A Little Story for Saint Lucy's Day - December 13


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    A Little Story for Saint Lucys Day

    Once, many years ago in a town across the sea named Syracuse, which is on the Italian

    island of Sicily, a little girl was born in the days when Christianity was still very young.Her name was Lucy or Lucia. Her father was a wealthy and powerful Roman General and

    her mother was a beautiful and good woman from a noble family. In those days, a youngwoman needed a dowry to be well married. A dowry was a gift of money or land from

    the womans family to the young man who was to marry her. Women didnt work at jobs

    outside the home for money, so a girl or woman had to be supported by a man, first, ofcourse by her father but if he died, then by an uncle or possibly a brother. A husband was

    chosen as carefully a possible because he would have to support his wife pay for her

    home and food, clothes and whatever else she needed for as long as she lived as well as

    supporting their children. So, the womans family paid the young man as much as theycould afford in order to help him get a good start at being successful in life and to make

    the womans contribution to the family.

    Lucias mother was from a noble and wealthy family and she brought a good dowry toher husband, Lucias father. Lucias father had his own fortune as a General in Romes

    big and powerful army. So Lucia grew up as a rich little girl who had everything she

    needed and probably whatever she wanted, too.

    But back then, as now, not everyone was rich. There were many poor people in the world

    just like today. But back then, there was very little help for them unless wealthier people,

    out of the kindness of their hearts gave them food or money to buy it. Such people wereoften beggars, spending their days on the dusty or muddy streets, begging well dressed

    people to give them a penny or two.

    Little Lucy was born with a kind and loving heart. She was also a very pretty little girl

    with big, beautiful eyes. Many people complimented her on her beautiful eyes but this

    never made her vain or proud. In fact, she told her mother once that she wished that shedidnt have eyes at all! Of course, her mother was greatly shocked at this and asked her

    why she would say such a thing?

    Because, dear mother, every day when we go out to the market or to visit our friends, my eyes see such awful things.

    What awful things? asked Lucys mother.

    I see little children and babies who look like only bones because they dont have

    anything to eat and are starving. I see old people alone, trying to find a place to sit in the

    sun for a little warmth who are kicked by soldiers and told to move on. I have seen ayoung mother crying with her dead baby in her arms. I have seen soldiers missing their

    arm or their leg drinking to try to still the pain. I have seen people with every kind of

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    disease and no one to help them or care for them and no money to buy the medicine that

    might make them better.

    Oh Lucy, said her mother, These are not your problems. You are much too young to

    take the problems of the world upon your shoulder and to carry the burdens of other

    people in your heart.

    But Mother, replied Lucy, Have you not taught me about the good teacher, Jesus of

    Nazareth, who preached that we should love God and love each other and give away our

    riches to the poor?

    Yes, but those kinds of choices belong to grown ups, Lucy. You are too young to do

    everything that Jesus taught about. You can love God with all of your heart and you can

    love your family and friends and do good and kind things to people you know. But youcant try to save everyone. Our family is wealthy and someday your share of our fortune

    will be given to you to use as a dowry. With this, you can make a good marriage with a

    young man from a wealthy family, too. Then together, you can do some good works ofcharity if he is so inclined.

    But Mother, what if I didnt get married at all? Could I use the money for my dowry to

    feed the poor and care for the little children?

    Oh Lucy, laughed her mother, I suppose that you could. But then your money would

    soon be gone after everyone begged it from you. Then, without a husband, who wouldcare for you?

    God would answered Lucy.

    It wasnt long after this conversation that Lucys father died. Lucy and her mother were

    grief stricken and Lucys mother became very ill. Lucy helped care for her mother

    tenderly and often prayed for her to get better. She loved to pray to her favorite saint,Saint Agatha, the Little Lamb, who was from Sicily and who had lived and died young

    just a few decades before Lucy was born. Saint Agatha had known what suffering was

    and Lucy made her mother pray with her to Saint Agatha for help. One night, SaintAgatha came to Lucy in a dream and reminded her that a woman had once touched the

    hem of Jesus robes and was healed of her sickness. Saint Agatha had a robe in her arms.

    She told Lucy that it was the robe of Jesus and to touch it. If you believe that your

    mother will be healed, then she will. In the dream, Lucy touched the robe of Jesus and inthe morning her mother was well again. Lucy prayed to Jesus and thanked him for

    healing her mother. She made a promise to Jesus. She promised not to get married, but to

    use her dowry money to help people who were poor, hungry, sick and in need, no matter

    what might happen to her afterward.

    Lucys mother was very anxious to make a good marriage match for Lucy. She was

    concerned that without a father, anything could happen and Lucy would not have anyone

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    to protect her and take care of her. Lucys mother used most of her time looking for the

    right husband for Lucy. Finally, she found the right young manor so she thought.

