A Defense of Christian Pacifism


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  • 8/13/2019 A Defense of Christian Pacifism








    In defending Christian pacifism, I have sometimes been accused (and I

    believe unfairly so) of being disrespectful to Orthodox Priests who

    disagree with this philosophy. So I want to make it clear at the outset

    that I honor Father Josiah Trenham as an Orthodox Christian Priest, and

    therefore I will do my best to present this refutation in a respectful

    Christian manner. Sometimes bluntness is erroneously mistaken for

    rudeness, and I hope that those who read and hear this message will

    not fall prey to such a misunderstanding. Priests are fallible human

    beings with fallible human opinions. And as with all fallible human

    opinions, the personal views of Priests are also susceptible to

    examination and rebuttal. My own opinions certainly warrant equal

    scrutiny, and therefore I submit them to the correction and reproof of

    Orthodox Christian doctrine.

    I would also like to say that while I have profound disagreement with

    Father Josiah on this particular topic, I nevertheless appreciate his solid

    Orthodox teachings on many other subjects. Most of all, I truly

    appreciate his Orthodox Christian commitment to opposing the evil of

    abortion and affirming the life and dignity of the unborn child. I wish

    that more Orthodox Priests were as outspoken on this issue as he is.

    Part I: Defining Pacifism and Dispelling a False Dichotomy

    Father Josiahs talk is titled:Jesus: PeacemakerNot Pacifist

    To begin with, its very important that we define the meaning of

    pacifism. There are actually various degrees and interpretations of

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    pacifism. Websters Dictionary defines pacifism as the belief that it is

    wrong to use war or violence to settle disputes; opposition to war or

    violence as a means of settling disputes; specifically a refusal to bear

    arms on moral or religious grounds; 2) an attitude or policy of


    There are many degrees of pacifism and various interpretations of its

    definition and application. So I will only speak for my own view of

    pacifism, which I define as the Christian imperative to actively oppose

    injustice and evil always and only with nonviolent principles and

    methods.The power of Christian pacifism derives from the fact that it

    is Christian. The Christian pacifist rejects the violent methods of the

    god of this world,i.e. Satan (II Corinthians 4:4) and relies upon thespiritual weapons issued to us by God Himself. As St. Paul writes in

    Ephesians 6 :

    Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his

    might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand

    against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and

    blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of

    the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able

    to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand

    therefore, having your loins girded with truth, and having on the

    breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation

    of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith

    ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the

    helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of

    God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, andwatching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all

    saints. [Ephesians 6:10-18]

    You see, Christian pacifism is not a feckless idealism that imagines that

    injustice and evil will vanish if we simply wish it away. The Christian

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    pacifist is a soldier in this spiritual war, and he confronts evil with the

    militancy of prayer, love, and sacrificial nonviolent intervention.

    So the fundamental problem with Father Josiahs argument is that his

    entire premise is based upon a straw man, a gross mischaracterization

    of the Christian pacifist position. Father Josiah presents pacifism as

    synonymous with apathy and cowardice. But there was certainly

    nothing apathetic or cowardly about the nonviolent sacrificial actions of

    Our Lord Jesus Christ. And there was nothing apathetic or cowardly

    about the pacifism of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    men who gave their very lives in the nonviolent struggle to confront

    and redress the great social injustices of their time. Father Josiah has

    made the same mistake that most people make when they reject

    pacifism. He has confused Christian pacifism with a mentality of

    apathetic indifference to sin, evil, injustice and oppression. And this is a

    very unfortunate misconception, a misconception that I hope to correct

    with this humble and sincere response.

    First let me address the title of Father Josiahs talk: Jesus: Peacemaker

    not Pacifist.The title is problematic because it presents a false

    dichotomy between pacifism and peacemaking. Pacifism is the

    unconditional commitment to nonviolence, and one cannot violently

    make peace. Violence can no more establish peace than theft can

    establish honesty. The simple fact is that it is impossible to make peace

    with somebody that you kill.

    Its fine to philosophize and theorize about strong armies protecting

    national peace. But the grim realities of such militant protection

    reveal that the ostensible peace which violence provides is really no

    peace at all. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, True peace is not theabsence of tension but the presence of justice.And nowhere is this

    truth more tragically evident than in the United States of America. We

    have the strongest military in the world, but it does nothing more than

    protect a superficial peace that obfuscates the violence of hunger,

    homelessness, poverty and abortion. Strong armies dont provide and

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    protect the peace; they only preserve a faade of peace that makes the

    masses believe that their own manufactured violence is law and


    Part II: A Point by Point Rebuttal

    Now, lets examine some of Father Josiahs statements point by point:

    1.Father Josiah asks, Is there any spirit today that is unmolested by

    this nonsense of extreme pacifism?

