A List of Highly Respectable People and Organizations UPDATED V



This is version 4 of a long list of Patriots (so-called 'birthers') of all political persuasion asking the question to seek the truth behind Obama's million dollars secret - is he a US constitution article 2 natural born citizen eligible to be the president of United States.

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A List Of Highly Respectable People and OrganizationsUPDATED V. 4.0

ADDITIONS FOR V 4.0 ARE INDICATED BY NEW (these are placed throughout the piece as appropriate; not all are at the top)

“Birthers” are characterized byObama’s surrogates and the media as far-right-wing zealots embracing far-flung conspiracy theories about Obama’s constitutional qualification to be President. So who actually comprise the “Birthers” today – those people who feel that Barack Obama should release his personal records so as to put to rest the suspicion that he may not be constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States?

YOU WILL NOTE THAT MANY ARE LEFT-WING and therefore should be supporting and defending Obama.

Here’s an updated “short list”, COMPLETE WITH QUALIFYING LINKS: ******************************************************


Before proceeding, here are a few snippets that might provide an answer to as to why there is growing and widespread suspicion on the issue of Obama’sin the first place.

Democrat Gov. Bill RicardsonDemocratic National Convention in Denver Colorado on Sept. 1st 2008, he told reporters that Obama “is an immigrant” (this would make Obama ineligible under any circumstance to hold the office of President). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5OUdj_YIpo

British TelevisionAn interview with Obama’s Grandmother in this British Newscast, while in no way conclusive, implies volumes (She states categorically that Obama was born in Kenya, below)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT1PBlud8GQ

Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Kenyan Ambassador Peter Ogego and all of Kenya, apparently, are not only convinced that Obama should release his records, but that he was actually born in their country.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97RmauCSZaU

Obama’s GrandmotherSays Obama was born in Kenya. This was part of evidence submitted to the Supreme Court. The affidavit is read by a computer voice that was submitted with the recording of an interview with Obama’s Grandmother.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0



***********************************************************************Lou DobbsCNN’s longest-running news anchor who has been with CNN from the beginning and is at the top of the chain at CNN. Dobbs is convinced that there is a story and logic to this issue.An extended discussion from Dobb’s radio show


From Dobb’s daily prime-time CNN TV showhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF_J4XUKWAE


NEW Radio Legend Barry Farber, Radio Magazine’s 9th greatest all-time radio broadcaster after 50 years, and still going strong and additionally a fill-in for Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, wrote an article for Newsmax demanding that Obama disclose his birth records. Here he is himself being interviewed on an internet radio program where using his experience covering politics for half a century he very lucidly explains the issue in-depth. Videos:Part 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48RRw126m6U Part 2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DjWvIJ9aJo

Here’s the NewsMax articlehttp://www.newsmax.com/farber/Obama_birth_certificate/2009/04/06/200320.html


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuwho is convinced that Obama in unqualified and is demanding not just the Birth certificate, but passport and school records.

You’ll find the story amidst many here on Hillaryis44.org, a decided PRO LEFTIST, PRO-HILLARY CLINTON (Obama’s Secretary of state!) WEBSITE.



NEW African American Syndicated columnist Star ParkerOn Glenn Beck’s very highly rated Fox news TV show, Youtube Video:

Very significantly, she throws out an implication in the second segment in the clip that Fox News anchors have been ordered by their superiors to not discuss Obama’s citizenship issue, a second mystery in its own right



NEW Ultra Leftist Camille Paglia (who as an Ultra leftist should be 100% on Obama’s side)writing to a reader response in the ultra, ULTRA leftist Salon Magazine: “Yes, there were ambiguities about Obama's birth certificate that have never been satisfactorily resolved. And the embargo on Obama's educational records remains troubling. “



NEW Devvy KiddFounder and Director of the Project on Winning Economic Reform. Made guest appearances more than 2,500 times on talk radio shows plus personal appearances. Is also the author of four other published books dealing with construction financing and government systems. Devvy also has a program on live radio via the Internet:Solutions Not PoliticsMonday-Friday6:00 pm PST, 8:00 pm CST and 9:00 pm ESTListen live: http://www.themicroeffect.com/listenlive.htmHere’s her call for Obama’s records:


From her siteThis is a letter I sent to Judge David O. CarterNext, this is a request to my Secretary of State for a copy of the Official Certification of Nomination sent for Obama/Biden by Pelosi.Next, another letter to two U.S. Attorneys requesting a full investigation into those documents.


NEW MSgt USMC Jeff Schwilkhttp://www.orlytaitzesq.com/blog1/?p=4247References to the 48 (FOURTY-EIGHT) military personnel who have signed as co-plaintiffs in action demanding Obama’s records be made public.


