A Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis



A Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis. Andrew Pavlo, Erik Paulson, Alexander Rasin, Daniel J. Abadi, David J. Dewitt, Samuel Madden, Michael Stonebraker SIGMOD 2009 2009-10-09 Summarized by Jaeseok Myung. Intelligent Database Systems Lab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data AnalysisA Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis

Andrew Pavlo, Erik Paulson, Alexander Rasin, Daniel J. Abadi, David J. Dewitt,

Samuel Madden, Michael Stonebraker



Summarized by Jaeseok Myung

Intelligent Database Systems LabSchool of Computer Science & EngineeringSeoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Copyright 2009 by CEBTCenter for E-Business Technology

MapReduce vs. Parallel DBMS

Copyright 2009 by CEBT


Center for E-Business Technology

한재선 , SearchDay2008, http://nexr.tistory.com

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Architectural DifferencesArchitectural Differences

Parallel DBMS MapReduce

Schema Support O X

Indexing O X

Programming ModelStating what you


Presenting an algorithm

(C/C++, Java, …)

Optimization O X

Flexibility Good

Fault Tolerance Good

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Copyright 2009 by CEBT

Benchmark Environment (1/2)Benchmark Environment (1/2)


Hadoop: The most popular open-source MR implementation

DBMS-X: a parallel DBMS that stores data in a row-based format

Vertica: a column-based parallel DBMS

All Three systems were deployed on a 100-node cluster

Analytical Tasks

Data Loading

Selection Task

Aggregation Task

Join Task

UDF Aggregation Task

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Copyright 2009 by CEBT

Benchmark Environment (2/2)Benchmark Environment (2/2)


Documents : 600,000 unique documents for each node

155 million UserVisits records (20GB/node)

18 million Rankings records (1GB/node)

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1. Data Loading1. Data Loading

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loading timeloading time


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2. Selection Task2. Selection Task

The selection task is a lightweight filter to find the pageURLs in the Rankings table(1GB/node) with a pageRank above a user-defined threshold


SELECT pageURL, pageRank FROM Rankings WHERE pageRank > x;

x = 10, which yields approximately 36,000 records per data file on each node

For MR, implementing the same task with Java language

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2. Selection Task - Result2. Selection Task - Result

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time for combining the output into a single file(Additional MR)

time for combining the output into a single file(Additional MR)

Processing timeProcessing time

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3. Aggregation Task3. Aggregation Task

The aggregation task is calculating the total adRevenue generated for each sourceIP in the UserVisits(20GB/node), grouped by the sourceIP column


SELECT sourceIP, SUM(adRevenue) FROM UserVisits GROUP BY sourceIP;

This task always produces 2.5 million records

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Copyright 2009 by CEBT

3. Aggregation Task - Result3. Aggregation Task - Result

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4. Join Task4. Join Task

The join task consists of two sub-tasks that perform a complex calculation on two data sets

In the first part of the task, each system must find the sourceIP that generated the most revenue within a particular date range

Once these intermediate records are generated, the system must then calculate the average pageRank of all the pages visited during this interval


SELECT INTO Temp sourceIP, AVG(pageRank) as avgPageRank, SUM(adRevenue) as totalRevenue FROM Rankings AS R, UserVisits AS UV WHERE R.pageURL = UV.destURL AND UV.visitDate BETWEEN Date(‘2000-01-15’) AND Date(‘2000-01-22’) GROUP BY UV.sourceIP;

SELECT sourceIP, totalRevenue, avgPageRank FROM Temp ORDER BY totalRevenue DESC LIMIT 1;

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4. Join Task - Result4. Join Task - Result

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5. UDF Aggregation Task5. UDF Aggregation Task

The final task is to compute the inlink count for each document in the dataset


SELECT INTO Temp F(contents) FROM Document;

– F : a user-defined function that parses the contents of each record in the Documents table and emits URLs into the database

– With this function F, we populate a temporary table with a list of URLs and then can execute a simple query to calculate the inlink count

SELECT url, SUM(value) FROM Temp GROUP BY url;

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5. UDF Aggregation Task - Result5. UDF Aggregation Task - Result

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Center for E-Business Technology

MapReduce < Parallel DBMS

HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical WorkloadsDBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

Azza Abouzeid, Kamil Bajda-Pawlikowski, Daniel Abadi, Avi Silberschatz, Alexander Rasin

VLDB 2009


Summarized by Jaeseok Myung

Intelligent Database Systems LabSchool of Computer Science & EngineeringSeoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Copyright 2009 by CEBT


The Basic Idea (An Architectural Hybrid of MR & DBMS)

To use MR as the communication layer above multiple nodes running single-node DBMS instances

Queries are expressed in SQL, translated into MR by extending existing tools, and as much work as possible is pushed into the higher performing single node databases

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Copyright 2009 by CEBT

The Architecture of HadoopDBThe Architecture of HadoopDB

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Copyright 2009 by CEBT

HadoopDB – Join TaskHadoopDB – Join Task

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