    With all due respect, Im not sure what world Father Josiah is living in.

    When I look at our world, I see rampant violence and discord

    everywhere. The spirit of warfare, division, sin, and oppressionpermeates the globe. Rather than extreme pacifism, I see extreme

    violence. In fact, violence is so prevalent that even the unborn child in

    the womb is not safe. The one realm of earthly existence where peace

    should be certainthe mothers womb has become perhaps the least

    safe place of all. So to answer Father Josiahs question yes, the evil

    spirit of violence is all too prevalent and all too pervasive. I pray for the

    Spirit of pacifism to come quickly. But the Holy Spirit is not a molester;

    His peace is a choice that must be volitionally embraced.

    2.Father Josiah says, We live in a plague of pacifism.

    Now, as I stated at the outset, Im sure Father Josiah really means to

    say that we live in plague of cowardice. Surely he does not really mean

    that we live in a world plagued with peace and nonviolence. And surely

    he does not view peace as a plague.But again I point out that he is

    erroneously confusing Christian pacifism with apathetic indifference toinjustice and evil. The reality is that we dont live in a plague of

    pacifism; we live in a world plagued with violence.

    He goes on to say, The Church has been plagued throughout her

    history with a false spirit of pacifism.

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    That is a very troubling statement, because the Church honors and

    venerates countless Saints who submitted themselves to torture and

    martyrdom without violently defending themselves or others. Surely

    these Saints were not led by a false spirit. Surely they are not to be

    condemned as cowards because they refused to injure or slay their

    oppressors. God forbid that we should insinuate such a thing!

    3.Father Josiah then states, The pacifist believes that Christ conquered

    evil by submitting to evil on its own terms.

    This may be the most egregious misrepresentation of Christian pacifism

    that Ive ever heard. Christian pacifism is notapathetic and passive

    acceptance of evil. Our Lords sacrificial and atoning death on the Crosswas the antithesis of submission to evil on its own terms. In fact, Christ

    confronted evil on Histerms, not the devils.

    Our Lord refused to submit to the ideology of violence which dictates

    the retributive principle of measure for measure. He refused to meet

    hate with hate. He refused to confound the calumniators with calumny.

    He refused to fight political powers with political machinations. He

    refused to destroy the lives of others in order to preserve His own. Byrefusing to bow to evil, by refusing to acquiesce with evil, and by

    refusing to combat evil with the methods of evil, Our Lord provided

    salvation to all men and redeemed the entire world.

    The Christian pacifist simply seeks to follow Our Lords example to the

    best of our ability. The pacifist confronts evil directly and says: I refuse

    to allow you to dictate the terms of engagement. Do to me what you

    will, but I will not respond in kind. I will meet your violence with peace

    and your hate with love. I will resist your temporal evil with the

    weapons of eternal good. And even as you seek to destroy my life, I will

    seek to win your soul.

    As St. John Chrysostom said, Our warfare is to make the dying live, not

    to make the living die.

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    4.Father Josiah goes on to say: The pacifist believes that Christs

    mandate to turn the other cheek means not resisting evil and allowing

    evil to do whatever it wants.

    Once again, this statement could not be further from the truth. Forexample, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not believe in allowing evil to

    do whatever it wanted. Instead, Dr. King was compelled by the

    teachings and example of Christ to confront evil head on and declare,

    Thou shall not! He preached, marched, agitated, and offered up his

    very life in resisting evil. But he resisted evil nonviolently, lovingly, and

    only with the weapons and power of the Holy Spirit. And his pacifist

    resistance not only helped to change unjust laws, but it also changed

    hearts and minds.

    5.Father Josiah emphatically declares: Unfortunately today, our

    Orthodox Churches are filled with pacifists. Filled!

    In the six years since I have been a baptized Orthodox Christian, I have

    yet to meet another Orthodox Christian pacifist face to face. I have over

    3,000 Facebook friends, most of whom are Orthodox Christians, and I

    would estimate that less than 5% of them are avowed pacifists. So I amsimply baffled by Father Josiahs statement here. I would love for him

    to tell me where these Orthodox Churches are that are filled with

    pacifists. I should like to send a letter of gratitude and encouragement

    to their priests and parishioners. For I continue to search for a solidarity

    of nonviolent Christian consciousness within my beloved Orthodox


    6.Father Josiah also takes a thinly veiled swipe at the Orthodox PeaceFellowship, a wonderful ministry that embraces and promotes the

    Orthodox patristic concept of the consistent Life ethic. He remarks,

    We have this or that so-called Peace Fellowship claiming to represent

    the Church, censuring the godly use of force at all.