Former Majority leader Tom Delay On MSNBC’s "Hardball": " I’d like the president to produce his birth certificate." And then followed, when Matthews asked Delay if anyone had questioned Delay’s citizenship status, Delay cited where the Democrats HAD sued him for exactly that – making the idea of doing that to Obama entirely within bounds according to precedents set by Obama’s own party! Watch the exchange on Youtube here



NEW Bob Grant,Another veteran Radio talk show host, this one who set the standard for national conservative talk radio long before Rush Limbaugh, has been outspoken on this issue for almost a year. The clips are numerous. Here’s one:



NEW Rush LimbaughWho needs no introduction, has been strangely silent on this issue, but lets loose occasionally on the Obama citizenship issue. A YouTube audio clip:


Lynn SamuelsA VERY LIBERAL (and so should be on liberal Obama’s side, politically) NYC Radio fixture for over 25 years has not only called for Obama’s records, but has repeatedly called Obama a liar and ineligible to be President based in part on Obama’s reluctance to turn over his records.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0CKj72GQLI

NEW Tele-evangelist Bill KellerMakes a hour TV special in which he describes how to force Obama to show his records and interviews lawyer United States Justice Foundation founder Gary Kreep.



NEW G. Gordon Liddy,Former Nixon aid and long-term political pundit and long-term radio talk show host has been on this issue for a good while, now. Here he is on Chris Matthews’ MSNBC show “Hardball”:



NEW New Hampshire State Rep Laurence Rappaport, R-Colebrook, met with New Hampshire's secretary of state, William Gardner, who oversees the state's elections, to demand answers. Rappaport took with him a pair of allegedly genuine, Kenyan birth certificates that declare Obama was born in Africa, and not in the U.S., as has been widely reported.



NEW Diana West,Writer for JewishWorldReview.com (the Jewish population votes traditionally democrat generally) writes, “None of this is healthy, not the president's suspicious secrecy and not the MSM's protective incuriosity.” A terrific editorial is here:



Rep. Trent Franks is considering filing a lawsuit of Obama’s citizenship From the Mohave Daily News

”Franks said there was not enough evidence that Obama is not an American citizen . . . and that he was considering filing a lawsuit, the only congressman to do so. Franks asked why the president did not simply produce a birth certificate.”



Rep. John Sullivan (R-Okla.) questioned the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate: “Obama is creating an enemies list of people who oppose this miserable health care plan. …That’s from a guy that can’t even show a long-form birth certificate. I think we all ought to be prepared to fight that.”


The EXTREMELY LIBERAL Huffington Post (which as a liberal media outlet should be on Obama’s side)is also not only calling for Obama to release his records, but has actually said the following: “The only thing weirder than the birthers are the anti-birthers.” In other words, it’s quite too weird to dedicate yourself to the idea that Obama should NOT release his records and put this issue to rest!


-----------------------------Mark Joseph’s column in full

The only thing weirder than the Birthers are the anti-Birthers, who blame the Birthers for being conspiracy theorists yet actively feed the conspiracy by refusing to call for President Obama to release his birth certificate.

The state official in Hawaii who manages such things has reiterated that there is indeed an original birth certificate on file which would confirm President Obama's having been born in Hawaii and that she has seen it, but state law won't allow her to release it unless the president authorizes it.

So what's the problem here? Release the original and let's be done with this madness.

I realize there are some faith-based Obama supporters who believe without seeing, but the rest of us in the reality-based world are starting to get that strange feeling we got when Mark Sanford tried to convince us that he was away from his family on Father's Day, hiking the Appalachian trail in order to clear his head and write a book.

During the last campaign, John McCain faced similar questions and promptly responded by releasing his original birth certificate. That's how normal people with nothing to hide handle these things.

Most American's aren't Birthers or anti-Birthers, but we are beginning to wonder why the president doesn't put this one to rest once and for all. Every day he allows this circus to continue is another day that he behaves less like the President of the United States facing weird accusations from fringe groups and more like a strange politician flying to Argentina to visit his soul-mate while pretending to be hiking the Appalachians.


Flight Surgeon Cpt Connie Rhodes, MDrefusedto be deployed to Iraq until Obama’s legitimacy for the position of the Commander in Chief is verified. Her case was dismissed despite constitutional standing.http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/blog1/?p=4038


Here is the Notarized statement that the Government would not allow her to leave her military base to appear in court.

*******************************************************Colonel John D. (Dave) Blair IV Special Forces, US Army (Ret.)Has offered to be listed as a plaintiff in any suits filed against Obama for disclosure of his citizenship records.http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/blog1/?p=4041


White House Spokesman utterly dodges the question EIGHT MONTHS AGO! This is NOT a new issue!



