tnlrlnllh?rrllll~ ucntLur.I’hn Cil lnr?rlLrol}o Ln cnlculnLt]d with nllmckor-KlnL lnkownky-Wl Inorl (NKW) Cl~Ull-hlnrl t,r aLnb? [Ill. ‘1’ticnn cnlculnt~ntinnrn ~nnnrnlly well-criLll}r~lll.ctl to mcn-nurml dr?LorWILlull vnlocll,lon nrul llu~onlnLdnLn .

‘1’11(? Hl!xl,l!lllh!ll lmlll~llilllM! 111:11,1!11nl)llll, llnl~ Iltlllwll Ily 1.111! lllwl~l~ II I} LI. IsIIl!llrvf’ In 11*1111ll!~qll, lmnl.c!, ‘1’llt~ 11)1:11:1Illn rl’1’li”l!Lllnl 1}1” LIM! [:.1 l:Ir*IILrt}sIn, ,Irl,lm:ly I:tIIilILIlt*IDIIIIly ftvf!iwlmlll I I“y LIIO III: ILUII

c)I’ I.IIIS [;.1 IIL:ILIS coli(lll,lilrl 1111,11 n WI III IIIW.

—I I [ I











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PIK. Il. PIIIII!L : lJIIJII 1’I 1. U1’ v - W-”L - 1:1~ I {l LIJ ml!llfllll’1’~1 I Illiol”l’nl!l! !JUllll:l 1,h lIIhtIIIWI rlll” r~ IMP Iwx WI;’(II), {1:111111111~ PM IPJII,) ( h), I’NX WI I (C:), X-Oh O’l (d ), I .R ~/1’m

~ ml 1!1”111 I *MI ‘l’h’l’l!(K)II L:lllllll”ll };1’I 1111‘Ilh’lv ( P ) , I .tl H/l!ln I Ilupt!l’1’ I IIV,I,hllcll( ~ ), ~lld I .II ~il!m

w I LII PMMA w Itult}wn. .Iuil , “ f’ IFW! I’IIX I)II[);l(II ) nml 1 .H dt:m 1 nunI*rl’1 IIV ‘1’A’I’11(1) w I Lh 1,1IF

w. L. scltz, et al (a-loEl)

‘rAnLlt 1Initial rlcnelty and cnnnt,flnta ror LIN2 cmplrical rlt, V - iLC-bt - ct + d, ror tllc CX-

plonlve conrlguratlona wlttl PF4MAwlndown. ,




IIIX gsoz(r]IIw


Pllx 9503IIII




Ihl. orlidn



-—— —..






1325lj o





-., ---- . ..

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Df!llnlty(gicms )




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lil’l,lrl(:l~il Vlllnl)lllhy (111 Pnl’l!r.l(!Ll 1)11 ,l’?I l.lloll~qll LIIOII1* IIrt~l rlt!f!ll W171V! IIVIW LhIIIlnnlolnf’yltl~, l.lIIIy WP:V! f“llllll(i f,lJ f~l vr! IIAIIf!lll f!ll 1111.11);1[1 or nLVfldy Ilt!L{)t InL lf)f I l’l~ni!-L 11’fl Zoflt’11 III I’l!lll!fl!lnh I 1! II Kl”f!l!lllf*llli w I Ltlf~a:ll!L I!lll(! 111111, lllllfl tlf’ I“f-ll!! klllll-y, tlllf?nl.11 Lr? h I II LOI,I 1!11 nll l,lll~,y I!vf) I VI! 1111)11,!Llll!ltnylol~ll 11111~. w,. rl)llllll Llll,l, w,. 1:,)111,1II lmllll~.t,t. 1,11[, nLnll~lltt’11 [lt’1 v I IIR llyll Lt!nl tlt!-

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I’Al), WIIIIItI cillllll,l’lir:l,n II (;,1 II ISLIIIIIILIIJII nL1,111! {!xpllllllvf. -:ll Il)y I lll,l~rl’ll[!l!