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    This statement is both unfair and inaccurate. It is unfair because it

    insinuates that the Orthodox Peace Fellowshipis not really a fellowship

    of peace, but only a so-called peace fellowship. I have no idea why

    Father Josiah feels the need to malign and impugn the Orthodox Peace

    Fellowshipin this manner. And his statement is inaccurate because as I

    have already repeatedly statedand will continue to reiterate

    throughout this refutationChristian pacifism does not reject the godly

    use of force, but instead relies on the use of godlyforce. And the godly

    force that has been sanctioned for us as Christians is not the carnal

    force of violence, destruction, and killing. Godly force most certainly

    involves tremendous struggle, suffering, and self-sacrificebut it does

    not involve the deliberate destruction of human beings created in

    Gods holy image. As the angel declared to Zechariah the Prophet, Not

    by might nor by power, but by my Spirit declares the Lord God

    Almighty. [Zechariah 4:6]

    7.Father Josiah also invokes the examples of Old Testament Saints as

    justification for the use of violence today. This is a common argument

    levied against the Christian pacifist. People will argue that since David

    killed Goliath, since the Israelites slaughtered pagan nations, and sinceElijah slew the prophets of Baal, then violence is also acceptable for the

    Christian as well.

    But there are some serious fallacies with this argument. For example, if

    the violent actions of Old Testament Saints is our model for behavior

    today, then why not take up arms and slaughter abortionists? Certainly

    we could save countless innocent unborn lives if we did so. Why not

    burn witches at the stake and kill the false prophets of our own day and

    time? If the militancy of the Old Testament Saints is our standard, then

    we are most certainly failing miserably in our Christian duty.

    But of course the reality is that as Christians our standard and model of

    behavior is Christ Himself. We must ask how Our Lord responded to

    injustice and evil. We must ask how Our Lord responded to violence

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    and oppression. In the debate over to kill or not to kill, the paramount

    question for the Christian is simply this: When Christand His disciples

    walked upon the earth, facing violent opposition and witnessing

    tremendous oppression, did they respond with violence and killing?

    And the clear and simple answer is a resounding and unequivocal no!

    We must understand that Christ came to fulfill the law and the

    prophets. (St. Matthew 5:17) St. Paul writes that the law of the Spirit of

    life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death.

    (Romans 8:2) Just as we no longer need to offer animal sacrifices to

    atone for our sins, likewise we no longer need to injure and kill. Christ

    has liberated us from reliance upon weapons of fleshly destruction. He

    has commissioned us with spiritual weapons that are imbued witheternal power. (Ephesians 6) Our souls are redeemed by Him, and

    therefore we do not need to preserve our earthly lives by any means

    necessary. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)

    Though our bodies may be destroyed, nothing can destroy our souls.

    The Christian is not enslaved to the antiquated law of an eye for an

    eye. In St. John 13:34 Our Lord gives His disciples a new

    commandment: A new command I give you, that you love one another,as I have loved you.Christ is our Commander in Chief, and His orders

    are clear:

    Put away your sword. [St. Matthew 26:52]

    Do not repay evil with evil.[I Peter 3:9]

    Turn the other cheek. [St. Matthew 5:39]

    Love your enemies and bless those that persecute you. [St. Luke


    8.Father Josiah says, Lots of Christians today see no place for the use

    of firmness or force in any sphere of life at all. Many say that you should

    never even spank your own children.

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    I actually agree with Father Josiahs statement here. There are many

    professing Christians today who unfortunately fail to stand up to evil,

    who fail to defend Christian truth, and who fail to discipline their

    children. But such failures are in no way reflective or indicative of the

    Christian pacifist position. The greatest Christian pacifist of the 20th

    centuryDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.was a man who opposed evil,

    defended the Gospel, and by most accounts certainly disciplined his

    own children.

    9.Father Josiah brings up the tragic situation of Christian persecution in

    Syria. He says that according pacifists, evidently the only appropriate

    response when violently attacked by Muslim Jihadis is to run, hide, or


    I will respond to this by first saying that there are never any easy

    answers in such horrific situations. Whether one espouses pacifism or

    some form of just war doctrine, the reality is that its all theory until

    we are actually confronted with such evil ourselves. Its easy to

    advocate violent self-defense, and its easy to say turn the other

    cheek. But the nature of warfare and violence is chaotic, irrational,

    and unpredictable. All we can do is prayerfully prepare daily for the

    strength, courage, and grace to respond to violent aggression in the

    most Christian way possible.