NEW Various popular musicians are even tackling this issue. Here’s just one on YouTube:



11 US CONGRESSMENsponsored a bill on the subject as a result of the “birther” controversy, making it quite implicit that they believe there is much to the issue that needs to be addressed and resolved. A different Lou Dobbs clip, from his TV show, about the citizenship issue in which the legislation is discussed:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvYcFgXCJrE


Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif.,



Congressman Roy Blunt said President Obama hasn't produced a birth certificate

“What I don’t know is why the president can’t produce a birth certificate. I

don’t know anybody else that can’t produce one. And I think that that’s a

legitimate question — no health records, no birth certificate.”




U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala"Well, his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate,"



House Republican Caucus Chairman Glen Casada, R-College Grove; Rep. Eric Swafford, R-Pikeville; Rep. Frank Nicely, R-Strawberry Plains; and Rep. Stacey Campfield, R-Knoxville who agreed to be plaintiffs "for a Writ of Mandamus to obtain original birth certificate, immigration records, passports and other vital records for Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussein Obama."



African American NY Pastor Dr James David Manning, Founder and Pastor of ATLAH, one of urban New York City’s largest churches and a world-wide ministry, is absolutely outraged by Obama’s secretiveness, and preaches that in one of the most densely populated African American populations in the United States. Via online videos and a daily 3-hour radio broadcast heard Monday through Friday, almost daily Dr Manning calls for Obama to disclose his personal documents to put this issue to rest or resign from office.

This was 8 months ago. He’s still on the issue, almost every day


More recently



Most recently (August 23rd, 2009)



US Military Major Stefan Cookrefused deployment until Obama unsealed his records and proved eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief. When the case was admitted into court, the Government simply dropped Cook's military orders without military consequence, though they did manage to get him fired from his civilian job. Watch Fox News cover it on YouTube


Dr Taitz and Major Cook interviewed outside the State Court House



Radio Host Steve MalzbergHas taken on the issue passionately and is no stranger to the airwaves. A guest host on stations around the country sitting in for Bill Bennett and Mike Gallagher on the Salem Radio Network, and John Gibson and others on Fox Radio and a TV guest on Fox News and MSNBC. The Steve Malzberg Show is heard nationally via the WOR Radio Network.




Rev. Tom Terry of Georgia appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court to

determine Obama's qualifications to be president.




TN state rep Frank Nicely sues Obama to show birth certificate


Ambassador Alan KeyesWhose long and illustrious career goes back to the Reagan Administration and one of Obama’s most uncompromising critics is one of the Plaintiffs demanding Obama show his credentials in legal action.

The First Video is an extensive, quiet interview and very detailed, the second Dr Keye’s cuts to the chase for a good sound bite”


(Part 2 covers how Keys got involved in the Obama citizenship issue) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w52cpEyj0Os

(Part 3 – skip to this part for the core of the citizenship issue – very well presented)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkfhzMssB8

Great sound bite in a entirely different style: direct, made for the mass media



Dr. T.B. Bradley, a forensic psychologist, "Upon reading all of the books written by or about Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. aka Barry Soetoro (hereinafter Obama) Applicant discerned that Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States or if he was a natural born citizen that he had lost his citizenship when his biological mother married Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia . . . not US Constitutionally qualified to hold the Office of the United States Senator from Illinois or the Office of the President of the United States."



US Military Lt. Col. Donald Sullivansought a temporary restraining order to stop the Electoral College vote in North

Carolina until Barack Obama's eligibility could be confirmed, alleging doubt about Obama's citizenship.



Citizen Grand JuriesAround America have been springing up almost weekly for months. Here’s the tip of the iceberg

Here’s a video explaining the process and what is happening as of July 2009


And a Grand Jury Websitehttp://americangrandjury.org/

And an article http://investigatingobama.blogspot.com/2009/04/leo-donofrio-vs-carl-swenson-et-al-dos.html


Lt. Easterling, As a retired US Army SFC,Filed suit to force Obama to prove his eligibility.



