A legacy of light and dark interlude




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A Legacy of Light and Dark InterludeConfrontations

Ciara woke up with a start, her heavy breathing echoed around the empty room. “YOU!” she screamed spotting a familiar face.

“Nice to see you too,” said Aurora chuckling slightly, she watched her enemy with ease.

Ciara glared at the human manifestation of the Goddess Dawn, “Why are you here?” she yelled “What do you want?”

Aurora stepped forward “You know what I want,”

Ciara glared “You didn’t have to kill her! Definitely not in the manner you did!”

Aurora laughed remembering when she set her cowplant Mr. Fluffy on Lainey Fairleigh. “Mr Fluffy did an excellent job didn’t he?” she paused “A name, Ciara that’s all I want,”

Ciara smirked “A name in exchange for her,” she paused and waited for her enemy’s reaction.

Aurora shook her head, “No, Jess would never forgive me,” She turned to the window “Why her Ciara? Why not any other?”

Ciara sighed “My eldest daughter was talented,”

Aurora raised an eyebrow “Jess,” she asked.

Ciara shook her head, “Charlotte was the elder by four minutes, when she fell ill. I passed her to my half brother, I regret having her destroyed. If the girl has the slightest of talent her Aunt had she will be more talented than me,”

Aurora nodded “I will get Aayla to test her,”

Ciara screamed “THE GIRL IS MINE!”

“You have claimed her as you know now, she will dream of you,”

Ciara smirked “On Midsummer’s eve, she will come to me and no-one can take her from me then, not even you,” she sneered then “The poor goddess not being able to do anything!”

Aurora sighed in annoyance, “And until Midsummer’s eve?”

Ciara smirked for the third time, “The girl will sleep,”

“So mote it be,” Aurora muttered and turned and walked out the door. “I have to warn Jess,” she muttered “or her daughter will be doomed,”