    But I must point out that while our Christian brothers and sisters are

    being persecuted in Syria, Egypt, and other parts of the world, we also

    have brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered by the thousands,

    daily, right here in America. There is no greater or more unjust violence

    anywhere in the world than the murder of unborn innocents thatoccurs with impunity in our own nation. So I find it oddly inconsistent

    when Christians argue for justifiable violence but refuse to take up

    arms to defend the most defenseless members of the human race. To

    be quite blunt, I cant think of anything more gutless or cowardly than

    demanding the right to violently defend oneself while refusing to

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    violently defend innocent unborn children. Of course, as a Christian

    pacifist, I strongly condemn the use of violence in the Pro-Life cause. I

    am simply pointing out what I perceive to be a glaring inconsistency

    and gross hypocrisy on the part of those who rationalize violence for

    themselves but eschew violence in defense of the unborn.

    When confronted with terrorism, aggression, and evil, Our Lord Jesus

    Christ did not run or hide. But He did die. And He did rise again. When

    confronted with terrorism, aggression, and evil, Dr. Martin Luther King,

    Jr. did not run or hide. But he did die. And as he eloquently stated,

    Truth crushed to earth will rise again.When confronted with the

    terrorism, aggression, and evil of legalized abortion, there are countless

    Pro-Life activists who do not run and hide. They intervene nonviolentlyto reach out to pregnant women in distress and to give voice to

    voiceless unborn children. They endure insult and injury, curses and

    calumnies, and oftentimes jail or imprisonment.

    So once again I will respectfully point out that Father Josiah has

    misrepresented the Christian pacifist position. We do not run; we do

    not hide; but we do indeed pray for the divine strength to meet hate

    with love, violence with peace, and death with dignity and grace. This isundoubtedly much easier said than done, but there is nothing easy or

    safe about the Cross.

    10. Father Josiah states: In the home, in the Church, and in the state

    there is a consistent drumbeat of nonresistance in the cloak of


    I think Ive been quite clear by now that Christian pacifism is not

    synonymous with nonresistance. We always resist evil and injustice, but

    we do so only with nonviolent Christian methods.

    Let me also note that while the godless spirit of apathetic nonresistance

    may be infiltrating the home and the Church, the godless spirit of

    violence and killing permeates the state. From perpetual wars, to

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    tremendous violence and force. And in my rage I cursed the man and

    raised my fist to hit him again. He ran away like a frightened rabbit. The

    police came. I was very fortunate that I wasnt arrested. I felt

    tremendous guilt and shame. I had reacted violently, in anger, and

    there was nothing Christian about my actions.

    You see, it happened in an instant. Violence is not something that can

    be predictably tamed or methodically controlled. The very nature of

    violence is contrary to reason and order. I am fortunate that the man

    did not have a gun, because he may have shot me. And if I had been

    someone who believed in carrying a gun myself, then I may have shot


    So its easy for Father Josiah to lay out an ideal scenario for how such

    aggression should be dealt with. But these scenarios rarely jibe with

    reality. The Pro-Life victim Father Josiah mentions simply responded to

    his assailant by saying, There is forgiveness in Jesus. And in that

    particular response he demonstrated the power, truth, and nonviolent

    resolve of the Christian pacifist. I wish that I had been able to respond

    that way many years ago when I acted quite differently; but at the time

    I allowed my passions to overcome my Christian convictions. Violencealways arises from the passions. And as Orthodox Christians we must

    constantly strive to subdue the passions so that our souls can

    experience the eternal love of God.

    During my years as a missionary to the unborn and their mothers, I

    experienced great failure and great success. I saw the depths of

    darkness, depravity, and despair; but I also saw many lives saved and

    many souls come to Christ. And as I reflect upon those difficult and

    tumultuous years of Pro-Life activism, I realize that the most powerful

    impact I had was when I was firm but humble, strong but loving,

    resilient but peaceful. Whenever I allowed my passions to dictate my

    words and actions, then I merely gave into the demonic spirit that was

    present. But when I remained prayerful, with my mind and heart

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    fixated on eternal realities, then my efforts always had a much greater


    12.Father Josiah states: The courageous and lawful use of force and

    discipline in appropriate defense of the innocent and their property, in

    parenting by what Solomon calls the rod, the use of pastoral discipline

    in the Church and the vigilant guarding of the Mysteries from those who

    are not canonically prepared to receive them, and the use in the military

    and law enforcement of the justifiable use of force and even warfare is

    absolutely biblical and Christian and loving.

    The problem here is that Father Josiah intertwines legitimacy with

    illegitimacy. He links truth with error, although Im sure he does sounintentionally. Once again I have to point out that the Christian

    pacifist is not opposed to force or discipline. As always, the issue is the

    typeof force and the methodof discipline.

