A fourth law of robotics?. Industrial revolution then


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A fourth law of robotics?

Industrial revolution then

...and now

Knowledge workers of the world uniteyou have nothing to lose but your daisy chains

Behold: the end of civilisation as we know it

The only way about me is the way I move

Upstream issues: Case study Care Robots

Johnny 5 needs input



Monkey is what monkey does

Borges Infinite Library

• "if by some magic a man who had never known it were to compose anew Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn, he would be an "author," and, if he copyrighted it, others might not copy that poem, though they might of course copy Keats's.

Qentis - Michael Marcovici

Throwing a monkey wrench into copyright law?

Chinese Room Argument (Searle)

Almost human: Copyright in a shared world

• Idea-expression dichotomy?• What is „creativity“ in a world shared with

robots• Rewarding, encouraging, investing?• Future of Journalism?

The extended mind: principle of parity

• If, as we confront some task, a part of the world functions as a process which, were it to go on in the head, we would have no hesitation in accepting as part of the cognitive process, then that part of the world is (for that time) part of the cognitive process.” (Clark and Chalmers)