    Some friends made an introduction for

    Lucy and her mother to a young man of

    a noble and honorable family. They weregood people, but they worshipped theRoman gods and did not care to learn

    about the Carpenter from Nazareth and

    His teachings about love. Lucy admiredthe young man because she saw that he

    was handsome and smart. But there was

    something else she felt when she met

    him. She didnt know exactly why, butshe felt that she could never really trust

    him and so that she could never really

    love him. Unfortunately, the young mandidnt have any reservations about Lucy.

    He immediately fell madly in love with

    her. He thought that she was very

    beautifulespecially her eyes. When he could steal a moment alone with her, he gazedinto her eyes with real desire. To give him credit, he could probably see through the

    windows of her soul how beautiful and loving Lucy really was on the inside. But his

    interests were very much in having her for his wife. Lucys mother started to make all ofthe arrangements for Lucys wedding to the young man.

    Lucys beautiful eyes were filled with tears as she begged her mother not to go ahead

    with these plans. She really did not want to get married not to anyone, but especially tothis particular man. She tried to explain how she felt, but her mother really couldnt

    understand. This marriage would ensure Lucys future and security. The young man was

    handsome and healthy and had a great future ahead of him. To make it even better,everyone in town knew how much in love he was with Lucy!

    You are just nervous, Lucy. Every young bride feels this way. I promise that it will allbe alright and that you will soon be thanking me for arranging this happiness for you.

    But that night, Lucy prayed to Saint Agatha and to Jesus. Through her tears she said, I

    dont want to get married to this man or to anyone. I want to use my money and my youthto work to help people who are suffering. Please help me to stay free. If my fianc loves

    my beautiful eyes so much, please take them away from me. Then he will not love me

    anymore and he will go away and I will stay free. I know that my mother will be

    disappointed but someday she will know it is the right thing for me.

    Finally, Lucy lay down and fell into a deep sleep. In the morning, Lucy woke up. That is,

    she thought she was awake. But it was so dark in the room! Perhaps it was still the wee,dark hours of the night. No, she could hear the chorus of the morning birds and the

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    roosters crowing the sun awake down below. She could hear the sounds the people made

    in the street as they began their daily labors. She could hear babies crying and mothers

    shouting. She could hear the drumming of the garrison of soldiers marching to their post.She could hear her mother singing as she prepared their morning meal. But she couldnt


    Of course, she knew her own room well enough to be able to get up, dress herself and getready for the day. She didnt feel the least bit afraid or sad. In fact, she was very excited.

    It seemed that God and Saint Agatha had answered her prayers and taken away her

    beautiful eyes!

    She came into the place where her mother was cooking. Her mother had her back to

    Lucy. Lucy said, Good morning, Mother.

    Good morning Lucy dear. Answered her mother.

    Mother, I have something to tell you that is going to make you unhappy. But please tryto receive this news in peace. It is a good thing, even though it wont appear to be so.

    Mother, I have lost my sight.

    Her mother turned around quickly and almost fainted. She had to sit down very quickly.Lucys eyes were closed and the lids covered them. But it was very obvious that where

    her eyes had been was sunken beneath the lids and that they were in fact, no longer there.

    Lucys mother gave a small scream and began to cry. Lucy rushed to hold and comforther but it was a long time before her mother was able to calm down.

    When at last her mother could listen, Lucy told her about her prayer and how it had been

    answered. Lucys mother began to feel some peace coming into her heart and thebeginnings of some acceptance.

    But Lucy! she said, Your fianc and his family are going to be furious! Maybe he willbe willing to marry you anyway. But a girl who is blind is not often married. A girl who

    is blind cannot do the work around the home properly or care for her children. Such a

    liability it would be for their family. I suppose that if he really does love you he will takeyou anyway but I doubt it.

    We will have to see. Said Lucy, smiling.

    That afternoon, they were to go to the fiances house to sign the final marriage cont ract.

    Lucy walked through the streets on her mothers arms proudly and with her head held up.

    People seemed to see Lucys face lit from within and Lucy seemed to see them all, just as

    she could easily remember them from every day before this one. But today, it was as ifshe were seeing them all and her town for the first time. It was as if she were actually

    seeing clearly for the first time in her life. She didnt stumble once over any stone and she

    knew exactly where the horse dung lay in the streets and easily avoided it. She could seechildren smiling at her and she smiled back. She felt the warmth of the sun on her face

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    and in her mind the world was bathed in its healing light. She smelled roses in someones

    garden and saw the beautiful pink and red blooms before her eyes.