    As a Christian pacifist I strive to defend the innocent, I strive to

    discipline my children, and I do my part in a lay capacity to affirm and

    protect the Sacramental Mysteries of the Orthodox Church. And I

    endeavor to do these things with vigilant nonviolence. In our home, wechoose to spank our children, and some may disagree with that. But I

    find it absurd to equate spanking ones children with the horrific

    violence that occurs in acts of war. I spank my children so that they may

    grow and develop as people and as Christians. That is discipline. But

    warfare destroys the development of lives and negates the opportunity

    for the killed to become Christians. War is not a Christiandiscipline; it is

    in my opinion a Christianheresy. It is easy to proclaim military violence

    as disciplinary and loving until you or your loved ones are on the wrongend of military violence. Then you would understand that there is

    nothing loving or Christian about it.

    13.Father Josiah says, The pacifistic spirit does not equal a peaceful


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    Here is where I would like to take the opportunity to wholeheartedly

    agree with Father Josiah. It is quite possible for one to be intellectually

    and philosophically wed to nonviolence while remaining completely

    devoid of the authentic peace of Christ. This is why I always qualify my

    pacifism as Christianpacifism. Apart from Our Lord Jesus Christthe

    Prince of Peacethere will never be truepeace. Even if wars ceased,

    poverty was eradicated, and abortion was outlawed, we still would not

    have peace apart from Christ Himself. We would perhaps have a world

    less violent (which would be wonderful), but we wouldnt necessarily

    have a peaceful world. We must never confuse the absence of violence

    with the presence of peace. But the absence of violence is certainly a

    wonderful starting point.

    So I agree that not only is a Christ-less pacifist philosophy not

    synonymous with peace, but it is often quite antithetical to peace.

    Christian pacifism seeks to refrainfromviolence while actively working

    forpeace. It is not rational to work for peace through violent methods,

    and it is not Christian to refrain from violence without actively laboring

    for justice and peace.

    14.Father Josiah states: These things go together: a soft heart, a great

    thirst for justice, and a courageous willingness to see it done.

    Here again, I am in complete agreement with him. The heart that is

    molded by Christ is a soft but resilient heart, and gentle but determined

    heart, a loving and active heart. The disciples of Christ were courageous

    in their confrontation of paganism, idolatry, injustice and evil. And their

    courage was not the absence of fear but the willingness to preach the

    Gospel in spite of their fear. They willed to see the Gospel preached toall nations, and their witness cost them their lives. They were

    courageous, active, and willing but they were always nonviolent.

    15.Father Josiah says: Christ has brought peace to us through His

    Cross. But we only have this peace in our hearts after Jesus uses His

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    strength to subdue us. He uses His firmness. His peace comes to us

    when we bow to Him as Lord and realize that He is the rightful governor

    of our lives and not we ourselves. We see peace and strength


    Amen, amen, and amen. Here is another point upon which I agree with

    Father Josiah. Our Orthodox theology teaches us that God honors our

    free will while also intervening to save us. This is one of the many holy

    paradoxes of our Christian Faith. We are autonomous human beings

    with the volitional capacity to choose good or evil, right or wrong, God

    or ourselves. And yet God works through His Holy Spirit to get our

    attention, to humble our arrogance, and to break through our

    hardened and obstinate hearts. But the choice is always ultimately upto us.

    And this only serves to affirm the Christian pacifist position. We are not

    God. We are not the Holy Spirit. We have no right to force others to

    comply and convert. Our duty is to pray, preach, love, and serve. Our

    duty is simply to be ambassadors for Christ. (II Corinthians 2:50) We

    compel with truthful witness and loving service; we dont coerce with

    violence, manipulation, or militarism.

    Peace and strength do indeed go together. In fact, as Christian pacifists

    we see no separation or dichotomy between peace and strength. Peace

    is strength, and this truth is most powerfully proven by the Cross of


    16.Father Josiah states: The Lord also established peace between us

    between man and man. He brought all men into a unity in Himself. He

    broke down the barrier of the dividing wall. He established His reign

    within us, which we call His Kingdom. And the hallmark of that reign

    within the Christian heart is peace And our mission as Christians is to

    take this peace out into the world.

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    Yes, this is great Christian truthto take the peace of the Gospel into

    all the world! And how can we bring peace while bringing the violence

    of bloodshed, death, and destruction? How can we prove that the

    peace of Christ reigns in our hearts if we engage the world with the

    methods of the world, fighting carnal powers with carnal weapons?

    St. Paul writes: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of

    Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing

    to Godthis is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the

    pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

    Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good,

    pleasing and perfect will. [Romans 12:1-2]

    The apostle is clear: we must offer our own bodies as living sacrifices,

    not sacrifice the lives of others. Self-sacrifice is the true and proper

    worshipthe antithesis of demonic paganism which exalts self-interest

    at the expense of the interests of others.

