A guide to successful SMS Marketing - lp.esendex.comthey’re free to receive and you can opt out at...


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A guide to successful SMS Marketing

Easy ways to gather mobile subscribers and send more effective messages.

Whether you’ve sent out a few dozen messages to test out SMS

marketing, or you’ve sent out thousands of messages and would

like to take your results from average to exceptional, this ebook is

for you.

It contains advice on growing your subscriber list, the sort of

messages people like to receive, when they prefer to receive them,

and quick tweaks that’ll mean you get much better results.

Contents page:

Grow subscribers ................................................................................................................................................................................... pg.4

SMS marketing and the law .................................................................................................................................................... pg.5

Incentives that really work ...................................................................................................................................................... pg.6

Promoting your offer ................................................................................................................................................................. pg.8

Setting expectations ................................................................................................................................................................... pg.8

When to use SMS and when not to .............................................................................................................................................. pg.9

What to send ............................................................................................................................................................................................. pg.12

Thefirstmessage ......................................................................................................................................................................... pg.13

Leading with value ....................................................................................................................................................................... pg.15

Personalisation ............................................................................................................................................................................. pg.16

Timing is everything ................................................................................................................................................................... pg.17

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................................................... pg.18


A guide to successful SMS marketing

Grow subscribers

The hardest part of SMS marketing is getting a list together of

people who want to hear from you. Here’s where we explore how

you can grow your list, starting with the legalities.

SMS marketing and the law

A lot of businesses collect mobile numbers from customers as a matter of course: from buying something

online to registering for a service. Sending marketing messages to these people is called a ‘soft opt-in’, and

ICO provides the following advice:

Although organisations can generally only send marketing texts or emails with specific consent, there is an

exception to this rule for existing customers, known as the ‘soft opt-in’. This means organisations can send

marketing texts or emails if:

they have obtained the contact details in the course of a sale (or negotiations for a sale) of a product or

service to that person;

they are only marketing their own similar products or services; and


the details and in every message after that.

In an ideal world, customers will actively opt-in to receive text messages from you, and we’ll look at how you


Every marketing text message you send needs to show:

Who you are

What you are selling

What the promotions are, and if there are any special conditions attached

A way to opt out of future marketing.


A guide to successful SMS marketing

Incentives that really work

As mentioned earlier, the general rule of thumb for SMS marketing is that you must have the recipient’s

consent to send them messages.

You’ve probably seen tick boxes saying ‘tick here to receive mobile offers’ if you shop online; most people leave

these unticked because they don’t see the value - what’s in it for them?

Here are two ways to give customers a great reason to sign up receive messages from you.

1. Give something away

As our example shows (and our apologies for

the dreadful pun), giving something away as an

incentive to sign up to a mobile mailing list is a

familiar and effective tactic.

You could also offer a discount, or a prize draw

for a gift card, driving experience or spa treatment

if you offer a service that can’t be given away or

discounted easily.

These kind of adverts can appear on your website,

in print, on signs or in your email signature – and

they appeal to both new and current customers.








Example giveaway

A guide to successful SMS marketing

The Information Commissioner’s Office has a helpful checklist

to ensure you’re compliant.

2. Offer something exclusive

This is more long-term than a single giveaway or

prize draw and needs a bit of planning.

The sort of things you might offer to customers

here include promotional codes, offers or event

invites: ‘Get exclusive news, events and deals

by joining our mobile VIP club’, ‘Exclusive offers

straight to your mobile device’ and ‘Receive

exclusive contests, events and more!’.

If you have an email newsletter, and distribute

promotional codes or event invites via email,

it’s important that these are separate from your

mobile offers. They really do need to be exclusive.


Example Call-to-Action

A quick note about short codes



subscribers because they’re a lot easier to type in than a full telephone number!

How do you get one? Ask your SMS service provider about your options and expect to pay

a small monthly fee.

A guide to successful SMS marketing

75% of people want to receive messages from businesses sent to them via SMS, and almost 1/3 have

actively subscribed to mobile marketing (source).