Attorney and Democrat (Obama’s party) Philip Berg has been a leader on this issue. Here he is addressing the Nation Press Club on this issue and describing lawsuits



Local newspapers,fueled by an education from their angry readers, have begun to openly report and editorialize that the story is a legit issue, at least insomuch as Obama fuels the issue himself with seeming deep paranoia. Here’s a good example:

“An Open letter To Barack Obama”http://newsblaze.com/story/20081102053144zzzz.nb/topstory.html

Here’s another from the Post Chroniclehttp://www.postchronicle.com/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=128&num=212042

The News & Observerreported on August 11, 2009 that a poll taken by the polling firm of Public Policy Polling found that barely half of North Carolina voters believe that Obama was even born in the United States.http://www.newsobserver.com/politics/story/1642971.html

Las Vegas Sunhttp://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009/aug/06/obama-needs-show-his-birth-certificate/

The AtlanticWith Pollhttp://politics.theatlantic.com/2009/07/obama_citizenship_poll_the_gop_base_gets_weird.php

New York Daily NewsA notoriously Left-Wing NYC newspaper, with references to poll numbers showing an increasing number of Americans now doubting Obama’s citizenship.http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2009/08/05/2009-08-05_liberals_birther_obsession.html

NEW LA TIMESReports that slippage in Obama’s polls is due heavily to uncertainty about his background, including his citizenship.http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-obama-politics7-2009sep07,0,7305762.story?page=1

Also, re grassroots interest from readers, even local cable access shows around the country have gotten into the act Here’s one example



Newspapers around the world

ranging from the liberal London Times to the Conservative Canadian Free Press to Russia’s socialist newspaper, Pravda, have called out Obama to release his long form birth certificate, Pravda going so far as to insist that Obama step down from office if he does not. Here are a couple of examples from Pravda




Australia.TO , Australia’s official national newsLast week there was a blistering condemnation of Obama and the leftist media in the US on Obama’s citizenship issue at Australia.TO , Australia’s official national news website, which now puts these angers and complaints all the way to the other side of the world. Here’s the op-ed


Israel National news is on the story constantly


Israel TV


NEW Russia TodayComplete with Videohttp://www.russiatoday.ru/Politics/2009-08-10/israeli-government-us-conservatives.html

Asia News


A tiny fraction of the stories about this mystery in news agencies around the world, that Obama could put to rest with a single two-minute phone call to his law firm and restore confidence in a growing number of world leaders that a contract signed by America is legal in a world court .********************************************************

Christopher Ruddy Newsmax senior reporter on Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly with Mike Gallagher (Ruddy and Gallagher say Obama should release the records, O’Reilly argues dismissive viewpoint losing a 2-on-1 debate. Ruddy and Gallagher maintain their positions throughout.



Lawyers around the countryare taking up dozens of very recent US Soldier’s cases to determine if Obama is eligible to be their commander-in-chief. These are all highly educated individuals and the military men are often career, high-ranking officers.

48 lawsuits demanding to see Obama’s records have been filed, the defense of which has cost Obama a reported $1 million (Innumerable sources). More develop now almost weekly.



The Globe, While generally regarded as a tabloid, has nevertheless had two very serious front-page stories covering, generally, the US military suits against Obama for his records.



Maj. Gen. Carroll D. Childers agreed to be a plaintiff in legal action



A well-documented AOL pollrecently showed as much as 85% of those who participated believe that Obama should release his personal records and put this issue to rest.



The Supreme Court,alone, has to date received more than 60,000 letters from Americans on this issue, all demanding disclosure from Obama.


******************************************************World Net Daily,a respected online news organization and one of the few online-only news organizations recognized at White House news briefings, has a petition for Obama to disclose his birth certificate, and already has well in excess of a *half million signatures* alone. WND has also offered a $10,000 reward for Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate.


They also launched a $50,000 billboard campaign

They also ran a scientific poll with polling firm Wenzel Strategies and found “Despite near media blackout on coverage, 49.3% ‘troubled,’ think he should release birth certificate”

The article at World Net Daily


The article at Weznel Strategies complete with detailed polling breakdown



To date, no hospital in Hawaii has come forward to claim this birth. No doctor or nurse has come forward to say they were present for that birth. But the President of Kenya has claimed that Obama was born in Kenya.

The Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle refuses to allow anyone to see Obama's birth records. This raises the question of how DailyKos and FactCheck claim to have gotten access.

Virtually every cable news outlethas mentioned on-air, sometimes repeatedly, that they get thousands of e-mails *every day* from citizens demanding more coverage of this issue.

Media MattersA far left organization has actually produced a television commercial attacking Lou Dobbs and other people, a very expensive alternative to a 2-minute phone call Obama could make to his lawyers to unseal his records (Media Matters calls the issue “racist”).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCyZqY3Zu8c

What You Need To Know About Obama’s Citizenship Questions In A Glance

(from Defend Our Freedoms):

Issue ReferenceIssue1. He may not be a Natural born citizen qualified to serve as President under Article II of the Constitution

He admits he was born to an American mother and a British subject, suggesting dual citizenship at best-1. If he was not born on U.S. soil, and his mother was a minor, she was ineligible to convey US citizenship-2. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948, he was born a British Citizen-3. His paternal grandmother claims to have attended

his birth in Kenya-4. Kenya memorializes his place of birth-5. Issue2. He is a suspected illegal alien for two possible reasons

At age 3, his mother and father divorced. His mother remarried and his step-father enrolled him in school in Indonesia as "Barry Soetoro" -6.