    The apostle is clear: we are not to be conformed to the pattern of this

    world, which extols violence as an acceptable method of conflict


    The apostle is clear: we must be transformed by the renewing of our

    minds, which means abandoning the fleshly mindset of violent self-


    Christ indeed died for all men, for all the world, and therefore we are

    reconciledman to God, and man to man. Therefore our enemies are

    merely our lost brethren who are suffering from lack of the knowledge

    of salvation. Our mission is to rescue their souls with the hope of the

    Gospel, not to negate their lives with weapons of destruction.

    The Christian Faith is the one authentic hope for human brotherhood

    and unity. And how can we achieve this brotherhood and unity if we

    pervert the Gospel and kill in Christs name?

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    17.Father Josiah says: In His own human life Christ constantly resisted

    evil men in stern word and deed.

    Yes, of course He did. And we must follow Our Lords example in being

    equally stern in word and deed. But there is a grave difference betweenbeing sternand being violent. The disciples were certainly stern in word

    and deed, but they did not kill. And we have no divine dispensation to

    live and act any differently than the apostles. We are called to be

    fishers of men (St. Matthew 4:19), and we cannot win souls for the

    Kingdom if we cut down the lives to whom those souls belong.

    18.Father Josiah invokes Christs participationin the feast of Hanukah

    as evidence that He condoned violence, since Hanukah is thecelebration of the Maccabees violent resistance to Greek polytheism

    and the imposition of Greek pagan life.

    Well, by that logic, Jesus also condoned drunkenness and prostitution

    since He ate and drank with prostitutes and drunkards. It is quite a

    stretch to infer from Our Lords company with soldiers, prostitutes, tax

    collectors, drunkards, and thieves that He condoned and blessed such

    activities. Jesus was a Jew, and therefore He participated in Jewishceremonies and festivals. And yet as King of the Jews and Lord of all

    creation, Christ fulfilled all Old Testament laws, commandments, and


    Everything in the Old Testament is to be understood in the light of

    Christs eternal Kingdom which has begun through the establishment of

    His Church. We are now citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20), and Our

    Lord has taught us to pray: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on

    earth as it is in heaven. [St. Matthew 6:10] No more animal sacrifices.

    No more stoning of adulterers. No more putting disobedient children to

    death. No more slaughtering ones enemy. No more violence and

    bloodshed. No more! No more! The blood of Christ has put an end to it!

    As He proclaimed with His dying breath, It is finished! [St. John 19:30]

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    19.Father Josiah says, The Lords acquiescence at the end of His

    ministry to evil men and to devils was the most brilliant of all military

    strategies. He performed the ultimate Trojan horse. He allowed them to

    crucify Him so that He could crucify the power of sin and death

    I have heard this argument countless times, that Christs ostensible

    nonviolence was merely a situational and pragmatic strategy that is not

    universally applicable for Christians today. But nothing could be further

    from the truth. If Our Lords life, teachings, and atonement were

    merely pragmatic actions, then why did His disciples emulate His

    example? Why is the New Testament full of instructions and teachings

    about how to take up our cross, deny ourselves, forgive our enemies,

    and renounce vengeance? And why does the last 2,000 years of humanhistory bear witness to the fact that victories won with the

    implementation of love, truth, and nonviolence are much greater and

    far more lasting than temporal victories gained through violence and


    If Christs entire life, ministry, and atonementwere merely temporary

    mortal strategies to be jettisoned upon His death, then surely He would

    have let His disciples know. Surely the omnipotent, omniscient,omnipresent and Incarnate God would have left His followers clear

    instructions why we shouldnotabide by His nonviolent example. Surely

    He would have spoken to the apostles through His Holy Spirit and let it

    be known that His crucifixion was not to be embraced as an example

    for us to follow. Surely the New Testament would be full of instructions

    on how to violently defend ones nation, ones family, and oneself. But

    this is not what we read. This is not the witness of the Word of God.

    Instead, the entire weight of the Gospels and New Testament epistlesleads us in the total and unequivocal path of Christ. We are called to

    preach, to baptize, to heal, to serve, to take up our crossand if need

    beto die for others.

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    Father Josiah is mistaken when he states that Jesus acquiesced with evil

    at the end of His ministry. Our Lord never acquiesced with evil, and I

    believe that its blasphemous to assert such a thing. In sacrificing His

    life on the Cross, Our Lord opposed evil in the strongest way possible.

    His death was not a relinquishment of righteousness, it was not a

    concession to injustice, it was by no means an acceptance or

    acquiescence to the demands of hell. Instead, it was the militant,

    nonviolent, and spiritual defeat of sin and evil. I feel confident that

    Father Josiah and I actually agree on this point, but I find problems with

    his statement that Jesus acquiesced to evil men and to devils at the

    end of His ministry.Perhaps Father simply misspoke.