So the appetite is there, but now you need to make sure that your customers know that you offer this service.

You don’t need to have a big budget, either:

Add a form to your website allowing customers to opt-in with their mobile numbers


If you have a shop, put up signs inviting customers to join your mobile mailing list

Tell people how to sign up for your mobile mailing list in your magazine or directory adverts

Add a banner graphic to your website and social media pages

Put your invite on your letterhead paper, invoices / receipts and compliment slips.

Our attention span keeps getting shorter so keep your message simple!

Setting expectations

Don’t expect overnight results; building a mobile database takes time and energy, and one of the reasons

some companies don’t succeed is that they give up too soon.



will come in time.

Promoting your offer


A guide to successful SMS marketing


When to use SMS and when not to

Marketing by text message has a lot of stats to boast its success:

93%ofUKadultsownamobilephone(source); SMS boasts a 98%

open rate (source);and70%ofpeopledeemSMSasagreatwayto

win their attention (source).

However, receiving a text feels much more personal than an email,

and obviously you have limited space to get your message across.

Think carefully before committing to an SMS campaign and as

yourself these questions:

Pre-send checklist

1. Can my message be put across in 160 characters?

It’s not easy to write advertising messages that are interesting, entertaining or useful AND encourage



160 characters is the length of one text message.


A guide to successful SMS marketing

2. Is this message urgent?

One of the great things about SMS is the speed in which they’re read. MobileSquared, a mobile research

firm,reportedthat90% of people read text messages within three minutes of them being received.

But that great strength is also a weakness; if your message doesn’t demand immediate attention, it’ll be read

and then forgotten. Reminding someone that their car is due for a service a month before the actual date

will be less effective than the same message sent *when* the service is due.

Equally a one day promotional sale should be promoted on the day, not three days before. This is where

coupling SMS with an email campaign can be very effective; use email for the build up, and SMS to really

drive action.

3. Is this message really valuable?

Don’t waste your customers’ good will; every message you send out is a chance for them to unsubscribe,

and if you send them something unimportant, they’ll do just that.

This is best practice for any marketing message, but with SMS being so personal, you need to be particularly

selective about what you send.


A guide to successful SMS marketing

What to send

The first message


and new customers (the ‘soft opt-ins’ mentioned on Page 5)

is absolutely key to the future success of your messages.

This is your opportunity to tell people what they can

expect to receive from you, how often, and how they

can stop receiving messages if they choose (this last


Thanks for signing up

to mobile alerts from

Cactus Recruitment!

We’ll send you 2-3

messages per mth with

the best vacancies for

your skill set. Text STOP

to opt out at any time.

Cactus Recruitment13:34

Text Message

Example 1

Welcome to Esendex’s

Mobile VIP Club! You’ll

receive exclusive invites,

promotions and news

3-4 times per month.

Opt out any time by

texting NOTHANKS to


Mobile VIP Club13:34

Text Message

Example 2

Hello & welcome from

Daybrook Surgery! We’ll

send you special offers &

important surgery news

via SMS. Text STOP to

opt out.

Daybrook Surgery13:34

Text Message

Example 3


Example welcome messages for subscribers:

A guide to successful SMS marketing

Already sent out your

first message? Don’t

worry: it’s never too late

to let people know what

to expect and when.

While you’ll probably want to keep

most of your messages to 160

characters (the length of one text

message), the welcome message

is often longer as there’s more to

communicate. If you go over 160

characters, your message will still

look like one message, but you’ll be

charged for two messages by your

SMS provider.


Example welcome messages for new customers:

Thank you for registering

for Cactus Recruitment’s

services! We’d like to

send you 2-3 messages

per month with the best

vacancies for your skill

set. You can opt-out at

any time by replying


Cactus Recruitment13:34

Text Message

Example 1

Thank you for shopping

with Esendex! We’d like

to send you exclusive

invites, promotions and

news via SMS 3-4 times

per month. If you’d

rather not receive these

messages, please text

NOTHANKS to 80800.