I III I)l)III! II 1111 :(11:1 Iyt, l(! I’1ll”lllllllll, 11111 ,)1’

‘1’:ly I ill” WIIV1* ● ‘I’ll I II {!l)lll’ lr,lll’1 11,11111Illll?ll 1,1) (11’1 Vl! 1,111! 1:1111~111111,1111111 01.

oxlw!l’lmr!lil ill .

Ill Llllll llnl)l~lt, M(! lw!l)(ll~l, [IlllyIll{Ill I Illll!l!{!lllll’11 I :1Ill Ill lnL I 111111,I .l~ M/Clll”l 11111)1!1’[.I IW* ‘l’A’l’l\, f“fll, will ,:11 wllIllIll 111’l*vl!wlllly 11111.,1 1~1,111ltlllll *!l-~lllllql* 11; 11.:1

1,( I tll~’?l!ll}ll ntl Iqml)l I~lIIl\l l“l~lll!l, I (111-1.:lt,l!I!lll’1 ’1:1111.11111 1( I:. ‘1’11111(!I)II’I, I:IL II)II W:l:l

11)1,1LIIPW: Ill1,11[!




W. L. Seltz, ct al (f}-108)

u) I ‘h 1



Flfq. 7. lmpcdnnct?-mnLcl) nolutlotm rorJ.IIL(.rracc vcLocltles.

dl’vl?lupf:(l Iln I 11~ t}l(? II(IM Cqu:lkl.ull ornLIttr [lJ], wlIl cl] nr :IIIIIIOrr the II IIrnnct, nIl

~xplnflivv 111111 pro~luctri nL,ntc I?lluilt lonlltll!ncrl 11{.(1 l~:lpLlor, I (If?:ll ml XIIIK () rnpf?cI rl{: VCJ]Ilmf!iltlll llltl”l’llill l!ll(!l,~y 01”Lt)[* I,WU colln LLtlll?llt:l , rlII(l Ll];lt LII(! I,wopllfllll!u :lro 111 I]rcn[iuru :111[1 I, f?lll]l(:l’:ltllllc1?11111I I.hrl.llnl. #r! 11111:(1 hoLII N Nf!wLoII ‘nll,f:f~:ll,l.~~fl ill~f!l’ll,lwn I IJI I illltl II i!lwnlllltol’nIIIIr~)IIklIIO II(:vI :1(1(1 I)y Ullnrlon l~[Jri!JIL I’orLIIt* Illlllll?l’l(:fll (,:IIcII L:ILIoIII1.

‘1’lw? tw 1:1! {:~~l’ts(?I :IL 11)11 I:ril t.l)rn LI!tl I ti[ (, ] w~ln Lll(! ’11)I rI!(:L hfrl l,ynlrr Oelw!v:ll,e(lMo(I I 1“.(!(1 Arrllf ’1111111 II:ILI* , 1! () r I) AIIMAI1 ,r I I’ll 1; r(lllllll Illll?f’11 1. [“or r(!prl!’l(?tlk I Ilp,llllX 9hOll I l’) 1. [L In I’t)rmlllnl, f!il ,

1 - ) ) p:~ l?-[Wflp , (3)

fl rrlll!t,ll)ll I’f!:l(!l.l!(l. l)..

LIIII 111’ISII:lIIIW! I)f’ LIIC rl rrr L IIIIt~I:H ~i’t, ‘ ~~~~lvl,ll In:lnn I)f>l Ill, , ‘r t,tll~ I!llrlw!lll.tc,.illl)i!f”:ll.111~,, ( [!n I I! III I~LI!Il in I.IIP IIOM l!{~llJl -

L 11)11 or IILII Lo ) JIIIII ~ ,, !1 1111,1 ‘I’m I!l)ll-11t,[lllt.l! . ‘1’IIIs urlm!! Id :Iflll IIAII MAN (!llll-nl.:lllt.fl (Z,, F f).111’,tt, fl M 2.(,1 , ‘1’~ =IN(11 R, llrl~lll!lll”l~ III 111’:i) nn f:mljloyf.~1 I IILtlf’ 111’I!VI l~lln work I h I Wf,lw! II IIIT, I 111 Lll,s