    20.Father Josiah states: The Prince of Peace is a warrior, and He

    establishes His peace within us by leading us in spiritual battle, by

    animating His own peace giving authority through the institutions

    which He created of the family, the Church, and the state. And to resist

    the use of authority in those realms under the cover of pacifism is to

    resist the means by which Our Lord promotes peace in this fallen


    Our Lord is a warrior indeed, and to Him alone belongs the battle.

    Through the power of His Cross and with His army of angels, Christ will

    forever vanquish the devil and his minions. Father Josiah is absolutely

    correct that Christ leads us in spiritual battle. And the key word here is

    spiritual battle. We are Christian soldiers and Christ is our commanding

    officer. Our Lord has issued us spiritual weapons that are eternally

    efficacious. Therefore, to rely upon the feckless implements of carnal

    destruction is an unchristian and foolish endeavor. Why would we

    forsake heavenly power for earthly ammunition? Why would we trade

    the eternal power of the Holy Spirit for the ephemeral power of bullets

    and bombs?

    And while I agree with Father Josiah that Christ works in and through

    the family and the state (for in fact the omnipresent power of God is

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    working in all the world), it is specifically in and through His Church that

    our spiritual warfare will be won. The Church is the only organism that

    has the divine promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    (St. Matthew 16:18) Satan may overcome states, nations, families, and

    governmentsbut he will not prevail against the Church. And the

    power of the Church abides in her Sacramental graces, not in carnal

    militaristic power.

    21.Father Josiah concludes his talk by quoting from the 19th

    chapter of

    the Book of Revelation:

    And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat

    upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he dothjudge and make war.His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head

    were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but

    he himself.And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his

    name is called The Word of God.And the armies which were in heaven

    followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

    And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite

    the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth

    the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.And he hath

    on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS,AND LORD

    OF LORDS. [Revelation 19:11-16]

    That is Jesus Christ, Father Josiah says.

    And amen to that! That isJesus Christ! And we arenotJesus Christ! We

    must come down from our own high horse and realize that Christ alone

    is worthy to ride the white horse of judgment and vengeance. We must

    subdue the vision of our passions and realize that Christ alone is worthy

    to have judgmental fire in His eyes. We must throw down our earthly

    crowns and hail the One who alone is worthy to wear the eternal

    diadem. We must preserve our own garments unstained with violence

    and acknowledge that God alone is worthy to wear vestures dipped in

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    blood. We must wait upon the vengeance of His heavenly armies. We

    must wait upon the retribution of Hisdivine sword. We must wait upon

    the revelation of Hisrod of iron. We must acknowledge that Christ

    alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords,and we are merely His


    Let not the sheep usurp the rod of the Shepherd. Let not the subject

    wrest the scepter from the King. Let not the creature assume the

    authority of the Creator. Let God alone separate the wheat from the


    I find it interesting that in quoting from Revelation, Father Josiah failed

    to quote Revelation 12:19:

    Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto

    wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.

    Throughout the New Testament, Our Lord and His apostolic authors

    make it clear that violence, wrath, and divine retribution belong to God

    alone. When man presumes authority over life and death, he replicates

    the sin of Lucifer who attempted to ascend higher than God Himself.

    God alone retains the authority to create life and destroy life. And theentire impetus of the Christian Gospel is to preserve human lives and

    offer them the redeeming waters of salvation through Jesus Christ and

    His Church. Nothing interferes with this mission more than violence and

    killing. The simple fact is that we cannot lead men to salvation if we kill

    them. We cannot win souls while destroying bodies. We cannot offer

    the waters of redemption from a well that is poisoned with blood.

    ConclusionI believe that what Father Josiah is really condemningand rightly so

    is apathy and cowardice within the Church. And if thats the case, thenI

    will fully agree with him. The Churchthe Body and Bride of Christis

    the most powerful spiritual, moral, and social force in the world. But

    instead of actively pursuing justice, confronting evil, and proclaiming

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    the Gospel to all the world, we sit passively on the sidelines as our

    culture descends further and further into inhumanity, barbarism, chaos

    and evil. We go about our daily lives unmoved and unaffected by the

    slaughter of unborn innocents that occurs in our own backyard. We

    tepidly respond to the greatest moral evil and the most important

    human rights issue of our timelegalized abortionwith little more

    than an occasional Pro-Life sermon, an annual march, and our impotent

    votes. It seems that the only thing we are not apathetic about is

    demanding the right to violently defend our own personal safety and

    welfare. And somehow I dont think God is pleased or honored by such

    an attitude.

