A la carte.docx


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A la carte – On a menu it means that there is a separate price for each item in conjuction with tours it means clients can get to choice of what they want from the menu

Accommodation- A seat/service sold to passenger

Accreditation – Approval by conference or association for allowing the sale of tickets and other travel services.

Actual Flying time- The total amount of time in the car

Add-ons – Optional tour arrangement that the customer may choose to purchase

Air sickness – Sickness caused by the motion of the aircraft or altitude characterized by nausea and vertigo

All-in – term for all expense or all inclusive arrangements

Allocentric- preferring to travel to unusual places

Back-to-back ticketing- A practice that is generally frowned upon by the airlines because travelers buy two round trip tickets to take advantage or round trip fares but use the segments out of sequence

Bareboat charter- A yacht, boat, or other vessel rented without supplier or crew

Base fare- the fare without tax

Batch mode- A way of processing information or ticketing in groups or batches

Bed night- Statistically measurement based on one person spending one night in motel/hotel

Bilge- The nearly horizontal part of the ship’s bottom

Bill of Fare- Menu or list of foods available at a restaurant

Block space- A reserved number of rooms, seats, or other space, usually reserved in advance for the purpose of selling those seats or space in a tour package.

Bulwark- A ships side above the upper deck

Capsule Hotel- Lodging that features small, coffin-like sleeping compartment (often found near Japanese railways station and usually accepting men only)

Carafe- A glass bottle for serving wine or water

Charabanc- A motorcoach

Chauffer- Driver of vehicle, hired for transformation

Churning- term used for booking, cancelling, and rebooking reservations

Coach class- a section of plane, also called tourist or economy class

Cohost carrier- An Airline that agrees to pay the host for display of flights and fares in computers

Commission cap- the maximum dollar amount of commission that a supplier will pay to an agency/ agent regardless of the amount of the sales or tickets

Concierge- the individual or desk in a hotel which attends to guests needs and services

Condition fare- Also called a leisure class fare, which entitles the passenger to fly free on the next available flight if the flight is full

Consortium- group of person/ companies that pool together their resources to obtain benefits such as higher commission, advertising

Continental breakfast- usually rolls and coffee

Continental code- The international morse code, used in communication

Couchette – A sleeping berth on European train. Normally there are four top six beds in a compartment

Croupier- an employee of gambling establishment who supervises a gaming table

Cruise broker- Person who specialized in last-minute availability of cabins and cruise ships

Demitasse- A small cup, such as that used for black coffee

Diglot- Using or containing two language

Discotheque- A nightclub where patrons dance to recorded music

Dog and pony show- An expression used for sales presentation

Dome car- also called a bubble car, a car designed with glass roof for sightseeing

Drayage- The charge or cost of transporting goods; transportation of goods

Driver-guide- A driver who is authorized to act as a guide on tours

Efficiency- Room that has kitchen facilities, similar to a one room apartment, also called a studio

Enplane- to go board a aircraft

Ensign- A flag, emblem, badge or symbol of office

Entrée- In the US the main dish of a meal, in other countries it is an appetizer course

Entry fee- Charges from entering a country or establishment

Excursionist- A temporary visitor staying less than 24hours in a country

Fictitious point principle- a principle of international fare construction that allows the use of fare to city, to which the passenger is not actually travelling. It is not allowed in most airlines.

First sitting- the earlier of two meal times for dinning on a ship

Fixed cost- cost which remains constant

Fjord- Narrow sea inlet, usually bordered by steep cliffs

Flaps- Extendable, hinged surfaces on the wings of an aircraft used to control lift

Free port- port where goods are not subject to tax or duty

Fully-appointed- Description of travel agency that has been approved and accredited to sell airlines, cruise and other products and services of travel suppliers

Glade skiing- Downhill skiing in open areas surrounded by trees

Glider- an aircraft without an engine that is towered to a certain height and set to soar on air currents.

Globe trotter- One that travels widely all over the world

Gondola- a long, narrow flat-bottomed boat used in canals. Also a vehicle used in ski areas to transport skiers and sightseers

Grand tour- An extended tour

Ground Operator- the company providing land services

Halo effect- incremental business to travel agency gives to an airline that shows the reservation system the agency uses

Harbor- a protected anchorage area for ships

Harbor master – An officer in charge of harbor or port

Haute cuisine- A refined style for cooking involving elaborate preparations and presentation of foods

Haven- A harbor or port, place of safety

Helm- Apparatus by which a ship is steered

Hotel Chain- two or more hotel properties that are owned or managed by one company

Hotel Garni- A smaller accommodation property usually without a restaurant

Hotel register- Permanent record guest

Hotelier- Hotel manager or owner

Hovercraft- A vehicle or craft that travels by being buoyed or supported by air pressure

Howdah- Large, elegant, canopied chair-seat strapped to an elephants back, mostly used in east India

Hub- An airport used as a major connection point

Hydrofoil- Ship or boat that has attached struts for lifting the hull clearot the water as it gains speed
