A 106 July newsletter




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Outlaw Overview 2


Returning Soldiers 4

Promotion 5

VBS 2 Prep. Training 6

Safety Award 7

New Incoming Soldier 8

OCS Acceptance 9

Inside this issue:



Welcome Home!

The deployed

members of Al-

pha Detachment

are now back in

Germany. This

was an exciting

time for every-

one; however,

the month was

still filled with

lots of work and

training for the

Soldiers who

were on rear de-

tachment. Many

Soldiers at-

tended a CLS


class. The Out-

laws have been

preparing for the

big virtual train-

ing event with

the whole unit

coming up real

soon. In addition

to the return of

our Soldiers this

month con-

tained many ex-

citing events in-

cluding a Fourth

of July celebra-

tion, a promo-

tion from Soldier

to NCO, and an

acceptance to

OCS. There is

lots of change

coming to Alpha

detachment in

the near future.

The returning

Soldiers com-

pleted reintegra-

tion and have

started block

leave. Many of

them will be get-

ting ready to

PCS after their

leave ends. This

means that

there will be lots

of new faces

coming to

Grafenwoehr to

include a de-

tachment ser-

geant and com-


P A G E 2

Outlaws Overview

J U N E15 - JU LY 1 5


PFC Hobbs, PFC Gregory, SPC Stephens, and SGT

Hawkins all attended a Combat Life Saver (CLS)

qualification course. The course started out with

classroom training on how to treat a casualty. The

Soldiers had an opportunity to conduct practical ex-

ercise at outdoor lanes. They went over order of pro-

cedures and the proper way to call up a 9-line medi-

cal evacuation report. Being CLS qualified is an es-

sential part of being a Soldier. The Outlaws always

need to be prepared to aid another injured comrade

on the battlefield or right here in garrison. All of the

Soldiers did an excellent job and mastered the

course with ease.

P A G E 3


P A G E 4

Returning Soldiers

J U N E15 - JU LY 1 5

Alpha Detachment has been supporting the finances offices

of Kuwait and Qatar since October, 2013 and it has come

time for our Soldiers to return home. On Monday June 30th

our Soldiers landed in Ramstein and rode a bus back home

to Grafenwoehr. Family members and rear detachment were

anxiously waiting for their return. As the Soldiers got off the

bus, family members ran to greet them and the rear detach-

ment helped to download the bags and sort them. Each Sol-

dier took in the familiar sights with a sigh of relief and a

smile on their faces. Not everything was just as it was when

the Soldiers left. Some took a long look at their children no-

ticing how much they had grown with others were sight them-

selves. Many Soldiers appeared more fit and in shape than

the day they left. It was an exciting day for everyone. Thank

you for your exceptional work downrange. Take the time to

enjoy being back home and the rest of the unit will be thrilled

to have you back in the office after block leave.


Promotion SPC Donte, Hawkins was promoted to SGT on

July 1st. He joined the Army in 2004 as a PVT.

He was stationed at Fort Campbell from 2004-

2011. He deployed from there in 2009-2010.

He PCS’D here to Grafenwoehr in 2012. SGT

Hawkins has worked hard as a finance Soldier

for many years and overcome numerous obsta-

cles to get to this point. He works hard, is de-

pendable, and knows his job well. Many would

claim that he has been acting as an NCO for

years. Hawkins has been ready and deserving

of this promotion for a long time, but struggled

to obtain enough promotion points due to his

PT profile. The day finally came and on his wife

Virginia proudly removed his SPC rank and re-

placed it with SGT. We are all proud of you SGT

Hawkins, you are going to be a great NCO.

On Thursday July 10th, the Outlaws visited the

VBS 2 site to practice for a future event to be

conducted with the entire unit. The training

started out with system familiarization. The Sol-

diers learned how to operate and maneuver

their characters to complete a mission. The

Outlaws started out on foot walking around and

practicing firing at a range. After these skills

were learned, the Outlaws put their characters

in to vehicles and completed a convoy mission.

This type of training is virtual, but the Outlaws

treated it as if it was the real thing. Each Sol-

dier had a specific role and everyone worked

together to get the job done.

P A G E 6

VBS 2 Prep. Training

J U N E15 - JU LY 1 5


Once again a Soldier from Alpha Detach-

ment has done above and beyond and

been awarded for his efforts. PFC Gregory,

Jason received a Certificate of Achieve-

ment from 16th Sustainment Brigade for

safety of the week. If you think about

someone with risky behavior, PFC Gregory

is not the person that comes to mind. He

always ensures that work procedures and

day-to-day activities are conducted safely.

The area that the unit appreciates his

safety the most is his work in our arms

rooms. PFC Gregory keeps the arms room

safe and secure without any issues. Even

when he is called in the middle of the

night to go open up the arms room, he fol-

lows strict procedures to keep everything


P A G E 7

Safety Award

Alpha Detachment has welcomed its newest

Soldier SPC Agen-Davis, Zachary. He is com-

ing to us straight from AIT. He completed

both Basic Training and AIT at Fort Jackson,

South Carolina. Prior to leaving for training

SPC Agen-Davis was already located at

Grafenwoehr with his wife who is also in the

Army and stationed here as a Paralegal. He

is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. He is

excited about being in finance and looks for-

ward to learning more about the job as well

as the opportunities that the Army brings.

P A G E 8

New Incoming Soldier

J U N E15 - JU LY 1 5

SPC Stephens, Joshua came to Alpha Detach-

ment in August of 2013. Since the day his flight

landed in Germany, he has made it clear of his

future goal to become an officer. After the long

process of putting a packet together, attending

WLC, and going to the board, he finally had eve-

rything ready and was awaiting result. On Mon-

day June 30th, 8 weeks after his board, SPC

Stephens received an email stating that he has

been accepted to the Office Candidate School.

He was placed in the fourth priority category, so

it may be several months before he actually

leaves for training. However, everything is in

place for him to go. SPC Stephens is very excited

about this upcoming change and will be an ex-

cellent leader for the Army.

P A G E 9

OCS Acceptance

J U N E15 - JU LY 1 5