    So in conclusion, if Father Josiah Trenham wants to assert that Jesusand the Saints were notpassive-ists, then I shall wholeheartedly agree

    with him. There was nothing passive about the life of Our Lord or the

    lives of the Saints. And there should not be anything passive about our

    lives as Christians. In fact, the monastic life is the most active life of all,

    as monks devote their entire existence to ascetic rigors and ceaseless

    prayer. And true prayer is hard work, I can assure you.

    But if Father Josiah really means to say that the life, teachings, andexample of Our Lord Jesus Christ do not point to nonviolence,

    forgiveness, and unconditional lovewithout exceptionthen I must

    respectfully but forthrightly disagree with him.

    Let us not forget that Our Lord was rejected and condemned by the

    Zealots because they expected the Messiah to be a violent political

    revolutionary. But Our Lords revolutionary liberation was the salvation

    of the worlda salvation wrought by His ministry of healing,

    forgiveness, love, and atoning redemption on the Cross. Sadly, many

    professing Christians today reject the nonviolent teachings and

    example of Christ, just as the Zealots did back then. In the name of the

    Prince of Peace, Christians embrace the idols of patriotism, politics,

    war, and destruction. Rather than elevating the message of the Cross

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    we suppress it under the rubrics of Old Testament laws and human

    rationales. Rather than following Christ and heeding His words, we

    refashion Him into a god of our own makinga false god who tells us

    to preserve our own lives at the expense of others. We have inverted

    the Cross and manufactured it into a sword. In our zealousness for flag,

    country, and constitution, we have unwittingly crucified the message of

    the Gospel and blasphemed Our Savior.

    There are Muslim terrorists who in the name of the religion of peace

    fly planes into buildings and behead those that refuse to convert to

    Islam. And as they commit these violent atrocities they exclaim, Allahu

    akbar! (God is great!) They greet one another with the words,

    Asalaam alaikum (Peace be unto you.) But as Christians we are setapart from the world because we are disciples of Christ. We do not kill

    in the name of our God. We do not make converts with violent force.

    We forsake bloodshed and embrace the folly of the Cross. We do not

    murder those who reject the Gospel. We love our enemies and bless

    those who persecute us. And such love and blessings are not issued

    with the blade of the sword or the barrel of a gun.

    Finally, I would like to emphasize one very important point. Jesus Christwas born as a Lamb, but He will return as a Lion. His Judgment will be

    violent and His enemies will be cut down. God is a just God, and His

    recompense will be awful indeed. Therefore it is important that we

    dont misappropriate His divine retribution. Whenever man presumes

    to use the sword to establish earthly justice and temporal peace, he

    invariably leaves a wake of innocent blood behind. So as Christians we

    must wait upon the Lord. They that wait upon the LORD shall renew

    their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. [Isaiah 40:31]

    We must have faith that injustice and evil will be divinely avenged in

    Gods perfect time. We must sheathe our swords yea, break them

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    so that Christ can turn our weapons of destruction into implements of


    Our God is not a tame God, and His justice will be perfect and

    complete. So we place our faith in Him, trusting that no innocent soulwill slip through His merciful grasp. The blood of the martyrs and the

    butchered bodies of unborn innocents are not unseen by the eyes of

    divinity. Christ shall come againriding with a sword in His mouth

    and His harvest will be both terrible and sweet. But if we usurp His

    sword, then we inevitably cut down the wheat with the tares and

    slaughter the sheep with the goats.

    Our Lord has therefore told us to wait upon Hisjudgment. As the

    Psalmist declares, The evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait

    upon the LORD shall inherit the earth. [Psalm 37:9]And Our Lord

    echoed the Psalmist when He said, The meek shall inherit the earth.

    [St. Matthew 5:5]So we wait for holy retribution, working out our own

    salvation with fear and trembling as St. Paul instructs. (Philippians 2:12)

    The Christian pacifist does not turn a blind eye to evil. He confronts evil

    directly but refuses to reap a harvest that belongs to God alone. The

    Christian pacifist walks through the fields of this world, carrying his

    cross not a scythe, bearing the Gospel not a gun.

    So was Jesus a pacifist? Well, no philosophical term or ideology is

    sufficient to define the Lord of all creation. Jesus transcends the

    limitations of human definition. He transcends patriotic, ethnic, and

    religious identity. He is Lord of all. And Christ is no less God than the

    Father and the Holy Spirit. He is the same God who drowned Pharaoh in

    the Red Sea, and the same God who will return on the clouds wielding asword of divine justice. But when He walked the earth in His humble

    but glorious Incarnation, His commands were specific, clear,

    unambiguous and firm:

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