A “How To Booklet” would be defined as a booklet that would give step by step instructions on...


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“How To” Booklet

What a How To Booklet Is A “How To Booklet” would be defined as a

booklet that would give step by step instructions on how to do something.

This could be instructional ( How to build a birdhouse)

This could be motivational. ( How to Feel Better About Yourself)

This could be financial ( How to make a Million Bucks)

A “How To” booklet is meant to help non experts, and will leave out complicated information that would only be important to experts.

A “How To” Booklet must have a purpose.

Your Assignment:

You are going to create your own “How To” booklet.

Write the booklet as if you are writing it for someone who knows NOTHING about this subject. ( Even if the subject is common)

Remember this must be STEP BY STEPRemember to include pictures and/or

illustrations.You can make your booklet as a power point

presentation. Save it to the student drive and show it to the class. Remember :each slide will be a page.