Il!llll llllt; lt)llll. !:lrrwlluLl{]llw WILII l.llltll,~(!l)llrll,:llll:ll 111111l!rltio!l :1 ;) 1-111’:1 I.llpllt, Illlllck1111[11111111.oxlllllll,? sly n 1+111111,1111{Illll,llll(:l! 1,()

dctormtton, which in collflletent withthnt ohscrvctl ror 1.fl-g/c,n3 TATR [6].‘1’tm detonation Iflcldent on the winrtowwan thufl rully lnLtLated andnel r-supporting ror al,l tl~lcknesses or‘rA’l’11.

me nilmcr~cnl n Lmul:.Llolwr {. rlnterl%ce velocltlcrr were pcrrormcd I’or13- nnll 2~-mm thlckrmlluf:fl Or ‘l’A’l’Ii, I’orboth PMMA nn(l I,LI? w lllllt~wn. The rcnllltnarc compared wltll [Int:l nnd Line omp.lrtcfi Lrtttlng runcblons .ln Fig. fl. The llllmnr-lcnl cnlculnLlonFr Iwlrlnctu{i Lhe nlllmlnlwurOLL, and tll(? plotl; f:ll vnlllf~rr arm I’rum

the rlrnt J?l)mplitnt I 0!1:11 CI?lL Ill Lll(?w~n{h~wn. llci~ctl.on Illrrtorlcfr calcIIlnLntlin hhe lfIHt neLl, nr Lhc f!xI)Loslvc :lr’i?shown flfl dnnllcd LLncn in Plht. 8, nll:lnerve I]ett!:r Ln lrtmlltll.y tllr ciLlclllnLf:llrenctLorl ZOIW- {Iurntl.nrln. A~recmcnt nlcomplltcd ,nlld f>l!rrnrvf!(l pnrLlclovclncLtlcH !lur.111~ Llllrr rvni:klon time In~n:mrally I\(MIIl; illrrrr~~l’l?l!mnllt nt lnLcr*tlmn could hc LIIC rnflu I.t f)r nur r~ll I 11110to Ilrnpcrly r’r])rcuulll; LlI17 ~11’tver oyllL[*m

or Lhc pro~luctll t!quntl.nu Or rrtntf’, orlIOLII. S onw! I;f:u ti (::1 Lclllnl; lolln f:llowl!:l

tlmk tllc vclf)clty lIlnLorl.cn wcro ,I{Ih 17x-t rcmnly UCIIII [t lvc to I,l)c clInl cc Or rrltocolintnrltH; howcvor, I:ulr:lllmt. loll:l W1Lll z,,mulklplicfl nr IJIvIIII!(I II,V “3/? WPI’I-! IlldLncurlllhLy IMMJ[’CI- ilt~r~~t?mctl~ LI]uI1 Llloooolluwrl.


‘J’lw? IWIIIOI III. LIIII 01. our I+:ll)r’y-l’r’rok

J :lfl I!l’ V(! 10(! l.lIIf?t I!I’ JIIIIIC!:l I.11 L,) I)I? :IIII!IIIIIll, I!Lo rw!flol. vf! LIIr rnlnt, lvi! Iy wt. Ilf: I’I::II:LIII IIY.OIIr! lrl TA’I’11-I):lIII!II I!xlll.l)nlvf!:l. An W:IJI1!, )11(: 111(16?(1 I II II prl, v 101111 Iltll(ly 011 0111! or

tlll!lll’ f!apll)tllvf!n (1’llx 9’,0;!) Wllill :1ll~!LLl!r’ LLIIII! I’19111JI III, 11)11 1 ‘) I , IIf!ltl)ll:ll, 11)11w,lvf!n In nl I I.IIv IInlIIIlfllvfsll WI! nlillIll I*Il

rllll)l~:l t- Lu 11:1VI? :1 7,NII 1:1IJIr:II!LI’ I’. !;IIJII’I)I,V

r’l:llll~, lllll’I*; l(!L I VI, nllt)ck Jl :Ir,f! ril I I f)wf:{l

lIy fh’cr(!rrnl.11~ IIIIIILICII! vf~lt)t:llilcfl, IIIV!II-11111’1!,, lll?lllltl.ll!ll , :11111 I llL1’rll:ll r?lll~r~lf!ll