2. He is a suspected illegal alien for two possible reasons

At age 10, after his mother's second divorce-7, he reentered the US by casually and illegally assuming his birth name. Later still, he ran for and won elected office under his birth name without disclosing his legal name or his prior use of alternative names-8.

Issue3. He took elected office and was admitted to the Illinois Bar under an alias

No record of any legal name change from ‘Barry Soetoro’ to ‘Barack Obama’ has ever been found.


4. He probably lost his citizenship.

An Indonesian citizen at age 6 -9, having been adopted by a national, he may be in the US illegally-10. USC §1481(a)(2) provides loss of nationality by Natural born citizens upon "taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state ... after having attained the age of eighteen years," in violation of 8 U.S.C. §1401(a)(1). Indonesia did not allow for dual citizenship. If Obama got an Indonesian passport in 1981, when he was 20 years old, he effectively renounced any U.S. citizenship he may have had.

Issue5. He is suspected of secretly holding a foreign passport.

When he traveled to Pakistan ‘in college’-11, Americans were not allowed into that country-12. If he traveled on an Indonesian passport in 1981 at age 20, he was and remains an Indonesian citizen.


6. He posted an illegitimate birth record to deflect questions and allegations.

The "Certification of Live Birth" shown on FightTheSmears.com is not a birth certificate, but an image of an abstract that was invalidated by alteration. As indicated on that same image, the blacked out certification number invalidates the document. Document analysis shows it to be a suspected forgery.


7. The Certification of Live Birth is a suspected forgery.

The border is one that is used in 2007 COLBs. As a security measure, Hawaii changes their borders every year. This is when the Obama campaign claims the certificate was obtained. However, the seal and signature stamp are from a 2008 COLB. As revealed by a process called edging, the Hawaiian seal and signature stamp on the back of the document are revealed to be from the wrong year. Document experts have analyzed other aspects and find forgery.


8. He refuses to release relevant records.

Since matters available in the public domain raise these issues, the burden rests on Obama/Soetoro to explain. He declines to release college applications, transcripts, his birth record, or addresses of where he has lived.


9. His selective service registration may be falsified.

A FOIA document shows a 2008 sequence number for a supposed 1980 registration, an incorrect date of signature, an obsolete postal stamp and other discrepancies. Did he register at age 18 like everyone else?-13


10. Not a single cause of action has been won by Obama on the merits.

All pending suits attempting to get Obama/Soetoro to produce simple documents have been dismissed on technical grounds such as the standing of the plaintiff. Therefore, the courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States have never ruled on the merits of his citizenship.

1. “Dreams from my Father”2. Section 301(a)(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of June 27, 1952, 66 Stat. 163, 235, 8 U.S.C. §1401(b)3. FightTheSmears.com admits: “When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children. Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.” However, Obama should have reaffirmed allegiance under 8 USC 1401 et seq. upon turning 18. He did not.4. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Message.aspx/30745. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf146. AP photo Image of registration shown at http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=726567. http://www.plainsradio.com/Home1/SOETORO%20DIVORCE%20P%201-5.pdf8. 18 USC 1001: It is a federal crime punishable to lie to a federal official, which would include immigration and election.9. The divorce decree confirms he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen.10. Title 8 USCA 1401, 1481, & 148311. A new revelation made during a public campaign appearance in San Francisco in April of 2008 wherein his abilities in the arena of foreign relations was under discussion.12. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/04/obamas-college.html13. http://www.debbieschlussel.com/archives/2008/11/exclusive_did_n.html


************************************************************************A “FRINGE CONSPIRACY THEORY?” NOT ANYMORE

Growingly, Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world, allies and contentious leaders alike, cannot rest assured if treaties signed by Obama are legal, or even if he can be trusted. Only Obama can end this mess he, himself, created when he pro-actively sealed his records from public view through his lawyers.________________________________________________________

Bob Schultz with the We The People Foundation said it best:

"In the end, there is no practical reason why Obama refuses to produce his original birth certificate. He... has a duty to provide evidence that he meets the explicit requirements established by the Constitution."

To quote Barack Obama himself, “The time for games is over.” End this mess that you, yourself created, Mr. President. Stop

fighting. Release your records.