    The meeting at the finaces parents home did not go well. His mother screamed and

    cried just as Lucys mother had and soon the two women were crying in each others

    arms. The young mans father was furious and he took the young man away and therewere sounds of shouting in another room. At first, the young man stood up for Lucy andsaid that he wanted to marry her anyway.

    All through the commotion, Lucy sat quietly and undisturbed. For her nothing hadchanged for the worse, only for the better. Whenever anyone spoke, it was as if she were

    seeing that person for the first time and as they truly were. She could see them now

    as clearly as the angels do. And there were things about her fianc that she could see

    now that she could only feel dimly before. She knew that those uneasy feelings had beentrue.

    After the commotion had died down, the young man took Lucy into a quiet spot in thegarden where they could talk alone. At first, he protested that he was still in love. Lucy

    gently told him the story of what had happened and why and that she never really wanted

    to marry him in the first place. As he listened to her story, something began to change in

    the young mans heart and mind. He began to look at Lucys sunken eyelids withrevulsion and a kind of horror. She looked so ugly to him now! And when she confessed

    that she was not in love with him, his pride was wounded and his feelings for Lucy turned

    from love to a kind of hate. In his heart, he vowed to get even with her for spurninghim and for the humiliation he would feel when all of his friends found out that Lucy

    didnt want to marry him after all.

    Lucy tried to explain about the Carpenter from Nazareth and a greater Love than just thatbetween a man and a woman, but he was not capable of hearing and understanding. He

    was as deaf as she was blind and his deafness was much more of a handicap to his soul

    than her blindness was to Lucys.

    When they had both said all that there was to say, they returned to their parents and

    confirmed that they both wished to be released from the marriage contract and Lucy andher mother returned home.

    Lucy was able for a while to begin to use her money to help others. She fed many poor

    people, provided clothing and shelter for young women with children and for widows.She created a home for old people and crippled soldiers. She started a school for poor

    children where they could learn a trade. She paid for doctors to come tend the sick. The

    people of the town loved her very much and her mother died peacefully with the feeling

    that in the end, Lucy had made the right choice.

    I wish that this could be the happy ending of the story but it isnt. The young man who

    had been so in love with Lucy and her beautiful eyes now became embittered and hateful.His friends mocked him when they found out that she would not marry him, even blind.

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    He became so consumed with his own wounded pride that eventually, he condemned

    Lucy for being a Christian. This was still so soon after the Life and Death of the

    Carpenter from Nazareth, that the Roman laws still prevailed. People were legallyobligated to worship the Roman gods as specified by the government. Worshipping, or

    following the teachings of anyone else was illegal and punishable by death. The man who

    had almost married Lucy now swore out a warrant for her arrest. Lucy was tried and putto death. You may read about some bad things that happened to her when you are older ifyou wish.

    But the story did not end there! Lucy passed through her trials and came into the presenceof the Carpenter from Nazareth Himself. He caught Lucy up in His arms and kissed her

    eyelids. She opened them and could see His beautiful face! Her own eyes were restored

    and now more beautiful than ever. A single tear of joy trickled down from one of them.

    My beautiful daughter said the Carpenter. You

    took on blindness for My sake but you always saw

    more than other people. You saw the truth aboutthe world and what the people of the world so

    desperately need. You saw My trials in the souls

    of even the poorest and most downtrodden. You

    saw My need for love in the youngest and theoldest. You saw My way of the cross shine forth

    in every dark and dismal place. Because you saw

    my Light as few others ever have, you, Lucia willbecome an eternal Light to the world. Your Light

    will shine as a beacon guiding the way to Me for

    travelers on the land and on the sea. Your Light

    will shine in the eyes of every child who awaitsMy coming from year to year. The children will

    carry your light into every corner of the world,

    starting with their own homes. You will be knownthroughout the world as the bringer of my Light

    and Love to all souls who will receive them.

    And so it is and so it will always be. Blessed Saint Lucia, illumine our hearts and our

    lives so that we may see the Carpenter of Nazareth, too, someday when our eyes are


    Christine Natale

    December 13, 2012

    Photographfrom the internet, source unknownPainting - Saint Lucy 2011 by Stephen B Whatley, permission to use not yet obtained

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    Santa Lucianew lyrics by Christine Natale

    November 2, 2013

    Now winters coming on

    Now summer sun has goneAnd with the darker days

    Help us to light our ways

    Come blessed spirit brightShine through the darkest night

    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

    As forth in life we goSweet is the faith we know

    That blessings from above

    God sends with living love

    Help us to see our waySteadfast through night and day

    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

    No matter what may come

    Poor rags or kingly crown

    Show us the truth behindAll things in space and time

    Come blessed spirit bright

    Shining with Gods own light

    Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