Lllr’oll~ll LIII: I. I*: IcI; t I}rl Y.III II! II. ‘1’llln v Il?win 111 KIIOII 111:”’f!l~ml~llt Ifl lll!:lrly I!vf*l’yI::IIIC w I tll I,llo Illllll!llll ll(:l!-ln:ll, (!ll II(II Ill. I 1)1111

I’or LIII! VN nl~lkt! II L: ILO; WII1! rl~ :lKI’I!!!IIIPIILI n IMIL :1:1 KIIIIII, LhIS 111111ISPI: I:1 IIIH {Jr l.hf?I!XIIILIIII: llll~ollll)l, fl:ll,il w 1 I 1 Illlml.k t{) nll-,11111LIIK’IIL .

‘l’lIf! l~xllr!l,l llll.111,11 I pf.llrlII*III’(II”LIIt*

II I! VI*II I! XI) II IJIIVI!:I 111’f~ 1“:11.llvr nlml.lnr lfI1!:1:11”:1(:1,1!1”, l’~!rII!I: LIIIK1,111! I’:ICL tllll L 1.111!I llLl*rrn{!l! VI* I 1){!Ll,y Illl!ll:l lll.lillll!lll.:1 111”1!11111.IllKtlly !1(!1111I L I Vf! 1.() Inlltlc-llt. I! II: II II:I’11 tllI“(?:l{!t, 1o11 rlll,f!n . ‘I’ll I II W: Ill 11I !111 Ilril,f!li I II

1.1111 11111111*1’I 1!11 I rllilllll;ll,lf)rlll. :: IIIIL 11! ,

Iiflk!lf)wn III I’I” I* ITII I! I!II III f’l SJll!t. 1.[)11 r’lll, (!

III II KIIItlllll~n 111111 f.l)l,m , ~ql*flf~lW i i ,V :I:l:lol!l -

111,1!11 WI Lll 1)111’t,lt! It*-rl lx!! (11111.f’~tlllt,ll)llll ,nrv’ mIII!l I mittv! mItIIl lmI!n L I II II I. KII-l)l’I!II II II I’I’


W. L. Salts, ●t al (G-108)

TAIII,E 3Rxploalve Cormtalitn and Inteifaoe VclnoltLcn







—.——TWMA I,lQ




—. -—.



PDX 9502P;XO::;3

Pure TATa


.—-.—. -L2.2 1.72.2 MA2.3 1.”/1.8 1.6

—--- -.—



?.lloo 2.0501.875 #?.hoo :.;::1.866 ;.;;:1.800 . 2:357

lpJ~p)..Im...j”k ,{

r .-.-_--mm.


;:......... . ..... . .



.11!) I 1 I I-OXI II ,, .11, 11IIn U15 I

Iilln’ (//:,)


i , I , I I ml



\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,-------......... . . .... u

-ILrl1,,,1,1,11-“,, ~.

J p,-(r WI o U)!1 11!dl U )3 I

Iillw’ (ps)


IItrlp (/4!;)


I+IH. n. [;frmlwirlnofl Or rlllmut’lcnl nlmulnl.lorwr (11111111 I! II I’VO) wlli}l lMILh I1:ILU (nymlwln)nlld hlrn nml)lrlcnl rlbtlfiff IVlrlckltlrl (I!lrnlll dotLf!d) l%l” I I-MM I“llrl WI th I’MMA (:I ), 1 I-rrnn

1*1111 w I tlr IILP (h), 2!i-mn I’1111 H Ith I’MHA (c), nrlil ;!$-rnm r’lin wI1,11 Ill If (II) . f;nlt:lllnl. fvl

mrnct I ml rnto h lntor h~n nrc n Ino nlmwn rOi’ fmuh cr. rm wI W n durrlmd f:urvu.




W. L. Seitz, et al (Q-108)

(the one TATB-baaed explosive ror whichwe have a reaction rate calibration).The prevloue correlation wan umed with-out modlrioatlon, deepite belnu cali-brated at presauree lesn than half thoneencountered with the de%onatlon Incidenton a LIF window. In rlttlng the lndl-vldual velocity hlatorlea at dlf’rerentrun dlr3tancee numerical calculntloneBucceedetl In emulating the non-eteacly:character of’ the detonation.