Text Message

Example 2

Hello from Daybrook

Surgery! We use SMS

to let people know

about special offers and

important surgery news;

they’re free to receive

and you can opt out

at any time by texting


Daybrook Surgery13:34

Text Message

Example 3

A guide to successful SMS marketing

160 characters looks like this. It’s

true that you don’t have a huge

amount of space, but not so short

that you shouldn’t consider how

you structure your offer.


Example promotional messages:

Save 20% on all

footwear at Bella’s

Boots. One day only -

show this text to the

cashier to get your


Bella’s Boots13:34

Text Message

Example 1

Free garlic bread

with every 10” pizza

ordered from Freddie’s

Fry Up this weekend!

Order online at www.

freddiesfryup.co.uk &

add FRED10 when you


Freddie’s Fry Up13:34

Text Message

Example 2

Buy 2 get 1 free

tanning sessions in our

new state-of-the-art

tanning booth. Call

07870154769 to book

today & quote 2-4-1



Text Message

Example 3

A guide to successful SMS marketing

Leading with value

You should always open your SMS with the most exciting part of your message. If that’s a giveaway or a

discount, start with this and then go into detail.


As we’ve said before, receiving a text feels highly personal, which can work for or against you when sending

marketing messages.

It can work for you if you use all of the information you have about your customers to improve the

relevance of the message you’re sending.


the receiving end will react to them.

Personalisation can start small: just including your customer’s name will help them feel like the message was

crafted just for them.

Taking this further, you might want to consider grouping your customers by:



Purchase history


You can then tailor your promotion to each group - for example, a discount on a new celebrity perfume


restaurant opening in Birmingham isn’t going to be of much interest to people in Edinburgh.

If you don’t have this level of information about your mobile subscribers, don’t panic; use what you do have,

and segment and personalise your messages as much you reasonably can.


A guide to successful SMS marketing

Timing is everything

How often should you send SMS marketing campaigns?

Pretty consistently: three to four times a month should help you stay top of mind with your customers.

However, don’t feel that you have to stick to an absolutely rigid schedule - better to miss a week than to

send through a poorly thought-through message.

When should you send SMS marketing campaigns?

Most text messages are read within three minutes of them being received, so they don’t work as well for

‘teaser’ style content (i.e. ‘coming soon…’). They’re better used when you want someone to take action


Marks & Spencer ran a highly successful text message campaign to promote their dine-in-for-two offer

(source). Their texts were carefully timed to reach phones as busy commuters were leaving work, reminding

them that they’re hungry, they’ve mouths to feed, and there’s an affordable solution to this problem just

down the road. The same message sent at 9AM wouldn’t have had the same impact.

For most people, working out the best time of day to send out a campaign is down to good judgement and

a degree of trial and error. If your customers are working professionals, and your message isn’t work-related,

try lunchtimes and evenings when they’re at liberty to take action.

Test different days of the week, and different times, and, based on the volume of response to your

promotion, you’ll be able to work out what works best for your customer base.


A guide to successful SMS marketing


We hope this ebook has given you some ideas for how you can start to actively grow your mobile

subscriber list, and what content works well sent through SMS. Our top tips for quick wins are:

Set expectations - don’t just send a promotion out of the blue to unsuspecting customers!


want action

Pick your moments - use the immediacy of SMS to your advantage

Open your message with the most exciting part

Tailor your promotions to the individual as much as possible.


A guide to successful SMS marketing

Designed and published by Esendex Ltd.

Esendex Limited 2017 | Registered company number: 04217280

About Esendex

Esendex is a mobile business communications provider helping

thousands of customers worldwide.

We offer 1-2-1 account management to help you get the best out of your marketing campaigns,

and have direct network connections to all of the major networks, meaning that your messages

will be delivered quickly, securely and reliably.

To contact your account manager:

Call 0345 356 5758

Visit www.esendex.co.uk where our agents are available on LiveChat(officehoursonly).