“A Lesson Before Dying” by Ernest Gaines is about a school teacher named Grant Wiggins, who is...


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Characters in“A Lesson Before

Dying”By: Sarah Salas, Ben Gomez and Aaron


“A Lesson Before Dying” by Ernest Gaines is about a school teacher named Grant Wiggins, who is asked to teach a man on death row how to be a human being. In the process Grant learns that being self centered is not a way to live. With many people against him such as the sheriff, Grant overcame all odds.


Grant WigginsAn intelligent school teacher who is completely self centered and timid. When Grant is asked to teach Jefferson to be a man, Grant wonders how that would possibly effect him.

JeffersonJefferson is a 21 year old black male accused of murdering a white man. When proven guilty due to racial profiling he is sentenced to death and is made to believe he is a “hog”.

Miss EmmaThe Godmother of Jefferson, she is like a mother figure to him because his mom is not around. She seeks recompense from her former employer Henri Pichot, whose brother in law is the Sherriff.

Tante LouTante is French for aunt which makes Grant her Nephew. She is a mother figure towards Grant and tries her best to keep him on a straight path. Her name also solidifies the fact that the story is in a heavily French influence area.

Sheriff GuidryThe Brother in law of Henri Pichot and is in charge of the Bayonne Prison. He is a very stubborn man.

Rev. AmbroseThe Reverend of the town. He is respected throughout the quarter as being a religious leader. He tries to help Grant by giving him advice on how to help Jefferson.

Vivian Grant’s loving girlfriend. Vivian is a schoolteacher at the black Catholic school in Bayonne. She wants to be with Grant but cant because she is still married. She loves and supports him in everything that he does. Vivian is one of the few people that believes that Grant can help Jefferson.

Henry PichotA white man who owns the plantation where Grant has spent his childhood. He enjoys the power that he has in the quarter.



VivianTante Lou


Rev. AmbroseMiss Emma


Bear Brother Mr. Grope

Henri Pichot

Sheriff Guidry

Chart :D


• How would you characterize Grant Wiggins relationships with, attitude toward, and behavior with each of the other main characters, black and white? What does each of these relationships reveal about Grant and about the racially structured society in which he lives?

-He doesn’t really care about anyone besides himself and Vivian. Nobody likes him either. He doesn’t believe in God or in any kind of faith. He doesn’t trust white people, he is smarter than most black people in the quarter.


• What are the purpose, effect, and social context of miss Emma's reminding Henri Pichot and Mrs. Guidry of all that she has done for their families over the years?

-Miss Emma used to work for Henri Pichot’s family for a long time. She feels that Henri should repay her for all she’s done. When he refuses Miss Emma decides to ask Mrs. Guidry.


• How would you characterize Grants approach to and treatment of his students in the early chapters? Does his treatment of them change in the course of the novel?

-Grant treats the students very strictly. He hits them and is never in a good mood. Toward the end he treated them as young adults with more respect.