In part, the eucceeerul emulationactually may reeult from the propertlemor the DAOMARrorm. In particular, thinrate correlation comblnea multiplicativeractore In depletion, shock strength,and current etate. Such a rorm hne beenrepeatedly demonstrated to be erl%ctiveIn r31mulRtl~g a variety Or shockInitiation problcme, and Ie beglnninu tobe oharacterlatlc of’ more phyelcally-based rate forme, euch an Krakatoa [18]and the explicit hutapot model ofJohnson, Tang, and Forest [14].

In elmulatlng detonation collidingwith Inert wlndow~, DA(lMAR ante the p~ractor with the nearly conetant VN spikepreaaure bel%re the colllalon, ~nd thuedlf’rera rrom a olmplt?-depletlon rateonly in the modlftcatlon due to tht?temperature dependence. With our IIC)Mrepreeentntlon for 1.8-g/cm3 TAT13, the2050 K VN aplke temperature Increaneaabout. 12% throuf;h a cletonatlon reactionzone, Increasea 15Z with the shockrerlected rrom a I,IF window, and

dncreaaefl 10Z with the rarefactlon rrom

PMMA. Thcae condltione lead to llttlcril.frerencc In the nha~m Or the ratehlntoriea ror PMMA and l,LF windows aecnIn Fig. 8, with the higher Inittnl rntcvnluo rrom the hlghcr Impedance-rnntchtcmperaturt? ror the lJtF windows bclngthe mont prom~rmnt renture. The reac-tlofi rate hlntories ror each Or the cal-

culated caaen have about the rinme 150-IIadurnt ion. Wlttl the lmpedancs-mat.chmr)lutlonfi lndtcattng n 37-(lPa lnltinlprcneure ror the lJiF window llrld n 22-flPalrlltlal preeoure ror the PMMA window,onc would not expect to obtain so smalln fllrr’crencc Ln ratea ;lnd in acalcdIntnrracn vnloclty hlntorlce wl.th n rnteform fltrongly dependent on ourrcntpreot3ure.

The DAfiMAR nnr.1 IIOM rcpreeentntLorirrnlno have propcrtlra l~rdlng to rlumnrl.-cnl nlmulatlono without :L difltlnut C,Jpolllt in thu vmlnelty pl’OrLh nnd nnlnf!rnanlng l.rlt~!l’r:m vcloalty w.lth ruIl(11.ntnncn, mm nre connlmtently obnr?rvcd.Ilnxll nnd I)avlfl have rondo a (Ictnllnd

thnnrotlcnl n tudy unnt(!mly,unrltyrdt-lvcti dctormtt.on [~~J. They uoll-aldored an nxplonivo which lri drlvmn hy

a two-ntep heat-relemee rate. About 90~or the energy relenme In rast; theremainder Ie E1OW. Their analyeio ehowothat the release or the last 10S or theenergy la what controln the tranaientmthat precede the eetablinliment o!’ eteadydetonation. The phymlcal baela ror

their results can be tre.ced to a simpleproperty or ZND detonation; the tanE$encYor the ,layleigh line find totally reactedllugonlot curve. Becfiuac or the tangencycondltlon, the rlnal 10% or the enerKfreleaae controls about 50$ Or the

prefmure prOrlle ~n the reaction Bone.ln add~tlo~, the rlow la aonlc Rt thepoint Or tnngency. As n connequencr?,the enel”gy relenaed nnar the end or thereaction zone la transported towarda thenhock very slowly. The reuult la anunsteady detonfltlon wave ror run dta-tnrlcea Or many tens Or rcfictlcn zonethlckl)emnea, with a building up or thuvelocity hlstorlen much aa we observeRnd eimulnte numerical.ly. In our cqne,the DAoMAR rlrat-order depletion rilc:ornpproachea run renctlon asymptotlcnl.1.y.In dctonattng 1.3-g/cm3 1’A’J’11, IIOM lndt-catea that ovefi 80Z or the reactLorloccurs In leao tl)an 50% Or the atntechnnge rrom the VN to tho CJ a~ate,char~cterlatlc or moat aolld exploatvcn.Otir numeljlcal simulntlon Or unntefldy

detona:iona in thus n rmtural collaO-quencc st” the propcrtlr?a or our rate aude,{untl.On-nr-9tate rorm and thm gencrnlcllarmcterlaticH or an almoot ZNII dctonn-tlorl.

The vclncity prorllnfl ohrrcrved Lnthe other aix cxploflt.vcfr nrc nl.1 nlml.1.nrto thl)flc ror 1.11-g/c;n3 flupnr’rlne ‘l’A’l’l\.‘1’hrry could probnbly bc ulmulatcd wltll mrate rorm hnvlnR n pcnk vnlue nr a rcwtcnn Or reclpro:nl mlcroflccorlda, arirnt-ortlcr dcl)lctlon rnctor, am] veryIILLLC other (h!pcll(lr?llcrr u n curr”cllt

fltatc. ‘po t:xbcrl[l tllc rvlte to treatln~.lnltiatton pl”oblmma tllc r’ntc rrholl ldhllvo , like l)AtlMAll, more current-atatodepondcllco ua preanureo nrc rcduccd.


UC Rrc.ltly npprcclntc the tcchnlcnlnrlnl.ntn~lce o r l’. J. Illibnrrl, (). l).Ilarkleroad, ~rld S. l?. Snln%nr. Wo nlnf]Lhnrlk J. Il. lhixi~ nnd [;. A. Porcot rorvnlunble dlncunnlunrr.

1. Runfif?ll K. nurr ml Ihlwlrl Ilr)unkon,

‘Mmnnurwmllt Or Iilln (Zlllll)mnrl-,lf)ll~llctI’rcnnurn nnd I{cnctlorl Zorlc l,oIIKLII inn lletofmtlrl~ II Lp$l Itxplnnlvc,m

J. Ghcnr. Pllytr . 2-3-, p. 1260, 1955.




H. L. Seit=, et al

2. W. C. Davis, ‘Hagnetia Probe Mea-surement of Partiole ValooltyProfila8,” Sixth Syropoaium on Doto-natlon, Ofrioe or Naval RenaarohReport ACR-221, pm 637, 1976.

39 A. H. Canpball and Ray Engalke, ‘TheDiameter Effoot in High-DeneityIleterogeneoue Exploaivem,n Ibid.,p. 642, 1976.

4. L. H. Eriokaon, H. Cl. Palmer, N. L.Parker, and H. C. Vantine, “Free-Surraoc Velocity Meaaurementm OrPlaten Driven by Reacting and Deto-nating RX-03-BB and PBX-9404,nProoeeding8 oI’ the Aroerloan PhyaioalSociety Topioal Conference, MenloPark, California, P.553, 1961.

59 S. A. Sherrield, D. D. Bloomqulmt,and C. M. Tarver, ‘9ubnanomecondHeamurementa of Detonation Frontn inSolid High Rxploalvea,n J. Chem.Phyo. 60, p. 3931, 1984.

6. Allan B. Anderson, M. J. rlinrrberg,W. L. 9eitn, - nd Jerry Wackerle,‘Shock Initiation or Porouo TATB,mSeventh Symposium on Datonntlon,OMloe of Naval Reaearah Rrport NSWCHP82-334, p. 385, 1981.

7. W. L. Seit8 and N. L. Staoy, ‘Fabry-Perot Interferometry Using AIIImagti-IntenalFied 130tntinz-HlrrorStreak Cmmera,w Proc. SPIH on lliRh#peed Photograp!ly, Vldeography, andphotonlca, ~2~, P. 186, 1983.

8. M. Durnnrl, P. Leharrague, P. Lalln,A. Le illhan, J. Morrian, nnd1[. PUJO1O, ‘Intcrreromotrlo LnnnrTechnique for Aaourate VoLoclty Mea-our~ment in Shock Wnve Physlca,m ,Rev. Sol. Inntru. ~~, p. 275, 1977.

9. D. R. flooaman. ‘Mennurinz Velooltlen




by Lamer &ppler Int;;ferometry,nRnorgy and Technology floview,Lawrenorr hivmrmoro Nmtlonal l,nhora-tory Report UCHI.I-52000-79-3, 1979.

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